The Star. iy'--'' mi,,', ri .?.<>-,- -.ftri'V ,-"' '-'iT lybtlli'"- -I*.. ...r.,.f v, - <-..,. .„,* ..r* ,5.100t-I ;j::;Ji! cAi uFi'j .... "-■ '■■ ■■ . t„?Tv;. 1LV 'J'.-O vi/nKiiLf. "uro:!-v '/-.hp/liil i C "*" < ..'^"T....'.?" .f'l^^''' ." t .r,f... W j>,!" 'T.'vl- XJ - --^...nv. ;■..{:» < IP-is»ii»'.:. <.»irtftf.V.i/r.'>f. '!.!■ .;";.'.""' ■ " s J/J- OMrf,!:j.:jj; ;! ■.:■"/■■.V'OTrCt.'i.'-o-i j-r fIFIHHEd r 1>; i: ( ;.,..,;v,; .;, .! ... ,000,0,-.:?; i.,; f ,; .Jr'i . 1 f " .m-'-.i-' - -.,,-.vj^ ■-. t J '■'-■ ■"■■i [ : .; ■.■'Ty^uiLd .... j. "'.\:"'. -"''' '■>#■■?--■>■-"■"■ "' ■' ;--" i :i ■'"■ .'i.'/i !, t.t'ij. '].(;'{(.;-; M;)^!/.]' '.'. : f ■ IMPORTANT .?, > . '. j SAttS^" ■Dl^^EßlnamJD ; OLQlgi||(a. --— > '"'' H:».a -■"'♥' .v'S"".-^0"^-:■-: """"-> ■;.■:. ■■......■■ ! ( :pQtKrl> E Yr MATKAM.STREET;/; '-i ;';/ ■> -' ; . ,-:iF"i'ii -ANi? ...,;. ■"■;," '? rrr^ 'Tjtf ORKmOcMMf% COQKINGRA^rti-EJ »■ \yy and REGISTER GRATE,' Wasluflg, Furnaces,.iWringing .and-(Mangling Machines' ; jMANUFACTORY:iAwftrded seven of the Belling how highest.honorary-certificates at;the last Agri> ■^'"i^u;- ! ---!^___ ■ dultural'" Show-for-theyearlß^7. i.:<■ j_2iiv;- ■■■■'■ t&9^!parti<«ilariy^toir Prices at w&ch iis ft to^^rawattentionto' '-rr v > ,-.-.,-. r t».-^, ,,., i W^loods,wbiohi»e 0^ ':;- -; S," V Vf! "': '.:-.; ".'■;-'.JI ; '.! ..■:'.■■.)' ■;,,;,. ; ."-.;: rGpABAOT!BB#^ -j Books in endlessTaristy Oil) M' :,V ; ■ , "^."..""[v.j,. -jrw ::"-",■. ii-.-.-'Mi-.'.-;- V|;: Ttl ' j io ;■■'■['■'?"■!'■' EDUCATIONAL DEPAETMKNT. ;> :ii .")>■,/;/[ .....v.- .PEE G/^S ■aro.v,.:- affll1 .M:wr- !oJv' <i:J-(ff!;.-!(il-j',A .. > r -- „" . i:ni:i.-t! ,zvrar/ri .v.oyt <ti-^-"~'J ,'JS'i "-"'; ■■ s.'>-':>;c>■). -tii-fl) ,sir.:i/yii.s (a . "r.Vi /^li-ivT.-.';.--: . i.' -r. :<-^a .■Vj.r.f:.fl <,jg '-"■:' -"■'"-",. :" ' " i -"■ , ]■ . -7. .j.*^K£ '-;.'.':'■*', ,?-:■;'?;;' V., ..■;rM-'f-;^-f:l.^l ■' : ■''■■K'-r"~'''i:i:;:ftiJ->^:K!liVi7"- ;. A. -wishes'toretatrn^his sincere tHanKB to*1 TT 1. MAY ft 00. hereby give tfee,, Piiblio. " l«hcol andJuvenile : they havf . '■';::,;■;,/:" :.■::„■ And sold at Prioes V":' ':"'. \'\," ,his'num'e'fbus . .BTu-itfiid',.' rroS: ( N^n^&J?"that the.publicof Canter^ Lx;j. ,t-y« Mend^and ..THE,GEEAT BAWAGE SAIE; { - I .':-'■: /. ;:---i ". :--. :'r t "■■' i' <':^i'-i-.- >'.; :;;0 ;:}>>/■ <^;.-./ j.;|ViHi " ;;"> C Bury for iiiesupport;! tHey. vßcßdot'Statibiftify. -^g, vlh-.-rpft ' hay.e;rendered him ",■"■"";■ sV.'v-.-J (""-".'."'li (.'"-"'■i;.M.'Ji'.'.'i .'..:".-. "^j;«!.-. .\ j;^jjt'I -"■:!,- (: since.--he■/'■commenced Msiijesa in.',1making; Worth of wellassortedDrapery'of the Highest totim, Brifciah iihd O^ntinro^%Aniif^iirte' , beings |^ nii. ,BefularOu«tOßiewoanalw»y».depend BuppliedjW^ very < : |upon Cooliirig Ranges"j and.also'iwishes % 'mform: Alam stookof Wall Maps andAtlases. which they areCOMPELLED to torn intoiOASH to"nablei'tiiem1tomeefc-sheif .- -I ■>■ fi.jjj;n^i.::,j."-r.-ioOHli.;. <.■"■;..' "/:."■;':;.';;"!?..■; 5.1 C.L he is able to make'RangW at'mucH t r engagements fortheComingButton. loTrer, prices Bince; he "^gfi-.-fcrf/fJ t 0-? krrrji.pU tf^'l wit A .«'■■ „„.,, '. -■,'. . ?"',;■Vq V,."'. '*"?