Safe Sitter® (1-day) Written Test Circle the letter of the correct

Safe Sitter® (1-day)
Written Test
This is an open book test. Use The Official Safe Sitter® Babysitter’s Handbook to help if you’re
not sure of an answer or to check your answers. Checking information in your Handbook is a good
Circle the letter of the correct answer. Only one answer is correct.
1. You are babysitting for 6-year-old Bobby and 2-year-old Jimmy. You ask Bobby to watch Jimmy
while you go to the bathroom. While you are gone, Jimmy falls against a table edge and cuts his
forehead. Who is responsible for Jimmy’s injury?
a. You are responsible. When you accept a babysitting job, you accept the responsibility for a
child’s life.
b. Bobby is responsible.
c. Jimmy is responsible.
d. No one is responsible. Injuries just happen sometimes.
2. You are asked to babysit for the Browns. Mrs. Brown asks you what you charge. You say:
a. Whatever you want to pay me.
b. I don’t care. It’s up to you.
c. I charge $_____an hour. Will that be OK?
3. You are called by a new family. They tell you that your best friend referred you for the job. You do
the following:
a. Since your best friend referred you, you take the job without checking the reference.
b. Even though your best friend referred you, you still call your friend to check the reference.
4. Which of the following is NOT a safety concern for babysitting?
a. Gun cabinet that is unlocked
b. Sliding glass door that opens to the patio and is hard to lock
c. Family dog that is friendly and stays in a crate when you’re babysitting
d. 17-year-old relative who comes home with a 6-pack of beer and several friends
e. Being asked to ride your bike to a job that ends after dark
5. Which of the following is NOT an acceptable reason to cancel a babysitting job?
a. You suddenly become sick and are unable to get out of bed.
b. Your grandmother is sick and you must go with your parent to visit her.
c. You get invited to a party at your best friend’s house.
6. Abdominal thrusts are used to relieve choking in a 6-month-old infant.
a. True
b. False
7. If you have to perform back blows and chest thrusts on a choking infant, the infant’s head should
always be down—lower than the chest—to allow gravity to help the obstruction out of the airway.
a. True
b. False
8. It is no longer necessary to take The Official Safe Sitter® Babysitter’s Handbook to babysitting
jobs after you have been babysitting a few months.
a. True
b. False
9. To build up your babysitting business, it is a good idea to advertise on a nearby grocery store’s
bulletin board.
a. True
b. False
10. A safety signal is a secret code that allows you to let your parent know that you need to be picked
up right away because you are not feeling safe.
a. True
b. False
11. Because the children you are babysitting are so cute, it’s OK to take their picture with your cell
phone and send it to your friends.
a. True
b. False
12. If there is a fire where you are babysitting, you should call 9-1-1
a. BEFORE you take the children outside.
b. AFTER you take the children outside.
13. You are babysitting for 4-year-old Tamika. Which of the following statements would probably be
true about caring for Tamika?
a. She will depend completely on you.
b. She will mostly depend on you.
c. She will mostly be able to do things alone.
d. She will be able to do things alone.
14. Which of the following statements would probably be true for 4-year-old Tamika?
a. She wears diapers.
b. She resists diaper changes. Her potty training is in progress.
c. She can probably go to the bathroom alone but she may need help. She needs reminders
to use the bathroom.
d. She only needs to be reminded to use the bathroom at bedtime.
15. What should you do if you see a gun where you are babysitting?
a. Carry the gun to another room.
b. Lock up the gun in a room that is off-limits.
c. Treat the gun like it’s loaded and ready to fire. Take the children and leave the room
without touching the gun. Then call back-up adult.
16. You are babysitting for 2-year-old Curt. Which of the following is NOT a safe thing to do?
a. Fasten the safety strap after putting him in a highchair.
b. Give him a book to read quietly when you leave the room to answer the phone.
c. Keep him out of the room where the family dog is eating.
d. Hold his hand firmly when you are near the street.
