VOL. ?, NO. 5 WATER RESOURCES RESEARCH OCTOBER .1971 Clear-CutLoggingandSediment Production in the Oregon Coast Range GEORGE W. BROWN AND JAMES T. KRYGIER School o/ Forestry, OregonState University, Corvallis, Oregon 97331 Abstract. The impact of road construction, two patterns of clear-cut logging, and controlled slash burning on the suspendedsediment yield and concentration from three small watersheds in the Oregon Coast Range was studied for 11 years. Sediment production was doubled after road constructionbut before logging in one watershed and was tripled after burning and clear-cutting of another watershed. Felling and yarding did not produce statistically significant changes in sediment concentration. Variation in the relation between sediment concentration and water discharge on small undisturbed streams was large. Conclusions about the significanceof all but very large changes in sediment concentration are limited becauseof annual variation for a given watershed,variation between watersheds, and variation with stage at a given point. In the Pacific Northwest commercial forests cover much of the headwaterlandscape.Timber harvest is the predominant land use in these forests. In Oregon alone 500,000-700,000acres are logged annually. Logging is preceded by road construction.Clear-cuttingis the principal logging technique, followed by slash burning. The changein the appearanceof the landscape is dramatic and abrupt. The crucial questionfor water quality is: How does clear-cut logging affect erosion and sedimentation in headwater streams?In Oregon this questionis crucial because salmon, steelhead, and trout use these small streamsfor spawningand rearing. The purposeof this paper is to describethe effect of road building, clear-cut logging, and slashburningon suspended sedimentproduction from three forested watershedsin the Oregon Coast Range, where precipitation averages100 inchesannually and topographyis steep. The effects of sediment on fish have been sum- causemortality, delayed development,or poor conditionin salmonand trout [Brannon, 1965; Kramer, 1965; Koski, 1966; Shelton and Pollock, 19'66;Servizi et al., 1969]. Gravel size has beenrelatedto the interchangeof dissolvedoxygen [OregonGame Commission,196.7;Ringler, 1970]. Cooper found that depositionwill occur in spawninggravels at moderate concentrations even though velocitiesare too high to permit depositionon the surface. Public concernfor pollution has led to the establishmentof water quality standards.Oregon has now gone beyond interstate standards (e.g., the Water Quality Act of 1965) and has applied water quality standardsto subbasinsto controlthe quality of upstreamwaters directly [OregonDepartmento[ EnvironmentalQuality, 1969]. These standards have been set without a full understandingof sedimentconcentrations or sediment production rates from mountain streams under either natural conditions or con- marized by Cordone and Kelley [196.1]. Excessive concentrations of suspended sediment (20,000 ppm) can causegill injury or alteration of behaviorpatterns.The mostimportant effects of sediment at more typical concentrationsoc- Forest hydrologistshave often related sediment productionto timber harvest operations in headwaterareas. Road constructionpreceding logging is often the most serious cause of cur because of alteration and destruction of bot- erosion. In the volcanic formations of the Ore- tom organismsand because of indirect influencesof sedimentdepositionon intragravel flow and aeration. Mineral and organic sedimentsin water or deposited in spawning gravels may gon Cascades, sedimentyieldsfrom three small, steep watersheds tributary to the McKenzie River seldom exceeded200 ppm before treatment [Fredriksen,1965, 1970]. Immediately 1189 ditionsinfluencedby loggingoperations. 1190 BROWN AND KRYGIER after roads were constructed across one water- shed, • peak sediment concentration of 1780 ppm was observed,250 times that recordedin • control watershed. This initial couldbe detectedin the concentrations, possibly becauseof inadequatesampling.Sheridanand McNeil [19681 found small increasesin the effect subsided percentageof fine sedimentsdepositedin the after 2 months, but concentrationsremained stream gravels after loggingin this same area. two to three times the level predicted from the The probablesourceof this sedimentwas debris control. These results did not include samples avalanches,which were common in clear-cut from landslide events. In 19'61 and 1964 road landslides produced average concentrations about 34 times greater than that expectedfrom the pretreatment relationship. Mean annual sediment yield including bed load was 8000 t/mi • in a 9-year period, !09 times the lossfrom an undisturbed control watershed. At Castle Creek in California, where the primary influencewas roads,averagesedimentconcentrations and loads from a 4-mi 2 watershed in- creasedfivefold the first year, from 64 to 303 ppm (935-4600tfmi•). Concentrations and yield declined to twice the normal rate in the second year [Rice and Wallis, 19,62; Anderson and Wallis, 196.51.In the Idaho. granitic batholith, roads associatedwith jammer logging (a high density road system) in one seasonproduced highly variable sediment yields from three logged watersheds: 12,400, 8900, and 89 t/mi • [Copeland, 19651. Neighboring drainageswithout roadsin this area of highly erodiblegranitic soil produced no sediment; in watershedswith roads high yields were attributed to inadequate cross drains. The effectsof the loggingoperation are often difficultto separate.In many erosionstudiesthe sedimentcontributedby road construction,skid trails, and loggingare measuredtogether.One such study at Fernow Experimental Forest in West Virginia reportedan average.turbidity of 490 ppm (Jacksonturbidity units) duringtractor logging. One year la,ter the average turbidity droppedto 38 ppm; 2 years later it was only i ppm. Another study at this forest illustrates the importance of planning logging operations.On a well-plannedloggingoperation, the maximumturbidity was only 25 ppm. An adjacentwatershedwas loggedwithout any plan or direction,and maximum turbidities of 56,000 ppm were recorded [Reinhart and Eschner, 1962]. Sediment was sampled before, during, and after clear-cut logging in the Maybeso and Harris River valleys in southeastern Alaska areas. Fredriksen [1970] reported that on a watershedclear-cutover a 3-year period with a skyline system,and thus without roads, concentrationswereonly modestlyaffectedduringlogging. The mean concentration during storm periods remainedbelow 10 ppm until slidestriggeredby the record storms of 1965 brought about 800 tons of soil and rock material into the channel. Most of this material remained trapped by loggingdebris. Controlledslashburning is a commonpractice after clear-cuttingin the Pacific Northwest. Little information exists about the effect of con- trolled burning on sediment production from forests.Burning after loggingwtih the skyline system describedabove was also reported by Fredriksen [1970]. Resulting sedimentconcentrations during two subsequentyears ranged from !00 to 150 ppm and were 67 and 28 times those recorded on an undisturbed watershed during the same period. Fredriksen noted that sedimenthad beentrapped in the loggingdebris and was releasedonly after burning. THE STUDY In 1958 OregonState University began a cooperative study of the effectsof loggingon the water quality and fishery resourcesof three small watershedsin the Alsea basin in Oregon. These watersheds are located about 8 miles south of Toledo and about 10 miles from the Pacific Ocean (Figure 1). The watershedswere forestedwith Douglas fir and alder. Mean elevationsare 740, 850, and 1000 feet. Mean slopes are 35, 37, and 50%. The maritime climate producesa mean annual precipitationof about 100 inches.Summersare dry, however,and most of the rainfall occurs between November and April. The soilsare derivedfrom the Tyee sandstone formation. Over 80% of the soilsare from either the Slickrock or the Bohannon series. The Slickrock soils are derived from sandstone col- luvium and are fairly deep. The Bohannon [Me,ehan et al., 19'691.No significantchange series,a shallow,stonysoil,is derivedfrom the Sediment Production 1191 sandstoneresiduum. Both seriesare moderately DEER CREEK stable. FLYNN CREEK The sediment yield characteristicsof the watershedswere monitored for 7 years before treatment (1958-1965). Suspended sediment is measured at the mouth of each watershed and at six small stream gagesin Deer Creek. The gagesat the mouth of each watershedare operated by the U.S. Geological Survey and integrate the effectsof land use on each watershed. The small gagesin Deer Creek are operated by the OregonState University School of Forestry. These gageswere installedin 1963 to evaluate the effect of each cutting unit on TO•EDO the tributaries within the Deer Creek watershed. NEEDLE Logging roads were constructedinto Deer Creek and Needle Branch between March to evaluate SCALE, IMILES and August 1965. Flynn Creek, a 500-acre watershed, served as a control and remainedin its natural conditionthroughoutthe study. Sediment sampleswere collectedduring the winter of 1965-1966 TO HARLAN MILES the effect of road FISH TRAP ROAD LABORATORY STREAM STREAM LOGGING GAGE UNIT WPORT TOLEDO STUDY AREA building. Loggingbegan