>■■s j Foundry business..,, v, ,: T&E.ENTIRff STOQK^eige#4JjrSumm^igbocb~wUl be f,e.m*fked- at su^eh.prices a iIr'TWT;V^''CommenCß--da :Be6eIVBD; J ai -la*ge iStock of. "' '" !ImprovedBad«^e (Coping'Barige,',3 feeti. M most - 'j}^fi TtFT effectanIMMEDIATE OLEARANOB,offaring an opportunity of purobaeing some ■'"-^"'■C 'V'V I: '-T "'■'■ >;;'';:;J'-';;:; 1 '**''# '.'TtB itro ' witid; tho'fdl* i ..'.-, ."' . ' ■ .,' , !,?' > BOOES, eomprlsing 'igfliatOOL b oiler, 155, ' £4 ' ' ■ ' . m ""..'" the eve* greatest , Bargains ♥J^ . :of offered at thisE»ti^bjbahm^n^. -. ; " ;CJ K a (;rjj nol f y[.,',^' : . | -My Own Improved, £6 ;16 difterent sizes' t:~ "■" J '-1>:: v ,'-;'; i;;.-c.'- ;r''\i:n: i if);a'-lo'sygU»! ' !;-;r -^ : * n.v; i[H !ir:! 'i ri-f->;-:^-- " :';-. "■■; :"; I :,'; ? r ;' .,;;! -" ■; ; ■ "".-t l-.->..; Jrjiir; «-'i ;,'^>i> b»C«ii ;;) .'.-;-y. to choose from;.. I (,'■ V'./j/ ,>,;;., ' " ■' ; " ' ■ ■"' " ■■' ' " /-■".' ; .HoOTHo:r§gffiß-sßuai ;■■:■" Granunar and J^lyeis \ I^pyili'ft . to (^ ,,;^;l:':)J~-r ; s' » -^^.-.jJT M.Q . .r.-...r: , : Ande^fwn'gGaofraphy;<; ;:;;:j ;'"r -.;i -.:^| .-o v. ' -.. ,:: ■."-'I"'s^^!^^£ {;':/BMB OT w^y;in [j^Wnj-and:deUv«ed^^ " ' ; f 1 " i ij" ' ;:< '■ ;"l -"■'''■ L.-j.,v? ,r .- ■.....;,..-;..-t Jittii'Araiur'sEngland i ■■';■!;-'-'T-^'.' j V^ ■....- .-., '.-. ! j '; --'All kinds of Jobbing Work doife.C,974ft <» i^-^i^vi BarnardSmith's Arithmetic ■"' -'■■' ! CATALOGUES OF PBIOEB CAN1BiBr HAI> aVHBYWHBJEB, iA .o ! IN-;'.liu : !!iv; | v V" :^';-^ ':-7/.w. C^ew^>inttme«# .I.- :!'}.'..! 7' 'iT?. //' :!:-: "; /.YAM.' JJ ' "'■":■-.";■■! Sl*ferfß*a^a!iffl'C«>nplogic'B3 Wi«rr;3 oi a-ri[ ■■ ..__., I CONDITIONS OF SALH: V E N DjO^R 5,%-^'«t :.oitea ' .YT'ii'X.^M ;;;■,;,;,; pw^^^!STp<iißitbr V 6;?.;'; >;?; r:'1 :;-v; "■- ! B^ftr^adersyilp*! to' ?.'.;" ;, -'■^y^\ ' ' i..!>a J...1 c Germany,' History of JEnglajtidi ' M^rkhamV: h.M :-.;>-"";:.i_.,-/r ;■;"».::_:, :,;,.wn |^j Anextra discountof five per cent willbe aHoWid'bn all jiaroels'of £5 and ttpwasds,,' ■ , v ■',;. an^lflwtt* ',,;/"' /'' .'; " /';/ ; :';" ';' ; 'V ; :;v Paroels willbe deliveredin the City ttha{BubUrbs!tt:eday aftirpujrohWse. >■■■,b . ■ -"' ;i : vs :i Sketch ': Fr*eman General \ -v Hwtory |pf England ; - .i HafthThpnipßon's J ! of Gebgifaphy HugSesV Ojepaph^bya" I^y^^glithHistorydo r ;/:: \Vv-r.St^JStj|^TiTK»s;^F;f";!l."/ :.' ;'.".-' j - f;-is;ii«.v:& win vi tiim-% .-.■**" if B*^bp«ft^'K»«t!.l'rench- Bejadtf!8^1 " r■. -■:■" I)i« FivaVGrammßiM Beß erammaire» ■-' ;jC'■"'■/.!■ ..,.,,^ ; -,!/:.;;:, "■iv;-j,-,n- ;,;.i ...;,._ j f; v ... j ■■:'■'"■» a--*.:3 :-^:,/r n;vr -d. 3 V-:^ {"":■.■:■"*-■":' ViuO^N .«B" :A .1..;B,- -.t-V: IWTv.i .OiIRFOTS r; Fsenoh. Prinoipia,Part -1 7M i? PrPmithrs ; -' r -, : , £e Petit Pjrepepliewi-'La-BagafoUeTbbore date, and oontanue: ""the., wmts^n " ' " "' ; jj-jjViiH) :Kxxa g ,tf:i¥ j r "ifll : Oamb'aodVFwnbhJPableß;"''' ; ■'■'. ;■;■"■ .":.-■■." ~ J<: : ..hrv "".■r'.rv.'-i'T.'./x "' ■^..b-ih-ruv/'-, THH. ,"■""■ 'F^epoh Grammar Foel and Ohapßal's Granaineau'B,^FsfenohOonvewationis - th^^must>en*u»'s«liisite^ f : "' . I 1 ; ' ; | . 1 ; 1 - r ■ — ... | ro'imi:-ilW^ii.'.9^ l - . - 1 - >!; l ■ I = 5Ki-V V.'f. ,,,. - ■ ■ ■ ■ . -'i ;:■■>■ y.-\ '■ '""-..,> -:..■.:"■" ■■; . ■ t 1 i '~ ":-/'..! °"'*' T ■»>; ; j->j-«f >* .*«'»'.& :f <.-.X ;-:;.?:ii n:-rr/7^?^ (,'j .-.■.■; ,!!iw :■'■'■ .'^h.' .) v: ?jLi).^e . ■„■; ■' .(.i'-i'.i'v"/ '"■.:■""■.■ i" -■"■:.:■." r,[.; V I'JTIM" '; f'i' :■' O iA- .7!l;:,i .