ASSESSMENT Etherton 10.1177/1073191105274859 et al. / RELIABLE DIGIT SPAN Sensitivity and Specificity of Reliable Digit Span in Malingered Pain-Related Disability Joseph L. Etherton Loyola University New Orleans and Jefferson Neurobehavioral Group Kevin J. Bianchini Kevin W. Greve Matthew T. Heinly University of New Orleans and Jefferson Neurobehavioral Group The reliable digit span (RDS) performance of chronic pain patients with unambiguous spinal injuries and no evidence of exaggeration or response bias (n = 53) was compared to that of chronic pain patients meeting criteria for definite malingered neurocognitive dysfunction (n = 35), and a group of nonmalingering moderate-severe traumatic brain injury (TBI) patients (n = 69). The results demonstrated that scores of 7 or lower were associated with high specificity (> .90) and sensitivity (up to .60) even when moderate to severe TBI are included. Multiple studies have demonstrated that RDS scores of 7 or lower rarely occur in TBI and pain patients who are not intentionally performing poorly on cognitive testing. This study supports the use of the RDS in detecting response bias in neuropsychological patients complaining of pain as well as in the assessment of pain-related cognitive impairment in patients whose primary complaint is pain. Keywords: malingering; chronic pain; cognition; assessment; attention; back injury Assessing the validity of patient performance on psychological and neuropsychological evaluations is important in cases involving incentive to manifest disability, such as in workers’ compensation and personal injury litigation cases. A number of strategies have been developed to detect malingering of cognitive and perceptual symptoms in neuropsychological evaluations, including specialized measures such as forced-choice symptom validity tests (SVT; for a review of SVTs, see Bianchini, Mathias, & Greve, 2001) and internal validity indicators derived from standard clinical instruments (e.g., Millis, Putnam, Adams, & Ricker, 1995; Mittenberg et al., 2001). Internal validity indicators have drawn considerable research and clinical interest because they (a) enhance the sensitivity of the entire malingering battery without requiring extra administration time, (b) can provide information about the validity of performance on specific tests (Mathias, Greve, Bianchini, Houston, & Crouch, 2002; Meyers & Diep, 2000; Meyers & Volbrecht, 1998), and (c) may be less susceptible to coaching than SVTs (Mathias et al., 2002). Reliable digit span (RDS; Greiffenstein, Baker, & Gola, 1994; Greiffenstein, Gola, & Baker, 1995) is an internal validity indicator derived from the digit span test, a component of several commonly used clinical batteries, for example, the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale–III (WAIS-R; Wechsler, 1997a), the Wechsler Memory Scale–III (WAIS-III; Wechsler, 1997b), the StanfordBinet (Thorndike, Hagen, & Sattler, 1986), and the Neuropsychological Assessment Battery (Stern & White, 2003). RDS is based on the assumption that a person attempting to exaggerate or fabricate impairment will perform poorly on digit span because it looks like a test on Requests for reprints should be sent to Kevin W. Greve, Ph.D., Department of Psychology, University of New Orleans-Lakefront, New Orleans, LA 70148; telephone: 504-280-6185; fax: 504-280-6049; e-mail: Assessment, Volume 12, No. 2, June 2005 130-136 DOI: 10.1177/1073191105274859 © 2005 Sage Publications Etherton et al. / RELIABLE DIGIT SPAN 131 which brain-injured patients might experience difficulty (Meyers & Volbrecht, 1998; Owens, 1995), although digit span is actually fairly well preserved even among patients with brain dysfunction, including amnesia (Greiffenstein et al., 1994). RDS is calculated by summing the longest forward and backward digit strings for which both trials were completed without error. Although there is some variability in the literature, RDS scores of 7 or less have generally been associated with specificity of greater than 90% in braininjured and healthy populations (e.g., Inman & Berry, 2002; Larrabee, 2003; Mathias et al., 2002; Meyers & Volbrecht, 1998; Strauss et al., 2002). At this cutoff, sensitivity higher than 50% to both simulated and clinically diagnosed malingering has been reported (Larrabee, 2003; Mathias et al., 2002; Strauss et al., 2002). Thus, RDS scores at or below 7 are rarely or never seen in patients with brain dysfunction, and such scores accordingly imply poor effort, negative response bias, or both. Although the relationship between low RDS scores and negative response bias has been well documented, other factors, such as affective disturbance, medication side effects, and pain, may have an impact on RDS performance. The potential impact of pain is relevant because of