De Morgan Algebras - Completeness and Recursion Louis H. Kauffman University of Illinois at Chicago Circle interest because it is quite elementary, and it is a generalization of a corres- An elementary proof is given of a completeness theorem for De Morgan Algebras. ponding argument for Boolean algebras. De The proof involves a construction that Morgan algebras grow out of Boolean alge- associates to a De Morgan algebra bras. new De Morgan algebra tion of ~ ~. B, a In section 2 we define De Morgan Al- The construc- gebras and give a construction that asso- bears a close analogy to the construction of the complex numbers from ciates to a De Morgan algebra the real numbers. De Morgan algebra Similarly, De Morgan B. a new The construction algebras may be constructed from Boolean of algebras. struction of the complex numbers from the Relationships with recursion ~ B bears a close analogy to the con- real numbers. and periodic sequences are discussed. With the aid of this con- struction, the completeness result (Theorem 2.5) is proved. how ~ In section 3 we show is related to recursion in B. Section 4 outlines the construction of an algebra of periodic sequences, and delineates directions for further investigation. I. Introduction 2. A D_e Morsan algebra is an algebra that The Completeness Theorem satisfies most of the properties of a Boo- It is possible to choose a very con- lean algebra except for the law of the ex- cise set of axioms for the algebras we cluded middle, expressed as shall study. or xx' = 0 tion. x + x' = 1 in the usual Boolean nota- These algebras have been studied by various authors (see [1],[2],[5]). I shall give a longer llst, and thereby avoid extremely detailed demonstrations. The purpose of this paper is to give an ele- Definition 2.1. mentary proof of a completeness theorem is a set for De Morgan algebras, and to indicate tion some interesting examples of these alge- operations bras. The completeness theorem that we prove satisfy the following axioms: B algebra (inversion), and two binary a,b ~ a+b, a,b ~ ab that The binary operations are each may be deduced at once from deeper results about the structure of De Morgan al- commutative and associative. (ii) (a')' = a, aa = a, a+a = a gebras (see Remark 2.10). all Nevertheless, I believe that the proof given here is of 82 B together with a unary opera- a ~ a' (i) A De Morgan a E B. for (ill) (a+b)' = a'b', for all (ab)' = a'+b' (i) a,b E B. (iv) There exist elements O,1 E B such that aO = O, a+O = a, al = a, a+l = 1 (v) for all (ii) If a E B. xy a(b+c) = (ab)+(ac), a+(bc) = (a+b)(a+c) for all Let a,b,c E B. that is generated by the axioms all and aa' = 0 algebra and let ~ = BxB. = [(a,b)ia,b E Bj. B as follows: B Thus Define operations mapping such that (a,b)+(c,d) : for all and ~ ' = ~ is a non-trivial ~ . (0 ~ I) Hence, if V = {o,~,{,~] (a,a) E B. other words, the diagonal map model A:B ~ ~, for free De Morgan algebra o__ B ~ = B is V. as Lemma 2.6. Let sion involving The f(x) E E(S) x E S. Then where be an expresf(x) = A,B,C,D are expressions that do not contain the element S, denoted B(S), is obtained as follows: if and only if In order to prove Theorem 2.5 we shall a,b E B. be any set. Then for every homomorphism Ax + Bx' + Cxx t + D S S. need some preliminary lemmas. a subalgebra of a{ + b ~ be a algebra if and only if it is true about the In algebra homomorphism that exhibits B ^ B. Every element of be the a consequence of the axioms for a De Morgan A(a) = (a,a), is a De Morgan Let B(S) In other words, an equality A with s E S. :B(S) , ~+~.~.. a(b,c) = (ab,ac), then we may Definition 2~3. Let a,B E E(S), ~ = B ¢(s) = ¢(B) a,b,c E B, we adopt the con- is of the form for four element De Morgan algebra described for Note that defined by ¢(s) free De Morgan algebra on a set is a small De Morgan algebra. a E B Let after Definition 2.2. is the smallest non- and ~ = O B(S), ¢:B(S) - C, is determined Theorem 2. 5 . Boolean al- V = [o,~,t.