LAND AT SADBERGE ROAD MIDDLETON ST GEORGE PRELIMINARY RISK ASSESSMENT (PHASE 1 DESK STUDY) Prepared for: Gladman Developments Ltd Gladman House Alexandria Way Congleton Business Park Congleton Cheshire CW12 1LB By: LK Consult Ltd Bury Business Centre Kay Street Bury Lancashire BL9 6BU Date: October 2013 Ref: LKC 13 1107 This page has been left blank intentionally Gladman Developments Ltd Sadberge Road, Middleton St George LK Consult Ltd Document Verification Site Address Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Report Title Preliminary Risk Assessment Job Number LKC 13 1107 Document Ref. CL-602-LKC 13 1107-01 Date Issued September 2013 Report Version R3 Prepared By Rachel Peart Signature Prepared By Colin Crompton Signature Reviewed By Michelle Pickford Signature Disclaimer This report has been prepared by LKC who have exercised such professional skill, care and diligence as may reasonably be expected of a properly qualified and competent consultant experienced in preparing reports of a similar scope. However, to the extent that the report is based on or relies upon information contained in records, reports or other materials provided to LKC which have not been independently produced or verified, LKC gives no warranty, representation or assurance as to the accuracy or completeness of such information. This report is prepared solely for the benefit of Gladman Developments Ltd. It may not be relied upon by, or submitted to a third party for their reliance for the purposes of valuation, mortgage, insurance and regulatory approval, until all invoices have been settled in full. Those using this information in subsequent assessments or evaluations do so at their own risk. LK Consult Ltd Ref: CL-602-LKC 13 1107-01 [R3] October 2013 ii This page has been left blank intentionally Gladman Developments Ltd Sadberge Road, Middleton St George NON-TECHNICAL SUMMARY LK Consult Ltd (LKC) has undertaken a Preliminary Risk Assessment (formerly known as a Phase 1 Desk Study) on a parcel of land at Sadberge Road, Middleton St George. The assessment was required to identify any potential contamination risk should the site be developed for housing. The works were undertaken in accordance with UK guidance and included a review of the history of the area from historical mapping dating back to 1858 and a review of geological, hydrogeological, ecological, mining, radon and landfill data. LKC undertook a visit to site and hand excavated 8 no. trial holes to identify shallow soil conditions. Reworked, ploughed topsoil was encountered over natural clay deposits. Very low amounts of ash were observed in the soil near a rubble stockpile and a field entrance. A conceptual model in accordance with UK guidance was derived which considers all potential sources, all potential receptors (such as future residents or groundwater) who may be affected by contamination and the possible pathways of how the potential source may affect the identified potential receptors. Where a source, pathway and a receptor are all present then this comprises a potential pollutant linkage which could warrant further assessment such as by soil sampling and / or remediation. LKC identified 3 potential pollutant linkages with a localised moderate risk and 1 potential pollutant linkage with a moderate to high risk. Generally a low risk from potential contamination to human health, vegetation and groundwater has been identified across the site. A moderate risk of contamination has been identified in localised areas such as around TH101 where very low amounts of ash were identified in the soil and adjacent to the former railway line. Limited soil sampling is recommended in these areas. A moderate to high risk of hazardous gas has been identified in the two former ponds and former watercourse across the site should houses be constructed on or adjacent to these areas. A ground investigation is recommended to ascertain if a gas risk exists from possible infilling material or remnant organic material. Typical remedial could include avoiding developing in the vicinity of these features, excavating out any organic or degradable material or providing ventilated sub floors and gas membranes in the buildings. LKC recommend that a confirmatory Phase 2 site investigation and risk assessment is undertaken across the site with areas such as those identified above targeted to allow a further detailed assessment. LKC also recommend, as per good practice, that a watching brief for possible contamination is maintained during development works. LK Consult Ltd Ref: CL-602-LKC 13 1107-01 [R3] October 2013 iii This page has been left blank intentionally Gladman Developments Ltd Sadberge Road, Middleton St George CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 1 2 STUDY AREA HISTORY 2 3 ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING 4 4 STUDY AREA RECONNAISSANCE 6 5 PRELIMINARY CONCEPTUAL MODEL 7 6 SUMMARY CONCLUSIONS 11 7 RECOMMENDATIONS 12 FIGURES Figure 1: Study Area Location Plan Figure 2: Trial Hole Sampling Location Plan APPENDICES Appendix A: Historical Maps Appendix B: Envirocheck Report Appendix C: BGS Borehole Logs Appendix D: Study Area Reconnaissance Photographs Appendix E: Trial Hole Logs LK Consult Ltd Ref: CL-602-LKC 13 1107-01 [R3] October 2013 iv This page has been left blank intentionally Gladman Developments Ltd Sadberge Road, Middleton St George 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background LK Consult Ltd (LKC) has been commissioned by Gladman Developments Ltd to carry out a Preliminary Risk Assessment (PRA) for land at Sadberge Road, Middleton St George. The PRA was undertaken in support of a future planning application to develop the study area for a residential end use. According to guidance set out in CLR11 1 , GPLC1-3 2 and the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF)3 a PRA with a study area reconnaissance is required as a minimum to ascertain if there is a potential contamination risk. In accordance with current guidance the PRA report will include a study area reconnaissance, study area history, geology, hydrogeology, hydrology and a landfill search (within 250m of the study area boundary). Information gathered from the desk study and study area reconnaissance will be used to develop a contamination conceptual model for the study area, which will support the identification and assessment of any pollutant linkages. Based on the findings of the PRA an appropriate site investigation can be derived, if required, once planning approval has been granted. 1.2 Study Area Details A summary of study area settings is presented in Table 1-1. Figure 1 indicates the general study area location. The study area boundary can be identified on the Development Framework Plan ref. 5632-L-02 provided by FPCR. Location Area Topography Land Use Proposed Development South of the A67 and east of Sadberge Road, Middleton St George. National Grid Reference 434480E 514150N. Approx. 10.4Ha. 49 metres above ordnance datum (AOD). Study area is undulating, but generally flat. Study Area Agricultural grassland over the whole study area, bounded by hedgerows. Surrounding Area North: Agricultural fields. East: Agricultural fields. South: Nature reserve and Residential Properties. West: Residential Properties. Residential. Table 1-1: Summary of study area details for land at Sadberge Road, Middleton St George. 1 2 3 EA (2004). “Model Procedures for the Management of Land Contamination.” R&D Publication CLR 11. EA (2010). “Guiding principles for land Contamination.” GPLC1-3. DCL (2012). “National Planning Policy Framework.” Department of Communities and Local Government. March 2012. LK Consult Ltd Ref: CL-602-LKC 13 1107-01 [R3] October 2013 1 Gladman Developments Ltd 2 Sadberge Road, Middleton St George STUDY AREA HISTORY In compiling the study area history, LKC consulted mapping and other environmental data provided by the Landmark Information Group Ltd. Copies of relevant historical plans are provided in Appendix A and are summarised Table 2-1. Notable features within 100m of the study area boundary have been presented (distances will be approximate). The exception to this will be features that could be infilled historically. The buffer will be 250m for these features. Watercourse Pond Pond Surrounding Area Features Railway Central N Central N SE corner Distance/ Location Adjacent S Map Dates Present 1858-1954 1858-1954 1897-1954 Map Dates Present 1858-1993 Fighting Cocks Mill (corn) 20m SW 1858-1899 Well 160m NW 1858-1886 Clay Pits 120m W and 120m NW 1858-1886 Possible Pond 110m NW 1858-1886 Clay Pit 200m NW 1897-1954 Unreferenced Circular Structure Smithy Gas Works 240m W 1897-1954 90m W 20m SW 1897-1938 1897-1954 Possible Pit 130m NW 1897-1899 Study Area Features Location Comments -No longer identified on 1968 mapping. -No longer identified on 1968 mapping. -No longer identified on 1968 mapping. Comments -With cuttings and coal depot. -Coal depot no longer identified on 1968 mapping. -Annotated as ‘Dismantled Railway’ on 1994 mapping. -No longer annotated on 1897 mapping. -No longer identified on 1917 mapping, replaced by undifferentiated buildings. -Associated with Brick and Tile Works. -No longer identified on 1897 mapping, possibly infilled. -Associated with Brick and Tile Works. -No longer identified on 1897 mapping, replaced by buildings. -No longer identified on 1897 mapping, possibly infilled. -No longer annotated on 1917 mapping. -Pits annotated as Ponds from 1968 mapping. -No longer identified from 1982 mapping, possibly infilled. -No longer identified on 1968 mapping. -No longer identified on 1939 mapping. -No longer identified on 1917 mapping, replaced by small undifferentiated buildings. -Reappears on 1923 mapping as ‘Middleton & Dinsdale Gas Co. Ltd.’ -No longer identified on 1968 mapping. -No longer identified on 1917 mapping, replaced by coal depot. -No longer identified on 1991 mapping. -No longer identified on 1968 mapping. -No longer identified on 1968 mapping. Pond 190m NE 1897-1989 Pond 30m N 1917-1954 Possible Pond / 70m S 1917-1954 Enclosure Table 2-1: Summary of historical features for land at Sadberge Road, Middleton St George. LK Consult Ltd Ref: CL-602-LKC 13 1107-01 [R3] October 2013 2 Gladman Developments Ltd Sadberge Road, Middleton St George Surrounding Area Features Refuse heap Distance/ Location 90m Map Dates Present 1917-2013 Iron Works Pond Allotment Gardens Allotment Gardens Allotment Gardens Electricity Substation Refuse Tip Depot 80m W 80m S 20m W 90m SE 20m SW 60m W 190m NW 20m S 1938-1954 1938-1954 1939-2013 1939 only 1968 only 1968-2013 1968-1971 1982-1994 Comments -Associated with Middleton Iron Works. -mounds indicated by 150m and 175m SE on 1968 mapping. -Mound 150m SE, no longer identified on 1994 mapping. -No longer identified on 1968 mapping. -No longer identified on 1968 mapping. -No longer identified on 1971 mapping. -No longer identified on 1982 mapping. -No longer identified on 1995 mapping, replaced by residential housing. Road – A67 Adjacent N 1994-Present Pond 150m SE 2006-2013 Table 2-1(cont’d): Summary of historical features for land at Sadberge Road, Middleton St George. LK Consult Ltd Ref: CL-602-LKC 13 1107-01 [R3] October 2013 3 Gladman Developments Ltd 3 Sadberge Road, Middleton St George ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING In compiling this Section, LKC consulted environmental information provided by the Envirocheck Report (Appendix B), Natural England, British Geological Survey (BGS) (Appendix C), and the Environment Agency. A summary is presented in Table 3-1. Superficial Bedrock Faulting Geology Summary of Environmental Setting -Devensian Till (Diamicton). -Made Ground noted on S study area boundary. -Ladinian - Late Permian Sherwood Sandstone Group (Sandstone). -None within 500m. NZ31SW30/H 1m E (Envirocheck Map ID 42) 0.0-0.05m Topsoil. 0.05-5.0m Light & dark red brown, grey mottled, lightly laminated, soft to firm CLAY with sand partings. 5.0-8.0m Dark brown, lightly laminated, soft to firm CLAY, slightly plastic and stoney. NZ31SW30/G 21m N (Envirocheck Map ID 43) 0.0-0.07m Topsoil. 0.07-0.8m Dark grey brown mottled, soft to firm sandy CLAY. 0.8-1.5m Light grey & brown mottled soft to firm CLAY. 1.5-6.0m Dark brown lightly laminated, soft to firm CLAY slightly plastic and stoney. BGS logs BGS Estimated Soil Chemistry Hydrogeology Superficial Bedrock Groundwater abstractions Nearest surface water Aquifer Designation Flooding Surface water abstractions Hydrology Discharge consent Pollution Incidents -See Appendix C for nearby historical logs. -On study area. Arsenic: <15 mg/kg Cadmium: <1.8 mg/kg Chromium: 90-120 mg/kg Lead: <150 mg/kg Nickel: 15-30mg/kg -Unproductive. -Principal. -None within 500m. -Un-named Pond 153m SE. -No risk of flooding from rivers or seas without defences. -None within 500m. -Four within 500m. -Nearest being 255m NW by Terravac UK Ltd discharging trade effluent into the Neasham Stell. This licence has been revoked. -One within 1km. -This being 933m S at Teesside Airport. Waste oils were found in the tributary of Nelly Burdon’s Beck in January 1995. This was a category 3 – Minor incident. Table 3-1: Summary of environmental setting for land at Sadberge Road, Middleton St George. LK Consult Ltd Ref: CL-602-LKC 13 1107-01 [R3] October 2013 4 Gladman Developments Ltd Sadberge Road, Middleton St George Summary of Environmental Setting Coal Mining Referral Area -Off coal field. -Two within 1km. Mining -Nearest being 166m W, Fighting Cocks Brick and Mineral Abstraction Sites Tile Works extracting common clay and shale by opencast methods. This activity has ceased. Known/Registered -None within 500m. -Made Ground on SE study area boundary. -Two refuse tips 90m SE and 190m NW (present from 1917 to 2013 and 1968 to 1971 mapping respectively). Landfill sites -Three clay pits (ranging from 120m NW to 200m (within 250m) NW. Potential -Gas works 20m SW present until 1954 mapping. -One well 160m NE potentially infilled by 1897 mapping. -Seven ponds (ranging from onsite to 190m NE). Nearest potentially infilled by 1968 mapping. -Probability of <1% of homes above Action Level. Radon -No further action required. -The Whinnies (Local Nature Reserve) Adjacent Designated Sites SE. -Five within 250m. Contemporary Trade Directory -Nearest being 33m S (car body repairers) inactive. Table 3-1(cont’d): Summary of environmental setting for land at Sadberge Road, Middleton St George. LK Consult Ltd Ref: CL-602-LKC 13 1107-01 [R3] October 2013 5 Gladman Developments Ltd 4 Sadberge Road, Middleton St George STUDY AREA RECONNAISSANCE A study area reconnaissance was carried out by LKC on the 8th May 2013. Photographs are provided in Appendix D. The study area was accessed via a gate off Sadberge Road to the west of the study area (Photograph 1). The area of proposed development is currently agricultural land which is split into two fields, the northern one being the smaller of the two (Photographs 2 and 3). The study area is bounded by the A67 to the north east, a nature reserve to the south east, a track and residential properties to the south and Sadberge Road and allotment gardens to the west (Photographs 4 and 5). The study area was observed to be at the same elevation as the surrounding land. The ground across the study area was observed to be agricultural land, which was observed to be primarily grassed. Overhead electricity cables were present running east to west across the study area (Photograph 6) Underground water mains were also identified running through the study area (Photograph 7). A small area of rubble and soil was noted near to the gate to the larger (southern) field off Sadberge Road (Photographs 8 and 9). A large amount of grass waste was also noted towards the central northern boundary (Photograph 10). LKC undertook the excavation of eight hand auger trial holes across the study area to ascertain shallow ground conditions (see Figure 2). The trial holes generally encountered brown slightly sandy slightly gravelly clay topsoil to depths of between 0.2 to 0.4 mbgl over light orange brown stiff clay to a maximum depth of 0.6 mbgl. Trial hole logs are provided in Appendix E. LK Consult Ltd Ref: CL-602-LKC 13 1107-01 [R3] October 2013 6 Gladman Developments Ltd Sadberge Road, Middleton St George 5 PRELIMINARY CONCEPTUAL MODEL 5.1 Introduction The aim of the conceptual model is to provide a preliminary assessment of the likelihood of a pollutant linkage for each potential combination of contaminant source, pathway and receptor. A conceptual model can be used to make an informed decision on the contamination risks associated with the study area and whether further site investigation work is required. The Sections below are therefore divided into potential contaminant, potential pathway and potential receptor as described in CLR114. The final Section provides an assessment of the potential pollutant linkages that may still be present on the study area if development were to occur. 5.2 Potential Sources and Contaminants The study area has remained undeveloped since 1858 mapping, and is currently agricultural land, which has possibly been used for growing crops. Potential contaminants that may be present on the study area could be associated with processes relating to crop farming, which may include pesticides, herbicides and fertilisers. The environmental setting review and reconnaissance has not identified any evidence of potentially contaminative agricultural activities such as slurry pits, carcass burial, timber treatment, hardstanding sub base, waste burial, garages for farm machinery, fuel tanks or orchards5. The BGS Estimated Soil Chemistry database has not indicated the likelihood of any elevated background concentrations of arsenic, cadmium, chromium, lead or nickel. The study area reconnaissance and trial holes generally encountered reworked, likely ploughed topsoil over natural clay. Rare ash was identified in TH101 near the identified rubble pile and field entrance. This may comprise tracked in material from the rubble pile and may be localised around the field entrance. Possible contaminants associated with ash materials include heavy metals (such as arsenic and lead) and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons ((PAHs), such as benzo(a)pyrene (B(a)P))6. Depending upon the sulphate content of the combusted coal, soluble sulphate may also be generated. The immediate surrounding areas have been developed for residential and agricultural usage. Several potentially contaminative land uses have been identified with 100m of the study area including a railway line, gas works, mill, smithy, iron works, allotment gardens and a depot. However, LKC do not consider these former land uses comprise a significant contamination risk to the study area given their distance from the site and the subsequent redevelopment of many of these areas. 4 5 6 Defra (2004). “Model Procedures for the Management of Land Contamination.” R&D Publication CLR 11. Internet research (2013) Defra (2002). “Potential Contaminants for the Assessment of Land.” R&D Publication CLR 8. LK Consult Ltd Ref: CL-602-LKC 13 1107-01 [R3] October 2013 7 Gladman Developments Ltd Sadberge Road, Middleton St George A former railway line and sidings has been identified along on the southern area boundary. Potential contaminants associated with this land use may include heavy metals, phenols, sulphates and PAHs from ash ballasts; localised spillages of fuel oils, lubricating oils and solvents; glycols from antifreeze liquids and herbicides7. The former route of the line has been landscaped and a footpath formed. There may be a localised contamination impact on the study site adjacent to the former route of the line; however this does not appear to have comprised a significant constraint to the recent residential development to the south of the line. A small gas works was identified 20m southwest and was present until the 1968 mapping. Potential contaminants associated with gas works include ammoniacal liquor, coal tar, spent oxide, foul lime, metals and coal dust8. A depot was also identified 20m south until the 1995 mapping however associated tanks (probable fuel tanks) were identified 110m southwest. Both these areas have been subject to recent residential development and consequently LKC would expect that these sites will have been suitably remediated and the contamination source removed. In addition the intervening Till deposits could restrict the migration of any contamination form these sites into the study area. The Envirocheck Report has not identified any known/licensed landfill sites within 250m of the study area. A review of the historical OS mapping by LKC has identified fifteen potentially infilled areas within 250m of the study area. These areas are: seven ponds (ranging from onsite to 190m NE), a former watercourse on site, three pits (ranging from 120m NW to 200m NW), gas works 20m SW, well 160m NW and two refuse tips (adjacent SE and 190m NW). 