Proceedings World Geothermal Congress 2005 Antalya, Turkey, 24-29 April 2005 Improving Geothermal Power Plant Performance by Repowering with Bottoming Cycles Uri Kaplan and Daniel N. Schochet ORMAT Nevada, Inc., Sparks, Nevada and Keywords: Power Plants, Topping Cycles, Bottoming Cycles 3. CASE HISTORIES ORMAT® Energy Converter (OEC) units are specifically designed to match the resource conditions. OEC units may be located near the heat source, away from the space constraints of the main plants. Since the OECs are designed for automatic operation and remote monitoring, they may be operated either as part of the main plant or as free standing power plant units. ABSTRACT Additional generating capacity may be obtained in a cost effective manner by re-powering of existing geothermal power plants utilizing otherwise untapped geothermal energy, without drilling new wells. Often this re-powering also provides additional environmental benefits. The ability to increase power production, by modest amounts can lead to significant increase in profitability for operating plants. The case histories in this presentation, which include projects of different sizes and ownership structure, have been selected to illustrate the technical, economic and environmental benefits of re-powering existing geothermal power plants, as well as the applications of bottoming cycles. This presentation looks at the case histories of several geothermal re-powering applications, including the 5MW brine recovery binary power plant at the Brady power plant in Nevada installed in August of 2002, the 10 MW brine recovery binary power plant at Momotombo in Nicaragua installed in early 2003. and the 20 MW Miravalles V brine recovery plant installed by ICE Costa Rica. With geothermal power plant owners and operators concerned with costs and competition, increasing plant output by repowering, with its incremental advantages, is a highly desirable and cost effective option. 3.1 The Svartsengi Geothermal Project, Reykjanes Peninsula, Iceland1 The Svartsengi Geothermal Power Plant is owned and operated by the Sudurnes Regional Heating Corporation (Sudurnes), which supplies geothermal heat and electricity to the Reykjanes Peninsula in southwestern Iceland. At Svartsengi shallow wells produced dry steam from a boiling zone and deeper wells have produced geothermal fluids with temperatures over 290oC. The original power plants built in 1978 and 1980 utilized three backpressure steam turbines to generate 8 MW to the local grid. Exhaust steam from these turbines was used to heat water for district heating with a portion discharged into the atmosphere. 2. INTRODUCTION Fossil fuels are delivered to a power plant at a per-unit price while geothermal energy, which fuels the power plant for the life of the project, is obtained during project execution, usually at a high up-front cost. Therefore the extraction of the heat from geothermal fluids must be maximized. With sustainability demand growing and competitive pressures increasing, the incentives for optimizing existing facilities are clear. Re-powering of existing plants by using otherwise wasted brine, is viewed very favorably by investors and governmental agencies, since it conserves energy while often reducing environmental impacts. Geothermal power project conversion technologies employed are sensitive to resource conditions, which vary over time. This often offers unique opportunities for re-powering. Specifically the use of the bottoming cycles results in increased power generation from otherwise untapped recovered energy, including: • Non Condensing Geothermal Steam Turbines, which release exhaust steam into the atmosphere at temperatures above 100oC. This wastes heat energy and has a serious negative environmental impact, and • Geothermal Brine, where the steam flow from steam/brine separators is usually 10 to 30 percent of the total flow, resulting in large amounts of brine injected into the reservoir or surface discharged. This brine, at temperatures of 110 to 180oC, contains a significant percentage of untapped or otherwise wasted energy. Sudurnes installed three 1.3 MW water-cooled OEC binary modules, generating 3.6 MW, in 1989, as the first repowering phase. These OECs use steam turbine exhaust as the heat source. In 1993 four more 1.3 MW air cooled OEC binary modules, generating 4.8 MW were added, bringing the total OEC capacity to 9.1 MW and the total power station production capacity to 16.4 MW. The re-powered plant is operated with essentially the same staff since the new equipment was integrated into the existing facility. Shown in Figure 1 is a photograph of the first re-powering phase. Figure 1: Sudurnes OEC Bottoming Unit 1 Kaplan and Schochet. After 10 years of continuous operation the OEC units were operating at over 97% availability, and the waste steam was utilized to produce an additional 8.4 MW of power, more than doubling the installed power of the Sudurnes power plant from 8 to 16.4 MW. environmental problem of the surface discharge of potentially hazardous geothermal brine. After over 10 years of continuous operation the OEC Kawerau Geothermal Power Plants are operating at over 98% availability with very low incremental operations and maintenance expenses. The re-powering was implemented in two steps, reducing investment risk while increasing the efficiency of the plant and decreasing power costs. Environmental damage, caused by acid rain from the exhaust steam droplets has been eliminated and the non-condensable gases in the steam, mostly CO2, are now available for beneficial industrial use in making dry ice and liquid CO2.. 