A Saturated Synchronous Machine Study for the Converter-Machine-Command Set Simulation S. Lasquellee, M. Benkhoris, M. Féliachi To cite this version: S. Lasquellee, M. Benkhoris, M. Féliachi. A Saturated Synchronous Machine Study for the Converter-Machine-Command Set Simulation. Journal de Physique III, EDP Sciences, 1997, 7 (11), pp.2239-2249. <10.1051/jp3:1997255>. <jpa-00249714> HAL Id: jpa-00249714 https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/jpa-00249714 Submitted on 1 Jan 1997 HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L’archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d’enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés. J. Phys. III IYance (1997) 7 2239-2249 NOVEMBER1g97, Saturated Synchronous Converter-Machine-Colnlnand A S. Lasquellec / GE44 (*"), LARGE, LRTI (Received PACS.02.60.Cb PACS.84 50 +d Electric on modified a the GDJ Finite model Element results field be with a model the based synchronous the Finally saturation a synchronous method proposed Model: machine saturated The GDJ [1, 2j) model calculating when been model measured saturated On machine the whereas state the other conventional the The model improved validity model is to obtained elaborated is on the the when in order algorithm to simulate the CMC set In comparison proposed one avoids complex tests on high power hand, this study reveals Potier variations parameter synchronous saturated The reactances experiments, on estimated based is has and the Jaeger De and models simulation. set improvement machines. develop we presented study based using a field computation parameters model (GDJ model) is modified in accordance the into equations of solution first GDJ the (FEM). computed the France The and 4.8% introduced range with laws Cedex, Nazaire (CMC) (Garndo model Method and comparing to Park (*) motors electromagnetic The the July 1997) 18 Converter-Machine-Command the Saint simulation, Numerical Abstract. for accepted for Silnulation FAliachi M. 406, 44602 BP 1997, March 20 Benkhoris, M-F- Study Machine Set 2239 PAGE methods machine model consider associated it as with constant a the value. converter. Introduction 1. phenomenon in electrical machines has already been investigated m literature, the saturation networks [4], the modified approaches: the Finite Element Method [3] and reluctance dq (Park) model [1, 2,5]... For a machine supplied by a static converter, the machine model the One of the adapted which take into requires quickness constraints methods account saturation and De Jaeger (GDJ model: in synchronous machines, has been proposed by Garrido firstly it uses the Park reference, secondly [1, 2]). The model has the following advantages: cylindrical and salient poles machines and finally it needs not too many it applies for both besides the classical like the saturated inductances, the model requires parameters, ones non (ap the Potier flux law K~(Imd). The and and the magnetizing saturation parameters tp) load and authors obtained them with experimental short-circuit, inductive no-load tests: some In different tests. This model methodology take (*) (** into This @ Les for iditions was propose saturation presented correspondence de experiments such on we the account paper Author based which Physique at is based on phenomenon nevertheless finite with element accuracy alternate precise enough. An computations and allows us to recalls The first part of this paper not field NUMELEC'97 (e-mail. 1997 is sophie©large.crttsn.univ-nantes.fr) JOURNAL 2240 PHYSIQUE DE III N°11 flux Ks=AB/AC Fig. Definition I. mathematical the proposed basis method and finite with GDJ and measured results the in in the last model, and the GDJ second modej limits are underlined. The he~ coupling of the GDJ model improvement when comparing validated~ when comparing computed associated jwith the is finally converter part: it is based on third part, the precision In the given. The reactances. Mathematical 2. is K~ factor machine calculations. element developed of the presented is model saturation of the coupling This saturated method is model machine part. Basis of Machine the Model machine, the total flux (qi) is assumed to be divided into two components: the saturated leakage flux~(qii). The magnetizing flux magnetizing flux (aim) and the non factor Ks defined as the ratio saturated is represented by the saturation between the saturation saturated value [1,)2] (Fig. I). The factor Ks magnetizing flux d-component qimd and its non saturated evaluated expressed by the magnetizing)current Imd. is state at every In the steady state, the magnetizing is given by: current In saturated a saturated ~ Imd = Ill I currents in the ratio (ki With (i) ~~~il~/°~ where: id and If is the ki is the op is iq are the