5.3 Potential Pathways Principal potential pathways associated with human health from soil contamination are ingestion, dermal and inhalation. The current UK technical report document9 recognises ten such pathways comprising four ingestion, two dermal and four inhalation. These are listed as follows: Ingestion of soil dust Ingestion of soil-derived indoor dust Ingestion of contaminated vegetables Ingestion of soil attached to vegetables Dermal contact with soil • Dermal contact with soil-derived indoor • Inhalation of soil-derived outdoor dust • Inhalation of soil-derived indoor dust • Inhalation of vapours outside • Inhalation of vapours inside The proposed end-use follows a standard conceptual model of ‘residential’. For this land use scenario all ten of the pathways will have to be considered. Surface water and groundwater are principal mechanisms for the migration of contaminants, with rainwater infiltrating through contaminated material and contamination possibly going into solution. Contaminated water may then find preferential pathways to surface waters and underlying aquifer. 7 Department of the Environment Industry Profile (1995). Railway Land. Department of the Environment Industry Profile (1995). Gas works, coke works and other coal carbonisation plants. 9 EA (2008). “Updated Technical Background to the CLEA Model.” Science Report – SC050021/SR3. 8 LK Consult Ltd Ref: CL-602-LKC 13 1107-01 [R3] October 2013 8 Gladman Developments Ltd Sadberge Road, Middleton St George Culverts, ditches, drains, service drains may provide preferential pathways off site. The study area reconnaissance indicated several service trenches were present across the study area. Bedrock and superficial geology has the potential to impede or provide preferential pathways for contaminants onto or off the study area. The underlying Till deposits may impede the migration of contaminants to or from the study area. The study area is situated on Sandstone, depending on the pore space and bedding orientation, this may act as a pathway for contaminants onto or off the study area. There are no known geological faults within 250m of the study area. 5.4 Potential Receptors Potential receptors with respect to human health and hazards present on the study area include: Human Health: Future site residents. Controlled Waters: Principal Aquifer. Buildings and Services: Hazardous gas and organic/corrosive contaminants that could affect integrity of building materials and service pipes. Flora: Within future gardens. Ecological: Neighbouring Nature Reserve. It should be noted that there may be risk from short term exposure from contaminated soil to site workers. The Preliminary Contamination Conceptual Model deals with long term exposure to key receptors. Acute risks can be easily mitigated by good environmental management of the study area during site works. Standard health and safety precautions (as per HSE guidance 10 ) should be adopted by all workers involved with study area enabling and construction works. Therefore, this receptor is not considered in the contamination conceptual model. 5.5 Preliminary Contamination Conceptual Model The preliminary contamination conceptual model for land at Sadberge Road, Middleton St George is illustrated in Table 5-1 below and has identified seven generic potential pollutant linkages. Each linkage is described in Table 5-1 along with an assessment of the risk based upon guidance on probabilities and consequences outlined in CIRIA C55211. This conceptual model is based upon contaminant-pathway-receptor pollutant linkages, on the premise that if there is no pollutant linkage then there will be no risk to the receptor12. The conceptual model has identified a moderate risk in localised areas for pollutant linkages PL1, PL5 and PL6 and a moderate to high risk in localised areas for PL3. 10 11 12 HSE (1991). “Protection of workers and the general public during development of contaminated land” London HMSO. CIRIA (2001). “Contaminated land risk assessment: A guide to good practice”. C552. EA (2004). “Model Procedures for the Management of Land Contamination.” R&D Publication CLR 11 LK Consult Ltd Ref: CL-602-LKC 13 1107-01 [R3] October 2013 9 Gladman Developments Ltd Pollutant Linkage Contaminant Pathway Sadberge Road, Middleton St George Receptor Probability Consequence Risk Assessment Localised Dermal Inorganic PL1 Organic (non-volatile) contact. Inhalation of soil and dust. Ingestion of soil and dust. Future residents Low Low. Likely in localised areas. Medium Low Medium Moderate (localised) Inhalation PL2 Organic (volatile) of vapours. through permeable strata and preferential pathways. Migration Inhalation Hazardous PL3 Gas Ground Gas of gas. Migration through permeable strata and preferential pathways. Explosion in confined spaces. Future residents Low Low Future residents Buildings Offsite land users Low. Likely in localised areas. Severe Low Mild Low. Likely in localised areas Medium Low. Likely in localised areas. Medium Low Mild Moderate to High (localised) Surface Run-off. through permeable strata and preferential pathways Perched waters migration. Migration PL4 Organic Inorganic PL5 Inorganic PL6 Organic PL7 Inorganic Contact with potential hazards. Principal Aquifer Site buildings Direct Future Ingestion residents. Pipework Contact. of tainted water supply. Direct Contact (plant uptake). LK Consult Ltd Ref: CL-602-LKC 13 1107-01 [R2] Flora Low Low Moderate (localised) Low Moderate (localised) Low rare ash in the topsoil in TH101 near a rubble pile and field entrance (heavy metals and PAHs). Possible pesticides, fertilisers and herbicides across the study area. PL1 is considered possible to future residents in garden and soft landscaped areas. Any heavy metals and PAH is likely to be in localised areas where rare ash materials are present and possibly adjacent to the former railway line. Pesticides, fertilisers and herbicides are considered to be site wide. A limited intrusive investigation will be required. PL1 is considered to be a low to moderate risk. Some volatile organic contaminants may be present adjacent to the former railway line. Considered to be a low likelihood and medium consequence of these contaminants being present in significant concentrations (volatilisation will occur) and localised nature of contamination. PL2 is considered to be a low risk to future residents. Volatile analysis only required if evidence is identified during intrusive works. Two former ponds and a watercourse located on site and infilled by 1954 mapping. Made ground to the south east has been recently redeveloped for housing so is not expected to comprise a significant source of gas. Underlying clay deposits will likely mitigate migration of gas into the site. No radon risk identified on site. PL3 is considered to be a low risk for the majority of the site. PL3 is considered to be a moderate to high risk for any proposed houses on or adjacent to the former onsite ponds and watercourse. A limited intrusive investigation in these areas will be required to further assess the risk. A significant mobile contaminants source is not expected to be present on the site. The underlying clay deposits may offer protection against any downward migration of contaminants. PL4 is considered to be a low risk to the underlying Principal Aquifer. Elevated sulphate possible in localised rare ash in the topsoil in TH101 and possibly adjacent to the former railway line. PL5 is considered to be a low risk for the majority of the site. PL5 is considered a moderate risk in areas around TH101 and adjacent to the former railway line. Possible organic contamination could be present in areas of rare ash (TH101) and adjacent to the former railway line. PL6 is considered to be a low risk for the majority of the site. PL6 is considered to be a moderate risk in areas around TH101 and adjacent to the former railway line and appropriate sampling will be required to assess the risk to potable water supply. Potentially phytotoxic copper, nickel and zinc may be associated with rare ash and adjacent to the former railway line. However no evidence of vegetation distress was noted during the site reconnaissance. PL7 is considered to be low risk. October 2013 10 Gladman Developments Ltd 6 Sadberge Road, Middleton St George SUMMARY CONCLUSIONS The following summary conclusions are based upon the available information contained in this report. The study area has remained undeveloped since 1858 mapping, and is currently agricultural land, which has possibly been used for growing crops. Two former ponds and a former watercourse were identified on the study area from the historical map review. The surrounding areas have been mainly used for agricultural and industrial use, however many of the former industrial sites have been redeveloped for residential use. LKC, therefore, consider that suitable remediation will have been undertaken on these sites. The environmental setting review and reconnaissance has not identified any evidence of potentially contaminative agricultural activities such as slurry pits, carcass burial, timber treatment, hardstanding sub base, waste burial, garages for farm machinery, fuel tanks or orchards. The former railway on the southern site boundary may be a source of contaminants such as heavy metals, phenols, sulphates, PAHs and fuels; however, this appears to have been landscaped and does not appear to have restricted adjacent residential development in the site vicinity. LKC undertook the excavation of eight hand auger trial holes across the study area to ascertain shallow ground conditions. The hand auger holes generally encountered reworked topsoil over slightly gravelly clay. Rare ash was only noted in one of the hand auger locations (TH101) near a pile of rubble and a field entrance. . A contamination conceptual model has been produced by LKC. This has identified the following risks (see Section 5.5 for further detail and justification): Linkage Risk to Human Health (PL1, PL2) Risk to Buildings and Services (PL5 and PL6) Risk from Gas (PL3) Risk Low Risk Moderate Risk Low Risk Moderate to High Risk Risk to Controlled Waters (PL4) Risk to Vegetation (PL7) LK Consult Ltd Ref: CL-602-LKC 13 1107-01 [R3] Low Risk Low Risk Comments Majority of the site. Localised areas around TH101 and adjacent to former railway line. Majority of the study area. Low risk from Radon. Localised where buildings area proposed on or adjacent to former ponds and watercourse. No viable mobile contamination source identified on site. No evidence of vegetation distress across the site. October 2013 11 Gladman Developments Ltd 7 Sadberge Road, Middleton St George RECOMMENDATIONS In accordance with NPPF, LKC consider that sufficient information on the potential contaminative status of the site is available in this Preliminary Risk Assessment report to allow the validation of any future planning application by the Local Planning Authority and for conditional planning approval to be granted. Such conditional approval will likely include standard prescriptive conditions requiring a site investigation, risk assessment and, if appropriate, a remedial strategy are completed to the satisfaction of the Local Planning Authority prior to the commencement of any development. LKC would recommend that once planning approval is granted, a limited Phase 2 contamination investigation should be undertaken across the study area to further assess the identified, likely localised moderate and moderate high risk potential pollutant linkages. The investigation should follow guidance set out in BS10175 13 and BS5930 14 and the scope should the prior agreed with the local authority. The investigation should include sampling of the near surface soils across the study area for a general pesticide, herbicide and fertiliser analytical suite, sampling of the topsoil with rare ash identified in TH101 and sampling of near surface soils adjacent to the former railway line. An investigation of ground conditions and the potential gassing risk should be undertaken in the area of the former on site ponds and watercourse. LKC recommend that a watching brief for unusual or unexpected ground conditions and / or visual or olfactory evidence of contamination is maintained during any intrusive or development works. If such material is identified then this should be reported to LKC and the Local Authority pending further assessment. 13 14 British Standard (2011). “Investigation of Potentially Contaminated Sites – Code of Practice.” BS10175:2011 British Standard (1999). “Code of Practice for Site Investigations. “ BS5930:1999 LK Consult Ltd Ref: CL-602-LKC 13 1107-01 [R3] October 2013 12 Gladman Developments Ltd Sadberge Road, Middleton St George FIGURES LK Consult Ltd Ref: CL-602-LKC 13 1107-01 [R3] October 2013 This page has been left blank intentionally 0 N 1,000 metres Scale: 1:25,000 Contains Ordnance Survey data © © Crown copyright and database right 2010 Figure 1: General Study Area Location, Land at Sadberge Road, Middleton St George Drawn: June 2013 Scale: 1:25,000 @ A4 (see scale bar) 0 250.0 metres Scale: 1:5,000 Contains Ordnance Survey data Crown copyright and database right 2010 Figure 2: Trial Hole Sampling Location Plan, Land at Sadberge Road, Middleton St George Drawn: October 2013 Scale: See Scale Bar (approx 1:5,000 @ A4) Source: Gladman Developments Ltd Gladman Developments Ltd Sadberge Road, Middleton St George APPENDIX A HISTORICAL MAPS LK Consult Ltd Ref: CL-602-LKC 13 1107-01 [R3] October 2013 This page has been left blank intentionally Historical Mapping Legends Ordnance Survey County Series and Ordnance Survey Plan 1:2,500 Ordnance Survey Plan, Additional SIMs and Large-Scale National Grid Data 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 Supply of Unpublished Survey Information 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 Historical Mapping & Photography included: Mapping Type Durham Durham Durham Durham Durham Durham Ordnance Survey Plan Additional SIMs Additional SIMs Ordnance Survey Plan Additional SIMs Additional SIMs Large-Scale National Grid Data Large-Scale National Grid Data Large-Scale National Grid Data Large-Scale National Grid Data Large-Scale National Grid Data Large-Scale National Grid Data Scale 1:2,500 1:2,500 1:2,500 1:2,500 1:2,500 1:2,500 1:2,500 1:2,500 1:2,500 1:2,500 1:2,500 1:2,500 1:2,500 1:2,500 1:2,500 1:2,500 1:2,500 1:2,500 Date 1856 - 1886 1895 1895 1897 1916 - 1917 1939 1965 - 1968 1977 - 1988 1985 - 1989 1988 - 1989 1989 1992 1993 1994 1994 - 1995 1995 1995 1996 Pg 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Historical Map - Segment A10 Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 100 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 1 of 19 Durham Published 1856 - 1886 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. Map Name(s) and Date(s) Historical Map - Segment A10 Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 100 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 2 of 19 Durham Published 1895 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. Map Name(s) and Date(s) Historical Map - Segment A10 Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 100 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 3 of 19 Durham Published 1895 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. Map Name(s) and Date(s) Historical Map - Segment A10 Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 100 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 4 of 19 Durham Published 1897 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. Map Name(s) and Date(s) Historical Map - Segment A10 Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 100 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 5 of 19 Durham Published 1916 - 1917 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. Map Name(s) and Date(s) Historical Map - Segment A10 Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 100 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 6 of 19 Durham Published 1939 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. Map Name(s) and Date(s) Historical Map - Segment A10 Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 100 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 7 of 19 Ordnance Survey Plan Published 1965 - 1968 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. Map Name(s) and Date(s) Historical Map - Segment A10 Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 100 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 8 of 19 Additional SIMs Published 1977 - 1988 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's `Survey of Information on Microfilm') are further, minor editions of mapping which were produced and published in between the main editions as an area was updated. They date from 1947 to 1994, and contain detailed information on buildings, roads and land-use. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales. Map Name(s) and Date(s) Historical Map - Segment A10 Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 100 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 9 of 19 Additional SIMs Published 1985 - 1989 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's `Survey of Information on Microfilm') are further, minor editions of mapping which were produced and published in between the main editions as an area was updated. They date from 1947 to 1994, and contain detailed information on buildings, roads and land-use. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales. Map Name(s) and Date(s) Historical Map - Segment A10 Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 100 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 10 of 19 Ordnance Survey Plan Published 1988 - 1989 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. Map Name(s) and Date(s) Historical Map - Segment A10 Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 100 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 11 of 19 Additional SIMs Published 1989 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's `Survey of Information on Microfilm') are further, minor editions of mapping which were produced and published in between the main editions as an area was updated. They date from 1947 to 1994, and contain detailed information on buildings, roads and land-use. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales. Map Name(s) and Date(s) Historical Map - Segment A10 Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 100 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 12 of 19 Additional SIMs Published 1992 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's `Survey of Information on Microfilm') are further, minor editions of mapping which were produced and published in between the main editions as an area was updated. They date from 1947 to 1994, and contain detailed information on buildings, roads and land-use. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales. Map Name(s) and Date(s) Historical Map - Segment A10 Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 100 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 13 of 19 Large-Scale National Grid Data Published 1993 Source map scale - 1:2,500 'Large Scale National Grid Data' superseded SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's 'Survey of Information on Microfilm') in 1992, and continued to be produced until 1999. These maps were the fore-runners of digital mapping and so provide detailed information on houses and roads, but tend to show less topographic features such as vegetation. