Greyout, Blackout, and G-Loss of Consciousness in the Brazilian Air Force: A 1991 -92 Survey KATIA M . ALVIM, M . D . ALVlM K. Greyout, blackout, and G-loss of consciousness in the Brazilian A i r Force: a 1991-92 study. Aviat Space Environ Med 1995; 66:675-7. A national survey has been performed with high and medium performance aircraft pilots on the incidence of symptoms due to +Gz acceleration, in order to make up a human centrifuge physiological training profile directed to the needs of the Brazilian Air Force pilots. Anonymous questionnaires were sent to Flight Squadrons of F-S, AMX, Mirage F-103, Xavante AT-26, and Tucano T-27. They consisted of inquiries about the occurrence of visual symptoms and/or loss of consciousness during +Gz (G-LOC) maneuvers, and post-G-LOC symptoms. Some 193 pilots answered the questionnaire: 23 (11.92%) reported greyout and/or loss of peripheral vision; 40 (20.72%) reported blackout; 20 (10.36%) reported G-LOC. Those who reported LOC also reported post-G-LOC symptoms (100%), 16 (80%) being gradual and 4 (20%) instantaneous. Incidence of G-LOC did not depend upon the type of aircraft flown (p > 0.05). Considering the pilots who reported G-LOC, 80% were preceded by blackout, which could allow them to relieve +Gz load before they would reach their endpoint for the occurrence of G-LOC. For these reasons we recommend intensive human centrifuge training periodically, similar to the hypexia-recognition test in the hypobaric chamber, not only for high performance aircraft pilots but for any pilot who can perform aerobatics (thus exposing himself to the adverse effects of "pulling G"). This will allow each pilot to recognize his consciousness endpoint when undergoing +Gz maneuvers, in a controlled and safe environment. AS NANSEN, THE FAMOUS ARCTIC explorer said, The history of the human race is a continuous struggle from darkness towards light. It is therefore purposeless to discuss the use of knowledge. Man wants to know, and when he ceases to do so, he is no longer a Man." The more we know about G-induced loss of consciousness (G-LOC), the more we want to study it. For several years we have been reading articles from and listening to qualified people who described it, set its physiological basis, suggested means of protection against it, made surveys, and proposed human centrifuge training profiles. And still the problem has not been solved. Instead, it challenges aerospace medicine, since the aircraft itself is of almost unlimited performance, Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine 9 Vol. 66, No. 7 9 July 1995 but "What limits the performance of the machine is the man," as Bleriot stated in 1922. We should not be different. Brazilian Air Force fighter/attack pilots fly aircraft ranging from turbopropeller engine airplanes to supersonic platforms. This variety of planes and missions led us to begin a survey on the incidence of symptoms due to + Gz acceleration in a variety of flight squadrons, in order to make up a human centrifuge training profile based upon data collected from their experience, needs, and types of aircraft/ mission flown. METHODS Five types of aircraft flown by pilots can expose them to significant + Gz effects (Table I). We sent questionnaires to these squadrons, to be anonymously answered, during the years 1991 and 1992. The questionnaires asked about the occurrence of visual symptoms and G-LOC during +Gz maneuvers, requesting each pilot to report if they were wearing an anti-G suit and performing AGSM (Anti-G Straining Maneuvers), in addition to obtaining data about the type of flight profile (Air Combat Maneuvers, Aerobatics, for instance), approximate duration, and magnitude of G. Those who reported G-LOC were also asked if the episodes were gradual or instantaneous, and if they felt anything upon recovery. The distribution of the questionnaires was always preceded by a briefing made by the squadron's flight surgeon, to make it as clear as possible. From the Brazilian Air Force Institute of Aerospace Physiology, Air Force University, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. This manuscript was received for review in March 1994. It was revised and accepted for publication in August 1994. Address reprint requests to K. Alvim, who is a Flight Surgeon, Instructor of