3.3 The Leyte Geothermal Optimization Project, The Philippines2 In March 1995, the Philippine National Oil Company – Energy Development Corp. (PNOC-EDC), solicited competitive proposals for converting otherwise untapped geothermal energy into electricity at four (4) major operating geothermal projects on Leyte. ORMAT won the 50 MW Leyte Geothermal Optimization Project award, which has the form of a ten-year energy conversion agreement between ORMAT and PNOC-EDC. PNOCEDC, as owner, made the decision to use the otherwise untapped geothermal energy produced by existing capitalized facilities. The overall optimization generated 49 MW, adding almost 10% in cost effective power. The Project consists of 4 individual power plant units, including the Malitbog bottoming cycle unit. 3.2 Bay of Plenty, Geothermal Power Plants, Kawerau, North Island, New Zealand1 The Bay of Plenty Electric Power Board services a wide variety of domestic, farming, commercial and industrial installations, including some of New Zealand’s major manufacturers. This area encompasses the Kawerau geothermal field, which is one of the most explored and proven geothermal fields in the world. With a total tested capacity of 200 MWe, the Kawerau field has 31 drilled wells, with a maximum depth of 1611 meters and a maximum bottom hole temperature of 310oC. The main Malitbog Power Plants have a capacity of 231 MW (77 MWx3), utilizing steam at 5.85 bara. The well field facility produces 109 tons/hr of second flash steam, which is used by an ORMAT constructed condensing steam turbine Bottoming Cycle to generate 13.35 MW net. The bottoming plant utilizing water-cooled condensers, with a cooling tower, is shown in Figure 3. Since the early 1960s, the New Zealand Ministry of Energy through its Gas and Geothermal Trading unit was selling geothermal process steam to Tasman Pulp and Paper. The process was surface discharging the separated brine at 174oC, both as steam into the atmosphere and brine into the Tarawera River. Bay of Plenty Electric obtained the rights to this partially spent geothermal fluid and installed two 1.3 MW air cooled modular binary OEC units in 1989 and one 3.8 MW air cooled modular binary OEC in 1993, for a total of 6.4 MW of installed capacity. Figure 2 is a photograph of the second phase power plant unit. Figure 3: Malitbog Steam Bottoming Unit 3.4 Brady Nevada OEC Bottoming Cycle Unit The Brady Power Plant Project, located approximately 60 miles east of Reno, Nevada, is fed by geothermal fluid from pumped wells, with a dual flash configuration utilizing two high pressure turbines and one low pressure turbine. In 1992, the Brady power plant was commissioned with the well field producing at an approximate rate of 10,000 gpm, at a plant inlet temperature of about 182.2ºC. Temperatures in the production wells declined rapidly reaching 162ºC by mid-1993. and by mid-1995 the temperature to the plant was 168ºC and trending downward. Figure 2: Kawerau OEC Bottoming Unit These OEC units utilize the 174oC brine, cooling it to 110oC, in the first two 1.3 MW units, and to 80oC in the 3.5 MW unit. The total electricity generated from a total flow of some 550 tons/hr of geothermal fluid, is 7.1 MW. The technical, economic and environmental benefits from this project include providing the local electricity supplier, Bay of Plenty Electric, with reliable, clean electricity for the local communities. The OEC modular binary power plants operate efficiently, have proven to be very cost effective and were installed in less than 15 months from purchase awards. In addition the air-cooled plants, which have near zero environmental impact, have also solved the In early 2000 remote injection was put into use with approximately 60% of the flow was diverted to the remote injection area. In April 2001, supply conditions to the plant were then 7,800 gpm at157ºC and power output from the Brady Power Plant was 13.5 MW gross, 8.8 MW net. 2 Kaplan and Schochet Following the acquisition of the Brady Geothermal Power Project by ORMAT in July 2001, a detailed review of the total process of the project was performed and three issues were evaluated: 1. Is each component in the plant and field operating at its historical efficiency level? 