Conveying Solutions Flat Belts General Industry The Next Step in Belting FlatFlat Belts Belts for the for the General General Industry Industry For overFor 40 years over 40 Volta years hasVolta been has manufacturing been manufacturing General General Conveyor Conveyor Belting from Belting highest from quality highestThermoplastic quality Thermoplastic Elastomer Elastome (TPE) material (TPE) material with unique withhomogenous unique homogenous characteristics. characteristics. These belts These arebelts mostare suitable most suitable for conveying for conveying ceramics, ceramics, glass, glass, cardboard, cardboard, metal parts metal and parts recycling, and recycling, etc. A wide etc. range A wideofrange colors,ofthicknesses, colors, thicknesses, hardnesses hardnesses and surface and textures surface textures are available. are available. StandardStandard Belt Width Belt = Width 1524 mm = 1524 (60”)/ mm 2032mm (60”)/ 2032mm (80”). (80”). Does notDoes absorb notindustrial absorb industrial oils, fluids oils, and fluids chemicals. and chemicals. AbsorbsAbsorbs the impact theofimpact fallingof products falling products well to ensure well toaensure long belt a long life. belt lif Very lowVery abrasion low abrasion - no joints - no prone joints to prone wear and to wear tear.and tear. Improved Improved resistance resistance to cuts and to cuts punctures. and punctures. High carrying High carrying capacitycapacity with excellent with excellent grip. grip. Safer product Safer product conveyance conveyance on shock-absorbing on shock-absorbing materials. materials. On magnetic On magnetic conveyors conveyors and separators, and separators, thinner belting thinnermeans beltingmore means mo intensity intensity in a given in magnetic a given magnetic field. field. Homogeneous Homogeneous Belts Belts MinimumMinimum Pull Force Pull Force Coefficient Coefficient of of Pretension Shore Shore Thickness ThicknessPulley PulleyPretension Temperature Temperature Product & Product Color & Color HardnessHardness Friction on DiameterDiameter of 1% of 1% Range RangeFriction on Steel (bottom) Steel (bottom) FK FK FZ FZ FL FL -20° C to -20° 75° CC to 75° C 59D 0.28 -5° F to 170° -5° FFto 170° F 0.28 -30° C to -30° 60° CC to 60° C 95A/46D95A/46D 0.36 -20° F to 140° -20° FFto 140° F 0.36 -40° C to -40° 50° CC to 50° C 80A 0.55 -40° F to 120° -40° FFto 120° F 0.55 59D 80A mm 1.8 2.5 3 4 5 6.5 2 2.5 3 4 5 2.5 3 4 5 8 mmmm 1.8 60 2.5 80 3 88 4 105 5 150 6.5 195 2 30 2.5 35 3 40 4 60 5 80 2.5 17 3 20 4 30 5 35 8 60 Inch mm 3/ 260 8 1/ 380 8 1/ 388 2 105 41/4 150 57/8 195 7 1/8 3/ 130 16 3/ 135 8 5/ 140 8 3/ 260 8 1/ 380 8 2117 /32 320 /4 3/ 130 16 3/ 135 8 3/ 260 8 kg/cm Inch kg/cm lbs/in lbs/in 3 1.90 10.60 1.90 10.60 2 /8 31/8 2.50 2.50 14 14 1 3 /2 3.20 17.60 3.20 17.60 41/4 4.20 23.50 4.20 23.50 7 55 /8 28 5 28 7 1/8 6.50 36.40 6.50 36.40 1.20 6.40 1.20 6.40 13/16 13/8 1.50 1.50 8 8 5 1.8 9.6 1.8 9.6 1 /8 2.60 13.60 2.60 13.60 23/8 31/8 3.20 16.80 3.20 16.80 21/ 0.30 1.80 0.30 1.80 32 3 0.40 /4 2.20 0.40 2.20 13/16 0.60 3.40 0.60 3.40 3 1 /8 0.70 3.90 0.70 3.90 23/8 1.20 6.80 1.20 6.80 Homogeneous Homogeneous Embossed Embossed Bottom Bottom Belts Belts FEPZ FEPZ 86A -30° C to -30° 50° CC to 50° C 86A 0.35 -20° F to 120° -20° FFto 120° F 0.35 FEST FEST 65A -40° C to -40° 55° CC to 55° C 65A 0.70 -40° F to 125° -40° FFto 125° F 0.70 FEZ FEZ -30° C to -30° 60° CC to 60° C 95A/46D95A/46D 0.20 -20° F to 140° -20° FFto 140° F 0.20 Volta Belting VoltaTechnology Belting Technology Ltd. Ltd. 3 4 2 3 4 5 2 2.5 3 4 5 3 4 2 3 4 5 2 2.5 3 4 5 30 40 9 14 18 22 30 35 40 60 80 3/ 130 16 5/ 