the high incidence of pain reported during evaluations with incentive. Neuropsychological patients frequently report pain (Larrabee, 2003), and pain may be accompanied by cognitive complaints such as impaired memory or concentration, even in the absence of brain dysfunction (Iverson & McCracken, 1997; Nicholson, Martelli, & Zasler, 2001). Similarly, pain-related deficits have been demonstrated for complex cognitive tasks (Eccleston, 1994, 1995). Many chronic pain patients without brain dysfunction undergo psychological assessment as part of disability evaluations, and these evaluations have increasingly included SVTs and internal validity markers (Bianchini, Etherton, & Greve, 2004; Gervais, Green, Allen, & Iverson, 2001; Meyers & Diep, 2000; Tsushima & Tsushima, 2001). Because pain is present in many patients undergoing evaluations involving validity indicators, the potential impact of pain on validity indicator performance should be addressed to reduce the possibility of falsepositive errors. Studies involving nonclinical college-age participants have demonstrated that pain induced via cold-pressor procedure does not impair RDS scores (Etherton, Bianchini, Ciota, & Greve, 2005) or performance on the Test of Memory Malingering (TOMM; Tombaugh, 1996; Etherton, Bianchini, Greve, & Ciota, in press), even when pain levels were reported as severe. Etherton et al.’s (2005) RDS simulator study results were consistent with findings in clinical brain injury patients. However, it is possible that the effects of chronic pain on performance may differ from laboratory-induced pain in nontrivial ways such that the results of simulator studies in college students may not generalize to clinical pain patients. In other words, because of the nature of the pain and characteristics of the persons experiencing it, clinical chronic pain may affect performance on clinical validity indicators in ways not observed in the context of laboratory-induced pain. Accordingly, this study was conducted to evaluate the potential impact of clinical pain on RDS performance to clarify any potential limitations on the use of RDS in clinical evaluations of patients with pain. Specifically, in this study the RDS performance of clinical patients with chronic pain and unambiguous spinal injuries but without evidence of symptom exaggeration or response bias was compared to that of a group of chronic pain patients who met published criteria for definite malingered neurocognitive dysfunction (MND; Slick, Sherman, & Iverson, 1999). METHOD Participants The records of approximately 200 patients seen clinically for psychological pain evaluations in a southeastern clinical psychology group practice were reviewed. These patients were referred by physicians, workers’ compensation companies, and attorneys. Extensive medical records reviewed in the context of these evaluations provided objective medical diagnostic test results as well as physicians’ clinical diagnoses and injury descriptions that contributed to study group assignment into either malingering or nonmalingering groups or exclusion from the study (see below for inclusion and exclusion criteria). Most patients (all patients in the malingering group) had financial incentive in the form of either a workers’ compensation claim or personal injury suit. The medical diagnoses of the patients in each of the two clinical pain groups are reported in Table 1. Some patients received more than one diagnosis. A group of nonmalingering patients with moderate-severe TBI was also included for comparison (see below). Nonmalingering clinical pain sample. Patients were included in this group if their medical records demonstrated objective clinical abnormalities of the spine as indicated by computerized tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, X ray, myelography, electromyography studies, or surgery. They were excluded from this group if there was any psychometric evidence of symptom exaggeration or response bias or if there were physician reports of nonphysiological findings or inconsistencies. Patients 132 ASSESSMENT TABLE 1 Diagnoses for Nonmalingering and Malingering Groups Diagnosis/Symptom Report Nonmalingering Paina Vertebral disc herniation/rupture (any level) Neck or back strain or sprain Spinal stenosis Other back pain or injury (any level) Sacroiliac joint dysfunction Degenerative disc disease Vertebral fracture Facet pain/hypertrophy Low back pain unspecified Spondylolysis Degenerative joint Radiculopathy Sciatica Neuropathy/neuropathic pain Nerve impingement syndrome Failed back syndrome Fibromyalgia Myofascial pain Complex regional pain syndrome Reflex sympathetic dystrophy 18 8 3 21 1 2 2 1 1 4 0 5 1 1 2 2 0 0 0 1 Definite Malingering b Pain 3 9 0 23 0 1 0 2 1 1 1 7 0 1 2 0 1 3 1 1 NOTE: Some patients received more than