Aerospace Medicine, Physiological Training and a Research Physician, R. Comendador Siqueira # 445, Jacarepagua--CEP 22740-000, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil. 675 BLACKOUT & G-LOC IN B A F m A L V I M TABLE I. TYPES OF AIRCRAFT, MANUFACTURER, POWER SOURCE AND KIND OF MISSION FLOWN BY EACH SQUADRON. Aircraft Types T-27 TUCANO (Embraer) AT-26 XAVANTE (Embraer, under license of Aermacchi) AMX (Embraer/ Aermacchi/Aeritalia) F-103 MIRAGE (Dassault-Breguet) F-5 (Northrop) Power Source 1 Turboprop 1 Turbo 2 Turbo 1 Turbo 2 Turbo Mission Primary Trainer Ground Attack Advanced Jet Trainer Subsonic Fighter Ground Attack Subsonic-Tactical Fighter/Bomber Supersonic Fighter/Interceptor Supersonic Tactical Fighter RESULTS We had 193 questionnaires returned. The majority of the pilots answered the questions correctly, but some did not mention certain variables, such as performance of AGSM, G-duration, and G-magnitude. For this reason, we compiled only data concerning the incidence of greyout/loss of peripheral vision, blackout and G-LOC (Fig. 1), as well as post-G-LOC symptoms. From the group of 193 pilots, 83 (43%) reported some sort of symptom related to +Gz: 23 (11.92%) greyout, and/or loss of peripheral vision; 40 (20.72%) blackout; 20 (10.36%) LOC. Concerning those who reported G-LOC episodes, 16 (80%) were preceded by blackout and 4 (20%) were instantaneous, or without warning (Tables II and III). All of the pilots (100%) who underwent G-LOC reported post-G-LOC symptoms (Table IV). Pearson's Chi-square test demonstrated that the incidence of G-LOC was not found to depend upon the type of aircraft flown (p > 0.05); the observed frequency versus the expected frequency was not significant. TABLE II. GRADUAL INSTALLATION G-LOC (#). T-27 AT-26 AMX F-103 F-5 TOTAL G-LOC Preceded by Blackout Total G-LOC 6 3 2 2 3 16 7 4 3 2 4 20 TABLE III. INSTANTANEOUS G-LOC (#). T-27 AT-26 AMX F-103 F-5 TOTAL Without Previous Visual Symptoms Total G-LOC 1 1 1 -1 4 7 4 3 2 4 20 TABLE IV. POST-G-LOC SYMPTOMS. Symptoms Dream-like State Dream-like State + Psychomotor Incoordination Dream-like State + Numbness Psychomotor Incoordination Scotoma Scotoma + Tunnel Vision + Impaired Hearing N % 5 10 I 1 2 1 25% 50% 5% 5% 10% 5% Fig. 1. Distribution of visual symptoms due to +Gz acceleration and G-LOC by aircraft type. (N = aircraft per squadron) of airplane which can perform aerobatics (2). Considering that in Brazil every pilot candidate starts his instruction in propeller aircraft, the phenomenon turns out to be of major concern to flying safety, and should be given the correct emphasis, side-by-side with research in high performance military aviation. Many LOC episodes were reported by high performance pilots when they flew the T-25 in the beginning of their flying training course at the Air Force Academy (data not included in this survey). The T-25 Universal is a side-by-side single propeller trainer, with no anti-G system. This fact led us to make up a survey protocol for the First Air Instruction Squadron of the Air Force Academy alone. The high incidence of symptoms related to the T-27 may be explained by the following aspects: a) unlike the other aircraft mentioned in this paper, the T-27 lacks an anti-G system; and b) pilots like to perform advanced aerobatics with the T-27, a highly maneuverable aircraft. It is used by the Brazilian "Smoke Squadron" Demonstration Team because of its performance. It is a two-seater trainer, in the tandem configuration, and the second pilot is often surprised by the unexpected G-maneuver performed by the pilot in command. Interesting results were achieved concerning the use of the anti-G suit. Many aviators reported that they weren't using their anti-G garment for many reasons. One reason was that by not using it they wouldn't overpass the +Gz limit imposed by the squadron's doctrine (in the case of the AT-26, +7.5G). Another explanation was that some of them wouldn't find it vital if they were 676 Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine. Vol. 66, No. 7 9 July 1995 DISCUSSION A review of the literature about G-induced loss of consciousness reveals a great deal of interest in high performance aviation, regardless of the occurrence of the phenomenon in the medium performance field, as well as with