~] identify ¢(x') = ¢(x)' pleteness theorem. trivial Boolean algebra, then vention and We are now prepared to state the com- is a De Morgan algebra V = [O,I} If, for is a set- ~(xy) = ¢(x)¢(y), uniquely by its values it is easy to see becomes a De Morgan algebra. ,~=~ C x,y E B. algebra that is not Boolean. ~ and ¢:B - C As usual, a homomorphism from a free Note that Z I = Z If B ¢(x+y) = ¢(x) + ¢(y) With these definitions, gebra, then A homomorphism of De Morgan algebras (a,b)' : (b',a'), O = (0,0), i = (l,1), @ = (o,l) for a,b,c,d E B. B (ii). Definition 2.4. (a+c,b+d) B It is easy to verify that tions inherited from the formal operations be a De Morgan (a,b)(c,d) = (ac,bd), that . Let is a De Morgan algebra with opera- of rule Let in for a E B. Definition 2.2. of Definition 2.1. B(S) = E(S)/= B(S) a+a' = 1 x', x+y, and E(S). denote the equivalence relation on (i) - (v) that satisfies the axioms above plus and x,y E E(S), then belong to = E(S) A Boolean algebra is a De Morgan algebra (vi) Primitive expressions are in E(S). That is, O,1 E E(S) s c E(S). X. The primi- The proof of this lemma proceeds Just tive expressions in B(S) are O,1 and elements s E S. Let E(S) denote the as in ordinary Boolean algebra, and will therefore be omitted. set of expressions defined by the followins rules: 83 Lemma 2.7. in E(S): The following (Ax + Bx' + Cxx')' equivalence holds Proof of T h e o r e m 2. 5 . Let m,6 E E(S). By Lemma 2.6 we may assume that ~ = Ax = A'x + B'x' + xx' + + Bx' + Cxx' + D and that where A'B'C' . + ~x' + ~xx' + ~ Proof: (Ax + Bx' + Cxx') a A,B,~,D tain = (Ax)' (Bx ' (Cxx')' + x'')(C' = + x)(C' + (xx')') ables + X' + x) = (A'B' + A'X + B'X' + X'x)(C' and = A'B'C' + (A'C' + A'B' + A')X to + (B'C' + A'B' + B')X' I. ~ of vari- that occur in the If N=O, then D and D Since N=0. contains a = D are equal 0 ~ 1 in a free the theorem is trivial If N > O, then either a variable x and we indicated Lemma 2.8) that the following f(x) as a function hold in f(O), f(~), f(2), (,) above. (using equivalences E(S): + D_ This can all be made more precise in terms of homomorphisms, N Thus we may assume by induction the proof of the lemma. x, and evaluating S) may use the equivalence For the next lemma, we shall proceed f(~). or or = A'B'C' + A'X + B'X' + XX' of of where for the case + B'(C' + A' + 1)x' + xx' regarding ~ = ~ 0 = A'B'C' + A'(C' + B' + 1)x informally, (elements De M o r g a n algebra, + (A' + B' + C' + 1 + 1)xx' This completes The proof will proceed by in- two expressions. + x' + x) and that do not con- duction on the total number = (A' + x')(B' (A' + X ' ) ( B ' A,B,C,D are expressions x. ~ = Ax + A + =D but only at A+ B+ C +D = A+~+ ~+D some loss in clarity. We now use Lemma 2.8. Let be an element Lemma 2.6. f(x) = Ax + Bx' + Cxx' + D of E(S) as described (*) to show that ~ = ~ E(S). in = Ax + Bx' + Cxx' + D Then = (A'x + B'x' + xx' + A'B'C')' f(O) = B + D : = D (A'x)'(B'x')'(xx')'(A'B'C')' = ((A'X)' + D)((B'x')' f(~) + f(~) = A + B + C + D. + D, (Z.7) by f(~) = A + D +i in ((A'B'C')' + D + D)((XX')' + D) + D) A Here equality means as functions on Proof: and Certainly f(0) = B + D +O)(A+B+C+D) Now make the substitutions f(1) = A + O. Now f(Z) = (A + B + C)Z + D ( s i n c e ~ t = Z ) , f(~) : (A + B + C ) ~ + f(Z) + ~ D. = ((A + D) + X')((B + D) + X)((XX')' V. (*), reverse steps, and = 6. Hence (f(~) + Z ) ( f ( ~ ) This completes that the induction step Note that T h e o r e m 2.5 has the following corollary: Therefore +&) = (Z+ D ) ( ~ + = ~+2D = 0 + +~D (~+~)D D) Corollary + D + D =D+D=D. Finally, and conclude and the proof of the theorem. = (A + B + C + I)~ + D = i + D, and f(~) +~,= ~.~ + D. indicated by 2.9. Let B(S) be a free De Morgan algebra. Then to a sub-algebra of a product B(S) the four element algebra is isomorphic of copies V = [o~,{,~ of J. f(i) + f(~) = (A + B + C)(#+~D+ D Proof: =A+B+C+D. This completes Let ~ = (¢:B(S) - ~I ¢ homomorphism~. the proof of the lemma. $4 Let V¢ is a be a copy of V indexed by an element of T(x) : aT(x) + bT2(x),, T2(x) : aT2(x) ~, and let A = U V¢. Define F : B(S) - W F(e) = U ¢(a) by 2.5 F(e) = F(0) Hence of F where injects + bT(x) '. Let X = (T(x), T2(x)). Then ~ ( X ) = aX + bX' = a(T(x), T2(x)) + b(T2(x)', by ¢ : B(S) - V¢. Then if and only if B(S) T(x)') c~-6. = (aT(x) + bT2(x)', aT2(x) + bT(x)') as a subalgebra = (T(x), T2(x)) ~. Remark 2.!0. ---- X In fact, Corollary 2.9 is • Thus the algebraic structure of true for arbitrary De Morgan algebras. B re- [5]. flects the properties of period two sequences recurslvely generated from B. The ~. Morgan algebra of sequences. This deeper result may be found in [2] or next section describes a more general De Recursion and Fixed Points The A construction leading from a Boolean algebra B ~. to its corresponding A De Morgan algebra B Sequence Models Corresponding to a De Morgan algebra is closely related to the structure of recursion in the given let Boolean algebra. of elements of Let form T : B - B period be a mapping of the T(x) = ax + bx' where a,b E B. T has period two; in fact T2(x) = T(T(x)) 8(B) = (a + b)x + abx' B denote the set of all sequences B with an assigned even (possibly of period 0). 