PULSE FORMING NETWORK INVESTIGATION by EDWARD GUY COOK, B.S. IN E.E. A THESIS IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING Submitted to the Graduate Faculty of Texas Tech University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING t j Accepted August, 1975 F\ n tNio.n3 >-- n Cop. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to thank Dr. T. R. Burkes for his guidance and assistance during the development of this project and during the writing of this thesis. Special thanks are also extended to Drs. J. P. Craig and S. S. Panwalker for serving on my committee and their helpful suggestions. I would like to express my appreciation to my fellow graduate students in the High-Voltage Laboratory for their comments. Finally, I also thank ray wife Katherine for her support and encouragement. IX TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ii LIST OF TABLES v LIST OF FIGURES vi Chapter I. II. INTRODUCTION 1 TRANSMISSION LINE THEORY AND LUMPED PARAMETER TRANSMISSION LINES 4 Transmission Line Theory 5 Networks Derived From Transmission Lines . . 14 Guilleman's Theory 21 III. DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, AND EVALUATION OF A PULSE FORMING NETWORK Design of a PFN Element Design and PFN Construction Performance Evaluation of the PFN IV. MODIFICATION OF PULSE DURATION The Use of Shielding to Reduce Inductance. . Inductance Eddy-Currents Skin Effects Inductor With Solid Cylindrical Conducting Core Inductor With a Tubular Conducting Core. . . Magnetic Field Intensity Within a Coil . . . V. INDUCTANCE MEASUREMENTS AND EXPERIMENTAL VERIFICATION OF REDUCING PFN PULSE DURATION BY REDUCTION OF PFN INDUCTANCE Calculated Inductance Values Inductance Values for a Non-Uniform Magnetic Field Inductance Values for a Uniform Magnetic Field Measured Inductance and Pulse Duration Values Summary ... 111 28 28 29 35 41 43 45 51 55 59 73 85 98 99 100 102 108 113 VI. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH 115 REFERENCES 117 APPENDIX 119 A. B. C. DERIVATION OF TYPE E NETWORK VALUES OF JQÍZJ^^^) A N D J^ízj"^^^) FOR DETERMINING NORMALIZED COIL IMPEDANCE OF COIL SURROUNDING A SOLID CYLINDRICiUi CORE 126 EXPRESSIONS FOR DETERMINING THE MAGNETIC FIELD INTENSITY WITHIN A SOLENOID 133 IV 120 L I S T OF TABLES Têible III-l. V-1. V-2. V-3. Page Measured Element Values 34 Calculated Inductance Values Assuming A Non-Uniform Magnetic Field 103 Calculated Inductance Values Assuming A Uniform Magnetic Field 107 Measured Inductance Values and Pulse Durations for PFN 110 LIST OF FIGURES Figure II-l. II-2. Page Schematic representation of distributed inductance and capacitance of a lossless transmission line 6 Coordinate system for lossless two conductor transmission line 6 II-3. Transmission line with resistive termination . 11 II-4. Voltage-fed pulse generating circuit using ideal transmission line Current-fed pulse generating circuit using ideal transmission line Two terminal line-simulating network consisting of an infinite number of elements II-5. II-6. II-7. II-8. II-9. 11-10. 11-11. III-l. 13 15 17 Circuit representing the rational-fraction expansion of the transmission line impedance function 20 Circuit representing the rational-fraction expansion of the transmission line admittance function 20 Foann of voltage-fed network derived by Fourier-series analysis of a specific alternating-current waveform 23 Foster*s and Cauer's expansion of impedance and admittance 25 Pulse forming network having equal capacitance type E network 26 Definition of terms for determination of mutual inductance between coaxial coils. . . 31 III-2. Photograph of constructed PFN 33 III-3. PFN and operational support equipment 36 II1-4. Photograph of PFN and operational support equipment vi 38 Figure III-5. IV-1. IV-2. IV-3. IV-4. IV-5. IV-6. IV-7. IV-8. IV-9. Page Oscillogram of PFN generated voltage pulse across linear resistive load 39 Determination of B at a point P due to a loop current 46 Evaluation of magnetic flux for a single loop 46 Determination of magnetic flux coupling in loop a due to a current in loop b 48 Phase relationships of magnetic flux in a coil 53 Cross-section of semi-infinite plate placed in a magnetic field oriented in the zdirection 57 Orientation of the conducting cylinder in the cylindrical coordinate system 61 Conducting cylinder surrounded by conducting current sheath carrying a current I . . . . 65 Plots of normalized impedance for coil surrounding solid cylindrical core 71 Conducting tube placed in a uniform axial magnetic field 76 IV-10. Plot of magnetic field intensity attenuation. IV-11. Impedance of a coil surrounding a conducting tube Definition of parameters for an elemental loop in x-y plane Definition of dimensions for coil having finite length and finite thickness rV-12. IV-13. rv-14. V-l. 81 86 89 91 Coil and two sub-coils for detennination of H^(z,0) 94 Normalized impedance of a coil surrounding a conducting tube 104 Vll Figure Page V-2. Pulse duration as a function of core radius. . 109 V-3. Oscillograms for 7.5 centimeter tube 111 V-4. Oscillograms for 10.1 centimeter tube 112 Vlll CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION High-power rectangular pulses have extensive applications in pulse modulated radar and pulse lasers. Rectan- gular pulses may be generated by many means, some of which are either not capable of or not practical for the generation of high-power pulses. Two of the more common methods for developing high-power pulses are the hard-tube pulser and the line-type pulser. The hard-tube pulser is basically a vacuum-tube which controls the power delivered to the load by modulation of the grid or grids. The line-type pulser is a network, composed of passive elements (inductors and capacitors), which delivers to the load all the energy stored in the network in a time period predeteannined by the network configuration. The line-type pulser has several advantages over the hard-tube pulser in terms of simplicity, size, weight, and efficiency. Generally, the line-type pulser does not need as complex drive circuits for grid control as those required by the hard-tube pulser. The relatively large "on" resistance (100 to 600 ohms) of the vacuum-tube and the power dissipated make the hard-tube pulser much less efficient than the line-type pulser. The less intricate circuits and the more efficient switches (thyratrons) usually enable a line-type pulser to be smaller and lighter in weight than a hard-tube pulser having comparable output power levels. Line-type pulsers are often lumped-parameter realizations of transmission lines. Realizations for line-type pulsers based on transmission line theory generally require a large number of elements to generate an accurate representation of a rectangular pulse. Consequently, techniques for designing pulse forming networks which require a relatively small number of elements have been derived. These techniques are based on the synthesis of a pulse having finite rise and fall times as opposed to the zero rise and fall times for a rectangular pulse. Line-type pulsers do have disadvantages and limitations. The pulse generated by the line-type pulser is generally not as rectangular as the pulse generated by the hard-tube pulser. The line-type generated pulse usually has a longer rise and fall time and has oscillation on the top of the pulse. Overshoot on the leading and trailing edges is coramon. These distortions of the pulse shape may be reduced by special network design. Important disadvantages of the line-type pulser are the difficulty of changing the impedance or the pulse duration. These factors are determined by the element values. The element values are not easily varied by conventional methods. In this thesis background theory and historically important design techniques for the design of pulse forming networks (PFNs) are presented. A design technique for a pulse forming network that is easily constructed and yet generates a well-formed pulse is explained. This design technique is verified by a pulse forming network which is designed, constructed, and tested. A method for easily changing the PFN pulse duration is also presented. The pulse duration can be reduced by decreasing the value of the network inductance. An easily applied technique for decreasing the inductance by placing conducting solid cylinders or tubes of different diameters inside a coil is derived. This method for reducing the pulse duration has effects on other PFN parameters and these effects are discussed. The accuracy of the method is verified by actual application to a PFN. Various aluminum tubes of different diameters are positioned within the PFN inductors. Measured values of inductance are compared with the values determined by the technique. PFN perfonnance, with and without inductance modification, is presented. CHAPTER II TRANSMISSION LINE THEORY AND LUMPED PARAMETER TRANSMISSION LINES The transmission line, composed of distributed inductances and capacitances, has several interesting characteristics. Ideally, the transmission line can transmit signals with no distortion, and theoretically it can produce perfectly rectangular pulses into a matched load. In a near ideal transmission line, such as coaxial cable, there are distinct limitations. The major limitation is the excessive length of cable required to generate a pulse of even a few microseconds duration. Several hundred feet of cable, depending on the cable's propagation time, are required to generate a one microsecond pulse. Size limitations may be overcome by using a lumped parameter transmission line. A lumped parameter line consists of discrete inductors and capacitors arranged such that the characteristics of a transmission line are approached. The design of a lumped parameter line pennits considerable flexibility in the choice of the pulse duration time and the characteristic impedance. A major disadvantage of the lumped parameter line used for pulse generation is its pulse shape. parameter choice. Rise and fall tiroes are limited by Distortion due to oscillation during the pulse and overshoot on the leading and trailing edges of the pulse are common. However, deviations from the ideal pulse may be reduced by using special inductor-capacitor configurations. Transmission Line Theory To better understand the characteristics needed by lumped parameter lines to simulate ideal transmission line operation, a brief review of relevant transmission line theory and application is presented. The two-conductor transmission line may be described by means of four parameters: (a) l, the distributed inductance in henrys per unit length of line; (b) c, the distributed capacitance in farads per unit length of line; (c) r, the distributed resistance in ohms per unit length of line (the sum of the resistances of the separate conductors per unit length of line); (d) g, the distributed shunt conductance (leakage from one conductor to the other through the insulation) in siemens (mhos) per unit length of line. Important and accurate results concerning the propagation properties for low-loss lines can be obtained by assuming that r and g are zero. This results in a lossless 2 transmission line as shown in Fig. II-l. The lossless line can be represented as shown in Fig. II-2 so that the properties of the transmission line can be described more clearly and a coordinate system can be estciblished. ! I I i i I I I I i i i i i I I I I i i i i I I I I I _-i I I I I I I 1 Fig. II-l. Schematic representation of distributed inductance and capacitance of a lossless transmission line i(x,t) • + v(x,t) i(x,t) í x-Ax/2 Å,c _ I X ^ x+Ax/2 Fig. II-2. Coordinate system for a lossless two conductor transmission line. With the current and voltage polarities as established in Fig. II-2, it is apparent that the voltage at x^ + Ax/2 differs from the voltage at x, - Ax/2 whenever the current through the incremental inductance Aí, is changing. The wavelengths of the significant Fourier series terms which forin the pulse are long compared to Ax and therefore the current at x^ may be considered the average of the actual current distribution over the interval from -Ax/2 to +Ax/2. Thus as Ax approaches zero 3i(x^,t) v(x^ + Ax/2,t) = v(x^ - Ax/2,t) - 2M ^ . (II-l) Similarly, the current at x, + Ax/2 is different from the current at x, - Ax/2 due to voltage changes across the incremental capacitance. This expression as Ax approaches zero is 8v(x,,t) ±{x^ + Ax/2,t) = i(x^ - Ax/2,t) - cAx ~ . (II-2) It can be assumed that the difference between the voltage at X, + Ax/2 and x, - Ax/2 can be expressed in terms of the first derivative of v with respect to x at x^. yields This 8 3i(x^,t) -ilAx 9v(x^,t)" = Ax ãt (II-3a) 3x -^JP^X. or í ^i(x.t) ^ 8v(x,t) 3t dx (II-3b) by dividing through by Ax and dropping subscripts since the relationship holds for all points on the line. Correspond- ing assumptions and algebraic manipulations can be made for the current to yield -c av(x,t) 8t ^ ai(x,t) 8x (II-4) By differentiating Eq. (II-3b) with respect to x and Eq. (II-4) with respect to t, and noting that the order of d/dx and 9/9t on i or v is immaterial since the first and second derivatives are continuous, the following wave equations can be derived: a v(x,t) 3x2 = ic a^v(x,t) at^ (II-5) and i!i%ti ^ ,^ a'i(x,t) ^ (,,.,j Eqs. (II-5) and (II-6) are one-dimensional forms of the wave equations. The solutions of Eqs. (II-5) and (II-6) are known to consist of waves that can travel at the velocity \//%ô in either direction, without change in 2 magnitude or foarm. These solutions are V = f^(TX-t) + f^^TX+t) (II-7) i = 1/ZQ rfj^(TX-t) - f^ÍTX+t)"! ; (II-8) and where Z = /Jí/c (characteristic impedance of an infinite transmission line); T = / ô (inverse of the wave propagation velocity); and f, and f^ represent any single-valued function of the argument /Icx- t and /Ãac+ t respectively. The discussion to this point has concerned transmission lines of infinite length. However, a practical transmission line has a finite length and therefore has transition points at its terminations. Ohm's Law and Kirchhoff's Laws 10 must be obeyed at each transition point, and in order to meet all requirements simultaneously, a set of voltage and current waves departing on each of the lines joined at the discontinuity is usually necessary. For the purpose of examining the properties of propagating voltages and currents at transition points, one can assume that a voltage is propagating along a transmission line toward a resistive termination as shown in Fig. II-3. At any point along the line, the voltage (v(x,t)) is the sum of the instantaneous voltage wave propagating to the right (v (s,t)), and the instantaneous voltage wave propagating to the left (v (x,t)). Across the terminal resistance, Ohm's Law specifies the voltage and current to be proportional to R . Combining these conditions with Eqs. (II-7) and (II-8) yields