Proceedings of the 9th World Conference on Continuing Engineering Education – Tokyo May 15–20, 2004 INITIAL EFFORTS IN IMPLEMENTING PROBLEM-BASED LEARNING (PBL) IN TEACHING ENGINEERING F.R. Mahamd Adikan, S.M. Said, S. Mekhilef and N. Abd Rahim Department of Electrical Engineering & Telecommunication Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya 50603 Kuala Lumpur, MALAYSIA This paper presents initial efforts in the implementation of innovative methods in teaching engineering, in particular using the Problem Based Learning (PBL) approach. This paper elaborates the current practice of the PBL teaching method within the Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Malaya. Pertaining issues include the integration of the PBL method into the overall teaching methodology implemented by the Department, and the characteristics of the PBL problems posed in the courses offered. It is hoped that an integrated approach to teaching engineering will yield graduates who are able to think critically and are receptive to lifelong learning in their engineering career. Keywords: Problem Based Learning, teaching engineering, transferable skills 1. Introduction The Problem Based Learning (PBL) method is an innovative teaching approach which places an emphasis on problems as a starting point for the acquisition of knowledge [1]-[3]. Its aims are twofold: it encourages students to think for themselves, and it helps the students acquire the necessary technical knowledge and transferable skills required in a certain course of study [4]-[5]. The PBL methodology contains many parallels to the problem solving scenarios faced by practicing engineers at the workplace. An engineer has to constantly and efficiently solve practical engineering problems. Therefore, critical thinking and problem solving skills are essential skills that an engineer should possess, in order to provide an optimum solution to the problem at hand. The PBL method is well suited to honing these skills. Realising this, the Department of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunication has started to incorporate elements of PBL into its teaching methodology. Other universities worldwide that have already implemented the PBL approach to teach electrical engineering include the University of Manchester, University of British Columbia, and University of Delaware. 2. The Department of Electrical Engineering & Telecommunication, University of Malaya The Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Malaya was established in 1959 [7]. The Department accommodates the needs of more than 600 students annually with a team of 28 academic staff and 30 support staff. Amongst the objectives of the Department are: • To produce world-class graduates/engineers capable of identifying and formulating a solution to an engineering problem innovatively • To produce graduates with broad engineering skills and awareness • To develop strong relationships with industry • To develop new knowledge and cutting edge technologies in improving the quality of life 273 Proceedings of the 9th World Conference on Continuing Engineering Education – Tokyo May 15–20, 2004 Central to the underlying themes of the objectives are the ability of the Department’s graduates to think critically, and propose pro-active solutions in their careers [8]-[9]. They must also be able to communicate their solutions and ideas in an articulate manner, and see through the implementation of their projects efficiently and within the time constraints set. Engineering graduates are expected to not only provide technical skills and solutions, but also have the capacity to take up management positions. It is appropriate that the Department take the necessary steps in order to hone the relevant transferable skills expected of such a graduate. In the following section, the relevance of PBL in teaching engineering as perceived by the Department of Electrical Engineering, will be discussed. 3. Problem-Based Learning – Current Developments within the Department Problem-Based Learning (PBL) is an innovative teaching approach that puts a high regard on effective, lifelong learning as oppose to effective teaching [6]. The approach is gaining recognition worldwide, particularly in the Medical field, for which the method was first developed. At the heart of Problem-Based Learning (PBL) is the tutorial group. The PBL tutorial group consists of several phases: introduction and climate setting, starting a problem, problem follow-up and postproblem reflection. Implementation of PBL within the Department is in its infant stage where lecturers are currently being trained to become PBL facilitators. The Faculty has employed a top-down approach whereby a central committee headed by a senior member of the teaching staff is responsible in identifying and recruiting lecturers from every department as part of the PBL team. The team would then follow a series of training programmes and a more or less subject-centred PBL approach is gradually being introduced. The project is proposed to expedite this process by taking the ‘learning by doing’ approach. Elements of PBL is said to exist in the form of final year project and laboratories. However, thus far, the final year thesis projects could not be viewed as a form of PBL per se. This is due to the nature of thesis titles which relate closely to the field of expertise of the lecturers involved, hence making standardisation of materials covered by the students impossible. Secondly, students are evaluated mainly through the final thesis report, unlike the continual assessment and equal weighing of both during and upon completion of a certain task as required by PBL. One way of improving this is by assigning a group of students from various engineering