SECTION 3: STANDING COMMITTEES 3.3 SPORT TECHNICAL COMMITTEE 1 ROLE 1.1 The Inas Sport Technical Committee (TC) is accountable to the Inas Executive Committee. 1.2 2 The TC shall have no authority that does not come from the Inas Executive Committee; the Inas Executive Committee has the sole power to grant authority to the TC. The TC may, however, carry out such governance task or monitor performance provided that the Inas Executive Committee has specifically delegated this power to the TC. AIMS 2.1 The Sports Technical Committee oversees all aspects of the Inas Sports programme 2.2 The Committee is accountable to the Executive Committee and will be Chaired by the Sports Technical Officer 2.3 The TC shall in particular have the following roles: a) Establish policies and guidelines to manage the Inas sport and event programme b) To develop and further opportunities for people with an intellectual disability in sport c) To foster positive relationships with the International Federations, IPC and other relevant organisations d) To observe all relevant policies with regards to anti-doping and other best practice e) To be aware of and manage effective sports-specific classification 3 ROLE AND AND RESPONSIBILITIES 3.1 The TC shall undertake the following roles and responsibilities for the respective Inas Sports. In the fulfilment of these roles and responsibilities, the Sports Technical Committee (TC) must ensure that athletes are engaged either as an appointed member of the TC or through a formally documented feedback process. 4 DELIVERY 4.1 To deliver specified sport technical activities and services in accordance with the regulations of the organization, including 4.2 Development of the technical requirements for the respective Inas Sport at competitions in conformity with the Inas’s regulations; 4.3 Development and maintenance of their sport-specific regulations and to ensure their application in accordance with the established Inas structure Page 1 of 4 SECTION 3: STANDING COMMITTEES 3.3 SPORT TECHNICAL COMMITTEE 5 6 4.4 Development and maintenance of their sport-specific classification systems and to ensure their application in accordance with the established Inas Classification Code 4.5 Assuming the responsibility for the technical control and direction of the respective Inas Sport at competitions 4.6 Proposing technical delegates and appointing officials to oversee the setup and conduct of events for the respective Inas Sport at competitions 4.7 Establishing the final results and rankings for the respective Inas Sport at competitions 4.8 Overseeing and approving the publication of Paralympic, World and Regional Record lists, if and when applicable to the respective Inas Sport 4.9 Conducting training courses and appointing the necessary technical and classification officials for their Inas competitions 4.10 Imparting technical advice and assistance in the development of the respective Inas Sport worldwide. ADVISORY 5.1 Proposing the programme of the respective Inas Sport at competitions including the discipline(s), medal event(s), athlete quota, and competition format in accordance with the Inas’s rules, criteria and conditions for approval by the Inas Executive Committee; 5.2 Establishing and enforcing the criteria of classification and qualification for designated Inas competitions in conformity with the Inas regulations, and to submit these to the Inas Executive Committee for approval; 5.3 Contributing to the development of the annual competition calendar for the respective Inas Sport; 5.4 Proposing for each competition the competition and training schedules, facility requirements, sports equipment requirements and technical installations for establishing the results for the respective Inas Sport. CONSULTATIVE 6.1 To be consulted by the Inas Executive Committee and Inas SecretaryGeneral on the development of general organizational matters and regulations that impact the respective Inas Sport, including a) Providing feedback through the Chairperson on any organizational matter impacting the governance, management or development of the respective Inas sport; Page 2 of 4 SECTION 3: STANDING COMMITTEES 3.3 SPORT TECHNICAL COMMITTEE b) Consulting the Inas membership that widely and regularly practises the respective Inas Sport on any organizational matter impacting the governance, management or development of their sport. 7 STRUCTURE 7.1 The Committee will comprise one Sports Director per recognised Inas sport, plus the Head of Anti-Doping 7.2 The Inas Sports Technical Officer will be the chairperson and will be responsible for keeping the minutes of the respective TC decisions and meetings. 7.3 The members of the TC will have designated titles with corresponding job descriptions. 7.4 The TC may co-opt non-voting members upon approval by the Inas Executive Committee, as necessary, and incorporate and/or consult athlete representatives for the completion of specific tasks. 8 STAFFING 8.1 The Inas Secretary-General will provide support to the TC. The level of support will require further discussion with the Inas Secretary-General. 9 REPORTING 9.1 Written reports/minutes of the TC decisions and meetings shall be produced and submitted to the Inas Secretary-General for distribution and archiving. The Chairperson of the TC shall approve the reports/minutes prior to distribution. 9.2 The Inas Secretary-General shall ensure that recommendations to the Inas Executive Committee resulting from the TC decisions and meetings are included on the agenda of the Inas Executive Committee and that the subsequent decisions from the Inas Executive Committee are communicated to the members of the TC. 9.3 The Chairperson will attend meetings of the Inas Executive Committee and will give a written or verbal report at the meeting of the Inas Executive Committee 9.4 A report on the activities of the TC will be developed by the respective Chairpersons for inclusion in the Inas Sports section of the annual and biennial reports to the Inas General Assembly. 10 MEETINGS 10.1 The TC will normally hold at least two (2) meetings per year. Any additional meetings must be approved by the Inas Executive Committee, which shall normally delegate that authority to the Secretary-General. Page 3 of 4 SECTION 3: STANDING COMMITTEES 3.3 SPORT TECHNICAL COMMITTEE 11 10.2 All meetings of the TC must be conducted in compliance with the rules outlined in the Inas Standing Order ‘The Conduct of Inas Committee Meetings’. 10.3 The Inas President and Secretary-General are ex-officio members at meetings of the TC, with speaking rights only. MOTIONS 11.1 The TC has the right to submit motions to the Inas General Assembly through the Inas Executive Committee, and subject to compliance with the Inas Standing Order ‘The Administrative Procedures to be Followed Prior to Inas General Assemblies”. 11.2 The Inas Executive Committee may make further recommendations to the Inas General Assembly on all motions submitted by the TCs. 12 TERMINATION OF MEMBERSHIP 12.1 Sport Technical Officers and Sports Technical Directors may be removed from their position by a two-thirds majority of the Executive should they fail to perform satisfactorily the duties of the posts or for breaches of Inas rules 13 FINANCES 13.1 The Chairperson of the TC will, in cooperation with the Treasurer, produce a budget for the TC. The budget for the TC will be part of the respective Inas annual operating budget and will be included in the overall Inas Budget and submitted for approval to the Inas Executive Committee and the Inas General Assembly in accordance with the Inas financial policies. 14 OTHER FINANCIAL REGULATIONS 14.1 Any financial regulation for the TC shall be in compliance with the financial procedures issued by Inas Headquarters from time to time. 15 DISSOLUTION 15.1 The TC can only be dissolved by a decision of the Inas General Assembly. 16 AMENDMENTS OF BYLAWS 16.1 Any amendment proposed to the bylaws of the TC shall be subject to approval by the Inas Executive Committee. Page 4 of 4