field stator saliency as the transform d-component of the For the constant The the Ev model, Ks(Imd) Potier GDJ versus is stator ratio Xqo/Xdo) = which relates field the current to the one. obtained from the Ev(If) no-load and ap is the parameter model If Potier asumption: accepts the classical no-load from the relationship obtained (Imd) the test. As magnetizing flux qimd produced by the field windings is This asumption qimd(iq) relationships of the other windings. of the and GDJ reference current machine defined Park result. variation the represent not repeats relationship the qimd(id) reflect fully the SATURATED A N°11 SYNCHRONOUS MACHINE STUDY 2241 reality. Effects are obviously different when the of saturation in rotor because occurs areas field windings high when in teeth due supply it in stator stator current to occurs or a case of a salient poles machine. The rotor geometry influence will be analysed on the machine qimd(id), qimd(If) and op will be determined. method The proposed improvement saturation: estimated by comparing it to the GDJ method. will be Coupling 3. The previous the method Model model parameters variations parameter section includes FLUX-EXPERT The software by obtained are with the package is used rot(ur rot A) field a saturation solve to based calculation the on FEM; state. the magnetostatic 2D linear non equation: Maxwell (2) ~Lo3ex = with A the magnetic ur the relative the vacuum ~Lo 3ex Material hnearities non reluctivity permeability field the potential vector density current imbedded are ur(B~), in obtained from ferromagnetic the characteris- field density B (Bx; By) airgap cartesian extracted they the flux and used calculate airgap magnetizing to qimd and then the GDJ are are (saturation factor Ks and the Potier parameter ap). model modified parameters B(H) tics The The magnetic machine studied is Ks factor ration is the as fundamental duces the torque; the have been filtered by qi~m are fundamental d-axis Only the id current interpolated to a supplied are PARAMETER POTIER 3.2. fixes value The in the field calculation has with respect the ap, calculated and is in In a current load first id. step, and for magnetizing the that so AiImd are machine in useful Imd is current Ks(Imd) law and pro- shown is reduced Figure in to 2 the and is fitting technique: curve A2I$~ AgI$~. + + ap plays several the ~ersus ap classical the is steps magnetic machine with ap parameter + parameter completed saturated law a + The been calculations Field condition) the is this under a great role (3) the in model because Imd (Eq. (i)). state agreement of the determination the to Ao = op. saturation component asumption. Space harmonics fundamental flux qiam, qibm The three-phase statoric transform the is applied to obtain magnetizing flux possible (Eq. (i)). The factor saturation function by a 9 degree polynomial K~(Imd) its flux is fundamental qimd. component windings stator the in saturated flux the is also FFT function. a calculated and a Park first and Only second section, the satumagnetizing flux and its non calculated in the airgap by the radial the magnetizing transform Park explained As between ratio value the d-position K~(Imd). LAW defined and A reference Park 11, 2j (Fig. i). The field density integration. saturated stator the in FACTOR SATURATION 3.I. potential vector Potier machine studied First, the study state. parameter. saturated versus The the mean A showed a variation of ap has been step consisted in value second state. field If current performed for a machine supplied by supplied by both If and id currents a and field the current d-stator Ifo (no JOURNAL 2242 PHYSIQUE DE III N°11 0 ------I-- 0 ----I---- 0 0 20 10 30 50 40 lmd (A) Fig Saturation 2 factor law K~(Imd) ' u ~ I. 1, 02 U15 ~ ~~ IO I(= A 005 ~ ~U 5 lo ~ 20 15 25 35 id (A) Fig op,variations 3. The for each EXPERT files (no The the the saturation equation (2) is solved Maxwell calculated flux in versus several problem. A post solved load for state condition and the current treatment two currents parameter ap is then obtained by the currents. the magnetizing flux the is FLUX- magnetizing following expression: ~~~~ ~ shows Its ap mean variations value on ~ersus operating (4) = j~~, J 3 ajid operated it order to find is suppljr) which jive the same airgap. ap Figure intensities the currents points < op id range >= and If has 0.318. been We notile that calcula(ed: ap depends on the N°11 A SYNCHRONOUS SATURATED MACHINE STUDY 2243 1 + + + I j ~ 4w(Ir'°p) + § + io 2s 2o is Comparison 4. corresponds Which The the to of ap variation pmd(id) between Potier the versus ~md (If lap and experimental magnetizing 3o 35 (A) current Fig. (id) ~ in bend. the parameter. Imd has current been determined in second a step. the magnetizing