Chung H. Lee 1 June 23, 2004 CURRICULUM VITAE Chung H

Chung H. Lee
June 23, 2004
Chung H. (Hoon) LEE
Department of Economics
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Social Sciences Building 542
2424 Maile Way
Honolulu, Hawaii 96822
Tel. (808) 956-8427
Fax. (808) 956-4347
(808) 395-0115 - Home
June 30, 1937: Seoul, Korea
Ph.D. (Economics), University of California at Berkeley, December 1966
B.A. (Economics, Cum Laude), Miami University, Ohio, June 1961
Professor of Economics
University of Hawaii at Manoa
1980 - present
Visiting Professor of Economics
European Institute of Japanese Studies
Stockholm School of Economics
November 15-December 15, 1997 and
Coordinator and Senior Fellow
Economic Studies Group
East-West Center
1985 – 1995 and 1998-2000
Visiting Professor of Economics
University of Hawaii at Manoa
Chung H. Lee
1975-1976 and summer 1978
Professor of Economics (1975-1980)
Associate Professor (1970-1975)
Assistant Professor (1966-1967, 1969-1970)
Miami University
Simon Research Fellow
University of Manchester
Manchester, England
University of California at Berkeley
Summers of 1970 and 1972
Lecturer in Economics
University of Essex, England
Phi Beta Kappa
Beta Gamma Sigma
Flood Fellowship, University of California at Berkeley, 1961-1962
Miami University Faculty Summer Research Grant, 1969 and 1974
Joint Research Grant from the Social Science Research Council and the American Council of
Learned Societies, 1977
Senior Fulbright Scholar to Korea (declined for personal reasons), 1980
Research Grants from the Center for Korean Studies, 1980, 1983, and 1986
University of Hawaii Research and Training Funds, 1980
East-West Center and University of Hawaii Collaborative Research Funds, 1980
Social Science Research Institute, University of Hawaii, 1981-1982
Research Grant from University of Hawaii Japan Studies Endowment (with Tuvia Blumenthal),
Research grants from the Korean Development Bank and the Asian Development Bank for a
project on finance and economic development, 1990-92
Guest Scholar, Research Institute for Economics & Business Administration, Kobe University,
Japan, June-December 1990
Visiting Fellow, OECD Development Centre, Paris, February-April 1993
President, Korea-America Economic Association, 1997
Visiting Fellow, Institute of World Economics, Kiel, Germany, June and July 1993
Chung H. Lee
Visiting professor, Johns Hopkins University Bologna Center, August-September 2003
Visiting scholar, Development Studies Committee, Cambridge University, November 2003
Visiting professor, KDI Graduate School of Public Policy and Management, Seoul, Korea,
February-May 2004
(1). Referee for:
American Economic Review
ASEAN Economic Bulletin
Economic Inquiry
Economic Systems
International Economic Journal
International Studies Quarterly
Journal of Asian Business
Journal of Asian Economics
Journal of the Asia-Pacific Economy
Journal of Asian Studies
Journal of Comparative Economics
Journal of Developing Areas
Journal of Economic Development
Journal of International Economic Integration
Journal of Political Economy
Korean Studies
Review of Economic Studies
Seoul Journal of Economics
Southeast Asian Journal of Social Sciences
Studies in Comparative International Development
World Development
World Economy
Edward Elgar
M.E. Sharpe
National Science Foundation
Prentice-Hall Publishers
Routledge Publishers
University Press of Hawaii
Westview Press
(2). Administrative Positions:
Graduate Chair, UH Department of Economics since August 2001
Coordinator, Economics Studies Group, East-West Center, October 1999-August 2000
Director, Center for Korean Studies, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 1995-98
Chung H. Lee
Chair, Academic Affairs Committee, the Center for Korean Studies, University of Hawaii at
Manoa, 1993-1994
Chair, Department of Economics, University of Hawaii at Manoa, 1987-1990
Chair, Graduate Studies Committee, Department of Economics, University of Hawaii Manoa,
Chair, Undergraduate Studies Committee, Department of Economics, University of Hawaii at
Manoa, 1980-1981
Member, University of Hawaii at Manoa Senate, 1991-1992
(3). Other Professional Activities:
Advisor and Consultant for Center for Pacific Basin Studies, 1980-1981
Consultant for H. Donald Harris, Jr. of Lillick, McHose & Charles, Attorney at Law, 2
Embarcadero Center, San Francisco, 1982
Consultant for the Economics Office, Asian Development Bank, Manila, January 1983 and
December 10-16, 1989
Consultant for the Tariff Commission, The Republic of the Philippines, July-August 1983 and
January 1984
Consultant for the Office of the Assistant Secretary for International Affairs, U.S. Treasury, 1975
Lecturer, Asian Development Bank Country, Department Training Program, the Philippines,
November 14-18, 1986; March 25-27, 1987; May 23-25, 1988 and June
20-23, 1989
Organizer, Workshop on Trade and Investment in Services in the Asia-Pacific Region, East-West
Center, August 25-26, 1986
Organizer, Workshop on Economic Development of Japan and Korea: A Parallel and Lessons in
Economic Development, Seoul, Korea, November 24-25, 1986
Organizer, Conference on Economic Development of Japan and Korea: A Parallel and Lessons in
Economic Development, Honolulu, Hawaii, March 31, April 1-2, 1987
Co-Organizer, International Experts' Meeting on Domestic Savings Mobilization through Formal
and Informal Sectors: Comparative Experiences in Asian and African
Developing Countries, East-West Center, Honolulu, June 2-4, 1987 (with
Development Centre, OECD)
Organizer, East-West Resource Systems Institute and Korea Development Institute joint
conference on Emerging Issues of Labor Markets and Industrial Relations
in developing Asia, Seoul, Korea, 7, 8 December 1989
Guest Co-Editor (with S. Naya), a special Spring Issue of Pacific Focus, (Vol. III, No. 1, Spring
Organizer and Co-Host (with Korea Development Institute) of a conference on "Emerging Issues
of Labor Markets and Industrial Relations in Developing Asian
Countries," Seoul, Korea, December 7-8, 1989
Organizer of East-West Center project, "Government, Financial System and Economic
Development: A Comparative Study of Selected Asian and Latin
American Countries" (1990-91)
Chung H. Lee
Co-Organizer of an EWC-OECD joint project on "From Reform to Growth: Transition
Economies Compared," December 16-17, 1993, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Organizer of a Center for Korean Studies-Korea Development Institute conference on “Korea’s
Transition to a High Productivity Economy,” February 6-7, 1998,
Honolulu, Hawaii
Member of the Executive Board, Committee on Asian Economic Studies since 1981
Faculty Member, the Center for Korean Studies, University of Hawaii at Manoa
Senior Editor, Journal of Asian Economics since1991
Editor, Seoul Journal of Economics since1992
Member of the Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Asian Business since 1993
Member of the editorial board of the Journal of the Asia-Pacific Economy to 2003
Member of the editorial board of the Journal of the Korean Economy since 1999
Member of the editorial board of Stanford University Press and the East-West Center series on
Contemporary Issues in Asia and the Pacific, 1994-2000
Consultant, World Bank, East Asia & Pacific-Country Department I (EA1), November 18-21,
Member of the Korea Foundation International Advisory Committee (Fellowship Programs),
Asian Economic Development
International Economics
“Trade and Investment between China and South Korea: Toward a Long-Term Partnership” (with
Joon-Kyung Kim and Yangseon Kim), Journal of the Korean Economy, Vol. 5, No. 1, Spring 2004,
“Intra-Regional Trade in Northeast Asia: Trends and Characteristics” (with Yangseon Kim) in Y.