an expression for v (x,t) in terms of v (x,t) R — Z v^(x^,t) = v^(x^,t) ^^ ^ r r o r ^t + ^^ . (II-9) The expression (^'2^)/(R^+Z^), known as the reflection coefficient, gives the magnitude and sign of any voltage (and consequently the current) reflected from a resistance due to an impedance mismatch at that termination. Obviously, if the transmission line is terminated by a resistance equal to its characteristic impedance, the line behaves as 11 i(x,t) + v(x,t) ^ Fig. II-3. Å,c ^ i(x,t) Transmission line with resistive termination 12 an infinite line and there is no reflection. For the purpose of pulse generation, the terminations of interest are the open-circuit and the short-circuit where the reflection coefficients are positive unity and negative unity respectively. A pulse-generating circuit for the open-circuit (voltage-fed) termination is shown in Fig. II-4 for a transmission line having a characteristic impedance Z and a one-way delay time T. The entire transmission line is charged to an initial voltage V , and at time t=0, the ideal switch is closed. Since the transmission line appears as a source with a series impedance Z , and since R, is equal to Z , the current which flows when the switch closes is V /2Z . A voltage of magnitude V /2 is developed across R^. Simultaneously, a voltage wave of magnitude Li -V /2 begins propagation down the transmission line toward the open-circuit tennination. At time T this propagating voltage reaches the open-circuit termination at which time the entire line has a potential equal to V /2. For the open-circuit configuration, the reflection coefficient is one and so a voltage of magnitude -V /2 is reflected from the open-circuit teannination. At time 2T, the propagating voltage wave reaches the load R,. reflections. There are no further Also at time 2T the entire line is discharged and all the energy has been dissipated in R,. during the 13 + t=o v RT L = Z ZQ/ T ^P=°° (open circuit) o Fig. I I - 4 . Voltage-fed pulse generating c i r c u i t ideal transmission l i n e . using 14 pulse of magnitude V^/2 and duration 2T. A circuit for a pulse-generating network using a transmission line terminated with a short circuit (currentfed) is shown in Fig. II-5. For this circuit, a pulse is generated when the switch is opened and the current I interrupted. V = I /2Z is At this time, a positive voltage of magnitude is developed across R,. . This voltage propagates to the short circuit termination where it is reflected with a value of -v. This voltage begins propagation back toward the load reducing the voltage on the line to zero as it progresses. voltage I /2Z The pulse generated across R,. has a and duration 2T. Networks Derived From Transmission Lines The simulation of an ideal transmission line using liamped parameters presents a problem which is stated by the following: From the mathematical point of view, physical problems involving distributed parameters give rise to partial differential equations, whereas lumpedparameter probleras give rise only to ordinary differential equations. Inasmuch as the partial differential equation for a physical problem may usually be derived by taking the limit of a set of ordinary differential equations as the number of equations in the set approaches infinity (usually referred to as Rayleigh's principle), it is clear that a finite number can at best give only an approximate answer to the distributed-parameter problem, but that the degree of approximation improves as the number of equations, and therefore the number of physical elements, is increased.^ 15 t=o »© R^ X = Zo Zo' ,T ^ = 0 Fig. II-5. Current-fed pulse generating circuit using ideal transmission line. 16 A network which represents a transmission line as determined by Rayleigh's principle is shown in Fig. II-6. Writing the current loop equations using Laplace techniques yields a set of equations all in the form of Eq. (11-10), except for the first and last loop; i_,(s) ir+i ^^^ - ^ + (Ls + 2/Cs)i^(s) - -^J^ = 0 where r is the r^^ mesh. (11-10) These equations are recognized as being difference equations having the general solution irCs) = h/^ + B^-^® , (11-11) cosh 6 = 1 + (LC/2)s2 . (11-12) where A and B are arbitrary constants to be determined by substitution into the first and last loop equations. Assuming that the source impedance R^ is zero and the switch is closed, currents flowing indefinitely and representing the steady-state condition will occur. If under these conditions, the values of the arbitrary constants A and B are detearmined and placed in hyperbolic form, the input impedance transfoann for the network can be found by dividing the source voltage transform by the 17 Switch n •r+1 I j Vi Fig. II-6. Two terminal line-simulating network consisting of an infinite number of elements (Rayleigh's Principle). 18 expression for the input current. This impedance expression is dependent on the number of sections, n. If the limit as n approaches infinity is deterrained, the input irapedance Z(s) of the network reduces to Z coth T S , the irapedance o ^ function for an infinite lossless transmission line. The obvious disadvantage of using a network based on Rayleigh's principle is that the nuraber of sections needed to siraulate a transraission line capable of producing a well shaped pulse becorae prohibitively large. To yield any significant iraproveraent of the pulse shape for a finite nuraber of sections, a large nuraber of sections are needed. Another approach for developing networks which siraulate a transraission line is to use the rational-fraction expansion of the transmission line irapedance function, Z coth TS, or its inverse, the adraittance function. The rational-fraction expansion of the impedance function is 2ZoTs Z(s) = Z^ST + j J - L - y ^ 2 — • (11-13) S-ã— + 1 2 2^-^ TT n The first term on the right hand side of the expression is the impedance of a capacitance of value C^ = T/Z C N is the total network capacitance. where The reraaining terms represent the operational impedance of a series of parallel inductor-capacitor corabinations. The impedance of each parallel corabination has the forra L s Zn " 2 ^ 1 + L C S^ n n ' (11-14) where 2Z T 2^ ir n c ^n - "^ 2Z_ (11-15) 2 and L-^ is the total network inductance. The network having these values is shown in Fig. II-7. A similar network may be derived by using the rational-fraction expansion on the admittance function Y(s) = 1/Z(s) = tanhTs/Z . This network, shown in Fig. II-8, consists of n parallel sections of series inductancecapacitance combinations where the values of the inductors are found to be \j/2 and the capacitor values are 8C^/ ((2n-l)^TT^). As the number of sections for either network approaches infinity, the pulse shapes generated by each network become 20 n /Tînnnrs innnnrs ]\- 'N n ^n " 2Z T 2LN 2_ 2_ 2 2 ir n C n = 2 2Z TT n Fig. II-7. Circuit representing the rational-fraction expansion of the transmission line impedance function. 7 •3 Z ^i y L ^n - ^ 2 ^2 - j - 7 7 1 ^3 -y K o 1 n 8C N C = 2 2 n (2n-l) ir'' Fig. II-8. Circuit representing the rational-fraction expansion of the transmission line admittance function. 21 identical. However, under these conditions (n-^») , it can be shown that there will be considerable overshoot at the leading and following edges of the pulse (known as the Gibbs phenomenon) . For a finite nuinber of sections, the network of Fig. II-7 generates an excessive spike on the leading edge due to the series capacitance and thus produces a poor pulse. The network of Fig. II-8 for a finite number of sections, will generate a pulse having oscillation on the top of the pulse and a leading edge peak of lesser magnitude than tha average of the pulse top. Gui1lemin * s Theory 5 Guillemin saw the problems that occurred when lumped-parameter networks attempted to simulate the zero rise and fall time of transmission line pulse generators and realized that these problems could not be overcome whenever lumped elements were involved. He then argued that since it was impossible to generate an ideal rectangular pulse by means of a lumped-parameter network, the theoretical pulse that is chosen should intentionally have finite rise and fall times. Mathematically, this condition means that the discontinuity in the pulse shape is eliminated and that the Fourier series for the generated wave has the necessary property of uniform connvergence throughout the entire region. The property of uniforin convergence insures that overshoots and oscillation in the pulse can be reduced to any desired degree by using a sufficient number of sections.3 22 There are several pulse shapes that can reasonably be used. Two shapes Guillemin originally chose are a trapezoidal alternating-current wave and an alternatingcurrent wave with a flat top and parabolic rise and fall. The Fourier series for both of these waveforras has no constant term and consists only of sine terms. Each sine term has a specific magnitude and frequency which can be produced by a resonant series inductor-capacitor section. The required pulse-generating network is developed by placing these resonant L-C sections in parallel. A closer approximation is developed by using more sections. A network of this form is shown in Fig. II-9. Networks of the form shown in Fig. II-9 are inconvenient for practical use since the inductors have appreciable distributed capacitance (due to the network configuration) and the capacitors have different values. Consequently, it is advantageous to devise equivalent networks which avoid these problems. There are many possible equivalent networks since, from the mathematical viewpoint, all networks having the same impedance function are equivalent. There are many mathematical operations which yield such equivalent networks. The three most useful and practical networks are derived from expansion of the impedance function by Foster's Theorem and expansion of both the impedance and 23 'n-l n rix n Fig. II-9. Form of voltage-fed network derived by Fourier-series analysis of a specific alternating-current wavefoann. 24 admittance function by Cauer's extension of Foster's Theorem. These networks are shown in Fig. 11-10. Other equivalent networks may be developed by utilizing combinations of the mathematical techniques used to derive the networks in Fig. 11-10. The most important network developed using a combination of these techniques, the type E network, is shown in Fig. 11-11. The most significant features of this network are that all capacitors are of identical value and that each shunt branch consists of a capacitor and a negative inductance in series. The ability to use identical capacitors is significant in t e m s of cost and design simplicity, and negative inductances may be easily realized by mutual inductances between the adjacent inductors. This is a very practical network form since all inductances including the mutual inductances may be developed by winding coils on a single tubular form and capacitors can simply be tapped in at the proper points. A complete mathematical derivation of the network in 3 Fig. 11-11 is found in Appendix A. The mutual inductances of the type E network are nearly identical and the inductors have virtually the same values; these elements may be made equal without significantly altering the pulse shape. The construction of a type E network is thereby simplified to the following: v (a) a continuous solenoid is wound such that the total inductance 25 "1 "2 _1 n -nnnnn-. ][ il 'N # 'n-l (a) Foster's expansion of impedance function. network. ^l ^3 — "5 •-nnnnrrs-^innnnr —1 T-^nnnnnrv-^innnnrs 'n-2 n (b) Cauer's expansion of impedance function. network. 'n-3 i^ Type A Type B 'n-l j •.. s 'n-4 n-2 1 (c) Cauer's expansion of admittance function. network. n Type F Fig. 11-10. Foster's and Cauer's expansion of impedance and admittance function of network in Fig. II-9. 26 ^nnrhpr—r-nnjinno-T 12 rnfTrmnn n-l,n T Fig. 11-11. Pulse forming network having equal capacitances. Type E network. 27 Lj, = "^^Q' (^) the total capacitance C.. = T/Z is divided equally between the sections, and each capacitor is connected to a tap on the inductor such that all inductances are identical except for the end inductances which improve the pulse shape when their self-inductance is 20% to 30% larger. Z represents the characteristic impedance and T is the one-way delay time of the network. shown in transmission line theory, Z T = /L^C^. As previously = /Lu^/C and These formulas are accurate when used with type E networks. CHAPTER III DESIGN, CONSTRUCTION, AND EVALUATION OF A PULSE FORMING NETWORK The design of a voltage-f ed pulse forming network satisfying specif ic requirements and performance needs is presented. The pulse forming network has been built and tested. Results of measurements of the PFN's performance are presented. Design of a PFN Design requirements for the PFN are that the pulse duration (2T) be 20 microseconds and the characteristic impedance be 15 ohms. The desired physical network configuration is a long solenoid with unif orm spacing between turns and with the capacitors tapped in at the appropriate locations. This con- figuration, if properly designed, satisf ies the type E network's requirement for the mutual inductances between adjacent inductors. The PFN is chosen to have nine (9) sections. The network capacitance and network inductance are determined f rom the relations L^ = Z T and Cj, = T/Z as def ined in Chapter II. Thus, the total network inductance and total network capacitance have the values of 150 microhenries and 0.667 microfarads, respectively. The values for the element cap- acitances are f ound by dividing the total network capacitance of C„ by the number of sections. This division yields an N element capacitance of 0.074 microfarads. The 28 29 mutual inductance is chosen to be 15 percent of the internal inductance value and the end inductors are chosen to be 20 percent larger than the internal inductor values. The network inductance may be written as the sum of the self-inductances plus the mutual inductances. The self- inductances of the inductors and the mutual inductances may be written in terms of the element inductors. The relation for the network inductance is Ljj = 7L + 2(1+.2)L + 2(8) (.15)L = 11.8L (Ill-la) (Ill-lb) The first term on the right-hand side of Eq. (Ill-la) is the self-inductance of the internal inductances; the second term is the self-inductance of the end inductors; and the last term is the total mutual inductance. Evaluation of Eq. (III-l) for L gives 12.71 microhenries. The end inductors are 15.25 microhenries and all mutual inductances are 1.9 microhenries. Element Design and PFN Construction Capacitors satisfying the design requirements are commercially available so the minimum size of the PFN is limited by the capacitor 30 dimensions. The coil may be any length greater than or equal to the minimum distance between the high-voltage teanninals of adjacent capacitors a.s long as the coil satisfies the design values for the inductance. The coil inductance is determined by the number of turns, the coil's length, and the coil's diameter. The self-inductance of a coil can be determined from the formula 2 2 ^ " (2.54H9r+10Jl) "^icrohenries , (III-2) where r is the coil radius in centimeters, n is the number of turns, and £ is the coil length in centimeters. This forTTiula is accurate to within one percent for single layer coils having a coil length greater than 80 percent of the coil diameter. The mutual inductance between two coils c can be determined by t h e foirmula 22 a A n,n^ M = 0.00986 —.. (Kj^k^ + K^^ "** ^^5^ microhenries, (III-3) where all values are defined as shown in Fig. III-l. For the configuration used, the mutual inductance relation is simplified since the coils which deteannine the mutual inductance are identical. In Eqs. (III-2) and (III-3), the 31 Coil 1 iCoil 2 a A n,n^ M = 0.00986 — A i ^^l^l''"^3^3''"S^5^ raicrohenries A = radius of coil 1 a = radius of coil 2 2x = length of coil 1 2i = length of coil 2 D = axial distance between coil centers n, and n^ = total number of tums on the coil 1 and 2, respectively x , = E>-x x^ = EH-z r^ = //2~TT^ x, + A = /x^ + A x^ x^ ^l " A72 r ^ - r ^ x. K,. = - -TT 8 5 D W ; k^ = a í- 3 - ^ K^ = ^ ; k^ = 21 4x, x. 3 - l^ a i^ a 4x, 3 - All Measuronents are in Centimeters Fig. I I I - l . Definition of terras for determination of mutual inductance between coaxial c o i l s . 