140 8 11/9 32 914 /16 2318 /32 722 /8 3 /16 130 3/ 135 8 5/ 140 8 3/ 260 8 1/ 380 8 13/16 0.80 15/8 1.10 11 0.30 /32 9/ 0.45 16 23/ 0.60 32 7/ 0.75 8 0.80 13/16 113/8 1.30 15/8 1.60 23/8 2.10 31/8 5.10 0.80 6.30 1.10 1.68 0.30 2.52 0.45 3.36 0.60 4.20 0.75 4.50 0.80 5.60 1 6.60 1.30 1.60 9 11.80 2.10 5.10 6.30 1.68 2.52 3.36 4.20 4.50 5.60 6.60 9 11.80 General General Conveyor Conveyor BeltsBelts Top & Top Bottom & Bottom Surfaces Surfaces T Th or p SmoothSmooth Top Top ITR -10 ITR -10 Embossed Embossed Bottom Bottom Reinforced Reinforced Bottom Bottom ImpressionImpression Top RoughTop Rough Reinforced Reinforced Belts Belts MinimumMinimum Pull Force Pull Force Coefficient Coefficient of of Shore Shore Pretension Thickness ThicknessPulley PulleyPretension Temperature Temperature Friction on Product & Product Color & Color HardnessHardness Range RangeFriction on DiameterDiameter of 1% of 1% Steel (bottom) Steel (bottom) -40° C to -40° 50° CC to 50° C 80A 0.20 -40° F to 120° -40° FFto 120° F 0.20 FRGZ -30° C to -30° 60° CC to 60° C 95A/46D95A/46D 0.20 -20° F to 140° -20° FFto 140° F 0.20 FRG -30° C to -30° 60° CC to 60° C 95A/46D95A/46D 0.20 -20° F to 140° -20° FFto 140° F 0.20 65A 65A-30° C to -30° 60° CC to 60° C -20° F to 140° -20° FFto 140° F0.20 95A/46D95A/46D 0.20 -40° C to -40° 50° CC to 50° C 80A 0.20 -40° F to 120° -40° FFto 120° F 0.20 FRL FRL FRGZ FRG FRG ST FRG ST FRLG FRPZ FRLG FRPZ FRL - ITRFRL 10 - ITR 10 80A 80A 86A 80A mm 2 3 5 2 2.5 3 4 5 2 3 4 3 3.5 5 mmmm 2 10 3 30 5 60 2 25 2.5 32 3 36 4 50 5 65 2 27 3 36 4 60 3 35 3.5 40 5 60 Inch mm 310 /8 3/ 130 16 3 260/8 25 1 1/ 132 4 7/ 136 16 50 2 9/ 265 16 1 /16 127 3/ 136 8 3/ 260 8 3/ 135 8 5/ 140 8 3/ 260 8 5.5 5.5 70 3/ 270 4 13 2 3/4 20 30 40 80 100 3 /4 20 3 130 /16 5 140 /8 1/ 380 8 100 4 4 30 30 1 2 2 3 3 -30° C to -30° 50° CC to 50° C 4 4 86A 0.20 0.20 -20° F to 120° -20° FFto 120° F 6 6 8 8 Reinforced Reinforced Impression Impression Top Belts Top Belts -40° C to -40° 50° CC to 50° C 0.20 80A -40° F to 120° -40° FFto 120° F 0.20 4 kg/cm Inch kg/cm lbs/in lbs/in 35 /8 28 5 28 3/ 112 67 12 67 16 3 2 /8 13 73 13 73 61 33.50 6 33.50 6.50 11/4 6.50 36 36 177/16 39 7 39 7.50 2 41.70 7.50 41.70 299/16 50 9 50 1 33.50 6 33.50 16/16 173/8 39 7 39 3 2 /8 7.50 41.70 7.50 41.70 163/8 33 6 33 33 6 33 165/8 273/8 39 7 39 73 13 73 3/ 5.20 4 5.60 13/16 165/8 6.80 31/8 7.60 4 29.12 5.20 31.36 5.60 33.60 6 38.08 6.80 42.56 7.60 29.12 31.36 33.60 38.08 42.56 3.40 1 3.40 19 19 N A Th re ote: *Available in 2032mm/80" width. width. Note: *Available in 2032mm/80" Tips Tips for Splicing for Splicing & Fabricating & Fabricating : : Reinforced beltsbe should be butt on welded on an(bias). angleIncreasing (bias). Increasing the contact zone improves belt strength and Reinforced belts should butt welded an angle the contact zone improves belt strength and means the in the reinforcement is not stressed across at one point. means the break in break the reinforcement is not stressed across the widththe at width one point. When welding guides onto reinforced it is preferable to machine the reinforcement offend withmill/router an end mill/router and When welding guides onto reinforced belts, it isbelts, preferable to machine the reinforcement off with an and to heat weld onto directly the homogeneous base belt. to heat weld directly the onto homogeneous base belt. Volta a number of cleat/flight configurations and angled. Throughput assessments Volta offers a offers number of cleat/flight configurations includingincluding scoopedscooped and angled. Throughput assessments can be can be in designing given volumes of