17. If 2-year-old Curt cries when his mother leaves, which PPB Tip could you try first to cheer him up?
a. Distract
b. Give Choices
c. Make a Game
d. When…Then
e. Take a Break/Start Over
18. Madison, age 4, is angry because she wants to play with her older brother. Her brother is playing
a computer game and won’t stop. Madison hits her brother’s hand to ruin his score. You try to
distract Madison but she screams “Leave me alone!” and kicks a chair. To get back in control,
Madison needs to Take a Break and Start Over. How long should the break be?
a. 3 minutes
b. 4 minutes
c. 5 minutes
d. 10 minutes
19. Which of the following is the BEST way to help Madison Take a Break?
a. Time in a dark room
b. Time sitting in a chair
c. Time standing facing the wall
20. Carla, 18 months, falls down and scrapes her knee. How should you handle the situation?
a. Cover with BAND-AID®. Tell employer when employer comes home.
b. Rinse the scrape with clean water for several minutes. Pat it dry and apply antibiotic
ointment. Cover it with BAND-AID ® and tell employer when employer comes home.
c. Ask back-up adult to come help.
d. Call 9-1-1.
Circle the letter of the correct answers. Circle ALL that are correct.
21. Which of the following are good reasons to refuse a babysitting job?
a. There are more children than you can safely watch.
b. The job is too long.
c. The employer asks you to take on extra responsibilities that would interfere with caring for
the children.
d. When you babysat for them the last time, the children refused to listen to you.
e. You do not feel safe with the adult who would drive you home.
Fill in the blanks.
22. How does a Safe Sitter® act when handling an emergency?
a. Stay_____________________________________________________________________
b. Stay_____________________________________________________________________
c. Provide__________________________________________________________________
23. You babysit for Mrs. Lee’s 4-year-old daughter Jennifer almost every weekend. Mrs. Lee needs
you to babysit July 10 from 7:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. Your mother has agreed to provide
transportation. Mrs. Lee lives at 111 Maple Street, Mapleville. Her telephone number is
444-444-4444. Mrs. Lee drives a red Toyota. Pretend the following blanks are the family
calendar and write the High Five information on them.
a. ________________________________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________________________________
c. ________________________________________________________________________
d. ________________________________________________________________________
e. ________________________________________________________________________
24. When you get to Mrs. Lee’s house you use your Help Sheet to be sure you have all of the
Important Numbers you might need during the job. What are the Important Numbers?
a. Employer name
b. Employer home phone number with area code
c. Employer address with name of town and special instructions to find house or apartment
d. Phone number where employer can be reached
e. ________________________________________________________________________
f. 9-1-1
g. Poison Center: 800-222-1222
25. The BEST babysitters know the child’s routines. What are the 4 routines?
a. ________________________________________________________________________
b. ________________________________________________________________________
c. ________________________________________________________________________
d. ________________________________________________________________________
There are a few more questions on the back!
Matching. Choose the answer from this list. Write the letter of your answer in the
A. Call 9-1-1 for THREAT TO LIFE
B. Ask Back-Up Adult to Come Help
C. Handle Minor Problem Yourself
How should you handle the following injuries?
26. _____Severe loss of blood
27. _____Small bruise on arm or leg
28. _____Trouble breathing after swallowing liquid drain cleaner
29. _____Possible broken bone
30. _____Splinter
31. _____Minor puncture wound
How should you handle the following problem behaviors?
32. _____Toddler crying when employer leaves
33. _____Preschooler crying due to fear of thunder
34. _____School-age siblings you can’t get to stop fighting
35. _____School-age child threatening to hurt self or others
36. Write a thoughtful 1 or 2 paragraph essay that answers both of the following questions.
a. Why do you think a babysitting course is important?
b. What is the most important thing you learned in the Safe Sitter® course?
Safe Sitter® (1-day)
Answer Key for Written Test
2 points for each correct answer-100 is perfect score
This is an open book test. Use The Official Safe Sitter® Babysitter’s Handbook to help if you’re
not sure of an answer or to check your answers. Checking information in your Handbook is a good
Circle the letter of the correct answer. Only one answer is correct.