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales. Map Name(s) and Date(s) Historical Map - Segment A10 Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 100 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 14 of 19 Large-Scale National Grid Data Published 1994 Source map scale - 1:2,500 'Large Scale National Grid Data' superseded SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's 'Survey of Information on Microfilm') in 1992, and continued to be produced until 1999. These maps were the fore-runners of digital mapping and so provide detailed information on houses and roads, but tend to show less topographic features such as vegetation. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales. Map Name(s) and Date(s) Historical Map - Segment A10 Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 100 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 15 of 19 Large-Scale National Grid Data Published 1994 - 1995 Source map scale - 1:2,500 'Large Scale National Grid Data' superseded SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's 'Survey of Information on Microfilm') in 1992, and continued to be produced until 1999. These maps were the fore-runners of digital mapping and so provide detailed information on houses and roads, but tend to show less topographic features such as vegetation. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales. Map Name(s) and Date(s) Historical Map - Segment A10 Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 100 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 16 of 19 Large-Scale National Grid Data Published 1995 Source map scale - 1:2,500 'Large Scale National Grid Data' superseded SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's 'Survey of Information on Microfilm') in 1992, and continued to be produced until 1999. These maps were the fore-runners of digital mapping and so provide detailed information on houses and roads, but tend to show less topographic features such as vegetation. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales. Map Name(s) and Date(s) Historical Map - Segment A10 Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 100 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 17 of 19 Large-Scale National Grid Data Published 1995 Source map scale - 1:2,500 'Large Scale National Grid Data' superseded SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's 'Survey of Information on Microfilm') in 1992, and continued to be produced until 1999. These maps were the fore-runners of digital mapping and so provide detailed information on houses and roads, but tend to show less topographic features such as vegetation. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales. Map Name(s) and Date(s) Historical Map - Segment A10 Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 100 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 18 of 19 Large-Scale National Grid Data Published 1996 Source map scale - 1:2,500 'Large Scale National Grid Data' superseded SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's 'Survey of Information on Microfilm') in 1992, and continued to be produced until 1999. These maps were the fore-runners of digital mapping and so provide detailed information on houses and roads, but tend to show less topographic features such as vegetation. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales. Map Name(s) and Date(s) Historical Map - Segment A10 Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 100 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 19 of 19 Historical Mapping Legends Ordnance Survey County Series and Ordnance Survey Plan 1:2,500 Ordnance Survey Plan, Additional SIMs and Large-Scale National Grid Data 1:2,500 and Supply of Unpublished Survey Information 1:1,250 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 Historical Mapping & Photography included: Mapping Type Durham Durham Durham Durham Durham Durham Ordnance Survey Plan Additional SIMs Additional SIMs Additional SIMs Additional SIMs Large-Scale National Grid Data Large-Scale National Grid Data Large-Scale National Grid Data Large-Scale National Grid Data Large-Scale National Grid Data Large-Scale National Grid Data Scale 1:2,500 1:2,500 1:2,500 1:2,500 1:2,500 1:2,500 1:2,500 1:2,500 1:2,500 1:2,500 1:2,500 1:2,500 1:2,500 1:2,500 1:2,500 1:2,500 1:2,500 Date 1856 - 1886 1895 1895 1897 1916 - 1917 1939 1968 1977 - 1989 1985 - 1989 1989 1992 1993 1994 1994 - 1995 1995 1995 1996 Pg 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Historical Map - Segment A11 Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 100 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 1 of 18 Durham Published 1856 - 1886 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. Map Name(s) and Date(s) Historical Map - Segment A11 Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 100 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 2 of 18 Durham Published 1895 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. Map Name(s) and Date(s) Historical Map - Segment A11 Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 100 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 3 of 18 Durham Published 1895 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. Map Name(s) and Date(s) Historical Map - Segment A11 Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 100 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 4 of 18 Durham Published 1897 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. Map Name(s) and Date(s) Historical Map - Segment A11 Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 100 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 5 of 18 Durham Published 1916 - 1917 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. Map Name(s) and Date(s) Historical Map - Segment A11 Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 100 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 6 of 18 Durham Published 1939 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. Map Name(s) and Date(s) Historical Map - Segment A11 Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 100 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 7 of 18 Ordnance Survey Plan Published 1968 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas and by 1896 it covered the whole of what were considered to be the cultivated parts of Great Britain. The published date given below is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. Map Name(s) and Date(s) Historical Map - Segment A11 Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 100 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 8 of 18 Additional SIMs Published 1977 - 1989 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's `Survey of Information on Microfilm') are further, minor editions of mapping which were produced and published in between the main editions as an area was updated. They date from 1947 to 1994, and contain detailed information on buildings, roads and land-use. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales. Map Name(s) and Date(s) Historical Map - Segment A11 Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 100 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 9 of 18 Additional SIMs Published 1985 - 1989 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's `Survey of Information on Microfilm') are further, minor editions of mapping which were produced and published in between the main editions as an area was updated. They date from 1947 to 1994, and contain detailed information on buildings, roads and land-use. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales. Map Name(s) and Date(s) Historical Map - Segment A11 Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 100 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 10 of 18 Additional SIMs Published 1989 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's `Survey of Information on Microfilm') are further, minor editions of mapping which were produced and published in between the main editions as an area was updated. They date from 1947 to 1994, and contain detailed information on buildings, roads and land-use. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales. Map Name(s) and Date(s) Historical Map - Segment A11 Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 100 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 11 of 18 Additional SIMs Published 1992 Source map scale - 1:2,500 The SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's `Survey of Information on Microfilm') are further, minor editions of mapping which were produced and published in between the main editions as an area was updated. They date from 1947 to 1994, and contain detailed information on buildings, roads and land-use. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales. Map Name(s) and Date(s) Historical Map - Segment A11 Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 100 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 12 of 18 Large-Scale National Grid Data Published 1993 Source map scale - 1:2,500 'Large Scale National Grid Data' superseded SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's 'Survey of Information on Microfilm') in 1992, and continued to be produced until 1999. These maps were the fore-runners of digital mapping and so provide detailed information on houses and roads, but tend to show less topographic features such as vegetation. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales. Map Name(s) and Date(s) Historical Map - Segment A11 Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 100 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 13 of 18 Large-Scale National Grid Data Published 1994 Source map scale - 1:2,500 'Large Scale National Grid Data' superseded SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's 'Survey of Information on Microfilm') in 1992, and continued to be produced until 1999. These maps were the fore-runners of digital mapping and so provide detailed information on houses and roads, but tend to show less topographic features such as vegetation. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales. Map Name(s) and Date(s) Historical Map - Segment A11 Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 100 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 14 of 18 Large-Scale National Grid Data Published 1994 - 1995 Source map scale - 1:2,500 'Large Scale National Grid Data' superseded SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's 'Survey of Information on Microfilm') in 1992, and continued to be produced until 1999. These maps were the fore-runners of digital mapping and so provide detailed information on houses and roads, but tend to show less topographic features such as vegetation. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales. Map Name(s) and Date(s) Historical Map - Segment A11 Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 100 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 15 of 18 Large-Scale National Grid Data Published 1995 Source map scale - 1:2,500 'Large Scale National Grid Data' superseded SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's 'Survey of Information on Microfilm') in 1992, and continued to be produced until 1999. These maps were the fore-runners of digital mapping and so provide detailed information on houses and roads, but tend to show less topographic features such as vegetation. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales. Map Name(s) and Date(s) Historical Map - Segment A11 Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 100 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 16 of 18 Large-Scale National Grid Data Published 1995 Source map scale - 1:2,500 'Large Scale National Grid Data' superseded SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's 'Survey of Information on Microfilm') in 1992, and continued to be produced until 1999. These maps were the fore-runners of digital mapping and so provide detailed information on houses and roads, but tend to show less topographic features such as vegetation. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales. Map Name(s) and Date(s) Historical Map - Segment A11 Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 100 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 17 of 18 Large-Scale National Grid Data Published 1996 Source map scale - 1:2,500 'Large Scale National Grid Data' superseded SIM cards (Ordnance Survey's 'Survey of Information on Microfilm') in 1992, and continued to be produced until 1999. These maps were the fore-runners of digital mapping and so provide detailed information on houses and roads, but tend to show less topographic features such as vegetation. These maps were produced at both 1:2,500 and 1:1,250 scales. Map Name(s) and Date(s) Historical Map - Segment A11 Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 100 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 18 of 18 Historical Mapping Legends Ordnance Survey County Series 1:10,560 Ordnance Survey Plan 1:10,000 1:10,000 Raster Mapping Historical Mapping & Photography included: Mapping Type Durham Yorkshire Durham Durham Durham Durham Ordnance Survey Plan Ordnance Survey Plan Ordnance Survey Plan Ordnance Survey Plan Darlington Ordnance Survey Plan Ordnance Survey Plan Middlesbrough 10K Raster Mapping 10K Raster Mapping Scale 1:10,560 1:10,560 1:10,560 1:10,560 1:10,560 1:10,560 1:10,000 1:10,000 1:10,000 1:10,000 1:10,000 1:10,000 1:10,000 1:25,000 1:10,000 1:10,000 Date 1857 - 1858 1857 1898 - 1899 1923 1938 - 1939 1951 1954 1968 1970 - 1971 1971 1976 1982 - 1988 1991 1991 2006 2013 Pg 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Historical Map - Slice A Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 1000 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 1 of 18 Russian Military Mapping Legends 1:5,000 and 1:10,000 mapping 1:25,000 mapping Key to Numbers on Mapping Historical Mapping & Photography included: Mapping Type Durham Yorkshire Durham Durham Durham Durham Ordnance Survey Plan Ordnance Survey Plan Ordnance Survey Plan Ordnance Survey Plan Darlington Ordnance Survey Plan Ordnance Survey Plan Middlesbrough 10K Raster Mapping 10K Raster Mapping Scale 1:10,560 1:10,560 1:10,560 1:10,560 1:10,560 1:10,560 1:10,000 1:10,000 1:10,000 1:10,000 1:10,000 1:10,000 1:10,000 1:25,000 1:10,000 1:10,000 Date 1857 - 1858 1857 1898 - 1899 1923 1938 - 1939 1951 1954 1968 1970 - 1971 1971 1976 1982 - 1988 1991 1991 2006 2013 Pg 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Russian Map - Slice A Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 1000 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 2 of 18 Durham Published 1857 - 1858 Source map scale - 1:10,560 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas; these maps were used to update the 1:10,560 maps. The published date given therefore is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. In the late 1940`s, a Provisional Edition was produced, which updated the 1:10,560 mapping from a number of sources. The maps appear unfinished - with all military camps and other strategic sites removed. These maps were initially overprinted with the National Grid. In 1970, the first 1:10,000 maps were produced using the Transverse Mercator Projection. The revision process continued until recently, with new editions appearing every 10 years or so for urban areas. Map Name(s) and Date(s) Historical Map - Slice A Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 1000 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 3 of 18 Yorkshire Published 1857 Source map scale - 1:10,560 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas; these maps were used to update the 1:10,560 maps. The published date given therefore is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. In the late 1940`s, a Provisional Edition was produced, which updated the 1:10,560 mapping from a number of sources. The maps appear unfinished - with all military camps and other strategic sites removed. These maps were initially overprinted with the National Grid. In 1970, the first 1:10,000 maps were produced using the Transverse Mercator Projection. The revision process continued until recently, with new editions appearing every 10 years or so for urban areas. Map Name(s) and Date(s) Historical Map - Slice A Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 1000 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 4 of 18 Durham Published 1898 - 1899 Source map scale - 1:10,560 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas; these maps were used to update the 1:10,560 maps. The published date given therefore is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. In the late 1940`s, a Provisional Edition was produced, which updated the 1:10,560 mapping from a number of sources. The maps appear unfinished - with all military camps and other strategic sites removed. These maps were initially overprinted with the National Grid. In 1970, the first 1:10,000 maps were produced using the Transverse Mercator Projection. The revision process continued until recently, with new editions appearing every 10 years or so for urban areas. Map Name(s) and Date(s) Historical Map - Slice A Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 1000 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 5 of 18 Durham Published 1923 Source map scale - 1:10,560 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas; these maps were used to update the 1:10,560 maps. The published date given therefore is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. In the late 1940`s, a Provisional Edition was produced, which updated the 1:10,560 mapping from a number of sources. The maps appear unfinished - with all military camps and other strategic sites removed. These maps were initially overprinted with the National Grid. In 1970, the first 1:10,000 maps were produced using the Transverse Mercator Projection. The revision process continued until recently, with new editions appearing every 10 years or so for urban areas. Map Name(s) and Date(s) Historical Map - Slice A Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 1000 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 6 of 18 Durham Published 1938 - 1939 Source map scale - 1:10,560 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas; these maps were used to update the 1:10,560 maps. The published date given therefore is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. In the late 1940`s, a Provisional Edition was produced, which updated the 1:10,560 mapping from a number of sources. The maps appear unfinished - with all military camps and other strategic sites removed. These maps were initially overprinted with the National Grid. In 1970, the first 1:10,000 maps were produced using the Transverse Mercator Projection. The revision process continued until recently, with new editions appearing every 10 years or so for urban areas. Map Name(s) and Date(s) Historical Map - Slice A Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 1000 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 7 of 18 Durham Published 1951 Source map scale - 1:10,560 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas; these maps were used to update the 1:10,560 maps. The published date given therefore is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. In the late 1940`s, a Provisional Edition was produced, which updated the 1:10,560 mapping from a number of sources. The maps appear unfinished - with all military camps and other strategic sites removed. These maps were initially overprinted with the National Grid. In 1970, the first 1:10,000 maps were produced using the Transverse Mercator Projection. The revision process continued until recently, with new editions appearing every 10 years or so for urban areas. Map Name(s) and Date(s) Historical Map - Slice A Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 1000 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 8 of 18 Ordnance Survey Plan Published 1954 Source map scale - 1:10,000 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas; these maps were used to update the 1:10,560 maps. The published date given therefore is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. In the late 1940`s, a Provisional Edition was produced, which updated the 1:10,560 mapping from a number of sources. The maps appear unfinished - with all military camps and other strategic sites removed. These maps were initially overprinted with the National Grid. In 1970, the first 1:10,000 maps were produced using the Transverse Mercator Projection. The revision process continued until recently, with new editions appearing every 10 