SYLLABUS OF THE MODULE T T-I FOR THE TRADE OF “ TRADE : “ WIREMAN “ UNDER CRAFT INSTRUCTOR TRAINING SCHEME (Modular Pattern) TRADE TECHNOLOGY-I (T T-I) DURATION : 3 MONTHS Revised in - 2012 Government of India Ministry of Labour & Employment Directorate General of Employment & Training CENTRAL STAFF TRAINING AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE EN-81, Sector-V, Salt Lake City, Kolkata- 700091 1 List of members attended in the “WORKSHOP” for revision of syllabi for various modules under Craft Instructor Training Scheme (CITS) held at Central Staff Training & Research Institute (CSTARI), Kolkata on dated 31.07.12 Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. NAME & DESIGNATION S/Shri./Smt. R.N. BANDYOPADHYAYA, DIRECTOR K.L. KULI, JDT B.N. SRIDHAR, DDT ABHINOY NANDI, DDT JAYAN JOHN, VICE PRINCIPAL A.V. BALACHANDRAN ACHARY, VICE PRINCIPAL G. GIRI,DDT ASHOKE RARHI, DDT C.S. MURTHY, DDT P.G. RAJENDRAN, ADT S. VENUGOPALAN M.S. EKAMBARAM, DDT LALMOHAN PHARIHAR, TO DIPAK Kr. SAHA, TO SUBU TABIN, Addl. Director ( Project) D. MAHABOOB BASHA, TO L.K. MUKHERJEE, DDT NIRMALYA NATH, ADT K.N. HALDER, DDT R.N. MANNA, TO MOHAN SINGH, TO P. BISWAS, D/MAN HEMANT KUJUR, D/MAN ORGANISATION CSTARI, KOLKATA CSTARI, KOLKATA FTI, BANGALORE ATI, MUMBAI DIRECTORATE OF TRAINING, KERALA DIRECTORATE OF TRAINING, KERALA MITI, CHOUDWAR, ORISSA ATI-EPI, DEHRADUN ATI-EPI ,HYDERABAD ATI, VIDYA NAGAR, HYDERABAD ATI, VIDYA NAGAR, HYDERABAD ATI-EPI, HYDERABAD ATI, DAS NAGAR, HOWRAH. ATI, DASNAGAR, HOWRH. DEPARTMENT OF IND. GOVT. OF ARUNACHAL PRADESH, ITANAGAR ATI, MUMBAI CSTARI, KOLKATA CSTARI, KOLKATA CSTARI, KOLKATA. CSTARI, KOLKATA CSTARI, KOLKATA CSTARI, KOLKATA CSTARI, KOLKATA REMARKS Chairman Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member 2 GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Name of the Scheme : Craft Instructors’ Training Scheme 2. Name of the Trade : WIREMAN 3. N. C. O. Code No. : 4. Name of the Module : Trade Technology – I 5. Duration : 03 Months 6. Entry Qualification : (a) National Trade Certificate in the relevant trade OR (b) National Apprenticeship Certificate in the relevant trade OR (c) Degree or Diploma in the relevant branch of Engineering 7. Batch Size : 20 Trainees 8. Space Norms : (a) Class Room : 30 Sq. Mt. (@ 1.5 Sq.Mt. per Trainee) (b) Workshop : 110 sq. meter. 9. Power Norms : (a) Class Room : 1 kw (b) Workshop : 2 kw 10. Illumination Norms : (a) Class Room : 6000 lumen (b) Workshop : 50000 lumen (The electrical equipment of class room should conform to minimum 3 star Building energy rating as per Bureau of Energy Efficiency (B.E.E.) 11. Trainer’s Qualification: Degree in appropriate branch of engineering from recognized University with Two years experience in the relevant field and Passed National Craft Instructor Training course in same or relevant trade. OR Three year Diploma in appropriate branch of engineering from recognized Board / Institution University with Five years experience in the relevant field and Passed National Craft Instructor Training course in same or relevant trade. In case of two units, one trainer must be Degree in Engineering. COURSE STRUCTURE Module :- TRADE TECHNOLOGY- I (TT-I) Sl. No. 1. 2. Components Trade Technology Information Centre Units Allotted Allotted Time/week Time/module a) Theory 14 hrs/wk 14x13=182hrs b) Practical 25hrs/wk 25x13=325hrs C) Information Centre 1hr/wk 1x13=13hrs 40hrs. / wk 520 hrs. / module Duration: 3 Months Revised Syllabus of Trade : WIREMAN MODULE :- Trade Technology TT-I Under Crafts Instructor Training Scheme Modular pattern(CITS) Duration : 3 MONTHS Wk No. Trade Theory Practicals 1 ELEMENTARY ELECTRICITY MAKING OF JOINTS 2 3 Safety regulations Elementary first aid Elementary Electricity – Electron Theory Classification of Materials, Use of common conductors, insulators and resistors Simple Electric Circuit – Control and Safety devices Effects of Electric current Series ckt. Characteristics and uses Parallel circuit, characteristics and uses Series and parallel circuit Kirchoff’s Law and their applications Condensers, Types, construction and working principle, charging and discharging, time constant Grouping of condensers Work, power and energy MAGNETISM Magnet, it’s properties and types Terminology Magnetic circuits Magnetics Molecular theory of magnetism Magnetic materials and method of magnetization Electromagnetism Electromagnetic induction, self