■■ -"' r 0 } : '■' :i Tr^ph'>;Eiigl'ish,P<rtt;atidPreße^ |4^iwn>BpHwd'^lan^em«nt,;- V"!? '■' yhpmfpn'sEngiishSoMptfppni ,; SaUiyan's |Bib^U«h f.Gratnmar, G^ograpliyi^o ■'-"','.'.' ...;■ Generalizecl-'* ""','.;.',;",'"-".■ .'.',, ! '.'',' Do VSpsliing^Superßeded! .-" ':'-;■ '/'■ ; 1 . " JB^i,%pn;iihe'lCrs'e;ofjthe'Glowk X\; ';..i,': "".','.; ",,7 "; --v-iMij,,, ]j( ^l^^^rjjs3gs^^^ ''' )P^j^ejf'a'Hiß torles,>Miptii. ,;'':;;,;.'"/'" ;, ,-"■.! »:-: si' ■?w...j.-.j ,;-Oft-A;;.frx t,-,^ .' "-.". .-:;:■)iJ. J;/,v:ii. f Ji {I&pnnmer''B(!New JEwjiamenib,-Lessbas '."".:'];V '„". " r .Bsan'gna]Q's Hifltpricai Qoeßtioni :,;'■ . ;; ;- , ■■ -M ;-■ ;.««; :: .- i;J-.T TO T BQB { -JD,A PJ^jSU^ : r ; .jOornwJßU'sfEog^h. .Grammar 'andGeography .'■"."'; ■■= 1 f ij o^3 -^'.^vTfJI itimLIOATIONi ' -r,|pr;b^giimers;'.. ".,.;;..',';(.,",■■; *!-..^<aliingßaDe> Ar^h^ptio^OhoMnPeople ; ; ,; . t.f . .L*:>isOoD -i->i J J < )c.:vGrey^ooa.;>>;io,f" 07^ !I-' *- Grey)Bheeting"f i>w^.-r WhiteMeetings'-'1?.?!„ Gents'umbrellas THE W. & W. TREADLH MA3HINB REDUCED TO dßff. 15a;] i ws . (:;;;) Ask fer theNewNo. 8, forDomesticWor IttknditidgeioifyourMlvefc1,jTfee New, "^« JftpaneseTsilks, <, iuT Garpeia^jgiattingsijp^'A No. 7, fo* Tailoring,runs faster, treadles lij?h^, and foriighi: an^heavy worio*nno6ba " BfdcJaHed'?Bilk& i-'fl 2 -liFe.athersi^brimmiagJu% equalled? 'B^doM^ehines.inikhe>g>e&te«t yuafov Spaoiatlme*-Mious«hold;Home,ihalsaef ahqy '"i^fiifa: FamilyFriebdi Albion Combination,Four Ma^b&eV^n One, Ward's Aria and[Platform, Aft.v J^ifelß^ifli i Agentfc*'M6ri^ MdtYeoTrian'd'Wojld-R^ddWned Nbedlee.i !Machine? adjastsd and f»^ JOB 8yitfeia- fromFivoghUlings>pe*|week.'; <v; wf, paire^ by aPf&«^«a BSa^- /GKm^ , - HEAI^M^SIKaMDBTAiD — LQ3DSJ— «<tJ-."o nrsrioy pvi.+ !M.a«jr-rs 1 "■"^i«(.flo> 'sill j: ;<I - :."|SiSSS2S33QE33B3SSBS ' rjhHIS Almanac is ] universally admitted '^\^.^^rJ; t^" ■ t:;:-. .I'fUnder /do ;- 1 ."^ Shavrl&,-inantles4 rrf^' t ( ■■<«:''" £«*.- Black goods "ig>tton2"do: -. 1 l ; WHEELER AJp)oi,WlL^M'^,-,r.;T BBE the only SewingMaohineshonoure^,withjrfcrM;A,waW ;^,^ andThree Diplomasof Haiwurijprosingcthfipp tti&,, , STANDAED SEWING MAimMm:iM(m&MMj>^d^ #; i i; ' j ' ' .! }>/<iv; i ; Boys' do «sTpMfcto?* Wl'- *ob~ '- — ::■.:_.....;:.;.... ',>;{;.'!/ I ■ i I ;i |ii;;:DIREOTbBY;^A^^,^NDj,r . : f/V f2^^^fSPEE^Gvr:^ ';. ;^!'!;!SC "^iLhJ >'''--<'-V,>- C,.ia,;.iff.so3j^ --,,:.r ._ _ vr .,.,,.,. ; ! !! W ; Elementsof Jfoclid,Mensuration " Todhunter'fl „ f for■!Be|^ei;», Algebra 'for JBeginners; Meohaoios "."." Tngpribmeti^ for'Beginners, ' ,':-' '...r."-! Ji (^,t,'ill .^'-'"1 '!.^^drß^inne» Drpmith'ji Smaller^^Hijtoijfof.Borne;Greece, . ;^rt^!Englanli-M 'iy;';* -->-'. ■■■/^'^■' Oi BtudenbV^HistoryrpfGreepf,Bom© ':^o';'/^bpn,Mabual.of Giiography ;; ithy iCphiUtutibnalHistbify of Englsihd ! »::jti ;:.-.;Hume;Blapkßtbne;1 .;' s I':\:" "f \,. 0 >?v'^'ri^.''';';:'';\?^>: ':it^i3!';^iwr'' fi! :1) a'':'l' \' Teaching ; ""-'-' l:!l ; V. ' G^UV^'^ofV!-.,.!., >,".! : n.'i.-i-f i-i-iv.! '-J.W-Vijfoj'' -"!■■ .: ' Ai^us* Handbookof Engiißhi Literature- .' iiqpu'*^dCHnglifih'Exposed-' .'"'',r ;': .;'' '■','' r ( !%:' :: '5!? -;: M/-"::!:v( f/"Jv ;"'-^"'''iv;a -J7. '■ ( ■ ilau'l' .