years or so for urban areas. Map Name(s) and Date(s) Historical Map - Slice A Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 1000 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 9 of 18 Ordnance Survey Plan Published 1968 Source map scale - 1:10,000 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas; these maps were used to update the 1:10,560 maps. The published date given therefore is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. In the late 1940`s, a Provisional Edition was produced, which updated the 1:10,560 mapping from a number of sources. The maps appear unfinished - with all military camps and other strategic sites removed. These maps were initially overprinted with the National Grid. In 1970, the first 1:10,000 maps were produced using the Transverse Mercator Projection. The revision process continued until recently, with new editions appearing every 10 years or so for urban areas. Map Name(s) and Date(s) Historical Map - Slice A Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 1000 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 10 of 18 Ordnance Survey Plan Published 1970 - 1971 Source map scale - 1:10,000 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas; these maps were used to update the 1:10,560 maps. The published date given therefore is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. In the late 1940`s, a Provisional Edition was produced, which updated the 1:10,560 mapping from a number of sources. The maps appear unfinished - with all military camps and other strategic sites removed. These maps were initially overprinted with the National Grid. In 1970, the first 1:10,000 maps were produced using the Transverse Mercator Projection. The revision process continued until recently, with new editions appearing every 10 years or so for urban areas. Map Name(s) and Date(s) Historical Map - Slice A Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 1000 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 11 of 18 Ordnance Survey Plan Published 1971 Source map scale - 1:10,000 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas; these maps were used to update the 1:10,560 maps. The published date given therefore is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. In the late 1940`s, a Provisional Edition was produced, which updated the 1:10,560 mapping from a number of sources. The maps appear unfinished - with all military camps and other strategic sites removed. These maps were initially overprinted with the National Grid. In 1970, the first 1:10,000 maps were produced using the Transverse Mercator Projection. The revision process continued until recently, with new editions appearing every 10 years or so for urban areas. Map Name(s) and Date(s) Historical Map - Slice A Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 1000 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 12 of 18 Darlington Published 1976 Source map scale - 1:10,000 These maps were produced by the Russian military during the Cold War between 1950 and 1997, and cover 103 towns and cities throughout the U.K. The maps are produced at 1:25,000, 1:10,000 and 1:5,000 scale, and show detailed land use, with colour-coded areas for development, green areas, and non-developed areas. Buildings are coloured black and important building uses (such as hospitals, post offices, factories etc.) are numbered, with a numbered key describing their use. They were produced by the Russians for the benefit of navigation, as well as strategic military sites and transport hubs, for use if they were to have invaded the U.K. The detailed information provided indicates that the areas were surveyed using land-based personnel, on the ground, in the cities that are mapped. Map Name(s) and Date(s) Russian Map - Slice A Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 1000 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 13 of 18 Ordnance Survey Plan Published 1982 - 1988 Source map scale - 1:10,000 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas; these maps were used to update the 1:10,560 maps. The published date given therefore is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. In the late 1940`s, a Provisional Edition was produced, which updated the 1:10,560 mapping from a number of sources. The maps appear unfinished - with all military camps and other strategic sites removed. These maps were initially overprinted with the National Grid. In 1970, the first 1:10,000 maps were produced using the Transverse Mercator Projection. The revision process continued until recently, with new editions appearing every 10 years or so for urban areas. Map Name(s) and Date(s) Historical Map - Slice A Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 1000 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 14 of 18 Ordnance Survey Plan Published 1991 Source map scale - 1:10,000 The historical maps shown were reproduced from maps predominantly held at the scale adopted for England, Wales and Scotland in the 1840`s. In 1854 the 1:2,500 scale was adopted for mapping urban areas; these maps were used to update the 1:10,560 maps. The published date given therefore is often some years later than the surveyed date. Before 1938, all OS maps were based on the Cassini Projection, with independent surveys of a single county or group of counties, giving rise to significant inaccuracies in outlying areas. In the late 1940`s, a Provisional Edition was produced, which updated the 1:10,560 mapping from a number of sources. The maps appear unfinished - with all military camps and other strategic sites removed. These maps were initially overprinted with the National Grid. In 1970, the first 1:10,000 maps were produced using the Transverse Mercator Projection. The revision process continued until recently, with new editions appearing every 10 years or so for urban areas. Map Name(s) and Date(s) Historical Map - Slice A Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 1000 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 15 of 18 Middlesbrough Published 1991 Source map scale - 1:25,000 These maps were produced by the Russian military during the Cold War between 1950 and 1997, and cover 103 towns and cities throughout the U.K. The maps are produced at 1:25,000, 1:10,000 and 1:5,000 scale, and show detailed land use, with colour-coded areas for development, green areas, and non-developed areas. Buildings are coloured black and important building uses (such as hospitals, post offices, factories etc.) are numbered, with a numbered key describing their use. They were produced by the Russians for the benefit of navigation, as well as strategic military sites and transport hubs, for use if they were to have invaded the U.K. The detailed information provided indicates that the areas were surveyed using land-based personnel, on the ground, in the cities that are mapped. Map Name(s) and Date(s) Russian Map - Slice A Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 1000 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 16 of 18 10k Raster Mapping Published 2006 Source map scale - 1:10,000 The historical maps shown were produced from the Ordnance Survey`s 1:10,000 colour raster mapping. These maps are derived from Landplan which replaced the old 1:10,000 maps originally published in 1970. The data is highly detailed showing buildings, fences and field boundaries as well as all roads, tracks and paths. Road names are also included together with the relevant road number and classification. Boundary information depiction includes county, unitary authority, district, civil parish and constituency. dummy Map Name(s) and Date(s) Historical Map - Slice A Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 1000 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 17 of 18 10k Raster Mapping Published 2013 Source map scale - 1:10,000 The historical maps shown were produced from the Ordnance Survey`s 1:10,000 colour raster mapping. These maps are derived from Landplan which replaced the old 1:10,000 maps originally published in 1970. The data is highly detailed showing buildings, fences and field boundaries as well as all roads, tracks and paths. Road names are also included together with the relevant road number and classification. Boundary information depiction includes county, unitary authority, district, civil parish and constituency. Map Name(s) and Date(s) Historical Map - Slice A Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 1000 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 18 of 18 This page has been left blank intentionally Gladman Developments Ltd Sadberge Road, Middleton St George APPENDIX B ENVIROCHECK REPORT LK Consult Ltd Ref: CL-602-LKC 13 1107-01 [R3] October 2013 This page has been left blank intentionally Envirocheck ® Report: Datasheet Order Details: Order Number: 45848992_1_1 Customer Reference: LKC 13 1007 National Grid Reference: 434480, 514150 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 10.41 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details: Land off Sadberge Road Middleton St. George Darlington North Yorkshire DL2 1RJ Client Details: L Consult LK Consult Ltd Bury Business Centre Kay Street Bury Lancashire BL9 6BU Order Number: 45848992_1_1 Date: 01-May-2013 rpr_ec_datasheet v47.0 A Landmark Information Group Service This page has been left blank intentionally Contents Report Section Page Number Summary - Agency & Hydrological 1 Waste 5 Hazardous Substances - Geological 7 Industrial Land Use 14 Sensitive Land Use 16 Data Currency 17 Data Suppliers 22 Useful Contacts 23 Introduction The Environment Act 1995 has made site sensitivity a key issue, as the legislation pays as much attention to the pathways by which contamination could spread, and to the vulnerable targets of contamination, as it does the potential sources of contamination. For this reason, Landmark's Site Sensitivity maps and Datasheet(s) place great emphasis on statutory data provided by the Environment Agency and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency; it also incorporates data from Natural England (and the Scottish and Welsh equivalents) and Local Authorities; and highlights hydrogeological features required by environmental and geotechnical consultants. It does not include any information concerning past uses of land. The datasheet is produced by querying the Landmark database to a distance defined by the client from a site boundary provided by the client. In the attached datasheet the National Grid References (NGRs) are rounded to the nearest 10m in accordance with Landmark's agreements with a number of Data Suppliers. Copyright Notice © Landmark Information Group Limited 2013. The Copyright on the information and data and its format as contained in this Envirocheck® Report ("Report") is the property of Landmark Information Group Limited ("Landmark") and several other Data Providers, including (but not limited to) Ordnance Survey, British Geological Survey, the Environment Agency and Natural England, and must not be reproduced in whole or in part by photocopying or any other method. The Report is supplied under Landmark's Terms and Conditions accepted by the Customer. A copy of Landmark's Terms and Conditions can be found with the Index Map for this report. Additional copies of the Report may be obtained from Landmark, subject to Landmark's charges in force from time to time. The Copyright, design rights and any other intellectual rights shall remain the exclusive property of Landmark and /or other Data providers, whose Copyright material has been included in this Report. Natural England Copyright Notice Site of Special Scientific Interest, National Nature Reserve, Ramsar, Special Protection Area, Special Conservation Area, Marine Nature Reserve data (derived from Ordnance Survey 1:10000 raster) is provided by, and used with the permission of, Natural England who retain the copyright and Intellectual Property Rights for the data. Ove Arup Copyright Notice The Data provided in this report was obtained on Licence from Ove Arup & Partners Limited (for further information, contact No reproduction or further use of such Data is to be made without the prior written consent of Ove Arup & Partners Limited. The information and data supplied in the product are derived from publicly available records and other third party sources and neither Ove Arup & Partners nor Landmark warrant the accuracy or completeness of such information or data. Peter Brett Associates Copyright Notice The cavity data presented has been extracted from the PBA enhanced version of the original DEFRA national cavity databases. PBA/DEFRA retain the copyright & intellectual property rights in the data. Whilst all reasonable efforts are made to check that the information contained in the cavity databases is accurate we do not warrant that the data is complete or error free. The information is based upon our own researches and those collated from a number of external sources and is continually being augmented and updated by PBA. In no event shall PBA/DEFRA or Landmark be liable for any loss or damage including, without limitation, indirect or consequential loss or damage arising from the use of this data. Radon Potential dataset Copyright Notice Information supplied from a joint dataset compiled by The British Geological Survey and the Health Protection Agency. Report Version v47.0 Order Number: 45848992_1_1 Date: 01-May-2013 rpr_ec_datasheet v47.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Summary Page Number Data Type On Site 0 to 250m 251 to 500m 501 to 1000m (*up to 2000m) 4 8 Agency & Hydrological Contaminated Land Register Entries and Notices pg 1 Discharge Consents Enforcement and Prohibition Notices Integrated Pollution Controls Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control Local Authority Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Control Enforcements Nearest Surface Water Feature pg 3 Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters pg 4 1 pg 4 1 Yes Prosecutions Relating to Authorised Processes Prosecutions Relating to Controlled Waters Registered Radioactive Substances River Quality River Quality Biology Sampling Points River Quality Chemistry Sampling Points Substantiated Pollution Incident Register Water Abstractions Water Industry Act Referrals Groundwater Vulnerability pg 4 Yes n/a n/a n/a Bedrock Aquifer Designations pg 4 Yes n/a n/a n/a Superficial Aquifer Designations pg 4 Yes n/a n/a n/a Extreme Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences n/a n/a Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences n/a n/a Areas Benefiting from Flood Defences n/a n/a Flood Water Storage Areas n/a n/a Flood Defences n/a n/a Source Protection Zones Waste BGS Recorded Landfill Sites pg 5 2 Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) pg 5 1 Local Authority Recorded Landfill Sites pg 5 3 Registered Landfill Sites pg 6 1 Historical Landfill Sites Integrated Pollution Control Registered Waste Sites Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Landfill Boundaries) Registered Waste Transfer Sites Registered Waste Treatment or Disposal Sites Order Number: 45848992_1_1 Date: 01-May-2013 rpr_ec_datasheet v47.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Summary Page Number On Site 0 to 250m 251 to 500m 501 to 1000m (*up to 2000m) BGS 1:625,000 Solid Geology pg 7 Yes n/a n/a n/a BGS Estimated Soil Chemistry pg 7 Yes Yes Yes Yes BGS Recorded Mineral Sites pg 12 Data Type Hazardous Substances Control of Major Accident Hazards Sites (COMAH) Explosive Sites Notification of Installations Handling Hazardous Substances (NIHHS) Planning Hazardous Substance Consents Planning Hazardous Substance Enforcements Geological 2 BGS Urban Soil Chemistry BGS Urban Soil Chemistry Averages Brine Compensation Area n/a n/a n/a Coal Mining Affected Areas n/a n/a n/a Mining Instability n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a Yes n/a n/a Yes n/a n/a n/a n/a Man-Made Mining Cavities Natural Cavities Non Coal Mining Areas of Great Britain Potential for Collapsible Ground Stability Hazards pg 12 Potential for Compressible Ground Stability Hazards pg 12 Yes Potential for Ground Dissolution Stability Hazards Potential for Landslide Ground Stability Hazards pg 12 Yes Yes n/a n/a Potential for Running Sand Ground Stability Hazards pg 13 Yes Yes n/a n/a Potential for Shrinking or Swelling Clay Ground Stability Hazards pg 13 Yes Yes n/a n/a Radon Potential - Radon Affected Areas n/a n/a n/a Radon Potential - Radon Protection Measures n/a n/a n/a 5 7 8 Industrial Land Use Contemporary Trade Directory Entries pg 14 Fuel Station Entries pg 15 Order Number: 45848992_1_1 Date: 01-May-2013 rpr_ec_datasheet v47.0 1 A Landmark Information Group Service Summary Data Type Page Number On Site pg 16 1 0 to 250m 251 to 500m Sensitive Land Use Areas of Adopted Green Belt Areas of Unadopted Green Belt Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty Environmentally Sensitive Areas Forest Parks Local Nature Reserves Marine Nature Reserves National Nature Reserves National Parks Nitrate Sensitive Areas pg 16 Nitrate Vulnerable Zones 1 Ramsar Sites Sites of Special Scientific Interest Special Areas of Conservation Special Protection Areas Order Number: 45848992_1_1 Date: 01-May-2013 rpr_ec_datasheet v47.0 A Landmark Information Group Service 501 to 1000m (*up to 2000m) Agency & Hydrological Map ID Quadrant Reference (Compass Direction) Details Estimated Distance From Site Contact NGR A10NW (NW) 255 1 434000 514410 A10NW (W) 256 1 433980 514220 A14SW (NW) 297 1 434050 514600 A14SW (NW) 333 1 434000 514600 Discharge Consents 1 Operator: Property Type: Location: Authority: Catchment Area: Reference: Permit Version: Effective Date: Issued Date: Revocation Date: Discharge Type: Discharge Environment: Receiving Water: Status: Terravac Uk Limited Civil Engineering The Former Durham Tube, Brookside Works, Middleton St George, Darlington, Dl2 1rl Environment Agency, North East Region Tees (Upper); Lune; Balder 25/04/1688 1 8th October 2001 8th October 2001 13th December 2001 Trade Effluent Freshwater Stream/River Neasham Stell Revoked (Water Resources Act 1991, Section 88 & Schedule 10 as amended by Environment Act 1995) Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Discharge Consents 2 Operator: Property Type: Location: Authority: Catchment Area: Reference: Permit Version: Effective Date: Issued Date: Revocation Date: Discharge Type: Discharge Environment: Receiving Water: Status: Northumbrian Water Limited Sewage Disposal Works - Water Company Fighting Cocks Stw, Fighting Cocks Environment Agency, North East Region Tees (Lower); Leven; Tame 254/1472 1 10th March 1997 10th March 1997 Not Supplied Sewage Discharges - Final/Treated Effluent - Water Company Freshwater Stream/River Tees(Tributaryy) New Consent (Water Resources Act 1991, Section 88 & Schedule 10 as amended by Environment Act 1995) Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Discharge Consents 3 Operator: Property Type: Location: Authority: Catchment Area: Reference: Permit Version: Effective Date: Issued Date: Revocation Date: Discharge Type: Discharge Environment: Receiving Water: Status: Mr Owen Smith Domestic Property (Single) The Bungalow, Middleton Riding Stables, Middleton St George, Darlington, Dl2 1rj Environment Agency, North East Region Tees (Upper); Lune; Balder 25/04/1652 1 17th October 2000 17th October 2000 Not Supplied Sewage Discharges - Final/Treated Effluent - Not Water Company Land/Soakaway Neasham Stell New Consent (Water Resources Act 1991, Section 88 & Schedule 10 as amended by Environment Act 1995) Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Discharge Consents 3 Operator: Property Type: Location: Authority: Catchment Area: Reference: Permit Version: Effective Date: Issued Date: Revocation Date: Discharge Type: Discharge Environment: Receiving Water: Status: Positional Accuracy: Northumbrian Water Limited Sewage Disposal Works - Water Company Fighting Cocks Stw, Middleton St George Environment Agency, North East Region Tees (Lower); Leven; Tame 254/0969 1 28th September 1989 28th September 1989 25th July 1996 Sewage Discharges - Final/Treated Effluent - Water Company Freshwater Stream/River Tees, Tributary Of Authorisation revokedRevoked Located by supplier to within 100m Order Number: 45848992_1_1 Date: 01-May-2013 rpr_ec_datasheet v47.