ITI Trainees (Trade: Wireman or Electrician)

(A Government of West Bengal Enterprise)
Vidyut Bhavan, Block-DJ, Sector-II, Bidhannagar, Kolkata-700 091
West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Limited (WBSEDCL) is a wholly-owned profitmaking Government of West Bengal Enterprise, engaged in the business of Hydel Generation and Power
Distribution in major parts of the state of West Bengal with Customer Base exceeding 1 crore, Employee
Strength of around 17,000 and Annual Turnover of `13,000 crore invites applications from Indian
nationals for the post of:
ITI Trainees
(Trade: Wireman or Electrician)
NO. OF POSTS : 500
Note: The applicants who had earlier applied in response to our Notification no. MPP/2012/01 for
the post of Linesman published in various newspapers in the month of March’2012 and submitted
the Bank drafts which had been received by the Company need not to send the drafts again. They
are however, required to register on-line under the current recruitment process and to send all the
documents as per requirement. However, before Registration the candidates must ensure that their
names appear in the list of applicants whose Bank drafts were received and uploaded in the website
of the Company for confirmation.
STIPEND :: The candidates selected will be paid a monthly Stipend of ` 10,000 during the period of
QUALIFICATION : Madhyamik or equivalent plus Trade Certificate under NCTVT from any Govt. ITI
under Director of Industrial Training, Govt. of West Bengal in the trade (2 years’ duration): Wireman or
OTHER FACILITIES : On successful completion of training they will be considered for absorption as
Linesman in the prescribed Pay Band of `6,300/- - `20,200/- + Grade Pay `2,600/-(Current Monthly
Gross Salary `16,500 approx. per month). In addition to Basic Pay & G.P., D.A., HRA, Medical
Allowance, Electricity Allowance, Hill Compensatory Allowance, Project Allowance (depending on
the place of posting) LTC/HTC, CPF, Gratuity, Benefits for Indoor treatment in leading hospital for
Self & Dependants, Leave Encashment etc. are available as per the Rules of the Company.
CAREER PROSPECT : The Company offers professional work environment with modern technology &
system. The Company is in the process of modernizing and updating its activities with IT enabled services.
It offers time bound mode of promotion to the employees with higher responsibility, depending upon their
sincerity, initiative and merit. The selected candidates shall be placed on 3 months training in the
Company’s Training Institutes situated at different districts. Final absorption to the post of Linesman is
subject to passing of written examination to be conducted by the Company. They may be absorbed in the
regular Scale of Pay of `6300/- - ` 20,200/- + Grade Pay `2,600/- with admissible allowances. Two
chances will be given for qualifying in the Selection test to be conducted by the Company after training. If
any candidate fails to qualify in the first attempt, he will be given a second chance to appear. In that event,
where any candidate fails to qualify the Selection test in the second attempt, such candidate will be
discharged forthwith. The period of training shall not be counted for their seniority and other benefits,
including promotional benefits. They are required to furnish a bond of ` 50,000/- at the time of
joining the Company and are required to serve the Company for a minimum period of 4 years from
the regular date of joining.
AGE LIMIT: Minimum and maximum age shall be 18 and 27 years respectively as on 01.01.2012 with
relaxation for SC & ST and OBC candidates of West Bengal for 5 years and 3 years respectively.
Relaxation of upper age limit for Ex-Serviceman shall be allowed as per rules.
RESERVATION OF POST : Reservation of the posts shall be made for SC/ST/OBC-A/OBC-B/Physically
Challenged candidates/Ex-Serviceman/Exempted Category/Meritorious Sports Persons of the State of
West Bengal as per the guidelines issued by the Govt. of West Bengal from time to time. SC/ST/OBCA/OBC-B candidates from State other than West Bengal have to apply as General Candidates.