and mutual induction Hysteresis and eddy current Straight joint – Single, Double & Multistrand cable “T” joint Britannia – Straight and “T” joint Measurement of Resistance by various method – Voltage drop up method Multimeter (Ohmmeter) Series & Parallel circuit verification MAKING JOINTS IN INSULATED P.V.C. CABLE Preparation of cable gland Crimping of lug, etc. Soldering practice MAKING JOINTS IN BARE COPPER CONDUCTOR. (a) (b) Test and maintenance of battery Battery charging by Constant current methods Constant voltage method Preparation of Electro Magnet, Check up Polarity and Strength of magnet Construction / preparation of series parallel testing board Testing of DC supply (+ & -), AC supply- single & three phase Simple wiring practice by PVC casing Threading and bending practice of conduit pipes 4 5 6 WIRING Types of wiring system, cleat and casing, capping systems CTS/T.R.S. system and lead sheathed wiring Conduits and their accessories Conduit wiring Comparison of different types of wiring Testing of wiring installations Common faults in wiring installations, their causes and remedies Earthing and methods of earthing Measurement of earth resistance Estimation of wiring materials Factory wiring and domestic wiring Unit/Monthly assignment CELLS , BATTERIES AND INVERTER Electrolysis and laws of electrolysis and electroplating Principe of primary cell & simple voltaic cell dry cell Lead acid accumulators Defects in lead acid accumulators, causes and remedies Solar cell Hybrid cell Nickel iron cell Nickel cadmium cell Methods of Battery charging Grouping of cells Care and maintenance of batteries D.C. GENERATOR Principles of D.C. Generator and e.m.f. equation Parts of D.C. Generator Types of D.C. Generators, separately excited generator D.C. Shunt generator, characteristics & uses D.C. series generator, characteristics & uses D.C. Compound generator, characteristics and uses Armature reaction in DC. Generator Commutation Voltage regulation of D.C. Generator Parallel operation of D.C. Generator Stair case with extension wiring in PVC casing / conduit Domestic wiring with ICTPs LP socket in PVC casing Three Light Point using D/B, Main Switch, MCB, Energy meter, Tunnel wiring 4 points in PVC conduit pipe. Conventional building wiring Unit / Monthly assignment Hostel wiring for three points in PVC pipe Testing of wiring installation Preparation of electrolyte measurement of cell voltage, gravity and precautions required. Panel wiring of battery charging / Electroplating Test & Trace out the circuit for charging battery from AC supply. Making a conduit frame Test DC machine Building up voltage of DC Generator – separately, self ECC or LCC of DC Generator Panel wiring of DC Generator, Motor Generator set D.C. MOTORS Principles of D.C. Motor Types of D.C. motors, shunt motor, characteristics and uses D.C. Series motor, characteristics and uses D.C. compound motor, characteristics and uses Starting of series motor, series motor starters Starters for D.C. shunt motors, compound motors Speed controls of D.C. motors Ward Leonard method – D.C. Drives Losses and efficiency of D.C. Machines Testing of D.C. Machines Faults in D.C. machines, causes and remedies Care and maintenance of D.C. machines Principles of stepped motor and servo motor DC drives and applications Power wiring for 3 phase motor with I.C.T.P. and starter Power wiring for 3 phase motor with IC.T.P. starter Distribution / wiring of 3 phase power in small workshop D.C. MOTORS Test 3 point , 4 point Drum controlled starter Starting, running and reversing the D.O.R. of DC shunt motor using 3 point starters Starting, running and reversing the D.O.R. of compound motor using 4 point starter. Speed control of DC compound motor by voltage control and Flux control method Testing of D.C. machines DC drive , commissioning and operation Speed control by DC drive 7 A.C. FUNDAMENTALS A.C. Fundamentals, terms and their definitions Addition and subtraction of vector quantities Pure circuits (resistive, inductive, capacitive) Power and power factor in A.C. circuits A.C. series circuit A.C. Parallel circuit Branched circuits Resonance circuit Polyphase systems Polyphase circuits Power measurement in poly phase circuits Effects of poor power factor and its improvement Verification of R-L-C circuit Verification of Y connection at balance and unbalance load Verification of Delta connection Measurement of 3 phase power 