-^rp, ;;^byTG^iki« ABtronomy^by LoPkyerjPhy* ; jbj; ];J " ;^ol^;l^;^B^r)'Bdtany, "' (JJogiot bj.JeypcV:' .V'V ''".,.Hooker . q'.';': Utnttai*P^imeM—EngUflh' Grammar; Eng^ r — ( ] i;soura^]^ . ;lPhyswal (GeographyibyGeikie{Geology, \-■ "L : l terms! . h i DrSmithViPrinpipiftI'Lattea,Part ; l Bpience Pnmers— Cjiißmist«jy by Boßopej l " - : ! - ■ r ■ ( ■ :: - ! 1 ■ 1 W^nn^ ~, . ? ■: 1 . os^BNoi' j ) '^ QT?§ffir SUBSCRIPTION SKITTLE ALLEY AND GEOUND. " i*-~¥~1 -SsA fj-Ea^-i' : ■a- ' ' '■■ g|^C.^A^'S, P|j|.HßLjSl?B^^9H BATES:—Tue*day, from8 a.m. tUI 4 p.m. j Fridays, ffoai 5 pW. tiUB p.mi' j -Kelspn's.^pbJ^^epiM/yßmous^ ; """'""!.'■' j v ITUEKIBH v— &.LiCjO-J '..i(j: J/JuiniJ ..,i-.,<;'^»;. .ojiAjiui^^ c.l.3 Si JT^iJ^Jl^ ~,Tiii:-- ij; bs'jf.'i-?* j ofj|^" _;■, YJJATJBUJIIJ # : .--"■$ep. by Step,Part 1,2,and;Sequel; ; ' <"'li ;iJ u .j^d.3 «"' l '>'t T^? , , 'j.;.! : . : l^.i Juvf :'i;jm" . V '!.. <-'fi ■TfoJ^^t^thmetibiTeggi*FirstBook ."■■■■ '".,':"'.,'■ './■'■ i /'"'"' ] ,7v?-', .-o?.: Opea.tto;JlembejfS/Oply,from 1( a.m. to Ip^a'ndl 7Lt'o^ 11 Whi^ake^a JMMbpk»'Epgland, GMeoe.Bbmei >;:«:r:{.]ol: uJ hii!R> to ;.O a.m.and Ito 6p.m. ""^^"A^Q'ev^ry^etfdeWOuTijairbeenmade~ """ Btt^^iMavors', Carpenter*,Tyse's, andj ' , < V O'j 'fepferideir oontslning moifc in Colonies, Commodious ALLEY the TWO JHdure o&iaflm&pO jail6. jSSt? ":;l>7 cS^lTTLß tVe 1878 'editionsupe* r,ft.^fJfei!im^,SpeUing(J.,.;i] m^{. ''\'A -"uxff:um,oYU0 lo " , 'eifcii/oY-ALLEYS. Ktngs of England! i ■":.■;:.■.■o j Imnni»''Engliflh (Q^ranimar,l^\Z. prede^ to of itsany f-i^^'i^'iSji^i 1 To mßurethftwjmforSandcaflyenienoe »f Members; the ?!' SailSflTO--Soi till9-- *»*fetti& entiwarrsflgements,aife ' u^der \ jGoidsn^^'BiG^mar.p,!Geography; ;r ; toma-,^ v n,V/ ,d ,= v «, °?°y " ' j''v/ v :^ iieiiWii' I">'1 ">' :'-'"^ /' .1.^7 thespecial^BpeivWonioltheoPl^psie'l^ 5 {j Cbfr,a Ool^r'fißr^BhHMtbry^Biddle'sScripturedo ! ' Oov,t f]1,),«...; - |;©.ia .'. (?l : ::: ;f ; r d-icKiJyaW / ;; ;i' |ito6ntainra' "- iq '^ -.'Hjfispii'f.Wfc^^eniuipy:-:! r ■':' '. ':..'; ';. j . : XV i^''^X P^f .'^.^t- divonwiQ! r3>oyi.<»!r^k|f7>olA^enpa . '-,^.--t ■«' Vi ; 1 " rm(.,n( ..■."-■.-->. .. j :;7, .. ".■■;! j r I t — t; TEB. ; . J ; ' s . : V /feG_LOIJfiOSD''M^Bi- > ,;Bv^:Bph>tt3sa^ers,;istftnd2nd;. -■' j 0 . :ru,■""-;■: ;Le^«bns, iMayo's Le»sohs on' "Table.Bbbks— Guy's wad Briekiey's [Objeote; ' " dp .."Pafw^n's Hymns,paperfii cloth,Batemau's '.jßoiennes' Tslemßq'ae ,Par Fehelph ; "■" "■';'> _;";■■"!: ;""."'- -■. , ";., __lf£_^ ' ?/ ot =;T^^^ '-: ?=>. .W>Ln;iiH> i;i;rA? A j i " AinsworthVLatinfEbglißh Dictionary&others -Vj Surwno'B FrenchEnglUhr>iDUoiiaF7& other* 'Ohjambers' HuiorioaLQueßtibriß, Miscellaneous "Tables, : ' j Ma'theuiatioal J" '■■'""; /''.-"■ yi, v -COB]SfflE :OF OASHEL AND.C6^ ' I : /' ) ; Ws^^^nißQl^riratu^Philow :"■;;=.'■■ .L-'- 1-.i. ■"'■:.."-'. ! -■..:. ■ '^ , _. ".]■:', — '■".■■ ; j i ; f '-ihipy. va:the;iPrdvin»p"J !--'. s< | >;';-":ciai^Distri6t f^"- ■■. *> j v- ■«■■.' r-^w^iil, ■;!,>.; r . :rV9 i ; .■■;!!";".■■> ( :':'.' >" .' J .:".''.".■', i.p; n^Tj T. , ,"■-' <;■■;■■.<"''? .^-.^r ■■,":- .<i!);li .-r r- ." .-.r" ,-., "",■,! ::;..■":. "■"". |' ;; <t;:.;f;nr;:^ fry* ..-*',-.. "> -;.,;{-r :TBViB- GABD^N ITAIiHI!n>ABi *■:* "U-.i-..:...;^:- ] > ,-r-. ; ' >;/)■■■':'::■: " / And'a carefully compiled;!;!M.-; I '.■■■■■. - _ ''^! COLOMBO;^-^^J^^^^^t [ %/,- -/ _/i ;, . 7|^AJBl|wH^}^o, f4liJ l; ; ' -':j{;: rf; : "' '' -o.rufi ,v cadi hh[ *t\ n : ln ' ; GOVERnIibNT; ; '^■^BB^GBKBRAL^ Jiw .