32 values for the self-inductances and mutual inductances are known. So that the other unknown may be deterroined, the coil radius is chosen to be 5.72 centimeters (2.25 inches) for convenience. To determine the coil length and the number of turns Eqs. (III-2) and (III-3) may be solved simultaneously. The solution of the two equations for the internal inductors specifies a coil 12.7 centimeters (5 inches) long having 12.6 7 turns. Solving the equations for the inductance of the end inductors specifies coils 14 centimeters (5.5 inches) long having 14.37 turns. To facilitate construction, the number of turns for the inductors is rounded to the next larger integer value. The internal inductors then have 13 turns, and the end inductors have 15 turns. All inductors are wound separately and are then properly spaced on the coil form. The inductors are connected to .318 centimeter (-g- inch) copper bus bars which are connected to the high-voltage terminals of the capacitors. The ground terminals of all capacitors are connected by a common copper bus bar. A photograph of the finished PFN is shown in Fig. III-2. The element values of the constructed PFN have been measured and are listed in Table III-l. The measured values are not equal to the design values (the total capacitance is 6.5 percent less than the design value and 33 Fig. III-2. Photograph of constructed PFN 34 TABLE III-l MEASURED ELEMENT VALUES Capacitance (Microfarads) Self Inductance (Microhenries) Mutual Inductance (Microhenries) Cl=.0691 Ll=15.5 M^_2=2.2 C2=.0692 L2=12.5 M^.^^^.O C3=.0684 L3=12.5 C4=.0681 L4=12.5 C5=.0683 L5=12.5 M, .=2.0 3-4 M. ^.=2.0 4-5 M^ ^=2.0 5-6 C6=.0720 L6=12.5 Mg_^=2.0 C7=.0690 L7=12.5 M^_g=2.0 C8=.0688 L8=12.5 Mg_^=2.0 C9=.0708 C^=.6237 L9=15.5 Sotal=^^ ^ ^ZM =150.9 NOTE: Position of inductors and capacitors are indicated in Fig. 11-11. 35 the total network inductance is 2 percent larger than the design value). Consequently, the values for the pulse duration and characteristic impedance are slightly different. Evaluating the pulse duration and characteristic impedance for the measured values yields 19.5 microseconds and 15.7 ohms respectively. The variation of these values from the design values is 2.5 percent for the pulse duration and 4.6 percent for the characteristic impedance. Performance Evaluation of the PFN An evaluation of the PFN's performance is determined by placing the PFN into the circuit shown in Fig. III-3. The circuit shown in Fig. III-3 consists of dc power supply, a charging circuit, a switch, a triggering circuit, and a linear resistive load. The power supply used is capable of supplying 7,5 kilowatts at a maximum voltage of 15 kilovolts. The charging circuit serves to isolate the power supply from the PFN during operation and yet allows the PFN to be properly charged by the power supply. The switch is a hydrogen thyratron capable of switching 30 kilovolts. The triggering circuit switches the thyratron to the conducting state at desired times. The linear resistance is a copper sulfate-water solution. The load voltage and load current are measured by means of a 1000:1 compensated voltage divider and a current transformer. The outputs of the voltage divider 36 Charging C i r c u i t PFN nnnnnnrmmp <^—nnnnnnr^ j D.C. Power Supply -.=LrLjTrigger Circuit Fig. III-3. PFN and operational support equipment. + 37 and the current transformer are observed by means of an oscilloscope. Fig. III-4 is a photograph showing the PFN with its support equipment and its measuring equipment. The steps for generating a pulse with the PFN are as follows: (a) the PFN capacitors are charged to an initial voltage; (b) the trigger circuit turns the thyratron "on" and the thyratron becomes a short-circuit; (c) the PFN discharges through the load resistance generating a voltage pulse across the load; (d) after the PFN completely discharges, the thyratron deionizes and becomes an open-circuit; (e) the PFN capacitors begin to recharge. Oscillograms of the load voltage and current for different values of initial capacitor voltages are shown in Fig. III-5. Examination of the oscillograms shows that there is slight overshoot on the leading and trailing edge of the pulse and very slight oscillation during the pulse. The pulse's magnitude varies linearly with the initial voltage across the capacitors so the pulse shape is always the same. The pulse duration is observed to be approximately 20 microseconds. In summary, the constructed PFN meets specific design requirements. The measured values for the elements are within ten percent of the design values. The PFN parameters. 38 -p c <D e Qi •H P cr 0) 4J »4 O Oi 0« 3 m »0 <d IM o X M o -p o x: I •H 39 (a) LíøBBáaBHBal 250v/cm MHMMÍÍIIMMRMI 5 Ms/cm (b) 500v/cra HMHHRHHHH MH HI m in HH H H HHHHHHHHH 5 ys/cra I 500v/cm 20 ys Pulse (No Time Scale) Fig. III-5. Oscillograms of PFN generated voltage pulse across linear resistive load. 40 pulse duration and characteristic impedance, as determined from the measured element values, closely correspond to design values. Most of the variation of these PFN parameters from the design values is due to the element capacitors which are, on the average, 6.5 percent sraaller than the design values. The network inductance is within 2.0 percent of the design value. Measurements of the voltage and current pulse generated by the PFN reveal that the PFN operates as designed and within specifications. CHAPTER IV MODIFICATION OF PULSE DURATION An inherent disadvantage of any pulse forming network is the fixed pulse length. The pulse duration is specified by element values which are usually inflexible. Often, applications require high power pulses of different durations, and consequently other methods for generating pulses, such as hard-tube modulators, are usually employed. PFNs have significant advantages over other methods of pulse generation in terms of circuit simplicity and higher efficiency. If simple, easily-applied methods for changing PFN pulse durations were available, applications for PFNs and PFN usage would greatly increase. To deteannine a method of changing the pulse length of a PFN, the expression for the pulse length is examined. The pulse duration for a type E network is defined by the relation 2T = 2/L^C . As characterized by this equation, the pulse duration can be reduced by decreasing the value of the total network inductance, the total network capacitance, or both. For reasons to be explained later, only reduction of the pulse length is to be considered. A major advantage of the type E network is the capability of using equal capacitances. Since expenditures for capacitors form the major portion of PFN costs, the 41 42 advantage of not changing capacitor values is evident. The most viable alternative thus lies in changing the network inductance. Reducing the network inductance without changing the relationships between the element inductances which aid in the formation of the pulse shape presents problems. Reducing the element inductances by methods such as the removal of turns or the shorting of turns changes the mutual inductances between the elements as well as requiring additional switching and mechanical hardware. Such methods also do not provide flexible or accurate control of the inductance. Changing the network inductance affects the PFN's characteristic impedance considerably. impedance Z The characteristic is determined from the expression Z = /L^/C^. Comparison of this expression with the relation for the pulse duration, 2 T = 2/L^C^, shows that both Z and T vary at the same rate for an inductance change. Changing Z and T does not affect the energy storage capabilities of the PFN since the network capacitance is not changed. However, since the energy stored in the PFN's capacitors is constant (for a given voltage), the instantaneous power delivered to a matched load increases as the inductance decreases. 43 The Use of Shielding to Reduce Inductance Conducting shields are used in electronic circuits when magnetic coupling between coils and the other elements of the circuit needs to be minimized or eliminated. Completely surrounding the inductor or coil with a conducting material having a closed electrical path reduces the magnetic field outside the conductor. This conductor confines the magnetic field to the space within its boundaries, and thus shields the external circuitry from the coil's magnetic field. The effectiveness of the shield depends upon the excitation frequency, the shield's conductivity, and the shield thickness. The presence of the shield has two effects on the 7 impedance of the inductor which Welsby follows: summarizes as (a) eddy-currents induced in the shield produce an opposing field which lowers the inductance of the coil; (b) the shield relies for its operation on absorption of the field penetrating it, so energy is dissipated in the shield with a resultant increase in the effective resistance of the winding. The effect of the shield in reducing the inductance of the coil suggests a practical method of reducing the inductance of a PFN. The inductance can be decreased since eddy-currents, and therefore the opposing magnetic field, increase as the distance between the core and the 44 shield decreases. A useful modification of the normal shield configuration is placement of the conductor inside the inductor instead of outside. This conductor configura- tion has the same effect on the inductance as the external conductor configuration, but the interior space of the conductor instead of the external space is shielded from the magnetic field. The effectiveness of the conductor still depends on its conductivity, its thickness, and the frequency, but its effect on the inductance is even more dramatic because the induced eddy-currents increase since the magnetic flux density is greater inside the inductor than outside the inductor. The prospect of using internal conductors is particularly attractive when the inductor is a solenoid as for the type E PFN, since this allows the use of cylindrical solid conductors or cylindrical conducting tubes. To deteannine completely the usefulness of this method of reducing inductance, a careful evaluation of all the effects is required. This means that the effects which determine eddy-currents and the field generated by eddycurrents must be determined. include: The areas to be investigated (a) the relationship between the magnetic field intensity and inductance; (b) the mechanism for eddycurrent generation and the field generated by eddy-currents; (c) skin effect and skin depth and their effects on 45 eddy-currents; (d) the effect of a conducting solid cylinder on an inductor; (e) the effect of a conducting tube on an inductor; (f) the uniformity of the magnetic field inside a solenoid. Inductance The inductance of a circuit relates the georaetry of a circuit to the flux linkages produced by a current in the circuit. A derivation for the inductance for an arbitrary circuit configuration begins with a single loop and fundaraental raagnetic field relations. The magnetic flux $ is given by =í^ $ = <j> B-ds S , (IV-1) where B is the magnetic flux density. For the single loop shown in Fig. IV-1 the magnetic flux density at any point p is P^I r B = 4Tr ° áZxr •'' dv V , (IV-2) r^ where I is the loop current, di^ is the incremental length along the loop, and r, is the vector from d£ to the point p For the arbitrary single loop shown in Fig. IV-2, $ is evaluated to be 46 Fig. IV-1. loop current. Determination of B at a point P due to a ^ Fig. IV-2. Evaluation of magnetic flux for single loop 47 dl * = ¥f (f ^b (IV-3) where r is the distance between a fixed point p on the circuit and an element áZ of the same circuit. The double —a integral is explained as follows: (a) form the elementary vector dí.a at a point p located at the position of another element vector d£, of the same circuit; (b) sum the —^D elementary vectors corresponding to the element ái around a scalar the circuit giving 6 (dÅ /r) at p; (c) then form the ^a product of the vector with d^, at p; (d) sum the resultant scalar quantities for all dÅ, 's around the circuit. 8 The total flux linkage is $ = LI, where 'feí í dJl —^b (IV-4) is defined as the total self inductance of the circuit in a linear homogeneous medium and depends only on the geometry of the loop. When two loops are involved, the total flux through either loop is a function of the currents in both loops and the geometrical arrangement of the loops with respect to each other. Referring to Fig. IV-3, the magnetic flux 48 Fig. IV-3. Determination of magnetic flux coupling in loop a due to current in loop b. 49 *^ab P^o^^^c^^ i^ ^ loop b and linking loop a is $ = t ^^ ab - r ^b'^a ^a (IV-5) ' where — ds^ a is an element of area on the surface Sa bounded by loop a, and B, is the magnetic flux density at a point on S due to the current I, . Replacing B, by the curl of the vector potential (B = VxA) and applying Stokes Theorem yields $ ab = f ^'^, =f ^o^ (IV-6a) (IV-6b) . djla = M^b^b where «a. = îf f J, d£a -d—^D il, — (IV-6C) M , is a quantity depending only on the geometry of the ab two loops, which when multiplied by the current in loop b gives the flux linking loop a. An evaluation of the flux linking loop b due to the current in loop a yields an expression for M, which is identical to the expression for M , since it is symmetrical I t^AAw 5 É;|> ii ^ .