propeller aircraft. It is a fact that G-LOC can and does occur in any sort BLACKOUT & G-LOC IN B A F - - A L V I M not on alert. Some pilots reported that they flew with their anti-G suit loose in the abdomen, because it was "more comfortable." Similarly to the survey in the U.S. Navy (1), it would also appear that, "as a group, our aviators do not consider the anti-G suit to be of much value for G protection" (1). The high incidence of prodromal visual symptoms, such as greyoutfloss of peripheral vision and blackout, shown in the survey reflects a positive point. We know that the visual system is a protective mechanism of the central nervous system concerning ischemia; it is a means of warning the organism that LOC is about to occur (3,4). If the pilot experiences any of these visual symptoms, he can recognize the possible subsequent G-LOC shortly thereafter, if he insists on sustaining high + Gz. This is the basis for the human centrifuge training concerning the recognition of each pilot's endpoint, the line that separates consciousness from unconsciousness, the frontier between the organism's maximum resistance to + Gz and the failure of the whole system involved. Just as pilots undergo periodical physiological training in the hypobaric chamber to recognize their hypoxia symptoms, the continuous training in the centrifuge would enhance their capacity for the recognition of each one's G-tolerance. Additionally, recognition of individual symptoms resulting from G-LOC should decrease the relative incapacitation period following LOC, thus increasing the pilot's chance of survival should it occur (5). Our data on physiologic symptoms resulting from G-LOC are relevant. All (100%) of the individuals who reported LOC said they had some sort of incapacitation after the episode, due to sequelae classically described in the literature (5): dream-like state, psychomotor incoordination (including convulsive movements), numbness (perioral/extremities), scotoma, tunnel vision, and impaired hearing, in combination or alone, all of which indicate Type II G-LOC. One pilot wrote that he was flying in the backseat of an AT-26 (subsonic jet trainer), with the other pilot performing acrobatic maneuvers, when unexpected LOC occurred. About the recovery, he wrote: "All of a sudden, everything around me looked like a cartoon; it was like I were Roger Rabbit inside the movie ! I tried to touch Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine 9 Vol. 66, No. 7 ~ July 1995 the instrument panel but my arm didn't obey . . . It was very confusing. Then it seemed that I was gradually getting out of the cartoon back into reality. I only realized what was going on when I checked my altimeter and saw we had dropped from 22,000 ft to 10,000 ft, and the nose was still downwards. I finally got the plane back to control at 6000 ft. I knew when we landed that my partner, too, had lost consciousness, and the only reason I am writing this now is because we were flying in high altitude when we both lost consciousness." What can be said about the pilots who undergo G-LOC and do not realize it? If we consider that about 50% of the individuals who experience G-LOC don't remember it (6), the percentage in this research doubles from 10.36% to 20.72%. This is enough to justify a continuous program of physiological training in the human centrifuge, not only for high performance aircraft pilots, but for every pilot who flies an airplane that can pull enough " G " to lead to LOC. Obviously, the profile for each type of aircraft would be adjusted for specific missions. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This survey would not have been possible without the cooperation of the pilots involved and their flight surgeons. We are indebted to them. We are also grateful for the help of Captain Flavio Xavier from the Institute of Aerospace Physiology for his guidance during the statistical analysis of this data. And last, but not least, we would like to thank the General Air Command (COMGAR) for their comprehension of the importance of such research by "opening all doors" that might be shut throughout our study. The views expressed here are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the Brazilian Air Force. REFERENCES 1. 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