8 TRANSFORMERS Principles types and construction of transformers E.M.F. equation Loading of transformers Losses and efficiency of transformers Ratings and regulation of transformers All day efficiency of transformers Auto transformers Instrument transformers To find out Transformation ratio and regulation of a single phase transformer. To find losses and efficiency of Transformer (SINGLE & 3 PHASE) Parallel operation of Transformer (SINGLE & 3 PHASE) Transformer oil testing Unit / Monthly Test / Assignment Unit / Monthly assignment 9 Three phase transformers Connection of three phase transformer Testing of transformer Parallel operation of transformer Tap changing in transformer Cooling of transformer Care and maintenance of transformers 10 A.C. THREE PHASE INDUCTION MOTORS Study on DOL, star-Delta and Auto star delta starter Study on starter for slip ring induction motor Study on Auto transformer starters Identification of terminals of 3 phase inductor motor, start run and reverse the D.O.R. of the motor with D.O.L. starters Connection of 3 phase inductor motor with star delta and auto star delta starters. Connection and testing of Single phase motors Overhauling of single phase motor. Introduction to electrical circuits of general machines. (presses, Lathee, Milling machine, Drilling machine, Notching machine etc., Ceiling fan, Table fan, etc. Principle and construction of induction motors and their types Induction motors – characteristics and uses A.C. motor starters Speed control of three phase induction motor – VVVF control Trouble shooting, care and maintenance of Review on trade practicals based on 3 phase induction motors question papers. A.C. SINGLE PHASE MOTORS 11 Principles, types and construction of single phase motors. Capacitor motors, types and applications Speed control of single phase motor, solid state control. EARTHING Installation of pipe and plate earthling. Earthing methods – pipe and plate – earthing Earth resistance measurement by in detail, measurement of earth resistance. different methods. Earth Leakage impedance & resistivity. Measurement of earth resistant. FUSE, MCB, CIRCUIT BREAKER Fuse – its importance, rating – MCB, MCB DB, ELCB, MCCB, ACB, OCB, VCB and SF6. Construction, types and working. 12 13 Project work and industrial Visit related to the trade (2 days). Revision and Final Examination LIST OF TOOLS & EQUIPMENTs for a batch of 20 Trainees FOR THE TRADE OF “WIREMAN” For Module TT-I Under CITS (MODULAR PATTERN) TRAINEES KIT Sl. No. Item 1 Combination pliers 200 mm insulated 2 Screw Driver 200 mm 3 Screw Driver 100 mm 4 Terminal Screw Driver 75 mm (Connector) 5 Neon Tester 500 volts Pencil bit type 6 Knife D.B. Electrician 7 600 mm four fold box wood rule 8 Hammer Ball pein 0.25 kg. 9 Try Square 200 mm 10 Firmer chisel 12 mm 11 Firmer chisel 6 mm 12 Tenon saw 250 mm 13 Wood Rasp File 250 mm 14 File round (Half) 2nd cut 250 mm 15 File round 150 mm 16 Plumb bob 115 grams 17 Bradawl 150 mm x 6 mm square pointed 18 Ratchet brace 6 mm capacity 19 Ratchet bit 4 mm and 6 mm 20 Bar wood mallet 1 kg. (75 mm x 15 mm) Quantity 20 nos. 20 nos. 20 nos. 20 nos. 20 nos. 20 nos. 20 nos. 20 nos. 20 nos. 20 nos. 20 nos. 20 nos. 20 nos. 20 nos. 20 nos. 20 nos. 20 nos. 20 nos. 20 nos. 20 nos. SHOP TOOLS INSTRUMENTS & GENERAL OUTFIT Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Item Pliers side cutting 200 mm Pliers flat nose 150 mm Pliers flat nose 200 mm Pliers flat nose 200 mm Screw driver heavy duty 250 mm Screw driver 7 mm x 300 mm square blade Firmer chisel 25 mm Firmer chisel 18 mm Mortise chisel 6 mm Iron plane 400 mm x 50 mm blade Marking gauge Quantity 5 nos. 5 nos. 5 nos. 5 nos. 5 nos. 5 nos. 5 nos. 5 nos. 5 nos. 5 nos. 5 nos. 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 Bevel square 150 mm Cold chisel flat 25 mm x 200 mm Cold chisel flat 18 mm x 200 mm Hammer Ball Pein 0.50 kg. Hammer Ball Pein 0.75 kg. Hammer Ball Pein 1.00 kg. Hammer cross Pein 0.50 kg. Rawl tool holder & Bit No. 8, 10, 14 & 16 Wall Jumper Octagonal 37 mm x 450 mm and 37 x 600 mm Centre punch 100 mm Scriber 150 mm Hammer cross Pein 0.12 kg File flat 300 mm rough File flat 300 mm 2nd cut File flat 250 mm Bastard File flat 250 mm smooth File half round 150 mm 2nd cut File half round 150 mm smooth File round 300 mm 2nd cut File round 150 mm smooth File triangular 150 mm 2nd cut Spanner Double ended set of 6 Adjustable spanner 350 mm Foot print Grip 