Weekly Homework for Second Grade

Weekly Homework for Second Grade
EVERY night (Monday-Thursday), all second graders will have three homework
assignments to complete:
- Math Homework
- Reading Book with Questions (See below for more details)
- Word Study/Spelling Activity (see below for more details)
All assignments are important to your child’s success and are expected to be
completed and turned in the next school day. We thank you in advance for your
partnership in helping your child grow and learn!
What to Expect for Reading Homework:
Each Monday your child will bring home a new book. They are to keep it in their Home
Folder all week and read it every night. Each day they will receive a worksheet
related to their book which should be completed that night and returned to school
the next day. On Fridays, the book should be taken out and kept at home. We
suggest you choose a special place to start your child's collection of books; they will
have a nice library by the end of the year!
What to Expect for Word Study/Spelling Activities:
Each Monday your child will bring home a list of words from our word study/spelling
program. These words will be cut apart and stored in the envelope in your child’s
Home Folder. These words will be used to complete Monday’s homework, and must
be saved so they can be used again on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. On
Friday, your child will take a spelling test on the words in school. Words should be
removed over the weekend so there is no confusion when new words are given the
following Monday. (Weeks with less than 5 days will be slightly adjusted.)
Monday- Choose words and write them in complete sentences. The number of
sentences will increase as the year goes on. This is a good time to discuss the meaning
of the words.
Tuesday- Your child will show you the word sort that was completed in class and teach
you the activity. Do not sort the words for your child. Do ask questions such as:
“What do you notice about all of these words?”
“Do they all have the same spellings?”
“What did you learn?”
After sorting all words, your child will then write the words in categories on paper under
the correct key words, creating a Written Sort.
Wednesday- Your child will pick four spelling words from their envelope. They will draw
pictures to show that they know what each word means. Then they will write a
sentence under each picture.
Thursday- You will read each word aloud to your child. She/he should not be able to
see the words. Your child will write the words under the correct key word, creating a
Blind Sort. (This is the same as the Written Sort that was completed on Tuesday, but
students must recall words/patterns from memory, rather than copying them from the