Imd is equal to If lap if the machine current If machine steady In this formula, the in the is parameter current state. a If value: the Potier the machine, in d-position, is supplied by constant parameter. ap is a id, the magnetizing The Imd is equal to id. magnetizing flux qimd stator current current a We used field for because the level Imd the law qimd(Imd) is unique. remains given same a (id) (If lap) lap for If calculations for Imd id and Imd where obtain to qimd qimd ap is the According [1,2], authors the to supplied by field = = authors bend, The is a calculations function 2) fitting curve The for 3) op for qimd method expression the two range is each qimd~ is used to noticeable more obtain the calculated is from field the happens function to interpolate to the as in op non that so first the We saturated in the the qimd (id) law calculations laws. two m case operating the the notice two two that the in the but points range match. curves previous id(qimd) expression and then Two 9-degree polynomials results. cases, the are laws. divided into by using the at used it correct which brings the qimd (If lop law by following the next methodology: If lop (qimd) chosen all the validated is the represents 4 op determined 1) A are value) constant a Figure them. compare we assumption (op as discrepancy occurs, field The and parameter, Potier each two k intervals and interpolated magnetizing ~XP~ flux < the currents If lap and id are calculated polynomials. level qimd~ al~i by the ~~~~ i~~ expression: 15) JOURNAL 2244 PHYSIQUE DE III N°11 o u o x=o o o u ~ ~ 2J lo 40 3l 53 Imd (Al Fig Comparison 5 op(Imd, If) the between magnetizing is reduced current by field calculations determined The be as fitting curve method again used is op(Imd) A g-degree polynomial The latter rotor supply, but the effect current Imd and the field result, the function a greater on 4. example, Figure 5 interp~[Imd~ = the op because 0. = function. The (6) law. obtaine) was supplies) rotor law: idki op~ = it and ap(Ijd) the ap(Imd) the to (stator case supply or a winding magnetizing stator a that dipends function final for shows field the the on If. current ap(Imd, If fg(Imd) Where an for If results = interpolate to suits ap(Imd, If) As field the idk. Note thit the Potier parameter can explained before; it corresponds to the field results Imd~ modified was intermediate has a fitted is ap(Imd) function current As and value. mean 4) A to: law compares ~ the has the following =< op > 80 fg(Imd) x BIImd + op(Imd, If form: B2I$d + law ~ the and (7) If + A ~ field BgI$d. results for the case. If 0. = Applications The study has been applied to a tetrapolar synchronous machine windings (rated power: 7.2 kW) The studied Figure 6. is drawn on The and reactances model The mental calculations field the on the GDJ numerical one at 50 have computed been ones used to first validate secondly and the with of the the estimate to machine salient in comparing model of the 24 Park the the damper reference measured numerical model. synchronous reactance frequency- Xd has been compared to the manufacturer experi- Hertz Xd = KsXmdo + Xp (8) Fig Isovalues 6 Xmdo is the Xp machine non linear potential vector for magnetizing reactance (the the state, Xp are: synchronous the SYNCHRONOUS saturated Xmdo and Then of the leakage is the the In Xp SATURATED A N°11 3.3 Q = factor saturation Xmdo experimental value saturated a than one. the numerical model GDJ The the GDJ dilatation could by involves it two validated the to the from law an model in order Adjustments are qimd(If) relationship by the inaccuracy of is less on the Imd magnetizing to estimate necessary an level the because abscissa axis calculation. ways: ered ap is the value by modifying op (Eq. (7) ). op saturation factor is the experimental = the is used to field similar are one) the Imd is estimated at parameter. In this case, computed function (3). current Potier Ks(Imd) results is values factor saturation model. magnetizing first the numerical GDJ The While A), computed the Q. 29.6 = one: by current ap and 13.7 = magnetizing level Imd is calculated to its correct considered field computed function (7) and the Ks(Imd) Ks (If lap). with op constant. The is the (the replaced by brings the qimd(id) new corrected be and is: reactance model obtains model constant It this i Q. 32.9 = operating point (id rated d-axis been has which x. 31.8 Q. = Xd precision to x is: for state, The Ks is equal 100 x model). 