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Page 1 of 23 Agency & Hydrological Map ID Quadrant Reference (Compass Direction) Details Estimated Distance From Site Contact NGR A8NW (SE) 574 1 435200 513650 A7NE (SE) 632 1 435150 513500 A7SE (SE) 667 1 435170 513470 A7SE (SE) 632 1 435100 513450 Discharge Consents 4 Operator: Property Type: Location: Authority: Catchment Area: Reference: Permit Version: Effective Date: Issued Date: Revocation Date: Discharge Type: Discharge Environment: Receiving Water: Status: Mclean Homes Ltd Sewerage Network - Pumping Station - Others A Sewage Pumping Station Highfields Off Yarm Road, Middleton St George, Darlington, County Durham Environment Agency, North East Region Tees (Upper); Lune; Balder QC.25/04/1577 1 14th June 1999 14th June 1999 Not Supplied Sewage Discharges - Pumping Station - Not Water Company Freshwater Stream/River Unnamed Trib Of The River Tees New Consent (Water Resources Act 1991, Section 88 & Schedule 10 as amended by Environment Act 1995) Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Discharge Consents 5 Operator: Property Type: Location: Authority: Catchment Area: Reference: Permit Version: Effective Date: Issued Date: Revocation Date: Discharge Type: Discharge Environment: Receiving Water: Status: Christian Salvesen Industrial Division Trade (Unknown/Other) Christian Salvesen Industrial Division, Bridge House, Yarm Road, Middleton St George, Dl2 1hr Environment Agency, North East Region Tees (Middle) 25/04/1722 1 23rd August 2002 23rd August 2002 6th March 2007 Sewage Discharges - Final/Treated Effluent - Not Water Company Freshwater Stream/River Unnamed Trib Of Tees New Consent (Water Resources Act 1991, Section 88 & Schedule 10 as amended by Environment Act 1995) Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Discharge Consents 5 Operator: Property Type: Location: Authority: Catchment Area: Reference: Permit Version: Effective Date: Issued Date: Revocation Date: Discharge Type: Discharge Environment: Receiving Water: Status: Chatfields Tyne Tees Sewage Disposal Works - Other Chatfields Tyne Tees Bridge House, Yarm Road, Middleton St George, Darlington, Dl2 1hr Environment Agency, North East Region Tees (Middle) 25/04/1738 1 16th December 2002 16th December 2002 Not Supplied Sewage Discharges - Final/Treated Effluent - Not Water Company Freshwater Stream/River Unnamed Trib Of R. Tees New Consent (Water Resources Act 1991, Section 88 & Schedule 10 as amended by Environment Act 1995) Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Discharge Consents 6 Operator: Property Type: Location: Authority: Catchment Area: Reference: Permit Version: Effective Date: Issued Date: Revocation Date: Discharge Type: Discharge Environment: Receiving Water: Status: Positional Accuracy: North Riding Group Of Garages Sewage Disposal Works - Other North Riding Garages, Middleton St George Environment Agency, North East Region Tees (Lower); Leven; Tame 254/0048 1 24th June 1985 24th June 1985 1st October 1996 Sewage Discharges - Final/Treated Effluent - Not Water Company Land/Soakaway Land Lapsed (under Environment Act 1995, Schedule 23) Located by supplier to within 100m Order Number: 45848992_1_1 Date: 01-May-2013 rpr_ec_datasheet v47.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Page 2 of 23 Agency & Hydrological Map ID Quadrant Reference (Compass Direction) Details Estimated Distance From Site Contact NGR A7SW (S) 727 1 434800 513200 A7SW (S) 727 1 434800 513200 A7SW (S) 727 1 434800 513200 A9SW (W) 985 1 433300 513900 A11SE (SE) 153 - 434882 513928 Discharge Consents 7 Operator: Property Type: Location: Authority: Catchment Area: Reference: Permit Version: Effective Date: Issued Date: Revocation Date: Discharge Type: Discharge Environment: Receiving Water: Status: Northumbrian Water Limited Sewage Disposal Works - Water Company Chapel Street Sso, Middleton St George Environment Agency, North East Region Not Supplied 254/1404 2 14th October 1998 29th February 1996 15th October 1998 Unspecified Freshwater Stream/River Tees(Trib) New Consent (Water Resources Act 1991, Section 88 & Schedule 10 as amended by Environment Act 1995) Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 10m Discharge Consents 7 Operator: Property Type: Location: Authority: Catchment Area: Reference: Permit Version: Effective Date: Issued Date: Revocation Date: Discharge Type: Discharge Environment: Receiving Water: Status: Positional Accuracy: Northumbrian Water Limited Sewage Disposal Works - Water Company Chapel Street Sso, Middleton St George Environment Agency, North East Region Tees (Lower); Leven; Tame 254/1404 1 28th February 1996 28th February 1996 13th October 1998 Sewage Discharges - Stw Storm Overflow/Storm Tank - Water Company Freshwater Stream/River Tees(Trib) Authorisation revokedRevoked Located by supplier to within 100m Discharge Consents 7 Operator: Property Type: Location: Authority: Catchment Area: Reference: Permit Version: Effective Date: Issued Date: Revocation Date: Discharge Type: Discharge Environment: Receiving Water: Status: Positional Accuracy: Northumbrian Water Limited Sewage Disposal Works - Water Company Chapel Street Sso, Middleton St George Environment Agency, North East Region Tees (Lower); Leven; Tame 254/0791 1 21st September 1989 21st September 1989 28th February 1996 Sewage Discharges - Stw Storm Overflow/Storm Tank - Water Company Freshwater Stream/River Tees, Tributary Of Authorisation revokedRevoked Located by supplier to within 10m Discharge Consents 8 Operator: Property Type: Location: Authority: Catchment Area: Reference: Permit Version: Effective Date: Issued Date: Revocation Date: Discharge Type: Discharge Environment: Receiving Water: Status: Mr Michael Quinn Sewage Disposal Works - Other Old Farmhouse, Morton Palms, Darlington Environment Agency, North East Region Tees (Lower); Leven; Tame 254/0182 1 9th August 1985 9th August 1985 13th January 1998 Sewage Discharges - Final/Treated Effluent - Not Water Company Land/Soakaway Land Revoked (Water Resources Act 1991, Section 88 & Schedule 10 as amended by Environment Act 1995) Positional Accuracy: Located by supplier to within 100m Nearest Surface Water Feature Order Number: 45848992_1_1 Date: 01-May-2013 rpr_ec_datasheet v47.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Page 3 of 23 Agency & Hydrological Map ID Quadrant Reference (Compass Direction) Details Estimated Distance From Site Contact NGR A2NE (S) 933 1 434500 513000 A9NW (W) 923 1 433327 514394 A10SE (N) 0 1 434484 514150 A10SE (N) 0 2 434484 514150 A10SE (N) 0 2 434484 514150 Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters 9 Property Type: Location: Authority: Pollutant: Note: Incident Date: Incident Reference: Catchment Area: Receiving Water: Cause of Incident: Incident Severity: Positional Accuracy: Industrial: Other Teesside Airport Environment Agency, North East Region Oils - Waste Oil No Fish Killed; Trib Nelly Burdon's Beck 19th January 1995 DD950011 Tees Downstream Skerne To North Sea Freshwater Stream/River Not Given Category 3 - Minor Incident Located by supplier to within 100m Substantiated Pollution Incident Register 10 Authority: Incident Date: Incident Reference: Water Impact: Air Impact: Land Impact: Positional Accuracy: Pollutant: Environment Agency - North East Region, North East Area 24th July 2009 701169 Category 4 - No Impact Category 2 - Significant Incident Category 4 - No Impact Located by supplier to within 10m Atmospheric Pollutants and EffectsAmmonia/Amine Odour Groundwater Vulnerability Soil Classification: Map Sheet: Scale: Not classified Sheet 8 Central North Yorkshire 1:100,000 Drift Deposits None Bedrock Aquifer Designations Aquifer Desination: Principal Aquifer Superficial Aquifer Designations Aquifer Designation: Unproductive Strata Extreme Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences None Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences None Areas Benefiting from Flood Defences None Flood Water Storage Areas None Flood Defences None Order Number: 45848992_1_1 Date: 01-May-2013 rpr_ec_datasheet v47.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Page 4 of 23 Waste Map ID Quadrant Reference (Compass Direction) Details Estimated Distance From Site Contact NGR A9SE (W) 524 1 433718 514110 A9NE (W) 699 1 433550 514372 A9NE (W) 741 1 433500 514300 0 4 434484 514150 A9NE (W) 633 3 433602 514197 A9SE (W) 743 4 433500 514100 Historical Landfill Sites 11 Licence Holder: Location: Name: Operator Location: Boundary Accuracy: Provider Reference: First Input Date: Last Input Date: Specified Waste Type: EA Waste Ref: Regis Ref: WRC Ref: BGS Ref: Other Ref: Lee Hill Construction Middleton St George, Darlington County Durham Morton Palms Farm Not Supplied As Supplied EAHLD05428 31st December 1992 28th April 1994 Deposited Waste included Inert Waste Not Supplied Not Supplied 1300/0163 Not Supplied 1300/DUR215, 0700/215 Historical Landfill Sites 12 Licence Holder: Location: Name: Operator Location: Boundary Accuracy: Provider Reference: First Input Date: Last Input Date: Specified Waste Type: EA Waste Ref: Regis Ref: WRC Ref: BGS Ref: Other Ref: Lee Hill Construction Limited Middleton St George, Darlington, County Durham Morton Palms Farm Not Supplied As Supplied EAHLD05427 31st December 1992 28th April 1994 Deposited Waste included Inert Waste 67190 DUR/L/LEE001 1300/0163 Not Supplied DUR/215 Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) 13 Licence Number: Location: Operator Name: Operator Location: Authority: Site Category: Licence Status: Issued: Last Modified: Expires: Suspended: Revoked: Surrendered: IPPC Reference: Positional Accuracy: 67190 Middleton St George, Darlington, County Durham Lee Hill Construction Ltd Not Supplied Environment Agency - North East Region, North East Area Landfills Taking Non-biodegradeable Wastes (Not Construction) Surrendered 3rd September 1992 Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied Not Supplied 28th April 1994 Not Supplied Located by supplier to within 100m Local Authority Landfill Coverage Name: Darlington Borough Council - Has supplied landfill data Local Authority Recorded Landfill Sites 14 Location: Reference: Authority: Last Reported Status: Types of Waste: Date of Closure: Positional Accuracy: Boundary Quality: Morton Palms Farm WD/8/35 Durham County Council, Economic Development and Planning Department Unknown Not Supplied Not Supplied Manually positioned within the geographical locality Not Applicable Local Authority Recorded Landfill Sites 15 Location: Reference: Authority: Last Reported Status: Types of Waste: Date of Closure: Positional Accuracy: Boundary Quality: Morton Palms Farm, Middleton St George, Darlington DUR215 0700/75 Darlington Borough Council Not Supplied Clay And Subsoil Not Supplied Located by supplier to within 100m Not Applicable Order Number: 45848992_1_1 Date: 01-May-2013 rpr_ec_datasheet v47.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Page 5 of 23 Waste Map ID Quadrant Reference (Compass Direction) Details Estimated Distance From Site Contact NGR A9NW (W) 841 4 433400 514300 A9SE (W) 638 1 433600 514150 Local Authority Recorded Landfill Sites 16 Location: Reference: Authority: Last Reported Status: Types of Waste: Date of Closure: Positional Accuracy: Boundary Quality: Morton Palms Farm, Middleton St George, Darlington DUR215 0700/75 Darlington Borough Council Not Supplied Clay And Subsoil Not Supplied Located by supplier to within 100m Not Applicable Registered Landfill Sites 17 Licence Holder: Licence Reference: Site Location: Licence Easting: Licence Northing: Operator Location: Authority: Site Category: Max Input Rate: Waste Source Restrictions: Status: Dated: Preceded By Licence: Superseded By Licence: Positional Accuracy: Boundary Accuracy: Authorised Waste Prohibited Waste Lee Hill Construction Ltd DUR 215 Morton Palms Farm, Middleton St George, Darlington 433600 514150 Camphill Close, Dallamires Lane, RIPON, North Yorkshire, HG4 1QY Environment Agency - North East Region, Northumbria Area Landfill Very Large (Equal to or greater than 250,000 tonnes per year) Waste produced/controlled by licence holder Licence known to be surrenderedSurrendered 3rd September 1992 Not Given Not Given Manually positioned to the address or location Not Applicable Clay & Subsoil Liable To Cause Environmental Hazards Poisonous, Noxious, Polluting Wastes Special Wastes Waste N.O.S. Order Number: 45848992_1_1 Date: 01-May-2013 rpr_ec_datasheet v47.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Page 6 of 23 Geological Map ID Quadrant Reference (Compass Direction) Details Estimated Distance From Site Contact NGR A10SE (N) 0 2 434484 514150 A10SE (N) 0 5 434484 514150 A10SE (S) 0 5 434484 514000 A10NW (NW) 219 5 434047 514460 A11SE (E) 231 5 435000 514150 A11SE (E) 233 5 435000 514000 A10SW (W) 235 5 434000 514150 BGS 1:625,000 Solid Geology Description: Permian and Triassic sandstones, undifferentiated,including Bunter and Keuper BGS Estimated Soil Chemistry Source: Soil Sample Type: Arsenic Concentration: Cadmium Concentration: Chromium Concentration: Lead Concentration: Nickel Concentration: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service RuSoilExAs <15 mg/kg <1.8 mg/kg 90 - 120 mg/kg <150 mg/kg 15 - 30 mg/kg BGS Estimated Soil Chemistry Source: Soil Sample Type: Arsenic Concentration: Cadmium Concentration: Chromium Concentration: Lead Concentration: Nickel Concentration: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service RuSoilExAs <15 mg/kg <1.8 mg/kg 90 - 120 mg/kg <150 mg/kg 15 - 30 mg/kg BGS Estimated Soil Chemistry Source: Soil Sample Type: Arsenic Concentration: Cadmium Concentration: Chromium Concentration: Lead Concentration: Nickel Concentration: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service RuSoilExAs <15 mg/kg <1.8 mg/kg 90 - 120 mg/kg <150 mg/kg 15 - 30 mg/kg BGS Estimated Soil Chemistry Source: Soil Sample Type: Arsenic Concentration: Cadmium Concentration: Chromium Concentration: Lead Concentration: Nickel Concentration: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service RuSoilExAs <15 mg/kg <1.8 mg/kg 90 - 120 mg/kg <150 mg/kg 15 - 30 mg/kg BGS Estimated Soil Chemistry Source: Soil Sample Type: Arsenic Concentration: Cadmium Concentration: Chromium Concentration: Lead Concentration: Nickel Concentration: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service RuSoilExAs <15 mg/kg <1.8 mg/kg 90 - 120 mg/kg <150 mg/kg 15 - 30 mg/kg BGS Estimated Soil Chemistry Source: Soil Sample Type: Arsenic Concentration: Cadmium Concentration: Chromium Concentration: Lead Concentration: Nickel Concentration: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service RuSoilExAs <15 mg/kg <1.8 mg/kg 90 - 120 mg/kg <150 mg/kg 15 - 30 mg/kg Order Number: 45848992_1_1 Date: 01-May-2013 rpr_ec_datasheet v47.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Page 7 of 23 Geological Map ID Quadrant Reference (Compass Direction) Details Estimated Distance From Site Contact NGR A10NW (NW) 260 5 434000 514442 A10SW (W) 314 5 434000 514000 A15SW (N) 454 5 434581 514739 A6NW (SW) 582 5 433854 513767 A14NE (N) 613 5 434484 515000 A14NW (NW) 666 5 434000 515000 BGS Estimated Soil Chemistry Source: Soil Sample Type: Arsenic Concentration: Cadmium Concentration: Chromium Concentration: Lead Concentration: Nickel Concentration: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service RuSoilExAs <15 mg/kg <1.8 mg/kg 90 - 120 mg/kg <150 mg/kg 15 - 30 mg/kg BGS Estimated Soil Chemistry Source: Soil Sample Type: Arsenic Concentration: Cadmium Concentration: Chromium Concentration: Lead Concentration: Nickel Concentration: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service RuSoilExAs <15 mg/kg <1.8 mg/kg 90 - 120 mg/kg <150 mg/kg 15 - 30 mg/kg BGS Estimated Soil Chemistry Source: Soil Sample Type: Arsenic Concentration: Cadmium Concentration: Chromium Concentration: Lead Concentration: Nickel Concentration: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service RuSoilExAs <15 mg/kg <1.8 mg/kg 90 - 120 mg/kg <150 mg/kg 15 - 30 mg/kg BGS Estimated Soil Chemistry Source: Soil Sample Type: Arsenic Concentration: Cadmium Concentration: Chromium Concentration: Lead Concentration: Nickel Concentration: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service RuSoilExAs <15 mg/kg <1.8 mg/kg 90 - 120 mg/kg <150 mg/kg 15 - 30 mg/kg BGS Estimated Soil Chemistry Source: Soil Sample Type: Arsenic Concentration: Cadmium Concentration: Chromium Concentration: Lead Concentration: Nickel Concentration: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service RuSoilExAs <15 mg/kg <1.8 mg/kg 90 - 120 mg/kg <150 mg/kg 15 - 30 mg/kg BGS Estimated Soil Chemistry Source: Soil Sample Type: Arsenic Concentration: Cadmium Concentration: Chromium Concentration: Lead Concentration: Nickel Concentration: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service RuSoilExAs <15 mg/kg <1.8 mg/kg 90 - 120 mg/kg <150 mg/kg 15 - 30 mg/kg Order Number: 45848992_1_1 Date: 01-May-2013 rpr_ec_datasheet v47.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Page 8 of 23 Geological Map ID Quadrant Reference (Compass Direction) Details Estimated Distance From Site Contact NGR A14NW (NW) 674 5 433844 514920 A12NW (E) 686 5 435428 514222 A14NW (NW) 698 5 433925 515000 A6SW (SW) 723 5 434133 513367 A14NW (NW) 733 5 434000 515072 A9SE (W) 739 5 433560 513907 BGS Estimated Soil Chemistry Source: Soil Sample Type: Arsenic Concentration: Cadmium Concentration: Chromium Concentration: Lead Concentration: Nickel Concentration: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service RuSoilExAs <15 mg/kg <1.8 mg/kg 90 - 120 mg/kg <150 mg/kg 15 - 30 mg/kg BGS Estimated Soil Chemistry Source: Soil Sample Type: Arsenic Concentration: Cadmium Concentration: Chromium Concentration: Lead Concentration: Nickel Concentration: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service RuSoilExAs <15 mg/kg <1.8 mg/kg 90 - 120 mg/kg <150 mg/kg 15 - 30 mg/kg BGS Estimated Soil Chemistry Source: Soil Sample Type: Arsenic Concentration: Cadmium Concentration: Chromium Concentration: Lead Concentration: Nickel Concentration: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service RuSoilExAs <15 mg/kg <1.8 mg/kg 90 - 120 mg/kg <150 mg/kg 15 - 30 mg/kg BGS Estimated Soil Chemistry Source: Soil Sample Type: Arsenic Concentration: Cadmium Concentration: Chromium Concentration: Lead Concentration: Nickel Concentration: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service RuSoilExAs <15 mg/kg <1.8 mg/kg 90 - 120 mg/kg <150 mg/kg 30 - 45 mg/kg BGS Estimated Soil Chemistry Source: Soil Sample Type: Arsenic Concentration: Cadmium Concentration: Chromium Concentration: Lead Concentration: Nickel Concentration: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service RuSoilExAs <15 mg/kg <1.8 mg/kg 90 - 120 mg/kg <150 mg/kg 15 - 30 mg/kg BGS Estimated Soil Chemistry Source: Soil Sample Type: Arsenic Concentration: Cadmium Concentration: Chromium Concentration: Lead Concentration: Nickel Concentration: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service RuSoilExAs <15 mg/kg <1.8 mg/kg 60 - 90 mg/kg <150 mg/kg 15 - 30 mg/kg Order Number: 45848992_1_1 Date: 01-May-2013 rpr_ec_datasheet v47.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Page 9 of 23 Geological Map ID Quadrant Reference (Compass Direction) Details Estimated Distance From Site Contact NGR A14NW (NW) 740 5 433844 515000 A6SW (SW) 761 5 434000 513427 A9NW (W) 770 5 433486 514437 A6SW (SW) 813 5 433917 513420 A15NE (NE) 911 5 435000 515000 A9NW (W) 911 5 433325 514228 BGS Estimated Soil Chemistry Source: Soil Sample Type: Arsenic Concentration: Cadmium Concentration: Chromium Concentration: Lead Concentration: Nickel Concentration: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service RuSoilExAs <15 mg/kg <1.8 mg/kg 90 - 120 mg/kg <150 mg/kg 15 - 30 mg/kg BGS Estimated Soil Chemistry Source: Soil Sample Type: Arsenic Concentration: Cadmium Concentration: Chromium Concentration: Lead Concentration: Nickel Concentration: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service RuSoilExAs <15 mg/kg <1.8 mg/kg 90 - 120 mg/kg <150 mg/kg 30 - 45 mg/kg BGS Estimated Soil Chemistry Source: Soil Sample Type: Arsenic Concentration: Cadmium Concentration: Chromium Concentration: Lead Concentration: Nickel Concentration: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service RuSoilExAs <15 mg/kg <1.8 mg/kg 90 - 120 mg/kg <150 mg/kg 15 - 30 mg/kg BGS Estimated Soil Chemistry Source: Soil Sample Type: Arsenic Concentration: Cadmium Concentration: Chromium Concentration: Lead Concentration: Nickel Concentration: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service RuSoilExAs <15 mg/kg <1.8 mg/kg 90 - 120 mg/kg <150 mg/kg 30 - 45 mg/kg BGS Estimated Soil Chemistry Source: Soil Sample Type: Arsenic Concentration: Cadmium Concentration: Chromium Concentration: Lead Concentration: Nickel Concentration: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service RuSoilExAs <15 mg/kg <1.8 mg/kg 90 - 120 mg/kg <150 mg/kg 15 - 30 mg/kg BGS Estimated Soil Chemistry Source: Soil Sample Type: Arsenic Concentration: Cadmium Concentration: Chromium Concentration: Lead Concentration: Nickel Concentration: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service RuSoilExAs <15 mg/kg <1.8 mg/kg 90 - 120 mg/kg <150 mg/kg 15 - 30 mg/kg Order Number: 45848992_1_1 Date: 01-May-2013 rpr_ec_datasheet v47.