Closing the Loop in High-Frequency Amplifier

Session E 220
Closing the Loop in High-Frequency Amplifier Design Processes
Andrew Rusek and Barbara Oakley
Department of Electrical and Systems Engineering
Oakland University, Rochester, MI 48309
Unexpected and intractable problems can arise in the verification of high-frequency
amplifier performance through simulation. This paper presents a simple method of conducting
and interpreting amplifier simulation testing processes using a simulated PSpice ‘network
analyzer,’ coupled with Serenade SV software. The circuits and processes discussed here were
developed using free software packages, and can be profitably used in any course involving
high frequency electronic design.
I. Introduction
Oakland University has been involved in teaching and developing a high frequency
electronics course (EE 626) for a number of years.1,2,3,4 Amplifier design, an important aspect of
this course, often entails the use of a network analyzer to obtain s-parameters for transistors to
be used in the final circuit. Network analyzers are expensive devices, so for purposes of
classroom and experimental use, we have developed a simulated network analyzer using
PSpice5 to extract the s-parameters from a given transistor.6, 7, 8 These parameters can in turn be
supplied to Serenade SV software9 to finalize the amplifier design. In this paper, we discuss the
processes of design and verification of an amplifier designed to operate at 500 MHz using
circuit models developed using PSpice and Serenade.
The main points of the design cycle are as follows. The last step leads, in many cases, to
final circuit adjustments.
Scattering matrix parameter extraction from PSpice transistor model.
Parameter transfer to Serenade and subsequent stability testing.
Matching network design.
Amplifier parameter verification.
II. Amplifier Design
Fig. 1 illustrates a PSPICE schematic of a simulated network analyzer circuit serving as
an s-parameter extractor for a transistor—chosen for this example to be an MRF501. The
PSpice model of this transistor is described in terms of Gummel-Poon nonlinear parameters.
The internal structure of the Fig. 1 modules HB6 (replicated as HB7) and HB2 (replicated as
HB3) are shown in Figs. 2 and 3. S-parameters as a function of frequency for selected DC
operating conditions are shown in Figure 4.
After extraction using the network analyzer simulation, the s-parameters were
transferred to Serenade to test transistor stability. Table 1 shows the list of s-parameters used as
the Serenade data entry for the transistor MRF501. During the first steps of the design process,
the stability of the transistor was checked at the frequency of interest, 500 MHz. The circuit
used for this step is shown in Fig. 5. Since the transistor appears to be stable for all loads within
the Smith chart, it is possible to design the amplifier for any value of gain between 0 dB and
16.07 dB. Fig. 6 shows two stability circles located outside the Smith chart area with the source
circle on the left, and the load circle on the right. Several gain circles are plotted inside the
Smith chart. The source (left) and the load (right) circles for 15 dB and 16.06 dB are shown.
Serenade’s ‘Smith Tool,’ used to activate the calculations, establishes a stability factor K of
1.69, and maximum gain,
Table 1: S-parameters obtained from PSpice
GMAX, of 16.07 dB. Further
Version: 2.0
processes illustrated in Figs. 7
! OU part #: EE626TR FEB2002
Date: Feb 2002
and 8 lead to the design of the
! Bias condition: Vce=12 V, Ic=5.0 mA
input and output matching
networks, composed of L and
# MHz S MA R 50
! Freq
!GUM [dB]
C elements. The conjugate
100 .747 -83.0 10.29 134.5 .0168 44.7 .886 -9.11 !
network matching process is
300 .682 -138.7 4.630 106.2 .0226 16.5 .787 -9.70 !
applied here. Figs. 9 and 10
500 .670 -154.5 2.880 97.30 .0234 7.9 .771 -10.9 !
show the structures of the
800 .666 -163.8 1.79 90.70 .0240 1.3 .765 -14.3 !
networks generated with the
aid of Serenade.
III. Design Verification with PSpice and Serenade
The results of the design described above require final verification as well as possible
corrections. The first criterion to be checked is the quality of the conjugate matching—the
amplifier should not produce any visible mismatch related to output and input networks.
Applying the s-parameter simulated network analyzer—the same one used previously to
determine transistor parameters—can effectively test these qualities (Fig. 11). This time, s11
and s22 are the input and output reflection coefficients for the amplifier under design (Figs. 12,
13, 14). Very low values for these parameters should be observed at 500 MHz. The power gain
can be verified by plotting the s21 parameter. The power gain can then be simply expressed as
|s21| 2, rather than as a complex function of transistor parameters (Fig. 15).
IV. Conclusions
Free PSpice software such as that available from Cadence, along with the free student
version of Serenade from Ansoft, can be very effective educational tools for teaching high
frequency electronic courses, especially in the areas related to high frequency amplifier design.