in March 1966 and ended in November of that year. The 175-acre Needle Branch watershed was fully clear-cut. The 750-acre Deer Creek watershed was 25% clear-cut,with three smallunits (Figure 1). The effects of these three units were measured at four weirs. The 138-acre watershed above weir WALOPORT Fig. 1. Watersheds and sediment sampling stations in the Alsea watershed study. Commissionpersonnel.During stormssamples 2 was 30% clear-cut, the 100-acre watershed were taken at more frequent intervals to ascerabove weir 3 was 65% clear-cut, and the 39- tain sediment loads as stream levels changed. acre watershed above weir 4 was 90% clear-cut. At the small weirs within Deer Creek, samples The 572-acre watershed above weir 6, which were taken only during storms. measuresthe combined effect of the upper CI-IANGES IN ANNUAL SEDIMENT LOAD watersheds,was 25% clear-cut. The slash on Needle ]Branch was burned in Analyseswere run on two aspectsof the susOctober 1966. The upper units of Deer Creek pended sediment data: (1) annual sediment remainedunburned; the lower unit was lightly load and (2) suspended sedimentconcentration. burned in October 1966. Sedimentsamplingon Changesin annual sedimentload for the three Needle ]Branchthe following winter reflected watersheds were estimated by an averaging the combinedeffect of road building, logging, techniquedesignedto reduce the variation in and slash burning. Sediment measurementsat sedimentassociated with a changingstreamflow the six stationson Deer Creek permitted evalu- regime.In streamflowstudiesconductedconation of the first two effects; U.S. Geological currently with these sedimentstudies,the timSurvey samplesincludedthe effect of burning ber harvest produced significantly increased the lower unit.. Sediment sampling continued volumes of streamflow on both treated waterthrough the 1967-1968 and 1968-1969 storm sheds[Harper, 1969; Hsich, 1970]. seasons.Sedimentyields will be monitored for A long-termflow-durationcurve was usedto severalmore years. estimateannual sedimentyields on the basisof Routine suspendedsediment concentrations the flow regime during an average year. The in parts per million were obtaineddaily at the followingprocedurewas usedin this averaging U.S. GeologicalSurvey weirs by Oregon Game technique' (1) six years of data from the call- 1192 BROWN TABLE 1. AND Total Annual Sediment Yield in Tons per Square Mile Computed from U.S. GeologicalSurvey '• Records Flynn Creek Water Year 1959 1961 1962 1963 1964 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 Deer Creek Needle Branch Normalized Actual Normalized Actual 92 172 136 212 223 337 246 136 92 123 66 258 84 127 209 1237 300 137 59 139 114 193 178 285 231 308 577 251 101 162 82 286 97 160 199 1040 740 213 84 162 bration period were usedto estimatethe longterm I•RYGIER flow-duration characteristics of each Normalized 74 98 201 161 181 129 270 570 372 279 Actual 49 180 115 115 187 422 365 904 490 517 no reasonto suspectthat treatment would reducesedimentyield. Annual sedimentyields were highly variable during the pretreatment period. There was a stream; (2) • relationbetweenmean daily sediment concentrationand mean daily dischargeat each of the three weirs was developedfor each threefold difference between the minimum and year of the study; and (3) the sedimentcon- maximumannualyieldson eachwatersheddurcentration-dischargerelationshipwas combined ing this period, even when normalized values with the mean flow-duration curve for each weir to obtain the mass of sediment carried in each flow class.Summingthesevaluesprovided estimates of total annual sedimentyield from each watershed. Thus this technique assumedthat the flow each year was equal to the long-term mean in volume and distribution.This assumption normalizedthe effect of abnormalyears by reducing the variation in sediment yield associated with annual differencesin discharge. The sediment yields thus attained provide an indicationof the averageexpectancyof a change associated with the treatments. The normalized were used. Road building significantly increasedsediment yield in Deer Creek (the patch cut watershed) during the 1966.water year. One road slide produceda sedimentyield of 349 tons (40% of the nonnormalizedyield) for the 1966 water year. The increasein annual sediment yield after road buildingin Needle Branch was alsostatistically significantat the 95% level of probability. Road drainageand erosionof sidecastmaterials alongroadsseemthe most likely sourcesof this increase.No large slide occurredon roads in annual sedimentyield from each of the treated watershedswas then compared to that of the Needle Branch. are shown