The Impact of Standardized Physical Internet Containers on Shipping Volume Russell D. Meller, Ph.D. University of Arkansas (U.S.A.) Center for Excellence in Logistics and Distribution with Yen-Hung Lin and Kimberly P. Ellis ILS 2012 (Quebec, Canada) 29 August 2012 Logistics Today … the Opportunity We are shipping air and packaging 25% of all miles are empty! 56.8% “full” when not empty! 42.6% average utilization $65.8B opportunity in the US alone! Congestion is high $100B/yr in wasted fuel and lost time! CO2 emissions are growing 233.8 Tg CO2 emissions opportunity! Truckers have become today’s modern cowboys 100%+ turnover rate in the industry! Demonstrable negative health benefits! Russell D. Meller, Ph.D., Univ. of Arkansas, U.S.A. Logistics Today: At a Crossroads Courtesy of France 100,0! 400,00! 90,0! 350,00! 80,0! 300,00! 250,00! 60,0! 50,0! 200,00! CO2! 40,0! 150,00! CO2 EC traget 2050! 30,0!! 100,00! 20,0! It is not enough for epsilonlevel improvements. 50,00! 10,0! 0,0! 1990! G! M t CO2! 70,0! We simply must do something if we are to meet various reduction goals for CO2 emissions. 1995! 2000! 2005! 0,00! 2010! Sarraj, R., Ballot, E., Pan, S., “Potential of Routing Protocols for Freight in Open Logistics Networks: the Case of FMCG in France,” Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain, 2012. Russell D. Meller, Ph.D., Univ. of Arkansas, U.S.A. The Global Logistics Sustainability Grand Challenge Design a system to move, handle, store, realize, supply and use physical objects throughout the world Inefficiency and unsustainability claim in a manner that is efficient and economically, environmentally and socially sustainable. Montreuil B. (2011) “Towards a Physical Internet: Meeting the Global Logistics Sustainability Grand Challenge,” Logistics Research, 3(2-3), 71-87, 2011. Russell D. Meller, Ph.D., Univ. of Arkansas, U.S.A. The Physical Internet The Physical Internet (PI) is an open global logistics system founded on physical, digital and operational interconnectivity through encapsulation, interfaces and protocols. The PI enables an efficient and sustainable logistics web that is both adaptable and resilient. Russell D. Meller, Ph.D., Univ. of Arkansas, U.S.A. Simplified Mental Image of the PI Montreuil, B., “Physical Internet,” 2011. • eBay-like freight transportation “auction” • handles standardized “black box” modular containers • open and shared transportation and distribution network • vast community of users • supplier ratings to drive logistics performance Russell D. Meller, Ph.D., Univ. of Arkansas, U.S.A. CELDi PI Project Focus • What are the potential logistics system gains of the PI? • The CELDi Physical Internet Project focuses on establishing the effects of: – optimized logistics networks and – standard container sizes on the performance of the supply chain. • We are not addressing many other important issues! R.D. Meller and K.P. Ellis, "An Investigation into the Physical Internet: Establishing the Logistics System Gain Potential," in Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Systems Management, Metz – France, 575-584, 2011. Russell D. Meller, Ph.D., Univ. of Arkansas, U.S.A. Partners and Thought Leaders • • • • • • • • • Retailers: Walgreens, Walmart CPGs: HP, P&G, SC Johnson TSP: J.B. Hunt Asset Management: CHEP Packaging Experts: Menasha, Millwood Logistics Software: RedPrairie Logistics 3PL: Volvo Logistics Trucking: ATRI Diversified Manufacturers: Air Liquide, Boeing, Johnson Controls, Leggett & Platt National Science Foundation Material Handling Industry Volvo Logistics North America Russell D. Meller, Ph.D., Univ. of Arkansas, U.S.A. Decomposi on Composi on Standardized Modular Containers? Montreuil, B., Meller, R.D., Ballot, E., “Towards a Physical Internet: The Impact on Logistics Facilities and Material Handling Systems Design and Innovation,” in Progress in Material Handling Research: 2010, Material Handling Institute, Charlotte, NC, 305-327, 2010. Russell D. Meller, Ph.D., Univ. of Arkansas, U.S.A. Modular Container Use in the Physical Internet What’s the impact as we … limit the number of case sizes? allow the number of items per case to change? allow item dimensions to change? Meller et al., ”A Decomposition-Based Approach for the Selection of Standardized Modular Containers," in review with EJOR; “The Impact of Standardized Metric Physical Internet Containers on the Shipping Volume of Manufacturers, Proceedings of INCOM12, 2012; “The Impact of Standardized Physical Internet Containers on Shipping Volume,” Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Information Systems, Logistics and Supply Chain, 2012. Russell