Why is a TamarTag account fee being introduced?
From 2014 onwards the income from the Tamar Bridge and Torpoint Ferry is projected to be less
than the forecast expenditure needed to operate, maintain and improve the crossings. We have
considered various ways of increasing income but have recognised that the cost of providing
TamarTags and servicing accounts is largely independent of the number of crossings made. The
introduction of an account fee reflects this with a balanced approach using a combination of fixed
costs (tag fee) and variable costs (toll).
When will the fee first be applied?
Fees will be applied with effect from 1st April 2014 and will be debited to accounts at the end of each
How much will the fee be?
The charge will be 80p a month for each account (not each tag within the account). A lower pro-rata
fee will apply if the account is opened or closed during a month. The 80p charged monthly to each
account is forecast to generate the income necessary in coming years and also broadly reflects the
cost of running the tag scheme.
Will the fee increase in the future?
Tolls and charges will only increase when income is forecast to be less than that needed to operate,
maintain and improve the two crossings and maintain modest reserves. Based on current forecasts
and available information we anticipate that there will not be a need to revise either tolls or the
account fee until 2017.
Is this a change to my TamarTag terms and conditions?
TamarTag terms and conditions have provisions which allow us to charge a monthly account fee.
Copies of the contract can be found at
There may be months when I may not use the crossings.
Why will the fee still be charged?
There is a fixed element to the cost of providing the account which includes the cost of the tag, the
technology to read the tag and the office resources to administer the scheme. Many of these costs
are fixed and are not dependent on whether crossings are made.
When will my account be debited?
Your account will be debited with the fee on the last day of the month. Please bear this in mind if your
account is running very low on credit.
I have more than one tag on my account – is the charge 80p per tag?
One charge is made per account not for each tag.
I don’t use the bridge or ferry very often – is it worth keeping my account open?
It depends how often your account is used and what types of vehicles are used. For example if your
account pays for two or more car crossings a month you would save money by having an account.
The added convenience of the tag and pre-payment may also be a factor for some users.
I don’t use my TamarTag very often any more so how do I close my account?
Please advise us of your wishes in writing by post or email and return any tags linked to the account.
We will close the account and refund any remaining credit if tags are returned. Fees will apply if you
are unable to return tags, as set out in the terms and conditions.
What happens if there is not enough credit on my account to cover the
monthly fee?
You are responsible for ensuring that there is sufficient credit on your account to pay tolls and fees.
Low balance warnings at booths and onboard ferries provide reminders of low credit levels. If there is
insufficient credit on the account, you will not be able to settle tolls electronically and will be required
to pay cash if you cross. If an account that had insufficient funds to pay the monthly fee is not topped
up within 10 days, we will write to the account holder to ask for a top-up to be made.
Are top-up amounts changing too?
Minimum top-up levels will remain unchanged after 1 April 2014 until further notice.
I changed car/I have moved – how do I update my details?
Please advise us by email or in writing of the changes.
I completed a questionnaire in November which asked for views on new facilities
or features – will any become available?
We are currently working to provide new facilities and make account management easier and we
plan to introduce these improvements during the course of the next 12 months. The first of these
will enable customers to update vehicle details online and over the telephone without coming to our
offices in person.
For more information
Call us on 01752 361577 or visit
You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter
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