What is electromagnetic (EM) radiation? What kind of radiation do

Cellular pho n e s, M P 3 p l aye r s a n d o t h e r m o b i l e d e v i ces are
a relatively re ce nt p h e n o m e n o n , b u t t h e y h ave b e co me
indi spensab l e fo r t h e m o re t h a n 2 b i l l i o n p e o p l e a ro und the
globe who u s e t h e m e ve r y d ay.
R ecent med i a re p o r t s co n n e c t i n g t h e u s e o f t h e s e d evices
with brain t u m o r s a n d o t h e r h e a l t h co n ce r n s a re l e a ding
people to q u e s t i o n t h e l o n g te r m , ra d i at i o n r i s k s o f
exposure to t h e e l e c t ro m a gn e t i c f i e l d s ( E M F ) e m i t te d by
these device s.
While there a re m a ny co m p e t i n g p o i nt s o f v i e w, t h e science
in this area i s i n co n c l u s i ve. H owe ve r, t h e re a re s o m e fac ts
we do k now t h at m i g ht h e l p yo u to m a k e u p yo u r own mind.
What is electromagnetic (EM) radiation?
Electromagnetic radiation is a broad category made up of a number
of well-know types of radiation: radio waves, microwaves, visible
light, ultraviolet (UV) radiation, and X-rays. These radiation types have
become some of the most indespensibe tools of the modern age,
enabling everything from microwave ovens to CT scanners.
Does this radiation pose a health risk?
There have been many studies conducted on this question. There
is currently no conclusive evidence linking exposure to cell phone
radiation to cancer. According to the Eurpoean Union, “a person
who has used a mobile phone for up to 10 years does not have a
higher risk of brain tumours or other cancers in the head.”
Much of the recent concern has been about the exposure of
children to RF radiation from cell phones. There are two main
reasons for this concern, first a child’s brain is still developing
and therefore more vulnerable. In addition, by using cell phones
in childhood, a child’s lifetime exposure to RF radiation will be
significantly longer than that of individuals who started using cell
phones later in life.
The limited number of studies focused on the matter could
not demonstrate that a higher health risk existed for children,
compared to adults.
However, further study is required to make any general conclusions.
If there is a health risk from exposure to RF radiation, it would
seem to be so minimal that until now it has not been satisfactorily
measured. According to the World Health Organization (WHO):
The difference between these types of radiation is in the amount of
energy they have. Radio waves and microwaves generally are very low
energy, whereas x-rays can have much more energy.
What kind of radiation do cell phones use?
In order to provide you with wireless voice and data services, your cell
phone must transmit and receive signals. These signals are at specific
energies of radio frequency (RF) radiation.
RF radiation is low energy and low frequency. It can be used to
transmit both AM-FM radio signals and over the air television
“Current scientific evidence indicates that exposure to
RF fields, such as those emitted by mobile phones and
their base stations, is unlikely to induce or promote
I’m still going to use my cell phone. What can
I do to minimise my exposure?
You can limit your own or your child’s exposure by:
Using hands-free devices (Bluetooth or wired headsets), which
allow you to use your cell phone while keeping the handset
away from your head and body
Limiting the amount of time spent using the cell phone (such as
call duration and frequency of calls). The City of Toronto’s Public
Health department recommends that children under eight
should only use mobile phones in emergencies and teenagers
should limit calls to less than 10 minutes