Kim and C. J. Lee (eds), Northeast Asian Economic Integration: Prospects for a Northeast Asian
FTA, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, Seoul, 2003
“Comments” on “From NAFTA and FTAA” by Gary Clyde Hufbauer in Y. Kim and C. J. Lee
(eds), Northeast Asian Economic Integration: Prospects for a Northeast Asian FTA, Korea
Institute for International Economic Policy, Seoul, 2003
“Korea’s Direct Investment in China and Its Implications for Economic Integration in Northeast
Asia” (with Joon-Kyung Kim), Journal of Economic Policy, Vol. 25, No. 2, 2003, II, 173-206
[also in M. Plummer (ed.), Empirical Methods in International Trade, Edward Elgar, Surrey, UK,
2004, forthcoming]
Chung H. Lee
“Introduction and Summary” in Lee-Jay Cho, Y. H. Kim, and Chung H. Lee (eds.),
Industrial Globalization in the Twenty-First Century: Impact and Consequences for East Asia and
Korea, University of Hawaii Press, 2003
“Introduction and Summary” in Lee-Jay Cho, Y. H. Kim, and Chung H. Lee (eds.),
A Vision for Economic Cooperation in East Asia: China, Japan, and Korea, Korea Development
Institute, Seoul, 2003
“Toward Economic Cooperation in East Asia” in Lee-Jay Cho, Y. H. Kim, and Chung H. Lee
(eds.), A Vision for Economic Cooperation in East Asia: China, Japan, and Korea, Korea
Development Institute, Seoul, 2003
“Introduction: issues and findings” in C. H. Lee (ed.), Financial Liberalization and the Economic
Crisis in Asia, Routledge, London, 2003
“The State and Institutions in East Asian Economic Development,” Journal of the Korean
Economy, Vol. 3, No. 1, 2002, 1-17
“Chaebol, Financial Liberalization, and Economic Crisis: Transformation of Quasi-Internal
Organization in Korea” (with Keun Lee and Kangkook Lee), Asian Economic Journal, Vol.16,
No.1, 2002, 17-35 (To be reprinted in Roy E. Allen, ed., The Political Economy of Financial
Crisis, The International Library of Writings in the New Global Economy, Edward Elgar, London)
“Insolvency in the Corporate Sector and Financial Crisis in Korea” (with Joon-Kyung Kim),
Journal of the Asia Pacific Economy, Vol.7, No.2, 2002, 267-80
“Introduction and Overview” (with Lee-Jay Cho and Yoon Hyung Kim) in Lee-Jay Cho, Yoon
Hyung Kim and Chung H. Lee (eds.), Restructuring the National Economy, Korea Development
Institute, Seoul, 2001
“Economic Development in China and Its Implications for Japan” (with Shigeyuki Abe) in M.
Blomström, B. Gangnes, and S. LaCroix (eds.), Japan’s New Economy: Continuity and Change in
the Twenty-First Century, Oxford University Press, 2001
“Institutions and Economic Development” in Ulrich Hiemenz (ed.), Growth and Competition in
the New Global Economy, OECD Development Centre, Paris, 1999
“Preparing Korea for Global Competition in the 21st Century: An Agenda for Institutional
Reform,” Seoul Journal of Economics, Vol.12, No.2, summer 1999, 105-126
“Comments” on “The Nature of the National Economy in the Borderless World and the Role of the
Government” by Jungho You in Lee-Jay Cho and Yoon Hyung Kim (eds.), Korea’s Choices in
Chung H. Lee
Emerging Global Competition and Cooperation, Korea Development Institute, 1998.
“Redesigning Institutions for Global Business” in Won Bae Kim (ed.), Restructuring the Korean
Peninsula for the Twenty-First Century, Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements Report
98-42, Seoul, 1998.
“Comment” on “Korea’s Outward Foreign Direct Investment and the Division of Labor in the
Asia-Pacific” by Jai-Won Ryou in Hiro Lee and David W. Roland-Holst (eds.), Economic
Development and Cooperation in the Pacific Basin, Cambridge University Press, 1998.
“Japan and East Asian Economic Development in the Post-‘Miracle’ Era,” Working Paper No.44
(June 1998), European Institute of Japanese Studies, Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden
“Effects of Interest Rate Deregulation in South Korea: Model Simulations” (with Sung Yeung
Kwack) in M. Dutta, Richard Hooley, and Zainal-Abidin Mahani (eds.), Research in Asian
Economic Studies, Vol. 8, 1998, JAI Press, Inc., Greenwich, CN, 183-195.
“Culture and Institutions in the Economic Development of South Korea,” Korea Observer, Vol.
XXVIII, No.4, Winter 1997, 613-27. (Also in 100 Years of Modernization in Korea: Toward the
21st Century, Selected Papers of the 9th International Conference on Korean Studies, The Academy
of Korean Studies, Seoul, 1996)
“Korean Studies in the Age of Globalization” (in Korean, co-authored with Ho-min Sohn) in the
Department of Korean Studies, Andong University (ed.), Korean Studies: Direction and Subjects
(in Korean), Jip-Moon-Dang, Seoul, Korea, 1997
"Toward Korean Unification: A Policy Proposal for Investment in North Korea" (with Kwang Soo
Cheong), Journal of Asia Pacific Economies, Vol.2, No.2, 1997, 144-157
"Changing Comparative Advantage and Direct Foreign Investment: The Case of Six Japanese
Industries" (with Kazuo Ogawa) in Richard Hooley, Anwar Nasution, Mari Pangestu, and Jan
Dutta (eds.), Asia- Pacific Economic Cooperation: Theory and Practice, Vol. 7, Part B, JAI Press,
Greenwich, 1996, 279-296
"APEC and Two Koreas" (with Charles Morrison), Pacific Focus, Vol. XI, No. 1 (Spring 1996):
"Returns on Capital and Outward Direct Foreign Investment: The Case of Six Japanese Industries"
(with Kazuo Ogawa), Journal of Asian Economics, Vol. 6, No.4 (Winter 1995): 437-467
"Resource Allocation System" in Lee-Jay Cho and Yoon Hyung Kim (eds.), Economic Systems in
South and North Korea, Korea Development Institute, Seoul, 1995
Chung H. Lee
"What's Wrong with ‘The Myth of Asia's Miracle’?" Foreign Affairs (Letters to the Editor),
March/April 1995, 174-5
"Sources of Growth and the Role of Government in the Development of the East Asian
Economies" (with Janis Y. Togashi), Seoul Journal of Economics, Vol.7, No. 2 (1994): 237-247
"The Role of Government in Economic Development in the Asia-Pacific Region" in International
Center for Economic Growth, Policies for Growth and Development in Africa, ICS Press, San
Francisco, 1994
"Introduction and Summary" in C. H. Lee and H. Reisen (eds.), From Reform to Growth: China
and Other Countries in Transition in Asia and Central and Eastern Europe, Development Centre
Documents, OECD Development Centre, Paris, 1994
"Reunification of the Two Koreas: An Economic Agenda" in C. H. Lee and H. Reisen (eds.), From
Reform to Growth: China and Other Countries in Transition in Asia and Central and Eastern
Europe, Development Centre Documents, OECD Development Centre, Paris, 1994
"A Note on Unifying the Two Korean Economies," Seoul Journal of Economics, Vol.7, No.1
(Spring 1994)
"Korea's Direct Foreign Investment in Southeast Asia," ASEAN Economic Bulletin, Vol.10, No.3,
March 1994
"The Political Dimension of Finance in Economic Development" (with Stephan Haggard) in S.
Haggard, C.H. Lee, and S. Maxfield (eds.), The Politics of Finance in Developing Countries,
Cornell University Press, Ithaca, 1993
"Trade and Investment in Services in Developing Asia" (with Pearl Imada) in Gavin Boyd and
Gunnar K. Sletmo (eds.), Pacific Service Enterprises and Pacific Cooperation, Westview Press,
Boulder, 1993
"Telecommunications and Economic Development" (with Meheroo Jussawalla) in Gavin Boyd
and Gunnar K. Sletmo (eds.), Pacific Service Enterprises and Pacific Cooperation, Westview
Press, Boulder, 1993
"European Economic Integration in the 1990s: Implications for Asia" (with Michael G. Plummer),
Pacific Focus, Vol. VIII, No. 1, Spring 1993, 97-111
"Capital Controls Deregulation and Foreign Direct Investment in South Korea" Korean - U.S.
Financial Issues: Joint Korea - U.S. Academic Symposium, Vol.3, 1993, pp. 133-143. Korea
Economic Institute of America, Washington, D.C.
Chung H. Lee
"The Weakening of the State and Agenda for Economic Reform: The Case of South Korea" (with
Keun Lee) in Conference on Global Interdependence and Asia-Pacific Cooperation, Chung-Hua
Institution for Economic Research, Taipei, Taiwan, December 1992
"A mao visivel do Governo e o desenvolvimento economomico da Coreia" in BRASIL: O
DESAFIO DA ABERTURA ECONOMICA, Fundacao Getulio Vargas, Rio de Janeiro, 1992
"A Transition Economy and Outward Direct Foreign Investment: The Case of South Korea" (with
Keun Lee), Seoul Journal of Economics, Vol.5, No.1, Spring 1992, pp.89-111
"Overall Discussion" in New Dimensions of Japanese Firms in Economic Development and Social
Progress, Faculty of Economics, Kobe University, May 1992, pp. 61-64
"Comments" on "An Assessment of Korean Trade Policies and Prospects with the United States"
in U.S. - Korea Economic Relations: Joint Korea - U.S. Academic Symposium, Vol. 2, 1992,
pp.202-3, Korea Economic Institute of America, Washington, D.C.
"Sustaining Economic Development in Korea: Lessons from Japan," The Pacific Review (with
Keun Lee), 5 (1), March 1992, 1-12
"The Visible Hand and Economic Development: The Case of South Korea" in J. Roumasset and
S. Barr (eds.), The Economics of Cooperation: East Asian Development and the Case for
Pro-Market Intervention, Westview Press, 1992.
