PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 11-28-2012 REV 4 8-5-2013 Addendum 1 (p. 2 only) 10-21-2015 Addendum 2 (p. 2 only) 10-30-2015 Addendum 3 (p. 3 only) PART 1: SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS PART 2: CAD STANDARDS PART 3: SPACE INVENTORY – ROOM NUMBER ASSIGNMENT STANDARDS EXHIBITS DRAWINGS CHANGE LOG For further information, contact: Facilities Information Resources Facilities & Services University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 117 Physical Plant Service Building, MC-821 1501 South Oak Street Champaign, IL 61820 217-333-0923 PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS PART 1: SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS A line in the margin indicates a change from the previous version. See Change Log for details. A. Introduction: This document provides clarification of timing, formats, and recipients for select submittals required by contract. “Exhibit A: Submittal Requirements & Space Inventory Checklist” is available for use by the Professional Services Consultant (PSC) and the University for compliance with these Requirements. B. Related Standards: 1. Space Inventory – Room Number Assignment Standards 2. CAD Standards C. Definitions: 1. As-Built Drawings – Bid or construction drawings marked up by contractors as work commences on a project, that reflect as-built conditions in the field. 2. Record Drawings – The final set of drawings created for a project that incorporates contractor as-builts, including addenda, change orders, supplemental instructions, field orders and represents conditions as completed in the field. 3. Substantial Completion – The “effective” date on the University “Certificate of Substantial Completion,” which begins the one year warranty period. 4. Closeout – The end of the one year warranty period, when warranty walk-through and Quality Assurance Checklists have been complete, and when the project is “Closed” in the University’s capital project financial services system. D. Submittals Required: The following submittals are required by the University: 1. Project Manual (with any addenda) 2. Drawings (with any supporting files) 3. Other Submittals as required by Contract. E. Phase Submittals Required: Submittals are required for the Design and Construction Phases as applicable per the Professional Services Agreement. Submittals for the Bid through Close-out Phases are required for all projects. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. SCHEMATIC DESIGN DESIGN DEVELOPMENT CONSTRUCTION – 50% REVIEW CONSTRUCTION – 95% REVIEW BID SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION CLOSE-OUT PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 1 PART 1: SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 11-28-12 REV 4 F. Submittal Delivery and Format Requirements: 1. All submittals shall be accompanied by a Transmittal Form such as one commonly accepted in the Construction Industry, and including (but not limited to): a. University Project Number b. Project Title as appears in PRZM (or as approved by the Board of Trustees) c. Project Phase 2. For all Phases except Substantial Completion and Close-Out, submittals shall be delivered as follows by the PSC to: a. Project Manager: 115 PPSB (MC-800), Facilities & Services, University of Illinois, 1501 S. Oak St., Champaign, IL 61820 One (1) Project Manual with any addenda, and one (1) half-size set of Drawings b. Assoc. Director Code Compliance and Fire Safety: Craig Grant 115 PPSB (MC-800), Facilities & Services, University of Illinois, 1501 S. Oak St., Champaign, IL 61820 One (1) Project Manual with any addenda, and one (1) half-size set of Drawings c. Quality Assurance: Design Alaina Davis & Construction Submittal Receiving 117 PPSB (MC-800), Facilities & Services, University of Illinois, 1501 S. Oak St., 148 Champaign, IL 61820 i. Schematic Design through Construction - 100%: Two (2) Project Manuals, one (1) full-size set of Drawings, one (1) half-size set of Drawings, and one (1) electronic set of both the Project Manual and the Drawings. ii. Bid: one (2) (1) Three (3) Project Manuals, three (3) Addenda (if any), two two (2) full-size set of Drawings, one (1) half-size set of Drawings, and one (1) electronic set of the Project Manual, Drawings and Addenda. Technology Services Plant Design Brian Cockerham d. CITES Plant Design: 2434 DCL (MC-256), CITES Plant Design, University of Illinois, 1304 W. Springfield Ave., Urbana, IL 61801 One (1) Project Manual with any addenda, and one (1) full-size set of Drawings e. CITES Classroom and Conference Media Engineering: Jeffery Martin 95 Bevier Hall (MC-187), CITES CCME, University of Illinois, 905 S Goodwin Ave., Urbana, IL 61801 One (1) Project Manual with any addenda, and one (1) full-size set of Drawings f. Project Department: ________________________________________________________________ One (1) Project Manual with any addenda, and one (1) -size set of Drawings (deferred maintenance projects require half-size sets) g. Project College: ________________________________________________________________ One (1) Project Manual with any addenda, and one (1) -size set of Drawings h. Note: Additional submittals may be required for specific design projects. Please contact the Project Manager prior to generating document submittals. (For example: Fire Department Informational Plan Review Set in Schematic Design Phase and/or a Schematic Design set to Planner if Board of Trustees Design Approval is requested). PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 2 PART 1: SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 11-28-12 REV 4 3. At no later than 90 days past date of Certificate of Substantial Completion, submit to: & Construction Submittal Receiving a. Quality Assurance: Design Alaina Davis 117 PPSB (MC-800), Facilities & Services, University of Illinois, 1501 S. Oak St., 148 Champaign, IL 61820 One (1) Record Project Manual (with Addenda incorporated) One (1) full-size set of Record Drawings (with As-Built mark-ups incorporated) One (1) electronic set of both the Project Manual and the Drawings b. Project Department/College: _____ copies of Record Project Manual (with Addenda incorporated) _____ copies of ___-size set of Record Drawings (with As-Built mark-ups incorporated) _____ copies of electronic set of both the Project Manual and the Drawings G. Project Manual Requirements: The following information shall be in all submittals: 1. Contents: The Project Manual cover shall contain: a. b. c. d. e. Project Title as appears in PRZM (or as approved by the Board of Trustees) University Project Number Building Name and Number or Utility Name Project Phase If used, University logo in compliance with the Illinois Identity Standards, Graphic Standards Manual, Campus Logo Guidelines 2. Paper Format: The Project Manual shall be: a. Bound (no ACCO-style bare metal fasteners, staples, or post bindings) b. Split into multiple volumes if more than 300 pages double-sided or over 1.5” thick 3. Electronic Format: Files shall be: a. In Microsoft Word (.doc) format compatible with the currently supported version (Word 2010 or earlier) b. One (1) set of pdf files (one section per file), searchable c. Submitted on CD or DVD d. Submitted one project per CD or DVD e. Uncompressed f. In one folder titled “Project Manual,” and two subfolders titled “pdf” and “Word.” There shall not be any further subfolders within the “pdf” and “Word” folders except to denote multiple volumes in accordance with the hardcopy set. g. Named by specification section number PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 3 PART 1: SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 11-28-12 REV 4 H. Drawing Requirements: These documents shall be: 1. Contents: Drawing title blocks shall contain, but are not limited to: a. b. c. d. Project Title as appears in PRZM (or as approved by the Board of Trustees) University Project Number Building Name and Number, or Utility Name Project Phase (Note: a “Record Drawing” stamp on the cover sheet is not acceptable. Each drawing shall have the Phase indicated in the Revision block.) e. Drawing Title f. Drawing Number. Use the following table to assign appropriate Discipline Designator (required). (Table is in preferred sheet order.) Discipline Designator G C L A S FP P H V HV TC E T AV ASB LBP HZ _D EQP Discipline Description General Civil (Survey Mapping, Utilities, Soil Borings, Geotechnical, Irrigation) Landscape Architectural (including Interiors) Structural Fire Protection Plumbing Heating Ventilation Mechanical (use for smaller projects only) Temperature Control Electrical Telecommunications Audio/Visual Asbestos Lead Paint Hazardous Materials (other) Demolition (added after the respective Discipline Designator) Equipment g. Revision Number, Date, and Description (Note: a “Record Drawing” stamp on the cover sheet is not acceptable. Each drawing should have the Phase indicated in the Revision block.) h. If used, University logo in compliance with the Illinois Identity Standards, Graphic Standards Manual, Campus Logo Guidelines 2. Paper Format: Drawings shall be: a. Bound (sets shall not be submitted loose) (no single corner staples or bare metal ACCO-style fasteners) b. In volumes of no more than 100 sheets per volume c. In compliance with the CAD Standards PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 4 PART 1: SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 11-28-12 REV 4 3. Electronic Format: Files shall be: a. 1 set of unbound CAD drawings in .dwg format compatible with the currently supported version (AutoCAD 2012 or earlier), packaged with eTransmit or Packn-go, using the “Place all files in one folder” Transmittal Option b. 1 set of pdf drawings (one drawing per file), searchable, and rotated to the correct orientation c. Uncompressed d. In one folder titled “Drawings,” and two subfolders titled, “CAD” and “pdf.” There shall not be any further subfolders with the “CAD” and “pdf” folders except to denote multiple volumes in accordance with the paper set. e. In compliance with the CAD Standards f. Submitted on CD or DVD (no ftp site or e-mail) g. Submitted one project per CD or DVD h. Files shall be named by drawing number(s), with no additional prefixes or suffixes. CAD files with multiple layout tabs shall have the tabs named the same as the drawing contained on the tab (e.g. A-1, A-2). The only exception to this is the addition of a numeric prefix that allows the files to sort in the same order as the paper drawing set. examples: G1.pdf 001_G1.pdf C100-C104.dwg 003_C100-C104.dwg Note: for CAD drawings, represent drawing range – do not list all drawings found in the file i. Extraneous objects beyond the drawing extents in “model space” shall be removed. j. Blocks shall not be exploded. k. Drawings shall be purged. l. Drawings shall be zoomed out to display entire sheet or model. m. Non-pertinent reference (x-refs) files shall be removed from the drawing file. n. All necessary files shall be included with the CAD file, including, but not limited to, xrefs, fonts, hatch, line types, and plot styles (.ctb, .pcs and .stb). I. Electronic Media (CD-Rom or DVD) Label Requirements: Labels shall contain: a. b. c. d. e. f. g. University Project Number, Name and CDB Number (if applicable) University Building Number and Name University Project Manager Consultant Name and Contact Information Project Phase Content Description (e.g.: “Project Manual”, “Project Drawings”, etc.) Date of Submittal Documents (i.e. dates of drawings or project manuals – not the date the CD or DVD was created) h. Date CD or DVD Created J. Validation of Deliverables: The University reserves the right to request a new submittal at the consultant’s expense if the documents submitted are not in compliance with the Project Submittal Requirement Standards, Space Inventory - Room Number Assignment Standards, and CAD Standards. PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 5 PART 1: SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 11-28-12 REV 4 PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS PART 2: CAD STANDARDS CHAPTER I: UTILIZING THE CAD STANDARDS A. Introduction: This chapter describes how to conform to the CAD Standards, the purpose, guidelines, and related procedures. B. Related Documents: 1. Exhibit B, CAD Standard Master Layer List C. References: 1. United States National CAD Standard Guidelines Version 3.1 D. Purpose: Provide for a common medium of information exchange. In fact, the true power and potential of CAD is the ability to re-use and share the information contained within the CAD document. The key to realizing this potential is common organizing principles–standards for the production and dissemination of CAD information. The standard organization of files, layers and entities, as well as standardized software applications is essential for effective work and communication. Standards are necessary to ensure that: 1. CAD drawings and data created in one phase (e.g., design) are readily usable in subsequent phases (e.g., facility management). 2. Drawings and data are applicable for their intended use. 3. Drawings and data are compatible with the available CAD equipment and software. 4. Drawings and data created for one project or project discipline, are compatible with those created for others. 5. Drawings and data can be transferred and integrated with other applications, such as facility management. 6. Drawings and data created in one department of the University are consistent with those developed by the other departments. 