250 mm Allen keys Steel rule 300 mm Steel measuring tape 20 meters Hacksaw frame adjustable 200 mm to 300 mm S.S. Twist Drill 3 mm, 5 mm, 6mm and 4 mm Hand auger 12 mm, 15 mm, 18 mm and 25 mm Spirit level 300 mm Electric soldering iron 125 watts 230-250 V Electric soldering iron 750 watts 230-250 V Blow lamp 1 litre capacity Melting pot 200 mm x 150 mm Laddle Forge with hand blower Forge with hand blower Conduit die set suitable for 9 mm, 18 mm, 25 mm Bench Vice 150 mm Bench Vice 100 mm Hand Vice 50 mm jaw Rubber gloves 5000 volts Safety belt with provision for keeping tools Ladder bamboo 6 meters Tower Ladder 3 meters on tyre wheels Portable extension ladder aluminium 6 to 9 meters Iron pen 450 mm Trawel 150 mm Megger 500 volts cum continuity tester Voltmeter M.C. – 300 volts 5nos. 5nos. 5 nos. 5nos. 5 nos. 5 nos. 5 nos. 2 each 5 each 2 nos. 2 nos. 2 nos. 5nos. 5 nos. 5 nos. 5 nos. 5 nos. 5 nos. 5 nos. 5 nos. 5 nos. 2 sets 2 nos. 2 nos. 2 set 5 nos. 2 nos. 5 nos. 2 each 2 each 1 no. 2 nos. 2 nos. 2 nos. 2 nos. 2 nos. 1 no. 1 no. 4 sets 5 nos. 2 nos. 5nos. 2 pairs 10 nos. 2 nos. 1 no. 1 no. 2 nos. 2 nos. 2 nos. 2 nos. 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 Voltmeter M.C. Multirange 0-150, 300, 600V Voltmeter M.C. Multirange 0-15, 75, 100, 150 V Volltmeter Centre zero 15-0-15 volts Voltmeter M.I. Multirange analog and digital 0-150, 300, 600 V. Voltmeter M.I. Multirange analog and digital 0-50, 75, 1, 150 V00 V. Ammeter Digital 0-15 Amp. Panel Board type analog and digital Ammeter M.I. 0-1 Amp. Panel Board type analog and digital Ammeter M.I. 0-5 Amp. Panel Board type Ammeter M.C. 0-1 Amp. Panel Board type Ammeter MC 0-5 Amp. Panel Board type Single phase K.W.H. meter 5A, 250V.A.C. Digital/Electronics energy meter 10A/30A 3 Phase KW meter 15 A 440 V Watt meter Dynamo meter type 5 Amp. And 250 V Multimeter 0-5, 100, 200, 500 milliamperes 0-100, 1000, 10,000 ohms, 0150, 300, 600 V AC/DC Multimeter digital Earth megger 0-10 ohms, 500 V, with all accessories Conduit pipe cutting and threading machine, suitable for 15 mm, 18 mm, 25 mm and 30 mm Conduit pipe bending machine, suitable for 15 mm, 18 mm, 25 mm and 30 mm A.C. ceiling fan 1200 mm, Sweep single phase 75 W, 250 V with regulator Table fan A.C. 400 mm Sweep 60 W Single phase 250 V Bar magnet Horse shoe magnet Wheatstone Bridge Crimping tools heavy duty Rubber matting 2 meters x 1 meter5 x 9 mm Wiring board on stand 3 meters x 1 meter with 0.5 meter projection on the top Techometer (analog) Techometer (digital) Frequency meter (digital) Frequency meter (reel type) Power factor meter (analog) Power factor meter (digital) Work bench 2.5 x 1.20 x 0.75 Steel locker standard size with 10 Drawers in each Almirah 1.8 x 1.2 x 0.45 Instructor’s chair Instructor’s chair Demonstration table 2.5 x 1.2 x 0.45 meters Blackboard with easel Stools Fire extinguishers Metal rack 180 x 150 x 45 cm Fire buckets 2 nos. 2 nos. 2 nos. 2 nos. 2 nos. 2 nos. 2 nos. 2 nos. 2 nos. 2 nos. 2 nos. 1 no. 1 no. 1 no. 4 each 2 nos. 1 no. 2 nos. 2 nos. 2 nos. 2 nos. 2 nos. 2 nos. 2 nos. 2 nos. 2 nos. 16 nos. 1 no. 1 no. 1 no. 1 no. 2 nos. 1 no. 2 nos. 2 nos. 2 nos. 1 no. 1 no. 1 no. 1 no. 20 nos. 2 nos. 1 no. 4 nos. GENERAL MACHINERY Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Item Electric Drill Machine 6 mm capacity universal type 250 volts Electric Drill Machine 12 mm, capacity 250 volts universal type Squirrel cage induction motor 3 H.P. 400 V with V with D.O.L starter Squirrel cage induction motor 5 H.P. 400 V. with star delta starter D.C. compound 3 H.P. 250 V, with 4 point starter and field regulator (Laboratory type) D.C. compound 3 H.P. 250 V, with 3 point starter and field regulator (Laboratory type) Transformer single phase 1 K.V.A. 250/100V Capacitor motor ¼ H.P. single phase 250 V Split phase motor ¼ H.P. single phase 250 V Universal motor 750 W AC/DC 250 V M.G. Set consisting of squirrel cage induction motor 5 H.P. 400V cycles with directly coupled D.C. compound generator 3K.W 250V with built in panel board consisting of: 1. 