I like to think we`re pretty close

In Touch
I like to think we’re pretty close...
In a situation that is far from unique, I find Christmas tends to “sneak up on me.” Going full throttle
with work and seminary along with the rest of life’s opportunities, twists and turns, it is really only
once that final work day and last class of the semester conclude that I feel I really turn my thoughts
and energy to preparing for Christmas - by which time it is practically upon me!
So in light of that, and possibly you can relate to it, I greatly savor those precious days of
anticipation before Christmas. Sure, there was plenty of activity crammed into scarcely few days,
and those usually extended into the wee hours of the next day, but it was as if I fed off that
For all of us at UPC, Christmas Eve services were a little different this year. Being the spouse of a
primary creative force behind the annual pageant, I had grown accustomed to the pageant being
on Christmas Eve. This year, it was the Sunday before Christmas, and it was wonderful!
Something about that fourth Sunday of Advent service really moved me. No, it was not the Voice
of God in the pageant, but, hey, can someone see if that guy has an agent? As much as I
cherished the unfolding drama of the pageant, complete with its original cast Miss Beasley (Nikki
Thompson) home from college to see this revival, what most moved me was the offering in song of
Jackie Plate singing what may well be my favorite contemporary Christmas song, “We’re Not That
Far from Bethlehem.”
Indeed, we were not that far from Christmas, three days to be exact. The song always speaks to
me, but in the rush and crush of my getting to Christmas in a matter of days, hearing Jackie sing it
spoke deeply to me, and I hope to all of us.
What occurred to me as I listened was not how close we were to December 25 th, but also how
apparent was the essence of Emmanuel, God with us. Part of me recognized my own anxiety:
How would I possibly accomplish in a matter of days that which I largely neglected for lack of time
and energy. The service, the pageant, and maybe most of all that song helped relieve that anxiety.
Still, my heart was restless. I knew that part of me always prefers those precious days - hectic that
they may be - leading up to Christmas. I know myself well enough to know that part of that
preference is knowing how fast Christmas Day itself flashes in a flurry of laughter, music, and flying
wrapping paper. I realized I did not want that joy to be over so soon! I remembered how for all the
joy of Christmas, I feel a pang of sadness when the day is over. This year, it seemed ever more
acute. On Christmas Eve, the mail included a catalog from a Christian book and supply company.
The catalog was promoting its Easter line! While I understand the reason Jesus came into the
world, I was not ready to press onward into the liturgical year before savoring the current season!
We’re not that far from Bethlehem, Jackie sang. As I write this, and certainly when you read this,
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In Touch
December 25th with be in the rear view mirror.
And, yes, the liturgical calendar will usher us
onward to remind us the ministry of Jesus did
not reach its culmination in the Nativity.
The radio stations have gone back to regular
programming. Gone is the 24 hour schedule
of Christmas music. But, we’re not that far
from Bethlehem, Jackie sang to us. As we
enter a new year, with the joys and cares,
highs and lows it is bound to bring, I pray
each of us may continue to hear the echoes of
her voice.
Christmas is about the
unfathomable love God has for us - sending
Jesus, God taking on the form of humanity.
And is not it an essential truth that the
humbling and awesome fact of our faith is
that, truly, God is with us? Not only in a cave
or stable two thousand plus years ago, but
December 25th, the day you read this, and
every moment of every day?
January 2014
Our youth group’s annul super bowl sub sale
will be held on Sunday, February 2, 2014. All
Subs are $6.00. Place your orders on or
before Sunday, January 26, 2014 to receive a
sub for Super Bowl Sunday. See insert. Our
youth group will be making
these delicious subs to help
support their retreats,
mission work, and service
Christmas Day may have passed. Presents
will have been opened. Gatherings and
parties will have been enjoyed. Trees and
decorations will be coming down…
Yet if Christmas means God is with us, then
we can rise to face another day, another
workday, another semester, another anything,
knowing we are not alone but go with the love
of God. And maybe, months from now, we
will look back and still be close, close to
Bethlehem, close to that amazing sensation of
knowing God came to and is with us!
Tim Clarkson
February 2014 IN TOUCH is
January 22, 2014
Please submit any information you want
included in the February 2014 In Touch to
the church office or by e -mail
(UPCintouch@aol.com) on or before that
date. All are welcome to contribute.
In general, each month the deadline for the
In Touch will be the third Wednesday of the
month (the Wednesday after the monthly
Session meeting).
In Touch
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prayer, fellowship and service to
It’s been a good year at
UPC. Our leadership
teams of the Board of
gs Session and Deacons,
our active cadre of
volunteers, and our dedicated
staff have kept the church humming
week after week. As the song says,
“We are the church together!”
Now we turn our attention to another calendar
year. What is on the horizon? What are your
hopes, dreams, fears? For yourself, your
family, your church? What resolutions would
you like not only to make but to keep (ah,
there’s the rub!).