>«.'J»|fisY 50 with respect to the indices a and b. The mutual induct- ance is positive if a positive current in loop a produces a positive flux in loop b. The total inductance of an inductor is the sum of the self inductances of its turns plus twice the sum of the mutual inductances between tums. The inductance can also be determined in terms of the magnetic flux density and the current. From the relation L = $/1 and Eq. (IV-1), the inductance can be evaluated as <j> L = -^-= B'ds . (IV-7a) When B is the average flux density, the relation reduces to B X AREA L = ZÊZe ^ (IV-7b) These expressions are particularly useful when the change of inductance for a change of flux density is needed. Both Eq. (IV-7a) and Eq. (IV-7b) are expressions for the inductance of a single loop. When the coil has more than one turn, multiply the inductance value in Eq. (IV-7b) by n where n is the number of turns of the coil. 51 Eddy-Currents The eddy-currents generated in a conductor when the conductor is placed in a magnetic field alter the magnetic field. To determine the exact effect on the magnetic field, the generation of eddy-currents and the magnetic field produced by eddy-currents are investigated. When a material is placed in a time-varying raagnetic field, a voltage is induced in the material. voltage is described by Faraday's Law. The induced In integral form Faraday's Law is f E-d£ = -II . C "~ (IV-8) ^^ Eq. (IV-8) states that the total induced voltage around the surface of the material is equal to the negative time rate of change of the total magnetic flux contained within the area of the material. If the material in the magnetic field is a conductor, currents will flow in the conductor. The magnitudes of the currents are determined by the magnitude of the induced voltage and the conductivity of the conductor as they are related by the general form of Ohm's Law. In a good conductor displacement currents are negligible and, J = OE , (IV-9) 52 where J is the current density and o is the conductivity. The paths which the currents follow are determined by the shape of the conductor and the frequency with which the field is changing. The conductor shape having the most potential for application with a solenoid is the circular cross section. This allows the choice of conductors to be either a solid cylinder or a tube. Further analysis will be concerned only with these two conductor forms. When a tube or solid cylinder is placed in a unifoann time-varying magnetic field with the field parallel to the conductor axis, the induced currents flow in concentric circular paths in a plane perpendicular to the axis if the 9 conductor is homogeneous. The current changes in cunplitude and phase angle with increased depth of penetration into the conductor. Assume that a uniform magnetic field is produced by a long solenoid having a constant sinusoidal current excitation as shown in Fig. IV-4a. The voltage across the solenoid is 90 degrees out of time phase with the solenoid primary magnetic field H , which is proportional to and in Cr phase with the magnetic flux density. When the tube or solid cylinder is placed inside the solenoid as shown in Fig. IV-4b, the currents induced in the conductor produce 9 a secondary field H . In the case of nonmagnetic 53 )iE. 90 excitation_ current r $ (a) Relation of raagnetic flux and coil voltage without conducting cylinder. E„ = E + E T p s excitation current (b) Relation of magnetic flux and coil voltage in a coil with a cylindrical conducting core. Fig. IV-4. Phase relationships of magnetic flux in a coil 54 conductors, H opposes the priraary field. The degree to which the secondary magnetic field opposes the primary field is determined by the conductor conductivity, conductor size, and the frequency of the primary field. As the conductivity or the frequency increases, the angle between H and H approaches 180 degrees. In both Fig. IV-4a and Fig. IV-4b the coil resistance of the coil is assumed to be negligible and the secondary magnetic field in the turns of the coil is neglected. The vector sum of the primary and secondary fields produces a total field. Since the magnetic field has changed, the voltage induced into the conductor changes. the conductor current changes. As a result In the steady state the conductor current will finally attain a value which is consistent with the final existing magnetic field. The impedance of the coil at a particular frequency can be determined by the ratio of the coil phasor voltage to the coil phasor current. Examining the phase relation- ships of the coil voltage and current in Fig. IV-4b, it is observed that the impedance of the coil decreases since E^ has a smaller magnitude and I is held constant. This is the effect desired since it means that the inductance has decreased. The phase angle between the coil voltage and coil current is no longer 90 degrees which indicates that the coil impedance is no longer totally inductive but now 55 includes a reflected resistance. The core resistance is reflected to the coil in a sirailar manner as the resistance of the secondary winding of a transformer reflects into the primary winding. The degree to which the inductance is decreased will depend largely on the coupling between the coil and the conducting core. Increased coupling increases the secondary field and decreases the coil inductance. Skin Effects The skin effect phenomenon is one result of the flow of eddy-currents in a conductor. The skin effect causes the currents to be concentrated on the conductor surface nearest the excitation coils or other sources of the magnetic field. Due to the skin effects, the magnitude of the eddy-currents decreases almost exponentially with the depth of penetration into the conductor. As the penetration depth increases, the phase angle of the eddy-currents becomes increasingly lagging with respect to the surface current. The skin effect increases with increased operating frequency, conductor conductivity, and magnetic permeability The skin effect can be explained in several different 9 but related ways. One explanation shows that at any depth the eddy-currents generate raagnetic fields at greater depths which oppose and reduce the primary magnetic field causing a decrease in current as depth increases. The 56 skin effect can also be considered a result of energy absorption from the electromagnetic wave as it penetrates the conductor. As an approach for deteannining the skin effect, assume that a conductor plate, extending infinitely into the x-direction and the z-direction and having a finite thickness 2b in the y-direction, is placed in a magnetic field having a component only in the z-direction. The magnetic field is further constrained to be a spatial function of y alone and to vary sinusoidally in time. This configuration is shown in Fig. IV-5. Under these conditions eddy-currents are induced which flow only in the x-direction. Using Maxwell's equations and Ohm's Law, VxE = - If and J = aE , (IV-10) gives 3J 8H OM^ -3t ^ 3y^ = "^o . (IV-11) For a good conductor VxH = J . (IV-12) For the configuration shown in Fig. rv-5, Eq. (IV-12) is 57 Hsl X -P Hs2 -^— X -b Fig. IV-5. Cross-section of semi-infinite plate placed in a magnetic field oriented in the z-direction. 58 3H -97 = Ix • (IV-13) Differentiating Eq. (IV-13) with respect to y and substituting into Eq. (IV-11) yields 3 ^H 3H -—^=ou^-^ . (IV-14) Eq. (IV-14) is known as the diffusion equation and has the identical form as the diffusion equation for the diffusion of heat through matter. Since H varies sinusoidally, the substitution of juj for —• into Eqs. (IV-11), (IV-13), and (IV-14) is permissibOe This yields 3J - ^ = Í^ou^^ ^ = J^ ^ \^ = a^H^ 2 ^2 —z ay 2 = a H^ ; ; (IV-15) (IV-16) ; where a = (l+j)/ô and 6 = (IV-17) /2/U)0M^. Eq. (IV-17) has the 59 general solution -z " ^l®"^ "^ K^e-^y , (IV-18) where K^ and K^ are coefficients that depend on the system in which the plate is situated. The evaluation of Eq. (IV-18) is straightforward and it shows that the magnetic field intensity is attenuated and delayed at greater depths in the conductor. The derivative of H with respect to y gives the current density. The value 6 is called the standard depth of penetration or often just the skin depth. At the depth equal to 6, the eddy-currents decrease to approximately 1/e times the value at the surface. Thus, the magnetic field and eddy- currents exist below the skin depth. When y = 6/ their magnitudes are about 37 percent of the surface values and are just under two percent when y = 46. Inductor With Solid Cylindrical Conducting Core9 A conducting core has two effects on the impedance of the inductor: (a) the inductance is reduced; (b) the effective series resistance is increased. The degree to which these effects occur depends considerably upon the conductor's characteristics and the frequency. For this dis- cussion the material is assumed to be isotropic, linear, and 60 homogeneous. Other assumptions made are that the inductor has a steady-state sinusoidal excitation waveform, no charge accumulation occurs, and that the magnetic field is uniform in the z-direction. is discussed later. The validity of the latter For convenience, the axis of the con- ducting cylinder coincides with the z-axis of the cylindrical coordinate system as shown in Fig. IV-6. The magnetic field intensity is determined at all points in the conducting core. To accomplish this, the required wave equation for magnetic wave propagation in the material is derived. This equation is then solved in cylindrical coordinates. The solution consists of Bessel functions which may be evaluated from the boundary conditions. The solution for the magnetic field intensity is used to determine the magnetic flux $ which, in turn, is used to evaluate the coil impedance. Beginning with Maxwell's field equations and using sinusoidal steady-state field relations yields VxH = (a+ja)e)E , (IV-19) and 3H VxE = - P Q J= = -Jt^yQH . (IV-20) 61 r î 1 ^^^^^^ Z '^ ^ •N^ •p(:",z,e) > 'v.^^y^fc^^J^ " 1 Fig. IV-6. Orientation of the conducting cylinder in cylindrical coordinate system. 62 Taking the curl of Eq. (IV-19) and substituting Eq. (IV-20) for VxE which then occurs on the right-hand side of the resulting equation yields VxVxH + -j (a+ja)e)(jop H , (IV-21) which by using vector identities reduces to V^H = j(a+ja)e)y wH , (IV-22) V^H = jom , (IV-23) or H where o is much greater than coe (a good approximation in a good conductor). In cylindrical coordinates (see Fig. IV-6) 2 1 3 . 3H, 1 8^H 3^H Since the solution is independent of 6 and z, Eq. (IV-24) reduces to ^2„ _ ^ ^z . 1 !5z ^ ^ " ":r2" 3r r 3r . (IV-25) 63 Substituting Eq. (IV-23) for V^H, Eq. (IV-25) can then be written to yield the wave equation for magnetic wave propagation in a good conductor. a^H 8H dr where k^ = (iJU a . (IV-27) At this point, for convenience, vector notation will be dropped from the field vectors since they are only rdependent. The notation will only be used when necessary to prevent confusion. Eq. (IV-26) is recognized as being a form of Bessel's differential equation which has a solution of the foann H = AJ^(krj^/^) + BK^(krj-'-/^) z o o = Al^^krj-"-/^) + BK^(krj-''/^) (IV-28a) . (IV-28b) where J is a Bessel function of the first kind and order o zero,' and I o and K o are modified Bessel functions of the first and second kind respectively, both of zero order. 64 A and B are arbitrary constants determined by boundary conditions and j is / ^ . The constant B can be evaluated since the modified Bessel function K (krj1/2 ' ) increases without limit as r approaches zero. This condition is not realizable with the given boundary conditions since the magnetic field intensity would approach infinity at the center of the cylinder. Consequently the constant B must be zero. Eq. (IV-28b) then reduces to H = AI (krj-"-/^) = A(ber kr + jbei kr) z o , (IV-29) where ber kr and bei kr are the Kelvin Bessel real and imaginary functions respectively, with argument kr. The constant A can be solved by evaluating Eq. (IV-29) for r = a, the cylinder radius in centimeters (seeFig. IV-7) , and H = H , where H is the magnetic f ield intensity inside the solenoid before the conductor is inserted. A = ber ka !°jbei ka This yields ' '^^-^O' which when substituted into Eq. (IV-29) yields H = H z ber kr + jbei kr o ber ka + 3bei ka ^ ^^^,3 65 Conducting Cylinder a and b in raeters Current Sheath Fig. IV-7. Conducting cylinder surrounded by conducting current sheath carrying the current I . 66 Eq. (IV-31) describes the magnetic field intensity at any point inside the cylinder. Given the magnetic field intensity, the flux and its effect on the inductance of the surrounding coil can be determined. The inductance is equal to the total flux divided by the coil current and multiplied by the number of turns in the coil. The total flux is equal to the sum of the flux within the cylinder and the flux within the air-gap between the cylinder and the coil. The total flux in the cylinder can be determined by multiplying Eq. (IV-31) by 2\I Trrdr and integrating from r = 0 to r = a. The total flux is then ^T = ^iry^ ^^ H J^ (ber kr + jbei kr) , 0 o (ber ka + jbei ka) + 27rp^ I H^rdr a . (IV-32) Eq. (IV-32) can be evaluated by using the formulas í z ber(kz) dz = fbei' kz , (IV-33a) í z bei(kz) dz =^ber* kz , (IV-33b) and 67 where I^(kziV2)-J dz [_ = kber kz + jkbei kz (IV-34) Evaluation of Eq. (rV-32) then yields $-, = 2Try aH o o bei k ber 1 ka - jber ka + jbei ka ka + y^TTH^OD^-a^) o o (IV-35) To determine the core's total effect on the coil, the impedance of the coil is needed. The impedance is found by dividing the phasor voltage across the coil by the phasor current through the coil. The induced coil voltage may be determined by applying Faraday's Law. This is (IV-36) ^i = = - Ht tc - ' — " • dt ' where e. is the total induced voltage for a single-turn loop. Applying Eq. (IV-36) to Eq. (IV-35) yields e^ xj 2a = -oíTTy^H^ ^ ber ber ka + jbei ka ka + jbei ka janry^H^(b^-a^) . (IV-37) For the analysis purposes, it is convenient to assume that coil is infinitely long, has a single turn, and has 68 a current I^ amperes/meter. For this configuration the magnetic field intensity can be determined by applying Ampere's circuital law and is found to be H = I . 