
Table of Contents & List of Exhibits
Embedded Software & Tools Practice
Steve Balacco, Director
Chris Rommel, Senior Analyst
Jared Weiner, Analyst
Cyril Bernard, Account Executive
VDC Research Group, Inc. | 679 Worcester Road, Suite 2 | Natick, MA 01760 USA | +1.508.653.9000 |
Embedded Sorftware Tools Practice
2010 Service Year
Track 2: Embedded System Market Statistics
Volume 7: Telecom / Datacom
About This Document
This document presents the Table of Contents and List of Exhibits from: Volume 7: Telecom / Datacom, part of VDC Research Group’s 2010 Embedded
Software Market Intelligence Service
The full report is specifically designed to serve as a valuable decision support tool for any company operating in, or targeting the, Development Tools
market. Our market intelligence helps senior executives and their teams define and respond to critical strategic and tactical questions.
About VDC Research Group
VDC Research Group (VDC) provides exceptionally detailed direct-contact primary market research and consulting services to many of the world's largest
technology suppliers, innovative start-ups and leading investors. The firm is organized around six practices, each with its own focused area of coverage.
Our clients rely on us for highly segmented research and analysis which is derived from our unwavering commitment to the idea that all markets are
collections of smaller market segments and that winning companies must develop and execute strategies that are segment-specific.
Please visit our website at to learn more.
For more information about this research product, please contact:
Steve Balacco, Director, Embedded Software & Tools Practice, 508.653.9000 x124,
Chris Rommel, Analyst, 508.653.9000 x123,
Jared Weiner, Analyst, 508.653.9000 x143,
Cyril Bernard, Account Director, 508.653.9000 x142,
VDC Research Group, Inc.
679 Worcester Road, Suite 2
Natick, MA 01760 U.S.A.
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VDC Research Group, Inc. | Copyright 2010
Embedded Sorftware Tools Practice
2010 Service Year
Track 2: Embedded System Market Statistics
Volume 7: Telecom / Datacom
Table of Contents
Executive Findings
Slide 2
Telecom / datacom
Slide 3
Telecom / datacom
Scope, Methodology & Definitions
Slide 5
Slide 6
Embedded systems market statistics model
Slide 7
Embedded systems market statistics model
Slide 8
Embedded systems engineering survey
Slide 9
Definitions – embedded system / device
Slide 10
Embedded engineering types
Slide 11
Definitions – embedded engineering types
Slide 12
Definitions – regions
Slide 13
Definitions – industries
Slide 14
Definitions – products / services type
Survey Demographics
Slide 16
Telecom / datacom
Slide 17
Telecom / datacom
Key Industry Trends
Slide 19
General market trends – telecom / datacom
Slide 20
System engineering trends – telecom / datacom
Slide 21
System engineering trends – telecom / datacom
Project Statistics
Slide 23
Telecom / datacom
Slide 24
Telecom / datacom
Slide 25
Telecom / datacom
Labor Statistics
Slide 27
Telecom / datacom
Slide 28
Telecom / datacom
Slide 29
Telecom / datacom
Slide 30
Telecom / datacom
Slide 31
Telecom / datacom
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VDC Research Group, Inc. | Copyright 2010
Embedded Sorftware Tools Practice
2010 Service Year
Track 2: Embedded System Market Statistics
Volume 7: Telecom / Datacom
Solution Statistics
Slide 33
Telecom / datacom
Slide 34
Telecom / datacom
Slide 35
Telecom / datacom
Slide 36
Telecom / datacom
Slide 37
Telecom / datacom
Slide 38
Telecom / datacom
Slide 39
Telecom / datacom
Slide 40
Telecom / datacom
Slide 41
Telecom / datacom
Total Market for Embedded Software Engineering (TMESE)
Slide 42
List of Exhibits
Section I: Survey Demographics
Exhibit I-1
Survey Respondents Segmented by Geographic Region (Percent of Respondents, N = 54)
Exhibit I-2
Survey Respondents Segmented by Geographic Sub-Region (Percent of Respondents, N = 54)
Exhibit I-3
Survey Respondents Segmented by Type of Company Worked for (Percent of Respondents, N = 54)
Exhibit I-4
Survey Respondents Segmented by Primary Role within the Company (Percent of Respondents, N = 54)