"The Government, Financial System, and Large Private Enterprises in the Economic Development
of Korea," World Development, February 1992.
"Introduction and Summary" (with Bruce Koppel) in C. H. Lee and Fun-koo Park (eds.), Emerging
Labor Issues in Developing Asia, Korea Development Institute, December 1991.
"Problems and Profitability of Direct Foreign Investment in China," Journal of Northeast Asian
Studies (with Keun Lee), Vol. IX, No.4, Winter 1991. Also published in Report on Regional
Development in the Yellow Sea Rim (compiled by Won Bae Kim), East-West Center, Honolulu,
September 1991
"Trade between Korea and China and Its Bohai Region: An International Perspective," Journal of
Northeast Asian Studies (with Keun Lee), Vol. IX, No.4, Winter 1991 (also published in Report
on Regional Development in the Yellow Sea Rim, Won Bae Kim (ed.), East-West Center,
Honolulu, September 1991)
"Direct Investment and Structural Change in Korean Manufacturing" (with E. Ramstetter) in Eric
D. Ramstetter (ed.), Direct Foreign Investment in Asia's Developing Economies and Structural
Change in the Asia-Pacific Region, Westview Press, Boulder, 1991
Chung H. Lee
"Promotion Measures for Construction Service Exports to the Middle East" in Lee-Jay Cho and
Y.H. Kim (eds.), Economic Development in the Republic of Korea: A Policy Perspective,
East-West Center, Honolulu, 1991
"Outward Direct Foreign Investment and Structural Adjustment in a Small Open Economy," Kobe
Economic & Business Review, No. 36, 1990
"Direct Foreign Investment, Structural Adjustment, and International Division of Labor: A
Dynamic Macroeconomic Theory of Direct Foreign Investment," Hitotsubashi Journal of
Economics, Vol. 31, No. 2, December 1990
"Economic Trends and Challenges: Direct Foreign Investment and Structural Changes in the
Pacific Basin" in E. Cameron and J. Skog (eds.), State of the Pacific Basin: Economic, Political
and Socio-Cultural Dimensions, Kapalua Pacific Center, Hawaii, 1990
"Country Experiences and Perspectives: East Asian Countries" in P.A. Messerlin and K.P.
Sauvant, The Uruguay Round: Services in the World Economy, The World Bank and U.N. Center
on Transnational Corporations, Washington, D.C. and New York, New York, 1990
"Direct Foreign Investment and the Economic Development of Korea" in S. Naya and A.
Takayama (eds.), Economic Development in East and Southeast Asia: Essays in Honor of
Professor Shinichi Ichimura, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, 1990
"Culture and Institutions in the Economic Development of Korea," Korean Studies, Vol.14, March
"The Government-Business Relationship in Korea: Cultural Dimensions" (with Lee-Jay Cho) in
Conference on Confucianism and Economic Development in East Asia, Chung-Hua Institution for
Economic Research Conference Series, No.13, Taipei, Taiwan, 1989. Reprinted in Tzong-shian
Yu and Joseph S. Lee (eds.), Confucianism and Economic Development, Chung-Hua Institution
for Economic Research, Taipei, Republic of China, 1995
"ASEAN-U.S. Economic Relations" (with the assistance of Marcellus Snow) in Seiji Naya and
Michael Plummer (eds.), AUI Background Papers: Research Contributions to the ASEAN-U.S.
Initiative, East-West Center, Honolulu, 1989
"Trade in Services and Returns on Foreign Direct Investment" (co-authored with E. Ramstetter),
Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, Band 125, Heft 2, 1989, 375-85
"Economic Policies and Institutions for the Economic Development of Korea: Comparisons and
Contrasts with Taiwan" in Conference on Economic Development Experiences of Taiwan and Its
New Role in An Emerging Asia-Pacific Area (II), the Institute of Economics, Academia Sinica,
Chung H. Lee
Taipei, Taiwan, 1988
"Trade in East Asian Development with Comparative Reference to Southeast Asian Experience,"
Economic Development and Cultural Change, April 1988, Supplement, (co-authored with S.
Naya), S123-152
"Patterns of Trade and Investment in Services in the Asia-Pacific Region," Pacific Focus, Vol. III,
No. 1, Spring 1988 (co-authored with S. Naya), 25-50, also published in Trade and Investment in
Services in the Asia-Pacific Region: An Emerging Issue, C.H. Lee and S. Naya (eds.), Westview
Press, 1988
"U.S.-ASEAN Trade and Investment in Services: An American Viewpoint" (co-authored with S.
Naya) in Tan Loong-Hoe and Narongchai Akrasanee (eds.), ASEAN-U.S. Economic Relations:
Changes in ASEAN-U.S. Economic Environment and Opportunities, Institute of Southeast Asian
Studies, Singapore, 1988
"The Internationalization of U.S. Service Industries and the Economies in the Asia-Pacific
Region" (co-authored with S. Naya) in M. Dutta (ed.), Asian Industrialization: Changing
Economic Structures, JAI Press, Greenwich, Conn., 1988
"The Internationalization of U.S. Service Industries and Its Implications for Developing
Countries," Journal of International Economic Integration, (co-authored with S. Naya), Autumn
1987, 41-62
"Is There Anything Unique about Japanese Direct Foreign Investment," in S. Naya, V.
Vichit-Vadakan, and U. Kerdpibule (eds.), Direct Foreign Investment and Export Promotion:
Policies and Experiences in Asia, East-West Center and Southeast Asian Central Banks Research
and Training Center, Honolulu and Kuala Lumpur, 1987
"National Food Policies of the Asia-Pacific Region and Their International Implications"
(co-authored with A.M. Balisacan and J.A. Roumasset) in M. Dutta (ed.), Asia-Pacific
Economies: Promises and Challenges, JAI Press, Inc., Greenwich, CN, 1987
"Migration Abroad for Temporary Employment and Its Effects on the Country of Origin," Journal
of International Economic Integration, Vol. 1, No. 2, Autumn 1986, 132-148
"Food Policy and Rice Trade in the Pacific Basin Region" (co-authored with J. Roumasset) in G.E.
Schuh and J. McCoy (eds.), Food and Development in the Pacific Basin, Westview Press, 1986
"Development Strategies of Japan and the Republic of Korea: A Comparative Study," The
Developing Economies, Vol. 23, No. 3, September 1985 (co-authored with T. Blumenthal),
Chung H. Lee
"Transfer of Technology from Japan and the United States to Korean Manufacturing Industries:
A Comparative Study," Hitotsubashi Journal of Economics, December 1984, 125-136
"On Japanese Macroeconomic Theories of Direct Foreign Investment," Economic Development
and Cultural Change, July 1984, 713-723
"The Choice of Techniques by Foreign and Local Firms: Reply," Economic Development and
Cultural Change, April 1984, 629-631, (co-authored with B.S. Chung)
"The Diffusion of Technology and Growth in Factor Productivity," Journal of Economic
Development, July 1984, 25-44
"The Economy of South Korea" in Encyclopedia Americana, Vol. 16, Grolier, Inc., Danbury,
Connecticut, 1984
"Direct Foreign Investment and Industrial Development in the Pacific Basin Area" in The
Industrial Future of the Pacific Basin, R. Benjamin and T.T. Kurdle (eds.), Westview Press, 1984,
"United States and Japanese Direct Investment in Korea and Their Dominance: Some Empirical
Evidence" in Studies in United States-Asia Economic Relations, M. Dutta (ed.), The Acorn Press,
Durham, North Carolina, 1984, 341-355
"Transfer of Technology from Japan and the United States to Korean Manufacturing Industries,"
in Korean Economic Association: Proceedings of the International Convention of Korean
Economists, August 20-21, 1984, Myung Sung Moon Wha Printing Co., Seoul, Korea
"International Production of the United States and Japan in Korean Manufacturing Industries: A
Comparative Study," Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, December 1983, 744-753
"United States Direct Investment and Its International Production in Korean Manufacturing
Industries" in US-Korean Relations, 1882-1982, Tae-Hwan Kwak et al (eds.), Kyungnam
University Press, 1982, 352-368
"Direct Foreign Investment and Its Economic Effects: A Review," Journal of Economic
Development, Vol. 5, No. 2, December 1980, 139-150
"The Choice of Production Techniques by Foreign and Local Firms in Korea," Economic
Development and Cultural Change, October 1980, 135-140, (with B.S. Chung)
"United States and Japanese Direct Investment in Korea: A Comparative Study," Hitotsubashi
Journal of Economics, February 1980, 26-41, also published in Journal of Economic
Development, December 1979, 89-113
Chung H. Lee
Direct Foreign Investment in Korea, Korea International Economic Institute Seminar Series, No.
23, 1979
"Racial Price Discrimination," Economic Inquiry, July 1978, 453-456, (co-authored with E.H.