one diagnosis. a. Nonmalingering clinical pain group. b. Definite malingered neurocognitive dysfunction clinical pain group. were excluded if any of the following were present: scores below published clinical cutoffs on any forced choice SVT (Portland Digit Recognition Test [PDRT], Binder, 1993; TOMM, Tombaugh, 1996]); T scores above 85 on MMPI2 F and/or Fb scales (Greve et al., 2004); or Fake Bad Scale [FBS], Lees-Haley, English, & Glenn, 1991) raw scores above 24 for men and above 26 for women (Larrabee, 1998). Of the cases reviewed, 53 patients (34 men and 19 women: age, M = 43.25, SD = 11.57) met criteria for inclusion. Of these 53 patients, 42 met criteria for a workers’ compensation claim, 3 for a personal injury claim, 3 were referred in the context of a disability evaluation and 1 by vocational rehabilitation, the remaining 4 had no incentive and were referred by their physicians. Definite MND clinical pain patients. Thirty-five clinical pain patients (23 men and 12 women, age M = 42.57, SD = 8.38) met the Slick et al. (1999) criteria for MND by virtue of a statistically below-chance performance on a forced-choice SVT. Typically, they failed either the PDRT or the TOMM. However, several patients failed a tactile SVT (Greve, Bianchini, & Ameduri, 2003). The interpretation of a below-chance result as definitive evidence of intentional exaggeration of cognitive deficits even in the context of objective pathology has become well established in the neuropsychological literature (e.g., Bianchini, Greve, & Love, 2003). Of these 35 patients, 32 were seen for a workers’ compensation claim, 2 for a personal injury claim, and 1 was referred for a disability evaluation. Patients with evidence of symptom or deficit exaggeration who did not meet the Slick et al. (1999) criteria for definite MND were excluded from study. TBI sample. For comparison purposes, 69 patients (52 men and 17 women: age, M = 34.59, SD = 15.42; education, M = 12.22, SD = 2.73; time since injury in years, M = 1.38, SD = 2.34) with documented moderate to severe TBI and no evidence of poor effort, suspect behavior, or malingering were included. These patients had documented evidence of acute neurological pathology indicating an injury that was worse than a mild TBI as defined by the Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Committee of the Head Injury Interdisciplinary Special Interest Group of the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (1993). Specifically, they were considered to have suffered a moderate to severe TBI if they met any of the following criteria: (a) posttraumatic amnesia greater than 24 hours, (b) an initial Glasgow Coma Scale < 13, and (c) loss of consciousness > 30 minutes and/or positive neuroradiological findings (e.g., skull fracture, hemorrhage, hematoma) or focal neurological signs. Of the 69 patients, 39 were seen in a compensation-seeking context, and these patients were included in the sample only if they met the same exclusion criteria as the nonmalingering pain group. All of the patients without incentive were referred by physicians. Of the patients with incentive, referral source was as follows: physician, 14; case manager, 13; and attorney, 12. These patients had been previously selected for a separate study of RDS in TBI (Heinly, Greve, Love, Brennan, & Bianchini, 2004). RDS The RDS score is derived from the digit span subtest of the WAIS-R or WAIS-III and is determined by summing the longest forward and backward digit strings for which both trials were completed without error. Thus, if a participant correctly repeated both five-digit strings forward and both three-digit strings backwards but failed to correctly repeat both of the longer digit strings, the RDS score would be 8. Pain Rating Pain ratings were recorded during the interview portion of the psychological pain evaluation for most clinical pain patients using an 11-point numerical scale (0 = no pain, 10 = the worst imaginable pain). Such scales are commonly used in both clinical and research settings (Gracely, 1989; Gracely, McGrath, & Dunbar, 1978; Peckerman et Etherton et al. / RELIABLE DIGIT SPAN 133 TABLE 2 Results of the Group Analysis of Reliable Digit Span Scores Group M SD Range n Nonmalingering Pain Definite Malingering Pain Nonmalingering TBI F p< 2 10.51a 2.28 7-17 53 7.20b 2.95 0-13 35 10.23a 2.25 6-16 69 23.04 .001 .23 df = 2, 154 NOTE: Row means with same subscript letter did not differ significantly at alpha < .05. al., 1991). Typically, ratings were collected for current, worst, and least pain. Full pain rating data were not available for all patients. RESULTS The clinical nonmalingering and malingering groups did not differ in their mean pain ratings (nonmalingering group: current pain, M = 6.82, SD = 1.50; least pain, M = 4.85, SD = 1.93; and worst