Reservation for Exempted category shall be made as per the rules of Govt. of West Bengal in
Recruitment of Sportspersons against reserved vacancy shall be made only to following sports events:
1) Football
2) Cricket
3) Athletic
4) Badminton
5) Table Tennis
In order to be eligible, the candidate must produce requisite certificates issued by the respective
Competent Authorities in the format as applicable in terms of Govt. of West Bengal Notifications and
as shown below:
National Competition
National Sports / Games
for School Education
Competent Authority
Secretary of the National Federation / National
Association of the Sports concerned.
Secretary of the State Association of the Sports
Dean / Director of sports or any other officer in
overall charge of Sports of the University
Director or Deputy Director in overall charge of
Sports / Games for Schools in the Directorate of
School Education, West Bengal.
The following categories of meritorious Sportspersons shall be given preference in recruitment.
a) Those who have represented West Bengal or India in a National or International Competition in
sports discipline mentioned above.
b) Those who have represented a University in an Inter-University Tournament conducted by InterUniversity Sports Board in any sports discipline mentioned above.
c) Those who have represented State School Teams in National Competition for Schools conducted by
all India School Games Federation in any sports discipline mentioned above.
(Candidate applying for sports quota should download relevant forms from download section)
OTHER CONDITIONS : Selected candidates may be appointed against available vacancies
/provisionally on Probation for a period of one year with regular scale of pay [Band Pay and Grade
Pay] plus other allowances as per the rules of the Company on successful completion of training of
3 months. His appointment shall be entirely provisional and his confirmation as regular employee
would be subject to subsequent receipt of Police Verification Report, Caste Certificate Verification
Report (if applicable) and Medical Fitness Report. Decision of the management for absorption under the
Company is final and binding. They are liable to be posted in any Offices/Units/Power Stations of the
Company located at different parts of West Bengal. Candidates having adequate knowledge in
communicating in Bengali / Nepali language are preferred.
MODE OF SELECTION : Selection will be made on the basis of performance at Written Test and
Interview. Candidates called for Written Test/ Interview shall not be entitled to reimbursement of
travelling expenses. The Written Test and Interview will be held in Kolkata only. The Written Test will
cover the tests for General Knowledge, Current Affairs, Logical Reasoning, General English and
Arithmetic, apart from the test of Professional subject. Questions will be MCQ type and the duration of
examination will be 120 minutes.
While applying for the above post, the applicant must ensure that he fulfills the eligibility
including academic and professional qualifications strictly as per advertisement and other
norms mentioned above.
: Eligible candidates have to apply through online registration system of
WBSEDCL i.e. at career@WBSEDCL . No other means / mode of application
shall be accepted.
Online submission of the applications will be allowed on the website between 14.06.12 (10 A.M) to
27.06.12 (6 P.M).
While applying on-line, candidates should have the following particulars readily available:
E-mail ID (which must be valid for at least one year from the date of application) The Company may
send call letters for Written Test and Interview etc. through the registered Email ID. They must also
have valid Mobile No. for SMS / Communication. Under no circumstances, he should share/mention
registration no. to / of any other person.
In case, a candidate does not have a valid personal E-mail ID, he should create his new E-mail ID before
applying online.
Before applying online a candidate will be required to have a scanned (digital) image of his Photograph
and Signature ensuring that both the photograph and signature are within the required specifications
as per the guideline.
Non refundable Crossed Demand Draft /Banker’s Cheque of `250/- as Processing and Examination
fees have to be paid by candidates. SC / ST candidates from the state of West Bengal are exempted
from paying any fees.
The Demand Draft /Banker’s Cheque details (if applicable), valid E-mail ID, Soft copy of the Photograph
& Signature are mandatory data without which online registration will not be possible.
The Demand Draft once paid shall not be refunded under any circumstances and should be drawn in
favor of "West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Ltd." payable at Kolkata only.
Demand drafts payable at locations other than Kolkata will not be accepted. Money Order / Postal
Order or any other mode of payment is not acceptable.
On being satisfied that the candidate is eligible as per the layout of qualification they should follow the
following steps enumerated below:-
Pre-Requisites for Online Registration:
The candidates are advised to use IE 8.0(Internet Explorer web browser), ensure that JAVA script is enabled
and Pop-ups are allowed in the browser on PC/Laptop/Desktop being used for Online Registration.