2. What will be the added benefits (and cost) of replacing original components with new ones designed to operate at existing conditions? 3. What will be the contribution of adding equipment to the power plant or well field, and at what payback? For example, what will the benefits be for drilling wells, adding cooling tower cells, etc. In the first two cases replacing equipment and adjusting well field management strategy increased the power output by 1.5 MW. Focus was then shifted to improving the power plant, to optimize the utilization of the available resource. The Addition of a binary OEC bottoming unit was selected as having no impact on performance of existing plants, with subsequent cooling of the brine to 82ºC. Figure 5: Miravalles V OEC Bottoming System The advantage of ORMAT’s binary technology is twofold. First, ORMAT’s technology efficiently utilized brine that otherwise would be wasted for electricity generation. Second, ORMAT’s technology re-injects 100% of the brine back into the aquifer, thereby assuring that the resource is not depleted. The Miravalles V Project is one more step in the development of renewable power generation in Costa Rica and in Latin America. The OEC modular binary unit was constructed in 95 days and was on-line by August of this 2002. Its net generation with 236o F brine is 5.0 MW annual average, increasing the overall project power output to approximately 20 MW, its contractual requirement. Figure 4 is a photograph of the OEC unit. 3.6 Momotombo, Nicaraugua3 At the time ORMAT signed a 15-year concession and Power Purchase Agreement with ENEL for the rehabilitation and operation of the Momotombo Geothermal power plant in Nicaragua, the project constructed in 1990 was producing only 8 MW. After an investment of 35 Million Dollars in well drilling and rehabilitation as well as new generation equipment, the power output has been increased to 35 MW. ORMAT rehabilitated the existing steam plant, drilled new wells and installed an ORMAT® Energy Converter, (OEC) which produces approximately 5 MW of additional power from the heat contained in geothermal brine which previously was disposed of into Lake Momotombo. This brine is now is fully re-injected back into the ground for better reservoir management and also avoiding any pollution of an important water resource. Figure 4: Brady OEC Bottoming Unit At the OEC dedication ceremony on February 19, 2003, President of Nicaragua, Ing. Enrique Bolaños Geyer stated that “…We are very enthusiastic and optimistic today at the inauguration of the new ORMAT® Energy Converter Plant, which produces clean energy using the steam arising from the depths of the volcano. This has even a higher value today, as it is accentuated by the uncertainty in oil prices, since 70% of Nicaragua’s electricity is based on oil.” The rehabilitated and re-powered Momotombo plant provides the country’s lowest cost electricity at 4.79 US cents a kWh, saves Nicaragua the import of 90 000 tons of fuel per year, and avoids a yearly emission of 120 000 tons of CO2 and the pollution of Momotombo Lake. 3 3.5 Miravalles V, Costa Rica Miravalles V is part of the Electric Development Program III, financed by the International Development Bank. ORMAT was selected by ICE (Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad), as a result of an international tender to supply the power plant as well as construction materials and engineering services. The Miravalles V plant consists of two binary cycle watercooled non-polluting and fuel-free OECs that convert into electric power the presently unexploited energy contained in the hot brine discharged from the existing Miravalles plants. The ORMAT® Energy Converters actually exceed their design purchase specification of 15.5 MW and add 19.5 MW to the power output from the existing Miravalles geothermal field, without increasing the overall steam consumption or necessitating the drilling of new wells. The Project is now in full operation. See Figure 5. 3 Kaplan and Schochet. projects enjoy the benefits of re-powering and OEC modular bottoming cycle units which have been field proven as reliable and easily maintained power plants. OEC re-powering bottoming units have been purchased directly by facility owners as well as financed as independent power projects. Re-powering has been proven as the most cost-effective way to generate additional geothermal power. REFERENCES 1. Elovic, A., Repowering Geothermal Power Plants, RC Resources Bulletin (1992). 2. Hennagir, T., Philippines Fast Track, Independent Energy (1997). 3. Schochet, D., Ormat in Latin America, 35 Years of Collaboration, GRC Bulletin (2003). Figure 6: Momotombo OEC Bottoming Unit 4. CONCLUSIONS Re-powering of existing geothermal power plants has proven to be technologically viable as well as economically and environmentally beneficial. Both large and small 4