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Page 10 of 23 Geological Map ID Quadrant Reference (Compass Direction) Details Estimated Distance From Site Contact NGR A2NE (S) 916 5 434484 513000 A13NE (NW) 918 5 433535 514955 A13NE (NW) 934 5 433552 515000 A3NE (SE) 961 5 435000 513012 A3NE (SE) 972 5 435000 513000 A3NE (SE) 983 5 435029 513000 BGS Estimated Soil Chemistry Source: Soil Sample Type: Arsenic Concentration: Cadmium Concentration: Chromium Concentration: Lead Concentration: Nickel Concentration: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service RuSoilExAs <15 mg/kg <1.8 mg/kg 90 - 120 mg/kg <150 mg/kg 30 - 45 mg/kg BGS Estimated Soil Chemistry Source: Soil Sample Type: Arsenic Concentration: Cadmium Concentration: Chromium Concentration: Lead Concentration: Nickel Concentration: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service RuSoilExAs <15 mg/kg <1.8 mg/kg 90 - 120 mg/kg <150 mg/kg 15 - 30 mg/kg BGS Estimated Soil Chemistry Source: Soil Sample Type: Arsenic Concentration: Cadmium Concentration: Chromium Concentration: Lead Concentration: Nickel Concentration: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service RuSoilExAs <15 mg/kg <1.8 mg/kg 90 - 120 mg/kg <150 mg/kg 15 - 30 mg/kg BGS Estimated Soil Chemistry Source: Soil Sample Type: Arsenic Concentration: Cadmium Concentration: Chromium Concentration: Lead Concentration: Nickel Concentration: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service RuSoilExAs <15 mg/kg <1.8 mg/kg 90 - 120 mg/kg <150 mg/kg 15 - 30 mg/kg BGS Estimated Soil Chemistry Source: Soil Sample Type: Arsenic Concentration: Cadmium Concentration: Chromium Concentration: Lead Concentration: Nickel Concentration: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service RuSoilExAs <15 mg/kg <1.8 mg/kg 90 - 120 mg/kg <150 mg/kg 30 - 45 mg/kg BGS Estimated Soil Chemistry Source: Soil Sample Type: Arsenic Concentration: Cadmium Concentration: Chromium Concentration: Lead Concentration: Nickel Concentration: British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service RuSoilExAs <15 mg/kg <1.8 mg/kg 90 - 120 mg/kg <150 mg/kg 15 - 30 mg/kg Order Number: 45848992_1_1 Date: 01-May-2013 rpr_ec_datasheet v47.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Page 11 of 23 Geological Map ID Quadrant Reference (Compass Direction) Details Estimated Distance From Site Contact NGR A10NW (W) 166 2 434077 514259 A10NW (NW) 186 2 434063 514350 A10SE (N) 0 2 434484 514150 A10NW (NW) 219 2 434047 514460 A11SE (E) 231 2 435000 514150 A10SE (N) 0 2 434484 514150 A11SW (SE) 5 2 434647 513893 A10NE (W) 50 2 434186 514195 A10NW (NW) 219 2 434047 514460 A11SE (E) 231 2 435000 514150 A10SE (N) 0 2 434484 514150 A10NW (NW) 220 2 434047 514460 BGS Recorded Mineral Sites 18 Site Name: Location: Source: Reference: Type: Status: Operator: Operator Location: Periodic Type: Geology: Commodity: Positional Accuracy: Fighting Cocks Brick & Tile Works , Dinsdale, Darlington, Co. Durham British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service 124075 Opencast Ceased Unknown Operator Unknown Operator Quaternary Till, Devensian Common Clay and Shale Located by supplier to within 10m BGS Recorded Mineral Sites 19 Site Name: Location: Source: Reference: Type: Status: Operator: Operator Location: Periodic Type: Geology: Commodity: Positional Accuracy: Fighting Cocks Brick & Tile Works , Dinsdale, Darlington, Co. Durham British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service 124074 Opencast Ceased Unknown Operator Unknown Operator Quaternary Till, Devensian Common Clay and Shale Located by supplier to within 10m BGS Measured Urban Soil Chemistry No data available BGS Urban Soil Chemistry Averages No data available Coal Mining Affected Areas In an area that might not be affected by coal mining Non Coal Mining Areas of Great Britain No Hazard Potential for Collapsible Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Source: Very Low British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service Potential for Collapsible Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Source: No Hazard British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service Potential for Collapsible Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Source: Very Low British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service Potential for Compressible Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Source: No Hazard British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service Potential for Compressible Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Source: Very Low British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service Potential for Compressible Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Source: Very Low British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service Potential for Compressible Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Source: Moderate British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service Potential for Compressible Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Source: No Hazard British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service Potential for Ground Dissolution Stability Hazards No Hazard Potential for Landslide Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Source: Very Low British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service Potential for Landslide Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Source: Low British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service Order Number: 45848992_1_1 Date: 01-May-2013 rpr_ec_datasheet v47.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Page 12 of 23 Geological Map ID Quadrant Reference (Compass Direction) Details Estimated Distance From Site Contact NGR A11SE (E) 231 2 435000 514150 A10SE (N) 0 2 434484 514150 A10NW (NW) 219 2 434047 514460 A11SE (E) 231 2 435000 514150 A10SE (N) 0 2 434484 514150 A11SE (E) 231 2 435000 514150 A10SE (N) 0 2 434484 514150 A10SE (N) 0 2 434484 514150 Potential for Landslide Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Source: Very Low British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service Potential for Running Sand Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Source: Very Low British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service Potential for Running Sand Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Source: Low British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service Potential for Running Sand Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Source: Very Low British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service Potential for Shrinking or Swelling Clay Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Source: Very Low British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service Potential for Shrinking or Swelling Clay Ground Stability Hazards Hazard Potential: Source: Very Low British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service Radon Potential - Radon Protection Measures Protection Measure: No radon protective measures are necessary in the construction of new dwellings or extensions British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service Source: Radon Potential - Radon Affected Areas Affected Area: Source: The property is in a lower probability radon area, as less than 1% of homes are above the action level British Geological Survey, National Geoscience Information Service Order Number: 45848992_1_1 Date: 01-May-2013 rpr_ec_datasheet v47.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Page 13 of 23 Industrial Land Use Map ID Quadrant Reference (Compass Direction) Details Estimated Distance From Site Contact NGR A11SW (S) 33 - 434560 513937 A10SE (SW) 80 - 434397 513981 A11SW (S) 109 - 434600 513832 A10NW (W) 126 - 434112 514232 A10SE (SW) 201 - 434235 513944 A7NW (S) 279 - 434670 513637 A6NE (S) 339 - 434360 513701 A7NW (SE) 381 - 434754 513544 A7NW (SE) 398 - 434812 513543 A6NE (S) 407 - 434345 513630 A7NE (SE) 410 - 434908 513579 Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 20 Chips Away 77, Woolsington Drive, Middleton St. George, Darlington, County Durham, DL2 1UL Car Body Repairs Classification: Inactive Status: Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Name: Location: Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 21 Totally Houseproud 45, Heathfield Park, Middleton St. George, Darlington, County Durham, DL2 1LW Cleaning Services - Domestic Classification: Inactive Status: Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Name: Location: Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 22 Cleanrite 57, Woolsington Drive, Middleton St. George, Darlington, County Durham, DL2 1UL Commercial Cleaning Services Classification: Active Status: Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Name: Location: Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 23 Name: Location: Classification: Status: Positional Accuracy: D & J Needham Darlington Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, County Durham, DL2 1LH Lawnmowers & Garden Machinery - Sales & Service Inactive Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 24 Name: Location: Classification: Status: Positional Accuracy: Simon Alsop Middleton St. George, Darlington, County Durham, DL2 1JJ Garage Services Inactive Manually positioned within the geographical locality Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 25 Name: Location: Classification: Status: Positional Accuracy: C N Hadley Ltd Middleton St. George, Darlington, County Durham, DL2 1EP Engineers - General Inactive Automatically positioned in the proximity of the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 26 Name: Location: Classification: Status: Positional Accuracy: Vista Electrical 36, High Stell, Middleton St. George, Darlington, County Durham, DL2 1UW Electrical Engineers Active Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 27 G B Motors Old Dinsdale Iron Works,Killinghall Row, Dinsdale, Darlington, County Durham, DL2 1ER Commercial Vehicle Servicing, Repairs, Parts & Accessories Classification: Inactive Status: Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the address or location Name: Location: Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 28 Darlington Road Haulage Ltd Bridge House,Yarn Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, County Durham, DL2 1HR Road Haulage Services Classification: Inactive Status: Positional Accuracy: Manually positioned to the road within the address or location Name: Location: Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 29 Name: Location: Classification: Status: Positional Accuracy: Sprint Transport Services 31, High Stell, Middleton St. George, Darlington, County Durham, DL2 1UN Road Haulage Services Inactive Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 30 Press N Steam Beech House, Yarm Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, County Durham, DL2 1GE Ironing & Home Laundry Services Classification: Active Status: Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Name: Location: Order Number: 45848992_1_1 Date: 01-May-2013 rpr_ec_datasheet v47.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Page 14 of 23 Industrial Land Use Map ID Quadrant Reference (Compass Direction) Details Estimated Distance From Site Contact NGR A6NE (S) 483 - 434371 513527 A7NE (SE) 594 - 435132 513538 A7NE (SE) 594 - 435132 513538 A6SE (S) 706 - 434487 513236 A7SW (S) 713 - 434635 513205 A6SE (S) 769 - 434454 513180 A8NW (SE) 791 - 435426 513590 A8NW (SE) 817 - 435479 513626 A6SE (S) 831 - 434185 513231 A7SW (S) 597 - 434505 513344 Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 31 L A & C L Ratchford 38, Grendon Gardens, Middleton St. George, Darlington, County Durham, DL2 1HS Dairies Classification: Inactive Status: Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Name: Location: Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 32 Name: Location: Classification: Status: Positional Accuracy: Norbert Dentressangle Transport Services Bridge House, Middleton St. George, Darlington, County Durham, DL2 1HR Road Haulage Services Active Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 32 Name: Location: Classification: Status: Positional Accuracy: Neil Strevens Commercial Vehicle Repairs Ltd Bridge House, Middleton St. George, Darlington, County Durham, DL2 1HR Commercial Vehicle Servicing, Repairs, Parts & Accessories Inactive Manually positioned to the address or location Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 33 On Cue Thorntree Lodge, Neasham Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, County Durham, DL2 1LD Sports Equipment Manufacturers & Distributors Classification: Inactive Status: Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Name: Location: Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 34 P T Damp Proofing 24, Pine Tree Grove, Middleton St. George, Darlington, County Durham, DL2 1AG Damp & Dry Rot Control Classification: Inactive Status: Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Name: Location: Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 35 Name: Location: Classification: Status: Positional Accuracy: Italian Car Services 23, Westacres, Middleton St. George, Darlington, County Durham, DL2 1LJ Garage Services Inactive Automatically positioned to the address Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 36 Name: Location: Classification: Status: Positional Accuracy: Strevens Bridge House, Middleton St. George, Darlington, County Durham, DL2 1HR Commercial Vehicle Bodybuilders & Repairers Inactive Manually positioned within the geographical locality Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 37 Name: Location: Classification: Status: Positional Accuracy: F P & S Parts Bridge House, Middleton St. George, Darlington, County Durham, DL2 1HR Commercial Vehicle Servicing, Repairs, Parts & Accessories Inactive Manually positioned within the geographical locality Contemporary Trade Directory Entries 38 R E C Electrical 54, Thorntree Gardens, Middleton St. George, Darlington, County Durham, DL2 1LQ Electrical Engineers Classification: Active Status: Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Name: Location: Fuel Station Entries 39 Station Garage Salisbury Place, Middleton St George, DARLINGTON, County Durham, DL2 1LB Texaco Brand: Not Applicable Premises Type: Obsolete Status: Positional Accuracy: Automatically positioned to the address Name: Location: Order Number: 45848992_1_1 Date: 01-May-2013 rpr_ec_datasheet v47.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Page 15 of 23 Sensitive Land Use Map ID Quadrant Reference (Compass Direction) Details Estimated Distance From Site Contact NGR A11SW (SE) 0 6 434708 513956 A15SW (NE) 434 7 434791 514561 Local Nature Reserves 40 Name: Multiple Area: Area (m2): Source: Designation Date: The Whinnies Y 114625.81 Natural England 1st January 1994 Nitrate Vulnerable Zones 41 Name: Description: Source: Not Supplied NVZ Area Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA - formerly FRCA) Order Number: 45848992_1_1 Date: 01-May-2013 rpr_ec_datasheet v47.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Page 16 of 23 Data Currency Agency & Hydrological Version Update Cycle Contaminated Land Register Entries and Notices Hambleton District Council - Planning & Environmental Services Richmondshire District Council - Environment Department Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council - Environmental Health Department Darlington Unitary Council - Development And Environment Department April 2013 April 2013 April 2013 January 2013 Annual Rolling Update Annual Rolling Update Annual Rolling Update Annual Rolling Update Discharge Consents Environment Agency - North East Region January 2013 Quarterly Enforcement and Prohibition Notices Environment Agency - North East Region March 2013 Quarterly Integrated Pollution Controls Environment Agency - North East Region October 2008 Not Applicable Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control Environment Agency - North East Region January 2013 Quarterly Local Authority Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control Darlington Unitary Council - Development And Environment Department Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council - Environmental Health Department Hambleton District Council - Planning & Environmental Services Richmondshire District Council - Environment Department November 2012 November 2012 October 2011 September 2012 Annual Rolling Update Annual Rolling Update Annual Rolling Update Annual Rolling Update Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Controls Darlington Unitary Council - Development And Environment Department Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council - Environmental Health Department Hambleton District Council - Planning & Environmental Services Richmondshire District Council - Environment Department November 2012 November 2012 September 2012 September 2012 Annual Rolling Update Annual Rolling Update Annual Rolling Update Annual Rolling Update Local Authority Pollution Prevention and Control Enforcements Darlington Unitary Council - Development And Environment Department Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council - Environmental Health Department Hambleton District Council - Planning & Environmental Services Richmondshire District Council - Environment Department November 2012 November 2012 September 2012 September 2012 Annual Rolling Update Annual Rolling Update Annual Rolling Update Annual Rolling Update July 2012 Quarterly December 1998 Not Applicable Prosecutions Relating to Authorised Processes Environment Agency - North East Region March 2013 Monthly Prosecutions Relating to Controlled Waters Environment Agency - North East Region March 2013 Monthly January 2013 Quarterly November 2001 Not Applicable River Quality Biology Sampling Points Environment Agency - Head Office July 2012 Annually River Quality Chemistry Sampling Points Environment Agency - Head Office July 2012 Annually Substantiated Pollution Incident Register Environment Agency - North East Region - Dales Area Environment Agency - North East Region - North East Area Environment Agency - North East Region - Yorkshire Area January 2013 January 2013 January 2013 Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly Water Abstractions Environment Agency - North East Region January 2013 Quarterly Water Industry Act Referrals Environment Agency - North East Region January 2013 Quarterly Nearest Surface Water Feature Ordnance Survey Pollution Incidents to Controlled Waters Environment Agency - North East Region Registered Radioactive Substances Environment Agency - North East Region River Quality Environment Agency - Head Office Order Number: 45848992_1_1 Date: 01-May-2013 rpr_ec_datasheet v47.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Page 17 of 23 Data Currency Agency & Hydrological Version Update Cycle Groundwater Vulnerability Environment Agency - Head Office January 2011 Not Applicable Drift Deposits Environment Agency - Head Office January 1999 Not Applicable Bedrock Aquifer Designations British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service October 2012 Annually Superficial Aquifer Designations British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service October 2012 Annually March 2013 Quarterly Extreme Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences Environment Agency - Head Office January 2013 Quarterly Flooding from Rivers or Sea without Defences Environment Agency - Head Office January 2013 Quarterly Areas Benefiting from Flood Defences Environment Agency - Head Office January 2013 Quarterly Flood Water Storage Areas Environment Agency - Head Office January 2013 Quarterly Flood Defences Environment Agency - Head Office January 2013 Quarterly Source Protection Zones Environment Agency - Head Office Order Number: 45848992_1_1 Date: 01-May-2013 rpr_ec_datasheet v47.