7. The compatibility of the University CAD drawings and data with pertinent national, international and industry standards is maintained. E. Guidelines: To ensure that the University of Illinois and its Consultants conform to the broader scope of the proposed National CAD Standard, sponsored by the National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) CADD Council, these Standards incorporate recommended guidelines from the following: 1. United States National CAD Standard Guidelines Version 3.1 F. Comprehensive Facilities Management Strategy: The University of Illinois has multiple information management systems that require data be specifically formatted for compatibility. This document sets performance standards for CAD data delivered to the University. The University does not intend to influence the methods or means of practice of outside Consultants. Consultants may use any CAD system to develop construction documents for PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 6 Error! Reference source not found. 11-28-12 REV 4 the University, as long as the delivered data conforms to the current University CAD Standards. Commitment: The University is committed, however, to enforcing the standards of information delivery that ensure predictability and the ability to easily reuse information. As a result, these CAD Standards will be included as part of the Professional Services Consultant Requirements: Project Submittal Requirements. H. Scope: This data specification covers all Construction Documents prepared by or on behalf of the University. CAD drawings shall be provided for all Projects, regardless of size. The deliverables described in this manual shall be provided for each sheet that is issued for construction in a Project and shall include all supporting data files that are used to produce the finished sheets. If additional electronic design drawings or 3D models are provided, it is the responsibility of the Consultant to initiate discussion with the Chief Engineering Draftsman, Planning Resources to determine an acceptable format for those deliverables. I. Application: Anyone who is going to prepare CAD data for the University, including University staff, Contractors, and Consultants, shall read and become familiar with this document before proceeding with any work. (The term "Consultant" used in this manual refers to the person or organization who is preparing the CAD data, whether the person or organization is part of the University or not.) J. Basic CAD Software Requirements: The designated CAD software for the University is Autodesk’s AutoCAD. All CAD files are required to be delivered in AutoCAD’s .dwg file format. K. CAD Application Software: CAD application software packages operate on top of, or in conjunction with, the basic CAD software to extend its capabilities. The extensions enhance design, drafting and modeling productivity and link non-graphic attribute data to the graphic entities. All CAD application packages used by the University, or its Consultants, which modify or create CAD layers or other entities shall comply with these Standards. L. Inquiries about the CAD Standards: These Standards will be most effective for the University and most usable for Consultants if there is communication between Consultants, the Owner’s Representative and the Chief Engineering Draftsman, Planning Resources. Consultants should ask questions about the CAD Standards before beginning work. Concerns regarding the impact of the CAD standards on a particular Project shall be discussed with the Owner’s Representative and the Chief Engineering Draftsman, Planning Resources. Consultants’ questions are valuable because they help the University understand the realworld conditions of each Project’s design and construction process. Questions will raise issues that will result in better CAD Standards. M. Requests for Improving the CAD Standards: The content of this manual is intended to be neither static nor all-inclusive. Suggestions for improvements are encouraged so that subsequent updates reflect the needs of the University. Submit requests, as well as any pertinent new information, to the Chief Engineering Draftsman, Planning Resources. PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 7 Error! Reference source not found. 11-28-12 REV 4 CHAPTER II: TECHNICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR CAD STANDARDS A. Introduction: The organization and format of the CAD deliverables shall support the requirements of the University Project for design, construction, bidding and archiving. The deliverable shall also readily support the integration of information into other University facility management systems with minimal additional effort. B. Drawing Setup: This chapter describes how to organize and set up CAD drawings for the University. Consultants shall obtain prior approval from the Owner’s Representative and Chief Engineering Draftsman, Planning Resources for any exceptions to the drawing set up Standards. Consultants shall submit documentation that shows the files affected and how they deviate from the Standards. 1. Drawing Units: Architectural CAD files shall be drawn using architectural (feet and inches). Civil engineering CAD files shall be drawn using decimal (feet and hundredths). No metric equivalents. NO METRIC EQUIVALENTS. 2. Drawing Accuracy: All CAD drawings shall be drafted using precision input employing the most accurate source material available. For all drawing entities, zero tolerance is required, all lines meet at intersections, straight lines are straight, blocks are inserted properly without overlap, etc. Consultants are responsible for the accuracy of all CAD drawings delivered to the University, regardless of the accuracy of CAD drawings of previous projects furnished by the University as a convenience to the consultant. 3. Drawing Scale: Objects created in model space shall be drawn at 1:1 scale (e.g. a 100-foot wall will be drawn to 100 feet and a 36-inch column will be drawn to 36 inches). The following types of CAD models may be drawn to any scale: schedules, riser diagrams, schematic diagrams and single line diagrams. 4. Drawing Origin and Registration: The origins of CAD files shall be defined at coordinates 0, 0, 0. This is typically the lower left corner of the building. For nonrectilinear buildings a logical origin point shall be established. The model shall be oriented so North is either to the top (^) or left (<) on the drawing document. The origin point shall remain consistent between all CAD files in a Project. This is critical for correct registration of different CAD files when referenced together, aligning the various views of the facility. Registration of electronic data shall be maintained so the information will be usable in future applications. a. Exception: Civil engineering CAD files (Topographic-Site Surveys, Building Site Plans, Utility Site Plans etc.) shall use true geographic coordinates for their origins. Horizontal Datum shall be based upon Illinois State Coordinate System East Zone North American Datum of 1983 ( 2011) “NAD 1983 ILLINOIS STATE PLANE, EAST ZONE” and North American Vertical Datum 1988, “NAVD 1988”. 5. Graphic Representation of Entities a. Curved Entities: Circles, arcs and ellipses shall be created as individual entities, not of line segments. PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 8 Error! Reference source not found. 11-28-12 REV 4 b. Entity Properties: Entity properties such as color, line weight, and linetype shall be set BYLAYER, for purposes of clarity. Line weight and color affect the use of CAD data in different ways. Line weight typically is most effective when working with plotted CAD files. Plots, or reproductions of plots, are typically monochrome. Utilizing line weights can be an effective means of communicating important information about the facility and the design Project. Color is most useful when displaying the CAD data on a computer screen. Colors allow users to readily identify systems and unique types of information. Consultants shall select line weights and colors that promote effective use of the CAD data, in both plotted and electronic formats. 6. Line Type Scale: Line type scale shall be set so that each line type is recognizable, easily identified, and distinguishable to individuals who are working in the CAD files and in final plotted output. 7. Text Requirements a. The text height requirement for all University of Illinois Cad files shall be 1/10 of an inch minimum. b. Text shall be all upper case, except for cases where symbols require lower case letters. c. Text shall be placed in the CAD file with enough space around it, to allow for legibility when the CAD file is plotted and reproduced. d. Text placed at an angle shall be readable from bottom or right edge of the plotted sheet. Typically text shall be place at 0 or 90 degrees. e. Text placed along (aligned above or below) an object at an angle other than 0 or 90 degrees is acceptable. 8. Dimension Requirements a. Associative dimensions shall be used. b. Dimension style names shall be consistent between CAD files within a Project. 9. Blocks: Any graphic entity that occurs repeatedly in drawings shall be made into a block. Insertion points for blocks shall be consistent with its placement in the drawing. Use a logical insertion point (center of circle, bottom left corner of object, etc.). Keep names simple and descriptive. AutoCAD block names shall be unique within each Project. Nested blocks contain more than one block definition. Nested blocks are permitted but should be avoided whenever possible. Blocks shall conform to the United States National CAD Standard Guidelines Version 3.1. PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 9 Error! Reference source not found. 11-28-12 REV 4 10. Hatching: Do not use polylines with increased width as a replacement for poché or hatching. 11. Xref (External Reference) Files: Xrefs may be used to subdivide a large CAD drawing into several smaller, more efficient drawings. The use of this procedure will reduce drawing size, increase performance, improve operator efficiency and make coordination of disciplines easier. Xrefs may also be used to split a drawing by disciplines. There shall be no specific drive or directory references associated with the xrefs. All xrefs shall reside in the same directory as the drawing files. C. Layers: The University has adopted the CAD layer naming convention published by the United States National CAD Standard Version 3.1. Consultants shall follow this layer naming system when producing CAD files for the Project. Layer names and assignments are shown in Exhibit 00100-1, CAD Standard Master Layer List. The layer table categorizes layers by discipline, and by type of information. This table also shows several items for each layer, as follows: a complete listing of all layer names, a detailed definition for each layer, and the presentation graphics associated with each layer, including color, and line type. Consultants who wish to use additional layers shall submit a list of proposed layer names to the Chief Engineering Draftsman, Planning Resources. 1. Layer Format: The University’s layer guidelines are organized as a hierarchy. The convention utilizes a scheme of naming layers with four field groups. The four groups are discipline code, major group, minor group and status field: Discipline Code Major Group Minor Group - - Status Field - 2. Discipline Code: The Discipline Code is a two-character field with the second character either a hyphen or a user-defined modifier. The defined codes are the same for both layers and file names. Table 1 shows the letters that shall be used for the first character of the discipline code. Code Discipline A Architectural C Civil E Electrical F Fire Protection G General H Heating HZ I PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Hazardous Materials Interiors 10 Error! Reference source not found. 11-28-12 REV 4 L Landscape M Mechanical P Plumbing S Structural T Telecommunications V Ventilation Table 1: CAD layer discipline codes 3. Major Group: Major groups are a four-character field used to identify the building system. Major groups are typically grouped with specific discipline codes. For example, a drawing might contain the following layers: a. A-WALL Walls b. A-DOOR Doors c. C-PKNG Parking Lots 4. Minor Group: Minor groups add an additional set of information to the layer names. It is an optional, four-character field that further differentiates major groups into types of information. For example, A-WALL-PRHT indicates architecture, new, wall, partial height. 5. User-Definable Fields: The minor group field can be defined by the user, allowing additional layers to be added to accommodate special Project requirements. This shall only be done if a defined layer does not apply to a Project. Some examples of layers using a user-defined minor group field are as follows: a. b. c. d. e. A-DOOR-METL Metal doors A-WALL-STRC Walls to structure A-FURN-PNL1 Furniture panels from manufacturer 1 A-FURN-PNL2 Furniture panels from manufacturer 2 Common Layers Used in All Files 6. Annotation Layers: Annotation comprises text, dimensions, sheet borders, detail references, and other elements on CAD drawings that do not represent physical aspects of a building. Annotation is designated by the major group "ANNO." See University of Illinois Standard Layers List Exhibit B, CAD Standard Master Layer List for examples of annotation layers. 