"A Survey of the Literature on the Determinants of Foreign Portfolio investments in the United
States," Weltwirtschaftliches Archiv, Band 113, Heft 3, 1977, 552-569
"Rationing by Seller's Preference and Racial Price Discrimination," Economic Inquiry, March
1976, 36-44 (co-authored with E.H. Warren)
"A Theory of Consumer Behavior in Market Disequilibrium," Southern Economic Journal, July
1975, 11-17 (co-authored with E.H. Warren)
"Information Costs and Markets," Economic Inquiry, December 1974, 460-475
"Economic Growth and the Balance of Payments," Seoul National University Economic Review,
September 1971, 41-52
"The Balance of Trade, Interest Rates and Capital Movements," Kyklos, Vol. 23, Fasc. 1, 1970,
"A Stock-Adjustment Analysis of Capital Movements, the United States-Canadian Case," Journal
of Political Economy, July/August 1977, 512-523
"The Demand for Foreign Securities and the Long-Term Capital Movements:
States-Canadian Case," Journal of Finance, March 1968, 201-2
the United
"A New Approach to International Liquidity: Comment," American Economic Review,
September 1967, 919-920
Trade and Investment in Services in the Asia-Pacific Region: An Emerging Issue, C.H. Lee and
S. Naya (eds.), Westview Press, 1988
The Economic Development of Japan and Korea: A Parallel with Lessons, Chung H. Lee and Ippei
Yamazawa (eds.), Praeger Publishers, New York, 1990
Chung H. Lee
Emerging Labor Issues in Developing Asia, Chung H. Lee and Fun-koo Park (eds.), Korea
Development Institute Press, December 1991
The Politics of Finance in Developing Countries, Stephan Haggard, Chung H. Lee, and Sylvia
Maxfield (eds.), Cornell University Press, December 1993
From Reform to Growth: China and Other Countries in Transition in Asia and Central and Eastern
Europe, Chung H. Lee and Helmut Reisen (eds.), Development Centre Documents, OECD
Development Centre, Paris, 1994
Financial Systems and Economic Policy in Developing Countries, Stephan Haggard and Chung
H. Lee (eds.), Cornell University Press, 1995
Changing Comparative Advantage and Outward Direct Foreign Investment, First Economic
Research Institute, Han Wha Group, Seoul, Korea, 1994
The Economic Transformation of South Korea and Lessons for the Transition Economies, OECD
Development Centre, Paris, 1995 (also in French)
Restructuring the National Economy (edited by Lee-Jay Cho, Y. H. Kim, and Chung H. Lee),
Korea Development Institute, Seoul, 2001
Financial Liberalization and the Economic Crisis in Asia (edited by Chung H. Lee), Routledge,
London, 2003
Industrial Globalization in the Twenty-First Century: Impact and Consequences (edited by
Lee-Jay Cho, Y. H. Kim, and Chung H. Lee), University of Hawaii Press, 2003
A Vision for Economic Cooperation in East Asia: China, Japan, and Korea (edited by Lee-Jay
Cho, Y. H. Kim, and Chung H. Lee), Korea Development Institute, Seoul, 2003
Urbanization and Urban Problems by E.S. Mills and Byung-Nak Song, Harvard University Press,
1979 in Korean Studies, Vol. 4, 1980, 147-149.
Government, Business and Entrepreneurship in Economic Development: the Korean Case by L.P.
Jones and Il, Sakong, Harvard University Press, 1980 in Korean Studies, Vol. 5, 1981, 156-158.
Public Finances during the Korean Modernization Process by R. Bahl and C.K. Park in Korean
Studies, Vol. 11, 1987, 68-71.
Chung H. Lee
The Evolving International Economy by G. Chichilnisky and G. Heal, Cambridge University
Press, 1986 in Southern Economic Journal, April 1988, 1067-8.
Japanese Business Down Under by David W. Edgington, Routledge, London, 1990 in Journal of
Asian Studies, Vol. 50, No. 1, February 1991.
Models of Development: A Comparative Study of Economic Growth in South Korea and Taiwan
by Lawrence Lau (ed.), ICS Press, 1990 in Studies in Comparative International Development,
Vol.26, No.4 (Winter 1992), 91-2.
Asia: Its Growth and Agony by Toshio Watanabe, East-West Center, 1992, in the Journal of Asian
The East Asian Miracle: Economic Growth and Public Policy, World Bank, 1993 in Seoul Journal
of Economics, Vol. 8, No. 1, Spring 1995.
The Economics of Rapid Growth: The Experience of Japan and Korea by Dirk Pilat, Edward
Elgar, Aldershot, Hampshire, England, 1994 in Korean Studies, Vol. 20, 1996.
Korean Economic Development: An Interpretative Model by Paul W. Kuznets, Praeger, Westport,
1994 in Korean Studies, vol. 20, 1996.
Industrialization, Trade and Market Failures: The Role of Government Intervention in Brazil and
South Korea by Mauricio Mesquita Moreira, St. Martin's Press, 1995 in Korean Studies, Vol. 20,
Business and Government in Industrializing Asia edited by Andrew MacIntyre, Allen & Unwin,
Sidney, 1994 in Contemporary Southeast Asia, Vol. 17, No. 4, March 1996.
Financial Deregulation and Integration in East Asia, NBER-East Asia Seminar on Economics,
Vol. 5 edited by Takatoshi Ito and Anne O. Krueger, University of Chicago Press, 1996 in Journal
of Asian Economics, Vol. 7, No.2, 1996, pp. 785-787.
The Role of the State in Economic Change edited by Ha-Joon Chang and Robert Rowthorn,
Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1995 in American Political Science Review, Vol. 91, No. 1, 1997, pp.
The New Pacific Community in the 1990s edited by Young Jeh Kim, M.E. Sharpe, Armon, New
York and London in Journal of Asian Studies, 1997, pp.454-5.
Korean Multinationals in Europe by Judith Cherry, Curzon Press 2001, in Korean Studies, vol. 25,
no.2, 277-8.
Chung H. Lee
Reforming Korea’s Industrial Conglomerates by Edward M. Graham, Institute of International
Economics, 2003 in Journal of Asian Business, vol.19, no.2, 94-96
“Interplay of the Initial Conditions, Agents, and Global Standards inReforming Korea: A Political
Economic and Socio-Economic Study” (co-authored with Keun Lee, Byung-Kook Kim, and
Jaeyeol Yee) submitted to the Global Development Network, May 2004
“Institutional Reform in Japan and Korea: Why the Difference?”
“Globalisation in Asia: Implications for Our Common Future,” a study made by Ari Kokko,
Chung Lee, Bhargavi Ramamurthy, and Per Ronnas for the Parliamentary Commission on
Swedish Policy for Global Development by the Nordic Institute of Asian Studies, Sweden, June
"Korean Unification: Issues in Transition and Economic Union," Kiel Working Paper No. 590,
August 1993, Kiel Institute of World Economics, Kiel, Germany.
"The ASEAN-U.S. Economic Relations: Trade in Services," a report written for the ASEAN-U.S.
Steering Committee on ASEAN-U.S. Economic Relations, 1988.
"The Determinants of Foreign Portfolio Investments in the United States," a report submitted to
the Office of Assistant Secretary for International Affairs, U.S. Treasury.
"Impact Effects of the Tariff Reform Program: A Methodology for Estimation" a report to the
Tariff Commission, the Republic of the Philippines, 1984.
Chaired a session on “Air Transport Market Integration” at the 2004 EWC-KOTI conference on
“A design for Northeast Asian Transport Market Integration: The Cases of ASEAN and NAFTA,”
Honolulu, Hawaii, 16-17 August 2004
Commented on “Financial Supervision and Crisis Management: U.S. Experience and Lessons for
Emerging Market Economies” by James Barth at the 2004 EWC-KDI conference on “Regulatory
Reforms in the Age of Financial Consolidation: Emerging Market Economy and Advanced
Countries,” Honolulu, Hawaii, 29-30 July 2004
Presented a luncheon address, “Korea’s Turbulent Democracy: An Update from Seoul,” at a
Chung H. Lee
East-West Center conference on “Miracles and Mirages in East-Asian Economic Development,”
May 22, 2004, Honolulu, Hawaii
Presented (with Michael Plummer) a paper, “Economic Development in China and Its
Implications for East Asia,” at a East-West Center conference on “Miracles and Mirages in
East-Asian Economic Development,” May 22, 2004, Honolulu, Hawaii
Moderator at Session 1, “Overview—Changing Global Context,” a KDI International Conference
on Industrial Dynamism and competitiveness in the East Asian Economies, Seoul, Korea, April
22-23, 2004
Moderator at a session on “The China Challenge and Responses of East Asian Economies,” at an
international conference of the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy on “Rising China
and the East Asian Economy,” Seoul, Korea, March 19-20, 2004
Participated in a planning meeting on “Cambridge/East Asian Institute DPRK Initiative,” Darwin
College, Cambridge University, November 28, 2003
Presented “Chaebol, Financial Liberalization, and Economic Crisis: Transformation of
Quasi-Internal Organization in Korea” at Development Studies Committee, Cambridge
University, 25 November 2003
Presented “Institutional reform in Japan and Korea: why the difference?” at Japanese Studies
Seminar, East Asia Institute, Faculty of Oriental Studies, Cambridge University, Monday,
November 17, 2003
Chaired a session on “Monitoring Role of Financial Institutions as Creditors” at the 2003
EWC/KDI conference on Institutional and Policy Reforms to Enhance Corporate Efficiency in
Korea, 24-25 July 2003, Honolulu, Hawaii
Presented “Korea’s Outward Direct Investment in China and Its Implications for Economic
Integration in Northeast Asia” (with Joon-Kyung Kim) at the KDI-KAEA conference on “Aging
Population, Emerging China and Sustainable Growth in Korea,” July 11-12, 2003, Seoul, Korea
Presented “Institutional Reform in Japan and Korea: Why the Difference?” at a joint seminar of
the UH Center for Korean Studies and Center for Japanese Studies, October 30, 2002 and at a
conference on Institutional Change in Japan: Why It Happens, Why It doesn’t, jointly organized
by European Institute for Japanese Studies, Stockholm School of Economics and Japan-U. S.