programmes to a single, comprehensive project that carries a theme. For example, the faculty could choose renewable energy or the transportation system of the future as a theme. The latter would definitely involve, among other things, the design and implementation of a solar car. This would involve various engineering disciplines (the ones in bracket) – structural design (engineering design and manufacturing), power electronics (electrical), suspension and propulsion (mechanical), ergonomics and safety (civil and biomedical), energy cells (chemical) and environmental issues (environment). Efforts are currently under way to design laboratory experiments that carry a PBL theme. It is viewed that in order for this to take place, experiments can no longer be subject-centric. It could not be completed within the two-hour time slot given either. However, students could achieve certain milestones towards completing the whole experiment within the time given and as opposed to writing separate reports for each experiment, only one is required. Some lecturers are taking a pro-active approach in blending between the traditional teaching approach and PBL. An example of a quasi-PBL assignment question for a course in Computer Organization and Architecture is described below: You are the lead systems analyst on a new software project for your company. You have been given the responsibility to choose the hardware platform for the project. Your supervisor, a business major, has come to you with some suggestions. She states, "I think this new 750 MhZ CPU in those XYZ brand computers is probably best. We don't really want to use those older 274 Proceedings of the 9th World Conference on Continuing Engineering Education – Tokyo May 15–20, 2004 500 MhZ ABC brand machines when we can get one so much faster now." What is your response? The question above allow the students to discuss the consideration that should be taken before making the final decision on which brand of computer the company will purchase. In here, there will be discussion on how to measure the performance of a computer system, whether they it is based on the processor speed, data bus width, MIPS, memory size and access time, software availability, cost or brand. The advice of the supervisor and her background in the subject matter will also be considered. The question above is considered to be quasi-PBL due to the fact that it is subject-centric. The question does not involve cross-subject investigation. In order to assign students to a full-PBL assignment, a pertinent prerequisite that needs to be satisfied is that all the students should have a minimum level of understanding and skills regarding the subject. This implies that a full fledged PBL approach could, theoretically, be implemented in teaching third year and final year undergraduates. An example of a full PBL assignment is given below. Faraday’s law characterises the voltage drop across an inductor as VL = L (di/dt) where VL = voltage drop (Volt), L = inductance (henrys; 1 H = 1 V. s/A), i = current (Amperes), and t = time (seconds). Determine the voltage drop as a function of time from the following data for an inductance of 4H. Table 1 The characteristic of current against time t (seconds) 0.00 0.10 0.20 0.30 I (Ampere) 0.00 0.15 0.30 0.55 0.50 0.80 0.70 1.90 The question above requires students to choose a numerical method in order to solve it. It assumes that the students have a good grasp of how inductors behave under forced conditions – the forcing condition being the application of voltage. In making the decision on which method/approach to use, consideration regarding the inductor’s transient behaviour should also be made. This again implies that students already know the fact that the charging an inductor involves two phases – the transient and steady states. Students would also have to discuss or justify the method chosen based on the efficiency and accuracy of the method in attaining the final solution. 4. Implementing a Comprehensive PBL Approach In order to study the effectiveness of PBL in an organised manner, we would suggest implementing two crucial approaches, namely: i. Leveraging the existing Engineering Tutorial Scheme and Special Semester institutions to introduce and study PBL ii. Revamping of the Academic Advisor approach Suggestion (i) involves the implementation of a Hybrid Problem-Based Learning (H-PBL) approach within the Department of Electrical Engineering. The Department would handpick 20 or more weak students from a particular batch as the test group. The approach would be implemented under the existing Engineering Tutorial Scheme and the Special Semester. The Special Semester is a three-month period which is normally taken to be the long annual break for our undergraduates. However, selected courses are held during this period in order to allow the weak students to re-sit for the exams that they have failed during the preceding academic year. By selecting students who have prior exposure to the subject concerned, the issue of assuring a minimal level of engineering background before using the PBL approach is addressed. The project involves two distinct phases. The first phase involves the formation and training of the H-PBL team. The H-PBL team must include members with various academic backgrounds – 275 Proceedings of the 9th World Conference on Continuing Engineering Education – Tokyo May 15–20, 2004 engineering, education, psychology/counselling. The H-PBL team will be responsible in drawing up a PBL syllabus and more importantly – to identify, assess and if possible, formulate solutions for the difficulties in implementing PBL. The second phase would involve the implementation of PBL and the subsequent effect that it would have on the students’ performance. The