7. Status layers: The status field is an optional, four-character field that designates the phase of construction and status of the elements. This field is optional and is only needed when phases of work need to be differentiated. The status field is always placed as the last field of the layer name. In a simple layer name such as A-WALL, the status field would be the third field, A-WALL-DEMO. In a more detailed layer name, the status field would be the fourth field, A-WALL-INTRDEMO. See University of Illinois Standard Layers List Exhibit B, CAD Standard Master Layer List for status field designators. D. Preparing Drawings for Submittal: Refer to Part 1: Submittal Requirements, Section H: Drawing Requirements. PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 11 Error! Reference source not found. 11-28-12 REV 4 PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS PART 3: SPACE INVENTORY - ROOM NUMBER ASSIGNMENT STANDARDS A. Introduction: This document provides guidance for establishing a consistent and intuitive room numbering system within University buildings. B. Related Documents and Standards: 1. 2. 3. 4. Drawing 00100-1, Space Inventory - Room Number System Drawing 00100-2, Space Inventory - Actual Room Use Assignments Drawing 00100-3, Space Inventory - Area Polylines CAD Standards C. References: 1. Postsecondary Education Facilities Inventory and Classification Manual D. Purpose: Allow better navigation of the buildings on campus for students, staff, maintenance personnel, and emergency personnel. Ensure room numbers conform to the University’s Space Inventory database structure. F. Room Numbering Guidelines: 2. Room number layout shall begin at the main entrance of the building proceeding in a clock-wise direction. 3. Odd room numbers and even room numbers shall be placed on opposite sides of the corridor. (Example: Odd room number 1015 shall be across the corridor from even room number 1016). Proceeding clock-wise from the main entrance, even room numbers shall be assigned to rooms on the left side of the corridor, odd room numbers shall be assigned to rooms on the right side of the corridor. 4. Vertical similarity shall be maintained between floors of the building. Special consideration shall be given to restrooms and mechanical areas. 5. Room numbers shall be assigned in accordance with the ranges listed below for each floor of the building. a. b. c. d. e. Basement: 1 – 999 Ground Floor / First Floor: 1000 – 1999 Second Floor: 2000 – 2999 Third Floor: 3000 – 3999 Fourth Floor: 4000 – 4999 etc. 6. Planning: Omitting room numbers from the sequence in a room numbering system will allow availability of room numbers for future room remodels. 7. Primary Room Numbers: Rooms that can be accessed from a corridor shall be assigned a primary room number (Example: 1000, 1001, or 1002). See Drawing 00100-1. PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 12 PART 3: SPACE INVENTORY – ROOM NUMBER ASSIGNMENT STANDARDS 11-28-12 REV 4 8. Alpha Suffix Room Numbers: Rooms that can be accessed only from a room with a primary room number shall be assigned an alpha suffix room number. Example: 1000A, 1000B, or 1000C. See Drawing 00100-1. 9. Alpha-Numeric Suffix Room Numbers: Rooms that can be accessed only from a room with an alpha suffix room number shall be assigned an alpha-numeric suffix room number. Example: 1000A1, 1000A2, or 1000A3. See Drawing 00100-1. 10. C-Prefix Room Numbers: Circulation area spaces shall be assigned a C-Prefix room number. Corridors, vestibules, unfurnished commons areas, and elevator lobby areas are examples of circulation area spaces. Example: C1000, C1050, and C1100. See Drawing 00100-1. 11. ELEV-Prefix Room Numbers: Elevators shall be assigned an ELEV prefix room number. Each elevator in a building shall be assigned only one ELEV-prefix room number. Example: ELEV1, ELEV2, or ELEV3. See Drawing 00100-1. 12. STAIR-Prefix Room Numbers: Stairwells shall be assigned a STAIR prefix room number. Each stairwell in a building shall be assigned only one STAIR-prefix room number. Example: STAIR1, STAIR2, or STAIR3. See Drawing 00100-1. 13. Exceptions to Standards: Consultant shall contact the Coordinator of Records Management for approval of any exceptions to the A / E Requirements Space Inventory – Room Number Assignment Standards. F. Room Use: All rooms in a room number system shall be assigned an Actual Room Use Code and Name, in accordance with the Postsecondary Education Facilities Inventory and Classification Manual standards for room usages – see Table 1: Actual Room Uses below. See Drawing 00100-2. 1. Postsecondary Education Facilities Inventory & Classification Manual: This manual may be ordered free of charge from the U.S. Department of Education. However, only one manual per customer. Ordering information below: U.S. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION 1-877-4ED-PUBS, 1-877-433-7827 P.O. BOX 1398 JESSUP, MD 20794-1398 2. Assignable Space: According to the Postsecondary Education Facilities Inventory and Classification Manual, the definition for Assignable Space is “The sum of all areas on all floors of a building assigned to or available for assignment to, an occupant or for specific use”. 3. Non-Assignable Space: According to the Postsecondary Education Facilities Inventory and Classification Manual, the definition for Non-Assignable Space is “The sum of all areas on all floors of a building not available for assignment to an occupant or for specific use, but necessary for the general operation of a building”. PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 13 PART 3: SPACE INVENTORY – ROOM NUMBER ASSIGNMENT STANDARDS 11-28-12 REV 4 100 SERIES - CLASSROOM FACILITIES 110 115 Classroom Classroom Service 200 SERIES - LABORATORY FACILITIES 210 215 220 225 250 255 Class Laboratory Class Laboratory Service Open Laboratory Open Laboratory Service Non-Class Laboratory Non-Class Lab Service 300 SERIES - OFFICE FACILITIES 310 315 350 355 Office Office Service Conference Room Conference Room Service 400 SERIES - STUDY FACILITIES 410 420 430 440 455 Study Room Stack Open Stack Study Room Processing Room Study Service 500 SERIES - SPECIAL USE FACILITIES 510 515 520 523 525 530 535 540 545 550 555 570 575 580 585 590 Armory Armory Service Athletic/Physical Ed Ath. Fac. Spectator Seat Athletic/P.E. Service Media Production Media Production Service Clinic (Non-Health Prof.) Clinic Service (Non-Hlth) Demonstration Demonstration Service Animal Quarters Animal Quarters Service Greenhouse Greenhouse Service Other 600 SERIES - GENERAL USE FACILITIES 610 615 620 625 630 635 PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Assembly Assembly Service Exhibition Exhibition Service Food Facilities Food Facilities Service 14 PART 3: SPACE INVENTORY – ROOM NUMBER ASSIGNMENT STANDARDS 11-28-12 REV 4 650 655 660 665 670 675 680 685 Lounge Lounge Service Merchandising Merchandising Service Recreation Recreation Service Meeting Room Meeting Room Service 700 SERIES - SUPPORT FACILITIES 710 720 725 730 735 740 745 750 755 760 765 780 Central Comp./Telecom Shop Shop Service Central Storage Central Storage Service Vehicle Storage Vehicle Storage Service Central Service Central Services Support Hazardous Materials Hazardous Materials Serv. Unit Storage 800 SERIES - HEALTH CARE FACILITIES 810 820 830 840 850 860 870 880 895 Patient Bedroom Patient Bath Nurse Station Surgery Treatment/Examination Diagnostic Service Lab. Central Supplies Public Waiting Staff On-Call Fac. Serv. 900 SERIES - RESIDENTIAL FACILITIES 910 919 920 935 950 955 970 999 Sleep/Study w/o toilet/bath Toilet/Bath Sleep/Study w/ toilet/bath Sleep/Study Service Apartment Apartment Service House Quasi Space 000 SERIES - UNCLASSIFIED FACILITIES 050 060 070 PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Inactive Area Alteration or Conversion Area Unfinished Area 15 PART 3: SPACE INVENTORY – ROOM NUMBER ASSIGNMENT STANDARDS 11-28-12 REV 4 NON-ASSIGNABLE AREA WWW W01 W02 W03 W04 W05 W06 W07 XXX X01 X02 X03 X04 YYY Y01 Y02 Y03 Y04 Circulation Area Bridge/Tunnel Elevator Escalator Loading Dock Lobby Public Corridor Stairway Custodial Area Custodial Supply Closet Janitor Room Public Rest Room Trash Room Mechanical Area Central Utility Plant Fuel Room Shaft Utility/Mechanical Space STRUCTURAL AREA ZZZ Structural Area Table 1: Actual Room Uses G. Identification Devices: All rooms in the space inventory room number system (including, corridors, elevators, janitor closets, mechanical rooms, restrooms, stairwells, vestibules, etc.) shall receive an identification device. 1. The identification device shall display the room number assigned to that room in the space inventory room number system. (Example: room number assignment ELEV1 shall be displayed as “ELEV1” ). 2. Identification devices shall conform to the “U.I.U.C Facility Standards, Division 10 – Specialties, Section 10440 – Identifying Devices”. H. Drawing Requirements: Space Inventory data shall be added to CAD files in accordance with the University’s “CAD Standards Section”. See CAD Standard Master Layer List, Exhibit B, and Space Inventory – Room Number Assignment Standards, Drawings 00100-1, 001002, and 00100-3. I. Conformance to Room Number Assignment Standards: The Room Numbering Systems delivered to the University by Consultants shall comply with the University “Space Inventory Room Number Assignment Standards” in effect during the current Project. PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 16 PART 3: SPACE INVENTORY – ROOM NUMBER ASSIGNMENT STANDARDS 11-28-12 REV 4 The University requires sample submittals at key milestones during development of the room numbering system in accordance with the Professional Services Consultant Contract. Sample submittals are not intended to be a burden on the Consultant, and typically will involve a very limited number of drawings. The University requires digital media submittals, as a minimum, be provided at the first and final submittal milestones. Providing digital media at the first submittal milestone will allow the University to verify the room numbering system being used by the Consultant conforms to the University’s Space Inventory - Room Number Assignment Standards and can be readily used in the University’s Space Inventory database. PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 17 PART 3: SPACE INVENTORY – ROOM NUMBER ASSIGNMENT STANDARDS 11-28-12 REV 4 EXHIBITS EXHIBIT A: SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS & SPACE INVENTORY CHECKLIST EXHIBIT B: CAD STANDARD MASTER LAYER LIST PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 18 EXHIBITS 11-28-12 REV 4 Exhibit A: Submittal Requirements & Space Inventory Checklist Project Phase Project Manager Review Date Compliant with o CAD Standards (see separate CAD Standards Checklist)1 o Space Inventory – Room Number Assignment Standards Room Number Systems2 Actual Room Use Assignments3 Area Polylines4 Transmittal Form (including, but not limited to:)5 o University Project Number o University Project Name as approved by Board of Trustees o Phase CD-Rom or DVD6 o Label University Project – Name, Number and CDB Number (if applicable) University Building – Name, Number University Project Manager Consultant – Name, Contact Information Phase Content Description (e.g. Project Manual and Project Drawings) Date of Submittal Documents Date Submitted o Files One project per CD or DVD Uncompressed files Folder structure: Drawings Project Manual CAD Word pdf pdf All sheets submitted in hard copy are submitted in e-copy Review Copies Delivered to:7 o Project Manager – 1 half-size o Code Compliance Officer – 1 half-size o Quality Assurance – 1 full-size, 1 half-size, e-copy (all with manuals) At Bid – 2 full-size, 1 half-size, e-copy (all with manuals) o CITES Plant Design – 1 full-size o CITES Classroom & Conference Media Engineering – 1 full-size o Project Department – 1 full-size (if Deferred Maint. Project submit half-size) o Project College – 1 ____-size o Other __________________________________________ - 1 ____-size 1 Project Submittal Requirements: Section B Space Inventory – Room Number Assignment Standards: Section E, and Drawing 00100-1 3 Space Inventory – Room Number Assignment Standards: Section F, and Drawing 00100-2 4 Space Inventory – Room Number Assignment Standards: Section H, and Drawing 00100-3 5 Project Submittal Requirements: Section F1 6 Project Submittal Requirements: Section I 7 Project Submittal Requirements: Section F 2 PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 19 EXHIBIT A 11-28-12 REV 4 Close-Out8 o Quality Assurance: 1 paper copy of both Drawings (full-size) and Project Manual 1 electronic sets of both Drawings and Project Manual o Project Department/College: ____ number of ____-size paper Drawings and Project Manuals ____ number of electronic sets of both Drawings and Project Manuals Project Manual9 o Cover Project Title as appears in PRZM, or approved by Board of Trustees UIUC Project Number Building Name and Number OR Utility Name Phase Logo in compliance with Campus Identity Standards o Paper Copy Bound (no ACCO-style bare metal fasteners, staples, or post bindings) Split if over 300 pages or over 1.5” thick o E-copy MS Word Uncompressed Files named by spec section pdf Drawings 10 o Title Block Project Title as appears in PRZM, or as approved by Board of Trustees UIUC Project Number Building Name and Number or Utility Name Phase Drafting Person’s Initials Reviewer’s Initials Drawing Title Drawing Number Revision Number, Date, and Description Logo in compliance with Campus Identity Standards o Paper Copy Complies with CAD Standards Bound (no single corner staples) Volumes no more than 100 sheets o E-copy Complies with CAD Standards 1 set unbound CAD drawings – eTransmit or Pack-n-go, “Place all files in one folder” Transmittal Option 1 set pdf (1 drawing per file, searchable, rotated to correct direction) Uncompressed Drawing files named by sheet number(s) (if multiple layout tabbed cad files are submitted, tabs named same as drawing number) No file prefixes or suffixes, except to help sort files per paper set e.g. G-1.dwg may be named 001_G-1.dwg C100-C104.dwg may be named 003_C100-C104.dwg Remove extraneous objects, purge, zoom to display sheet or model, remove nonpertinent files, do not explode blocks. Include all necessary associated files (e.g. fonts, plot styles). 