Social Network Analysis Info on lectures, labs

Social Network Analysis
Info on lectures, labs, assignments, final grades…
Attendance at lectures will not be checked. Students can be present during the lectures
or not. But every week assignment should be printed and submitted to professor.
There exists a web page with lectures, program, data, and other material:
Rules how to prepare assignments are also available at the page. Additionally, details on
assignments will be explained each week after the lectures.
Assignments should be printed, hardcopies should be submitted to professor every
week till the end of the lectures. Assignments will not be accepted by e-mail.
There will be altogether 10 assignments. Each assignment will be graded:
o 2 points – assignment done well
o 1 point – small bugs in assignment
o 0 points – some parts of assignment are missing, larger errors, wrong
o 3 points – excellent (nice layouts and figures, detailed interpretations of results)
Assignments which are submitted with delay will be graded with 0 points.
If assignments are submitted with a delay for 2 (or more) times then exam could not be
completed this year. New assignments should be done next academic year.
If assignment is not done well or something is missing then assignments should be
improved and they will be checked again next week. If there exists only small bugs then
assignment need not to be submitted again.
Students will present their results in last two weeks of lectures. Each student will
prepare a presentation that will last no more than 10 minutes. Presentations will be also
graded (again with 0-3 points). During the presentation each student presents main
results which he/she obtained by analyzing his/her network. Professor might ask
additional questions during the presentation.
Final grade of the exam is computed from scores obtained by assignments and scores
given for the presentation - there is no written or oral final exam.
Each week there will be two hours of lectures following by two hours of lab. During the
labs students try to do analysis which were demonstrated during lectures using program
Pajek. Some students might also finish (part of) assignments.