8 Subo s stituting I for H in Eq. (IV-37) and dividing both sides by I results in an expression for the coil impedance Z. Z = (jayira' ka ber ber ka + jbei ka + jbei ka ka 2 + j(i)\iT\ {h 2 -a ) (IV-38) T h e e x p r e s s i o n m a y b e n o r m a l i z e d b y d i v i d i n g the impedance of t h e coil w i t h o u t t h e c o n d u c t o r into Eq. ( I V - 3 8 ) . A s s u m i n g that t h e c o i l h a s n e g l i g i b l e r e s i s t a n c e and c a p a c i t a n c e , t h e coil impedance, w i t h o u t the c o n d u c t o r , is d e t e r m i n e d by letting the radius of the core shrink t o zero For these conditions Z = joay TTb (IV-39) = jwL w h e r e u)L is the r e a c t a n c e o f the coil w i t h o u t the c o n d u c t o r o D i v i d i n g Eq. (IV-38) b y Eq. (IV-39) g i v e s the n o r m a l i z e d coil impedance. oúL 2 íber ka Iber ka + jbei ka + jbei ka ka 2 2 + j b -a (IV-40) 69 The value of k is /a)y a. The value for the argument ka simplifies to (IV-41) ka - a/ojp a Evaluation of Eq. (IV-40) is simplified by using the relations 3/2 J^(kaj ^ ) = ber ka + jbei ka , (IV-42) and J Q ' (kaj^/^) = j"^/2 (j^g^- j^^ ^ jj^g^' j^^j g-JTr/4j^^j^^j3/2j ^ j^^^' j^^ ^ jbei' ka (IV-43a) (IV-43b) Eq. (IV-40) then becomes Z caL o a' ,2 b _2^ ka re-^^/S^(kaj^/2j: + j ,2-a 2 b (IV-44) jQ(kaj^/2) Tabulated values for JQ and J^ consisting of their magnitude and phase angles are found in many sources and 70 1 for convenience are listed in Appendix B. A plot of 2 2 Eq. (IV-44) for several values of a /b as a function of increasing ka is shown in Fig. IV-8. The normalized inductance is the imaginary part of Eq. (IV-44) and the normalized resistance is the real part of Eq. (IV-44). As seen from Fig. IV-8, the normalized inductance, at high frequencies, may be reduced to a neglible value as the ratio of the radii approaches one. The previous relations for the impedance are defined for a long, single-turn coil having a current I per meter. amperes For a coil having n turns with current I in each turn I„ = nl„ s n . (IV-45) The induced voltage for such a coil is n times as large as derived in Eq. (IV-37) and the new impedance is 2 ne. n e. -, Z = T^ = -H' = ^ Z ^ ^n ^s . (IV-46) The impedance of a shorter coil may be approximated by noting that if there are n turns per meter, the induced voltage is ne• where e. is the induced voltage for a single-turn coil, one meter long carrying a current I . O If the coil has n turns and length l, the induced coil 71 ka = a/u)ai _L_ L a)L Fig. IV-8. Plots of normalized impedance for coil surrounding solid cylindrical core. 72 v o l t a g e is p r o p o r t i o n a l to n/l. 7 T h e coil impedance Z « n^Z ^n " is (IV-47) ~ If t h e c o n d u c t o r is a m a g n e t i c raaterial, i.e., h a s a p e r m e a b i l i t y rauch g r e a t e r than that of a i r , the impedance o f t h e coil is g r e a t l y changed. D e f i n i n g the p e r m e a b i l i t y as (IV-48) y = P^ii^ where y is t h e r e l a t i v e p e r m e a b i l i t y of the m a g n e t i c material and y is t h e p e r m e a b i l i t y of free s p a c e , a n d 9 s u b s t i t u t i n g into E q . (IV-38) y i e l d s Z = a^yira' I 2 íber ka + jbei \ka. [ber ka + jbei ka ka + ja)y TTb 2-a2 N o r m a l i z i n g t h i s e q u a t i o n w i t h a)y irb Z = u a)L^ 2 2 íber ^ ka (ber ^7 ka + jbei k a + jbei = a)L ka ka (IV-49) yields u2 2 + j b -a (IV-50) 73 A plot of Eq. (rV-50) has the same shape as Fig. IV-8. The significant difference is that at small values of ka (k = /a)y9) the normalized inductance a)L/a)L than one. is greater However, as ka gets large the normalized inductance approaches the value determined by j íb^-a^' —=— lb In other words, the magnetic material increases the inductance at low frequencies, but as the frequency increases theraagneticfield generated by the eddy-currents negates the effect of the magnetic material and the inductance decreases. Because the norraalized inductance varies considerably as the frequency changes and at large frequencies has a value less than unity, the duration of short pulses cannot be increased using conducting magnetic materials. Inductor With a Tubular Conducting Core A tubular conducting core and a solid cylindrical core affect the coil impedance in a very similar manner. The coil inductance decreases and the effective coil resistance increases. The degree to which the inductance is decreased is dependent upon the dicimeter, conductivity, and thickness of the tube. The magnetic field intensity within the tube is decreased by the opposing magnetic field generated by the induced eddy-current flow around the tube. The derivation 74 presented in this section determines the magnetic field intensity within the tube as a function of the magnetic field intensity outside the tube. The variation of the magnetic field intensity within the tube walls as a function of penetration depth into the conductor is not determined. For purposes of determining the total magnetic flux ($) inside the coil, the magnetic flux density within the tube walls is assumed to be equal to the raagnetic flux density inside the tube. This assumption is valid for a thin-walled tube since the cross-sectional area of the tube is small compared to the cross-sectional area of the coil. The evaluation of the magnetic field intensity within the tube begins with the wave equation obtained in the previous section for magnetic wave propagation in a good conductor (Eq. rv-23). The solution of the wave equation is, again, in terms of modified Bessel functions I and K . The solution is determined by the boundary conditions o on the inner and outer surfaces of the tube. The magnetic field intensity on the inner wall of the tube, and consequently the magnetic field intensity within the tube, is solved in terms of the magnetic field intensity outside the tube. Assume that a conducting tube is placed in a uniform axial magnetic field H^ (such as the field produced inside 75 a long coil) with the tube axis parallel to the field axis as shown in Fig. IV-9. As in the previous section, vector notation will be dropped (except where needed for clarity) from the field vectors since they are only rdependent. The magnetic field intensity inside the tube wall, H^, is in the axial (z) direction and is described by the wave equation 2 dr 2 where k = a)ay for a nonmagnetic material, and r is the radial distance from the axis (cylindrical coordinates). The solution of Eq. (IV-51) has the form Ho = AI (krj-"-/^) + BK^(krj^/^) 2 O , (IV-52) O where I and K are modified Bessel functions of the first o o and second kind respectively, both of zero order. The tangential components of the magnetic field intensity must be continuous across the boundary of the conductor. For the outer surface of the tube r = b. H^ = H^ = AI^(kbj^/^) + BK^(kbj^/^) , (IV-53) 76 Fig. IV-9. magnetic field. Conducting tube placed in a uniform axial 77 and on the inner surface of the tube r = a. H^ = H^ = AI (kaj-"-/^) + BK (kaj-^-^^) ± z o o . H^ is the magnetic field intensity inside the tube. (IV-54) In Eq. (IV-53) and (IV-54) there are three unknowns, A, B, and H-, so a third equation is needed. Applying Faraday's Law to the path r = a gives { I2'— ^ dt B^-ds (IV-55) or ^iraE^ = -j(A)y H^ira' (IV-56) Using Eq. (IV-56) and the general expression for Ohm's Law, (IV-57) I2 = ^^2 yields -]k a „ " 2 ^l Í2 r=a (IV-58) 78 The curl of H^ is (IV-59) VxH^ = (a+ja)e)E2 " ^-2 ^ -2 r=a since in a metal a>>a)e. The curl of H^ is independent of í6 and z and is dependent only on r. VxH^ = 3H2 3r (IV-60) Combining Eqs. (IV-58), (IV-59), and (IV-60) yields ^"2 , -ik^a H -5F 2 ~ ^l (IV-61) r=a Applying Eq. (IV-61) to Eq. (IV-52) yields the third equation «1 = kaj 1/2 ["«• (kaj^/^) + BK^'(kaj^/^)' ] • where the primes denote first order derivatives. (IV-62) Applying one of the recurrence formulas for modified Bessel functions"^^ to Eq. (IV-62) yields 79 «1 = kaj 1/2 AI^(kaj^/^) - BK^^kaj-"-/^) (IV-63) Subtracting Eq. (IV-62) from Eq. (IV-54) and applying the appropriate recurrence formulas yields = Al^^kaj-^/^) + BK^^kaj-"-/^) (IV-64) From Eq. (IV-64), A can be found in terms of B. Sub- stituting the value for A into Eq. (IV-53) yields an expression from which B and consequently A can be determined in terms of H . Substituting the value of A and B into Eq. (IV-54) yields K2(kaj^/2)lQ(kaj^/2) - I^(kaj^/^)K^(kaj^/^) «1 = % lQ(kbj^/^)K2(kaj^/^) - KQ(kbj^/^)l2(kaj^/^) (IV-65) The numerator may be reduced using recurrence formulas for K and I~. This results in a numerator which is a constant times the Wronskian of IQ and K^. reduces to another constant. to The Wronskian, in turn, Eq. (IV-65) finally reduces 80 -F-1 2H lQ(kbj^/2)K2(kaj^/2) - KQ0dDJ^2jj^(j^jV2j ^ - . 3k , 2 a2 . ^ (IV-66) Eq. (IV-66) may be further simplified if both a and b are much greater than the conductor's skin depth at the frequency of interest. For these conditions, the modified Bessel functions may be replaced by the first two terms of their asymptotic expansions. The asymptotic expansions may be found in several sources.11 '12 If, in addition, a is approximately equal to b, as for a thin wall tube, other simplifications can be performed. The resulting expression, taking into consideration all simplifications. is -1-1 «1 = cosh k(b-a) j"^^ + icaj-^^sinh ka>-a)j"^'^^ a H (IV-67) The ratio of H^ to H for tubes of different thicknesses 1 o and different conductivities as plotted in Figs. rv-lOA and IV-IOB. The total flux within the tube will be H, times the area of the tube since H, is independent of r. The total flux with the coil is equal to the sum of the flux in the tube plus the flux in the gap between the tube and the coil 81 1.0 Copper Tube Inside Radius .1 Meter H, H. 10,000 a)(Radians) Fig. IV-IOA. attenuation. Plot of magnetic field intensity 100,000 82 1.0 Aluminiin Tube Inside Radius .1 Meter H. H 1 0 , 0 0 0 l o o V o 000 c a) (Radians) Fig. rV-lOB. attenuation. Plot of magnetic field intensity 83 For a tube placed with its axis lying on the axis of the coil, the total flux is $„ = -r-1 /1" H y TTb' cosh k(b-a)j-'-/^ + ikaj-'-/^sinh k(b-a) j-^-^^ o'^o + 2Try (IV-68) H rdr ^ib ^ where C is the radius of the coil. -V| $_ = H y TT T o^o This simplifies to -1 oosh k(b-a) j-^^ + ^j-''/^sinh k(b-a) j-*-/^ (IV-69) + (C^-b^) To determine the core's total effect on the coil, the impedance of the coil is needed. The impedance is the ratio of the phasor voltage across the coil to the phasor current through the coil. The voltage may be found by applying Faraday's Law, Eq. (rv-36). By assuming, as in the previous section, that the coil is infinitely long, has a single turn, and has a current I amperes/meter, H is 84 found to be equal to I . By using Faraday's Law and H = I , the impedance of the single turn coil is found to be -1 Z = ja)y TT b ^ / | cosh k(b-a) j-^/^ + Ícaj-^-Z^sinh k^b-a^j"'-/^ (C^-b^) (IV-70) A s in the previous section, E q s . (IV-46) and (IV-47) apply to coils having more than a single turn or a finite length By letting b approach zero, the impedance of the coil w i t h the tube is found to be Z = ja)y TTC -' o (IV-71) = ja)L_ -* o This is assuming the coil has negligible resistance and capacitance. Dividing Eq. (IV-70) by (J^L , the coil impedance with the tube is normalized to the coil impedance w i t h o u t the tube. Z ^o -1 ^ .b^ / | ícosh k(b-a) j-'-/^ + ^j-'^^sinh k(b-a) j-"^^ " C^ 2 2 (IV-72) 85 The norraalized irapedance may be evaluated for selected values of a, b, and c as k varies over a wide range of frequencies. Impedance plots for various values of tube thickness are shown in Figs. IV-lla and rv-llb. Magnetic Field Intensity Within a Coil The preceding derivations for the impedance of a coil having a conducting core assume that the magnetic field intensity within the coil is uniform everywhere within the coil. This condition exists for an infinitely long coil, but does not exist for a coil of less than infinite length If the magnitude of the magnetic field intensity varies considerably within the coil, the expressions for the coil impedance derived in the previous two sections may need to be altered to compensate for the variation. Consequently, an accurate technique for determining the magnetic field intensity everywhere within a coil of any dimensions is necessary. To evaluate the magnetic field intensity in a short solenoid, this section begins with the evaluation of the magnetic field intensity on the central axis of a single loop. The axial magnetic field intensity for a finite . length, finite thickness coil is determined, and finally, a series expansion for the magnetic field intensity off the central axis is presented. 86 T u b e W a l l s 5 mm T h i c k 1.0 3=kb k b = b/a)ay .9 C o i l Radius . 1 Meter .8 .7 L_ .6 .5 .4 .3 .2 .1 0 .1 .4 .5 .6 u) L Fig. IV-llA. conducting tube. Impedance of a coil surrounding a .7 87 1.0 T u b e W a l l s 2 ram T h i c k Coil R a d i u s .1 M e t e r .9 .8 .7 _I^ L_ kb=8 .6 .5 , kb=10 .4 .3 , a)L Fig. IV-llB. tube. Impedance of a coil surround a conducting 88 The axial magnetic field intensity for the single loop shown in Fig. IV-12 is determined from the BiotSavart Law to be 2(a +z ) ' where I is the loop current in amperes, a is the loop radius, and z is the distance from the loop center to the point on the axis where the magnetic field intensity is being determined. If for convenience a and z are expressed in centimeters instead of meters, Eq. (IV-73) is written 2 H^(z,0) = j;^ ^ ./o ^ 200(a'^+z^)-^^'^ . (IV-74) The axial field at the center of the loop (at z = 0) is• «o- H = -rkc^Z o 200a ' (IV-75) The axial magnetic field intensity may then be written in terms of H^ as, 3 H (z,0) = H^ — ^ ^n -./o 2 ° (a^+z^)^/^ . (IV-76) 89 - ^ Hz ->- z Fig. IV-12. Definition of parameters for an elemental loop in x-y plane. 90 An expression for the axial magnetic field intensity at the center of a coil of length 2b and thickness a^-a, can be determined by integrating Eq. (IV-74) H o 1 200 = H (0,0) = T T ^ J z' ' ' í^2 ^^ ave J 'a ^ -b ••• ^ 2^2.5/2 ^^^^ ' (a +z ) (IV-77) where a,, X a^, c. and b are defined in Fig. IV-13, and Ja ve is the average current density of the coil and is determined from ave ^^ ^b^a^-a..) . (rv-78) N is the number of turns in the coil, and I is the current in amperes in each turn of the coil. Integration of Eq. (rV-77) yields the expression HQ = ^ave'TM' ai(""h-l I - sinh-1 \) where a is a^/a, and 3 is b/aj^. F(a,3) = Y ^ the value of H . (l^J-19) If F(a,3) is defined as (sinh"-^ I - sinh"^ i) , (IV-80) simplifies to H = J a,F(a,3) o ave 1 . (IV-81) 91 2b C o i l Windings 11 H -+^ Coil Windings a = 3 = All Dimensions in Centimeters Fig. IV-13. Definition of dimensions for coil having finite length and finite thickness. 