project concludes with a detailed report regarding implementation of PBL, the importance of quality assessment for teaching and learning, and suggestions for future undertakings. This project focuses on weak students with one major assumption – they are underachievers because the conventional way of teaching does not agree well with them. It is hoped that by changing the teaching approach, the same material could be delivered across more effectively. By tackling issues concerning education approach, it is hoped that the spill-over effect would be in the form of more attention given in the field that so far has been quite neglected. By proving that quality of teaching – through different approaches – has a marked effect on students’ learning, affirmative action would follow. More funds could be allocated in training, in nurturing lecturerstudent relationships through common activities, etc. Suggestion (ii) is geared towards creating the necessary ‘culture’ for PBL to work. The Academic Advisor programme was devised so that the Academic Advisor for a particular student would be able to monitor the personal and academic progress of his or her group of students. However, this programme has been generally unsuccessful. For example, the stipulation of three meetings within a semester is simply not enough to build a rapport between the lecturer and students, and both parties eventually feel that they are forced to conduct these meetings. One approach that has been implemented successfully is the tutorial system. Typically each lecturer personally selects up to eight new undergraduate students per academic year. This introduces an element of accountability on the part of the lecturer, because to a certain degree, he has personally selected this particular student for admission and is therefore responsible for the performance of the student. This is in contrast to the Academic Advisor system, where the lecturer does not have a say in selecting the students, and therefore a good match in personalities between the lecturer and student is not always possible. Admittedly, it would not be realistic to fully implement this type of tutorial system in the Faculty of Engineering, due to the lack of manpower. However, perhaps some elements may be adopted, for example, that the lecturer be allowed to choose his or her tutees, and also a more regular meeting session be established for all the students under that particular lecturer. At the very least an hour once a fortnight could be allocated to discuss any particular engineering or mathematical problems that the students may be facing, or a more general discussion on the latest topics in engineering. Furthermore, as the students are meeting in a group, it would appear less intimidating to them, than meeting the lecturer one by one. In addition, instead of just assigning the lecturers as academic advisors, it may be a good idea to enlist tutors and postgraduate students in the programme. This not only lightens the load of the lecturers, but may be preferable for the students, as they are closer in age to the students and may be more approachable. 5. Conclusions In this paper, the implementation of the PBL approach in the Department is presented. PBL is seen to be an ideal tool for teaching engineering, as the PBL methodology is seen to possess many parallels with the actual engineering project cycles encountered in an engineer’s career. Therefore, it is useful in developing the relevant transferable skills expected of an engineer, for example critical thinking skills, communication skills and analytical skills. Collaboration with educational psychologists is of essence, in order to devise innovative teaching methods, in addition to those discussed above. Input from psychologists and counsellors are also of value, because in many cases, the problems faced by engineering students are related to their personal problems, and an avenue to solve these issues should also be made possible. It is hoped that such an integrated approach to teaching engineering will yield us graduates who are able to think critically and are receptive to lifelong learning in their future careers as engineers. 276 Proceedings of the 9th World Conference on Continuing Engineering Education – Tokyo May 15–20, 2004 References [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] Jian Ma, Group decision support system for assessment of problem-based learning. 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Received M.Eng in Engineering Science from the University of Durham, United Kingdom(1997). Received D.Phil in Engineering Science from the University of Oxford, United Kingdom (2003). Saad Mekhilef Saad Mekhilef: Lecturer, Department of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya (Since 1999). Received B. Eng in Electrical Engineering from the University of Setif,1994). Received M.Eng. Sc. and Ph. D from the University of Malaya, Malaysia (1998 and 2003 Respectively). 277 Proceedings of the 9th World Conference on Continuing Engineering Education – Tokyo May 15–20, 2004 Nasrudin Abd Rahim Nasrudin Abd Rahim: Professor, Department of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications, Faculty of Engineering, University of Malaya. Was born in Johore, Malaysia, on November 17, 1960. He received the B.Sc. (Hons) and, M.Sc. degree from University of Strathclyde in 1984 and 1987 and the Ph.D. degree from Heriot-Watt University in 1995. He is presently a Lecturer with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Universiti Malaya Malaysia. Dr. Nasrudin is actively involved in industrial consultancy, for major corporations in the power electronics projects. His research interests: include power electronics, real-time control system, and electrical drives. 278