Exhibit I-5
Survey Respondents Segmented by Type of Product Project team is Developing (Percent of Respondents, N = 54)
Exhibit I-6
Survey Respondents Segmented by Industry Application Product is Targeted to (Percent of Respondents, N = 51)
Section II: Embedded System Engineering Project Statistics
Exhibit II-1
Estimate of the Global Number of Embedded System Project Starts in 2009 and 2010 (VDC Modeled Estimate)
Exhibit II-2
Number of Different Projects Started at Company Every Year (Average of Respondents, N = 51)
Exhibit II-3
Number of Different Projects Started at Company Every Year (Percent of Respondents, N = 51)
Exhibit II-4
Total Cost of Development for the Current Project (Average of Respondents, N = 30)
Exhibit II-5
Total Cost of Development for the Current Project (Percent of Respondents, N = 30)
Exhibit II-6
Percent of Total Development Cost Attributed to Software Development (Average of Respondents, N = 32)
Exhibit II-7
Percent of Total Development Cost Attributed to Software Development (Percent of Respondents, N = 32)
Exhibit II-8
Percentage of Total Software Development Cost Attributed to Licensing Commercial Software (Average of Respondents, N = 32)
Exhibit II-9
Percentage of Total Software Development Cost Attributed to Licensing Commercial Software (Percent of Respondents, N = 32)
Exhibit II-10
Estimate of the Approximate per Unit Production Cost of the Current Embedded Product Respondents are Developing
(Average of Respondents, N = 31)
Exhibit II-11
Estimated Costs of Components as Percentages of the Per Unit Production Cost (Average of Respondents, N = 30)
Exhibit II-12
Was the Current Project Completed Ahead of Schedule, Behind Schedule, Or On-Time? (Percent of Respondents, N = 30)
Exhibit II-13
Total Project Length in Calendar Months (Average of Respondents, N = 44)
Exhibit II-14
Total Project Length in Calendar Months (Percent of Respondents, N = 44)
Exhibit II-15
Respondent's Estimation of Factors Most Attributable to Project's Delay (Percent of Respondents, N = 13)
Exhibit II-16
Annual Tools Budget for Software/System Engineers Working on This Project (Percent of Respondents, N = 27)
Exhibit II-17
Outsourcing of Engineering Work in Various Engineering Categories (Percent of Respondents, N = 34)
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VDC Research Group, Inc. | Copyright 2010
Embedded Sorftware Tools Practice
2010 Service Year
Track 2: Embedded System Market Statistics
Volume 7: Telecom / Datacom
Section III: Embedded System Engineering Labor Statistics
Exhibit III-1
Estimate of Global Number of Embedded Systems Engineers Working for Embedded Systems Manufacturers (VDC Modeled Estimate)
Exhibit III-2
Project Tasks That Engineers Are Personally Involved in on the Current Project (Percent of Respondents)
Exhibit III-3
Percent of Time Spent in Various Engineering Tasks (Average of Respondents)
Exhibit III-4
Engineer Age (Average of Respondents, N = 27)
Exhibit III-5
Engineer Age (Percent of Respondents, N = 27)
Exhibit III-6
Years Spent Designing Embedded Systems (Average of Respondents, N = 27)
Exhibit III-7
Years Spent Designing Embedded Systems (Percent of Respondents, N = 27)
Exhibit III-8
Years Spent Working for Current Company (Average of Respondents, N = 27)
Exhibit III-9
Years Spent Working for Current Company (Percent of Respondents, N = 27)
Exhibit III-10
Annual Salary (Average of Respondents)
Exhibit III-11
Annual Salary (Percent of Respondents)
Exhibit III-12
Estimated Fully-loaded Labor Cost for A Typical Engineer Working At Your Company (Percent of Respondents)
Exhibit III-13
Impressions of the Health of the Current Engineering Job Market As Compared to Previous Year (Percent of Respondents)
Exhibit III-14
Estimate of Number of Full-time Engineers Working on Current Project by Type (Average of Respondents, N = 44)
Exhibit III-15
Estimate of Number of Full-time Engineers Working At Company by Type (Average of Respondents, N = 50)
Section IV: Embedded Software Engineering Solution Statistics
Exhibit IV-1