in,Table 1. Included are both normal- year. During the two postloggingwater years (1968 and 1969') sediment yields returned to prelogginglevels. Annual sedimentyields in Needle Branch increasedmarkedly immediately after the watershed was logged and burned. The normalized sedimentyield increasedfourfold over the pretreatment mean. The normalized yield on the confro,1watershed dropped to, three-fourths of The annual sediment yield observed during controlby regression analysis.A similaranalyti- the first year (1967) after logging in Deer cal techniquehas been describedby Anderson Creek was significantlyhigher than that during [1954]. the control period. This yield may include maAnnual sediment yields for each watershed terials depositedby the large slidethe previous ized (weighted)yieldsand 'actual' yieldsprovided from the annual sediment hydrograph analysesreportedby the U.S. GeologicalSurvey. Regressions comparingnormalizedannual sedimentyield on Flynn Creek (the control) with that of each treated watershed are illus- trated •n Figures2 and 3. 0nly the upper,95% confidence limits are calculated because there is Sediment Production 1193 tion analysestherefore use only rising-stage data. Rising-stagedata were further segregated to include only storm dat• with discharges I 6001966 greater than 5 csm (cubic feet per secondsquare mile). 500- Simultaneoussamplesof sedimentconcentration and dischargewere fitted to a• regression 400 -- equation of the form: 300 log S = aq- blog D 200 (1) where S is the sedimentconcentration,D is the dischargemeasuredwhen the sedimentsample was obtained,and a and b are regressionconi øo i00 i 200 i 300 I 400 stants. 500 FLYNNCREEKSEDIMENT,T/MI 2 Fig. 2. Comparisonof no.rm•lized annual sediment yield from Flynn Creek (unlogged) and Deer Creek (p•tch cut) for 7 yea.rsbefore treatment. Comparative yields after road building (1966) •nd logging (1967-1969) are shown in relation to the 95% confidence limit on the pretre•tment regression. its pretreatment mean during this year. The annual sediment yield declined during the following years as vegetationreturned, but yields remained higher than those before loggingand burning. CHANGES IN SEDIMENT varies with water- shed treatment is of great significance,because most of the new water quality standards for sedimentare related to this relationship rather than to annual yield. Regressionscomparing instantaneous sediment concentration with but that in dischargeas well. Thus the assump- tion of orthogonality in the test of individual degreesof freedom may not apply, and the standardtest for interactionbetweenregression equationsmay not be appropriate. The test statistic seleetedto circumvent this CONCENTRATION A secondanalysiscomparedthe instantaneous concentrationsof sedimentduring storms with the streamflow at which the sampleswere obtained. This analysiswas done both before and after road building and logging.Understanding how sediment concentration Evaluating the differencesin sediment concentration resulting from different watershed treatments proved a difficult task. Sample sizes tend to be unequal. Variations in the sedimen• concentration-discharge equation can also occur becauseof annual changesin runoff pattern. Two additionaltypes of variation may be imposedby treatment: Clear-cuttingmay change not only the variation in sedimentconcentration the streamflow ob- served when the sediment sample was taken were preparedfor eachsamplingstation. Segregating the concentrationdata into two groups for these analyses was necessary,becausethe sediment-streamfiow relationship for rising stageswas significantlydifferent from that for falling stages at all sampling sites. A similar procedurehas been used by Fredriksen [1970]. The correlationcoefficientr was generallymuch higher for rising stage data. All the concentra- 600 -- -- i•1)67 •500 -- - ,.z,400 - :• -r -- •6 300 - ß m200• T00 o • 1966 A • •oo / / -- A -- A 200 -- •o •o • Fig. 3. Comparison of normalized annum sedimen• yield from Flynn Creek (u•logged) and Needle Branch (clear-cut) for 7 years before lreatmen•. Comparative yields •f•er road building (1•6) and logging and burning (1967-1969) are shown in rel•ion to the 95% confidence ]imi• on •he pre•reatmen• regression. 1194 •Row• A•D from analysisof separatesamplesand annum yield. In Deer Creekthe road slidein 1966pro- difficulty was: F2 SSB,, -- (SSB• q- where SS• is the error sum of squaresobtained by combiningor poolingthe sedimentconcentration-dischargedata for the (1) pretreatment period and (2) each treatment year for each watershed (,4 or B), S& is the error sum of squaresfor the pretreatment period, and SS• is the error sum of squaresfor the posttreatment period. Watershed,4 representsthe control watershed (Flynn Creek) and watershedB repreents either of the treated watersheds (Deer Creek or Needle Branch). Mean streamflow and sediment concentra- tions are shownin Table 2 for the U.S. Geological Survey weirs and in Table 3 for the small weirs within Deer Creek for each year of the study. 