pain, M = 9.36, SD = .93; clinical malingering group: current pain, M = 6.70, SD = 2.14; least pain, M = 4.78, SD = 1.96; worst pain, M = 9.26, SD = 1.58). There was no correlation between pain rating and RDS performance: current pain, r(74) = –.08, p = .49; least pain, r(58) = –.05, p = .73; worst pain, r(64) = –.10, p = .45. There were no significant gender effects for RDS, and age was not correlated with RDS performance. Significant group effects were observed in that the malingering pain group scored significantly lower than both the nonmalingering pain group and the TBI group, which did not differ from each other (see Table 2 for details). It is worth noting that the means for the two nonmalingering clinical groups in this study were almost identical to those of the control and cold pressor groups reported by Etherton et al. (2005). Moreover, the clinical malingering group scored almost identically to Etherton et al.’s simulator group. Table 3 provides sensitivity and specificity data for the current clinical patients as well as those participants from Etherton et al.’s (2005) simulator study. As can be seen, scores of 6 and lower are associated with perfect specificity in the clinical pain patients (one TBI patient had a 6), whereas sensitivity predictably declines with more extreme scores. For scores with perfect specificity, positive predictive power (+PP) is 1.00 regardless of sensitivity and base rate, which means that one can be confident that such a performance reflects intentionally poor effort. Table 4 presents sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive power for a range of hypothetical base rates. Table 4a bases the calculation of +PP on specificity derived only from the nonmalingering pain patients. The calculation of +PP presented in Table 4b uses specificity based on the combined nonmalingering pain and TBI samples. As can be seen in Table 4, scores as high as 8 may be considered suspicious for malingering at higher base rate levels (i.e., > .30). At base rates likely to be encountered in real world settings (i.e., approximately ≥ 30%; Mittenberg, Patton, Canyock, & Condit, 2002) scores of 7 should clearly raise suspicion of malingering, whereas scores of 6 and lower can be fairly confidently interpreted as evidence of malingering. DISCUSSION This study sought to examine the sensitivity and specificity of RDS in clinical patients with chronic pain. The results demonstrated that scores of 7 or lower were associated with high specificity (> .90 at 7, 1.00 at scores < 7) and excellent (between .37 and .60) sensitivity in the detection of cognitive malingering in clinical patients with pain. Even moderate to severe TBI scores of 6 or lower were associated with a specificity of .99. These results are consistent with the findings of Etherton et al. (2005) based on their laboratory-induced pain study and with multiple reports of the performance of patients with TBI (e.g., Inman & Berry, 2002; Larrabee, 2003; Mathias et al., 2002; Meyers & Volbrecht, 1998; Strauss et al., 2002). It is worth mentioning that in all studies except Etherton et al. (2005), digit span was administered as part of the WAIS so it is possible that these results may not generalize to the administration of digit span in isolation. However, the Etherton et al. data, which are presented in Table 3, are generally consistent with those of this and other studies. In summary, multiple studies have demonstrated that RDS scores below 7 rarely occur in TBI and pain patients who are not intentionally performing poorly on cognitive testing and that scores of 7 should at least raise suspicions about malingering. 134 ASSESSMENT TABLE 3 Cumulative Percentages of Patients With Scores at or Below the Indicated RDS Score Current Study n Etherton, Bianchini, Ciota, and Greve, (2005) Nonmalingering Pain Definite MND Pain Nonmalingering M/S TBI Control Simulator Cold Pain 53 35 69 20 20 20 — — — — — — 0 8 17 40 55 68 83 91 94 96 98 100 3 3 6 9 14 26 37 60 74 80 86 89 94 100 — — — — — — — — — 0 1 9 25 42 59 75 81 90 96 99 100 — — — — — — — — 0 25 35 55 65 85 90 95 95 100 — 5 5 10 20 25 35 40 65 80 90 100 — — — — — — — — — — — — — 0 0 15 40 55 75 90 100 — — — — RDS 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 NOTE: MND = malingered neurocognitive dysfunction; TBI = traumatic brain injury. Groups: Nonmalingering pain = nonmalingering clinical pain group; definite MND Pain = definite malingered MND clinical pain group; nonmalingering M/S TBI = nonmalingering moderate-severe TBI group. The tabled value is the percentage of patients performing below or worse than the given score. For nonmalingering patients, this is the false-positive error rate (reciprocal of Specificity); for malingering patients (including simulators), this is the Sensitivity rate. TABLE 