Friendship Commission, East-West Center, Honolulu, January 5-6, 2003
Presented “Korea’s Outward Direct Investment in China and Its Implications for Economic
Integration in Northeast Asia” (with Joon-Kyung Kim) at the 8th International Conference of the
East Asian Economic Association, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on 4-5 November 2002
Chung H. Lee
Chaired a session on “Business Groups and Firm Behavior in Korea, Japan, and Thailand” at the
8th International Conference of the East Asian Economic Association, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia,
4-5 November 2002
Presented “Korea’s Outward Direct Investment in China and Its Implications for Economic
Integration in Northeast Asia” (with Joon-Kyung Kim) at the 2002 KIEP/NEAEF Conference on
Enhancing Investment Cooperation in Northeast Asia, Honolulu, Hawaii, 8-9 August 2002
Panelist at a session on Major Findings and Policy Implications at the 2002 KIEP/NEAEF
Conference on Enhancing Investment Cooperation in Northeast Asia, Honolulu, Hawaii, 8-9
August 2002.
Chaired Session III, “Implications of Structural Changes on Macro-Policy,” at the 2002 EWC/KDI
Conference on Macroeconomic Implications of Post-Crisis Structural Changes, Honolulu, Hawaii,
25-26 July 2002.
Panelist at “Optimal Responses to Crisis” at a conference on conference on the Aftermath of 9-11
in Hawaii, Hawaii Economic Association, Honolulu, Hawaii, April 26, 2002.
Commentator at a session on “Rationale for Enhancing Northeast Asian Economic Cooperation
and Some Possible Options,” 2001 KIEP/NEAEF Conference on Strengthening Economic
Cooperation in Northeast Asia, East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, 16-17 August 2001.
Presented “Can Japan and Korea Afford Not to Change Their Institutions?” at the Center for
Pacific Asia Studies, University of Stockholm, June 7, 2001
Lecture on “The Role of Chaebol in Korea’s Economic Development and the Crisis of 1997-98”
at the Center for Pacific Asia Studies, University of Stockholm, March 7, 2001 and the School of
Business, Abo Akademi University, Abo, Finland, March13, 2001.
Presented “Chaebol, Financial Liberalization, and Economic Crisis: Transformation of
Quasi-Internal Organization in Korea” at the Asia Research Center, Copenhagen Business School,
November 27, 2000.
Lectured on “China and the WTO” at the Asia House, Copenhagen, November 27, 2000.
Presented “Chaebol, Financial Liberalization, and Economic Crisis: Transformation of
Quasi-Internal Organization in Korea” at the 7th International Convention of the East Asian
Economic Association, Singapore, 17-18 November 2000.
Chaired the session on “Firms in Korea” at the 7th International Convention of the East Asian
Economic Association, Singapore, 17-18 November 2000.
Chung H. Lee
Gave lectures on “China and the WTO” at the Norwegian Institute of Economics and Business
Administration, Bergen (November 6, 2000), Stockholm School of Economics (November 7,
2000), University of St. Gallen, St. Gallen (November 8, 2000), and Instituto per Gli Studi di
Politica Internazionale, Bocconi University, Milan (November 9, 2000).
Discussant at the Conference on Corporate Restructuring in Korea, a joint project of the Korea
Development Institute and the Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies at
the University of California, San Diego, October 20-21, 2000.
Attended Workshop on China’s Economic and Political Development, School of Economics,
Gothenburg University, 18 October 2000.
Presented “Financial Liberalization and the Economic Crisis in Asia” at an international
conference on globalization held at Palazzo Doria Pamphily, San Martino al Cimino (Viterbo),
Italy, October 11-13, 2000.
Discussant on “Dynamics of Economic Relations between China and Japan: FDI, Trade and
Economic Development in China” by Katsuji Nakaganae and “The Sino-Japanese Trade
Relationship—Conflictive or Co-operative” by Hanns Gunther Hilpert, Workshop on the
Chinese-Japanese Relationship, Swedish Institute of International Affairs, Stockholm, 17-19
August 2000.
Presented a paper entitled “Toward Economic Cooperation in East Asia” at 2000 EWC/KDI
conference on “A Vision for Economic Cooperation in East Asia: China, Japan, and Korea,”
East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, 31 July-2 August 2000.
Gave a talk on “The Korean Economy in the 21st Century” at the Korea Culture Seminar,
East-West Center, July 20, 2000.
Gave a talk on “Economic Overview of East Asia” at CTAPS (Consortium for Teaching Asia and
the Pacific in the Schools) Summer Institute, East-West Center, June 22, 2000.
Chaired the session on “Economic Issues for the Korean Peninsula in the 21st Century” at an
international conference on “Critical Issues in Korean Studies in the Millennium,” Honolulu,
Hawaii, February 18-21, 2000.
Presented “An Overview of the Asian Economic Recovery” at the Asia-Pacific Symposium in
Hawaii: Partnership for Global Issues in the Asia-Pacific—U.S.-Japan Common Agenda,”
Honolulu, Hawaii, January 18-19, 2000.
Commentator at a working group meeting on “Creating A Regional Transportation System in
Northeast Asia” organized by the East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii on January 20-21, 2000.
Chung H. Lee
Discussant at the 9th Northeast Asian Economic Forum, Tianjin, China, October 27-29, 1999.
Presented a talk, “Financial Liberalization and the Financial Crisis in Asia,” at the Jefferson
Fellowships Program, East-West Center, September 21, 1999.
Member of a panel on “The Asian Financial Crisis: Sustainable Recovery,” at the 9th New
Generation Seminar, September 9, 1999, East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Participated in the 4th Senior Seminar, August 14-16, 1999, East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Panelist at a session on “Changing Patterns of Trade in the Asia-Pacific Region and the Impact of
the Financial Crisis on Trade,” an EWC conference on Asia-Pacific Trade in the Post-Crisis Era,
July 1-3, 1999, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Panelist at a session on “Can the Government Pick Growth Industries?” Hawaii Economic
Association meetings, Honolulu, Hawaii, April 23, 1999
Presented “Redesigning Institutions for Global Business” at a KRIHS-EWC conference on
Restructuring the Korean Peninsula for the 21st Century, Seoul, Korea, September 29-30, 1998.
Presented “Trade and Investment Relations between China and Japan” (co-authored with
Shigeyuki Abe) at the 6th conference of the East Asian Economic Association, Kita-Kyushu,
Japan, September 4-5, 1998. (Also the discussant of “R&D Investment and Liquidity Constraint:
A Case of Korea” by Myungjai Kong, and the chair of a session on Human Capital Development
and Growth.)
Discussed “Three Complications in Asian Economic Recovery” by Manuel F. Montes at a
conference on “Asian Perspectives on the Economic Crisis” sponsored by the Asia-Pacific Center
for Security Studies, Honolulu, Hawaii, August 18-20, 1998.
Discussed “The Korean Financial Crisis: Causes and Resolution” by Inseok Shin and Joon-Ho
Hahm, “Why Latin America 1995 and East Asia 1997 are Alike” by Michael P. Dooley, and
“International Economic Policy in the Wake of the Asian Crisis” by Barry Eichengreen at
EWC-KDI conference on “Restructuring Korea’s Financial Market,” August 10-11, 1998,
Honolulu, Hawaii.