0nly 2 years of pretreatment data were used in this analysis becausemore data were not available from the small KRYGm• weirs in Deer Creek. 'Notation of a significantincreaseis the result of testing regressionsby equation 2 rather than by simpletests on the mean values. Some interesting differencescan be drawn duced an increasedannual yield that was significant at the 95% level of probability. The relative significance droppedin the analysisof sediment concentration. The increase was not significantat 95% but was significantat 90%. The annual yield in the subsequentwater year (1967) was still significantlyhigherthan that in the pretreatmentperiod (at the 95% level of probability).The comparison of sedimentconcentrationsduring the 1967 water year with thoseduringthe controlperiodrevealedno significant differences.The reasonfor this discrepancy is that there was a significantshift in the sediment-discharge relationshipof the control watershedduringthis year. The shift in the sediment concentration-dis- charge relationshipof the control likely occurred as a result of the flood of December 1964-January1965 and was producedby residual materials deposited during those major events. Before the floods the maximum concen- tration of suspendedsediment recorded on Flynn Creek (the control) was 682 ppm, comparedto 969 ppm on NeedleBranch.During the TABLE 2. Analysis of SimultaneousSampling of SuspendedSediment Concentration and Streamflow at U.S. GeologicalSurvey Stations during Rising Stages and DischargesGreater than 5 csm Sediment Concentration, ppm Water Year Sample Size Range Mean Streamflow, cfs Range Mean FlynnCreek (Control) 1964-1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 72 64 28 18 17 1-205 1-718 38-439 32-256 1-200 194 128 148 109 57 4.2-148 4.2-66 4.2-69 11-44 7-44 1964-1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 71 66 32 20 49 1964-1965 1966 1967 88 68 89 1-969 1-892 1-6300 116 179' 589 1.6-45 1.6-27 1.6-25 1968 1969 44 38 20-7670 70-738 640• 280• 1.9-32 3.1-24 32 22 32 26 20 Deer Creek (PatchCut) 1-1610 1-6960 53-670 35-345 6-381 267 337* 233 115 90 6-204 6-115 20-105 10-46 8-76 58 32 59 40 37 Needle Branch(Clear-Cut) * Significant increaseat 90% level of probability. • Significantincreaseat 95% level of probability. 13 9 11 10 12 Sediment Production TABLE 3. 1195 Analysisof SimultaneousSamplingof SuspendedSediment Concentrationsand Streamflow at Stations on Deer Creek during Rising Stagesand DischargesGreater than 5 csm Sediment Concentration, ppm Water Year Sample Size Range Mean 1964-1965 1966 1967 45 15 14 Deer Creek œ 1-716 2-178 3-242 1964-1965 1966 1967 43 15 14 Deer Creek 3 1-793 1-410 4-194 1964-1965 1966 1967 16 14 13 1-99 1-10 1-8 1964-1965 1966 1967 15 15 19 Deer Creek 6 3-462 1-720 1-366 Streamflow, cfs Mean Range 85 32 67 1.0-34 1.0-9 1.0-30 8.3 3.7 11.3 99 117 72 0.8-19 1.2-18 0.8-18 4.6 4.9 7.1 18 2 4 0.3-10 0.3-8 0.3-7 2.1 1.8 2.0 Deer Creek 4 152 176' 122 4.5-136 4.5-108 6-84 34.1 27.3 33.5 * Significantincreaseat 90% level of probability. flood the maximum concentration on Flynn Creek was 2050 ppm, comparedto 476 ppm on Needle Branch. Most pools in Flynn Creek were filled with sediment (R. C. Williams, unpublishedreport, 1965). Thus the controlwater- shed respondeddifferently to the same storm event from the other two watersheds,which were treated the next year. Anderson [1968, 1970] hasnotedthe dissimilarresponses of other watershedsto the samelarge event. I-Ie has also shown that materials deposited during these events provide a sedimentreservoir for many subsequent years.Thus the classicalconceptof a single'control'watershedfor sedimentstudies of this type may not alwaysbe valid. The samepattern appearson Needle Branch. The differenceduring the first water year after logging(19'67) is even more profound.A fivefold increase in mean sediment concentration was not significantat the 90% level of probability becauseof the upward shift in the sediment-dischargeregressionof the control watershed during this same year. The increaseon Needle Branch is significantat about 87%, but the differencein statistical significanceis still surprising. The comparisonof changesin sedimentconcentration for the small weirs in Deer Creek is shownin Table 3. Road building producedsignificant changesonly at station 6. Station 