Abundant resources exist to help us
“practice what we preach”, or “walk the
Walk”, as some put it. Pursuing our own
spiritual growth is key to a vibrant
congregation; they mutually depend upon
and feed off each other.
Resolve to make weekly worship
attendance a priority.
Sunday worship is the most important
thing we do week in, week out, month
after month. It is the major event which
brings us together to give praise to God
and to share our faith journeys together.
Our Lord’s Day worship is the healthy
beating heart of the Body of Christ!
Resolve to express your faith in
faithful financial stewardship.
Someone has said, “Stewardship is
everything that happens after we say, I
believe”. Jesus talked about the
stewardship of our time, our talents and
our treasures more than just about
anything else. Our faithful stewardship
makes possible the multi-faceted ministry
and mission of our congregation in and
beyond Mt. Olive Township.
Resolve to practice one’s own
personal faith through daily
disciplines of scripture reading,
Resolve to invite friends, family
and coworkers to join us for
worship or for another church
Studies continue to show that the best
‘evangelists’ for any congregation are its
own members. Churches grow as we
extend personal invitations to experience
what we share of God’s blessings in our
church. I have one pastor friend who tells
his people, “It’s your job to get people
here; it’s my job to keep them here”.
There’s wisdom in those words.
Let me suggest a few UPC resolutions that
every congregation could use as we navigate
through a new year:
January 2014
Resolve to be positive and forwardlooking. Be open to new possibilities
the Spirit may be nudging this year.
Don’t be stuck in the “We’ve never done it
that way before” mentality. Be positive
about the many things going in the
church, rather than focusing on perceived
weaknesses. Be an encouraging
presence among your fellow church
members and to the leaders of your
church. In short, be part of the solution,
not part of the problem! “Be the change!”
as Ghandi so famously said.
Those resolutions will make for a great New
Year here at UPC, Flanders!
Let the fun begin again!
Rev. Rick
January 2014
5:45pm Alleluia Choir
6:30pm Chancel Choir
Women of Faith
Women of Faith
5:45pm Alleluia Choir
6:30pm Chancel Choir
7:00pm Nominating
Committee Mtg
Women of Faith
7:00pm Community
5:45pm Alleluia Choir
6:30pm Chancel Choir
7:30pm NewSong
Office Closed
7:30pm NewSong
Women of Faith
5:45pm Alleluia Choir
6:30pm Chancel Choir
7:30pm “Food for
Thought” @ The After
7:30pm NewSong
Women of Faith
5:45pm Alleluia Choir
6:30pm Chancel Choir
10:00am Soup Kit.
7:00pm Fun ‘n’ Friends
Board Meeting
January 2014
7:30pm Session Mtg.
Martin Luther
King Day
10:00am Worship & SS
11:15am New Member Class
10:00am Worship & SS
10:00am Worship & SS
11:15am New Member Class
10:00am Worship & SS
11:15am Confirmation class
In Touch
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9:00 AM
2nd Saturday
JANUARY 2014 In Touch
The United Presbyterian Church
58 Drakesdale Road
Flanders, NJ 07836
Phone: 973-584-8195 and 973-584-1450
Fax: 973-584-8253
Pastor: Rev. Rick Oppelt
Church e-mail: office@unitedpcf.com
Website: www..unitedpcf.com
In Touch e-mail: UPCintouch@aol.com
Super Bowl Sub Sale
February 2, 2014
Thanks to your support in the past, our youth have been able to go
on retreats and support service projects. We would really
appreciate your support again this year by ordering subs for your
family by January 26. We will have some limited extras available.
Super Bowl Sub Sale
February 2, 2014
x $6.00 per sub = TOTAL $ __________
Thanks to your support in the past, our youth have been able to go
on retreats and support service projects. We would really
appreciate your support again this year by ordering subs for your
family by January 26. We will have some limited extras available.
NAME________________________PHONE #_____________
x $6.00 per sub = TOTAL $ __________
Put a check mark under the items you would like on your sub:
Ham Salami Prov Lett Tom Onion Mayo Ital
uce ato
Subs are $6 each. Please make checks payable to UPC and include
with this form or pay on the sale day. Place form in the box
provided in the narthex. Thank you so much!
Put a check mark under the items you would like on your sub:
Ham Salami Prov Lett Tom Onion Mayo Ital
uce ato
Subs are $6 each. Please make checks payable to UPC and include
with this form or pay on the sale day. Place form in the box
provided in the narthex. Thank you so much!
Please also watch for the soup pot in the narthex on Super Bowl
Sunday. Every dollar collected will directly benefit the Faith Soup
Kitchen in Dover as part of the Presbyterian “Souper” Bowl Hunger
Program of which our Presbytery supports.
Please also watch for the soup pot in the narthex on Super Bowl
Sunday. Every dollar collected will directly benefit the Faith Soup
Kitchen in Dover as part of the Presbyterian “Souper” Bowl Hunger
Program of which our Presbytery supports.
NAME________________________PHONE #_____________
January 2014
In Touch
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