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Page 18 of 23 Data Currency Waste Version Update Cycle BGS Recorded Landfill Sites British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service June 1996 Not Applicable Historical Landfill Sites Environment Agency - North East Region - Dales Area Environment Agency - North East Region - North East Area Environment Agency - North East Region - Yorkshire Area April 2013 April 2013 April 2013 Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly October 2008 Not Applicable April 2013 April 2013 April 2013 Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly January 2013 January 2013 January 2013 Quarterly Quarterly Quarterly Local Authority Landfill Coverage Darlington Borough Council Hambleton District Council - Planning & Environmental Services North Yorkshire County Council Richmondshire District Council - Environment Department Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council - Environmental Health Department May 2000 May 2000 May 2000 May 2000 May 2000 Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Local Authority Recorded Landfill Sites Darlington Borough Council Durham County Council - Economic Development and Planning Department Hambleton District Council - Planning & Environmental Services North Yorkshire County Council Richmondshire District Council - Environment Department Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council - Environmental Health Department May 2000 May 2000 May 2000 May 2000 May 2000 May 2000 Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Registered Landfill Sites Environment Agency - North East Region - Dales Area Environment Agency - North East Region - Northumbria Area March 2003 March 2003 Not Applicable Not Applicable Registered Waste Transfer Sites Environment Agency - North East Region - Dales Area March 2003 Not Applicable Registered Waste Treatment or Disposal Sites Environment Agency - North East Region - Dales Area March 2003 Not Applicable Integrated Pollution Control Registered Waste Sites Environment Agency - North East Region Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Landfill Boundaries) Environment Agency - North East Region - Dales Area Environment Agency - North East Region - North East Area Environment Agency - North East Region - Yorkshire Area Licensed Waste Management Facilities (Locations) Environment Agency - North East Region - Dales Area Environment Agency - North East Region - North East Area Environment Agency - North East Region - Yorkshire Area Order Number: 45848992_1_1 Date: 01-May-2013 rpr_ec_datasheet v47.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Page 19 of 23 Data Currency Hazardous Substances Version Update Cycle Control of Major Accident Hazards Sites (COMAH) Health and Safety Executive March 2013 Bi-Annually Explosive Sites Health and Safety Executive March 2013 Bi-Annually Notification of Installations Handling Hazardous Substances (NIHHS) Health and Safety Executive November 2000 Not Applicable Planning Hazardous Substance Enforcements Darlington Unitary Council Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council Hambleton District Council - Planning & Environmental Services Richmondshire District Council - The Planning and Development Unit North Yorkshire County Council August 2012 December 2012 November 2012 November 2012 October 2007 Annual Rolling Update Annual Rolling Update Annual Rolling Update Annual Rolling Update Annual Rolling Update Planning Hazardous Substance Consents Darlington Unitary Council Stockton-on-Tees Borough Council Hambleton District Council - Planning & Environmental Services Richmondshire District Council - The Planning and Development Unit North Yorkshire County Council August 2012 December 2012 November 2012 November 2012 October 2007 Annual Rolling Update Annual Rolling Update Annual Rolling Update Annual Rolling Update Annual Rolling Update Geological Version Update Cycle BGS 1:625,000 Solid Geology British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service August 1996 Not Applicable BGS Estimated Soil Chemistry British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service January 2010 Variable BGS Recorded Mineral Sites British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service April 2013 Bi-Annually Brine Compensation Area Cheshire Brine Subsidence Compensation Board August 2011 Not Applicable Coal Mining Affected Areas The Coal Authority - Mining Report Service January 2012 As notified Mining Instability Ove Arup & Partners October 2000 Not Applicable Non Coal Mining Areas of Great Britain British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service February 2011 Not Applicable Potential for Collapsible Ground Stability Hazards British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service February 2011 Annually Potential for Compressible Ground Stability Hazards British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service February 2011 Annually Potential for Ground Dissolution Stability Hazards British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service February 2011 Annually Potential for Landslide Ground Stability Hazards British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service February 2011 Annually Potential for Running Sand Ground Stability Hazards British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service February 2011 Annually Potential for Shrinking or Swelling Clay Ground Stability Hazards British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service February 2011 Annually Radon Potential - Radon Affected Areas British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service July 2011 As notified Radon Potential - Radon Protection Measures British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service July 2011 As notified Order Number: 45848992_1_1 Date: 01-May-2013 rpr_ec_datasheet v47.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Page 20 of 23 Data Currency Industrial Land Use Version Update Cycle Contemporary Trade Directory Entries Thomson Directories February 2013 Quarterly Fuel Station Entries Catalist Ltd - Experian February 2013 Quarterly Version Update Cycle Areas of Adopted Green Belt Hambleton District Council - Planning & Environmental Services February 2013 As notified Areas of Unadopted Green Belt Hambleton District Council - Planning & Environmental Services February 2013 As notified March 2013 Bi-Annually February 2013 Annually April 1997 Not Applicable November 2012 Bi-Annually August 2012 Bi-Annually National Nature Reserves Natural England February 2013 Bi-Annually National Parks Natural England February 2013 Bi-Annually Nitrate Sensitive Areas Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA - formerly FRCA) February 2012 Not Applicable Nitrate Vulnerable Zones Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA - formerly FRCA) February 2013 Annually Ramsar Sites Natural England February 2013 Bi-Annually Sites of Special Scientific Interest Natural England February 2013 Bi-Annually Special Areas of Conservation Natural England February 2013 Bi-Annually Special Protection Areas Natural England February 2013 Bi-Annually Sensitive Land Use Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty Natural England Environmentally Sensitive Areas Natural England Forest Parks Forestry Commission Local Nature Reserves Natural England Marine Nature Reserves Natural England Order Number: 45848992_1_1 Date: 01-May-2013 rpr_ec_datasheet v47.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Page 21 of 23 Data Suppliers A selection of organisations who provide data within this report Data Supplier Data Supplier Logo Ordnance Survey Environment Agency Scottish Environment Protection Agency The Coal Authority British Geological Survey Centre for Ecology and Hydrology Countryside Council for Wales Scottish Natural Heritage Natural England Health Protection Agency Ove Arup Peter Brett Associates Order Number: 45848992_1_1 Date: 01-May-2013 rpr_ec_datasheet v47.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Page 22 of 23 Useful Contacts Contact 1 Name and Address Contact Details Telephone: 08708 506 506 Email: Environment Agency - National Customer Contact Centre (NCCC) PO Box 544, Templeborough, Rotherham, S60 1BY 2 Telephone: 0115 936 3143 Fax: 0115 936 3276 Email: Website: British Geological Survey - Enquiry Service British Geological Survey, Kingsley Dunham Centre, Keyworth, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG12 5GG 3 Durham County Council - Economic Development and Planning Department Telephone: 0191 383 4751 Fax: 0191 383 3657 Website: County Hall, Durham, County Durham, DH1 5UL 4 Telephone: 01325 380651 Fax: 01325 382032 Website: Darlington Borough Council Town Hall, Darlington, County Durham, DL1 5QT 5 Telephone: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Email: Website: Landmark Information Group Limited Imperium, Imperial Way, Reading, Berkshire, RG2 0TD 6 Natural England Northminster House, Northminster Road, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire, PE1 1UA 7 Telephone: 0845 600 3078 Fax: 01733 455103 Email: Website: Telephone: 0113 2613333 Fax: 0113 230 0879 Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA - formerly FRCA) Government Buildings, Otley Road, Lawnswood, Leeds, West Yorkshire, LS16 5QT - Health Protection Agency - Radon Survey, Centre for Radiation, Chemical and Environmental Hazards Chilton, Didcot, Oxfordshire, OX11 0RQ - Landmark Information Group Limited Imperium, Imperial Way, Reading, Berkshire, RG2 0TD Telephone: 01235 822622 Fax: 01235 833891 Email: Website: Telephone: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Email: Website: Please note that the Environment Agency / SEPA have a charging policy in place for enquiries. Order Number: 45848992_1_1 Date: 01-May-2013 rpr_ec_datasheet v47.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Page 23 of 23 This page has been left blank intentionally Geology 1:50,000 Maps Legends Artificial Ground and Landslip Map Colour Lex Code Rock Name Rock Type Min and Max Age MGR Made Ground (Undivided) Artificial Deposit Holocene Holocene FOUN Foundered Strata Unknown/Unclassif ied Entry Quaternary Quaternary SLIP Landslide Deposit Unknown/Unclassif ied Entry Quaternary Quaternary Geology 1:50,000 Maps This report contains geological map extracts taken from the BGS Digital Geological map of Great Britain at 1:50,000 scale and is designed for users carrying out preliminary site assessments who require geological maps for the area around the site. This mapping may be more up to date than previously published paper maps. The various geological layers - artificial and landslip deposits, superficial geology and solid (bedrock) geology are displayed in separate maps, but superimposed on the final 'Combined Surface Geology' map. All map legends feature on this page. Not all layers have complete nationwide coverage, so availability of data for relevant map sheets is indicated below. Geology 1:50,000 Maps Coverage Superficial Geology Map Colour Lex Code SUPNM Rock Name Superficial Theme Not Mapped [For Digital Map Use Only] Rock Type Min and Max Age Unknown/Unclassif ied Entry Not Applicable - Not Applicable ALV Alluvium Clay, Silt, Sand and Gravel Flandrian Flandrian TILLD Till, Devensian Diamicton Devensian Devensian GFDUD Glaciofluvial Deposits, Devensian Sand and Gravel Devensian Devensian GLLDD Glaciolacustrine Deposits, Devensian Sand Devensian Devensian GLLDD Glaciolacustrine Deposits, Devensian Clay and Silt Devensian Devensian LDE Lacustrine Deposits Clay and Silt Quaternary Quaternary RTD1 River Terrace Deposits, 1 Sand and Gravel Quaternary Quaternary Map ID: Map Sheet No: Map Name: Map Date: Bedrock Geology: Superficial Geology: Artificial Geology: Faults: Landslip: Rock Segments: 1 033 Stockton 1987 Available Available Available Available Available Available Geology 1:50,000 Maps - Slice A Bedrock and Faults Map Colour Lex Code Rock Name Rock Type Min and Max Age SSG Sherwood Sandstone Group Sandstone Ladinian - Late Permian ROX Roxby Formation Calcareous Mudstone Scythian - Late Permian Order Details: Order Number: Customer Reference: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 1000 Site Details: Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: v15.0 01-May-2013 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 Page 1 of 5 Artificial Ground and Landslip Artificial ground is a term used by BGS for those areas where the ground surface has been significantly modified by human activity. Information about previously developed ground is especially important, as it is often associated with potentially contaminated material, unpredictable engineering conditions and unstable ground. Artificial ground includes: - Made ground - man-made deposits such as embankments and spoil heaps on the natural ground surface. - Worked ground - areas where the ground has been cut away such as quarries and road cuttings. - Infilled ground - areas where the ground has been cut away then wholly or partially backfilled. - Landscaped ground - areas where the surface has been reshaped. - Disturbed ground - areas of ill-defined shallow or near surface mineral workings where it is impracticable to map made and worked ground separately. Mass movement (landslip) deposits on BGS geological maps are primarily superficial deposits that have moved down slope under gravity to form landslips. These affect bedrock, other superficial deposits and artificial ground. The dataset also includes foundered strata, where the ground has collapsed due to subsidence. Artificial Ground and Landslip Map - Slice A Order Details: Order Number: Customer Reference: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 1000 Site Details: Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: v15.0 01-May-2013 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 Page 2 of 5 Superficial Geology Superficial Deposits are the youngest geological deposits formed during the most recent period of geological time, the Quaternary, which extends back about 1.8 million years from the present. They rest on older deposits or rocks referred to as Bedrock. This dataset contains Superficial deposits that are of natural origin and 'in place'. Other superficial strata may be held in the Mass Movement dataset where they have been moved, or in the Artificial Ground dataset where they are of man-made origin. Most of these Superficial deposits are unconsolidated sediments such as gravel, sand, silt and clay, and onshore they form relatively thin, often discontinuous patches or larger spreads. Superficial Geology Map - Slice A Order Details: Order Number: Customer Reference: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 1000 Site Details: Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: v15.0 01-May-2013 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 Page 3 of 5 Bedrock and Faults Bedrock geology is a term used for the main mass of rocks forming the Earth and are present everywhere, whether exposed at the surface in outcrops or concealed beneath superficial deposits or water. The bedrock has formed over vast lengths of geological time ranging from ancient and highly altered rocks of the Proterozoic, some 2500 million years ago, or older, up to the relatively young Pliocene, 1.8 million years ago. The bedrock geology includes many lithologies, often classified into three types based on origin: igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary. The BGS Faults and Rock Segments dataset includes geological faults (e.g. normal, thrust), and thin beds mapped as lines (e.g. coal seam, gypsum bed). Some of these are linked to other particular 1:50,000 Geology datasets, for example, coal seams are part of the bedrock sequence, most faults and mineral veins primarily affect the bedrock but cut across the strata and post date its deposition. Bedrock and Faults Map - Slice A Order Details: Order Number: Customer Reference: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 1000 Site Details: Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: v15.0 01-May-2013 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 Page 4 of 5 Combined Surface Geology The Combined Surface Geology map combines all the previous maps into one combined geological overview of your site. Please consult the legends to the previous maps to interpret the Combined "Surface Geology" map. Additional Information More information on 1:50,000 Geological mapping and explanations of rock classifications can be found on the BGS website. Using the LEX Codes in this report, further descriptions of rock types can be obtained by interrogating the 'BGS Lexicon of Named Rock Units'. This database can be accessed by following the 'Information and Data' link on the BGS website. Contact British Geological Survey Kingsley Dunham Centre Keyworth Nottingham NG12 5GG Telephone: 0115 936 3143 Fax: 0115 936 3276 email: website: Combined Geology Map - Slice A Order Details: Order Number: Customer Reference: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 1000 Site Details: Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: v15.0 01-May-2013 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 Page 5 of 5 Groundwater Vulnerability Site Sensitivity Context Map - Slice A Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 1000 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v15.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 1 of 5 Bedrock Aquifer Designation Site Sensitivity Context Map - Slice A Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 1000 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v15.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 2 of 5 Superficial Aquifer Designation Site Sensitivity Context Map - Slice A Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 1000 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v15.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 3 of 5 Source Protection Zones Site Sensitivity Context Map - Slice A Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 1000 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v15.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 4 of 5 Sensitive Land Uses Site Sensitivity Context Map - Slice A Order Details Order Number: Customer Ref: National Grid Reference: Slice: Site Area (Ha): Search Buffer (m): 45848992_1_1 LKC 13 1007 434480, 514150 A 10.41 1000 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v15.