Rollover and Revision of Economic Theory and Practice unit

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Rollover and Revision of Economic Theory and Practice unit standards
Levels 1 to 4 unit standards
Economic Theory and Practice
Macro Economics
Micro Economics
5854, 5855, 5856, 5857,
5858, 5859-5864, 5865,
5866, 5867, 10926-10930,
10931, 10932
8425, 8426
8409,8412, 8427
Levels 5 and 6 unit standards
Economic Theory and Practice
Macro Economics
Managerial Economics
Micro Economics
8417, 8418, 8419, 8420,
8421-8423, 8424, 11052,
11053, 11054, 11055,
8410, 8411, 8413-8416,
11046, 11047,
11048-11050, 11051
National Qualifications Services has decided that the unit standards listed above, which
were registered in January and October 1996 and September 1997, should have their
period of registration extended.
The unit standards in bold have also been revised.
The reason for the rollover is to maintain the currency of the unit standards until they have
been reviewed.
The review of these unit standards is planned to take place during 2007.
Date new versions published
September 2005
New comments by date
December 2006
Expiry date of new versions of the unit standards
December 2007
Summary of revision
The unit standards were revised to update legislation, make minor editorial amendments,
and correct errors which had became apparent as part of National Qualifications Services
rollover of unit standards.
Printed 4/10/2005
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Main changes resulting from the revision
Legislation included in unit standard 5858 was updated.
Minor amendments have been made to unit standards 5855, 5857, 5858, 5865, 8417,
8420, 8424, 10931, 11047, 11051, 11053, 11055 for consistency or to correct
typographical errors.
Impact on Accreditation and Moderation Action Plan (AMAP)
The level 1-4 unit standards are now on AMAP 0226, which covers domains designated as
Base Scope of Accreditation for Schools (BSAS). AMAP 0226 has been updated to
include these unit standards and AMAP 0086 has been withdrawn.
The moderation options have been updated to match accreditation and moderation action
plans 0226 (levels 1 to 4 unit standards) and 0116 (levels 5 and 6 unit standards).
Printed 4/10/2005