STEP 1: Visit website www. Go to career@WBSEDCL.
STEP 2: Click on “Recruitment for the Post of ITI Trainees (Trade: Wireman or Electrician)
(Notification No.: MPP/2012/06)” to view the full Advertisement Details.
STEP 3: Read the details very carefully before applying. “Online Application” links are placed at the
bottom of “Advertisement Page”
STEP 4: Click on “Apply Online” to fill up the application form on-line.
STEP 5: The candidates would be directed to a page where they have to select from “New User” button (for
first time registration or new registration) / “Existing User” button (for candidates who had applied
earlier in response to our Notification no.MPP/2012/01 for the post of Linesman /any other
requirement related to later stages). Upon clicking the “New User” button the candidates are
allowed to fill-up their application forms. Those who had applied earlier and the names of whom
appear in the list, uploaded in the website of the Company should go through the “Existing User”
button. The candidates are however required to register online under the current recruitment
process and to send all the documents as per requirement. After putting Registration No. and Date
of Birth, the candidates who had applied earlier would be directed to a page where Demand Draft
details will already be filled up and the candidates will only have to fill the other parts.
STEP 6: The candidate must fill up the application form as per the guidelines. Information related to
important data to be entered would be available in form of hyperlinks at the relevant places. The
candidate should check the same and proceed accordingly to avoid committing mistakes. After filling
up the form, the candidate should click on the “(1) SAVE YOUR DATA” button. Please ensure that
all the information is correctly entered as once the data is saved, no editing would be allowed.
The candidate would get a confirmation message indicating that the data has been saved and they
can now proceed to upload their respective photograph & signature.
STEP 7: In order to upload photograph & signature, the candidate needs to click on the “(2) Upload Photo
& Signature” button. A new window would open up and the candidate should upload photograph
and signature. After the candidate has uploaded the photograph & signature, the candidate should
close the window.
STEP 8: The candidate should then click on “(3) Preview your Data” button. Here the candidate can view
his complete application along with the uploaded photograph/signature. The candidate has to click
on “Confirm” button. The candidate would get a message “Confirmation Accepted”. Candidate
can correct his data before clicking on “Confirm” button.
STEP 9: The candidate has to provide his consent for the correction of the information entered by selecting
the “Declaration” text. Once the candidate clicks on “(4) Submit (Final)” the candidate gets a
confirmation message mentioning the “Registration Number” and the other important options that
should be noted down for future references.
Note to the Candidates: Please note that the candidate should ensure that the informations as
provided by the candidates are correct and true. For any incorrect information or
misrepresentation the candidature may be cancelled at any stage of the recruitment process
and Company reserves the right to proceed against such candidate as deemed fit.
STEP10: After Final submission, Candidate must take the print out of Registration Slip, Sign on it, attach
the Demand Draft (mentioning Registration no. & Name of the candidate with contact no. at the
back) and attested copies of Caste /Disability Certificate/Sports Certificate (as applicable), all
testimonials, age proof by Gazetted officer and send the same by ordinary post at the address given
below. Only original Registration Slip (no photocopy) shall be accepted.
Important: A candidate who visits the website for the first time is considered as a New User and
should use the “New User” Button to fill-up the form. During this process he would be assigned his
Registration Number (User ID).
When the candidate is required to re-visit the site to take a re-print of the application form then he
has to login as an Existing User by clicking on “Existing User” button and providing the
registration number & date of birth subsequently.
Note: After applying online, candidates are required to print the system generated Registration Slip
with unique registration number. The original Registration Slip with required Demand Draft (having
name and registration number duly written on the back of Demand Draft) and all Certificates /
Testimonials (as applicable) superscribing at the top of the envelope “Application for the post of
ITI Trainee” is to be sent, only by ORDINARY POST at the following address so as to reach latest by
KOLKATA –700016
Candidates should take special care not to staple the Demand Draft. They should use pins for
fastening all documents / demand drafts.
