Multi-Family CFL Program Application Instructions

Multi-Family CFL Program
Application Instructions
There are 3 worksheet tabs at the bottom of the application.
Contact Info & Survey
CFL Qualification
Address Range Worksheet
Here is an explanation for each worksheet tab:
1. Contact Info & Survey – General information and a small survey about what your community does when the unit is
not occupied. Please make sure to include the Duke Energy account number for your office/clubhouse in this
2. CFL Qualification - In each floor plan, you can receive up to 12 CFLs (13W) , which may only be installed in
permanent fixtures (individual sockets).
CFL installations are not allowed in fixtures that have dimmers, timers, or touch devices.
If a specific floor plan accommodates more than 12 CFLs, you may enter a maximum of 12 in the “#of CFLs
needed” section of the table. To avoid having an excess of uninstalled bulbs, please ensure accurate counts are
entered. Arrangements will be made to pick up any unused bulbs.
The “Current number of CFLs installed in the unit” section is only used if your maintenance crew has already
installed CFLs in a specific floor plan. If none were installed, enter a zero (0) in that column.
Total quantities are automatically calculated based on the number of units entered for each floor plan.
Address Range Worksheet – Since we are associating bulb installations to actual Duke Energy account numbers, we
will need the range of addresses for your community. An example is located at the top of the Address Range
Your maintenance crew will have 60 days to complete the installation of the CFLs, after your property receives the bulb
shipment. Duke Energy will provide an installation worksheet to record the number of bulbs installed in each unit. The
total quantity of bulbs ordered should equal the total quantity of bulbs installed, with exceptions noted on the install
If you have any questions regarding the CFL Application worksheet, please don’t hesitate to contact your Duke Energy
CFL Representative at or call 704-877-5947.
*Note: Please do not sign or date the Duke Energy Multifamily CFL Energy Efficiency Program
Contract until payment has been submitted for shipping costs. We will contact you with a shipping quote and collect
payment information from you, after the attached application has been submitted.
Thank you for your interest in Duke Energy’s Multi-Family CFL Program.
©2013 Duke Energy Corporation 4/13-LU