1. You are babysitting for 6-year-old Bobby and 2-year-old Jimmy. You ask Bobby to watch Jimmy
while you go to the bathroom. While you are gone, Jimmy falls against a table edge and cuts his
forehead. Who is responsible for Jimmy’s injury?
a. √ You are responsible. When you accept a babysitting job, you accept the
responsibility for a child’s life.
b. Bobby is responsible.
c. Jimmy is responsible.
d. No one is responsible. Injuries just happen sometimes.
2. You are asked to babysit for the Browns. Mrs. Brown asks you what you charge. You say:
a. Whatever you want to pay me.
b. I don’t care. It’s up to you.
c. √ I charge $_____an hour. Will that be OK?
3. You are called by a new family. They tell you that your best friend referred you for the job. You do
the following:
a. Since your best friend referred you, you take the job without checking the reference.
b. √ Even though your best friend referred you, you still call your friend to check the
4. Which of the following is NOT a safety concern for babysitting?
a. Gun cabinet that is unlocked
b. Sliding glass door that opens to the patio and is hard to lock
c. √ Family dog that is friendly and stays in a crate when you’re babysitting
d. 17-year-old relative who comes home with a 6-pack of beer and several friends
e. Being asked to ride your bike to a job that ends after dark
5. Which of the following is NOT an acceptable reason to cancel a babysitting job?
a. You suddenly become sick and are unable to get out of bed.
b. Your grandmother is sick and you must go with your parent to visit her.
c. √ You get invited to a party at your best friend’s house.
6. Abdominal thrusts are used to relieve choking in a 6-month-old infant.
a. True
b. √ False
7. If you have to perform back blows and chest thrusts on a choking infant, the infant’s head should
always be down—lower than the chest—to allow gravity to help the obstruction out of the airway.
a. √ True
b. False
8. It is no longer necessary to take The Official Safe Sitter® Babysitter’s Handbook to babysitting
jobs after you have been babysitting a few months.
a. True
b. √ False
9. To build up your babysitting business, it is a good idea to advertise on a nearby grocery store’s
bulletin board.
a. True
b. √ False
10. A safety signal is a secret code that allows you to let your parent know that you need to be picked
up right away because you are not feeling safe.
a. √ True
b. False
11. Because the children you are babysitting are so cute, it’s OK to take their picture with your cell
phone and send it to your friends.
a. True
b. √ False
12. If there is a fire where you are babysitting, you should call 9-1-1
a. BEFORE you take the children outside.
b. √ AFTER you take the children outside.
13. You are babysitting for 4-year-old Tamika. Which of the following statements would probably be
true about caring for Tamika?
a. She will depend completely on you.
b. She will mostly depend on you.
c. √ She will mostly be able to do things alone.
d. She will be able to do things alone.
14. Which of the following statements would probably be true for 4-year-old Tamika?
a. She wears diapers.
b. She resists diaper changes. Her potty training is in progress.
c. √ She can probably go to the bathroom alone but she may need help. She needs
reminders to use the bathroom.
d. She only needs to be reminded to use the bathroom at bedtime.
15. What should you do if you see a gun where you are babysitting?
a. Carry the gun to another room.
b. Lock up the gun in a room that is off-limits.
c. √ Treat the gun like it’s loaded and ready to fire. Take the children and leave the
room without touching the gun. Then call back-up adult.
16. You are babysitting for 2-year-old Curt. Which of the following is NOT a safe thing to do?
a. Fasten the safety strap after putting him in a highchair.
b. √ Give him a book to read quietly when you leave the room to answer the phone.
c. Keep him out of the room where the family dog is eating.
d. Hold his hand firmly when you are near the street.