92 The axial magnetic field intensity H (z,0) at any point along the axis of a coil can be determined by noting from symmetry that the end field (the axial magnetic field intensity at the end of a coil) is one-half of the magnetic field intensity generated by two such coils extending in opposite directions.13 In other words, the end field of a coil is one-half the central magnetic field intensity H of a coil twice its length. At any point z along its axis, the coil may be divided into two sub-coils: one sub-coil extending to the left of z and one sub-coil extending to the right of z. The magnetic field intensity at z, H (z,0), is equal to the sum of the end fields of the sub-coils. As explained in the previous paragraph, H (z,0) is also equal to one-half z the sum of the central fields of two coils which are twice the length of the sub-coils. In teinns of Eq. (IV-81) this results in F(a,3+^) + F(a,3-;^] (IV-82) «zí^'°^ = ^ave^l and since H^ = 'Jave^l^ ^^^'^^ F ( a r 3 + ^ ) + F ( a , 3-- H^(z,0) = H^ 2F(a,3) ^ , " (IV-83) 93 The coil and the two sub-coils used for the deterraination of H^^z^O), as specified inEqs. (IV-82) and (IV-83) , are represented in Fig. IV-14. When the f ield point 2 lies beyond the end of the coil (z>3) / the expression-F (a,^3) should be used instead of ^l F(a,3-~) in Eqs (IV-82) and (IV-83) . The magnetic f ield intensity at points inside the coil, other than on the axis, cannot be represented in a closed form solution. 14 However, by imposing an area of convergence upon the solution, the magnetic f ield intensity can be written as a power series involving Legendre polynomials and coefficients derived from the coefficients of a Taylor series expansion of H (z,0). 13 '15 The power series expansion converges within a sphere having as its radius the distance f rom any point on the coil axis to the nearest point of the coil For points inside the coil, the radius of convergence is the coil radius. The power series may be written Hz (r,e) E E„ ' = H^ o n=0 n n P^(u) (IV-84) and oo H^(r,0) H Z E„ o n=0 ^ Pn (u) ^' (IV-85) 94 2b H^(z,0) ^ (a) Coil for which H (z,0) is determined 2(b+z)- Hol (b) Sub-coil 2(b+z) 1^2 ( b - z ) ^ H o2 (c) Sub-coil 2(b-z) «z^^'°^ = 2 («ol^ %2^ Fig. IV-14. of H^(z,0). z Coil and two sub-coils for determination 95 where H^ and H^ are the magnetic field intensities in the z- and radial directions for a point specified by the spherical coordinates r and 6. P (u) and P '(u) are n n Legendre polynomials found in Appendix C. The E co- efficients are determined by the derivatives of H (z,0) evaluated at z = 0. , , d^H^(z,0) E„ = •— -^ h. ^ "o ''' dz^ Evaluation of E (IV-86) is simplified by substituting Eq. (IV-83) for H (z,0), Eq. (IV-83). =n = IF • TBHT This yields £i f ("'6^§ + F(a,B4j • The terms of E have F(a,3) in the denominator. n (IV-87) The expressions of Eqs. (IV-82) and (rv-83) have the term H as part of the series, and as described by Eq. (IV-81), H includes the expression F(a,3). Consequently, E can be multiplied by F(a,3) to yield an expression more easily evaluated. If the origin for the sphere of convergence is located on the coil axis at the midplane of symmetry, the series expansion will consist only of even terms. 96 H^(r,e) = H^ 1 + B^P^M z o + E^P^^u) J V (IV-88) ^ave^l F + FE^P^(u) Hj^(r,0) = H^ 0 + E^P^' (u) (IV-89) + E^P^'íu) (IV-90) .^.4 J a, ave 1 FE^P^ (u) + FE^P^ (u) V. J (rv-91) FE is equal to F(a,3)E . Expressions for F(a,3) and FE n " n are given in Appendix C. Values of F, FE^, FE., and FE^ 97 are tabulated in Appendix C for various values of a and 3. FE8 is not listed since its contribution to the magnetic field intensity is negligible. be determined by dividing FE Specific values of E may by F(a,3). The magnetic field intensity within the coil, varies as a function of geometry and the number of turns in the coil. The magnetic field intensity becomes more uniform as the coil length increases with respect to the coil diameter and also as the coil's total number of turns increases. The magnetic field intensity within the coil is strongest in the immediate vicinity of the coil windings and decreases as the distance from the coil's windings increases. The coil inductance for a given geometry depends upon the magnetic field intensity within the coil. Consequently, the relations describing the coil impedance in the preceding two sections are accurate only when the actual magnetic field intensity is used. CHAPTER V INDUCTANCE MEASUREMENTS AND EXPERIMENTAL VERIFICATION OF REDUCING PFN PULSE DURATION BY REDUCTION OF PFN INDUCTANCE Reduction of the PFN pulse duration can be accomplished by reducing the network inductance. Theoretically, reduction of the network inductance is easily achieved by inserting a conducting solid cylinder or a conducting tube into the inductor. The inductance may be reduced to any degree by allowing the conductor diaraeter to approach the inductor diameter. In this chapter the relations presented in Chapter IV for the impedance of a coil surrounding a tube are applied to the inductors of the nine-section, 20 microsecond PFN described in Chapter III. Examination of the graphs for normalized impedance (Fig. IV-8, Fig. IV-lla, and Fig. IV-llb) shows that there is no significant advantage in choosing a conducting solid cylinder over a conducting tube. considerations tubing should be used. In view of weight For experimental purposes, aluminum tubes of different diameters are used to reduce the PFN inductance. The aluminum tubes have tube wall thicknesses of 0.125 centimeters and outside diameters of 7.5 centimeters (approximately three inches) and 10.1 centimeters (approximately four inches). For each of the two tubes the element inductances and the 98 99 network inductances are calculated from Eqs. (IV-70) and (IV-72). The calculated values are compared with the measured values. For each tube, the PFN pulse duration is determined from the calculated network inductance and compared with the measured pulse duration. The network capacitance is constant for all conditions. The impedance relations derived in Chapter IV are determined by assuming that the magnetic field intensity is uniform and is generated by an infinitely long, one turn per meter solenoid. However, the magnetic field generated by a finite length solenoid having several turns per meter is not perfectly uniform. Consequently the impedance relations of Chapter IV must be used carefully and only when their application gives accurate results. Calculated Inductance Values The values for the end inductors, the internal inductors, and the network inductance are calculated by two methods. The first raethod assuraes that the magnetic field intensity within the solenoid is not uniform. This method uses the magnetic field intensity as determined by the power series expansion presented in Chapter IV to evaluate the inductance values. The second method assumes that the magnetic field intensity within the solenoid is uniform and uses the plots for the normalized impedances to determine the inductance values. The values calculated 100 by both methods are compared to the measured values. Inductance Values for a NonUniform Magnetic Field lî the magnetic field is not uniform, the impedance of a coil surrounding a core can be determined from a variation of Eq. (IV-70). For a coil having n turns and an excitation current of one ampere, this equation is: b ^ / ^ (cosh k OD-a) j-^/^+l/^kaj-"-/^ sinh k (b-a) ^^"^ ) '^ Z = ia)y 7m H -• o ' z + (cW) (V-1) where |H | is the average magnitude of the magnetic field intensity for a coil having a specified geometry, n turns, and an excitation current of one ampere. Since the excita- tion frequency is large, the first term in brackets is negligible and Eq. (V-1) reduces to Z = jcoy^TTnlH^I (c^-b^) The right-hand side of Eq. . (V-2) is purely imaginary and consequently the term is only inductive. side of Eq. Z = ja)L (V-2) The left-hand (V-2) may be written . (V-3) 101 Combining E q s . (V-2) and L = yQTrn|H^| (c^-b^) (V-3) yields . (V-4) The magnetic field intensity inside the coil may be determined by the power series expansion presented in the preceding chapter. The magnetic field intensity is deter- mined only for points in the volume between the core and the coil. As an example the power series expansion is applied to a coil having the dimensions of the constructed PFN's internal inductors. The magnetic field intensity is evaluated all points within the sphere of convergence. The magnetic field intensity at the origin (on the coil axis at the midplane of symmetry) is .006349 amperes per centimeters. From the value at the origin, the magnetic field intensity increases 11 percent in the radial direction and decreases 25 percent in the axial direction. With the coreraaterialsplaced inside the solenoid, the average magnetic field intensity between the tubes and the coil is determined. For the 7.5 centimeter tube the average magnetic field intensity between the core and the coil is approximately .00651 amperes per centimeters. Substituting this value for the magnetic field intensity in Eq. (V-4) yields 102 L = (4TT X 10"^) (Tí) (13) (.00651) (6.35^ - 3.75^) = 8.77 H. (V-5) The calculation of the magnetic field intensity is repeated for the other core diameter and for the end inductors. This method does not provide for the determina- tion of mutual inductances. However, it is reasonable to assume that the mutual inductances are decreased to the same degree as the element inductances. The calculated values for the end inductors and the internal inductors are listed in Table V-1 for the two tube cores. A value for the network inductance is deter- mined by summing the values of all element inductances and the mutual inductances as described in the preceding paragraph. The value determined for the network inductance and the value for the pulse duration calculated frora the network inductance are also listed in Table V-1. Inductance Values for a Uniform Magnetic Field For a uniform magnetic field, the normalized inductance may be determined from Eq. (IV-72). Plots of this equation for each of the two core matericú-s are presented in Fig. V-1. To determine at which points on these curves the normalized impedance is accurate, the coil's excitation frequencies are needed. 103 TABLE V-1 CALCULATED INDUCTANCE VALUES ASSUMING A NON-UNIFORM MAGNETIC FIELD 7.5 cm Core %Deviation 10.0 cm Core %Deviation 10.27 yH +2.70% 6.14 yH + 2.39% Internal Inductors 8.77 yH +3.17% 5.18 yH + 3.60% Network Inductance 96.46 yH +0.50% 53.60 yH +14.00% Pulse Duration 15.51 ys -5.40% 11.56 ys + 1.40% End Inductors 104 2 3 Tube Thickness .00125 m Coil Diameter .0635 m kb = b/a)ay 8=kb _L_ L_ 10=kb .4 R .5 .6 .7 a)L. Fig. V-1. Normalized impedance of a coil surrounding a conducting tube. 105 The frequencies of the coil's excitation may be determined from the natural frequencies of the network. The natural frequencies of the network are determined by the impedance function of the type E network. The impedance function is given inAppendixA and for convenience is repeated for this discussion. "^ 2 n (L C s " ._, ^ n n ^ + 1) Z(s) = ^"•^"^"" ^ n n j z c s n (L C s'' + . _ _ , ^ n . _^ ^ m m •j — ± , .J , • » . ^ ^ X , <3 , . . . i=j omitted (V-6) 1) The frequencies of the currents through the coil are of interest and these frequencies are specified by shortcircuit natural frequencies.17 The short-circuit natural frequencies are the zeros of the right-hand side of Eq. (V-6). The natural frequencies for the element inductances and capacitances required to generate a 20 microsecond pulse consists of a fundamental at 25 kH , and its harmonics. For a frequency of 25 kH , the kb term of Fig. V-1 is 99.1 and 133.5 for the 7.5 centimeter tube and the 10.1 centimeter tube, respectively. For these values of kb, the points on the curves are on the vertical axis. Con- sequently, the inductance of each coil is determined by 106 multiplying the value specified by the intersection of the curve and the vertical axis by the value of the coil inductance without the core. The inductance values for the end inductors, the internal inductors, and the network inductance are listed in Table V-2. The pulse durations calculated from the network inductances are also listed in Table V-2. Examination of the network inductance value for the 5.05 centimeter tube in Table V-2 shows that it is 20 percent larger than the calculated value. However, the sum of the individual element values yields a value which is within 7 percent of the measured values. The difference in the sum of the element values and the value in Table V-2 can be attributed to the mutual inductance. This suggests that the mutual inductance between the PFN's element inductors is reduced to a negligible value as the ratio of the core to coil radii approaches one. Experimental verification of this suggestion is obtained when measurement of the mutual inductance is attempted. For the PFN solenoid surrounding the 5.05 centimeter tube the mutual inductance between adjacent inductors is unmeasurable with the universal bridge. For the purpose of determining the PFN pulse duration, the use of the normalized impedance plots is inconvenient since the value for the pulse duration cannot be directly ascertained. al to ÆJT . The PFN pulse duration is directly proportionFor an inductor with a conducting core, the 107 TABLE V-2 CALCULATED INDUCTANCE VALUES ASSUMING A UNIFORM MAGNETIC FIELD No Core Nbrmalized Iirpedance 1.0 7.5 cm Core %Deviation .65 10.1 on Core %Deviation .37 End Inductors 15.5 yH 10.10 yH +1.0% 5.74 yH - 4.30% Intemal Inductors 12.5 yH 8.13 yH -4.4% 4.63 yH - 7.40% Network Inductance 153.0 yH 99.50 yH +3.6% 56.60 yH +20.40% 22.0 ys 15.75 ys -4.0% 11.88 ys + 4.25% Pulse Duration 108 value of L^ is the product of the coil inductance without 2 2 a core and the value 1 - b /c , where c is the coil's outside diaraeter in meters and b is the core's outside diameter measured in meters. The values of 1 - b^/c^ are deterrained by examination of the relation for the normalized impedance (Eq. (IV-72)) and are the points at which the norraalized impedance curves intersect with the vertical axis. The ratio of the pulse duration without a conducting core to the pulse duration with a core can be plotted against the ratio of the coil radius to the core radius. This curve is shown in Fig. V-2. From this curve the pulse duration of a PFN can be determined if the pulse duration without a core and the coil and core radii are known. Measured Inductance and Pulse Duration Values Inductance measurements for each core material were made with a universal bridge. For each case the values of the end inductors, the internal inductors, and the network inductance were measured. The measured values are listed in Table V-3. The oscillograms in Fig. V-3 and Fig. V-4 show the durations of the pulse generated by the PFN for the 7.5 centimeter tube and the 10.1 centimeter tube, respectively. In both Fig. V-3 and Fig. V-4, the pulse duration for the PFN without the tube is shown for the purpose of comparison. The values for the pulse duration are listed in Table V-3. 109 .6 T withoutoore T with core Radius of Coil Fig. V-2. P u l s e d u r a t i o n a s a f u n c t i o n of c o r e r a d i u s 110 TABLE V-3 MEASURED INDUCTANCE VALUES AND PULSE DURATIONS FOR PFN No Core 7 . 5 cm Aluminum Core 1 0 . 1 cm Aluminim Core End Inductors 1 5 . .5 yH 10.00 yH 6.00 yH Internal Inductors 1 2 , . 5 yH 8.50 yH 5.00 yH Network Inductance 1 5 3 , .0 yH 96.00 yH 47.00 yH 2 2 . .0 y s 16.40 ys 11.40 ys Pulse Duration* *Measured from oscillograms. 