£'f>^.;.'i s.u--;:-:.:^..,,!...-;; Ui;> '■ £.w v.v,uu I 1U ; !'--fi- ,Bie ■■'jiv'f£'j " . '. ■■'■■■ : ,','■'■ r-r- i' | " . 'i j -\ pT».;' !""" '^"'-" ;s »■ '■'■■■"■ i I[.''-:f-»«6TaX : fiiliJH : IO . !... natsaTiH ■-'"0,-: .;-^;.ii';(>x ■"-'mtiway " .;■" WELLS A BTKL4JT "' at the foUowinflow X3L,.pfioaii--.-':1-* -= DAVBNPORTtmiAII&^ aram*iafiaiitt^^ Jx.-^-.^-^^v.-iiO-ic/f ■ apvaWflc^ libeh' from «J 10i and high taa»nlpidipt Biwieh«nd rdxajzhovoxk WHEBB YOU WILL GBT BEST y.AJj^^FOjB MONBI ;fio«* ' Addrw— a.,^. MABTEN, Oatt^rWWl i. jiToi " e/fi' -.:Ji ■"/«■/ it'* sf* o-.rlNjiv7 FHOB LISTi, ,j!- -j v j- 'C : V; '., toon andBaibadoei. o^rMA.'-,'.- ,"-.-. ;o?o9BS €k»d Bl»bkT*«i, 3«, orlalOd by fc&klni? 181 b rtBeit Yellow Soap,7d r Mottled, lOd J>crr/'do - ' ': r :: Ye^'^imo>d^i;M<^'¥^# Bwtßioe.M » i?Jo w a: t$ ! c <a iRaJ: yA^o » 'lt rßest-ground~Bieer4dIWl B^Sfeer^Bs^' r TI[B — Kns^-PWiiai^^Ooflfe^'S&'H-' roasted and 'Bago,Sd 1 M'n: Fresh>S»lmori, l»>i - ;/' .i ' P.'ZQV-1 i —— ~it-— rtoa^fcrosn-lioiidoti^- »~~ ,m?....'. T **rd cft^.of b«utifaliyj illo«|M*4ia^d BoundBooJa,ißQttablii lo» p*e«wato and tobool ■■ VevmioeULliperlb " i>/iliTO> Maoo»onT|-li^1" :»■>. V.> Sugars at wholeslleprioei ~B>Uer*s "" Marmalade. lOd -,/^ ■ ' BO --^ ■"— Bardinee, small, 6d|* and large, lOdeacb -f -A-TBIAL BHSPBOTFULLT '■■■"'■ ■ „ r l .■rf'M.i'.t i I<J V .-L '""' n.<vt.-jif> ... 6(mjpanies:,&o.i;&di'':l j ...- '^"r.1. ",:;-:r" v". , r ! STtIDY Y^^i§ftliSßT^ & BITY YOUR GKOOBBIEB c^Ugid«-BodieipiTradi^g 'i ,fieVi.%Eom ." Fora silver Cup-Value'JSs.-"if£?iU .«x j3j-;i-..-je --j hwl-juHr, ! <I /Mfimbsrs-wbhins'.to.oompsfce' will pLsase^enO^lb;^-'^ "" ;i BAis» 11 : i! I 's: ": MOKHCTSiOFJMipBBiaSHIP-^tiffi^e obiain^. ": .' ' ' 0""--1 ;1 !;^> "*?.&«« 1 a j :Soolieaes,- . s-T:';mmtistimMz ■ i t l ■ ) .;..■": Alsb, '-''it ..... ON^ffilOT). " TB AJDiB.: (DLRBOTOB V> V j *^i€b^toJ'l« fJjdi/lTaylb^6^ A LAEGE STOCK OF KAIAPQII^Al^L^ANp'BLA^ETS ■ " ;; VeWß^'ftp&w, ffl*''"l=-. ol)-inr o-«»l — ' " " For town and[country.; ' * '~ { ;; '■ /"'.r'; ; : ::1 -'■-''"''■■^ J^ ;■■■;>■ V^Opi^Ufltil'aa'fSifltSniW^Sd to t-I-iii "»!& rf-iiw V: >".'.■. ■:!'-. . rr "■" ■'■ ; :' : - -"- -■■■' !■■■;-■■■■ "■'' '-""» ; ;"='""';■"-"''■' ;i--;yi^.-.f,'i .qn,te ..ifa-^wt^w^n . l.'ii.;..':-''! :>:l* .r-. ?;;.; ;Irj,,r!jXI.;:;t - j-. -.,,,,> .' HeWK^lo^ffl^^eiJhg^-^ c H»wassort^;Ta«naiu^3ami,Bape?,tiD ' " " ' ' " ' ; Aoompl«telutof _/. i;il.T r-5 j ITewDriedApples,6d per1b ijri-:;.!. ' ihu\.. '}<■ ■jy;.;'-::-, \ ■ ■'- "'.,"; :"..;,"'" .viiinrxiKi.'BjjDiJOEßQJTHH PEIOSS i'■. <" .:r-v or ht'wK -, " \l ■' of theleading line*MBtataonsry, hopes,his. „.-, ., ::;.;:, ;v,.>- ohsjjfge«i «fIJ Javosrablyjopmpare, with those : 7 ;| : 'y my »o medn «f bther Hou*9 in tho :Oify» and Bftoihareof publid;pf«ebnage. .,■,:::' 1.-.'t-'iir A- e "'I! : a--/-: ;■■:"> O t;;i.f ; oulatattention thiaBranohof hisBusiness, '■ . V; 'micatwt,detail*,aiidhavingdecideden! >".;■> -. :..";:.:■ ■ fry:i-wr '::r'i\Ui ... ; OGMMEBOIAL,LEGAL, AHD ?.-;-./; jv./vj.";."..-■. O:.;<: I 'V ;) '".> -'""■":'^The^Adyerliser has hlsiPremisesand in on Hs'SWrebtis of the most Oompiote Stocks to fee met1withInRpw Zealand. Hepays parti- --■>:'({]■,/ a r Amongst the contents, willbe found' 1 ' j "fS^ja^^ffißKY's:::.; SAHOT. '' -Baiiwß'y^Lineßj the ßoads,' ;""■/ -^thBbd alltheprincipalTown- '"-■■■'" o.' "'"■■!;: '-' '^-r r .'