Moodle Backup and Restore Process

Center for Effective Teaching and Learning | CETL
Moodle Backup and
Restore Process
Training Document
Moodle Backup and Restore instructions are provided
Center for Effective Teaching and Learning | CETL
Fine Arts 138
Cal State L.A.
(323) 343-6594
Moodle Backup and Restore Process
Training Document
Table of Contents
Backup your Moodle course.......................................................................................................................... 1
Login to Moodle ......................................................................................................................................... 1
Backup your course .................................................................................................................................. 1
Select Backup options ............................................................................................................................... 1
Download the Backup file.......................................................................................................................... 3
Restore your moodle course ......................................................................................................................... 4
Login to Moodle ......................................................................................................................................... 4
Restore your course .................................................................................................................................. 4
Select Backup file to Restore .................................................................................................................... 4
Back and Restore Additional Notice ............................................................................................................. 7
Center for Effective Teaching and Learning | CETL
Moodle Backup and Restore Process
Training Document
Backup your Moodle course
Login to Moodle
Login to moodle option (welcome screen has not been created to display both moodle instances)
Backup your course
Access your moodle course frontpage
a. This handout uses the Moodle Learning Community as an example course to document
the backup and restore process
Click on the Backup link under the Setting Block
Select Backup options
The Backup settings screen should be left as is
Click on the Next button on the bottom right hand-side of the screen
Include enrolled users option should not have a check mark
The Include screen will allow you select items that you want to include in your backup
a. All course items have been selected by default
b. Click on a check box(es) to remove the check mark for an item(s) that you do not want to
include in your backup file
Click on the Next button at the bottom right hand-side of the screen to continue to the next screen
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Moodle Backup and Restore Process
Note: Turnitin assignment items and the News forum located in the General section should not be
included in the backup and should have the check mark removed.
The next backup screen will have the Filename, Backup settings, and Include items sections displayed
Click on the Perform backup button on the bottom right hand-side of the screen
Click on the Continue button after the backup file has been successfully created
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Moodle Backup and Restore Process
Download the Backup file
Access the frontpage of your moodle course
Click on the Restore link under the Settings block
Locate the User private backup area on the Restore screen
Click on the download link on the row on which the most recent backup was created for the course you
are trying to restore. We are processing the moodle learning community course in this example.
Note: Backup files larger than 500MB should be reported to
Make a note of where the download file was saved
You can now logoff of your moodle session and close your browser
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Moodle Backup and Restore Process
Restore your moodle course
Login to Moodle
Login to moodle 2.4 option
b. – need to find out the url
Restore your course
Access the moodle frontpage for the course that you will copy content to
Click on the Restore link under the Settings block
Select Backup file to Restore
Click on the Choose a file button on the Import a backup file screen
Click on the Choose file button on the File picker window
You may need to click on the Upload a file navigation menu link first to access the Choose File
Locate, select, and click the Open button on the backup file that was download to your computer from the
Backup process
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Moodle Backup and Restore Process
Click on the Upload this file button
Click on the Restore button when returned to the Import a backup file screen
The next screen will display Backup details, Backup settings, and Course details information on section
and items that will be restore
a. Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click on the Continue button
The Merge the backup course into this course option should be selected on the Restore into this course
Click on the Continue button
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Moodle Backup and Restore Process
Click Next on the preceding Restore settings screen
a. Include enrolled users options should not have a check mark
The Course name options and Overwrite settings should not be changed on the Course settings
a. Undesired course items can be unselected by clicking on the checkbox
Scroll to the bottom of the screen and click on the Next button
Items to be restored can be reviewed on the following screen
a. Click on the Perform restore button at the bottom of the Review screen
Click the Continue button on the Restore Role mapping screen. Settings should be left as is.
The following message will appear once the course has been successfully restored: “The course was
restored successfully, clicking the continue button below will take you to view the course you
Click on the Continue button to complete the Restore process.
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Moodle Backup and Restore Process
Back and Restore Additional Notice
Turnitin assignments should not be included in Backup
The course News forum should not be included in Backup unless it contains information
that is needed
Only Advance uploading of files assignment types can be Restore
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