These software packages can help extract transistor s-parameters, can aid in the determination
of the values of amplifier components, and can also be used to verify circuit parameters.
Additionally, a combination of both software packages allows linking two different classes of
transistor models such that a complete amplifier design can be easily achieved and verified.
Figure 1: Simulated circuit design of overall system that uses S-parameter extraction circuits to detect phase shifts
in the associated cables.
Figure 2: Illustration of the internal structures of modules HB6 and HB7 shown in the previous figure. This circuit
is used to evaluate s11 and s22.
Figure 3: Internal structure of blocks HB2 and HB3 of Fig. 1. This circuit is used to evaluate s21 and s12.
Figure 4: S parameters for transistor MRF501 versus frequency (magnitudes and phases).
Figure 5: The circuit to evaluate transistor stability and to start designing amplifier using Serenade.
Figure 6: Serenade results using the parameters obtained from the circuit of Fig. 1 applied to verify amplifier
performance. The Smith Chart shows results of a stability check (the internal areas of the circles outside the Smith
chart show instability regions) as well as the source and load power gain circles (the green circles on the left and
right, respectively, inside the Smith chart). The blue line on the left inside the Smith chart is s11, while s22 is the
red line inside the Smith chart on the right). Points inside the load and source circles are also load and source
circles with r = 0 for conditions approximating maximum power gain.
Figure 7: Design of the source-matching network using the Smith Tool from Serenade.
Figure 8: Design of the load-matching network using the Smith Tool from Serenade.
Figure 9: Designed matching circuit for the source side
Figure 10: Designed matching circuit for the load side
Figure 11: Circuit as in Fig 1 applied to verify amplifier performance.
Figure 12: Amplifier parameters. The top illustration shows the input and output reflection coefficients as a
function of frequency, the middle shows the gain, and the bottom shows the reverse voltage transfer, which is about
50 mV at the frequency of interest.
Figure 13: Serenade circuit applied to verify amplifier performance.
Figure 14: Input and output reflection coefficients.
Figure 15: Gain of the amplifier, the square of which is equal to the power gain.
Andrew Rusek and Barbara Oakley, “PSpice Applications in the Teaching of Communications
Electronics,” Proceedings of the 2001 American Society for Engineering Education Annual
Conference & Exposition, (CDROM), Albuquerque, NM.
Andrew Rusek and Barbara Oakley, “PSpice Applications in the Teaching of Wireless and
High Frequency Electronics,” Proceedings of the 2001 American Society for Engineering
Education Annual Conference & Exposition, (CDROM), Albuquerque, NM. (Nominated for
best paper.)
Andrew Rusek and Barbara Oakley, “Demonstrating CDMA, Frequency Hopping, and Other
Wireless Techniques with PSPICE,” to be published in the Proceedings of the 2002 American
Society for Engineering Education Annual Conference & Exposition, Montreal, Canada.
Andrew Rusek and Barbara Oakley, “Software Tools for Teaching High Frequency
Electronics Courses,” Second IEEE EIT Conference Proceedings, Oakland University,
Rochester, MI, June 2001
The edition used is that produced by Cadence Design Systems, 2655 Seely Avenue San Jose,
CA 95134. A downloadable student version is available at
D. Ballo, Network Analyzer Basics, HP 1997, Back to Basics Seminar.
S-Parameter Design, HP Application Note 154.
Obtain S-Parameter Data from Probe, Application Notes Manual, Microsim Corporation,
Serenade SV is produced by Ansoft Corporation, Four Station Square, Suite 200, Pittsburgh,
PA 15219-1119. It is a free, feature-limited version of Ansoft's commercially distributed
Serenade 8.5, and is available for download at
Andrew Rusek is a Professor of Engineering at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan. He
received an M.S. in Electrical Engineering from Warsaw Technical University in 1962, and a
PhD. in Electrical Engineering from the same university in 1972. His post-doctoral research
involved sampling oscillography, and was completed at Aston University in Birmingham,
England, in 1973-74. Dr. Rusek is very actively involved in the automotive industry with
research in communication systems, high frequency electronics, and electromagnetic
compatibility. He is the recipient of the 1995-96 Oakland University Teaching Excellence
Barbara Oakley is an Assistant Professor of Engineering at Oakland University in Rochester,
Michigan. She received her B.A. in Slavic Languages and Literature, as well as a B.S. in
Electrical Engineering, from the University of Washington in Seattle. Her M.S. in Electrical
and Computer Engineering was received from Oakland University in 1995, and her Ph.D. in
Systems Engineering, also from Oakland, was received in 1998. Her research involves
biomedical applications and electromagnetic compatibility. She is a recipient of the NSF FIE
New Faculty Fellow Award, was designated an NSF New Century Scholar, and has received the
John D. and Dortha J. Withrow Teaching Award.