3 Phase air circuit breakers, O.C.B. – 1 set 2. Star Delta Starter (contact type 8 points) 3. Shunk Field Regulator 4. D.C.Circuit breaker 5. Suitable voltmeters on A.C. & D.C. side 6. Suitable line ammeters on A.C. & D.C. side 7. Field circuit ammeter 8. Indicating lamps on both the sides (AC & DC) 9. L.F. Oscilloscope - 2 nos. 10. Oil testing kit - 2 nos. 11. Oil testing kit - 1 no. 12. Lux meter - 1 no. 13. Altimeter - 1 no. 14. SPV module - 200 watts - 1 no. Note: No additional items are required to be provided for the batch working in the second shift except the items under Trainees Tool Kit and Lockers. Quantity 1 no. 1 no. 1 no. 1 no. 1 no. 1 no. 3 nos. 1 no. 1 no. 1 no. 1 no. SYLLABUS OF THE MODULE – TT-II FOR THE TRADE OF “ TRADE : “ WIREMAN “ UNDER CRAFT INSTRUCTOR TRAINING SCHEME (Modular Pattern) TRADE TECHNOLOGY-II (T T-II) DURATION : 3 MONTHS Revised in - 2012 Government of India Ministry of Labour & Employment Directorate General of Employment & Training CENTRAL STAFF TRAINING AND RESEARCH INSTITUTE EN-81, Sector-V, Salt Lake City, Kolkata- 700091 List of members attended in the “WORKSHOP” for revision of syllabi for various modules under Craft Instructor Training Scheme (CITS) held at Central Staff Training & Research Institute (CSTARI), Kolkata on dated 31.07.12 Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. NAME & DESIGNATION S/Shri./Smt. R.N. BANDYOPADHYAYA, DIRECTOR K.L. KULI, JDT B.N. SRIDHAR, DDT ABHINOY NANDI, DDT JAYAN JOHN, VICE PRINCIPAL A.V. BALACHANDRAN ACHARY, VICE PRINCIPAL G. GIRI,DDT ASHOKE RARHI, DDT C.S. MURTHY, DDT P.G. RAJENDRAN, ADT S. VENUGOPALAN M.S. EKAMBARAM, DDT LALMOHAN PHARIHAR, TO DIPAK Kr. SAHA, TO SUBU TABIN, Addl. Director ( Project) D. MAHABOOB BASHA, TO L.K. MUKHERJEE, DDT NIRMALYA NATH, ADT K.N. HALDER, DDT R.N. MANNA, TO MOHAN SINGH, TO P. BISWAS, D/MAN HEMANT KUJUR, D/MAN ORGANISATION REMARKS CSTARI, KOLKATA Chairman CSTARI, KOLKATA FTI, BANGALORE ATI, MUMBAI DIRECTORATE OF TRAINING, KERALA DIRECTORATE OF TRAINING, KERALA Member Member Member Member Member MITI, CHOUDWAR, ORISSA ATI-EPI, DEHRADUN ATI-EPI ,HYDERABAD ATI, VIDYA NAGAR, HYDERABAD ATI, VIDYA NAGAR, HYDERABAD ATI-EPI, HYDERABAD ATI, DAS NAGAR, HOWRAH. ATI, DASNAGAR, HOWRH. DEPARTMENT OF IND. GOVT. OF ARUNACHAL PRADESH, ITANAGAR ATI, MUMBAI CSTARI, KOLKATA CSTARI, KOLKATA CSTARI, KOLKATA. CSTARI, KOLKATA CSTARI, KOLKATA CSTARI, KOLKATA CSTARI, KOLKATA Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Name of the Scheme : Craft Instructors’ Training Scheme 2. Name of the Trade : WIREMAN 3. N. C. O. Code No. : 4. Name of the Module : Trade Technology – II 5. Duration : 03 Months 6. Entry Qualification : (a) same as trade Technology – I and (b) completed training in TT-I module of the relevant trade of modular pattern of craft Instructor’s Training Scheme (CITS) 7. Batch Size : 20 Trainees 8. Space Norms : (a) Class Room : 30 Sq. Mt. .(@ 1.5 Sq. Mt. per Trainee) (b) Workshop : 110 sq. meter. 9. Power Norms : (a) Class Room : 1 kw (6000 lumen) (b) Workshop : 2kw (50000 lumen) 10. Illumination Norms : (a) Class Room : 6000 lumen (b) Workshop : 50000 lumen (The electrical equipment of class room should conform to minimum 3 star Building energy rating as per Bureau of Energy Efficiency (B.E.E.) 11. Trainer’s Qualification: Degree in appropriate branch of engineering from recognized University with Two years experience in the relevant field and Passed National Craft Instructor Training course in same or relevant trade. OR Three year Diploma in appropriate branch of engineering from recognized Board / Institution University with Five years experience in the relevant field and Passed National Craft Instructor Training course in same or relevant trade. In case of two units, one trainer must be Degree in Engineering. COURSE STRUCTURE Module :- TRADE TECHNOLOGY- II (TT-II) Sl. No. 1. 2. Components Trade Technology Information Centre Units Allotted Allotted Time/week Time/module a) Theory 14 hrs/wk 14x13=182hrs b) Practical 25hrs/wk 25x13=325hrs C) Information Centre 1hr/wk 1x13=13hrs 40hrs. / wk 520 hrs. / module Duration: 3 Months Revised Syllabus of Trade :- WIREMAN MODULE :- Trade Technology TT-II Under Craft Instructor Training Scheme (CITS) Modular Pattern Duration ; 3 MONTHS Wk No. 1 Trade Theory ALTERNATORS Types and construction of alternators E.M.F. equation of alternators Armature reaction in alternators Characteristics of alternators Voltage regulation of alternator Synchronizing of alternators Cooling of alternators SYNCHRONOUS MOTORS Principle of synchronous motors Starting of synchronous motors Loading of synchronous motors Typical varieties Effect of field excitation on synchronous motor Synchronous condensers Practical Verification of Ohm’s law Measurement of resistance by drop method D.C. circuits – characteristics – series – parallel Combined circuit verification. Study on 3 phase Alternator to identify different parts Connection and build up voltage in 3 phase Alternator Loading of Alternator and to find voltage regulator Parallel operation of 3 phase Alternator by lamp method and synchronoscope method Starting of synchronous motor Study on the effect of excitation on stator, armature, current, plotting of V cure 2 WINDING Winding terminology Winding insulation materials Lap winding Wave winding Testing of D.C. armatures Types of three phase winding Procedure for rewinding the machines for same condition Un-balanced windings Re-connecting for change in frequency volt and speed Testing of stator winding for its faults Single phase winding Rewinding of DC Machine Ar.- Lap winding Wave winding Replacement of field coil Testing of Ar. and field Varnishing of Ar. and field winding Fan winding 3 Methods of resistance measurements Loop tests Classification of measuring instruments Essential requirement of measuring instrument Moving iron instrument Moving coal instrument Dynamo meter type instrument Hot wire type instrument Extension of ranges shunt, Multiplies A.C. circuit characteristics series circuit containing RL & C Measurement of Power in single phase A.C. circuit Measurement of power in 3 phase A.C. circuit Measuring energy in D.C. and A.C. circuit 4 Use of voltmeter, Ammeter, Wattmeter, Energy meter Testing of burnt motor Armature for re-winding, collection of data – Development of Armature winding diagram Preparation of coils, re-winding of armature Testing after re-winding of Armature Watt meters Energy meters Power factor meters Frequency meters Meggar and Ohm meter Methods of resistance measurements Multimeter (Analog and Digital type) Earth testing Megger MONTHLY TEST 5 6 7 GENERATION – TRNASMISSION & DISTRIBUTION Generating stations Generation & transmission voltage adopted in India D.C. & AC distribution system Concept of Pole mounting Sub station Over head lines conductors and insulators Over head lines supports Over head line terminology Lightning arresters – types, their construction and uses Line controlling & protecting eqpts Guards Construction & terminology of U.G. cables. Faults and their remedies Efficiency & regulation transmission lines BASIC ELECTRONICS Semiconductor concept, semiconductor diode, transistor, amplifier, oscillator, their working principles and characteristics. Rectification process, single phase and 3 phase diode rectifier Power supply S.C.R. Triac, Diac & UJT – their working principle and applications Study of PCB Bureau of Indian Standard – Illumination standard required, standard and optimization. Calibration of single phase energy meter Extension of voltmeter and Ammeter ranges Measurement of insulation resistance of different machines by megger Use of Multimeter (analog type and Digital type) Measurement of Earth resistance & resistivity by Earth Testing Megger Cable jointing Demonstration, testing and use of line protecting devices as per I.E. Rules Study, removing of insulation and testing of underground cables Study Rectification process, single phase and 3 phase diode rectifier Tests and identification of legs of Diode, Transistors, SCR, UJT and FET Test on power supply Demonstration and tests on Transistor amplifier and oscillators. Study on Amplifier & oscillator circuits. Study on PCB Study and operation of Oscilloscope 8 9 10 11 LAMPS & ILLUMINATION Illumination terminology Incandescent lamps Principe of discharge lamps Mercury vapour lamps Fluorescent lamps Sodium vapour lamps Neon signs Laws of illumination Systems of illumination and different MONTHLY TEST AUTOMOBILE WIRING Lighting and horn circuits in automobiles Lighting circuit Charging circuit Starting circuit Indicating devices and other electrical accessories used in automobiles Cable harnessing Conduit to connection WORK STUDY Inspection, scrap production by stage inspection Work simplification Job analysis and planning at job Estimation of time and material Job handling Conservation of Power and Energy Connection of LPMV lamp HPMV lamps Twin tube light connection used in the Industry Study and connection of Sodium Vapour lamp Study and connection of CFL Study and connection of Hallogen lamp MONTHLY TEST Study on lighting circuit of a vehicle Study on ignition circuit and charging circuit Repair and maintenance work related to the trade 12 Estimation and Costing Project work and Industrial Visit related to the trade (2 days). 