8(B) consists of sequences that n That is b = [bnJ such ranges over the integers and bn+ p = b n for all n, where p = p(b) is an even non-negative integer associated T3(x) = ax + bx' = T(x) with the sequence. o,. Tn+2(x ) = 8(B) has the structure of an algebra as follows: Tn(x). Hence there may be no element that T(X) = X. However, B such fixed points. T(x) = x', then { such (1) does contain and For example, if x = x' and & (ab) n = (anbn), Ca + b) n = a n + b n PCab) = P(a + b) = Icm(p(a), p(b)) if has no solutions in the Boolean algebra fied by X E B B, but is satis- and gebra, and let Let B T : B - B be a Boolean al- Here the symbol be the mapping Let ~ : B - B be the corresponding mapping on B. exist elements such that X of B lcm otherwise, denotes least common multiple. A described above. p(b) + O, in 0 proposition 3.I. p(a) ~ o (ii) (a')n = (an_k)' where Then there k = p(a)/2, p(a') = p(a). ~(X) = X. In particular, we may take X = (T(x), T2(x)) or X = (T2(x), T(x)) Note that in the sequence algebra, inver- for any plus a half-period shift. sion is obtained by ordinary inversion x E B. of period two sequences in Proof: The following identities in B morphic to are easily verified: B. The sub-algebra 8(B) is iso- As it stands, the sequence algebra is not a De Morgan algebra. 8S forms and interference phenomena. This temporal, musical aspect is precisely what is prohibited by the stark all or Axioms (1), (ll), (lii), and (v) are satisfied but there is no available choice for 0 or 1. If 8 (B)p denotes the sub- algebra of sequences of period we may take 0p and lp p then nothing of two-valued logic. these restrictions, to be the cons- fuzziness and ambiguity, but the precise tant sequences of zeroes and ones respectively, with assigned period p. This gives 8(B)p emergence of patterned forms, spatial and temporal. the structure of a De Morgan alge- bra for each p. We could force 8(B) When we drop the result is not inBibliography to the mold by taking a quotient construction, but I believe it is more interesting to leave it as it stands. Our rules [1] Bialynicki-Birula, A. and Raslowa, H., On the representation of quasiBoolean algebras. Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci. Ser. Sci. Math. Astronom. Phys. (1957), 259-261. [2] Balbes, R. and Dwinger, P., Distributive Lattices, Univ. of Missouri Press (1974). [3] Berman, J. and Dwinger, P., De Morgan algebras - free products and free algebras, (unpublished). [4] Brown, G. Spencer, Laws of Form, The Julian Press, Inc., New York (1972). [5] Kalman, J. A., Lattices with involution, Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 87 for combining sequences of different periods provide a simple model of interference phenomena that bears investigation on its own grounds. We may regard 8 (B) as a set of peri- odic oscillations. In this regard it is interesting to compare our ideas with the suggestions of G. Spencer Brown in his book Laws of Form ([4]). Spencer Brown suggests that an element X satisfying X' = X might be seen as an oscillation (if its O, then its l, then its O, then its l, ...). (1958), 485-#91. Taking this literally, we might form a diagram: -n vq F [6] Kauffman, L. H., Network synthesis and Varela's calculus, (to appear in Int. J. Gen. Syst.). [7] Varela, F. J., A calculus for self-reference, Int. J. Gen. Syst. 2 (1975), 5-2#. [8] Varela, F. J., The arithmetic of closure, Pro6ress i__n Cybernetics and Systems Research, Vol. 3, edit. by R. Treppl, G. Klir and L. Ricclardi, Hemisphere Publications (Wiley) N.Y. (1977). -LY-L_ In each case, the spatial sense in which i and ~t = ~ involves ordinary in- version plus a left-right shift. and ~ synchronized With Z" (and note that here the synchronization has become the spatial relationship of the two sequences) as This is the motiabove, w e have ~ = O . vation for our construction of also for the construction B ~ 8 (B), and of sec- tion 2. There are many connections between our discussion and Brown's work. These will be explored in another paper. I would like to remark here that it is striking that once one lifts the law of the excluded middle from Boolean algebra, there is opened up the possibility of infinite models involving simple analogs of wave- 86