Yes! I am pleased to make a total gift of $ ____ in support of the

Yes! I am pleased to make a total gift of $ ____
in support of the Berkeley Public Library
Foundation and our public libraries.
Pledge & Donation Information
 I will fulfill this pledge with a one-time payment on ______________ (date)
 I will fulfill this pledge through  semi-annual  quarterly  monthly payments of $_______
beginning on (date)________________
 Other (please specify)
Method of Payment
 Enclosed is a check for
, payable to the Berkeley Public Library Foundation
 I will make my gift through a securities transfer. Please send me a transfer form
 Charge my  Visa  Mastercard  AmEx  Discover
Card #_________________________________ Exp. Date____________
Billing Address (if different from mailing address) _________________________________________
 My company
will match my gift
Please recognize my gift as follows:
 I wish to remain anonymous
City, State Zip
When completed, return this form with your donation to Berkeley Public Library Foundation:
2090 Kittredge St., Berkeley CA 94704. Please call 510.981.6115 with any questions. Thank you!