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 5 of 5 Site Sensitivity Map - Segment A10 Order Details Order Number: 45848992_1_1 Customer Ref: LKC 13 1007 National Grid Reference: 434480, 514150 A Slice: Site Area (Ha): 10.41 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 1 of 2 Site Sensitivity Map - Segment A11 Order Details Order Number: 45848992_1_1 Customer Ref: LKC 13 1007 National Grid Reference: 434480, 514150 A Slice: Site Area (Ha): 10.41 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 2 of 2 Site Sensitivity Map - Slice A Order Details Order Number: 45848992_1_1 Customer Ref: LKC 13 1007 National Grid Reference: 434480, 514150 A Slice: Site Area (Ha): 10.41 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 1 of 3 Flood Map - Slice A Order Details Order Number: 45848992_1_1 Customer Ref: LKC 13 1007 National Grid Reference: 434480, 514150 A Slice: Site Area (Ha): 10.41 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 2 of 3 For Borehole information please refer to the Borehole datasheet which accompanied this slice. A copy of the BGS Borehole Ordering Form is available to download from the Support section of Borehole Map - Slice A Order Details Order Number: 45848992_1_1 Customer Ref: LKC 13 1007 National Grid Reference: 434480, 514150 A Slice: Site Area (Ha): 10.41 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 3 of 3 Estimated Soil Chemistry Arsenic - Slice A Order Details Order Details: 45848992_1_1 Customer Ref: LKC 13 1007 National Grid Reference: 434480, 514150 A Slice: Site Area (Ha): 10.41 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 1 of 5 Estimated Soil Chemistry Cadmium - Slice A Order Details Order Details: 45848992_1_1 Customer Ref: LKC 13 1007 National Grid Reference: 434480, 514150 A Slice: Site Area (Ha): 10.41 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 2 of 5 Estimated Soil Chemistry Chromium - Slice A Order Details Order Details: 45848992_1_1 Customer Ref: LKC 13 1007 National Grid Reference: 434480, 514150 A Slice: Site Area (Ha): 10.41 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 3 of 5 Estimated Soil Chemistry Lead - Slice A Order Details Order Details: 45848992_1_1 Customer Ref: LKC 13 1007 National Grid Reference: 434480, 514150 A Slice: Site Area (Ha): 10.41 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 4 of 5 Estimated Soil Chemistry Nickel - Slice A Order Details Order Details: 45848992_1_1 Customer Ref: LKC 13 1007 National Grid Reference: 434480, 514150 A Slice: Site Area (Ha): 10.41 Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details Land off Sadberge Road, Middleton St. George, Darlington, North Yorkshire, DL2 1RJ Tel: Fax: Web: A Landmark Information Group Service v47.0 0844 844 9952 0844 844 9951 01-May-2013 Page 5 of 5 Envirocheck ® Report: BGS Boreholes Datasheet Order Details: Order Number: 45848992_1_1 Customer Reference: LKC 13 1007 National Grid Reference: 434480, 514150 Slice: A Site Area (Ha): 10.41 Borehole Search Buffer (m): 1000 Site Details: Land off Sadberge Road Middleton St. George Darlington North Yorkshire DL2 1RJ Client Details: L Consult LK Consult Ltd Bury Business Centre Kay Street Bury Lancashire BL9 6BU Order Number: 45848992_1_1 Date: 01-May-2013 rpr_ec_datasheet v47.0 A Landmark Information Group Service BGS Boreholes Summary Data Type Page Number On Site 0 to 250m 251 to 500m 501 to 1000m BGS Boreholes pg 1 None 36 12 6 Introduction The Environment Act 1995 has made site sensitivity a key issue, as the legislation pays as much attention to the pathways by which contamination could spread, and to the vulnerable targets of contamination, as it does the potential sources of contamination. For this reason, Landmark's Site Sensitivity maps and Datasheet(s) place great emphasis on statutory data provided by the Environment Agency and the Scottish Environment Protection Agency; it also incorporates data from Natural England (and the Scottish and Welsh equivalents) and Local Authorities; and highlights hydrogeological features required by environmental and geotechnical consultants. It does not include any information concerning past uses of land. The datasheet is produced by querying the Landmark database to a distance defined by the client from a site boundary provided by the client. In the attached datasheet the National Grid References (NGRs) are rounded to the nearest 10m in accordance with Landmark's agreements with a number of Data Suppliers. Copyright Notice © Landmark Information Group Limited 2013. The Copyright on the information and data and its format as contained in this Envirocheck® Report ("Report") is the property of Landmark Information Group Limited ("Landmark") and several other Data Providers, including (but not limited to) Ordnance Survey, British Geological Survey, the Environment Agency and Natural England, and must not be reproduced in whole or in part by photocopying or any other method. The Report is supplied under Landmark's Terms and Conditions accepted by the Customer. A copy of Landmark's Terms and Conditions can be found with the index Map for this report. Additional copies of the Report may be obtained from Landmark, subject to Landmark's charges in force from time to time. The Copyright, design rights and any other intellectual rights shall remain the exclusive property of Landmark and /or other Data providers, whose Copyright material has been included in this Report. A copy of the BGS Borehole Ordering Form is available to download from the Support section of Report Version v47.0 Order Number: 45848992_1_1 Date: 01-May-2013 rpr_ec_datasheet v47.0 A Landmark Information Group Service BGS Boreholes Detail Map ID Quadrant Reference (Compass Direction) Details Estimated Distance From Site Contact NGR BGS Boreholes 42 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: Nz31sw30/H 8 A67 Middleton St George Bypass A11SW (E) 1 2 434768 514033 Nz31sw30/G 6 A67 Middleton St George Bypass A10NE (N) 21 2 434411 514329 Nz31sw95 3 1 Orient Villas Middleton St George 1 A10NE (NW) 37 2 434210 514290 Nz31sw96 2.75 1 Orient Villas Middleton St George 2 A10NE (NW) 37 2 434210 514290 Nz31sw97 1.75 1 Orient Villas Middleton St George 3 A10NE (NW) 37 2 434210 514290 Nz31sw98 2.25 1 Orient Villas Middleton St George 4 A10NE (NW) 37 2 434210 514290 Nz31sw99 2.55 1 Orient Villas Middleton St George 5 A10NE (NW) 37 2 434210 514290 Nz31sw100 2 1 Orient Villas Middleton St George A A10NE (NW) 37 2 434210 514290 Nz31sw101 3 1 Orient Villas Middleton St George B A10NE (NW) 37 2 434210 514290 Nz31sw102 3 1 Orient Villas Middleton St George C A10NE (NW) 37 2 434210 514290 Nz31sw103 2.5 1 Orient Villas Middleton St George D A10NE (NW) 37 2 434210 514290 Nz31sw104 2.75 1 Orient Villas Middleton St George E A10NE (NW) 37 2 434210 514290 BGS Boreholes 43 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: BGS Boreholes 44 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: BGS Boreholes 44 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: BGS Boreholes 44 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: BGS Boreholes 44 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: BGS Boreholes 44 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: BGS Boreholes 44 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: BGS Boreholes 44 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: BGS Boreholes 44 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: BGS Boreholes 44 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: BGS Boreholes 44 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: Order Number: 45848992_1_1 Date: 01-May-2013 rpr_ec_datasheet v47.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Page 1 of 6 BGS Boreholes Detail Map ID Quadrant Reference (Compass Direction) Details Estimated Distance From Site Contact NGR BGS Boreholes 45 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: Nz31sw50 6 Dinsdale Rail Depot 11 A11SW (SE) 53 2 434662 513865 Nz31sw49 7.31 Dinsdale Rail Depot 10 A11SW (SE) 57 2 434677 513859 Nz31sw51 7.62 Dinsdale Rail Depot 12 A11SW (SE) 63 2 434661 513855 Nz31sw52 6.09 Dinsdale Rail Depot 13 A11SW (SE) 65 2 434671 513851 Nz31sw48 6.03 Dinsdale Rail Depot 9 A11SW (SE) 67 2 434692 513852 Nz31sw53 6.46 Dinsdale Rail Depot 14 A11SW (SE) 76 2 434688 513842 Nz31sw47 6 Dinsdale Rail Depot 8 A11SW (SE) 80 2 434710 513845 Nz31sw56 6.09 Dinsdale Rail Depot 17 A11SW (SE) 86 2 434707 513837 Nz31sw46 6.09 Dinsdale Rail Depot 7 A11SW (SE) 100 2 434734 513836 Nz31sw54 6.24 Dinsdale Rail Depot 15 A11SW (SE) 102 2 434725 513828 Nz31sw45 6.09 Dinsdale Rail Depot 6 A11SW (SE) 112 2 434747 513831 Nz31sw55 6.09 Dinsdale Rail Depot 16 A11SW (SE) 125 2 434750 513817 BGS Boreholes 46 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: BGS Boreholes 46 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: BGS Boreholes 46 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: BGS Boreholes 46 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: BGS Boreholes 46 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: BGS Boreholes 46 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: BGS Boreholes 46 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: BGS Boreholes 46 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: BGS Boreholes 46 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: BGS Boreholes 46 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: BGS Boreholes 46 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: Order Number: 45848992_1_1 Date: 01-May-2013 rpr_ec_datasheet v47.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Page 2 of 6 BGS Boreholes Detail Map ID Quadrant Reference (Compass Direction) Details Estimated Distance From Site Contact NGR BGS Boreholes 47 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: Nz31sw30/F 11 A67 Middleton St George Bypass A10NW (NW) 132 2 434146 514460 Nz31sw44 6.09 Dinsdale Rail Depot 5 A11SW (SE) 135 2 434769 513820 Nz31sw57 6.09 Dinsdale Rail Depot 18 A7NW (SE) 139 2 434765 513811 Nz31sw43 6.09 Dinsdale Rail Depot 4 A7NW (SE) 149 2 434782 513814 Nz31sw58 1.82 Dinsdale Rail Depot 19 A7NW (SE) 165 2 434790 513799 Nz31sw42 6.09 Dinsdale Rail Depot 3 A7NW (SE) 175 2 434810 513806 Nz31sw59 6.7 Dinsdale Rail Depot 20 A7NW (SE) 184 2 434809 513791 Nz31sw40 11.3 Dinsdale Rail Depot 1 A7NW (SE) 194 2 434829 513799 Nz31sw41 9.14 Dinsdale Rail Depot 2 A7NW (SE) 199 2 434825 513787 Nz31sw11 25 Highfield Farm, Fighting Cocks A14SE (NW) 215 2 434250 514600 Nz31sw30/D 9 A67 Middleton St George Bypass A10NW (NW) 225 2 434041 514459 Nz31sw30/E 25 A67 Middleton St George Bypass A14SW (NW) 231 2 434052 514497 BGS Boreholes 48 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: BGS Boreholes 48 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: BGS Boreholes 48 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: BGS Boreholes 48 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: BGS Boreholes 48 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: BGS Boreholes 48 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: BGS Boreholes 49 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: BGS Boreholes 50 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: BGS Boreholes 51 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: BGS Boreholes 52 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: BGS Boreholes 53 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: Order Number: 45848992_1_1 Date: 01-May-2013 rpr_ec_datasheet v47.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Page 3 of 6 BGS Boreholes Detail Map ID Quadrant Reference (Compass Direction) Details Estimated Distance From Site Contact NGR BGS Boreholes 54 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: Nz31se32/A 3 A67 Middleton St George Bypass Bh9 A11SE (SE) 307 2 435003 513832 Nz31sw193 Not Supplied Yarm Road Middleton St George Darlington Tp 4 Not Available A7NW (SE) 317 2 434810 513630 Nz31sw194 Not Supplied Yarm Road Middleton St George Darlington Tp 5 Not Available A7NW (SE) 348 2 434820 513600 Nz31sw30/C 14 A67 Middleton St George Bypass A10NW (NW) 326 2 433943 514484 Nz31sw196 Not Supplied Yarm Road Middleton St George Darlington Tp 7 Not Available A7NE (SE) 362 2 434930 513660 Nz31sw197 Not Supplied Yarm Road Middleton St George Darlington Tp 8 Not Available A7NE (SE) 405 2 434960 513630 Nz31sw195 Not Supplied Yarm Road Middleton St George Darlington Tp 6 Not Available A7NE (SE) 367 2 434890 513620 Nz31sw198 Not Supplied Yarm Road Middleton St George Darlington Tp 10 Not Available A7NE (SE) 394 2 434880 513580 Nz31se74 Not Supplied Yarm Road Middleton St George Darlington Tp 9 Not Available A7NE (SE) 423 2 435020 513670 Nz31sw192 Not Supplied Yarm Road Middleton St George Darlington Tp 3 Not Available A7NE (SE) 447 2 434980 513590 Nz31sw14 18 Killinghall A7NE (SE) 459 2 434950 513550 Nz31sw30/B 12.5 A67 Middleton St George Bypass A9NE (NW) 473 2 433788 514469 BGS Boreholes 55 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: BGS Boreholes 55 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: BGS Boreholes 56 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: BGS Boreholes 57 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: BGS Boreholes 57 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: BGS Boreholes 58 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: BGS Boreholes 58 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: BGS Boreholes 59 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: BGS Boreholes 60 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: BGS Boreholes 61 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: BGS Boreholes 62 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: Order Number: 45848992_1_1 Date: 01-May-2013 rpr_ec_datasheet v47.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Page 4 of 6 BGS Boreholes Detail Map ID Quadrant Reference (Compass Direction) Details Estimated Distance From Site Contact NGR BGS Boreholes 63 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: Nz31sw30/A 6.45 A67 Middleton St George Bypass A9NE (W) 618 2 433636 514411 Nz31se32/B 6.95 A67 Middleton St George Bypass Bh10 A8NW (SE) 714 2 435397 513691 Nz31se7 22 West Hartburn Middleton St. George A12NW (E) 725 2 435420 514350 Nz31sw13 23 High Stodhoe, Middleton St. George A5NE (SW) 817 2 433620 513670 Nz31se32/C 7 A67 Middleton St George Bypass A8NE (E) 885 2 435589 513696 Nz31se32/D 7 A67 Middleton St George Bypass A8NE (E) 980 2 435688 513690 BGS Boreholes 64 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: BGS Boreholes 65 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: BGS Boreholes 66 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: BGS Boreholes 67 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: BGS Boreholes 68 BGS Reference: Drilled Length (m): Borehole Name: Link to Borehole Scan: Order Number: 45848992_1_1 Date: 01-May-2013 rpr_ec_datasheet v47.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Page 5 of 6 Data Currency and Contact Details BGS Boreholes BGS Boreholes British Geological Survey - National Geoscience Information Service Contact Details 2 Version Update Cycle April 2013 Quarterly Contact Logo British Geological Survey - Enquiry Service British Geological Survey, Kingsley Dunham Centre, Keyworth, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG12 5GG Telephone: 0115 936 3143 Fax: 0115 936 3276 Email: Website: - Landmark Information Group Limited Imperium, Imperial Way, Reading, Berkshire, RG2 0TD Telephone: 0844 844 9952 Fax: 0844 844 9951 Email: Website: Order Number: 45848992_1_1 Date: 01-May-2013 rpr_ec_datasheet v47.0 A Landmark Information Group Service Page 6 of 6 Gladman Developments Ltd Sadberge Road, Middleton St George APPENDIX C BGS BOREHOLE LOGS LK Consult Ltd Ref: CL-602-LKC 13 1107-01 [R3] October 2013 This page has been left blank intentionally Gladman Developments Ltd Sadberge Road, Middleton St George APPENDIX D STUDY AREA RECONNAISSANCE PHOTOGRAPHS LK Consult Ltd Ref: CL-602-LKC 13 1107-01 [R3] October 2013 This page has been left blank intentionally Gladman Developments Ltd Sadberge Road, Middleton St George Photograph 1 (facing E): Study area entrance (northern part of the study area). Photograph 2 (facing N): Northern part of the study area. Photograph 3 (facing SE): Southern part of the study area. LK Consult Ltd Ref: CL-602-LKC 13 1107-01 [R3] October 2013 This page has been left blank intentionally Gladman Developments Ltd Sadberge Road, Middleton St George Photograph 4 (facing SE): Track running along the southern study area boundary. Photograph 5 (facing N): Sadberge Road running along the western study area boundary. Photograph 6 (facing E): Overhead electricity line. LK Consult Ltd Ref: CL-602-LKC 13 1107-01 [R3] October 2013 This page has been left blank intentionally Gladman Developments Ltd Sadberge Road, Middleton St George Photograph 7 (facing SE): Underground water main running through the study area. Photograph 8 (facing E): Small area of waste rubble and soil. Photograph 9: Area of soil and rubble. LK Consult Ltd Ref: CL-602-LKC 13 1107-01 [R3] October 2013 This page has been left blank intentionally Gladman Developments Ltd Sadberge Road, Middleton St George Photograph 10 (facing E): Large area of grass waste. LK Consult Ltd Ref: CL-602-LKC 13 1107-01 [R3] October 2013 This page has been left blank intentionally Gladman Developments Ltd Sadberge Road, Middleton St George APPENDIX E TRIAL HOLE LOGS LK Consult Ltd Ref: CL-602-LKC 13 1107-01 [R3] October 2013 This page has been left blank intentionally Gladman Developments Ltd Sadberge Road, Middleton St George Trial Hole TH101 Depth (m) Strata 0.0 to 0.3 Reworked topsoil: Brown slightly sandy slightly gravelly clay with rare / low amounts of ash. Clay is dry, very hard and friable. Gravel is fine to medium subangular to subrounded. Hand auger complete at 0.3m. No groundwater encountered. Trial Hole TH102 Depth (m) Strata 0.0 to 0.2 Reworked topsoil: Brown slightly sandy slightly gravelly clay. Clay is dry, very hard and friable. Gravel is fine to medium subangular to subrounded. 0.2 to 0.4 Orangish brown slightly sandy slightly gravelly CLAY with black lithic fragments. Sand is fine to coarse. Gravel is fine to medium subangular to subrounded. Clay is friable. Hand auger complete at 0.4m. No groundwater encountered. Trial Hole TH103 Depth (m) Strata 0.0 to 0.4 Reworked topsoil: Brown slightly sandy slightly gravelly clay with occasional rootlets and black lithic fragments. Clay is dry, very hard and friable. Gravel is fine to medium subangular to subrounded. 0.4 to 0.6 Light orangish brown slightly gravelly CLAY with occasional rootlets and grey mottling. Gravel is fine to medium subangular to subrounded. Clay is firm to stiff. Hand auger complete at 0.6m. No groundwater encountered. LK Consult Ltd Ref: CL-602-LKC 13 1107-01 [R3] October 2013 This page has been left blank intentionally Gladman Developments Ltd Sadberge Road, Middleton St George Trial Hole TH104 Depth (m) 0.0 to 0.2 0.2 to 0.5 0.5 to 0.6 Strata Reworked topsoil: Brown slightly sandy slightly gravelly clay with occasional rootlets and black lithic fragments. Clay is dry, very hard and friable. Gravel is fine to medium subangular to subrounded. Light brownish grey firm CLAY with orange mottling. Light orangish brown slightly gravelly CLAY with grey mottling. Gravel is fine to medium subangular to subrounded. Clay is firm to stiff. Hand auger complete at 0.6m. No groundwater encountered. Trial Hole TH105 Depth (m) 0.0 to 0.2 0.2 to 0.4 0.4 to 0.5 Strata Reworked topsoil: Brown slightly sandy slightly gravelly clay with occasional rootlets and black lithic fragments. Clay is dry, very hard and friable. Gravel is fine to medium subangular to subrounded. Light orangish brown slightly gravelly CLAY with grey mottling. Gravel is fine to medium subangular to subrounded. Clay is firm to stiff. Orangish brown gravelly CLAY. Gravel is fine to coarse, subangular to subrounded of limestone. Hand auger complete at 0.5m. No groundwater encountered. Trial Hole TH106 Depth (m) Strata 0.0 to 0.3 Reworked topsoil: Brown slightly sandy slightly gravelly clay with occasional rootlets and black lithic fragments. Clay is dry, very hard and friable. Gravel is fine to medium subangular to subrounded. Terminated due to possible pipe below. Hand auger complete at 0.3m. No groundwater encountered. LK Consult Ltd Ref: CL-602-LKC 13 1107-01 [R3] October 2013 This page has been left blank intentionally Gladman Developments Ltd Sadberge Road, Middleton St George Trial Hole TH107 Depth (m) Strata 0.0 to 0.2 Reworked topsoil: Brown slightly sandy slightly gravelly clay with occasional rootlets and black lithic fragments. Clay is dry, very hard and friable. Gravel is fine to medium subangular to subrounded. 0.2 to 0.45 Light yellowish brown slightly gravelly sandy CLAY. Sand is fine to coarse. Gravel is fine to medium subangular to subrounded. Clay is friable. Hand auger complete at 0.45m. No groundwater encountered. Trial Hole TH108 Depth (m) Strata 0.0 to 0.4 Reworked topsoil: Brown slightly sandy slightly gravelly clay with occasional rootlets and black lithic fragments. Clay is dry, very hard and friable. Gravel is fine to medium subangular to subrounded. 0.4 to 0.6 Light orangish brown CLAY. Clay is stiff to very stiff. Hand auger complete at 0.6m. No groundwater encountered. LK Consult Ltd Ref: CL-602-LKC 13 1107-01 [R3] October 2013 This page has been left blank intentionally This page has been left blank intentionally Bur yBus i nes sC ent r e, Ka yS t r eet ,Bur yBL 96BU T el :01617637200 T el :01512358716 Uni t121,Wr i ghtBus i nes sC ent r e, 1L onma yRoad,Gl as gow G334E L T el :01417736269 www. t hel k gr oup. c om PartoftheLK Group T heC or nE x c hange,F enwi c kS t r eet , L i v er poolL 27QL