Six Steps to Fifty Percent

Six Steps to Fifty Percent
A Guide to Determining Which SLOs to Write for New York Educators
Step 1 : List the courses you teach.*
Step 2 : List the number of students in each course you teach.**
Number of
Students in
Courses you Teach:
*Consider a course anything for which you are the teacher of
**Remember, this is the TOTAL number of students taking the
same summative assessment. Three sections of Grade 8
Science with 22, 31 and 26 are recorded as Grade 8 Science
Step 3 : Divide your courses into two columns with a state provided growth measure on the left "Column A", others on the right "Column
B". Rank the classes in descending order according to the number of students.
Number of
Students in
Column A
Column A:
Number of
Students in
Column B
Column B:
Step 4 : If the total of Column A is equal to or larger than the total of Column B , STOP. You will write NO SLOs.
Step 5 : If the total in Column B is larger than Column A, move the top course in Column B to Column A. If you teach common branch
subjects, you must move both ELA and Math.
Step 6 : Repeat Step 5 until Column A is equal to or larger than Column B.
Column A is the list of couses for which you will write SLOs.