3, immediately below the road slide, showed no increase in sediment concentration because samples were not taken during this event. Logging did not produce significantincreases in sediment concentrationat any of the sampling stations in Deer Creek. A frequencydistributionof mean daily sediment concentrationduring low flow periods is shownin Table 4. Mean daily flow of lessthan 5 csm occurredduring 60-70% of the year on these coastal watersheds. Even with the severe treatment given Needle Branch during the 1967 water year, mean daily concentrationswere less than 10 ppm during about 97% of these lowflow days. These data substantiatethe fact that in mountain watersheds the majority of the sediment load is carried during a few large storms. The best indication of treatment effect is shown in the increased maximum concentration at low flow on Needle Branch from the 1966-1969 water years. The pattern is similar to that of sedimentyield shownin Table 1. DISCUSSION The results of this intensive study of sediment yield and land use clearly illustrate the 1196 BROWN TABLE 4. AND KRYGIER Frequency Distribution ofMeanDailySuspended Sediment Concentrations during Days with Mean Flow of Less than 5 csm Concentration Class, ppm Water Year 0-5 5-10 10-20 1959-1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 91.9 84.4 97.4 98.1 92.8 5.4 11.0 2.2 1.1 6.8 2.1 4.2 0.4 0.4 0.4 1959-1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 89.3 84.7 77.1 79.3 89.4 7.7 11.5 16.7 17.9 4.6 2.5 3.4 1.2 0.8 4.5 1959-1965 1966 1967 94.4 89.8 96.6 1968 1969 20-30 Maximum Concentration, ppm Days per Year 0.3 26 21 13 26 12 231 263 237 267 251 0.2 28 28 52 53 37 237 261 240 257 216 15 74 220 413 230 235 256 238 250 230 • 30 Flynn Creek 0.3 0.4 0.4 Deer Creek 0.3 0.4 3.8 0.4 0.9 1.6 0.9 4.7 9.0 0.8 Needle Branch 0.8 0.1 0.4 0.4 1.4 0.4 0.4 0.8 93.2 2.4 2.0 2.4 93.4 3.5 1.3 1.4 0.4 Values are percentageof days in each classwhen flow was lessthan 5 csm. effect of several forest managementpractices on water quality. The influence of roads on sedimentyield hasagainbeendemonstrated by this study. Our results substantiatethe conclusionsdrawn by Fredriksen [1970]. The road system in Deer Creek, for example, was carefully located,constructed,and used.The roads were locatednear the ridges.They enteredthe watershed from the back of the ridges; thus road mileage within the watershed was minimized. The roads were well graveled and were not used during the winter months. Even with theseprecautions,one slide occurredand its effect was quite significant.A large volume of material still remainstrapped behind a logjam in the upper part of the watershedand provides a potential sourcefor additional sediment yield at somelater date. About 1.5. miles of road were constructed within the Needle Branch watershed. This con- struction, together with the landings for logs, exposed mineral soil over about 7% of the watershed.This exposedsoil was undoubtedly the sourceof sedimentin the 1966 water year. High-lead logging alone did not produce amountsof sedimentsignificantlydifferent from thosein the calibrationperiod. This result also coincideswith those observedelsewhere[Fredriksen, 1970; Lull and Satterlund, 1963; Meebernei al., 1969; Packer, 19'67]. The maximum sediment concentration observed at weir 4 in Deer Creek was lessthan 20 ppm. The watershed was 90% clear-cut but unburned. This concentrationcan be compared with a maximum sedimentconcentrationof over 7000 ppm observedafter loggingand burning in Needle Branch. Slashburning after clear-cuttingis a common managementpractice in the Pacific Northwest. Arguments both for and against burning are numerous. A review of this controversy is clearly beyondthe scopeof the presentpaper. The sedimentdata collectedduring the study, however,indicatethe effectof burning on water quality. The slashfire in NeedleBranchwasextremely hot; mineral soil was exposedthroughoutmost of the watershed. High sediment yields can be expectedwhen mineral soil is subjectedto more than 100 inchesof rain during a 6-month period. The cause of increasedsediment yield after loggingin Deer Creek is somewhatobscureand may be the result of interacting factors. Upstream, the sediment contribution of the two Sediment Production 1197 clear-cuttings,as indicated by changesin the chargerelationshipis stagedependent.A much sediment concentration-discharge regressions, better correlation between sediment concentrawas not significant.Downstream,two possible tion and dischargewas observedduring rising sourcesof sedimentexist: (1) materialsthat ac- stages.Thus one concludesthat a great deal of cumulated in the stream channel as a result of