Examples to accompany Medical Research Policy and Frequently

Examples to accompany Medical Research Policy and
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
The following examples have been developed in response to queries received from the
sector in regard to the updated ARC Medical Research Policy (v2014.3). The ARC
acknowledges that research is complex and often multidisciplinary, so it is not possible to
provide a specific example for every potential proposal. The following examples are intended
to be illustrative of the Policy, and are shown under broad headings that are not intended to
be specific or limited to single disciplines or Fields of Research. All eligibility comments
shown in the examples are indicative based on the information presented only; please also
note every proposal submitted for ARC support will be assessed individually, and in its
Physics Chemistry and Earth Sciences (PCE)
Example 1
The aim of this project is to develop new ways to synthesise novel porous nanomaterials
which may have potential future applications as drug delivery platforms. The outcomes from
this project will include an improved understanding of techniques for controlling the formation
of these nanomaterials.
Eligibility comment: This example is eligible for ARC support as, although it is noted that this
proposal could ultimately have medical applications, it aims to contribute to knowledge in the
chemical sciences (Refer to Policy clauses 1a, 1b).
Engineering Mathematics and Informatics (EMI)
Example 2
This project will develop a novel system for rehabilitation of patients with cardiovascular
disease and other co-morbidities such as obesity. The rehabilitation system will be based on
an accessible exercise machine, similar to an elliptical trainer, which can be used in the
participants’ home, and be linked by Bluetooth to the HeartMatePro 1 Application (App). The
App will record exercise, and participants can enter readings such as blood pressure or
blood sugar levels so they can be reported to the health centre automatically through the
App, or in person, to assist with evaluation of the equipment’s efficacy, and to assist in
monitoring the participants’ wellbeing.
Eligibility comment: This example is not eligible for ARC support as its primary aim is to
develop equipment and use smart phone applications to manage and treat human health
conditions (2d).
HeartMatePro is a mock App invented for the purposes of example only.
Social, Behavioural and Economic Sciences (SBE)
Example 3
This project will study the inter-connections between the location, nature (i.e. rental versus
private ownership) and quality of housing on the one hand, with the patterns of population
well-being, on the other. The project will utilise existing large scale data sets, observational
studies of selected locations, and surveys of residents’ perceptions of their quality of life, and
Eligibility comment: This example is eligible for ARC support as it uses population samples
and observational data to understand normal human life patterns (1c).
Example 4
This project will study methods including material and non-material incentives for increasing
the physical activity of obese school-children, with the aim of preventing obesity, and thus
reducing the prevalence of diabetes in such vulnerable populations. The study will compare
the effect of utilising different types of incentives on reducing obesity, and the clinical
indicators of pre-diabetes.
Eligibility comment: This example is not eligible for ARC support as it uses an intervention
with the aim of modifying a human health condition (2a, 2c).
Example 5
This project aims to study the cognitive development of children from the pre-school level
through to the commencement of secondary schooling to identify areas of activity during
normal functioning across the several stages of development. It will involve a multidisciplinary team of educationalists and psychologists, using mixed methods including
specialised testing and brain imaging using non-invasive technologies.
Eligibility Comment: This example is eligible for ARC support as it aims to understand
normal human life stages (1c).
Example 6
This project will test the impact of cognitive brain training (CBT) on elderly human
participants with the aim of improving their cognitive resilience, thus reducing the likelihood
of dementia. The research will measure the impact of different types of CBT on selected
cohorts, to test its impact and with the overall aim of reducing the age of onset of dementia.
Eligibility Comment: This example is not eligible for ARC support as it uses an intervention
with the aim of understanding, managing or modifying a human health condition (2a, 2c).
Humanities and Creative Arts (HCA)
Example 7
This project will explore the history of influenza in Australia, investigating how the memory of
the 1918-9 epidemic has shaped public memory and concern about influenza as well as
popular remedies and prevention approaches. Using an analysis of all available print media
and literature from 1918 to the present, this project aims to understand how language,
reporting and dramatization in literature may influence public understanding or opinion.
Lessons are likely to be able to be drawn from this research to inform contemporary and
future public health campaigns.
Eligibility Comment: This example is eligible for ARC support as it aims to understand how
historical literature and other media can influence public memory and concern, using a
human health condition as an example. This proposal would not fit the criteria specifically
listed under the “eligible” section of the Policy, noting that it is significantly not within the
scope of the policy, as referenced in Policy footnote 1, i.e. that “other research not covered
by this policy may also be eligible for ARC support.”
Example 8
Music has long been seen as beneficial for health, both in preventing disease by improving
well-being and in relieving the symptoms of health conditions. This research will examine
the effect of learning to play the violin on the health of a cohort of people who have had a
cancer diagnosis in the last two years and are either currently undergoing or have recently
completed treatment.
Eligibility Comment: This example is not eligible for ARC support as it aims to modify a
human health condition (2a) by using learning the violin as an intervention (2c).
Biological Sciences and Biotechnology (BSB)
Example 9
This project examines the ability to regenerate organs in an animal model and in doing so
aims to contribute to knowledge on cell replacement. Using lung damage as a model we
plan to investigate the behaviour of circulating peripheral blood monocytes and whether they
might be involved in the pathways for stimulating regeneration. This animal model is ideal to
understand this perplexing problem. Ultimately, understanding how to regenerate organs in
an animal system may allow replacement in other animals including humans.
Eligibility Comment: This example is eligible for ARC support as it aims to understand
fundamental mammalian biological processes (1b).
Example 10
Australia has the highest level in the world of sun induced cancer. These can be
aggressive tumours with a high mortality rate. The molecular basis of these diseases
specifically, Sun Cancer 1 (SC1), is thought to be genetic.
This project aims to use basic molecular biological techniques to investigate the
implications of Dumpy Duck1 (DpDY1) gene pathways and sun induced pathologies,
specifically the effect of DpDY1 signalling on P53 a common tumour suppressor
gene pathway in an established mouse model of SC1. This knowledge will expand
our understanding of genetic pathways leading to SC1 and enable the search for
new pharmaceuticals to combat SC1.
Eligibility Comment: This example is not eligible for ARC support as its primary aim
is to better understand a human disease (2a) and uses animal models to understand
human health conditions (2b).
Example 11
This project aims to explore the determinants of healthy living into old age,
evaluating both a new and existing set of biomarkers associated with the aging
process. Our earlier work has indicated a number of biomarkers for age related
phenotypes which can vary according to age-related problems. In the project we aim
to extend this work to a broader set of indicative biomarkers for better understanding
of normal aging processes. Samples have been collected from healthy older subjects
and do not include participants known to have any pathology.
Eligibility Comment: This example is eligible for ARC support as it does not have
health or medical goals, but aims to understand the normal human ageing process
(1c). Although human samples will be used, it does not render the proposal ineligible
as they are only used to support this primary goal, and not to understand, monitor or
treat a human health condition.
Example 12
In some forms of dementia, aberrant proteins have been seen in the early phases of
disease, which have been detected in patient’s blood and in more invasive biopsies.
This project will use advanced biosensors and algorithms combined with
fluorescently tagged specific biological markers that would provide a platform to
diagnose dementia based on an increased understanding of the relationship
between detection of aberrant proteins and disease. This project will develop an
accurate preclinical diagnostic test screen for dementia variants using advanced
imaging techniques to detect these proteins in dementia patient’s samples and in
established animal models of dementia.
Eligibility Comment: This example is not eligible for ARC support as its primary
aims are the better understanding of human disease (2a), human disease diagnosis
(2a), and it uses animal models to understand human health conditions (2b).
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