Discussed “International Financial Integration: Pitfalls and Possibilities” by Gerard Caprio and
“Potential Impact of the International Capital Flows on the Korean Financial Market and Real
Sector: Korea’s Strategic Responses” by Yoon Shik Park at EWC-KSSB conference on
“Restructuring and Strengthening the Korean Bond Market in a Global Economy,” August 7-8,
1998, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Chung H. Lee
Discussed “Exit and Voice–The Political Economy of Wages and Unemployment in a Unified
Germany: The German Case” by Heiner Flasbeck at EWC-KLI conference on “A Comparative
Study of the North/South Korea Labor Force,” August 3-4, 1998, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Presented “China’s Political and Economic Influence on Japan” (with Shigeyuki Abe) at “Japan’s
Economy in the 21st Century: The Response to Crisis,” June 14-15, 1998, Stockholm School of
Economics, Sweden.
Presented a paper, “Trade and Investment Trends in Today’s Asia”, at a Tokyo symposium on
International Responses to the Asian Crisis, jointly supported by the European Institute of
Japanese Studies at the Stockholm School of Economics and Global Industrial and Social Progress
Research Institute, Tokyo, May 26, 1998.
Gave a talk to the Jefferson Fellows on “Deregulation Can be Harmful to Your Economy: Lessons
from South Korea,” East-West Center, April 9, 1998.
Chaired the session “National Policy Issues Regarding Globalization: The Japanese Case” at a
conference on “Global Telecommunications Companies: Competition and National Policies,”
organized by the East-West Center, Honolulu, January 9, 1998.
Discussed “The Suitable Information Technology for the Tumen River Project and Its Impact on
the Economic Development of the Region” at Working Group Meeting on “Cooperative
Development Strategies for Northeast Asia’s Information Infrastructure organized by the
East-West Center, Honolulu, January 7, 1998.
Chaired the AEA/KAEA joint session entitled “Capital Movement and Macroeconomic
Management in the Asia-Pacific Region” at the Allied Social Sciences Association meetings,
Chicago, January 3, 1998.
Member of a round table on “The Outlook for Emerging Markets” at Adam Smith and Economic
Development in the 21st Century: The Outlook for Emerging Markets (Central and Eastern
Europe), Paris, December 11-12, 1997.
Lecture on “Economic Crisis in East Asia” at a National Economic Association meeting, Helsinki,
December 1, 1997.
Gave a talk on “Yamaichi and Its Aftermath--A Deeper Perspective” a meeting of the CPAS-ELJS
Asia-Pacific Luncheon Club, Stockholm School of Economics, Monday, December 1, 1997.
(Given also at a luncheon meeting at Nordbanken, Stockholm, November 25, 1997).
Gave lectures on the Korean economy at the Stockholm School of Economics, November
15-December 15, 1997.
Chung H. Lee
Participated in a conference, “Asia Beckons Europe: Analyzing European Firms’ Market and
Nonmarket Strategies,” organized by Berkeley Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Study Center,
University of California at Berkeley, October 3, 1997.
Presided over the 3rd Korea-U.S. Journalists Seminar organized jointly by the Korea Press Center
and the East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, September 8-9, 1997.
Presented a paper entitled “Why Should South Korean investment in North Korea Be
Subsidized?“ (in Korean) at a North and South Korean scholars’ conference for unification,
Beijing, China, August 29-30, 1997.
Chair of a session, “The Japanese Case,” at an EWC-KT workshop on “Global
Telecommunications Companies: Competition and National Policies,” Honolulu, August 11-12,
Discussant at a session on “Cooperative Development Strategies for Northeast Asia’s Information
Infrastructure,” EWC-KT workshop on “Cooperative Development Strategies for Northeast
Asia’s Information Infrastructure,” Honolulu, August 9-10, 1997
Discussant of four papers presented at the “Government Reforms” session at an EWC-KDI
conference, “Restructuring the National Economy,” Honolulu, 7-8 August 1997.
Chaired a session entitled “Population, Economic Growth, and Poverty” at EDAP Third Senior
Policy Forum, “Balanced and Sustainable Development,” East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii,
27-29 May 1997.
"The Korean Economy in the Global Age" at the Jefferson Fellowships Program, East-West
Center, April 4, 1997.
Discussant of "Modelling Inflation Reduction in Indonesia" (by Paul McNelis and Robert H. Aten)
presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Economic Association, New Orleans, January
5, 1997.
Presented "Culture and Institutions in the Economic Development of South Korea" at a conference
on "Toward an Industrial Society: South Korea," University of British Columbia, Vancouver,
December 13-15, 1996.
Presented "Globalization and Korean Studies" (in Korean) at an international conference, "The
Tasks and Direction of Korean Studies in the 21st Century," Andong National University,
Andong, Korea, November 1-2, 1996
Participated in "International Research Project: Changes in Asian Political and Economic Systems
in Growth," Beijing and Shanghai, China, October 7 - 11, 1996.
Chung H. Lee
A lecture on "The Role of a Reunited Korea in the Asia/Pacific Region" at the 1996 EWC
Workshop for Korean Editorial Writers, East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, August 27, 1996.
Commented on "Direct Investment and the Future of the World Trade Organization" by Edward
M. Graham and "Is Multilateral Rule-Making on Investment an Opportunity? A Korean
Perspective" by Sengjin Kim presented the EWC-KDI Conference on the Multilateral Trading
System in a Globalizing World, Maui, August 7-9, 1996.
Presented a paper entitled "Culture and Institutions in the Economic Development of South
Korea" at the 3rd Pacific and Asia Conference on Korean Studies, Sidney, Australia, July 1-4,
Commented on "How Will Unification Affect Korea's Role in Regional Fora Such as APEC?" (by
Professor Choong Yong Ahn and Dr. Hae-Shik Park) at a conference on the International
Implications of Korea Unification organized by the Korea Institute for International Economic
Policy and The Korea Herald, Seoul, Korea, June 29, 1996.
Presented a paper entitled "Institutions and Economic Development" at the OECD-KDI-ICEG
conference on "Growth and Competition in the New Global Economy," Seoul, Korea, June 27-28,
Presented a paper entitled "Culture and Institutions in the Economic Development of South
Korea" at the 9th International Conference on Korean Studies, "100 Years of Modernization:
Towards the Next Century," Academy of Korean Studies, Seoul, June 26-28, 1996.
Presented a lecture on "Institutions and Economic Development in South Korea" at a Social
Science Association meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, May 6, 1996.
Presented (1) "International Financial Institutions and Economic Development: Evidence from
South Korea," (2) "APEC and Two Koreas" (co-authored with Charles Morrison), and (3) "Why
Should Investment in North Korea Be Subsidized" at the Allied Social Sciences Meeting, San
Francisco, January 5-6, 1996.
Presented "The State and the Market in Economic Development in Korea and Taiwan: Lessons in
Economic Development and Transition" at an International Symposium for the 50th Anniversary
of Economics Department and the 20th Anniversary of Economic Research Institute and the
Journal of Economic Development, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea, November 20, 1995.
Discussant of "Korea's Conception of Security: The Struggle for Legitimacy and Independence"
(by Chung Min Lee) presented at the first workshop on Asian Conceptions of Security held at the
East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, August 21-25, 1995.
Chung H. Lee
Discussant of "Efficient but Exclusionary: Japan's Developmentalist Capitalism of Cooperation"
(by Kozo Yamamura) presented at a conference on A Comparative Study of the System of Market
Economy and Land Ownership/Use, August 7-12, 1995, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Discussant of "Reorientation of Market Order and the Shifting Role of the Government" (by
Jungho Yoo) at the KDI-EWC Joint Conference on Korea's Choices in an Emerging Global
Competition and Cooperation, July 24-26, 1995, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Discussant of "Korea's Outward Direct Foreign Investment and the Division of Labor in the Asian
Pacific" (by Jai-Won Ryou) at an International Conference on Economic Development and
Cooperation in the Pacific Basin co-organized by the Department of Economics, University of
California, Irvine and OECE Development Centre, Berkeley, California, June 30-July 1, 1995.
Presented "Globalization of the Korean Economy" at the1995 Jefferson Fellowship Program,
East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, May 4, 1995.
Attended the 17th Conference of the Association for Korean Studies in Europe, Prague, April
21-25, 1995.
Presented "Korean Reunification: Economic Issues" at the Sixth Workshop for Mid-Career
Korean Journalists, East-West Center, January 25, 1995.
Presented "Macroeconomic Consequences of Interest Rate Deregulation: The Case of South
Korea" (jointly authored with Sung Yeung Kwack) at the Allied Social Sciences Association
meetings, Washington, D.C., January 6-8, 1995.
Participated in an experts meeting on "Trade Liberalization, Environment, and Sustainable
Development in the Pacific Basin," organized by OECD Development Centre, December 7-8,
1994, East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Participated in a meeting on "Setting a Course for Free Trade: Options for Liberalizing
Asia-Pacific Trade and Investment" organized by the Gaston Sigur Center for East Asian Studies
at the George Washington University, Washington, D.C. in collaboration with the Japan Institute
of International Affairs, Tokyo, and the Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore, Makaha
Country Club, Honolulu, Hawaii, 7-9 October 1994.