17. If 2-year-old Curt cries when his mother leaves, which PPB Tip could you try first to cheer him up?
a. √ Distract
b. Give Choices
c. Make a Game
d. When…Then
e. Take a Break/Start Over
18. Madison, age 4, is angry because she wants to play with her older brother. Her brother is playing
a computer game and won’t stop. Madison hits her brother’s hand to ruin his score. You try to
distract Madison but she screams “Leave me alone!” and kicks a chair. To get back in control,
Madison needs to Take a Break and Start Over. How long should the break be?
a. 3 minutes
b. √ 4 minutes
c. 5 minutes
d. 10 minutes
19. Which of the following is the BEST way to help Madison Take a Break?
a. Time in a dark room
b. √ Time sitting in a chair
c. Time standing facing the wall
20. Carla, 18 months, falls down and scrapes her knee. How should you handle the situation?
a. Cover with BAND-AID®. Tell employer when employer comes home.
b. √ Rinse the scrape with clean water for several minutes. Pat it dry and apply
antibiotic ointment. Cover it with BAND-AID ® and tell employer when employer
comes home.
c. Ask back-up adult to come help.
d. Call 9-1-1.
40 points
Circle the letter of the correct answers. Circle ALL that are correct.
21. Which of the following are good reasons to refuse a babysitting job?
a. √ There are more children than you can safely watch.
b. √ The job is too long.
c. √ The employer asks you to take on extra responsibilities that would interfere with
caring for the children.
d. √ When you babysat for them the last time, the children refused to listen to you.
e. √ You do not feel safe with the adult who would drive you home.
10 points
Fill in the blanks.
22. How does a Safe Sitter® act when handling an emergency?
a. Stay____calm_____________________________________________________________
b. Stay____safe_____________________________________________________________
c. Provide____comfort________________________________________________________
23. You babysit for Mrs. Lee’s 4-year-old daughter Jennifer almost every weekend. Mrs. Lee needs
you to babysit July 10 from 7:00 p.m. until 10:00 p.m. Your mother has agreed to provide
transportation. Mrs. Lee lives at 111 Maple Street, Mapleville. Her telephone number is
444-444-4444. Mrs. Lee drives a red Toyota. Pretend the following blanks are the family
calendar and write the High Five information on them.
a. July 10, 7:00-10:00 pm_____________________________________________________
b. Mrs. Lee_________________________________________________________________
c. 444-444-4444_____________________________________________________________
d. 111 Maple Street, Mapleville_________________________________________________
e. Mom is taking me_________________________________________________________
24. When you get to Mrs. Lee’s house you use your Help Sheet to be sure you have all of the
Important Numbers you might need during the job. What are the Important Numbers?
a. Employer name
b. Employer home phone number with area code
c. Employer address with name of town and special instructions to find house or apartment
d. Phone number where employer can be reached
e. Name and phone number of back-up adult____________________________________
f. 9-1-1
g. Poison Center: 800-222-1222
25. The BEST babysitters know the child’s routines. What are the 4 routines?
a. Bedtime_________________________________________________________________
b. Entertainment____________________________________________________________
c. Snacks/Meals_____________________________________________________________
d. Toileting_________________________________________________________________
26 points
There are a few more questions on the back!
Matching. Choose the answer from this list. Write the letter of your answer in the
A. Call 9-1-1 for THREAT TO LIFE
B. Ask Back-Up Adult to Come Help
C. Handle Minor Problem Yourself
How should you handle the following injuries?
26. A_____Severe loss of blood
27. C_____Small bruise on arm or leg
28. A_____Trouble breathing after swallowing liquid drain cleaner
29. B_____Possible broken bone
30. C_____Splinter
31. B_____Minor puncture wound
How should you handle the following problem behaviors?
32. C_____Toddler crying when employer leaves
33. C_____Preschooler crying due to fear of thunder
34. B_____School-age siblings you can’t get to stop fighting
35. A_____School-age child threatening to hurt self or others
20 points
36. Write a thoughtful 1 or 2 paragraph essay that answers both of the following questions.
a. Why do you think a babysitting course is important?
b. What is the most important thing you learned in the Safe Sitter® course?
4 points