- ■"■■;; , iiivf;:;-;j.::■.('*. y-: i;> \ ' f : ;r ■ »--■ 7, ll( "' "" "':'" [Grammar' l)*Aßglot»rre r .;)^^el^ Soretmea Oharlw 18th, Ocbbebta Fronoh '' FwnohGramnmr and Ereroi*6S | and-La'tin' . . } j nßpto>.Trapsl|iMpn? Olassw, various '.' . J S}loVing the County ißoundaries, ,"l^array'sitoglifih Gr>mmar,B*id's Geography, .V^'^s^wft*Ww^'f :j! '-" ; DarreU'sPawing, AbboJ^'B.How toParse Mp£E*tVsiilen,talAiithmetip ' . r "HsisWaitaajri,ilwaLoßdon-- V'OT" Bif^t o»««,occditiio«,of ftohool Bcvudf, Bibla.,OhScS'iSHaW, flynku A.and M UI n Common Brayttiwifih and withonl!Hymni^ BiTwaM^tiadf^aM</EfoWUV Sdriptti^Xeite, AND ;>, o: CORNER.fOF;L^ lii.o viii/j pm Jbilu^^L|/'inn-rfT|Q : ■xtxi to X« B«qtub toB(i^iß«iajr%ftli nombei*— BOTai B*«atf tr"lArfttuWßlii,' i;aHi Bwnbfitt^oiwilh MADBAS STBBBTB. "f> I.l'Jji .J-| ijTSt ;f !J -) OlS^aoni^bT ». JDiklJpO,large,JLBOPBI3B1TOB^;J^/^ B^^W- Eow«d, — BeoommenoedBusiness innewly*e|eoted, andoommodion^Pr^oufej, andbroa is Dickrn*' Worts,:Hcra«tMJld[Editioß, all rol* to meritthe supportof the publio of Canterbury. T.B. havinggpae/tajrgeljinto fel c publjtoed— EtowVs PiatrvtWord* feo ObildNS Joan, of Ajrpr-Lady'f Album of B»yf», f ManufacturingLinefis prepared to supply kll requisites of K««dl«Wojk— T»>lo^ HdlfLiving and Fa^ $m ; '.-V U^Nil ff/U^ljT vThioh, being Mannfaotnred under his oWn personal supervision}can be relied upon fi » /"11-T" dtirabmty and Mmiort.i! The'attfentioD of the trade U invitedto ihe great awortment )f' .Pritaa*. HAS on-^H ' i< to EFFEOT a 9PEKD V OLEABANOB of what> " - aoUaowl^iett to" f/ ':"^ Beliable-information 5 h;'-!r> w!i *''* -'^'«^ . 1' -fYHIUGdetOTmined S.-,,:: , Matters <;J ; y; 0!M>(^ .^■-,;;.;,'■;■*": Portal' f ne.^.th?^^, ?;.-:■ ■* :r< L«tsly recsitsd, direct from London. Kl©CtripTe'legfaphs'';r=-' v- -:/ :;." f;..-»c? I HOUBBHOLJ) 01TSQQTS |AND SHOES OTJ OHMSTOHinBOHr fiv e< Ou»toni»'l)uties;-n ■..-.■, r.,;.-i, -.-,- .., , ! IiABGBST STOOE^ ' >i iiSf^mp Duties .-,.,,,,. "■,..-.; r, .;,.':; ,;;■ :.;':.,.■■■_■■■.:;,/ nr obdhb to makh boom w»i " r , y; ,:r,,-.,.;.., I j i,:i^Mw^«i, ,. ,r i/ j. ■'.;.';■;;i Ttii^'iUw^yifeaßa. n^a5qe'« '*«> -//H.-.0-r, ">/,,;"■ j Oni6»d«?,!fom I^doiP- ---r:ic 2878 Fencing -; ; ' '"-*' AHD ID AEBIVB,^"" ,r L '" Cattle Treapaßß,:iand Uv3sOrp&^: IH HAEBOTJB, /^o^^ SHIPMENTB GOODS ' "' "OF ' i i t;J iJ ■:; -y-^-L'■'■■■"' iLlind'Transfer ' ■'■■>, ■■■■!-, ■jJ: ■<; M ; j.jtj !., '":."■■■ '"H'-'/'s Boitnw I^otmww— Bifiihaay SufipfcaMLjgwtt <\\ GheapBiitJoa, stronglybound, including all ;-■'■' .' in competition. ..i, as wiUde.fy Hasmadesuch reduotlons Anthon-rrDip&ena,Bulwer,Mar> Editionsof Hiieo^ Spenowf, rfebe:popular ,;Book*-i-€Hob« 'f ; i-, \;.r !| ; '.''.'Together -with'alargequantity of other ryat,:L«t«, nTrollope, Blaokmosre, Mulobh, B&jJk9»p«UM andrPovjp«B!r--W«aleft Mitbtt of ' ::- "■■"'< 3 :;u PrenellaB«rf« lfisltd 10s f2W), II Ladies'French ?' ■ : j-9w^^l^ol«S>ithNotsp^ ! V . Black, OUphant,"OTiid»t <BrftddonJ HalliDs (OPPOSITI IKB POST^F^Mi/j.f -'^^'-f valuableanduseful information..'1 } : -■-<■ ■;U>-*---;r [!?■,.Hous*Bootß,6sti>^» , .">-,'■! ):-w■:■■"■"■■ ff . !■ Ladies' 1?«M«l»^oti»-<)fUTiaV IHoti^^ .-.