4 Specificity, Sensitivity, and Positive Predictive Power for Different Reliable Digit Span (RDS) Scores and Hypothetical Base Rates of Malingering Positive Predictive Power for Hypothetical Base Rates RDS Specificity Sensitivity .10 Pain patients only 8 83 74 .33 95% CI 70-92 57-88 .17-.55 7 92 60 .45 95% CI 82-98 42-76 .21-.81 6 100 37 1.00 95% CI 93-∞ 21-55 .25-∞ 5 100 26 1.00 95% CI — 19-50 — 4 100 14 1.00 95% CI — 5-30 — Nonmalingering traumatic brain injury patients included in calculating specificity 8 79 74 .28 95% CI 70-86 57-88 .17-.41 7 92 60 .45 95% CI 85-96 42-76 .24-.68 6 99 37 .80 95% CI 96-99 21-55 .37-.86 5 100 26 1.00 95% CI 97-inf 19-50 .41-∞ 4 100 14 1.00 95% CI — 5-30 — .20 .30 .40 .50 .52 .32-.73 .65 .37-.90 1.00 .43-∞ 1.00 — 1.00 — .65 .45-.83 .76 .50-.94 1.00 .56-∞ 1.00 — 1.00 — .74 .56-.88 .83 .61-.96 1.00 .67-∞ 1.00 — 1.00 — .81 .66-.92 .88 .70-.97 1.00 .75-∞ 1.00 — 1.00 — .47 .32-.61 .65 .41-.83 .90 .57-.93 1.00 .61-∞ 1.00 — .60 .45-.73 .76 .55-.89 .94 .69-.96 1.00 .73-∞ 1.00 — .70 .56-.81 .83 .65-.93 .96 .78-.97 1.00 .81-∞ 1.00 — .78 .66-.86 .88 .74-.95 .97 .84-.98 1.00 .86-∞ 1.00 — NOTE: CI = confidence interval. These values are undefined because of the necessity to divide by 0. Etherton et al. / RELIABLE DIGIT SPAN 135 It is important to note that for these findings to be clinically useful, it is not necessary to identify a best or recommended cut point. Clinically, the relevant question is as follows: What does this score tell me about my patient? Therefore, one need only take the patient’s RDS score and determine the appropriate +PP by reference to Table 4; +PP describes the empirical likelihood (with confidence intervals) that the observed score was produced by someone who is malingering. We have no specific recommendations as to what level of probability is acceptable for concluding that that negative response bias is present, but one could argue that the legal standard of “more probable than not” would be satisfied by a +PP of .51 or greater. Reference to Table 4 shows that this standard would be met by scores of 7 or lower at base rates of 30% or higher and scores of 8 at base rates of 40% or higher. At the same time, the data from a single test, whatever the +PP, should not be used in isolation and, instead, must be considered in the context of a diagnostic system such as that of Slick et al. (1999). Eccleston (1994) demonstrated that chronic pain patients were impaired only on more complex attentiondemanding tasks; those tasks that required fewer attentional resources were unaffected even when reported pain levels were high. Moreover, digit span, from which RDS scores are derived, is a task for which performance is often preserved even in individuals known to have significant neurologically mediated memory deficits (e.g., moderate-severe TBI; Langeluddecke & Lucas, 2003). Thus, it is reasonable to conclude that RDS is an index of effort, not cognitive ability or capacity, even in patients with chronic pain. Moreover, poor RDS performance cannot reasonably be attributed to the secondary effects of pain such as fatigue, mood disorder, and medication effects because it is unlikely that these would be differentially prevalent among our definite malingerers compared to the nonmalingering pain and TBI patients. Accordingly, clinicians may be more confident in concluding that scores of 7 or lower reflect intentionally poor effort and possibly malingering. Ultimately, a diagnosis of malingering requires the careful review and integration of a range of information. Internal validity indicators such as the RDS are important sources of evidence regarding the presence of response bias. This study complements earlier work on laboratoryinduced pain (Etherton et al., 2005, in press) by addressing the potential influence of clinical pain on RDS performance and also provides data on the performance of nonmalingering patients with moderate-severe TBI. 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His research interests include psychosocial factors in pain and the assessment of pain-related malingering. Kevin J. Bianchini, Ph.D., is a licensed clinical neuropsychologist in private practice in New Orleans. His current research interests include pain-related disability, malingering, and toxic exposure. Kevin W. Greve, Ph.D., is a professor of psychology at the University of New Orleans and in private practice as a clinical neuropsychologist in the New Orleans area. His current research interests include executive functions and the psychosocial factors that influence outcome in brain injury and chronic pain. Matthew T. Heinly, M.S., is a doctoral student in applied biopsychology at the University of New Orleans, Louisiana. His current research interests include cognitive neuropsychology, brain trauma, and malingering.