material made tomade assistto in assist designing elevatorselevators for givenfor volumes of material transfer. transfer. One-off fabrications special fabrications are the norm with Volta material. Unlike modular beltsmolds wherecan molds can design, restrict design, One-off special are the norm with Volta material. Unlike modular belts where restrict Volta material offers morefor scope for ingenuity and innovation. Volta material offers more scope ingenuity and innovation. w Flat Belts - General Industry The Positive Drive Concept - SuperDrive™ NEW The additional advantage of the Positive Drive mechanism prevents any slippage or off-tracking, reducing maintenance costs dramatically. Lack of tensioning prevents elongation and allows for simple cleaning procedure and long belt life. SuperDriveTM belts Product & Color Shore Hardness FZ-SD 95A FZD-SD 95A FMB BL-SD 53D/86A Temperature Range -30C to 60C -20F to 140F -30C to 60C -20F to 140F -20C to 60C -5F to 140F Coefficient of Friction on UHMW* (bottom) Thickness Minimum Pulley Diameter** Maximum Pull Force width mm 3 4 mm 80 120 Inch 3 1/4 4 3/4 kg/cm 5 6.6 lbs/in 28 37 0.3 6 230 9 10 56 0.28 6 200 7 7/8 8 44.8 0.3 Note: All Inch sizes have been converted from metric sizes. 6mm material SuperDriveTM belts are usually used in heavy load applications and therefore we recommend using the largest Drive Pulley possible to ensure maximum engagement between the belt and Drive Pulley teeth. UHMW* - Ulta-High Molecular Weight material. Minimum Pulley Diameter** - Normal Flex. Anti Static (AS) and Electro Static Dissipative (ESD) Belts This special belt is created from anti static (AS) or electro static dissipative (ESD) material that ensures the continuous release of electro static charge and prevents the build-up and impulsive, unwanted release of static charge. Anti Static (AS) and Electro Static Dissipative (ESD) Belts Product & Color Shore Hardness FEBL - AS 86A FRBL - AS 86A FRBL - ESD 90A Coefficient of Thickness Temperature Friction on Range Steel (bottom) -20° C to 50° C -5° F to 120° F -20° C to 50° C -5° F to 120° F 0°C to 50°C / 32°F to 120°F 0.35 0.20 0.20 mm 1.6 2 2.5 1.6 2 4 8 2 2.5 Minimum Pulley Diameter mm 20 25 30 20 25 50 100 30 Inch 3/ 4 1 13/16 0.8 1 2 4 13/16 37.5 1.5 Pull Force Pretension of 1% kg/cm lbs/in 0.40 2.20 0.48 2.74 0.60 3.30 4 22 5 28 6 33.50 7.60 42.56 2.5 14 3.12 17.44 Range Ohms (Ω)/ Square 10 9 - 10 10 10 9 - 1010 10 7 - 10 8 Flat Belts - General Flat BeltsIndustry - General Industry Belt Coating Belt Coating Materials Materials These materials These are materials supplied arein supplied strips for inwelding strips foronto welding suitable ontosurfaces suitable(PU surfaces timing) (PU to timing) give a variety to giveofa effects. variety of effects. Belt Coating BeltMaterials Coating Materials Products Products GST - 4 GST -MST 4 -6 MST -FEST 6 FESTFSTF - ST - 4 GWG - 4 FSTF FSTF - ST FSTFFSTF - ST - ST FSTFGWG Strips Strips IllustrationIllustration Description Description Super Grip Super Grip Multi Grip MultiHigh Grip Grip High Grip Foam** 65A Shore Hardness Shore Hardness Size(mm) 65A 65A 65A 65A 65A 65A Width* 50 Width* 50 50 50 1524 Thickness Thickness 4 4 6 6 2,3,4,5 Size(mm) Temp. Range Temp. Range Foam & HighFoam Foam & High& HighFoam & High Wood Grip Wood Grip Foam** Grip Strips Grip Strips Grip Top Grip Top 65A 65A 60 1524 140 150 160 140 150 160 2,3,4,5 14 6-12 414 6-12 4 65A 65A 65A 65A 65A 60 60 60 72 72 4 4 4 3.75 3.75 -40º C to 55º-40º C / -40º C to F55º to C125º / -40º F F to 125º F Notes: Width* Notes: - Maximum Width* -available Maximum width. available **Foam