8 Project Submittal Requirements: Section F3 Project Submittal Requirements: Section G 10 Project Submittal Requirements: Section H 9 PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 20 EXHIBIT A 11-28-12 REV 4 EXHIBIT B: CAD STANDARD MASTER LAYER LIST General Information Annotation Layers Key Plans, Schedules, Legends & Misc Layer Name *-ANNO-TEXT *-ANNO-REDL *-ANNO-SYMB *-ANNO-LEGN *-ANNO-DIMS *-ANNO-TTLB *-ANNO-NOTE *-ANNO-NPLT *-ANNO-KEYN *-ANNO-REVS *-ANNO-XREF *-ANNO-GRID Line Type Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Color # Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Cross - hatching, poch'e Identification tags Elevation (vertical surfaces in 3D) Read - me layer, not to be plotted Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies New work Existing to remain Demolition Future work Abandoned Temporary work Items to be moved Relocated items Not in contract Phase numbers (1-9) *Note: The status field may also occur as the fourth field, following a minor group. Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies One-line line work identification - annotation One-line line work - fine ( 0.000 - 0.009 ) One-line line work - thin ( 0.010 - 0.019 ) One-line line work - medium ( 0.020 - 0.029 ) One-line line work - wide ( 0.030 - 0.039 ) Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Layer Description Text Redline Symbols Legends and schedules Dimensions Border and title block Notes Construction lines, nonplotting information Key notes Revisions Reference files Grid Index *Note: Annotation layer names may be appended with a four-character sheet name designator when needed. Common Modifiers *-****-PATT *-****-IDEN *-****-ELEV X-RDME Status Field Modifiers *-****-NEWW *-****-EXST *-****-DEMO *-****-FUTR *-****-ABND *-****-TEMP *-****-MOVE *-****-RELO *-****-NICN *-****-PHS1-9 One-Line Diagram Layers Line Work *-1LIN-LWRK-IDEN *-1LIN-LWRK-FINE *-1LIN-LWRK-THIN *-1LIN-LWRK-MEDM *-1LIN-LWRK-WIDE PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 21 EXHIBIT B 11-28-12 REV4 *-1LIN-LWRK-EXWD Devices *-1LIN-DEVC-IDEN *-1LIN-DEVC-FINE *-1LIN-DEVC-THIN *-1LIN-DEVC-MEDM *-1LIN-DEVC-WIDE *-1LIN-DEVC-EXWD One-line line work - extra wide ( 0.040 - ) Varies Varies One-line devices identification - annotation One-line devices - fine ( 0.000 - 0.009 ) One-line devices - thin ( 0.010 - 0.019 ) One-line devices - medium ( 0.020 - 0.029 ) One-line devices - wide ( 0.030 - 0.039 ) One-line devices - extra wide ( 0.040 ) Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Riser diagram line work identification - annotation Riser diagram line work - fine ( 0.000 - 0.009 ) Riser diagram line work - thin ( 0.010 - 0.019 ) Riser diagram line work - medium ( 0.020 - 0.029 ) Riser diagram line work - wide ( 0.030 - 0.039 ) Riser diagram line work - extra wide ( 0.040 ) Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Detail accessories Detail concrete masonry unit (CMU) outline (no patterning) Detail concrete Detail covers and fittings Detail devices (e.g. valves, meters, pump stations etc.) Detail witness/extension lines, dimension arrowheads/dots/slashes, dimension text Detail earth Detail fasteners Detail fencing Detail fill Detail finished grade Detail fittings (e.g. tees, crosses, reducers etc.) Detail general features (miscellaneous items including details within the detail) Detail junctions (e.g. manholes, pedestals, handholes etc.) Detail non-plotting - construction lines, reference targets, area calculations, review comments Detail joint materials (e.g. felt), vapor barrier, other Detail model Detail piping Detail miscellaneous patterning Detail pavement Detail reinforcement rebar, welded wire mesh Detail special features Detail steel structure wide flange shapes, plates, open web joists, decking, bolts, nails Detail structural metal Detail reference bubbles, match lines and break lines Detail shaded line work Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Riser Diagram Layers *-RISR-LWRK-IDEN *-RISR-LWRK-FINE *-RISR-LWRK-THIN *-RISR-LWRK-MEDM *-RISR-LWRK-WIDE *-RISR-LWRK-EXWD Detail Layers *-DETL-ACCS *-DETL-CMUW *-DETL-CONC *-DETL-COVR *-DETL-DEVC *-DETL-DIMS *-DETL-ERTH *-DETL-FAST *-DETL-FENC *-DETL-FILL *-DETL-FNGR *-DETL-FTTG *-DETL-GENF *-DETL-JUNC *-DETL-NPLT *-DETL-MISC *-DETL-MODL *-DETL-PIPE *-DETL-PATT *-DETL-PAVE *-DETL-REIN *-DETL-SPCF *-DETL-STLS *-DETL-STRC *-DETL-SYMB *-DETL-SHDE PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 22 EXHIBIT B 11-28-12 REV4 *-DETL-TANK Detail tanks Detail title text, text and associated leader lines and arrowheads, notes Detail border and title block Detail weld symbols Detail wood outline (no patterning) Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Line Type Color # Architectural area - Exterior and Interior Gross Area each floor plan shall consist of two (2) separate closed polylines. One (1) polyline shall be drawn around the interior face of the exterior wall of the building. One (1) polyline shall be drawn around the exterior face of the exterior wall of the building - See Drawing 00100-3. Continuous 3 Architectural area - Room Interior Area One (1) closed polyline shall be drawn around the interior face of the walls for each individual room on a floor. See Drawing 00100-3. Continuous 2 Architectural area - Room Numbers shall be assigned according to the University's “Space Inventory - Room Number Assignment Standards". See Drawing 00100-1 - annotation Continuous 4 Continuous Continuous Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies 4 Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies *-DETL-TEXT *-DETL-TTLB *-DETL-WELD *-DETL-WOOD Architectural Layer Name Layer Description Architectural Layers A-AREA-GROS A-AREA-RM A-AREA-RMID A-AREA-RUID A-AREA-PATT A-CLNG A-CLNG-ACCS A-CLNG-CONT A-CLNG-GRID A-CLNG-OPEN A-CLNG-PATT A-CLNG-TEES A-CLNG-SUSP A-COLS-ENCL A-DOOR A-DOOR-ELEV A-DOOR-FULL A-DOOR-IDEN A-DOOR-PRHT A-DOOR-SYMB A-ELEV Architectural area - Actual Room Use Identifications shall be acquired according to the University's “Space Inventory - Room Number Assignment Standards". See Drawing 00100-2. - annotation Architectural area cross hatching Architectural ceiling information Architectural ceiling access Architectural ceiling control joints Architectural ceiling grid Architectural ceiling / roof penetrations Architectural ceiling patterns (e.g. gypsum, plaster, user defined) Architectural ceiling main tees Architectural ceiling suspended: ceiling mounted specialities (e.g. clocks, fans, etc.) Architectural column enclosures / fire protection Architectural doors Architectural doors: 3D views Architectural doors full-height (to ceiling) door: swing and leaf Architectural doors door number, hardware group, etc. - annotation Architectural doors partial-height door: swing and leaf Architectural doors miscellaneous symbols (e.g. overhead, bifold, pocket, etc.) Architectural elevations interior and exterior PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 23 EXHIBIT B 11-28-12 REV4 A-ELEV-CASE A-ELEV-OTLN A-ELEV-FIXT A-ELEV-FNSH *-****-ABND A-ELEV-IDEN A-ELEV-PATT A-ELEV-PFIXT A-ELEV-SIGN A-EQPM A-EQPM-ACCS A-EQPM-CLNG A-EQPM-ELEV A-EQPM-FIXD A-EQPM-IDEN A-EQPM-MOVE A-EQPM-NICN A-FLOR A-FLOR-CASE A-FLOR-EVTR A-FLOR-FIXT A-FLOR-HRAL A-FLOR-IDEN A-FLOR-LEVL A-FLOR-OTLN A-FLOR-OVHD A-FLOR-PATT A-FLOR-PFIX A-FLOR-RAIS A-FLOR-RISR A-FLOR-SIGN A-FLOR-SPCL A-FLOR-STRS A-FLOR-TPTN A-FLOR-WDWK A-FURN A-FURN-CHAR A-FURN-ELEV A-FURN-FILE A-FURN-FREE A-FURN-IDEN A-FURN-PATT A-FURN-PLNT Architectural elevations wall-mounted casework Architectural elevations building outlines Architectural elevations miscellaneous fixtures Architectural elevations finishes, woodwork, trim Abandoned Architectural elevations component identification numbers - annotation Architectural elevations textures and hatch patterns Architectural elevations plumbing fixtures Architectural elevations signage Architectural equipment Architectural equipment access Architectural equipment ceiling-mounted or suspended Architectural equipment surfaces: 3D views Architectural equipment fixed (non-moveable) Architectural equipment identification numbers Architectural equipment moveable Architectural equipment not in contract Architectural floor information Architectural floor casework (manufacture cabinets) Architectural floor elevator cars and equipment Architectural floor mounted/free standing miscellaneous fixtures (not including toilet fixtures) Architectural floor stair and balcony handrails, guard rails (except handicap grab bars) Architectural floor targets, notes etc - annotation Architectural floor level changes, ramps, pits, depressions, breaks in construction Architectural floor or building outline Architectural floor overhead items (skylights, overhangs ---- usually dashed line) Architectural floor paving, tile, carpet patterns Architectural floor plumbing fixtures Architectural floor: raised Architectural floor stair risers Architectural floor signage Architectural floor specialties (toilet room accessories floor mounted only, display cases) Architectural floor stair treads, escalators, ladders Architectural floor toilet partitions and handicap grab bars Architectural floor woodwork (field-built cabinets and counters) Architectural furniture Architectural furniture chairs and other seating Architectural furniture elevations: 3D views Architectural furniture file cabinets Architectural furniture: freestanding (desks, credenzas, etc.) Architectural furniture numbers Architectural furniture finish patterns Architectural furniture plants PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 24 Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies EXHIBIT B 11-28-12 REV4 A-FURN-PNLS A-FURN-POWR A-FURN-STOR A-FURN-WKSF A-GLAZ A-GLAZ-ELEV A-GLAZ-FULL A-GLAZ-IDEN A-GLAZ-PRHT A-GLAZ-SILL A-ROOF A-ROOF-CRTS A-ROOF-DRNS A-ROOF-EDGE A-ROOF-EXPN A-ROOF-HRAL A-ROOF-LEVL A-ROOF-OTLN A-ROOF-PATT A-ROOF-SPCL A-ROOF-STRS A-ROOF-WALK A-WALL A-WALL-CAVI A-WALL-CNTR A-WALL-CWMG A-WALL-ELEV A-WALL-EXTR A-WALL-FIRE A-WALL-HEAD A-WALL-IDEN A-WALL-INTR A-WALL-JAMB A-WALL-MOVE A-WALL-PATT A-WALL-PRHT Architectural furniture system panels Architectural furniture system ---- power designations Architectural furniture system storage components Architectural furniture system work surface components Architectural glazing windows, window walls, curtain walls, glazed partitions Architectural glazing and mullions --- elevation views Architectural glazing full-height glazed walls and partitions Architectural glazing window number Architectural glazing windows and partial-height glazed partitions Architectural glazing windowsills Architectural roof Architectural roof cricketts flow arrows flow info Architectural roof drains Architectural roof internal gutters Architectual roof expansion joints Architectural roof stair handrails, nosings, guardrails Architectural roof level changes Architectural roof outline Architectural roof surfaces patterns, hatching Architectural roof specialities, accessories, access hatches Architectural roof stair risers / treads, ladders Architectural roof walkways Architectural wall Architectural wall: cavity lines Architectural wall: centerlines Architectural wall: curtain, mullions, & glass Architectural wall surfaces: 3D views Architectural wall: exterior full height Architectural wall: fire wall designators (patterning) Architectural wall Door and window headers (appear on reflected ceiling plans) Architectural wall identification / type text or tags annotation Architectural wall: interior full height Door and window jambs (do not appear on reflected ceiling plans) Architectural wall: moveable partitions Wall insulation, hatching and fill Partial-height walls (do not appear on reflected ceiling plans) Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Electrical Layers E-LITE E-LITE-SPCL E-LITE-EMER E-LITE-EXIT E-LITE-CLNG Lighting Special lighting Emergency lighting Exit lighting Ceiling - mounted lighting PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 25 EXHIBIT B 11-28-12 REV4 E-LITE-WALL E-LITE-FLOR E-LITE-OTLN E-LITE-NUMB E-LITE-ROOF E-LITE-SITE E-LITE-SWCH E-LITE-CIRC E-LITE-IDEN E-LITE-JBOX E-POWR E-POWR-WALL E-POWR-CLNG E-POWR-PANL E-POWR-EQPM E-POWR-SWBD E-POWR-CIRC E-POWR-URAC E-POWR-UCPT E-POWR-CABL E-POWR-FEED E-POWR-BUSW E-POWR-NUMB E-POWR-IDEN E-POWR-SITE E-POWR-ROOF E-POWR-OTLN E-POWR-JBOX E-CTRL E-CTRL-DEVC E-CTRL-WIRE E-GRND E-GRND-CIRC E-GRND-REFR E-GRND-EQUI E-GRND-DIAG E-AUXL E-LTNG E-FIRE E-COMM E-DATA E-SOUN E-TVAN E-CCTV E-NURS E-SERT E-PGNG E-DICT E-BELL E-CLOK E-ALRM E-INTC Wall - mounted lighting Floor - mounted lighting Lighting outline for background (optional) Lighting circuit numbers Roof lighting Site lighting (see also civil group) Lighting ---- switches Lighting circuits Luminaire identification and text Junction box Power Power wall outlets and receptacles Power ---- ceiling receptacles and devices Power panels Power equipment Power switchboards Power circuits Underfloor raceways Under - carpet wiring Cable trays Feeders Busways Power circuits numbers Power identification, text Site power (see also civil group) Roof power Power outline for backgrounds Junction box Electric control systems Control system devices Control system wiring