- ,-.burton, Mrs; fHenry -Wood, Boott, Oooper, I j U:ijij!o obtained; from, Ladies' GloveKid 800k,los 6d to^s 6d > j,, " f' Diotioii&ri**r-KiD«l»ke'B Orfa&i^a^^rol* James, Thapbewy, Laurenc«, Grant, and '■ ' be all and Booksellers/ Kid, I»j5« '"j Maids'Levantand 8» 6d "'-: '": 6d ' "]\ iOabioiei'Bdi^-^JhambflW Ohespßaprinfci .-■■ others. /»..■:.-.■".^ !"..*-■ \.. ,;| , .■'.."VLyttelton Times" Agengies at <the of. the (One« FiT«) g» " BalmoraJa to 6d 60 Ii 8806 Ohildven'B iFromthe.Advwtker's intimate knowledge :of the Bto^liihOlaJiiot— Abbot and Seeley'* and V Canterbury - Times throughout ' the . of the.bu^SM andColonial requbam«nts, he °^..:,, ITr ,. f J a, ....-, "Province; /' -^^'^;n;^" ;:l I I' isa»bl« to supply,bettorvalue for money than "■"■^"".i ~ua;r:i 3S>'3Pfeßjg^ ;" ; : : B:F'El0I JOL :^ ■■.■■; .; 3P E! '"SET. ■;■■■■■ ]_:: any EnglishLibrary or Bookseller, « "{l ;:r iO;ABBIVHi ■"fivi---» mJj »=?.„"} ?i-.v1.;--;^. <.-./ :;.";.."? j SATiaFAOTIOR. r TO MBHT THE TIMES AUDjGJVII OUBTOMEHB j feomLondon,laHefl ' Aqft^^" Bx/Hftlniona^ oatetIfcnoy BWiaoatjr, 4 / FOR ! ''■' ',wrnoei HABBISON, in tb'<s m xroij/ji-q-u yiA of MB ..:»,i>.ii-rdO v.'if :«:;> ! J|» Ctaioo,ham hOD&ttn, UeUwuzn»rA WALSEB has succeeded engaging late Merchant . l whojje gained favour for manyyears for woirkl'am'B^;\MMrfca»~Fiia Sttow^Kna* />^ Tailorof Oashel street, ftbilitiea have " ;*■: :tq b-.n: ;: x&cntej zmv dadfnj^And CQurlitmai and fit. Old oußtomers will meeb trith every peaiibleattention,or any other marit' affirHew ■■-'""■' " * j;:,:j; OF ;THE PAJ| man«hip f.i r^,;:.a^ : Tweeds, ; , , 4». ; r ' A. W. bnow showinghew Oldthn, Coatings, v £ea/i :(D(4dai.r-/ 'V:l^, ;<) : ■■;:■ ■"■->-'"'■"»1 =."- 'tv.'f '■<■:»,.{ n's X:\h.\ri-ly. from Molboarn« and,Dunedin a splendidSMortment'ofMsa'» 4 j also reooived A. W. has Just ?' Arrive^ by steamer twice a' month,in quan- and Boys' Clothing, ready node, quifc* *qu*i tn cut to o^ej^idgoods; A. W.> Drapj»ry ; :' Co, gitiefl proportionateto their popularity. "' ' " Departmentis rceeßorted with every line of uacfolgo^,;chwpnesjs the grand consideration.! ,^y"r ,h ,;i;,;t;!:e;;v;;^;;;;c;;:|O., '"». ' . ' , ;.■;: : OHBjsrpBroBOfl : .:."''.'. . " ' ■ "■■-'■) '■■■'! ; "<.■-''>. ::UU,<'-: | -;. ..; .^ . t;;:t -0 'r ;;;.;,,:,\. -^r_';:::,, :: are really novelandoheap. X W^'s Costumes v. vjjQfcQ pf the■Crown'Brbworyi;-' :'": j A. W/s Millinery is quite unique, and will well; repay fox inspection. Oomoand'sap' — ' :< 2 ; '" ?*Ul " ;■-■""-■« LOHPOH making your puroha#s» f andoblige, "J " JKaL* cSJEbOLJL«JL JOkf ~— *■ Bonnets and TrimmedHatsbefore ^-AXE; .AND STOUT BREWERS, j ' ljyiPafiß*ti6it» Bow, Ohambctt, Stu Faui'i"' "" o r' r r ..C) GHABGOWHOUBE, ''■'"■' .* .f, :,' W.7.VT^/JJAfr -,' '^.['yii^^^^^^^^^'y'r,; ]';[ "'■"--■■''-■"'.-■" ; "■■".'■ : Windmill road and St.' Asaph street; Ohrist! V.'., '.' '.".' ,,Tj 12S8 ' j '' r.-:: :""^■", ■■;.."'. .-. .'■ .;.,,. . ■■ ■;.«,.- ,f:.:.- ".: ■'■■. ■"■"■" church,'! '"■':'_ U <:■■>■< , ,■■. ; 1,, .. : -. f£ 1.-,';.'. ;"' :;QPPpSnp 880 . ; ,-\ |J^T-pS!BipE. | .v tl ' ". WSB OQLOUBO STBSEX. i Bibles, small tolargeprint,Family,Pew, ■. ■■ Wish;to inform their-old friends that'tjhey Bikes, with or without and Pocket have ho connection with, the;-Crown Brewery WAHTEDiXNOWN^WHBBB |rci GBT BBBT VALUE FOB MONEY; I :.fte«l sngravtogijwoodcuts,orphotes. Companyy Limited, but? are trading at;their ':■■■"■>Churbh Servioes and;Common,Prayers, ! :I ■'<<">■ :< Morooooandcal£biadingi| Oatholio Pi^TOBBOEJN(3r ■OOMEAOT <; i I I . NEW PREMISES OPPOSITE "; Pray«r Books,all bitidings. r , '±' : { ''.'