Presented "Returns on Capital and Outward Direct Foreign Investment: The Case of Six Japanese
Industries" at the Second APEC: NAFTA/SAARC Conference sponsored by the American
Committee on Asian Economic Studies and Economics Faculty of the University of Indonesia,
Bali, Indonesia, August 26-September 2, 1994.
Discussant at a session on "Corporate Strategies and Behavior" at a conference on "Globalization
and Regionalization: Implications and Options for the Asian NIEs," East-West Center, Honolulu,
Hawaii, August 15-17, 1994.
Chung H. Lee
Discussant at a Workshop on APEC: Challenges and Opportunities, 20-21 June 1994, Singapore.
Discussant and Rapporteur at a Workshop on OECD and ASEAN: Search for Coherent Policies,
22-24 June 1994, Singapore.
Speech on "Korean Reunification: An Economic Agenda" at the 1994 Jefferson Fellowships
Program, East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, March 10, 1994.
Presented "Korean Reunification: An Economic Agenda," at a joint EWC-OECD seminar, "From
Reform to Growth: Transition Economies Compared," East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii,
December 16-17, 1993.
Panelist at "Sources of Economic Growth and the Role of Government in East Asian Countries,"
the First SJE (Seoul Journal of Economics) International Symposium - Economic Liberalization
and Structural Change in the Asian Economies, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea,
November 27, 1993.
Discussant at sessions on "Unemployment during the Transition from Socialism" and
"Socio-Economic Transformation in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Union: Lessons from
Asia," 25th National Convention of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic
Studies, November 19-22, 1993, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Chaired a session entitled "Financial Markets, Economic Growth and Structural Change" at a
World Bank conference on "Public Policy and Rapid Growth: Views from Japan" held at the
East-West Center, October 29-30, 1993.
Presented "Korean Economic Unification: An Economic Agenda" at the Center for Korean
Studies, University of Hawaii, October 14, 1993.
Presented "The Role of Government in Economic Development in Korea and Taiwan" at the Kiel
Institute of World Economics, Kiel, Germany, July 9, 1993.
Discussant at "Enhancing Coherence of OECD Policies towards Developing Countries," OECD
Development Centre, Paris, 1-2 July 1993.
Participated in an international conference on "Migration - A Challenge for Europe," Kiel Institute
of World Economics, June 23-24, 1993.
Presented "The State and the Market in Economic Development in Korea and Taiwan" at ADAM
SMITH'S FINANCIAL WEDNESDAYS, co-sponsored by L'AGEFI and the Chambre de
Commerce et d'Industrie de Paris, at the Benjamine Franklin Room, "Le Procope", Paris, 28 April
Chung H. Lee
Presented "The Role of Government in Economic Development in the Asia-Pacific Region" at
Seminar on Effective Implementation of Policies for Growth and Development in Africa,
co-sponsored by International Center for Economic Growth and Centre Ivoirien de Recherches
Economiques et Sociales, April 20-24, 1993, Abidjan, Cote d'Ivoire.
Participated as a discussant in "The Role of Government and East Asian Success," a workshop
sponsored by the World Bank with the cooperation of the East-West Center, Honolulu, November
19-21, 1992.
Presented (by co-author Meheroo Jussawalla) "Trade in Services in the Asia-Pacific Region: The
Telecommunication Services Sector" at the Wharton Conferences on Service Management,
Technology and Economics, University of Pennsylvania, October 23-24, 1992.
Presented "European Economic Integration in the 1990s: Implications for Asia" (with Michael
Plummer) at the 46th annual meeting of the Association for University Business Researchers,
October 11-14, 1992, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Attended a conference on "Korea at a Cross Road: South-North Economic Integration,
Liberalization & Development Prospects", Second Washington Conference of the Korea-America
Economic Association, Washington, D.C., September 28-29, 1992 in the capacity of presider of
KAEA Distinguished Lecture, a member of panel on U.S.-Korea Economic Coordination, and a
discussant of "Reflections on the Non-Economic Factors in Korea's Economic Development" by
Kyung-Dong Kim.
Co-hosted a conference on "The Role of Foreign Investment in Structural Change in East and
Southeast Asia", East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, 18 September 1992 and presented a paper
"Profitability of Industry and Outward Direct Foreign Investment."
Presented "Capital Controls Deregulation and Foreign Direct Investment in Korea" at U.S.-Korea
Academic Symposium III (Korean-U.S. Financial Issues), Columbia University, New York,
September 2-3, 1992.
Participated in a conference on "Economic Development in North Korea," Changchun, People's
Republic of China, July 1-3, 1992.
Presented "The Role of the State in Economic Development: Possible Lessons from East Asia" at
the interregional symposium Promoting Accelerated Development in Africa: Perspectives from
the Asian Experience," Abidjan, Ivory Coast, June 15-19, 1992.
Presented "The Weakening of the State and Agenda for Economic Reform: The Case of South
Korea" at a conference on "Global Interdependence and Asia-Pacific Cooperation," June 8-10,
1992, Hong Kong.
Chung H. Lee
Presented "The Weakening of the State and Agenda for Economic Reform: The Case of South
Korea" at "Update Korea: 1992" co-sponsored by Pacific and Asian Affairs Council and
East-West Center International Relations Program, East-West Center, May 2, 1992.
Presented "The Visible Hand and Economic Development: The Case of South Korea" at the
Graduate School of Economics, Getulio Vargas Foundation, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, March 20,
Discussant at a workshop on "Political Authority and Economic Exchange in Korea," January 6-8,
1992, East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii
Gave a talk on "Political Economy of Financial Liberalization" to a delegation from Development
Research Center, The State Council, People’s Republic of China at the East-West Center,
December 3, 1991.
Presented a paper, "Sustaining Economic Development in Korea," at the Center for Korean
Studies, University of California at Berkeley, November 1, 1991.
Guest speaker at a conference on "Airline Planning in Times of Uncertainty" organized by the
McDonnel Douglas Company at Hilton Hawaiian Village, October 7, 1991. [The title of the
speech: "Growing Interdependence in the Asia-Pacific Region.]
Participated as a discussant in Academic Symposium on U.S.-Korea Economic Relations, Indiana
University, Indiana, 27-28 September 1991.
Presented a paper entitled "A Transition Economy and Outward Direct Foreign Investment" at
Direct Foreign Investment Seminar jointly organized by Asian Productivity Organization and the
Institute for Economic Development & Policy, Seoul, Korea, 16-20 September 1991.
Participated in the first interregional symposium for Promoting Accelerated Development in
Africa: Perspectives from the Asian Experience, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 27-29 August 1991 as
a second author for a paper entitled "Government and Promoting Harmonious Development" (first
author: A. Diallo).
Presented a lecture on "East Asia: Korean Economy and Society" at the 1991 International Faculty
Development Program sponsored by Pacific Asian Management Institute and International
Business Center, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Juy 26, 1991.
Presented a paper, "The Visible Hand and Economic Development: The Case of South Korea," at
a faculty seminar, Department of Economics, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, May 3, 1991.
Presented "Trade between Bohai of China and Korea: Present and Future" (co-authored with Keun
Chung H. Lee
Lee) at International Conference on Regional Development in the Yellow Sea Rim, February
18-21, 1991, Seoul, Korea.
Presented (by Keun Lee) "Direct Foreign Investment in China: Problems, Issues and Policy
Implications" (co-authored with Keun Lee and Won Bae Kim) at International Conference on
Regional Development in the Yellow Sea Rim, February 18-21, 1991, Seoul, Korea.
Discussant at the Conference on Political Authority and Economic Exchange in Korea, East-West
Center, January 3-5, 1991.
Presented a paper, "Government, Financial Systems, and Economic Development," at Keio
University, Tokyo, December 14, 1990.
Presented a paper, "Government, Financial Systems, and Economic Development," at Kyoto
Sangyo University, December 12, 1990.
Served as a general discussant at an international symposium on "New Dimensions of Japanese
Firms in Economic Development and Social Progress" held at Kobe Chamber of Commerce, Port
Island, Kobe, December 6-7, 1990.
Lectured on the role on government in economic development; the political economy of
development: the case of Korea; and monetary policy and financial liberalization at a training
seminar for officials from the Bank of China, Zhaoqing, 27-28 November 1990.
Presented "Outward Direct Investment and Structural Adjustment in a Small Open Economy" at
Kansai University, November 22, 1990.
Presented "Outward Direct Investment and Structural Adjustment in a Small Open Economy" at
Hiroshima University, November 20, 1990.
Presented a lecture on "The Role of Government in the Economic Development of Korea" at
Kyoto Sangyo University, Kyoto, September 28, 1990.