111 500v/cra 5 ys/cm (a) PFN pulse (without tube) 500v/an •MBH aaBaB 5 ys/cra í (b) PFN pulse (with tube) SOOv/cmlJIIJlf] 2 ys/cra (c) PFN pulse (with tube) Fig. V-3. Oscillograms for 7.5 centimeter tube 112 500v/cra 5 ys/cra (a) PFN pulse (without tube) 500v/cra 5 ys/cm (b) PFN pulse (with tube) 500v/cm 2 ys/cm (c) PFN pulse (with tube) Fiq. V-4. Oscillograms for 10.1 centiraeter tube 113 In Tables V-1 and V-2 the differences in the calculated values and the measured values are listed under the heading "% Deviation." For convenience, the values under this heading are listed with + and - prefixes to indicate whether the calculated values are larger or smaller than the measured values. Summary The pulse durations calculated by assuming that the magnetic field is uniform are within five percent of the measured values. Because the results are so accurate, the assumption that the magnetic field is uniforra appears valid. For small values of core radii, the mutual induct- ances between adjacent inductors make the field sufficiently uniform for the normalized impedance relations to be accurate. As the ratio of the core radius to the coil radius approaches unity, the mutual inductances become negligible. However, the lack of mutual inductances for larger core radii is not as critical since the raagnetic field is adequately uniform in the immediate vicinity of the coil's turns. Since the relations for the magnetic field yield accurate results, a plot from which the pulse duration can easily be determined by generated. This plot is shown in Fig. V-3. Accurate values for the element inductances may be determined if a precise value for the average magnetic 114 field intensity is determined. However, determination of the element inductance frora the value of the average magnetic field intensity is much more rigorous than using the normalized impedance curves. Consequently, there is no advantage in using power series expansion to determine inductance values except in cases of very short solenoids where the magnetic field is non-uniform. CHAPTER IV CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FURTHER RESEARCH To give the PFN more versatility, a raethod for easily changing the pulse duration has been demonstrated. The method involves placing a conducting tube inside the PFN inductors. Eddy-currents induced into the conducting tube generate a magnetic field which opposes the magnetic field generated by the PFN inductors. Since the inductance of a coil is proportional to the value of the average magnetic field within the coil, the inductance decreases. The method for reducing the PFN pulse duration is verified experimentally for tubes of different diameters. The calculated values are within five percent of the measured values. To reduce calculations, a curve from which the pulse duration may be determined for a given ratio of core radius to coil radius has been developed. The PFN used to verify the method of reducing the pulse duration was a nine-section, 20 microsecond, 15 ohm characteristic impedance, type E pulse forming network. This PFN was designed, constructed, and tested. The design formulas derived by Guillemin and presented in Chapter II are applied to the PFN design. The PFN' is constructed according to design requirements, and thus verify the design techniques. The PFN is capable of storing 124.7 115 116 joules of energy and can deliver a 6.4 megawatt pulse of 20 microsecond duration to a matched load. A suggestion for additional research is the development of a method for reducing the pulse duration linearly without requiring the use of many conducting cores of different radii. The use of a single core whose radius could be varied mechanically would give added versatility to the PFN. Since the PFN's characteristic impedance is reduced at a rate proportional to the rate at which the pulse duration decreases, a method for continually matching the load to the PFN would also need to be developed. Another area for additional research is the development of a method for modifying the pulse shape by using core materials having different shapes. For example, conical or funnel shaped cores may be used. A through examination of the effect on mutual inductances due to a conducting core is also suggested. REFERENCES 1. Magnusson, P. C. Propaqation. 1970. Transmission Lines and Wave 2nd ed. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 2. Johnson, W. C. Transmission Lines and Networks. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc, 1950. 3. Glasoe, G. N. and Lebacqz, J. F., eds. Pulse Generators 2nd ed. New York: Dover Publications, Inc, 1965. 4. Whittaker, E. T. and Watson, G. N. A Course of Modern Analysis. (Ara. ed.) New York: The MacMillan Company, 1946. 5. Guillemin, E. A. "A Historical Account of the Development of a Design Procedure for Pulse-Forming Networks." Radiation Laboratory Report Number 43. (October, 1944). 6. Terman, F. E. Radio Engineers' Handbook. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc, 1943. 7. Welsby, V. G. The Theory and Design of Inductance Coils. 2nd ed. London: John Wiley and Sons, I n c , 1960. 8. Corson, R. D. and Lorrain, P. Introduction to Magnetic Fields and Waves. San Francisco: W. H. Freeman and Co., 1962. 9. Libby, H. L. Introduction to Electromagnetic Nondestructive Test Methods. New York: WileyInterscience, 1971. New York: 10. Stoll, R. L. The Analysis of Eddy Currents. CÍarendon Press, 1974. 11. McLachlan, N. W. Bessel Functions for Engineers. 2nd ed. London: Oxford University Press, 1961. 12. Tranter, C. J. Bessel Functions with Some Physical Applications. New York: Hart Publishing Company, Inc, 1968. 13. Montgomery, D. B. Solenoid Magnet Design. Wiley-Interscience, 1969. 117 Oxford: New York: 118 14. Parkinson, D. H. and Mulhall, B. E. The Generation of High Magnetic Fields. New York: Plenum Press, 1967. 15. Garret, M. W. "The Method of Zonal Harmonics" in High Magnetic Fields. Edited by Henry Kolm and others. Cambridge, Massachusetts: M.I.T. Press and John Wiley and Sons, I n c , 1962. 16. Guillemin, E. A. Synthesis of Passive Networks. New York: John Wiley and Sons, I n c , 1957. APPENDIX A. DERIVATION OF TYPE E NETWORK B. VALUES OF JQ(ZJ ^^) AND J^(zj^^^) FOR DETERMINATION OF NORMALIZED COIL IMPEDANCE OF COIL SURROUNDING A SOLID CYLINDRICAL CORE C. EXPRESSIONS FOR DETERMINING THE MAGNETIC FIELD INTENSITY WITHIN A SOLENOID 119 APPENDIX A DERIVATION OF TYPE E NETWORK The type E network is of special importance in pulse forming networks because of its construction ease and minimal cost. The ease of construction is due to the inductances being in the, form of a long solenoid having mutual inductances and capacitors tapped on at the appropriate points. The minimal cost is due to all the capacitors being of equal value. Derivation of the type E network begins with the network derived by a continued-fraction expansion of the impedance function which Guillemin derived when he represented the Fourier coefficients of his desired pulse as a set of parallel L-C series resonant sections (Eq. A-1) . The network of Fig. A-1 is changed to a network having identical capacitances. The derived network may be expected to have inductances in series with the capacitive legs to compensate for the changed capacitance. If the capacitance is increased the inductance will be negative and vice-versa. The network that is desired is shown in Fig. A-2. The negative inductances are desired since they can be realized as mutual inductances. The capacitors are of equal value all being C = C /n where C is the total network capacitance and n is the number of sections. The values of the inductors and their mutuals are unknowns to be determined. 120 121 Z T n L = n nirb. b Cn Tb = —VTTZ s -v N values specified by the choice of the alternating current waveform. Fig. A - 1 . Form of voltage-fed network derived by Fourier-series analysis of a specified-alternating-current waveform. Type C network. n n-l,n'^ T ^T Fig. A - 2 . Type E network. 122 The impedance of Fig. A-1 is Z(s) = J n 2 n (L C s"^ + 1) n n j-1,3,. . . . (A-1) n n ~ l C s n (L C s + 1) •*-/"J# • • . 1= 1 , 3 , . . . i=j omitted In Eq. A-1, it is noted that, if an impedance L,s is subtracted from Z(s) so that Zj^(s) = Z(s) - Lj^s , (A-2) a zero of Z,(s) appears-that is, the series combination of L, 2 and C corresponds to a zero of Z, (s) or to a pole of Y, (s) = 1/Z, (s). The admittance of the series combination 2 of L,2 and C is Cs/(L^2Cs + D • The poles of Y^(s) corresponding to the L,^ and C resonant section must be given by s = tl/^-h^^C) = ±s^ , (A-3) and Y,(s) can be expressed in the form ^i<=' = i ^ ^ i î l : +^2<^' ' <*-"' 123 where ^^(s) i s the reraainder admittance function r e g u l a r at ± s , . The constanct a, and a^ are found by algebra a^ = lim (s-s^)Y^(s) = 1 im s->-s s-^s s-s Z(s) - L,s (A-5) and using L'Hospitals rule (A-6) a, 1 = _d_ Z (s) - L^s ds Z (s^) - L^ s=s. Likewise a^ = l/(z'(-s,) - L,). Since z'(s) is a function 2 of s , as may be seen by differentiating Eq. A-1, a^^a^^a. Thus Y.. (s) can be expressed as ^l( = ' = s ^-s. ^ (A-7) ^^2< = ' The first term on the right hand side of Eq. A-7 must be the admittance of L^ ^ ^^^ C in series so Cs L^jCs + 1 12 s2 + L^jC 2as 2 s -s.2 (A-8) 124 Eq. A-8 gives two equations for determining the unknowns s. and L^2= .3^2 = l/2a = (Z' (s^) - L^)/2 (A-9) and 1/L^2^ = -s^' (A-10) 2 where s^ is a root of Z(s) - L^s; thus L^ = Z(s,)/s . From Eq. A-1 it is evident that the roots of Z(s) - L, s = 0 2 are all of the form s. , and that there are n such roots. 2 The root s, is found by eliminating L,^ between Eqs. 9 and 10 which gives 1 -s. Z(s^) (A-11) C The value of s, is specified since it is the only unknown. Then (A-12) ^l "" Z(s^)/Sj^ and 1*^2 " "^/CSi = 1/2 (Z (s^) - L ) (A-13) 125 ^12 ^^ negative for all cases where s, is positive. The foregoing procedure determines L,^ and L, and reduces the degree of Z (s) by 2. The whole process may be repeated on the remainder function Z^^s) = l/Y^^s), where Y^^s) is defined by Eq. 7, and L^ and L^^ may be determined A new remainder function Z-(s) is left and the whole process may be repeated again and again until all roots are exhausted. APPENDIX B VALUES OF Jo(zj-^/^) AND J^^zj^^^) FOR DETERMINATION OF NORMALIZED COIL IMPEDANCE OF COIL SURROUNDING A SOLID CYLINDRICAL CORE 126 127 TABLE B-1 VALUES OF Jo(zj"^'^^) Jo(2J^^^) = M^(z)e^®^^^ = ber z + jbei z M^(z) e^(z) 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 1. 000 1. 000 1. 000 1. 000 1. 000 0. 00° 0. 04 0. 14 0. 32 0. 57 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 1. 000 1. 000 1. 000 1. 000 1.,001 0. 90° 1. 29 1. 75 2. 29 2. 90 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 1..001 1.,001 1,,002 1.,003 1..004 3. 580 4. 33 5. 15 6.,04 7.,01 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1..005 1..006 1..008 1..010 1..013 8,,04° 9..14 10,.31 11..55 12.,86 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1,.016 1,.019 1,.023 1..027 1..032 14,.23° 15,.66 17..16 18..72 20..34 1.25 1.30 1.35 1.40 1.45 1..038 1,.044 1,.051 1,.059 1,.067 22..02° 23,.75 25 .54 27 .37 29 .26 1.50 1.55 1.60 1.65 1.70 1,.077 1,.087 1..098 1..111 1..124 31 .19° 33 .16 35 .17 37 .22 39 .30 128 TABLE B-1—Continued MQ(Z) e^^z) 1. 75 1.80 1. 85 1.90 1.95 1.139 1.154 1.171 1.189 1.208 41.41° 43.54 45.70 47.88 2. 00 2. 10 2. 20 2. 30 2. 40 1.229 1.274 1.325 1.381 1.443 52.29° 56.74 61.22 65.71 70.19 2. 50 2. 60 2. 70 2.,80 2.,90 1.511 1.586 1.666 1.754 1.849 74.65° 79.09 83.50 87.87 92.21 3..00 3.,10 3..20 3.,30 3,.40 1.950 2.059 2.176 2.301 2.434 96.52° 100.79 105.03 109.25 113.43 3,.50 3,.60 3..70 3.,80 3..90 2.576 2.728 2.889 3.061 3.244 117.60° 121.75 125.87 129.99 134.10 4..00 4..50 5,.00 5..50 6..00 3.439 4.618 6.231 8.447 , 1.150x10-^ 138.19° 158.59 178.93 199.38 219.62 7,.00 8..00 9 .00 10 .00 11 .00 2.155x10^4.082x10^7.796x10^ 1.498x10^ 2.895x10"^ 260.29° 300.92 341.52 22.10 62.66 12 .00 14 .00 16 .00 18 .00 20 .00 5.618x10^ 2.137x10:: 8.217x10^ 3.185x10^ 1.242x10 103.22° 184.32 265.40 346.46 67.52 129 TABLE B - 1 — C o n t i n u e d z 25.00 30.00 35.00 40.00 45.00 M (z) o 3.809x10^ 1.192xl0q 3.786x10^ 1.215x10:-^ 3.929x10 e (z) o 270.15° 112.75 315.75 157.94 0.53 130 TABLE B-2 .3/2 VALUES OF J^(zj^ ) J^(zj^/^) = M^(z)e^^^^^ = ber z + jbei M^(z) e^(z) 0.00 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20 0.0000 0.0250 0.0500 0.0750 0.1000 135.00° 135.02 135.07 135.16 135.29 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.1250 0.1500 0.1750 0.2000 0.2250 135.45° 135.64 135.88 136.15 136.45 0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.2500 0.2751 0.3001 0.3252 0.3502 136.79° 137.17 137.58 138.03 138.51 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 0.3753 0.4004 0.4256 0.4508 0.4760 139.03° 139.58 140.17 140.80 141.46 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 0.5013 0.5267 0.5521 0.5776 0.6032 142.16° 142.89 143.66 144.46 145.29 1.25 1.30 1.35 1.40 1.45 0.6290 0.6548 0.6808 0.7070 0.7333 146.17° 147.07 148.02 148.99 150.00 1.50 1.55 1.60 1.65 1.70 0.7598 0.7866 0.8136 0.8408 0.8684 151.04° 152.12 153.23 154.38 155.55 131 TABLE B - 2 — C o n t i n u e d M^(z) e^(z) 1.75 1.80 1.85 1.90 1.95 0. 8962 0. 9244 0. 9530 0. 9819 1. 011 156. 76° 158. 00 159. 27 160. 57 161. 90 2.00 2.05 2.10 2.15 2.20 1. 041 1. 072 1. 102 1. 134 1. 166 163. 27° 164. 66 166. 08 167. 53 169. 00 2.25 2.30 2.35 2.40 2.45 1. 199 1.,232 1.,266 1.,301 1,.337 170. 50° 172. 03 173. 58 175. 16 176. 76 2.50 2.55 2.60 2.65 2.70 1..374 1..411 1..450 1.,489 1..530 178. 39° 180. 03 181. 70 183.,39 185.,10 2.80 2.90 3.00 3.10 3.20 1.,615 1,.705 1,.800 1,.901 2..009 188..57° 192..11 195,,71 199,.37 203,.08 3.30 3.40 3.50 3.60 3.70 2..124 2..246 2,.376 2,.515 2,.664 206..83° 210..62 214,.44 218,.30 222,.17 3.80 4.00 4.25 4.50 5.00 2,.823 3,.173 3,.681 4..378 5 .809 226 .07° 233 .90 243 .77 253 .67 273 .55 5.50 6.00 6.50 7.00 7.50 7 .925 , 1 .085x107 1 .490xl0f 2 .050x10^ 2 .827x10-^ 293 .48° 313 .45 333 .46 353 .51 373 .59 132 TABLE B-2—Continued M^(z) e^(z) 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 3.907x10^7.497x10^ 1.447x10^ 2.804x10^ 5.456x10"^ 13.69° 73.96 114.28 154.63 195.02 14.