■>■ I ■■::V/ffiA?MAOT;.MJrDOT)L r: .-;f Kf^- ■-. ) Gas-fitter, bbllhahgbb, PLtrMBBR, locksmith, tdj, ibon;ill THB I Photflirrßphio Albums, 8s 6d to<6. A r I jfEW ZEALAND BBANCB--OOLOMSO BTBEET, "*"■' AND ZINO WORKHIE, ;..-.i.!-;.-. :"■-; -..:.!> >:;--^> ";..":', larg©«woitnien!u^f.;-;;: " " r;^ brewery. '^-.— -orown i . . ) .:{ \ ! ■>■:■■;■. -'■■"" ; ,t DIJJTKBJaD m JtOWH. CASHEIj'STBEJra (nextdoorto Ctokflo^Brilohw). A ,:k: ■. . .:. ; .-;;]^'Generaip>s«oiao«i>.:{fyZr?) \ > .;>r\ '\ n, r , v <. >;i : ,'; n«** TJpfti«>g«rtnmtfi D. Tf ATTTAg-J^fl of Ylnt^ria, p."T-; T fIUJB O If begs to informthe inhabitants of Chriatchuroh andraburbs whore theycanhaveiany rran WAXJuaarc opAirmihing V :-.-iT .-.; |J who is pwp«ed fo ADVAFOB MONEY on Jewelle?y, "'■'■'HARVEST ALE HARVEST .ALE. .-. . .;■ :r DISOOITHI . .- ; .',( <■■ /■■■■■■:<{ > :,J Branch of the above Tradesexecuted:withdispatoW J <■>■" Diamondsj Plato,"Watoh«,' Pianos: Furniture Book^PfJntmga ttiyfl"* : iOOMPjtSy <li^t*:d)t bkVlng nov OQ ;:" HARVEST ALE.' .;■ 7/\: fob cash ",■""■■■? "i. ■". Itwcpag, Stock'in-Trade, Wearing Apparel, Suix&p, qftpedWi Feature^fflGHEST SXJM \ 3.S. wishes tocall attention to bis shserio> »#ortm«it of iEEBOSENB LAKPS jnsb opnad tiulr nmr ,C^*^. ttnr<-|>i^Mi»d to out, '.,.;' largepurchasers opened being also of SPARKLING MALT.ALE^ .' ") li\bvik or whichare sold atprioeii unHeard of inWirifltoburoh befare.^ m- 5?. \ .'." 'i. Off tiieftbore Lines* ■....'''■'. LBZTTAHD LOWEST UrTEBEBT OHABGED^ O^iif Oomptoyare ' TOpply lb«. public vflih the tesfe Colonia) " Hydnnlio gentlemen Bams, favour. IMPERIAL;BROOT STOUT j \ bottle. sjsowd-haod Clothina,andevery other descriptionofp^rty. LadleJand Pumpi,HotandCold-'Watw Pipce, Baths, B«#» Engine,Ash Psni, Bo9*wold andB(«*aa OoeU brought -— ore? '■vat ; .^dj -ioi j HfflgMw mny^fjfeIngtot Manager withlettersmating appointments wM receive immediateattention. Stove Pipes,&c,40. \ ■.'■■■'■< also, new andseoond- The Trade, Farmers; and Families supplied. B®* HOTB THE ADDBBSsk } ON SALE, a quantity o2 übrsdeemisd pled|esfrdmotheifJhranohes 1 O*dei* Wfe* yaid'hi Tnan> street wiU ]"Cy:)OrHJ^ Clothing,Clocks, haodOdd Mod Silrt* Watohee, Ohainsi andevery description of Jevsllery, J. "" > f laM J« Hughsi,High street,opporiteOobb Itaey Goods', fto^ct prieesthat defy oompetition. -"■': .- ■■-■: ..; ! ;\i.". .";..-, . ;-.-,-) L.. . Delivered,free, .miles of Chriat:1«, : (N^o^to'C^t^lßuSohtr.), JU^Cto'ißooiißgOaott 818 "666 8041 V : ■■".": ■' HoW^MiSntwfflOsAraastfhstewt, '.- ■■'■ |(*:> tl ;i;ui to o .t j --"■""» .■ ."..";vf:oaq '.(It i--:?ij ;'j;0 v-jjri.l.r .v,-|:.;,j; > - '■.=.' ., ; ""■ - - - . ; J .. ;):,, > i ! ■ - (r ( ; '■' j . -,"■:... ; ; 1 i ."..-,, { j il GrljidA-SCSrO^sT" l^oC^r(Or&JEi . ", A GEEAT . ; 1 '. ■ S ;;.;-; i^WEST:WOJ^ - ■ ; : ■ ; ■ .. ■■ t ; J ;j: J i^'"^ j > OLiSIiM I 1 '-El.- ;■"" ■■ ; -^ <m;;* ■" , OIJE JMWJSii ;>J > ..... ■ ■ SATURDI£ . j|Si""pl^^ ■- 1 |:v iiraT^mß,likE^^ . ■-- . - ■ 1 ■ ■■ ")'. 1. - ■ ; ■ ■"., ( "■ . : - ? ..-"v < - ? ■-"■ . — ' AIiFEEDHsDIPSON, ■ A ,v ■ '■' ■"-■ Bffi^^csda^^Qt^W "" : ■■' ■' ■'■■'■ '■'' ■ "■■■"' ■ ■■ .. .-"■. ; ■ ■ WALLOP COALS. ■ ■ ■ " JS. : ■ ( ■■; j- . — -— — -■