13 Revision and final examination LIST OF TOOLS & EQUIPMENTS FOR A BATCH OF 20 TRAINEES FOR THE TRADE OF WIREMAN (TT – II) UNDER CRAFTS INSTRUCTOR TRAINING SCHEME (MODULAR PATTERN) Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Item TRAINEES KIT Combination pliers 200 mm insulated Screw Driver 200 mm Screw Driver 100 mm Terminal Screw Driver 75 mm (Connector) Neon Tester 500 volts Pencil bit type Knife D.B. Electrician 600 mm four fold box wood rule Hammer Ball pein 0.25 kg. Try Square 200 mm Firmer chisel 12 mm Firmer chisel 6 mm Tenon saw 250 mm Wood Rasp File 250 mm File round (Half) 2nd cut 250 mm File round 150 mm Plumb bob 115 grams Bradawl 150 mm x 6 mm square pointed Ratchet brace 6 mm capacity Ratchet bit 4 mm and 6 mm Bar wood mallet 1 kg. (75 mm x 15 mm) Quantity 20 nos. 20 nos. 20 nos. 20 nos. 20 nos. 20 nos. 20 nos. 20 nos. 20 nos. 20 nos. 20 nos. 20 nos. 20 nos. 20 nos. 20 nos. 20 nos. 20 nos. 20 nos. 20 nos. 20 nos. SHOP TOOLS INSTRUMENTS & GENERAL OUTFIT Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Item Pliers side cutting 200 mm Pliers flat nose 150 mm Pliers flat nose 200 mm Pliers flat nose 200 mm Screw driver heavy duty 250 mm Screw driver 7 mm x 300 mm square blade Firmer chisel 25 mm Firmer chisel 18 mm Mortise chisel 6 mm Iron plane 400 mm x 50 mm blade Marking gauge Bevel square 150 mm Cold chisel flat 25 mm x 200 mm Cold chisel flat 18 mm x 200 mm Hammer Ball Pein 0.50 kg. Hammer Ball Pein 0.75 kg. Hammer Ball Pein 1.00 kg. Hammer cross Pein 0.50 kg. Rawl tool holder & Bit No. 8, 10, 14 & 16 Quantity 5 nos. 5 nos. 5 nos. 5 nos. 5 nos. 5 nos. 5 nos. 5 nos. 5 nos. 5 nos. 5 nos. 4 nos. 4 nos. 4 nos. 4 nos. 4 nos. 4 nos. 4 nos. 2 each 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. Wall Jumper Octagonal 37 mm x 450 mm and 37 x 600 mm Centre punch 100 mm Scriber 150 mm Hammer cross Pein 0.12 kg File flat 300 mm rough File flat 300 mm 2nd cut File flat 250 mm Bastard File flat 250 mm smooth File half round 150 mm 2nd cut File half round 150 mm smooth File round 300 mm 2nd cut File round 150 mm smooth File triangular 150 mm 2nd cut Spanner Double ended set of 6 Adjustable spanner 350 mm Foot print Grip 250 mm Allen keys Steel rule 300 mm Steel measuring tape 20 meters Hacksaw frame adjustable 200 mm to 300 mm S.S. Twist Drill 3 mm, 5 mm, 6mm and 4 mm Hand auger 12 mm, 15 mm, 18 mm and 25 mm Spirit level 300 mm Electric soldering iron 125 watts 230-250 V Electric soldering iron 750 watts 230-250 V Blow lamp 1 litre capacity Melting pot 200 mm x 150 mm Laddle Forge with hand blower Forge with hand blower Conduit die set suitable for 9 mm, 18 mm, 25 mm Bench Vice 150 mm Bench Vice 100 mm Hand Vice 50 mm jaw Rubber gloves 5000 volts Safety belt with provision for keeping tools Ladder bamboo 6 meters Tower Ladder 3 meters on tyre wheels Portable extension ladder aluminium 6 to 9 meters Iron pen 450 mm Trawel 150 mm Megger 500 volts cum continuity tester Voltmeter M.C. – 300 volts Voltmeter M.C. Multirange 0-150, 300, 600V Voltmeter M.C. Multirange 0-15, 75, 100, 150 V Volltmeter Centre zero 15-0-15 volts Voltmeter M.I. Multirange analog and digital 0-150, 300, 600 V. Voltmeter M.I. Multirange analog and digital 0-50, 75, 1, 150 V00 V. Ammeter Digital 0-15 Amp. Panel Board type analog and digital Ammeter M.I. 0-1 Amp. Panel Board type analog and digital Ammeter M.I. 0-5 Amp. Panel Board type 4 each 2 nos. 2 nos. 2 nos. 4 nos. 4 nos. 4 nos. 4 nos. 4 nos. 4 nos. 4 nos. 4 nos. 2 nos. 2 sets 1 no. 2 nos. 1 set 4 nos. 1 no. 4 nos. 2 each 2 each 1 no. 2 nos. 2 nos. 2 nos. 1 no. 2 nos. 1 no. 1 no. 4 sets 4 nos. 2 nos. 4 nos. 2 pairs 9 nos. 2 nos. 1 no. 1 no. 2 nos. 2 nos. 2 nos. 1 no. 1 no. 1 no. 1 no. 2 nos. 1 no. 2 nos. 2 nos. 2 nos. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. Ammeter M.C. 0-1 Amp. Panel Board type Ammeter MC 0-5 Amp. Panel Board type Single phase K.W.H. meter 5A, 250V.A.C. Digital / Electronics Energy meter 10A/30A 3 Phase KW Electronic meter 15 A 440 V Watt meter Dynamo meter type 5 Amp. And 250 V Multimeter 0-5, 100, 200, 500 milliamperes 0-100, 1000, 10,000 ohms, 0150, 300, 600 V AC/DC Multimeter digital Earth megger 0-10 ohms, 500 V, with all accessories Conduit pipe cutting and threading machine, suitable for 15 mm, 18 mm, 25 mm and 30 mm Conduit pipe bending machine, suitable for 15 mm, 18 mm, 25 mm and 30 mm A.C. ceiling fan 1200 mm, Sweep single phase 75 W, 250 V with regulator Bar magnet Horse shoe magnet Wheatstone Bridge Crimping tools heavy duty Rubber matting 2 meters x 1 meter5 x 9 mm Wiring board on stand 3 meters x 1 meter with 0.5 meter projection on the top Synchronous Meter Phase sequence meter Underground cable fault finding equipment Lighting arrester tymoiddise type Alternator couple control panel (as stated in electrician) Synchronous motor Motorized winding machine Frequency meter (digital) Work bench 2.5 x 1.20 x 0.75 Steel locker standard size with 8 Drawers in each Almirah 1.8 x 1.2 x 0.45 Instructor’s chair Instructor’s chair Demonstration table 2.5 x 1.2 x 0.45 meters Blackboard with easel Stools Fire extinguishers Metal rack 180 x 150 x 45 cm Fire buckets 2 nos. 2 nos. 2 nos. 1 no. 1 no. 1 no. 4 each 2 nos. 1 no. 1 no. 1 no. 1 no. 1 no. 1 no. 1 no. 1 no. 2 nos. 16 nos. 2 nos. 2 nos. 1 no. 1 no. 2 nos. 1 no. 1 no. 2 nos. 2 nos. 2 nos. 2 nos. 1 no. 1 no. 1 no. 1 no. 16 nos. 2 nos. 1 no. 4 nos. GENERAL MACHINERY Sl. No. 1. 2. 3. Item Electric Drill Machine 6 mm capacity universal type 250 volts Electric Drill Machine 12 mm, capacity 250 volts universal type M.G. Set consisting of squirrel cage induction motor 5 H.P. 400V cycles with directly coupled D.C. compound generator 3K.W 250V with built in panel board consisting of: Quantity 1 no. 1 no. 1 no. 1. 3 Phase breakers – 1 set 2. Star Delta Starter (contact type 8 points) 3. Shunk Field Regulator 4. D.C. Circuit breaker 5. Suitable voltmeters on A.C. & D.C. side 6. Suitable line ammeters on A.C. & D.C. side 7. Field circuit ammeter 8. Indicating lamps on both the sides (AC & DC) 9. L.F. Oscilloscope - 2 nos. 10. Oil testing - 2 nos. 11. 3 Phase synchronous motor - 1 no. 12. Lux meter - 1 no. 13. Altimeter - 1 no. 14. SPV module - 200 watts - 1 no. Note: No additional items are required to be provided for the batch working in the second shift except the items under Trainees Tool Kit and Lockers. FURNITURE, ACCESSORIES AND AUDIO VISUAL AIDS FOR THE MODULES TT-I AND TT-II (COMMON FOR ALL ENGG. TRADES) 01 02 03 04 05 06 Class Room Chairs (armless) / Dual desk may also be allowed Class Room Tables ( 3ft X 2ft) / Dual desk may also be allowed Chair for Trainer (armed) movable Table for Trainer (4 ½ ft X 2 ½ ft) with Drawer and cupboard LCD / LED Projector Multimedia Computer System with all accessories with UPS (.5 KVA) 07 Computer Table 08 White Board (6ft X 4 ft.) 09 LCD Projector Screen 10 Air Conditioner 1.5Ton (OPTIONAL) 11 Wall Clock 12 Wall charts, Transparencies and DVDs related to the trade 20 /10 nos. 20 /10 nos. 01 nos. 01 no. 01 no. 01 set 01 no. 01 no. 01 no. 02 nos. 01 no. As required LIST OF FURNITURE, ACCESSORIES AND AUDIO VISUAL AIDS FOR AUDIO VISUAL LAB (COMMON FOR ALL ENGG. TRADES) 01 02 03 04 05 06 Class Room Chairs (armless) / Dual desk may also be allowed Class Room Tables ( 3ft X 2ft) / Dual desk may also be allowed Chair for Trainer (armed) movable Table for Trainer (4 ½ ft X 2 ½ ft) with Drawer and cupboard LCD Projector Multimedia Computer System with all accessories with UPS (.5 KVA) 07 Computer Table 08 White Board (6ft X 4 ft.) 09 LCD Projector Screen 10 Air Conditioner 1.5Ton (OPTIONAL) 11 Wall Clock 12 Wall charts, Transparencies and DVDs related to the trade 13 14 15 16 17 Document Camera / Visualiser Smart Board / Inter Active Board Over Head Projector Video Camera with stand Printer cum Scanner 30 /15 nos. 30 /15 nos. 01 no. 01 no. 01 no. 01 set 01 no. 01 no. 01 no. 02 nos. 01 no. As required 01 no. 01 no. 01 no. 01 no. 01 no. Guidelines for setting up of paper under CITS (TT-I & TT-II) Total Marks: 75 DEPTH OF QUESTIONS Sl. No. Content % to be followed Marks breakup 1 BASICS 20 15 2 CORE 60 45 3 ADVANCED 20 15 BREAKUP OF QUESTION AS PER THE CONTENT BASICS TYPE-I 15QX1M=15M 3QX1M=3M TYPE-II 15QX2M=30M 3QX2M=6M TYPE-III 6QX5M=30M 1QX5M=5M CORE 9QX1M=9M 9QX2M=18M 4QX5M=20M ADVANCED 3QX1M=3M 3QX2M=6M 1QX5M=5M QUESTION PATTERN TYPE TYPE-I TYPE-II TYPE-III PATTERN TRUE/FALSE MULTIPLE CHOICE SHORT ANSWER QUESTION LONG ANSWER QUESTION MARK DISTRIBUTION 5QX1M=5M 10QX1M=10M 15QX2M=30M 6QX5M=30M TOTAL MARKS 15M 30M 30M CHOICE FOR ANSWERING TYPE TOTAL QUESTIONS No. OF CHOICE MARKS TYPE-I 15 NO CHOICE 15 TYPE-II 15 20 30 TYPE-III 6 9 30 TIME ALLOTMENT(in minutes) TIME ALLOTED FOR TIME(in minutes) GENERAL READING 10 TYPE-I 30 TYPE-II 60 TYPE-III 70 REVISION 10 TOTAL TIME 180