patch help - Allotinabox

So...You have some space in your garden and want to grow some fresh veggies?
Great... Garden Vegetable patches are on the rise more and more people are using
their land to grow their own produce for their families. It’s a great way of saving
yourself a bundle, plus its great exercise and fun for all the family! Right now let’s
get you started!
Visualise how big you want your patch to be, The success of your patch relies on
the location! Work out which part of the your garden gets the most sunlight
vegetables all year round. Vegetables really do not like the harsh elements, so the
next thing for you to consider is shelter.
Having one side protected by a wall, shed of fence would be a big advantage - if
you have decided on raised vegetable beds then a hedge could be perfect. If you
grow from ground level to stay clear of trees and hedges as they tend to suck up
allot of vital nutrients.
Your veggies will need a lot of water, it’s always good to position your patch closest to the kitchen this way your can keep an eye on all the goings on! This way it’s
a good reminder they need a water, or just to see who’s ready for the stove.
Right so you’ve spotted the sun and planned your patch that is well protected and
close enough to keep a watchful eye on it. Now you will need to turn this patch
into a lean mean growing machine.
Weeds get everywhere! Unless you’re lucky enough to have that perfect lawn... All
weeds have to be cleared before any other prep, as they will take over your plot if
you’re not careful. The most effective and organic way of doing this is by hand.
Once that’s the done, the soil is going be hungry... feed it manure and compost,
and let the soil chow down on all it’s goodness.
ALLOTINABOX provide with all the goodies to get growing all year round, hand
picked seasonal seeds that will get you from soil to stove in no time! Plus all the
extra like our ‘twine’ thats perfect for marking out your patch, and plant tags so
you know exactly what, where and when you have sown your seeds. With all the
online help and support you’ll need!
We hope there’s enough there to get you up to sowing. Keep checking back for
more grow guide PDF’s.