STEP11: If your candidature is found eligible you will be intimated by E-mail & SMS latest by 19.07.12
regarding the written test. On receipt of the E-mail & SMS you will have to once again login to and go to career@WBSEDCL and click on “PRINT THE ADMIT CARD”.
STEP12: Print the admit card and carry the ADMIT CARD to the examination centre on the date and time
indicated therein.
Registration slip received with more than one Demand Draft and photocopies of Registration
slip/Demand Draft will be rejected.
The candidature of such candidate whose registration slip along with documents is received after
07.07.12 shall not be considered.
WBSEDCL will not be responsible for any loss of E-mail/Admit Card sent, due to invalid/wrong
E-mail ID/ wrong postal address/postal delays/loss in transit etc.
Candidates will be allowed to appear for the Written Test only with Admit Card and not
with the Registration Slip.
Candidates should retain a photocopy of their Demand Draft and Registration Slip for
future reference.
WBSEDCL reserves the right to cancel / restrict / enlarge / modify / alter the recruitment
process, if required, without issuing any further notice, reference or assigning any reason
Candidate employed in Govt. Departments / PSUs / Autonomous Bodies shall have to produce
NOC at the time of interview. Otherwise their candidature may be cancelled at that stage.
In case any ambiguity / dispute arises on account of interpretation in versions other than
English, the English version will prevail.
Court of jurisdiction for any dispute will be in Kolkata.
In case it is detected at any stage of recruitment / selection that a candidate does not
fulfill the eligibility norms and / or that he has furnished any incorrect / false / wrong
information or has suppressed any material fact(s), his candidature will automatically
stand cancelled. If any of the above shortcoming(s) is / are detected even after
appointment, his services are liable to be terminated without any notice.
The candidates are requested to go through the layout of qualifications and other
particulars carefully before registrations and sending examination fees and other
Candidates must remain in constant touch with company’s website at career @
WBSEDCL for information regarding Result of Written Test/dates of Interview etc.
Category [SC / ST / OBC (A) / OBC (B) / Physically Challenged] once entered at the time of
online registration shall not be allowed to be changed under any circumstances and no benefits
of other category will be admissible later on.
All correspondence with candidates shall be done through E-mail / SMS only. All information
regarding examination schedule / Admit Card / Interview call letters etc. shall be provided
through E-mail / uploading on WBSEDCL’s website. Responsibility of receiving, downloading
and printing of admit card for Written Test/ Interview call letter / any other information shall be
of the candidate. WBSEDCL will not be responsible for any loss of E-mail sent, due to invalid /
wrong E-mail ID provided by the candidate or for delay / non receipt of information if a
candidate fails to access his mail / website in time.
No request for change of examination centre shall be entertained. However, WBSEDCL reserves
the right to cancel or add any centre depending on the response in that area / centre.
If the SC / ST / OBC (A) / OBC (B) / Physically Challenged certificate has been issued in a
language other than English / Hindi, the candidates will be required to submit a self certified
translated copy of the certificate either in English or Hindi.
Only original Registration Slip (no photocopy) shall be accepted. In case of any overwriting
or tampering of Registration Slip, the candidature of the candidate shall be rejected.
Application Form not properly filled in or incomplete in any respect or without requisite
documents would be summarily rejected. Willful suppression of any material fact will also
be similarly dealt with.
Canvassing in any form shall disqualify the candidate.
Candidates must fulfill the essential qualification as per layout as shown herein above by the
closing date of online Registration.
A candidate must abide by the instructions as may be given by supervisor/invigilator of the
examination. If the candidate fails to do so or indulges in disorderly or improper conduct he will
render himself liable to expulsion from the examination hall or such other punishment as the
authority fit to impose.
Commencement of online registration of applications by
Last date for receipt of online applications
Last date for accepting registration slips with required
documents by post
Intimation to candidates regarding admit cards by E-mail
and SMS latest by
Written Test
14.06.12 (10 A.M)
27.06.12 (6 P.M)
Click here to Apply Online
Notification No. MPP/2012/06