Ground system Ground system circuits Reference ground system Equipotential ground system Ground system diagam Auxiliary systems Lighting protection system Fire alarm, fire extinguishers Telephone, communication outlets Data outlets Sound / PA system TV antenna system Closed - circuit TV Nurse call system Security Paging system Central dictation system Bell system Clock system Miscellaneous alarm system Intercom system PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 26 Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies EXHIBIT B 11-28-12 REV4 E-LEGN E-1LIN E-RISR E-SITE E-SITE-LITE E-SITE-UNDR E-SITE-POLE E-SITE-OVHD Legend of symbols One - line diagrams Riser diagram Site electrical substations, poles Site lighting Underground electrical lines Electric poles Overhead lines Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies F-CO2S CO2 system Varies Varies F-CO2S-PIPE CO2 sprinkler piping Varies Varies F-CO2S-EQPM F-HALN F-HALN-EQPM F-HALN-PIPE F-IGAS F-IGAS-EQPM F-IGAS-PIPE F-SPRN F-SPRN-CLHD F-SPRN-OTHD F-SPRN-PIPE F-SPRN-STAN F-STAN F-PROT F-PROT-EQPM F-PROT-ALRM F-PROT-SMOK CO2 equipment Halon Halon equipment Halon piping Inert gas Inert gas equipment Inert gas piping Fire protections sprinkler system Sprinkler head ---- ceiling Sprinkler head ---- other Sprinkler piping Sprinkler system standpipe Fire protection standpipe system Fire protection systems Fire system equipment (fire hose cabinet extinguishers) Fire alarm Smoke detectors/heat sensors Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Floor plan ---- key plan Site plan ---- key map Access plan Fire protection plan Evacuation plan Code compliance plan Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Floor plan Site plan Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Fire Protection Layers General Layers G-PLAN G-SITE G-ACCS G-FIRE G-EVAC G-CODE Hazardous Layers HZ-PLAN HZ-SITE Interior Layers I-WALL-FULL I-WALL-PRHT I-WALL-MOVE I-WALL-HEAD Full - height walls, stair and shaft walls, walls to structure Partial - height walls (do not appear on reflected ceiling plans) Moveable partitions Door and window headers (appear on reflected ceiling plan) PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 27 EXHIBIT B 11-28-12 REV4 I-WALL-JAMB I-WALL-PATT I-WALL-ELEV I-WALL-FIRE I-DOOR I-DOOR-FULL I-DOOR-PRHT I-DOOR-IDEN I-DOOR-ELEV I-GLAZ I-GLAZ-FULL I-GLAZ-PRHT I-GLAZ-SILL I-GLAZ-IDEN I-GLAZ-ELEV I-FLOR I-FLOR-OTLN I-FLOR-LEVL I-FLOR-STRS I-FLOR-RISR I-FLOR-HRAL I-FLOR-EVTR I-FLOR-TPTN I-FLOR-SPCL I-FLOR-WDWK I-FLOR-CASE I-FLOR-OVHD I-FLOR-RAIS I-FLOR-IDEN I-FLOR-PATT I-FLOR-PFIX I-FLOR-FIXT I-FLOR-SIGN I-EQPM I-EQPM-FIXD I-EQPM-MOVE I-EQPM-NICN I-EQPM-ACCS I-EQPM-IDEN I-EQPM-ELEV I-EQPM-CLNG I-FURN I-FURN-FREE I-FURN-CHAR I-FURN-FILE I-FURN-PNLS I-FURN-WKSF I-FURN-STOR Door and window jambs (do not appear on reflected ceiling plans) Wall insulation, hatching and fill Wall surfaces: 3D views Fire wall patterning Doors Full - height (to ceiling) door: swing and leaf Partial - height door: swing and leaf Door number, hardware group, etc. Doors: 3D views Glazing Full - height glazed walls and partitions Windows and partial - height glazed partitions Windowsills Window number Glazing and mullions ---- elevation views Floor information Floor or building outline Level changes, ramps, pits, depressions Stairs treads, escalators, ladders Stair risers Stair and balcony handrails, guard rails Elevator cars and equipment Toliet partitions Architectural specialties (toilet room accessories, display cases) Architectural woodwork (field - built cabinets and counters) Casework (manufactured cabinets) Overhead items (skylights, overhangs ---- usually dashed lines) Raised floors Room numbers, names, targets, etc. Paving, tile, carpet patterns Plumbing fixture Miscellaneous fixtures Signage Equipment Fixed equipment Moveable equipment Equipment not in contract Equipment access Equipment identification numbers Equipment surfaces: 3D views Ceiling - mounted or suspended equipment Furniture Furniture: freestanding (desks, credenzas, etc.) Chairs and other seating File cabinets Furniture system panels Furniture system work surface components Furniture system storage components PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 28 Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies EXHIBIT B 11-28-12 REV4 I-FURN-POWR I-FURN-IDEN I-FURN-PLNT I-FURN-PATT I-FURN-ELEV I-CLNG I-CLNG-GRID I-CLNG-OPEN I-CLNG-TEES I-CLNG-SUSP I-CLNG-PATT I-CLNG-ACCS I-LITE I-COLS I-HVAC-SDFF I-HVAC-RDFF I-GRID I-AREA I-AREA-PATT I-AREA-IDEN I-AREA-OCCP I-ELEV I-ELEV-FNSH I-ELEV-CASE I-ELEV-FIXT I-ELEV-PFIXT I-ELEV-SIGN I-ELEV-PATT I-ELEV-IDEN I-SECT I-SECT-MCUT I-SECT-MBND I-SECT-PATT I-SECT-IDEN I-DETL I-DETL-MCUT I-DETL-MBND I-DETL-PATT I-DETL-IDEN Furniture system ---- power designations Furniture numbers Plants Finish patterns Furniture: 3D views Ceiling information Ceiling grid Ceiling / roof penetrations Main tees Suspended elements Ceiling patterns Ceiling access Light fixtures Columns Supply diffusers Return air diffusers Planning grid or column grid Area calculation lines Area cross hatching Room numbers, tenant identifications, area calculation Occupant or employee names Interior and exterior elevations Finishes, woodwork, trim Wall - mounted casework Miscellaneous fixtures Plumbing fixtures in elevation Signage Textures and hatch patterns Component identification numbers Sections Material cut by section Material beyond section cut Textures and hatch patterns Component identification numbers Details Material cut by section Material beyond section cut Textures and hatch patterns Component identification numbers Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Brine systems Brine system equipment Brine system piping Prefabricated chimneys Compressed air systems Compressed air equipment Compressed air piping Process air equipment Process air piping Controls and instrumentation Thermostats Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Mechanical Layers M-BRIN M-BRIN-EQPM M-BRIN-PIPE M-CHIM M-CMPA M-CMPA-CEQP M-CMPA-CPIP M-CMPA-PEQP M-CMPA-PPIP M-CONT M-CONT-THER PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 29 EXHIBIT B 11-28-12 REV4 M-CONT-WIRE M-DUST M-DUST-EQPM M-DUST-DUCT M-ELHT-EQPM M-ENER M-ENER-EQPM M-ENER-WIRE M-RCOV M-RCOV-EQPM M-RCOV-PIPE M-FUME-EXHS M-FUME-EQPM M-EXHS M-EXHS-EQPM M-EXHS-DUCT M-EXHS-RFEQ M-FUEL M-FUEL-GPRP M-FUEL-GGEP M-FUEL-OPRP M-FUEL-OGEP M-HVAC M-HVAC-CDFF M-HVAC-ODFF M-HVAC-DUCT M-HVAC-EQPM M-HVAC-SDFF M-HVAC-RDFF M-HOTW M-HOTW-EQPM M-HOTW-PIPE M-CWTR M-CWTR-PIPE M-CWTR-EQPM M-MACH M-MDGS M-MDGS-EQPM M-MDGS-PIPE M-LGAS M-LGAS-EQPM M-LGAS-PIPE M-NGAS M-NGAS-EQPM M-NGAS-PIPE M-PROC M-PROC-EQPM M-PROC-PIPE M-REFG M-REFG-EQPM M-REFG-PIPE M-SPCL Low voltage wiring Dust and fume collection system Dust and fume collection equipment Dust and fume ductwork Electric heat equipment Energy management system Energy management equipment Energy management wiring Energy recovery Energy recovery equipment Energy recovery piping Fume hood exhaust system Fume hoods Exhaust system Exhaust system equipment Exhaust system ductwork Rooftop exhaust equipment Fuel system piping Fuel gas process piping Fuel gas general piping Fuel oil process piping Fuel oil general piping HVAC system HVAC ceiling diffusers HVAC other diffusers HVAC ductwork HVAC equipment Supply diffusers Return air diffusers Hot water heating system Hot water equipment Hot water piping Chilled water system Chilled water piping Chilled water equipment Machine shop equipment Medical gas systems Medical gas equipment Medical gas piping Laboratory gas systems Laboratory gas equipment Laboratory gas piping Natural gas systems Natural gas equipment Natural gas piping Process systems Process equipment Process piping Refrigeration systems Refrigeration equipment Refrigeration piping Special systems PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 30 Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies EXHIBIT B 11-28-12 REV4 M-SPCL-EQPM M-SPCL-PIPE M-STEM M-STEM-CONP M-STEM-EQPM M-STEM-LPIP M-STEM-HPIP M-STEM-MPIP M-TEST-EQPM Special systems equipment Special systems piping Steam systems Steam systems condensate piping Steam systems equipment Low pressure steam piping High pressure steam piping Medium pressure steam piping Test equipment Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies P-ACID P-ACID-PIPE P-DOMW P-DOMW-EQPM P-DOMW-HPIP P-DOMW-CPIP P-DOMW-RISR P-SANR P-SANR-PIPE P-SANR-FIXT P-SANR-FLDR P-SANR-RISR P-SANR-EQPM P-STRM P-STRM-PIPE P-STRM-RISR P-STRM-RFDR P-EQPM P-FIXT Acid, alkaline, oil waste systems Acid, alkaline, oil waste piping Domestic hot and cold water systems Domestic hot and cold water equipment Domestic hot water piping Domestic cold water piping Domestic hot and cold water risers Sanitary drainage Sanitary piping Plumbing fixtures Floor drains Sanitary risers Sanitary equipment Storm drainage system Storm drain piping Storm drain risers Roof drains Plumbing miscellaneous equipment Plumbing fixtures Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies S-BEAM S-BEAM-CNTR S-BRAC-LATL S-BEAM-PRIM S-BEAM-SCND Structural beam Structural beam centerlines Structural bracing - lateral Structural beam - primary (girders) Structural beam - secondary (girders) Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies S-BRAC-SHEA S-BRAC-VERT S-COLS S-COLS-CNTR S-COLS-PRIM S-COLS-SCND Structural bracing - shear walls Structural bracing - vertical Structural columns Structural columns centerlines Structural columns - primary Structural columns - secondary Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies S-DECK S-DECK-FLOR S-DECK-OPEN S-DECK-ROOF S-ELEV-IDEN S-ELEV-OTLN S-ELEV-PATT S-ELEV-SIGN S-EVTR-FRAM S-FNDN Structural deck Structural deck - floor Structural deck - openings and penetrations Structural deck - roof Structural elevation component identification numbers Structural elevation building outlines Structural elevation textures and hatch patterns Structural elevation signage Structural elevator framing Structural foundation Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Plumbing Layers PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 31 EXHIBIT B 11-28-12 REV4 S-FNDN-FTNG S-FNDN-GRBM S-FNDN-IDEN S-FNDN-PILE S-FNDN-RBAR S-GRAD-ELEV S-GRAD-FLOR S-GRAT-ELEV S-GRAT-FLOR S-GRID S-GRID-EXTR S-GRID-INTR S-GRID-DIMS S-GRID-IDEN S-JNTS-CNST S-JNTS-CTRL S-JOIS S-JOIS-BRDG S-JOIS-PRIM S-JOIS-SCND S-METL-MISC S-SECT-IDEN S-SECT-MBND S-SECT-MCUT S-SECT-PATT S-SLAB S-SLAB-EDGE S-SLAB-JOIN S-SLAB-RBAR S-SPPT-MISC S-STRS-JOIN S-STRS-LADD S-STRS-RBAR S-TRUS-UNIT S-WALL S-WALL-CONC S-WALL-LOAD S-WALL-NONL S-WALL-PCST S-WALL-STUD S-WELD-SYMB Structural foundation footings Structural foundation grade beams Structural foundation component identification numbers Structural foundation piles, drilled piers Structural foundation reinforcing Structural grading - elevated Structural grading - floor Structural grating - elevated (catwalks) Structural grating - floor Structural column grid Structural column grid lines outside building Structural column grid lines inside building Structural column grid dimensions Structural column grid identification tags Structural joints - construction Structural joints - control/expansion Structural joist Structural joist bridging Structural joist - primary Structural joist - secondary Structural metal - miscellaneous Structural section component identification numbers Structural section - material beyond section cut Structural section - material cut by section Structural section textures and hatch patterns Structural slab Structural slab edge outline Structural slab control joints Structural slab reinforcing Structural support miscellaneous fasteners, anchor bolts Structural stair control joints Structural stair - ladders, ladder handrails, safety guard, grab bars Structural stair - reinforcing Structural truss unit Structural wall Structural wall - concrete Structural wall - load bearing concrete masonry unit (CMU) Structural wall - non-load bearing concrete masonry unit (CMU) Structural wall - precast Structural wall - steel stud Structural weld symbols Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Electrical equipment identifiers and leader lines Electrical equipment physical outline of electrical equipment (e.g. cabinets, enclosures, etc.) Communication Junction boxes Bell system identifier tags, symbol modifier and text Bell system symbols Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Telecommunication Layers T-ELEC-IDEN T-ELEC-EQPM T-COMM-JBOX T-BELL-IDEN T-BELL-SYST PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 32 EXHIBIT B 11-28-12 REV4 T-DICT-IDEN Dictation system identifier tags, symbol modifier and text Varies Varies T-DICT-SYST Dictation system symbols Varies Varies T-CLOK-IDEN T-CLOK-SYST T-ALRM-IDEN T-ALRM-SYST Clock system identifier tags, symbol modifier and text Clock system symbols Alarm system identifier tags, symbol modifier and text Alarm system symbols Nurse call system identifier tags, symbol modifier and text Nurse call system symbols Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies T-SECR-IDEN T-SECR-SYST T-COMM-COAX Intercom / public address system symbols Intercom / public address: paging system symbols Fire alarm and detection system identifier tags, symbol modifier and text Fire alarm and detection system symbols Energy management system identifier tags, symbol modifier and text Energy management system symbols Security system identifier tags, symbol modifier and text Security system symbols Wiring system coax cable Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies T-COMM-FIBR T-COMM-IDEN Wiring system fiber optics cable Wiring