width. - Made **Foam from- 65A Made shore frommaterial, 65A shore actual material, hardness actualis hardness lower. is lower. RollerRoller Coating Coating Sleeves Sleeves The RollerThe Coating RollerSleeves Coatinghave Sleeves an abrasion have anresistant abrasionsurface resistant that surface is ideal that foriscovering ideal for coverin rollers where rollers the where product theonproduct the system on the may system be damaged may be damaged or markedorbymarked contact. by contact. Using VOLTA Using tools, VOLTA the sleeves tools, theare sleeves easily are mounted easily without mounted lubricants without lubricants or glues. or glues. Sleeves are Sleeves available are with available a smooth with or a smooth ribbed finish or ribbed fromfinish 12 mm from O.D. 12 to mm 95O.D. mm to O.D. 95 mm O.D. Volta Volta Endless Endless Making Making ToolsTools FT - Electrode FT - Welding ElectrodeSystem Welding System The FT Welding The FTSystem Welding provides System provides electrode welded electrode technology. welded technology. FBW Flat Butt FBWWelding Flat ButtSystem Welding Sys The FBW System The FBW performs Systemaperforms butt-weld merging butt-weldbelts merging edgebelts edg to edge. to edge. P- 100 & P-200 P- 100Narrow & P-200 Butt Narrow Welding ButtTools Welding Tools P-100 pliers P-100 for belts pliers upfor tobelts 100mm. up to 100mm. P-200 pliers P-200 for belts pliers upfor tobelts 200mm. up to 200mm. Volta Volta HingeHinge Lace system Lace system and Metal and Metal Lace Lace The Volta Lace The Volta system Lace is supplied system iswelded supplied onwelded and allows on and a belt allows to be a assembled belt to be assembled and subsequently and subsequently opened and opened removed and remove with ease. with Voltaease. lace Volta is compatible lace is compatible with Volta with G, GZ, Volta PZ,G, Z,GZ, L, LG PZ,and Z, L, M LG Family andFlat M Family Belts of Flat 2.5Belts to 5 of mm 2.5thickness. to 5 mm thickness. All Volta flat Allbelt Volta material flat beltismaterial easy to clean is easywithout to clean removing without from removing conveyor from and conveyor therefore andwe therefore only recommend we only recommend lace lace when absolutely when absolutely necessary.necessary. VoltaVolta BeltsBelts in the inGeneral the General Conveying Conveying Industry Industry FRGZ - 2 FRGZ - 2 Screw conveying Screw conveying FEZ - 3.2 FEZ - 3.2 Industrial chemical Industrial conveyor chemical conveyor FRPZ - 6 FRPZ - 6 Glass recycling Glass recycling FRPZ - 6 FRPZ - 6 Hammocks Hammocks in glass recycling in glass recycling FEZ - 3.2 FEZ - 3.2 Nails production Nails production FRGZ - 4 FRGZ - 4 Metal recycling Metal recycling FRGZ - 5 FRGZ - 5 Glass conveying Glass conveying FRG - 3 FRG - 3 Chemical powder Chemical conveying powder conveying FK - 3 FK - 3 Brick pre - oven Brick conveying pre - oven conveying Corporate Corporate Headquarters Headquarters USA USA EUROPE EUROPE Sales and Manufacturing Sales and Manufacturing Tel: +1 973 Tel: 276 +1 7905 973 276 7905 Tel: +31-546-580166 Tel: +31-546-580166 Fax: +1 973Fax: 276 +1 7908 973 276 7908 Fax: +31-546-579508 Fax: +31-546-579508 Toll Free: 1-877-VOLTAUS Toll Free: 1-877-VOLTAUS Belting Volta makes Belting no warranty makes with no warranty respect to with any respect of its products to any of for its aproducts particular forpurpose. a particular purpose. Copyright©2014 Copyright©2014 Volta Belting Volta Technology Belting Ltd. Technology Ltd. See Volta General See Volta Terms General and Conditions. Terms and Conditions. CAT505EN00CAT505EN00 - Ver.G.February - Ver.G.February 2016 2016