experience,together with an intensive, rigidly the road slidethe previousyear (the mean con- standardizedsamplingschemebasedon flow recentration of sediment at station 6 in Deer gimes,is requiredbeforea judgmentwith a preCreek, though not statistically significant,re- cisionof 10% can be made. mained high, some residual sourcethus being Our ability to makeaccuratejudgmentsabout indicated) and (2) the clear-cutting farthest changesin the sedimentconcentration-discharge downstream,(the fact that the clear-cuttingbe- relationship in this study would have been tween station 6 and the U.S. GeologicalSurvey greatly improved by replicating the control. station was lightly burned after loggingcould The assumption that neighboring watersheds have contributedto increasedsedimentyield). respondin similar fashion to similar events, The data indicatethat sedimentyieldsshould regardlessof magnitude,is certainly questionapproach pretreatment levels 5-6. years after able. Thus it would seem that any sediment completeclear-cuttingand burning.Two impor- monitoring systemwould require more than one tant concepts must be understood about this controlfor comparison. recovery: (1) These results pertain to a case A further constraintin sedimentsamplingor study conductedin an area in which vegetation monitoringis imposedby the influenceof a few grows rapidly and returns to unoccupied sites very quickly. Exposure time for mineral soil is thus minimized. (2) Erosion is significantfor both terrestrial and aquatic habitats. Although the supply of sedimentfrom the slopesmay deeline rapidly, the presenceof this material in the stream gravels may persist. Such an accumulationof fine materialsin spawninggravel can significantlyreduce the emergenceof salmonid fry [Hall and Lantz, 1969]. What inferencesabout sediment sampling or monitoringcan be drawn from the data? This questionis crucial, not only from the point of view of studying sediment transport processes, but from that of water quality as well. The Oregon water quality standards [Oregon Department o.• Environmental Quality, 1969], for example,specify that no activities will be permitted that cause 'any measurableincreasesin natural stream turbidities when natural turbidi- ties are less than 30 Jackson Turbidity Units (JTU) or more than a 10 percent cumulative increase in natural stream turbidities stream turbidities are more than 30 JTU large storms on annual sedimentyields. If these eventsare not sampledadequatelyor are missed, conclusions about the treatment effect are likely to be erroneous.This problem is compounded by the treatment itself, which imposesa greater variation on the sediment-dischargerelationship, particularly at high flows. Thus monitoring a specificstream to detect a 10% changein sediment concentrationwill require more than just a few random samples. We have shown that clear-cut logging may produce little or no change in sediment concentrations in small streams. The greatest changeswere associatedwith the road building operation that preceded logging and the controlled slash burning afterward. We have also shown that unlessthese changesare large, it may be very difficult to separate man-caused changesin sediment concentrationfrom those imposedby natural variation, particularly if very large runoff events occur within the measurement period. when ...' Acknowledgments. Study cooperators include the Georgia-Pacific Corporation, the U.S. GeoThe important questionis how to obtain the logical Survey, the U.S. Forest Service, the Federal best standard of comparison.What, in other Water Quality Administration, Oregon State Uniwords,is a 'natural' sedimentconcentrationfor versity, and the Oregon Game Commission. Funds for this portion of the study were provided by small streams? Our data indicate that rather large annual variations in the sediment-dis- Federal Water Quality Administration grant WP423 and Oregon State University. The authors are charge relationship can occur on undisturbed particularly indebted to Dr. Henry Anderson and watersheds.Variations between watershedsmay Dr. Scott Overton for their assistance in data also be large. Variation in the sediment-dis- reduction and analysis, Wayne Hug for 5 years of 119,8 BROWN AND 1{RYGIER intensive sediment sampling, and the U.S. Geological Survey for making their recordsavailable. REFERENCES Anderson,It. W., Suspendedsediment dischargeas related to streamflow, topography, soil, and land use,Eos Trans.AGU, $5(2), 268-281, 1954. Anderson,It. W., Major flood effect on subsequent suspended sediment discharge (abstract), t•os Trans. AGU, 49(1), 175, 1968. Anderson, H. 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