28 5 Q. " Xd In (§imdo/Imdo) = GDJ is: reactance Xd The Xmdo for the reactance 2245 machine. reactance: Potier and studied the STUDY MACHINE only calculate in machine the accurate the method incremental an approximative level (i) where the considreal magnetizing flux qimd is corrected the steady state, in the inductances the transient magnetizing state because current this Md, Mq and &Idq [1,2]. modification magnetizing JOURNAL 2246 PHYSIQUE DE III N°11 (= ~j=I j=2 j=3 I=2 Fig diagram The 7 Compared 5.i% between the method. of will and at the model the rated is due to coupling = interpolating for model studied is b,IACHINE functionl. CMC the Inverter-Synchronous the set is improved by 4.8% w.ith the op modification and difference operating point range (imd 20 A). The the introduced be the SYNCHRONOUS THE 5.I. model Converter-Machine-Control of the modifications (inverter) Modeling 5. block modification two coupling This converter Control GDJ the to the Ks with Motor set the in Machine MODEL. simulajion. last fiart Set The link Saturated in machine The is issumed steady state. When the synchronous is supplied by a DC-voltage sour(e ma motor input voltages are not sinusoidal. Generally, in this case, auth6rs use it linear the dq reference [6] But they that the motor operates assume between the State work to on a me- chanical the in inductance For tion, to the matrix saturated a the field GDJ is Vd machine, is the electrical assumed (Fig. 7), machine state, therefore model the (fp Md) + and equations ~~ complicated. As a first simplificaare more damper windings are neglected. According the following form:' equations constant electrical the = the constaiit. current model. inverter an the have ~~ + Mdq + Mq) ~~ + Raid + pa pa x (fp + Ks x Lmdo)iq n~do)id Vq = fifdq~~ + (ip +Raiq + pa x ~s x x (ip Lmdo + K~ ~~~ x ~ °p with Id~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~' Id ~ dK~ Imd dImd x Imd Iq ~~~°' dKs dImd~~~° ~~ ~ ~ Iq~ dKs Imd dImd ~~~°' SATURATED A N°11 SYNCHRONOUS MACHINE STUDY 2247 where: Ra is the stator p is the number Q is the machine Lmdo is the magnetizing of poles pairs, speed, constant iiiductance. require the previous field results: the Ks(Imd) which is obtained by the field of the K~(Imd) eletromagnetic the dK~ ldImd law which is the derivative equations The (3) calculations resistance, and law: dK~(Imd) Note magnetizing the that Ai = Imd is current 2A2Imd + calculated 9AgI$~. + + from the op (10) (Imd, If) electromagnetic law (7). general The the equation (9) linear K~ case- remains and i = for valid dK~ = following the cases- 0. corresponds to the classical Park model. For a sinusoidal voltages The stator supplied machine, the voltages Vd and Vq are constant. constant currents are (9). well and their derivatives vanish When the machine is associated time in equation as sinusoidal and the Vd and Vq voltages are not inverter, the input voltages are not to an The model machine Then constant. the saturated changes system state voltage vector The is connects valid and solved be to to the lead with the and currents stator their time by a inverter highly inverter contains linear. non equation size I-input to model connexion the ~'on/off" switching non-linear configuration changes to (2,3) 0. becomes particular a modelled dKsldImd # The devices corresponds [Vd Vqj~. inverter fiIC(I, j) and MODEL. these of i < remains INVERTER THE State fis case: Equation (9) 5.2. equation (9) has the [6, 9]. derivatives system equations. [10] of the inverter and matrix MC j-output inverter elements. of the [8~ 9]. Each (Fig. 7). It set input element matrix is Each of calculated as follows: MC(I, ii MC(I, j) 5. 3. THE lems of The = = switch the which connects electronic to imposes digital sinusoidal non input machine voltages simulation j-output the ~~~~ The summarized is on are and T(~ are ~~u6 general principles in (P(-6)lT321~ -1 2 -1 lmcl~ j given by: ~~~ ~~~ ~~~~~ i~ and prob- the Park [10]. voltage supplies to the machine inputs. calculated by the equation (ii) are i ~ ~ P(6) MODEL MACHINE-INVERTER" system = matrix i-input ~ ~j~ The the otherwise ~~SYNCHRONOUS power inverter reference, i if the 0 ~~~ -~~2 In (lo JOURNAL 2248 PHYSIQUE DE III N°11 Beginning control Inverter Connexion calculation matrix yes t ? Tfinal < no Fig Synchronous 8. where: 9 is The the electrical the angle E is the and have required to calculate Figure 8 illustrates the the electrical is currents in flowchart model equations machines presented machine-inverter domain time in currents to DC voltage supply. be solved saturated computation according tj equation (9). Iteration of magnetic state' [7]. The global flowchart lachine current in the time principle of the domain. Conclusion 6. coupling model experimental tests. A comparison has been On the other the This This measured the model to model a displays op reactances saturated synchronous variations with has validated the requiring without the saturation and a 4.8% The state improvement estimated. 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