system cable identifiers Varies Varies Varies Varies T-COMM-MULT T-COMM-TRAY Wiring system multi-conductor cable Wiring system cable trays and wireway symbols Varies Varies Varies Varies T-NURS-IDEN T-NURS-SYST T-SOUN-IDEN T-SOUN-SYST T-PHON-IDEN T-PHON-SYST T-CATV-IDEN T-CATV-TELE T-CATV-TVAN T-DATA-IDEN T-DATA-SYST T-INTC-IDEN T-INTC-INPA T-INTC-PGNG T-FIRE-IDEN T-FIRE-SYST T-EMS-IDEN T-EMS-SYST Sound system identifier tags, symbol modifier and text Sound system symbols Phone system identifier tags, symbol modifier and text Phone system symbols Television system identifier tags, symbol modifier and text Television system symbols Television system antenna system symbols Data / LAN system identifier tags, symbol modifier and text Data / LAN system symbols Intercom / public address system identifier tags, symbol modifier and text Civil - Data collected exterior of the building Layer Name Layer Description Buildings / Primary Structures C-BLDG-IDEN C-BLDG-OTLN Building name and location number - annotation Building footprint - exterior wall of the building PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 33 Line Type Color # Continuous Continuous Varies Varies EXHIBIT B 11-28-12 REV4 C-BLDG-MINR C-BLDG-UNDR C-BLDG-PATT C-BLDG-DETAIL Alignments C-ALGN-OBJT C-ALGN-IDEN Embankments C-EMBK-CNTL C-EMBK-EDGE C-EMBK-IDEN Property C-PROP-BRNG C-PROP-CONS C-PROP-ESMT C-PROP-LINE C-PROP-PRVT C-PROP-LTID C-PROP-DETL C-PROP-MONU C-PROP-RECD C-PROP-RCID Site C-SITE-SIGN C-SITE-CMTY C-SITE-BPTH C-SITE-BRCK C-SITE-WALK C-SITE-WKID C-SITE-FENC C-SITE-FEID C-SITE-PTNL C-SITE-IDEN C-SITE-MSTR C-SITE-MSID Survey C-SURV-CTRL C-SURV-CTID C-SURV-LINE C-SURV-IDEN Building minor (bus-shelter, kiask, information booth) curbs Building structure underground Building hatch pattern Building exterior stairs, fire escapes, porches, and canopies, loading docks attached to the building Continuous Hidden Continuous Varies Varies Varies Continuous Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Embankment centerline Embankment edge and object lines Embankment annotation Varies Varies Continuous Varies Varies Varies Property bearings and distance - annotation Property construction limits / controls Property easements with annotation Property lines with annotation Property private Property lot identification (ie: parcel number, lot number etc.) Property details with annotation (scaled views depicting detailed areas of property) Property monumentation (includes all monuments found or set, witness corners) Property record data (data aquired by other sources - not as part of the field survey) Property record data identification - annotation Continuous Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Continuous Varies Continuous Varies Continuous Varies Continuous Continuous Varies Varies Continuous Continuous Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Continuous Varies Varies Varies Continuous Hidden Continuous Varies Varies Varies Continuous Varies Continuous Continuous Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Alignments Alignment annotation Site signage with annotation (ie: building signs) Site cemetery with annotation Site bicycle path Site bicycle rack Site sidewalks, defined trails - crushed stone, peagravel, bark etc. Site sidewalk material identification: crushed stone, pea-gravel, bark etc. - annotation Site fencing, chain-link, chain, wood rail, barbedwire, etc. Site fencing type identification: chain-link, chain, wood rail, barbed-wire etc. - annotation Site pedestrian tunnel Site identification notes - annotation Site minor structure including misc impervious features (example: concrete / asphalt pads etc.) Site minor structure identification - annotation Survey control point - permanent markers including benchmarks, gps, brass-tablets, stone marker etc Survey control point identification Survey and control line Survey and control line annotation PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 34 EXHIBIT B 11-28-12 REV4 Topography C-TOPO-BKLN C-TOPO-BORE C-TOPO-BOID C-TOPO-CORD C-TOPO-SPOT C-TOPO-MAJR C-TOPO-MAID C-TOPO-MINR C-TOPO-MIID C-TOPO-SLOP C-TOPO-SLID C-TOPO-IDEN Borrow Areas C-BORW-LINE C-BORW-IDEN Topography break lines Topography soil borings Topography soil boring identificaion tags annotation Topography coordinates Topography spot elevations Topography major contours Topography major contour identification annotation Topography minor contours Topography minor contour identification annotation Topography cut/fill slopes Topography cut/fill slope identification - annotation Topography identification notes - annotation Borrow area outline Borrow area identification - annotation Varies Continuous Varies Varies Continuous Continuous Continuous Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Continuous Varies Varies Varies Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Continuous 200 Continuous 200 Continuous 200 Continuous 200 Continuous Hidden Center2 Center2 Center2 Center2 Continuous 200 253 200 200 200 200 200 Continuous Continuous 200 200 Continuous 5 Continuous 5 Continuous 5 Continuous 5 Site Utility Systems Chilled Water System C-CWTR-JUNC C-CWTR-JUID C-CWTR-DEVC C-CWTR-DVID C-CWTR-FTTG C-CWTR-ABND C-CWTR-MSUP C-CWTR-SSUP C-CWTR-MRET C-CWTR-SRET C-CWTR-ANOD C-CWTR-STID C-CWTR-IDEN Domestic Water System C-DOMW-JUNC C-DOMW-JUID C-DOMW-DEVC C-DOMW-DVID C-DOMW-FTTG Chilled water junction: vaults, manholes, handholes and valve vaults (UIUC) Chilled water junction identification: vaults, manholes, handholes and valve vaults - annotation (UIUC) Chilled water devices: test boxes, storage tanks, valves, meters, pumps, & regulators (UIUC) Chilled water device identification: test boxes, storage tanks, valves, meters, pumps, & regulators (UIUC) Chilled water fittings caps, crosses, reducers & tees etc. (UIUC) Chilled water pipe - abandoned (UIUC) Chilled water pipe - supply main (UIUC) Chilled water pipe - supply service (UIUC) Chilled water pipe - return main (UIUC) Chilled water pipe - return service (UIUC) Chilled water anode test station (UIUC) Chilled water station identification: anode annotation (UIUC) Chilled water identification notes (UIUC) Domestic water junction: vaults, manholes, handholes, pump stations and valve vaults (UIUC) Domestic water junction identification: vaults, manholes, handholes, pump stations and valve vaults - annotation (UIUC) Domestic water devices: storage tanks, valves, meters, & hydrants (UIUC) Domestic water device identification: storage tanks, valves, meters, & hydrants - annotation (UIUC) Domestic water fittings caps, crosses, reducers & tees etc. (UIUC) PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 35 5 EXHIBIT B 11-28-12 REV4 C-DOMW-ABND C-DOMW-MAIN C-DOMW-SERV C-DOMW-NPOT C-DOMW-IDEN Domestic water pipe - abandoned (UIUC) Domestic water pipe - main (UIUC) Domestic water pipe - service (UIUC) Domestic water pipe - non-potable water (UIUC) Domestic water identification notes - annotation (UIUC) Hidden Continuous Continuous Continuous 253 5 5 5 Continuous 5 C-DOMW-OTHR-JUNC Domestic water junction: vaults, manholes, handholes, pump stations and valve vaults (owned or maintained by others) Continuous 7 Continuous 7 Continuous 7 Continuous 7 Continuous 7 Hidden 253 Continuous 7 Continuous 7 Continuous 7 Continuous Continuous 7 C-ELEC-JUNC Electrical junction: vaults, manholes, handholes, junction boxes, pull boxes, pedestals & splices (UIUC) Continuous 1 C-ELEC-JUID Electrical junction identification: vaults, manholes, handholes, junction boxes, pull boxes, pedestals & splices - annotation (UIUC) Continuous 1 C-ELEC-DEVC Electrical device: transformers, capacitors, voltage regulators, motors, buses, generators, meters, grounds & markers (UIUC) Continuous 1 Continuous Hidden 1 253 Divide2 Divide2 Divide2 1 1 1 Divide2 Divide2 Divide2 1 1 1 C-DOMW-OTHR-JUID C-DOMW-OTHR-DEVC C-DOMW-OTHR-DVID C-DOMW-OTHR-FTTG C-DOMW-OTHR-ABND C-DOMW-OTHR-MAIN C-DOMW-OTHR-SERV C-DOMW-OTHR-NPOT C-DOMW-OTHR-IDEN Electrical Distribution System C-ELEC-DVID C-ELEC-ABND C-EPRM-IDEN C-EPRM-UNDR C-EPRM-OVHD C-ESCD-IDEN C-ESCD-UNDR C-ESCD-OVHD Domestic water junction identification: vaults, manholes, handholes, pump stations and valve vaults - annotation (owned or maintained by others) Domestic water devices: storage tanks, valves, meters, & hydrants (owned or maintained by others) Domestic water device identification: storage tanks, valves, meters, & hydrants - annotation (owned or maintained by others) Domestic water fittings caps, crosses, reducers & tees etc. (owned or maintained by others) Domestic water pipe - abandoned (owned or maintained by others) Domestic water pipe - main (owned or maintained by others) Domestic water pipe - service (owned or maintained by others) Domestic water pipe - non-potable (owned or maintained by others) Domestic water identification notes - annotation (owned or maintained by others) Electrical device identification: transformers, capacitors, voltage regulators, motors, buses, generators, meters, grounds & markers - annotation (UIUC) Electrical cable - abandoned (UIUC) Electrical cable - primary identification notes annotation (UIUC) Electrical cable - primary underground (UIUC) Electrical cable - primary overhead (UIUC) Electrical cable - secondary identification notes annotation (UIUC) Electrical cable - secondary underground (UIUC) Electrical cable - secondary overhead (UIUC) PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 36 EXHIBIT B 11-28-12 REV4 C-ESRV-IDEN C-ESRV-UNDR C-ELEC-DUCT C-ELEC-SUBS C-ELEC-DIST C-ELEC-SWCH C-ELEC-PDBL C-ELEC-PRSR C-ELEC-PTWR C-ELEC-PSGL C-ELEC-PDGY C-ELEC-PSPN C-ELEC-POID C-ELEC-IDEN Electrical cable - service identification notes annotation (UIUC) Electrical cable - service underground (UIUC) Electrical ductbanks (UIUC) Electrical sub-stations (UIUC) Electrical distribution centers (UIUC) Electrical switches fuse cutouts, pole mounted switches, circuit breakers, gang operated disconnects, reclosers, cubicle switches (UIUC) Electrical pole - double (UIUC) Electrical pole - risers (UIUC) Electrical pole - tower (UIUC) Electrical pole - single (UIUC) Electrical pole - down guy (UIUC) Electrical pole - span guy wires (UIUC) Electrical pole - identification tags - annotation (UIUC) Electrical identification notes - annotation (UIUC) C-ELEC-OTHR-JUID Electrical junction: vaults, manholes, handholes, junction boxes, pull boxes, pedestals & splices (owned or maintained by others) Electrical junction identification: vaults, manholes, handholes, junction boxes, pull boxes, pedestals & splices - annotation (owned or maintained by others) C-ELEC-OTHR-DEVC Electrical device: transformers, capacitors, voltage regulators, motors, buses, generators, meters, grounds & markers (owned or maintained by others) C-ELEC-OTHR-JUNC C-ELEC-OTHR-DVID C-ELEC-OTHR-ABND C-EPRM-OTHR-IDEN C-EPRM-OTHR-UNDR C-EPRM-OTHR-OVHD C-ESCD-OTHR-IDEN C-ESCD-OTHR-UNDR C-ESCD-OTHR-OVHD C-ESRV-OTHR-IDEN C-ESRV-OTHR-UNDR C-ELEC-OTHR-DUCT Electrical device identification: transformers, capacitors, voltage regulators, motors, buses, generators, meters, grounds & markers - annotation (owned or maintained by others) Electrical cable - abandoned (owned or maintained by others) Electrical cable - primary identification notes annotation (owned or maintained by others) Electrical cable - primary underground (owned or maintained by others) Electrical cable - primary overhead ( owned or maintained by others) Electrical cable - secondary identification notes annotation (owned or maintained by others) Electrical cable - secondary underground (owned or maintained by others) Electrical cable - secondary overhead (owned or maintained by others) Electrical cable - service identification notes annotation ( owned or maintained by others) Electrical cable - service underground ( owned or maintained by others) Electrical ductbanks (owned or maintained by others) PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 37 Divide2 Divide2 Divide2 Continuous Continuous 1 1 1 1 1 Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Continuous Continuous 1 1 Continuous 7 Continuous 7 Continuous 7 Continuous 7 Hidden 253 Dashed 7 Dashed 7 Dashed 7 Dashed 7 Dashed 7 Dashed 7 Dashed 7 Dashed 7 Dashed 7 EXHIBIT B 11-28-12 REV4 C-ELEC-OTHR-SUBS C-ELEC-OTHR-DIST C-ELEC-OTHR-SWCH C-ELEC-OTHR-PDBL C-ELEC-OTHR-PRSR C-ELEC-OTHR-PTWR C-ELEC-OTHR-PSGL C-ELEC-OTHR-PDGY C-ELEC-OTHR-PSPN C-ELEC-OTHR-POID C-ELEC-OTHR-TGRD C-ELEC-OTHR-IDEN Energy Management System (EMS) C-EMS-JUNC C-EMS-JUID C-EMS-DEVC C-EMS-DVID C-EMS-ABND C-EMS-OVHD C-EMS-UNDR C-EMS-DUCT Fire Protection System C-FIRE-JUNC C-FIRE-JUID C-FIRE-DEVC Electrical sub-stations (owned or maintained by others) Electrical distribution centers (owned or maintained by others) Electrical switches fuse cutouts, pole mounted switches, circuit breakers, gang operated disconnects, reclosers, cubicle switches (owned or maintained by others) Electrical pole - double (owned or maintained by others) Electrical pole - risers (owned or maintained by others) Electrical pole - tower (owned or maintained by others) Electrical pole - single (owned or maintained by others) Electrical pole - down guy (owned or maintained by others) Electrical pole - span guy wires (owned or maintained by others) Electrical pole - identification tags - annotation (owned or maintained by others) Electrical tower ground wire (owned or maintained by others Electrical identification notes - annotation (owned or maintained by others) Energy management system junction: pull boxes, manholes, handholes, pedestals, splices (UIUC) Energy management system junction identification: pull boxes, manholes, handholes, pedestals, splices - annotation (UIUC) Energy management system devices: field interfaces, multiplexers, markers (UIUC) Energy management system device identification: field interfaces, multiplexers, markers - annotation (UIUC) Energy management system cable - abandoned (UIUC) Energy management system cable - overhead (UIUC) Energy management system cable - underground (UIUC) Energy management system ductbanks (UIUC) Fire protection junction: vaults, manholes, handholes, pump stations and valve vaults (UIUC) Fire protection junction identification: vaults, manholes, handholes, pump stations and valve vaults - annotation (UIUC) Fire protection devices: storage tanks, valves, meters & hydrants (UIUC) PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 38 Continuous 7 Continuous 7 Continuous 7 Continuous 7 Continuous 7 Continuous 7 Continuous 7 Continuous 7 Continuous 7 Continuous 7 Continous 7 Continuous 7 Continuous 1 Continuous 1 Continuous 1 Continuous 1 Hidden 253 Continuous 5 Continuous Dashed 5 7 Continuous 5 Continuous 5 Continuous 5 EXHIBIT B 11-28-12 REV4 C-FIRE-IDEN Fire protection device identification: storage tanks, valves, hydrants, & meters - annotation (UIUC) Fire protection fittings caps, crosses, reducers & tees etc. (UIUC) Fire protection pipe - abandoned (UIUC) Fire protection pipe - main (UIUC) Fire protection pipe - service (UIUC) Fire protection identification notes - annotation (UIUC) C-FIRE-OTHR-JUNC Fire protection junction: vaults, manholes, handholes, pump stations and valve vaults (owned or maintained by others) C-FIRE-DVID C-FIRE-FTTG C-FIRE-ABND C-FIRE-MAIN C-FIRE-SERV C-FIRE-OTHR-JUID C-FIRE-OTHR-DEVC Fire protection junction identification: vaults, manholes, handholes, pump stations and valve vaults - annotation (owned or maintained by others) Fire protection devices: storage tanks, valves, valve vaults, meters (owned or maintained by others) Continuous 5 Continuous Hidden Continuous Continuous 5 253 5 5 Continuous 5 Continuous 7 Continuous 7 Continuous 7 Continuous 7 Continuous 7 Hidden 253 Continuous 7 Fire protection device identification: storage tanks, valves, meters - annotation (owned or maintained by others) Fire protection fittings caps, crosses, reducers & tees etc. (owned or maintained by others) Fire protection pipe - abandoned (owned or maintained by others) Fire protection pipe - main (owned or maintained by others) Fire protection pipe - service (owned or maintained by others) Fire protection identification notes - annotation (owned or maintained by others) Continuous 7 Continuous 7 C-FUEL-JUNC Fuel system junction: hydrant fill points, vaults, manholes, handholes, test boxes, vent vaults, valve vaults, and hydrant control vaults and valves (UIUC) Continuous 7 C-FUEL-JUID Fuel system junction identification: hydrant fill points, vaults, manholes, handholes, test boxes, vent vaults, valve vaults, and hydrant control vaults and valves - annotation (UIUC) Continuous 7 C-FUEL-DEVC Fuel system devices: air eliminators, filter strainers, line vents, markers, meters, oil/water separators, pumps, regulators, and tanks (UIUC) Continuous 7 Continuous 7 Continuous Hidden Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous 7 253 7 7 7 7 7 C-FIRE-OTHR-DVID C-FIRE-OTHR-FTTG C-FIRE-OTHR-ABND C-FIRE-OTHR-MAIN C-FIRE-OTHR-SERV C-FIRE-OTHR-IDEN Fuel System C-FUEL-DVID C-FUEL-FTTG C-FUEL-ABND C-FUEL-MAIN C-FUEL-SERV C-FUEL-DEFL C-FUEL-ANOD C-FUEL-BOOS Fuel system device identification: air eliminators, filter strainers, line vents, markers, meters, oil/water separators, pumps, regulators, and tanks annotation (UIUC) Fuel system fittings caps, crosses, reducers & tees etc. (UIUC) Fuel system pipe - abandoned (UIUC) Fuel system pipe - main (UIUC) Fuel system pipe - service (UIUC) Fuel system pipe - defueling (UIUC) Fuel system anode test station (UIUC) Fuel system booster station (UIUC) PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 39 EXHIBIT B 11-28-12 REV4 C-FUEL-REDC C-FUEL-PUMP C-FUEL-IDEN Fuel system reducing station (UIUC) Fuel system pumping station (UIUC) Fuel system identification notes - annotation (UIUC) C-FUEL-OTHR-JUID Fuel system junction: hydrant fill points, vaults, manholes, handholes, test boxes, vent vaults, valve vaults, and hydrant control vaults and valves (owned or maintained by others) Fuel system junction identification: hydrant fill points, vaults, manholes, handholes, test boxes, vent vaults, valve vaults, and hydrant control vaults and valves - annotation (owned or maintained by others) C-FUEL-OTHR-DEVC Fuel system devices: air eliminators, filter strainers, line vents, markers, meters, oil/water separators, pumps, regulators, and tanks (owned or maintained by others) C-FUEL-OTHR-JUNC C-FUEL-OTHR-DVID C-FUEL-OTHR-FTTG C-FUEL-OTHR-ABND C-FUEL-OTHR-MAIN C-FUEL-OTHR-SERV C-FUEL-OTHR-DEFL C-FUEL-OTHR-ANOD C-FUEL-OTHR-BOOS C-FUEL-OTHR-REDC C-FUEL-OTHR-PUMP C-FUEL-OTHR-IDEN Lighting System Fuel system device identification: air eliminators, filter strainers, line vents, markers, meters, oil/water separators, pumps, regulators, and tanks annotation (owned or maintained by others) Fuel system fittings caps, crosses, reducers & tees etc. (owned or maintained by others) Fuel system pipe - abandoned (owned or maintained by others) Fuel system pipe - main (owned or maintained by others) Fuel system pipe - service (owned or maintained by others) Fuel system pipe - defueling (owned or maintained by others) Fuel system anode test station (owned or maintained by others) Fuel system booster station (owned or maintained by others) Fuel system reducing station (owned or maintained by others) Fuel system pumping station (owned or maintained by others) Fuel system identification notes - annotation (owned or maintained by others) C-LITE-JUID C-LITE-FLOD C-LITE-POLE C-LITE-STRT C-LITE-WALK Lighting junctions: pull boxes, manholes, handholes, pedestals, splices (UIUC) Lighting junction identification: pull boxes, manholes, handholes, pedestals, splices annotation (UIUC) Lighting flood lights (UIUC) Lighting pole mounted light (UIUC) Lighting street lights (UIUC) Lighting walkway lights (UIUC) C-LITE-SWCH C-LITE-ABND Lighting switches fuse cutouts, pole mounted switches, circuit breakers, gang operated disconnects, reclosers, cubicle switches (UIUC) Lighting cable - abandoned (UIUC) C-LITE-JUNC PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 40 Continuous Continuous Continuous 7 7 7 Continuous 7 Continuous 7 Continuous 7 Continuous 7 Continuous 7 Hidden 253 Continuous 7 Continuous 7 Continuous 7 Continuous 7 Continuous 7 Continuous 7 Continuous 7 Continuous 7 Continuous 1 Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous 1 1 1 1 1 Continuous Hidden 1 253 EXHIBIT B 11-28-12 REV4 C-LITE-PRID C-LITE-PRUN C-LITE-PROH C-LITE-SCID C-LITE-SCUN C-LITE-SCOH C-LITE-SRID C-LITE-SRUN C-LITE-OTHR-JUNC C-LITE-OTHR-JUID C-LITE-OTHR-FLOD C-LITE-OTHR-POLE C-LITE-OTHR-STRT C-LITE-OTHR-WALK C-LITE-OTHR-SWCH C-LITE-OTHR-ABND C-LITE-OTHR-PRID C-LITE-OTHR-PRUN C-LITE-OTHR-PROH C-LITE-OTHR-SCID C-LITE-OTHR-SCUN C-LITE-OTHR-SCOH C-LITE-OTHR-SRID C-LITE-OTHR-SRUN Natural Gas Distribution C-NGAS-JUNC Lighting cable - primary identification notes annotation (UIUC) Lighting cable - primary underground (UIUC) Lighting cable - primary overhead (UIUC) Lighting cable - secondary identification notes annotation (UIUC) Lighting cable - secondary underground (UIUC) Lighting cable - secondary overhead (UIUC) Lighting cable - service identification notes annotation (UIUC) Lighting cable - service underground (UIUC) Lighting junctions: pull boxes, manholes, handholes, pedestals, splices (owned or maintained by others) Lighting junction identification: pull boxes, manholes, handholes, pedestals, splices annotation (owned or maintained by others) Lighting flood lights (owned or maintained by others) Lighting pole mounted light (owned or maintained by others) Lighting street lights (owned or maintained by others) Lighting walkway lights (owned or maintained by others) Lighting switches fuse cutouts, pole mounted switches, circuit breakers, gang operated disconnects, reclosers, cubicle switches (owned or maintained by others) Lighting cable - abandoned (owned or maintained by others) Lighting cable - primary identification notes annotation (owned or maintained by others) Lighting cable - primary underground (owned or maintained by others) Lighting cable - primary overhead (owned or maintained by others) Lighting cable - secondary identification notes annotation (owned or maintained by others) Lighting cable - secondary underground (owned or maintained by others) Lighting cable - secondary overhead (owned or maintained by others) Lighting cable - service identification notes annotation (owned or maintained by others) Lighting cable - service underground (owned or maintained by others) Natural gas junction: hydrant fill points, vaults, manholes, handholes, test boxes, vent vaults, and valve vaults (UIUC) PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 41 Border2 Border2 Border2 1 1 1 Continuous Border2 Border2 1 1 1 Continuous Border2 1 1 Continuous 7 Continuous 7 Continuous 7 Continuous 7 Continuous 7 Continuous 7 Continuous 7 Hidden 253 Dashed 7 Dashed 7 Dashed 7 Continuous 7 Dashed 7 Dashed 7 Continuous 7 Dashed 7 Continuous 52 EXHIBIT B 11-28-12 REV4 C-NGAS-JUID C-NGAS-DEVC Natural gas junction identification: hydrant fill points, vaults, manholes, handholes, test boxes, vent vaults, and valve vaults - annotation (UIUC) Natural gas devices: vents, markers, meters, pumps, regulators, tanks, taps, and valves (UIUC) Continuous 52 Continuous 52 Continuous Hidden Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous 52 253 52 52 52 52 52 52 Continuous Continuous Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies 52 52 Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies C-NGAS-STID C-NGAS-IDEN C-NGAS-CVNT C-NGAS-WSGN C-NGAS-LSTA C-NGAS-TRAN-MAIN C-NGAS-TRAN-ACAN C-NGAS-TRAN-RWRE C-NGAS-TRAN-RSTA C-NGAS-TRAN-GSTA C-GSLP-SERV Natural gas device identification: vents, markers, meters, pumps, regulators, tanks, taps, and valves annotation (UIUC) Natural gas pipe - abandoned (UIUC) Natural gas pipe - main (UIUC) Natural gas pipe - service (UIUC) Natural gas anode test station (UIUC) Natural gas booster station (UIUC) Natural gas reducing station (UIUC) Natural gas pumping station (UIUC) Natural gas station identification tags: anode test, booster, reducing, pumping - annotation (UIUC) Natural gas identification notes - annotation (UIUC) Natural gas casing vent (UIUC) Natural gas warning sign (UIUC) Natural gas located station (UIUC) Natural gas transmission main (UIUC) Natural gas transmission anode canister (UIUC) Natural gas transmission rectifier wire (UIUC) Natural gas transmission rectifier station (UIUC) Natural gas transmission gas station (UIUC) LP Gas service (UIUC) C-NGAS-OTHR-JUNC Natural gas junction: hydrant fill points, vaults, manholes, handholes, test boxes, vent vaults, and valve vaults (owned or maintained by others) Continuous 7 C-NGAS-OTHR-JUID Natural gas junction identification: hydrant fill points, vaults, manholes, handholes, test boxes, vent vaults, and valve vaults - annotation (owned or maintained by others) Continuous 7 C-NGAS-OTHR-DEVC Natural gas devices: vents, markers, meters, pumps, regulators, tanks, taps, and valves (owned or maintained by others) Continuous 7 Continuous 7 Hidden 253 Dashed 7 Dashed 7 Continuous 7 Continuous 7 Continuous 7 C-NGAS-DVID C-NGAS-ABND C-NGAS-MAIN C-NGAS-SERV C-NGAS-ANOD C-NGAS-BOOS C-NGAS-REDC C-NGAS-PUMP C-NGAS-OTHR-DVID C-NGAS-OTHR-ABND C-NGAS-OTHR-MAIN C-NGAS-OTHR-SERV C-NGAS-OTHR-ANOD C-NGAS-OTHR-BOOS C-NGAS-OTHR-REDC Natural gas device identification: vents, markers, meters, pumps, regulators, tanks, taps, and valves annotation (owned or maintained by others) Natural gas pipe - abandoned (owned or maintained by others) Natural gas pipe - main (owned or maintained by others) Natural gas pipe - service (owned or maintained by others) Natural gas anode test station (owned or maintained by others) Natural gas booster station (owned or maintained by others) Natural gas reducing station (owned or maintained by others) PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 42 EXHIBIT B 11-28-12 REV4 C-NGAS-OTHR-PUMP C-NGAS-OTHR-STID C-NGAS-OTHR-IDEN Steam Distribution System C-STEA-JUNC C-STEA-JUID C-STEA-DEVC C-STEA-DVID C-STEA-ABND C-STEA-STNL C-STEA-TUNL C-STEA-TRAP C-STEA-UGEC C-STEA-LP C-STEA-UP C-STEA-HP C-STEA-CR C-STEA-PR C-STEA-VR C-STEA-IDEN Sanitary Sewer System C-SSWR-JUNC C-SSWR-JUID C-SSWR-DEVC C-SSWR-DVID C-SSWR-GSYM C-SSWR-UGEC C-SSWR-ABND C-SSWR-MAIN C-SSWR-SERV C-SSWR-FRCM C-SSWR-SEPT C-SSWR-ARRW C-SSWR-IDEN C-SSWR-AGEC Natural gas pumping station (owned or maintained by others) Continuous 7 Continuous 7 Continuous 7 Continuous 211 Continuous 211 Hidden Phantom2 Phantom2 Varies Varies Center2 Center2 Center2 Center2 Center2 Center2 Continuous 253 211 211 Varies Varies 211 211 211 211 211 211 211 Continuous 3 Continuous 3 Continuous 3 Continuous 3 Sanitary sewer graphic symbol Continuous 3 Sanitary sewer underground enclosure Sanitary sewer pipe - abandoned (UIUC) Sanitary sewer pipe - main (UIUC) Sanitary sewer pipe - service (UIUC) Sanitary sewer pipe - forcemain (UIUC) Sanitary sewer septic systems (UIUC) Sanitary sewer direction of flow arrows (UIUC) Sanitary sewer identification notes - annotation (UIUC) Continuous Hidden DashDot2 DashDot2 Hidden DashDot2 Continuous 3 253 3 3 3 3 3 Continuous 3 Sanitary sewer above ground enclosure Continuous 3 Natural gas station identification tags: anode test, booster, reducing, & pumping - annotation (owned or maintained by others) Natural gas identification notes - annotation (owned or maintained by others) Steam distribution junction: vaults and manholes (UIUC) Steam distribution junction identification: vaults and manholes (UIUC) Steam distribution devices vaults, traps, condensate pumps (UIUC) Steam distribution device identification tags: vaults, traps, condensate pumps - annotation (UIUC) Steam distribution abandoned tunnels, piping (UIUC) Steam distribution shallow tunnel (UIUC) Steam distribution tunnel (UIUC) Steam distribution trap (UIUC) Steam distribution underground enclosure (UIUC) Steam distribution: low pressure piping (UIUC) Steam distribution: utility pressure piping (UIUC) Steam distribution: high pressure piping (UIUC) Steam distribution: condensate return piping (UIUC) Steam distribution: pressure return (UIUC) Steam distribution: vacuum return (UIUC) Steam distribution identification notes (UIUC) Sanitary sewer junction: manholes and lift-stations (UIUC) Sanitary sewer junction identification: manholes and lift-stations - annotation (UIUC) Sanitary sewer devices: cleanouts and air-release valves (UIUC) Sanitary sewer device identification: cleanouts and air-release valves - annotation (UIUC) PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 43 EXHIBIT B 11-28-12 REV4 C-SSWR-OTHR-JUNC C-SSWR-OTHR-JUID C-SSWR-OTHR-DEVC C-SSWR-OTHR-DVID C-SSWR-OTHR-UGEC C-SSWR-OTHR-ABND C-SSWR-OTHR-MAIN C-SSWR-OTHR-SERV C-SSWR-OTHR-SEPT C-SSWR-OTHR-FRCM C-SSWR-OTHR-ARRW C-SSWR-OTHR-IDEN Storm Drainage System C-STRM-JUNC C-STRM-JUID C-STRM-DEVC C-STRM-DVID C-STRM-GSYM C-STRM-ABND C-STRM-MAIN C-STRM-SERV C-STRM-UDRN C-STRM-FRCM C-STRM-ARRW C-STRM-POND C-STRM-DTCH C-STRM-EROS C-STRM-IDEN Sanitary sewer junction: manholes and lift-stations (owned or maintained by others) Continuous 7 Sanitary sewer junction identification: manholes and lift-stations - annotation (owned or maintained by others) Sanitary sewer devices: cleanouts and air-release valves (owned or maintained by others) Continuous 7 Continuous 7 Sanitary sewer device identification: cleanouts and air-release valves - annotation (owned or maintained by others) Continuous 7 Continuous 7 Hidden 253 Dashed 7 Dashed 7 Dashed 7 Hidden 7 Sanitary sewer underground enclosure (owned or maintained by others) Sanitary sewer pipe - abandoned (owned or maintained by others) Sanitary sewer pipe - main (owned or maintained by others) Sanitary sewer pipe - service (owned or maintained by others) Sanitary sewer septic systems (owned or maintained by others) Sanitary sewer forcemain (owned or maintained by others) Sanitary sewer direction of flow arrows (owned or maintained by others) Sanitary sewer identification notes - annotation (owned or maintained by others) Continuous 7 Continuous 7 Storm drainage junction: manholes, curb inlets, catch basins, drainage inlets, and storm drains (UIUC) Continuous 70 Continuous 70 Continuous 70 Continuous 70 Continuous Hidden Hidden Hidden Hidden Hidden Continuous 70 253 70 70 70 70 70 Continuous Varies Continuous Varies Continuous Varies Continuous Varies Storm drainage junction identification: manholes, curb inlets, catch basins, drainage inlets, and storm drains - annotation (UIUC) Storm drainage devices: headwalls, cleanouts, downspouts, culverts and air-release valves (UIUC) Storm drainage device identification: headwalls, cleanouts, downspouts, culverts and air-release valves (UIUC) Storm sewer graphic symbol Storm drainage pipe - abandoned (UIUC) Storm drainage pipe - main (UIUC) Storm drainage pipe - service (UIUC) Storm drainage pipe - underdrain (UIUC) Storm drainage pipe - forcemain (UIUC) Storm drainage direction of flow arrows (UIUC) Storm drainage detention basins, retention basins with annotation (UIUC) Storm drainage swales / ditches with annotation (UIUC) Storm drainage erosion control with annotation (UIUC) Storm drainage identification notes - annotation (UIUC) PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 44 EXHIBIT B 11-28-12 REV4 C-STRM-OTHR-JUNC Storm drainage junction: manholes, curb inlets, catch basins, drainage inlets, and storm drains (owned or maintained by others) Continuous 7 C-STRM-OTHR-JUID Storm drainage junction identification: manholes, curb inlets, catch basins, drainage inlets, and storm drains - annotation (owned or maintained by others) Continuous 7 C-STRM-OTHR-DEVC Storm drainage devices: headwalls, cleanouts, downspouts, culverts and air-release valves (owned or maintained by others) Continuous 7 Continuous 7 Hidden 7 Hidden 7 Hidden 7 Hidden 7 Hidden 7 Continuous 7 Continuous Continuous 7 7 Continuous 7 Continuous 7 Hidden 253 Telecommunication system tower Telecommunication system conduit - main (UIUC) Telecommunication system conduit - service (UIUC) Telecommunication system cable - direct burried (UIUC) Telecommunication system fiber optic (UIUC) Telecommunication system identification notes annotation (UIUC) Continuous Continuous Continuous 7 7 7 Continuous Continuous 7 7 Continuous 7 Road bridge Transportation road flowline curb Transportation road top back of curb Transportation road rights-of-way, with markers Transportation road centerlines Transportation road centerline identification annotation Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Continuous Varies C-STRM-OTHR-DVID C-STRM-OTHR-ABND C-STRM-OTHR-MAIN C-STRM-OTHR-SERV C-STRM-OTHR-UDRN C-STRM-OTHR-FRCM C-STRM-OTHR-ARRW C-STRM-OTHR-IDEN Telecommunications System C-TELE-JUNC C-TELE-JUID C-TELE-ABND C-TELE-TOWR C-TELE-MAIN C-TELE-SERV C-TELE-DBRY C-TELE-FIBR C-TELE-IDEN Storm drainage device identification: headwalls, cleanouts, downspouts, culverts and air-release valves (owned or maintained by others) Storm drainage pipe - abandoned (owned or maintained by others) Storm drainage pipe - main (owned or maintained by others) Storm drainage pipe - service (owned or maintained by others) Storm drainage pipe - underdrain (owned or maintained by others) Storm drainage pipe - forcemain (owned or maintained by others) Storm drainage direction of flow arrows (owned or maintained by others) Storm drainage identification notes - annotation (owned or maintained by others) Telecommunication system junction: vaults, manholes, handholes, junction boxes, pull boxes, pedestals & splices (UIUC) Telecommunication system junction identification: vaults, manholes, handholes, junction boxes, pull boxes, pedestals and splices (UIUC) Telecommunication system conduit, cable, fiber optics - abandoned (UIUC) Site Transportation System Road System C-ROAD-BRDG C-ROAD-FLCB C-ROAD-TBCB C-ROAD-RWAY C-ROAD-CNTR C-ROAD-CNID PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 45 EXHIBIT B 11-28-12 REV4 C-ROAD-GARD C-ROAD-IDEN C-ROAD-PVID C-ROAD-SIGN C-ROAD-MINR Parking System C-PKNG-CARS C-PKNG-CNID C-PKNG-CNTR C-PKNG-CURB C-PKNG-DRAN C-PKNG-SPID C-PKNG-IDEN C-PKNG-SIGN C-PKNG-PVMK Railroad System C-RAIL-CNID C-RAIL-CNTR C-RAIL-BRDG C-RAIL-RAIL C-RAIL-SIGN Transportation road guardrails Transportation road identification - annotation Transportation road pavement type identification annotation Transportation road signage with annotation Transportation minor roads (crushed stone, dirt, oil and chip) not defined by curbs Continuous Continuous Varies Varies Continuous Continuous Varies Varies Continuous Varies Parking lot graphic illustration of cars Parking lot centerline identification - annotation Parking lot centerlines Parking lot curbs, parking bumpers, islands Parking lot drainage slope indications Parking lot space identification - annotation Parking lot identification - annotation Parking lot signage with annotation Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Parking lot pavement markings (space stripes, handicapped symbols, Right/Left/Straight turn arrows etc.) Continuous Varies Railroad centerline identification - annotation Railroad centerline Railroad bridge structure Railroad rails Railroad signage with annotation Varies Center Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Landscape plant trees & hedge rows Landscape plant trees identification tags: decidous, coniferous and hedge rows etc. - annotation Landscape plant ground covers and vines Landscape plant rock, bark, and other Landscape beds, planters Landscape plant lawn areas Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Site Landscaping Plants L-PLNT-TREE L-PLNT-TRID L-PLNT-GRND L-PLNT-BEDS L-PLNT-TURF Irrigation System L-IRRIG-JUNC L-IRRIG-JUID L-IRRIG-DEVC L-IRRIG-DVID L-IRRIG-ABND L-IRRIG-MAIN L-IRRIG-SERV Structures L-SITE-WALL L-SITE-STEP L-SITE-DECK Landscape irrigation system junction: manholes, vaults, and valve vault (UIUC) Landscape irrigation system junction identification: manholes, vaults, and valve vault - annotation (UIUC) Landscape irrigation system devices: valves, meters, sprinkler heads and hydrants (UIUC) Landscape irrigation system device identification: valves, meters, sprinkler heads and hydrants (UIUC) Landscape irrigation system pipe - abandoned (UIUC) Landscape irrigation system pipe - main (UIUC) Landscape irrigation system pipe - service (UIUC) Varies Varies Hidden Varies Varies 253 Varies Varies Landscape site retaining walls Landscape site steps (not attached to buildings) Landscape site decks Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 46 EXHIBIT B 11-28-12 REV4 L-SITE-BRDG L-SITE-POOL L-SITE-SPRT L-SITE-PLAY L-SITE-STRC Hydroseeding L-HYDR-IDEN L-HYDR-GENL L-HYDR-SEED L-HYDR-SODS L-HYDR-SPRG L-HYDR-SDSD L-HYDR-SDSG L-HYDR-SSSG Turfing L-TURF-IDEN L-TURF-MLCH Seeding L-SEED-IDEN L-SEED-SDSD L-SEED-SSSG L-SEED-SDSG L-SEED-SODS L-SEED-GENL Landscape site bridges Landscape site pools and spas Landscape site sports fields Landscape site play structures Landscape site structures for ecstatic purposes (brick columns, concrete benches, statues, etc.) Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Hydroseeding annotation Hydroseeding Hydroseeding seed Hydroseeding sod Hydroseeding sprigs Hydroseeding seed and sod Hydroseeding seed and sprig Hydroseeding seed, sod, and sprig Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Turfing annotation Turfing mulch outlines Varies Varies Varies Varies Seeding annotation Seeding seed and sod Seeding seed, sod, and sprig Seeding seed and sprig Seeding sod Seeding seed Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies Varies PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 47 EXHIBIT B 11-28-12 REV4 DRAWINGS DRAWING 00100-1: SPACE INVENTORY – ROOM NUMBERING SYSTEM DRAWING 00100-2: SPACE INVENTORY – ACTUAL ROOM USE ASSIGNED DRAWING 00100-3: SPACE INVENTORY – AREA POLYLINES PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 48 DRAWINGS 11-28-12 REV 4 PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 49 DRAWINGS 11-28-12 REV 4 PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 50 DRAWINGS 11-28-12 REV 4 PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 51 DRAWINGS 11-28-12 REV 4 CHANGE LOG Revision # 4 Date 11-28-12 3 1-19-11 Change(s) Made Part 1, E, 5 – removed Part 1, G, 2, a – added “staples, or post bindings” Part 1, F, 3 – remove (O&M copies and warranties covered in Project Manual) Part 1, F, 4, b (now 3b) – added option for Department/College to specify #/size of copies Part 1, G, 3, a – changed “Word 2003” to “Word 2010 or earlier” Part 1, G, 3, b – added “, searchable” Part 1, G, 3, f – added “and two subfolders titled “pdf” and “Word.” There shall not be any further subfolders within the “pdf” and “Word” folders except to denote multiple volumes in accordance with the hardcopy set.” Part 1, H, 1, f – added Discipline Designator requirements Part 1, H, 2, a – added “(no single corner staples or bare metal ACCO-style fasteners)” Part 1, H, 3, a – changed “AutoCAD 2006” to “AutoCAD 2012 or earlier” Part 1, H, 3, b – added “searchable, and” Part 1, H, 3, h – corrected typo “C100-C1-4.dwg” to “C100-C104.dwg” Part 2, Chapter II, B, 1 – added “No Metric Equivalents” Part 2, Chapter II, B, 4, a – changed 1986 to 2011 Part 2, Chapter II, C, 2 – Removed Geotechnical, Civil Works, Equipment, Process, Resource, Other Disciplines, Contractor/Shop Drawings, Operations. Added HZ – Hazardous Materials. Changed Discipline Codes H to Heating, and V to Ventilation. Exhibit A, Project Manual, E-copy – corrected typo omission – added “pdf” Exhibit B – Removed Annotation Layers: Q-OTLN, Q-POWR, Q-PIPE, R-****-OTLN, R-****-DETL, R-****-PATT, R-****-ANNO. Added: *-ANNO-GRID, C-PROP-PRVT, C-SITE-BRCK, C-ELEC-OTHR-TGRD, C-NGAS-CVNT, C-NGAS-WSGN, C-NGASLSTA, C-NGAS-TRAN-MAIN, C-NGAS-TRAN-ACAN, C-NGAS-TRAN-RWRE, CNGAS-TRAN-RSTA, C-NGAS-TRAN-GSTA, C-GSLP-SERV, C-STEA-TRAP, CSTEA-UGEC, C-SSWR-GSYM, C-SSWR-UGEC, C-SSWR-AGEC, C-SSWR-OTHRUGEC, C-STRM-GSYM, C-TELE-TOWR, L-PLNT-SHRB. Changed H-PLAN to HZPLAN and H-SITE to HZ-SITE; and added “kiosk” to C-BLDG-MINR. Part 1, A – added clarification of document purpose Part 1, D – deleted items 3 through 9. Part 1, F, 2 – clarified department in item d, and moved “Class Tech” from item g to a new item e. Part 1, H, 3, b – added “rotated to the correct direction” Part 1, H, 3 – struck item h Part 1, H, 3, i (now item h) – added clarification for multi-sheet CAD files Part 1, H, 3 – added items I, j, k, l Part 1, I – added item h Part 2, Chapter II, B, 1 – added “No metric equivalents.” Part 2, Chapter II, B, 4 – added “The model shall be oriented so North is either to the top (^) or left (<) on the drawing document.” Part 2, Chapter II, B, 4, a – updated required version of Illinois State Plan Coordinate System. Part 2, Chapter II, B – added item 11 Part 2, Chapter II – added item D Exhibits – made changes in checklist to reflect above changes Change Log – added “Change Log” PROJECT SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS 52 CHANGE LOG 11-28-12 REV 4