D. Meller, Ph.D., Univ. of Arkansas, U.S.A. Modular Container Selection for the PI CPG Company 494 products 268 shelf packages 258 case sizes If the PI reduces the choices, how does it affect how much volume is shipped? What impact is there at the pallet level? Russell D. Meller, Ph.D., Univ. of Arkansas, U.S.A. Modular Container Selection for the PI Retailer 1715 CPG products 850 shelf packages 1057 case sizes If the PI reduces the choices, how does it affect how much volume is shipped? What impact is there at the pallet level? Russell D. Meller, Ph.D., Univ. of Arkansas, U.S.A. Modular Dimensions Enforced Russell D. Meller, Ph.D., Univ. of Arkansas, U.S.A. Methodology, in words • For each product, determine the best container size. • Best is measured by the average shipping volume per item. • We measure this at the “case” level and at the “pallet” level. • Iterate through the number of items and the modular container sizes. • Solve a 3D-CLP (Container Loading Problem) for each item-container combination of interest. Russell D. Meller, Ph.D., Univ. of Arkansas, U.S.A. Selecting the Best Modular Container Size Russell D. Meller, Ph.D., Univ. of Arkansas, U.S.A. Methodology, in words • Our 3D-CLP formulation extends the proposed formulations of Chen et al. (1995). • Each iteration solves in seconds, but there are a lot of problems to solve! • Introduced some rules to speed up the flow chart presented earlier. • Output: – optimized container for each item – packing of item in container – number and waste of item in container Russell D. Meller, Ph.D., Univ. of Arkansas, U.S.A. Effects of Modular Limitations Data set from earlier retailer example: Allowed either a 48” by 48” or 48” by 40” pallet Russell D. Meller, Ph.D., Univ. of Arkansas, U.S.A. Effects of Modular Limitations Only allowed a 1.2m by 1.2m pallet Russell D. Meller, Ph.D., Univ. of Arkansas, U.S.A. Effects of Modular Limitations As compared to 1057 originally! Russell D. Meller, Ph.D., Univ. of Arkansas, U.S.A. Effects of Modular Limitations Russell D. Meller, Ph.D., Univ. of Arkansas, U.S.A. Modular Container Selection for the PI Retailer 1715 CPG products 850 shelf packages 1057 case sizes At the case level, there there is a net increase of 8% At the pallet level, there there is a net savings of 20%! Russell D. Meller, Ph.D., Univ. of Arkansas, U.S.A. Prototyping the Physical Internet: Modular Containers EC Project on Interconnected Logistics: MODULUSHCA, 2012-2015 Securable Traceable, Routable Snappable Easy-to-dismantle Reusable Recyclable How should these be designed? sizing functionality materials managed Use optimization models, experience of industry partners, and technical capabilities of labs to design prototype modular containers that P&G and Poste Italiane will use in their supply chains. Austria, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy, Poland, Spain, Switzerland, The Netherlands Russell D. Meller, Ph.D., Univ. of Arkansas, U.S.A. Prior Projects and Research Questions Other Projects with Industry Partners: • Load Planning Impacts (France, U.S.A.) • Modular Container Sizing (U.S.A.) • Prototype PI Facilities (Canada, U.S.A.) Russell D. Meller, Ph.D., Univ. of Arkansas, U.S.A. The Physical Internet Initiative • Informal network devoted to the development of the Physical Internet • An open organization • • @PhysicInternet Russell D. Meller, Ph.D., Univ. of Arkansas, U.S.A. The Impact of Standardized Physical Internet Containers on Shipping Volume Russell D. Meller, Ph.D. University of Arkansas (U.S.A.) Center for Excellence in Logistics and Distribution with Yen-Hung Lin and Kimberly P. Ellis ILS 2012 (Quebec, Canada) 29 August 2012 Interconnectivity Technology Roadmap Physical Digital Global Industry Global Organization Operational Breadth Depth Projects: • Foundation • Applied • Demonstration Physical: Container, Site, Network Digital: Standards, Exchange, Hardware Operational: Protocols, Processes, Business Models Russell D. Meller, Ph.D., Univ. of Arkansas, U.S.A. Facility Functional Design Prototypes Completed Road-Based Transit Center Road-Rail Transit Center Road-Based Crossdock Hub Russell D. Meller, Ph.D., Univ. of Arkansas, U.S.A. Positioning the Physical Internet World Wide Web (WWW) Digital Internet Digital Information Packets Smart Grid Connecting Physical Objects through WWW Internet of Things Smart Networked Objects Energy Internet Energy Packets Open Supply Web Physical Internet Smart Physical Packets Original schematics from Benoit Montreuil, 2010, Physical Internet Manifesto, Russell D. Meller, Ph.D., Univ. of Arkansas, U.S.A. Russell D. Meller, Ph.D., Univ. of Arkansas, U.S.A.