Embedded Software Engineering Commercial Solutions Spend in 2009 and 2010 (VDC Modeled Estimate, US$ Millions)
Exhibit IV-2
Number of Units Shipped Per Year for the Embedded Product You Are Developing (Percent of Respondents)
Exhibit IV-3
Estimate of the Per Unit/Device Sale Price (Average of Respondents, N = 31)
Exhibit IV-4
Per Unit Retail Value of the Embedded Product You Are Developing (Percent of Respondents)
Exhibit IV-5
Number of Embedded Devices/Systems Shipped By Your Company in 2009 (Average of Respondents, N = 22)
Exhibit IV-6
Number of Embedded Devices/Systems Shipped By Your Company in 2009 (Percent of Respondents, N = 22)
Exhibit IV-7
Percentage of Devices/Systems Shipped in 2009 at Respondents' Companies by OS type (Average of Respondents, N = 20)
Exhibit IV-8
Percentage of Devices/Systems Shipped in 2009 at Respondents' Companies by OS type (Average of Respondents Weighted
By 2009 Unit Shipments, N = 20)
Exhibit IV-9
Is Product A New Design Or A Revision to An Existing Design? (Percent of Respondents, N = 54)
Exhibit IV-10
Description of the Processing Unit(s) Used on the Current Design (Percent of Respondents, N = 27)
Exhibit IV-11
Characterization of the Processor Design on the Current Project (Percent of Respondents, N = 27)
Exhibit IV-12
Respondents Experience Working with/Programming Multicore and/or Multiprocessor Designs (Percent of Respondents, N = 26)
Exhibit IV-13
Other Software Stack Components Required by Current Device/system (Percent of Respondents, N = 24)
Exhibit IV-14
Processor family(ies) of Processor(s) Used within the Embedded System/device Currently being Designed
(Percent of Respondents, N = 21)
Exhibit IV-15
Primary Host Development Environment Used for Current Development Projects (Percent of Respondents, N = 29)
Exhibit IV-16
Type of Operating System(s) Used for the Current Project (Percent of Respondents, N = 23)
Exhibit IV-17
Importance of Embedded Operating System Characteristics during OS Selection for Current Project (Percent of Respondents, N = 22)
Exhibit IV-18
Number of Commercial/third Party Lines of Software Code in Final Design for Current Project (Average of Respondents, N = 18)
Exhibit IV-19
Number of Commercial/third Party Lines of Software Code in Final Design for Current Project (Percent of Respondents, N = 18)
Exhibit IV-20
Number of Open Source/third-party Lines of Software Code in Final Design for Current Project (Average of Respondents, N = 20)
Exhibit IV-21
Number of Open Source/third-party Lines of Software Code in Final Design for Current Project (Percent of Respondents, N = 20)
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VDC Research Group, Inc. | Copyright 2010
Embedded Sorftware Tools Practice
2010 Service Year
Track 2: Embedded System Market Statistics
Volume 7: Telecom / Datacom
Exhibit IV-22
Number of In-house Developed Lines of Software Code That Will Go into the Final Design (Average of Respondents, N = 22)
Exhibit IV-23
Number of In-house Developed Lines of Software Code That Will Go into the Final Design (Percent of Respondents, N = 22)
Exhibit IV-24
Expected Increase/Decrease in the Percent of Lines of Software Code on the Next Project (Average of Respondents)
Exhibit IV-25
Source of In-house Developed Software Code for Current Project (Mean of Respondents, N = 25 )
Exhibit IV-26
Types of Tools Personally Used on the Current Project for Software/System Engineering (Percent of Respondents, N = 29)
Exhibit IV-27
Types of Lifecycle Management Tools Personally Used on the Current Project (Percent of Respondents, N = 29)
Exhibit IV-28
Most Important Characteristics When Selecting Current Projects' IDE(s) (Percent of Respondents, N = 14)
Exhibit IV-29
Software/System Design/Programming Methodologies Used on the Current Project (Percent of Respondents, N = 26)
Exhibit IV-30
Programming Languages Used on Current Project
Section V: Total Market for Embedded Software Engineering
Exhibit V-1
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Total Market for Embedded Software Engineering (TMESE) in 2009 and 2010 (VDC Modeled Estimate, US$ Millions)
VDC Research Group, Inc. | Copyright 2010