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 25.00 2.084x10^ 8.038x10^ 3.123x10^ 1.220x10^ 3.755x10 275.84° 356.72 77.63 158.57 00.98 30.00 35.00 40.00 45.00 1.178xl0q 3.748xlOÎ^, 1.204x107^ 3.899x10 '^ 203.45° 45.94 248.46 90.98 APPENDIX C EXPRESSIONS FOR DETERMINING THE MAGNETIC FIELD INTENSITY WITHIN A SOLENOID The magnetic field intensity at points inside the coil can be written as a power series involving Legendre polynomials and coefficients derived from the coefficients of a Taylor series expansion of H (z,0). The power series expansion converges within a sphere, the radius of which is the distance from any point on the coil axis to the nearest point of the coil. For points inside the coil, the radius of convergence is the coil radius. The power series may be written n 00 H^(r,e) = H n=0 n P^(u) (C-1) Pn (u) (C-2) and H^(r,e) = H where H and H £» n oo n=0 n are the magnetic field intensities in the ^ z- and radial directions for a point specified by the spherical coordinates r and e. Legendre polynomials Pj^(u) and P1(u) are listed in Table C-1. n 133 The En coefficients 134 TABLE C-1 EVEN-ORDER LEGENDRE POLYNOMIALS AND THEIR FIRST DERIVATIVES u = cos e u' = sin e Po u) = 1 Po (u) = 0 ^2 u) = l/2(3u^-l) ^2 (u) = l/2(6u)u' ^ u) = l/^^^^u'^-^Ou^+^) ^4 (u) = l/8(140u^-60u)u' ^6 u) = l/16(231u^-315u^+105u^-5) ^6 (u) = l/16(1386u^-1260u^+210u)u' ^8 u) = l/128(6,435u®-12,012u^+6,930u^-l,260u^+35) ^8 (u) = 1/128(51,480u^-72,072u^+27,720u"^-2,520u)u 135 are d e t e r m i n e d by the d e r i v a t i v e s of H (z,0) evaluated at £ z=0. If the o r i g i n for the sphere of convergence is l o c a t e d on the coil axis at the midplane of symmetry, the s e r i e s e x p a n s i o n w i l l consist only of even t e r m s . T h e p o w e r s e r i e s then simplifies to «z^-'^> = ^ave^i F(a,B) + FE^P^^u) r r. \ ^ (C-3) and H^(r,e) = J a, r ' ave 1 F E ^ P ^ Í u ) + FE^P^^u) (C-4) where FE is e q u a l to F ( a , 3 ) E . E x p r e s s i o n s for F(a,$) and F E ^ a r e listed in T a b l e C - 2 . n F ( a , 3 ) and FE are g e o m e t r y dependent terms w h i c h are d e t e r m i n e d by the coil length, coil t h i c k n e s s , and coil diameter. F o r d i f f e r e n t v a l u e s of a and 3, as defined in F i g . I V - 1 3 , F ( a , 3 ) , FE^r F E ^ , and FEg are listed in T a b l e s C-3 t h r o u g h C - 1 6 . 136 TABLE C-2 EXPRESSIONS FOR F(a, 3) AND FE n ^1 = F(a,3) = i 1+3 2 S = 3^ a C = ^3-^2^32 1+3^ 6' C. -4 = ^ 2 ^ 3 2 (sinh"^ I - sinh"^ ^) FE - A Ji. fr V 2 ^ 3/2. ^ 2 - ã0 23 ^^1 " ^3 > FE - - L ^ C^-^/^^^ + 3^2 + 15^2^) - ^3^/^(2 + 30^+ 15C^^) ^ 4 -100773 243 *- - I 1 C^^/^(8 + 12^2 + 15^2^ - 70^2^ + 3150^^) ^6 100 «.««5 2403^ - ^3*^/^(8 + 12C^ + 150^^ - 700^^ + 315C^^) "^8 ^ ^ 0 0 3 ^ 7 0^^'^ (16 + 24^2 + 30^2^ + ^^C^"^ + Bl^C^"^ - 2079^2^ + 3003^2^) 0^^^ (16 + 24C4 + 30C^^ + 35C^^ + 315C^^ 2079C^^ + 300X4^) 137 TABLES C-3 THROUGH C-16 COMPUTER TABLES GENERATING THE TERT^S F(a,3), FE2, FE4, AND FEe FOR VARIOUS VALUES OF a AND 3 138 TABLE Al.PHA BETA U02 O.IO 0.20 0.30 0.40 O.50 0.60 0.70 O.fiO 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 l.bO 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90 i.o;? I.Ú2 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.ÍJ2 1.02 1.J2 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.Û2 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1..J2 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 1.02 Z.OO 2.20 2.40 2.c>0 2.H0 3.;J0 3.20 3.40 3.60 3.80 4.00 4.20 4.40 4.60 4.80 5.00 5.20 5.40 5.60 5.8 0 6.00 F(a ,3 ) 0.0000197 0.0000389 0.0UÛO569 0.0000736 0.J00Û387 0 . 0 0 0 1021 0 . 0 0 0 1 139 O.OO') 12 42 O.OuOl331 0.0001407 0.0001473 0.0001530 0.0001579 0.0001622 0.0001659 0 . 0 0 0 1691 0.0001719 0 . 0 0 0 1744 0.0001766 0.0001785 0 . 0 0 0 1 8 18 0.0001843 0 . 0 0 0 186^ 0.0001881 0 . 0 0 0 1 89b 0.0001907 0.0001917 0.0001926 0.0001933 0.0001939 0.0001944 0.0UO1949 O.U00195<t 0.0001957 0.000196U 0.0001963 0.0001966 0.0001968 0.0001970 0.0001972 C- 3 Ffc2 -0.00002d4 -0.0000529 -0.uOOu707 -0.0000809 -0.0000842 -0.00J0821 -0.0000764 -0.0000689 -0.0000608 -0.0000528 -0.00)0453 -0.0000387 -0.00J0329 -0.0000279 -0.0000237 -0.0000202 -0.0000172 -0.0000lt7 -0.0000126 -0.0000108 -o.ooooosi -0.000C061 -0.00000^+7 -0.0000037 -J.00v)002 9 -0.0000023 - 0 . 0 0 0 0019 - 0 . 0 0 0 0015 -0.0000012 -O.OOJOOIO -0.0000009 -0.J0O0OU7 -0.O00O006 -0.0000005 -0.O0J00O4 -0.0000004 -0.00UUOO3 - 0 . 0 0 0 0003 -0.000000 3 -0.00000)2 rE4 0.0000338 0.0000569 0 . 1000646 0.0000586 0.0000^48 0.000C291 0..JOO0154 0.0000052 -0.0000014 -0.0000051 -O.0OO0C68 -0.J000072 -0.JOOJ069 -0.0000063 -0.0000055 -0.0000047 -0.0000040 -0.0000033 -0.0000028 -0.0000023 -0.0000016 -O.OOOOOll -0.0000008 -0.0000006 -0.000)004 -0.0000003 -0.0000002 -0.0000002 -0.0000001 -0.0000001 -0.0000001 -Û.OOOOOOI -0.0000000 -0.0000000 - 0 . 0 0 0 )000 -0.0000000 -0.0000000 -O.OOÔ ) 0 0 0 -O.OOOÔOOO -0.0000000 FE6 -0.0000358 -0.0000539 -0.0000466 -0.0000261 -0.0000*05 7 0.0000073 0.0000123 0.0000121 0.0000096 0.0000067 0.0000042 0.0000023 O.OOOOOll 0.0000004 0.0000000 -0.0000002 -0.0000003 -0.0000003 -0.0000003 -0.0000003 -0.0000002 -0.0000001 -0.0000001 -0.0000001 -0.0000000 -0.0000000 -O.OOOOJOO -0.0000000 -0.0000000 -0.0000000 -0.0000000 -0.0000000 -0.0000000 -0.0000000 -0.0000000 -0.0000000 -0.0000000 -0.0000000 -0.0000000 -0.0000000 139 TAcil.t; C- 4 ALPHA BtTA F(a,3) ftP. 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1 .0^ 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.^0 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90 2.00 2.20 2.40 2.60 2.80 3.00 3.20 3.40 3.60 3.80 4.00 4.20 4.40 4.60 4.80 5.00 5.20 5.40 5.60 5.80 6.00 0.00003 90 0.*)0 00770 0.0001 129 0.0001460 0.0001761 0.0002028 0.0002263 0.0002469 O.0J026^7 0.000280J 0.000293J 0.00 03048 0.0003147 0.0003233 0.000 3 308 0.0003373 0.0003430 0.0003480 0.000352t 0.0003563 0.0U03629 0.0J03681 0.000372^ 0.0003758 0.000378/ 0.0003811 0.000 3832 0.0003849 U.JO03863 0.0003876 0.0003887 0.0003 397 0.00 03 905 0.0003912 0.0003919 Û.0U03925 0.0003931 0.0003935 0.0003939 U.0J03943 -0.000 055 2 -0.0001030 -0.0001379 -0.J0U153? -0.0001651 -0.0001614 -0.00015J8 -0.0001364 -0.00ul2o6 -0.0001050 -0.00U0904 -0.000U773 -0.0ÛJ0659 -0.0000560 -0.0000477 -0.O0JO4U6 -0.0000346 -0.00UÛ296 -0.00o02í)4 -0.0000219 -0.0000164 -0.0000124 -0.0000096 -0.000 00 74 -0.00C00t39 -0.00JO04 7 -0.0000038 -0.0000031 -0.ÛOOu025 -0.0000021 -0.0000017 -0.000 0015 -0.0000012 -O.OOJOOll -0.000 0009 l.O^ 1.04 1.04 1.0-+ 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 l.Ot 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 l.Ot 1.04 1.04 -o.ooo uoa -0.0000007 -O.0OO0J06 -0.0000005 -0.0000004 FE4 0.000 0644 0.0001090 0.0001243 0.J0O1136 0.0000876 0.0000576 0.0000311 0.0000113 -0.J000018 -0.0000093 -0.0000128 -0.0000138 -0.0000134 -0.0000122 -0.0000103 -0.0000093 -0.0000079 -0.0000066 - 0 . OOOJ055 -0.0000046 -U.0000032 -0.0000022 -0.0000016 -0.000 0011 -0.0000008 -0.0000006 -0.0000004 -0.0000003 -0.0000UO2 -0.0C00002 -O.OOOJOOl -O.OUOOOOl -0.0000001 -0.0000001 -0.0000001 -0.0000000 -O.OOOOOOO -0.0000000 -O.OOOJOOO -0.0000000 FF6 -0.0000676 -0.0001015 -0.0000889 -0.0000508 -0.0000122 0.0000128 0.0000230 0.0000231 0.OJJO186 0.0000131 0.0000083 0.0000047 0.0000024 0.0000009 0.0000001 -0.0000003 -0.0000005 -0.00000O6 -0.000JOO5 -0.0000005 -0.0000004 -0.0000003 -0.0000002 -o.ooooooi -0.0000001 -0.0000001 -O.OOÛJOOO -0.0000000 -0.0000000 -0.0000000 -O.OUOJOOO -0.0000000 -0.0000000 -0.0000000 -O.COOOOOO -O.ÛOOOOÛO -0.0000000 -0.0000000 -0.0000000 -0.0000000 140 TARLt? ALPHA HFTA F(a,3 ) 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1 .06 1.06 1.0 6 1.06 1.0 6 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1• 06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1 .06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1 .06 1.06 1.06 1.06 1.06 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.1)0 1. 10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.70 1 .80 1.90 2.00 2.20 2.40 2.60 2.80 3.00 3.?0 3.40 3.t»0 3.80 4.00 4.20 4.40 4.6 0 4.8 0 5.00 5.20 5.4 0 5.00 5.8 0 6.00 0. J00058Û 0.000U44 0.0)01678 0.000217Z 0.J002621 0.0003020 0.0003373 0.U0U36'U 0.C003948 C- b FL2 -0.000^806 -0.0001504 -J.JJJ2018 -0.0002321 -u.0uu2428 -0.000233 1 -0.0002232 -0.JOO2 02H -0.0001795 0. )VJ0418O -O.OOOl56f5 0.0004380 -0.0001351 0.0004553 -0.0001158 O.00O4703 -U.0JJO989 0.0 004 33 3 -0.j0J0d42 Û.0JJ4 946 -0.000 0 718 0.0005045 -0.00J0612 0.0005132 -0.00)0523 O.JO0 5208 -0.00 J04^8 0.0005275 -0.Û0JÛ335 0.00^)5334 -U.00J033 1 0.0005^34 -0.0000248 0.000551^ -0.0000189 0.00 0 55 78 -O.OO )01^5 -0.0000113 0.0005631 -J.OO0U089 0.0005675 -0.0000071 J.OOJ5711 -0.0000057 0.0005742 0.0005768 -0.JO)0047 -0.00 )0038 0.0005791 0.00 0581J -0.0000032 0.0 )05827 -0.0000027 -0.0000022 0.0005Í42 J . 0 J 0 5 3 5 5 -0.0») J JJ19 -0.00J0016 O.0JO5 366 0.0005877 -0.00J00Í4 0.UJ0538O -U.JOJ0ul2 0.0)0589^ -O.OOJOOiO J.Ut) 05901 -J.0JJ0Û09 0.0005908 -0.0000008 0.O0O5914 -0.JJJOJ0 7 Fh FE6 0.00 0 0S*26 J.00J1567 0.00U1795 O.OOJ 1651 0.0ÚJ1285 0.00J085tj 0.00 )J4 7l 0.JUJ0180 -O.0OJOJ13 -J.JUJ0126 -0.O0JO181 -0.0000199 -0.0)00195 -0.0000179 -0.00J0159 -0.0000137 -O.ÛUJ0117 -0.JUJ0099 -0.0000083 -û.0000069 -0.0000048 -0.0000034 -0.000JÛ24 -0.0000017 -0.000J012 -0.0000009 -0.0000006 - 0 . JOO )005 -0.0000004 -0.00OJO03 -0.0000002 -0.0000914 -0.UU01438 -0.0001272 -0.000J742 -J.0000l9t 0.00001o9 0.O0J0322 0.J0003 3 1 0.0000270 0.0u0ol92 0.0000123 0.0000072 0.0000037 0.0000015 J.O0OJJJ3 -0.0Û00U04 -0.0(J00002 - 0 . JOOOOOl -Û.OÛOOOOI -J.JOOOOOl -0.0000001 -0.0000001 -0.0000000 -0.0000000 -O.OOOJOOO -0.0UJ)JJ7 -0.00JJÛO8 -0.0000008 -0.O0OJ0O7 -0.0000005 -J.OOJJJ04 -0.0000003 -0.0000002 -0.000JJOl -0.0000001 -O.OÛOJOOl -O.OOOOJJO -0.0000000 -J.OJOOOoO -0.0000000 -0.0000000 -O.OOOOJJO -0.0000000 -O.OOOOJJJ -0.0000000 -0.0000000 -J.OOOJOOO -0.0000000 -0.JJOOOJO 141 TM-ILÊ AL PH'V BETA F(a,3) 1.08 l.OB 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1 .08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.0 8 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 1.08 l.OS 1.08 1. 08 1.08 O.IO 0.20 0. 30 0.4U 0.50 0.6 0 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1. 10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.60 1. 70 1.80 1.90 2.00 2.20 2.^0 2.60 0.J000766 0.000 15 1 l 0.0002218 0.000 28 7 3 0.0003467 0.0003999 1 .») 8 1.08 1.08 l .08 1.08 1.08 1.08 Z.ãi) 3.00 3.20 3.40 3.60 3.80 4.00 4.20 -•.40 4.60 4.8 0 5.00 5.20 5.^0 5.6 0 5.80 6.00 C- 6 FL2 -J.0001045 -0.0001953 -J.0002626 -O.OOJ3Û27 -0.0003175 -0.0OU3123 0 . 0 J 0 <+ + 6 8 -0.000 29 35 0.0004378 -0.0002670 O.Oo0 52 3t) -0.0002373 0.00 0 554'j -0.0002C7Î3 O.OUJ5813 -0.0001795 O.U')06 J'+o -J. 000 15-» 2 -0.0001319 0.00J624 0.Ju0 642 2 -0.0001126 0.0006574 -0.0000960 0.000 670 7 -O.0OOOÔ20 0.0)06824 -O.OOOU /02 0.00 0692 7 -0.0000601 0.000 7017 -O.OO)05lt 0.0007097 -0.0000446 0.0007233 -0.O0JO335 0. )0()7340 -0.000 02 3-+ 0.0U07428 -0.00001 ^6 U.UOJ7499 -O.0OJ0153 U.000 7559 -0.0000121 0. 00)7608 -0.0OUC096 0.00 0 76 50 -J.00J0078 0.000 7685 -0.0ÛU0063 O.00U7716 -J.OOJ0052 0.0007/42 -0.0000043 0. U(»u77b5 -0.0OJ0036 O.OOJ7785 -U.O0JO03 0 O.000 7d0 3 -0.0u00026 0.1)007818 -0.000 0022 0.000 6^2 -0.0000019 0.0007845 -0.0000016 0.0007856 -J.0000014 0.000 7866 -0.0000012 0.U007874 -O.OOoOOll 0.0007882 -0.0000009 FE4 FF6 0.J001176 0.0C02003 0.0002306 0.0002134 0.0001674 0.000 1127 0.0000633 0.0000254 -0.OOOJOOl -0.0000152 -0.0000228 -0.00)0255 -0.0000252 -0.00J0233 -0.0000208 -0.000018 ) -0.000015^ -0.0000130 -0.0000110 -0.0000092 -0.0000064 -0.0000045 -0.0000032 -0.000)022 -0.0000016 -0.0000012 -0.0000009 -0.0000006 -0.000 0005 -0.0000004 -0.0OOJ0O3 -0.0000002 -0.0000002 -0.JOJOOOl -O.OCOOOOl -O.OOOJOOl -0.0001192 -0.0001314 -0.0001620 - 0 . 0O0962 -0.0000271 0.0000196 0.0000401 0.0000420 0.0000348 0.0000251 0.UO0O163 J.0000096 0.0000051 0.0000022 0.0000005 -0.0003004 -0.0000008 -0.0000010 -0.000001J -0.0000009 -0.0000007 -0.0000005 -0.0000003 -0.0000002 -0.0000002 -0.0000001 -0.0000001 -0.0000001 -0.0000000 -0.0000000 -0.0000000 -0.0000000 -0.0000000 -0.0000000 -0.0000000 -0 .0000000 -O.OOODOOO -O.OOOOOOO -0.0000000 -0.0000000 - O . O O J )001 -0.0000001 -O.uOJOOOO -0.0000000 142 TAHLE C- 7 ÂLPHA BÉTA I.IO 1.10 1.10 1.10 i.lO 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90 2.00 2.20 2.40 2.60 2.80 3.00 3.20 3.40 3.60 3.80 4.00 4.20 4.40 4.60 4.80 5.00 5.20 5.40 5.0 0 5.80 6.00 1. 10 1.10 1.10 I.IO I.IO 1.10 1.10 1.10 1. 10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 I.IO 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 1.10 I.IO 1.10 1.10 1.10 F ta f3 ) 0.0000949 0.0001872 0.0002749 0.0003562 0.000^301 0.0004963 0.0005549 0.000 6062 0.0006509 0.0006897 0.0007234 0.0007526 0.000 7 780 0.0008000 0.0008192 0.0008360 0.0008508 0.J008638 0.0008752 0.0008854 0.0009025 0.0009161 0.0009272 0.C009363 0.0009438 0.0009501 0.0009555 0.0009600 0.0009639 0.0009672 0.0009701 0.0009727 0.0009749 0,0009769 0.00 0 9786 0.0009802 0.00098 16 0.0009829 0.0009839 O.UUU9850 FE2 -0.0001272 -0.0002380 -0.0003205 -0.0003703 -0.0003894 -0.0003840 -0.0003619 -0.0003301 -0.0002942 -0.0002579 -0.0002235 -O.0OU1924 -U.0001648 -0.0001409 -0.0001204 -0.0001030 -0.0000882 -0.0000757 -0.0000651 -0.0000562 -0.0000422 -0.0000322 -0.00O02-+8 -0.0000194 -0.00U0153 -0.0000122 -0.0000099 -0.0000080 -0.0000066 -0.0000055 -0.0000046 -0.0000038 -0.0U00033 -0.0000028 -0.O0JÛ024 -0.0000020 -0.0000018 -O.ÛUJ0015 -0.0000013 -0.000001? FE4 0.0001411 0.0002404 0.0002779 0.0002587 0.0002046 0.0001392 0.0000795 0.0000333 0.0000018 -0.0000171 -0.0000269 -0.0000305 -0.0000305 -0.0000284 -0.0000254 -0.0000222 -U.0000190 -0.0000161 -0.0000136 -0.0000114 -0.0000080 -0.G0O0O56 -0«0000040 -0.0000028 -0.0000020 -0.0000015 -0.0000011 -0.0000008 -0.0000006 -0.0000005 -0.0000004 -0.0000003 -0.C000002 -0.0000002 -0.0000001 -0.0000001 -O.OUOJOOl -0.0000001 -0.0000001 - 0 . OOOJOOl FE6 -0.0001391 -0.0002148 -0.0001935 -0.0001168 -0.0000350 0.0000213 0.0000468 0.0000500 0.0000420 0.00U0306 0.0000202 0.0000121 0.0000065 0.0000029 0.0000008 -0.0000004 -0.0000009 -0.0Û00012 -0.0000012 -0.0000011 -0.0000009 -0.0000OU6 -0.0000004 -0.0000003 -0.0000002 -0.0000001 -0.0000001 -0.0000001 -0.0000000 -0.0000000 -0.0000000 -0.0000000 -0.0000000 -0.0000000 -0.0000000 -0.0000000 -0.0000000 -0.0000000 -0.0000000 -0.0000000 143 TAf^Lt ALPHA bÊ'^A F í a t3 ) 1.20 1.20 U20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1 .20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 Í.2Q 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 U20 1.20 1.20 0.10 0.20 0.30 0.^0 0.5 0 0.6 0 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.00 l.lo 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50 1.60 1.70 1.80 1.90 2.00 2.20 2.40 2.60 2.80 3.00 3.20 3.40 3.60 3.80 4.00 4^20 4.40 4.60 4^80 5^00 5.20 5.40 5^60 5^80 6.00 0.0001316 0.0003587 0.000527-+ 0^UUU6849 0.0008290 0 . U 0 09 5 9 ) 0.0010749 0 . 0 0 11774 0 . 0 0 126 73 0.001346 0 O^OJ14147 0.001A746 0.0J152/U 0 . 0 0 15 728 0.0016128 0.0016481 0.0016791 O.OO17064 O.UJl73)7 O^0017522 0.001788/ 0.0018179 0.0018417 0.0018613 0.0018776 0.0018912 0.001902 7 0.0019125 0.0019210 0.0019282 0.0019346 0.0019402 0.0019450 0 . 0 0 1 9^+9 3 0.0019532 3.001^566 0.0019597 0.0019624 0 . 0 0 19648 0 . 0 0 1 9 6 72 C- t hb2 - 0 . 0 0022-+•+ -0.0004217 - O . O O Û 5 72:> - 0 .0006675 - 0 . 0 0 0 70*^9 - J . 0 0 0 70d6 -0.ÛÛÛ6761 -U.O0U6243 -O.OUU5630 -0.000499 1 -0.0OO-»372 - 0 . 0 0 0 3 79 9 -U.ÛUU3284 -0.0002831 -0.0002437 -o.ooo20<:8 -0.0001807 -0.U0U1559 -0.0001348 -0.0001169 - 0 . 0 0 0 0 8 85 -Û.0000678 -U.OU00526 -0.00J0412 -0.0000327 - J . 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