Presented a paper, "Direct Foreign Investment and Structural Adjustment in a Small Open
Economy," to the Faculty of Economics, Okayama University, Tsushima, Okayama, Japan,
September 14, 1990.
Presented a seminar on "Direct Foreign Investment and Structural Adjustment in a Small Open
Economy" at Fukushima University, Fukushima, September 3, 1990.
Presented a lecture on "The Role of Government in the Economic Development of Korea" and a
seminar on "Direct Foreign Investment and Structural Adjustment in a Small Open Economy" at
Otaru University of Commerce, Otaru, Japan, August 31, 1990.
Chung H. Lee
Presented a paper, "Direct Foreign Investment and Structural Adjustment in a Small Open
Economy," to the Faculty of Economics, Hokkaido University, August 30, 1990.
Presented a lecture on "The Role of Government in the Economic Development of Korea" at the
1990 Summer Seminar of the Fletcher Hokkaido Program, Sapporo, July 31, 1990.
Chaired a session at an International Symposium on MNEs and 21st Century Scenarios: In Search
of New Theory, Policy and Strategy, Tokyo, July 4-6, 1990.
Presented a paper, "Direct Foreign Investment and Product Diversification: Internalization of
Structural Adjustment," at the Research Institute for Economics and Business Administration,
Kobe University, June 30, 1990.
Presented "The Government and Financial System in the Economic Development of Korea" at a
conference on "Investment Coordination in the Pacific Century: Lessons from Theory and
Practice," University of Hawaii at Manoa, January 3-5, 1990.
Participated as the organizer in an international conference on the Emerging Issues of Labor
Markets and Industrial Relations in developing Asia, Seoul, Korea, December 7-8, 1989.
Presented a paper, "Culture and Institutions in the Economic Development of Korea," at an
international conference in Osaka, Japan, November 23-27, 1989.
Presented a paper, "Economic Trends and Challenges: Direct Foreign Investment and Structural
Changes in the Pacific Basin," at a conference on the State of the Pacific Basin, Kapalua Bay
Hotel, Maui, Hawaii, November 1-3, 1989.
Presented a paper, "The Future of the Yellow Sea Trade" (co-authored with C. Wiemer), at the
International Conference on Coastal Development in Yellow Sea Rim, Qingdao, China, October
16-21, 1989.
Presented a paper, "Direct Foreign Investment, Structural Adjustment, and International Division
of Labor: A Dynamic Macroeconomic Theory of Direct Foreign Investment," at Simon Fraser
University, Burnaby, Canada, September 22, 1989.
Chaired a session on macroeconomic policies and the balance of payments at the Conference on
the Modern Political Economy of Pakistan, June 5-8, 1989, East-West Center.
Presented a paper entitled "The Government-Business Relationship in Korea: Cultural
Dimensions" (co-authored with Lee-Jay Cho) at the Conference on Confucianism and Economic
Development in East Asia, May 29-31, 1989, Taipei, Taiwan.
Chaired the workshop on "Direct Foreign Investment in Developing Economies and Structural
Chung H. Lee
Change in the Asia-Pacific Region," March 9-10, 1989, Resource Systems Institute, East-West
Chaired the session on "Exchange Rate Realignment Issues" at a conference on Pacific Economic
Outlook and Structural Issues, March 21-23, 1989, East-West Center and U.S. National
Committee for Pacific Economic Cooperation.
Presented a paper entitled "Trade and Investment in Services and the Newly Industrializing
Economies in the Asia-Pacific Region" at an International Conference on the Open Policies of
Socialist Countries and Economic Cooperation in the Asia-Pacific Region, December 6-7, 1988,
Seoul, Korea.
Discussant of a paper, "Effects of Canada's General Preferential Tariff on the Canada-Korea Trade
Relations," (by In-ho Uhm) at a conference organized by the Korean Economic Association,
Seoul, Korea, August 2-3, 1988.
Presented a paper entitled "Economic Policies and Institutions for Economic Development of
Korea: Comparisons and Contrasts with Taiwan" at a conference on "Economic Development
Strategy and Policy Implementation in Taiwan," Taiwan, June 7-11, 1988.
Presented (by John Bauer) a paper entitled "Economic Development and Labor Market
Segmentation: The Case of Korea," (co-authored with John Bauer) at International Conference on
Economic Development and Labor Market Segmentation, University of Notre Dame, April 17-20,
Lecture entitled "Korea's Economic Policy Reforms and Prospects for U.S.-Korea Economic
Relations" at the Center for Asia-Pacific Exchange, Honolulu, April 16, 1988.
Chaired a session at an international conference on Comparative Development Experience in Asia
and Latin America, East-West Center, Apirl 20-22, 1988.
Chaired a session on "Records of Koreans in China" at International Conference on Koreans in
China, Center for Korean Studies, University of Hawaii, March 21-23, 1988.
Panelist for "Korea in the 1980s," 1988 International Symposium on Pacific Asian Business, Ala
Moana Americana Hotel, Honolulu, January 6-8, 1988.
Participated in Preparatory Meeting on Private Sector Development, United Nations Development
Programme, December 17-18, 1987, Singapore.
Participated in "Pacific Perspective on the Uruguay Round: Frameworks for Resolving Issues,"
August 31-September 2, 1987, East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii.
Chung H. Lee
Presented a paper (co-authored with S. Naya) entitled "The internationalization of U.S. Service
Industries and Its Implications for Developing Countries at a conference on GATT and
Developing World: Agenda for a New Trade Round, East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, June
24-26, 1987.
Presented a paper entitled "Issues Facing the Asian NICs: Trade in Services" at the Allied Social
Sciences Associations meetings, New Orleans, December 28, 1986.
Presented a paper (co-authored with Seiji Naya) entitled "Trade in East Asian Development with
Comparative Reference to Southeast Asian Experiences," at a conference on "Why Does
Overcrowded, Resource-Poor East Asia Succeed-Lessons for the LDCs?", Vanderbilt University,
Nashville, TN, October 17-19, 1986.
Presented a paper (co-authored with Seiji Naya) entitled "U.S.-ASEAN Trade and Investment in
Services: An American Viewpoint" at a workshop on "Changes in ASEAN-US Economic
Environment: Constraints and Opportunities," San Francisco, September 29-30, and October 1,
Discussant at a workshop on "Foreign Investment Policies for Industrial Transformation of Asian
Countries" held in Bangkok, September 10-12, 1986.
Presented a paper (co-authored with Seiji Naya) entitled "Patterns of Trade and Investment in
Services in the Asia Pacific Region" at a workshop on Trade and Investment in Services in the
Asia-Pacific Region, East-West Center, August 25-26, 1986.
"Recent Developments in the Korean Economy," presented at Asia-Pacific Studies Forum,
(Honolulu), April 19, l986.
Participant in Experts' meeting on "Mobilizing and Allocating Household Savings in Developing
Countries: Interlinks between Organized and Informal Circuits," Vienna, December 17-18, 1985.
"National Food Policies of the Asia-Pacific Region and Their International Implications," (with
Arsenio Balisacan and James Roumasset), presented at the Second Conference on U.S.-Asia
Economic Relations, New York, September 30-October 2, 1985.
Discussant of "External Economic Forces and National Spatial Development: Japanese Direct
Investment in Pacific Area" by R. J. Fuchs and E. Pernia, presented at the Conference on
Population Growth, Urbanization, and Urban Policies in the Asia-Pacific Region, April 8-12,
1985, East-West Population Institute, East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii.
"Transfer of Technology from Japan and the United States to Korean Manufacturing Industries"
presented at an international conference of the Korean Economic Association, Seoul, Korea,
August 20-21, 1984.
Chung H. Lee
"Trade and Investment Patterns in the Asian NICs" (with Seiji Naya) presented at a conference on
the United States, Japan, and Southeast Asia: The Issue of Interdependence, December 14-17,
1983, Maui, Hawaii.
"Food Policy and Grain Trade in the Asia-Pacific Region" (with J. Roumasset) presented at a
conference on Newly Industrialized Countries, April 4-8, 1983, East-West Center, Honolulu,
"National Rice Policies and Trade in Rice Among the Pacific Basin Area Countries" (with J.
Roumasset) presented at an international workshop on Food and Development in the Pacific Basin
Region, June 10-12, 1982, Mexico City.
"United States Direct Investment and Its International Production in Korean Manufacturing
Industries" presented at the International Studies Association meetings, March 24-27, 1982,
Cincinnati, Ohio.
"Direct Foreign Investment and Industrial Restructuring in the Pacific Basin Area" presented at an
international workshop on the Changing Industrial Geography of the Pacific, August 26-29, 1981,
Seoul, Korea.
"United States and Japanese Direct Investment in Korea and Their Dominance of Local Industries:
Evidence from the Korean Manufacturing Industries" presented at a conference on the U.S.-Asia
Economic Relations, Rutgers University, New Jersey, April 16-18, 1981.