Howto Applyto College In7(fairlysimple)steps! Granville High School Counselors A-F G-M N-Z Mr. Cody Masters Mrs. Amber Gilsdorf Ms. Brandi Cooper What makes up a college application? Student Online Application Test Scores • Your demographic information • Your activities & involvements • Your essay (if applicable) • Application fee (if applicable) • Must be sent officially by the student from the SAT/ACT websites to the colleges Official Transcript • Student must complete an Application Tracking Form (BLUE Form) • Counselor will send it to the college/university GHS School Profile • Details the academic rigor of GHS and helps colleges to understand our school •Counselor will send it to the college/university Counselor Letter of • Student must request at least TEN WORKING DAYS prior to the date to be sent Recommendation • Not every school requires one, if they do the application will specify (if applicable) Secondary School Report • AKA ‐ The Counselor Form, Counselor Report Form, or School Report (if applicable) Teacher Letter of • Student must request at least TEN WORKING DAYS prior to the date to be sent Recommendation •Not every school requires one, if they do the application will specify (if applicable) 1 Step#1 Havealloftheappropriate accountssetup! *TheGHSCounselingOfficesendstranscriptsonline.Ifyoudonotfollowthese steps,wecannotsendyourtranscript!* 1. Have a valid, working Naviance student account with a valid email address. You need to be able to access the Naviance website with your username/email and password. - If you need help with this contact your School Counselor in the Counseling Office. The best way is for you to stop in and see us personally. 2. If you are applying to a Common Application School, follow these steps to create a Common App account. You may have already done this with the counselors in August at the College Application Workshop. o If you don’t know if your school is a common application school, go to Step #2 to find out! - 3. Go to On the main page, find the “Apply Now” tab and click it (green box). Click on “Create an Account.” o Remember to write down your username and password!!!! Use your own personal email (not your school email) Complete the FERPA Waiver in Common App if you are applying to a Common App school. You will find this link under the “Recommenders and FERPA” tab in your common application. o You have to add colleges to “My Colleges” tab to enable the FERPA Waiver link 2 Step#2 1. Fillouttheonlineapplication(s)! Determine whether or not your college(s) accept the Common Application or require their own application. You may have a mixture of some schools who accept Common Application and others that require their own application. - To see if your schools accept the Common Application, go to o You can search by college state, college-type and additional criteria. If you have schools that accept the Common Application… 2. Create a Common Application account and/or begin filling out your Common Application. You may have already done this with the counselors in August at the College Application Workshop. - Go to o On the main page, find “Apply Now” and click it (top right-hand side). o Follow the steps to create your account. Remember or write down your username and password!!!! Use your Username & Password Log included in your blue folder. If you have schools that require their own application... 3. Locate the application on each college/university's admissions website. You may have to click around before locating it. - Look for key words such as: o Future Students o Prospective Students o Apply Here - You will likely need to create an account for each school to apply online. o Be sure to write down your usernames and passwords! Use your own personal email (not your school email) 3 Step#3 AddallofyourcollegestoNaviance! * It is very important that you list ALL of the colleges to which you plan to apply in Naviance. If you do not, we cannot send a transcript! * 1. Log-in to your Naviance account. - From your Naviance home screen, click on the "Colleges" tab. - Click on "Colleges I'm applying to". ***You will now see “Common App Account Matching” on your screen. If you are applying via Common App, you need to put in the email address for your Common App account and date of birth. The Common App email address has to match perfectly to your Common App account to connect with Naviance!!! You have to complete this portion before any of your application materials can be sent!!! - Click on "add to this list" to add your schools. 4 Step#4 RequestTeacher&Counselor LettersofRecommendation! (ifrequiredbyyourcolleges) 1. Determine whether or not your colleges require a teacher and/or counselor letter of recommendation. Most schools require two teacher letters of recommendation from core subject teachers (English, Math, Science, Social Studies, and Global Language) and one counselor letter. If your school requires teacher letter(s) of recommendation… 2. Requesting Teacher Letter(s) of Recommendation: - - - Request at least TEN WORKING DAYS in advance (you are likely not the only student requesting a letter). Obtain a Teacher Request for Letter of Recommendation Form in the Counseling Office. o You will need to fill out one form for EVERY teacher from whom you are requesting a letter. o Fill out the form completely. Talk with your teacher face-to-face. o Explain why you are requesting a letter from them specifically! o Be sure to provide them with a deadline. o Provide them with your completed request form. o Ask if they need anything else from you. If any of your schools have a (the postage stamp icon) submission type in Naviance, provide your teacher with an addressed and stamped envelope to mail their letter. If your school requires a counselor letter of recommendation… 3. Requesting a Counselor Letter of Recommendation: - - Request at least TEN WORKING DAYS in advance (you are likely not the only student requesting a letter). Complete the Counselor Request for Letter of Recommendation form Schedule a time to meet with your counselor during a Study Hall period or before/after school. o We like to spend time getting to know you so that we can write the best letter possible. The more advance notice you give us, the better! You can do this LONG before you have submitted any applications! REMEMBER!!! It is a privilege to have someone write a letter on your behalf! Be sure to thank him/her for doing so! 5 1. Step#5 SendACTand/orSATscores Official ACT & SAT scores must be sent directly from the testing agency to each school requiring test scores. o GHS does NOT send scores from the Counseling Office. 2. To ensure that your scores were sent to ALL appropriate schools, login to your ACT & SAT accounts to verify status. o Go to and login to send your ACT scores. o Go to and login to send your SAT & SAT Subject Test scores. 3. Please note that you will need to allow for at least 3 weeks for your scores to be sent. o Rush deliveries are available through both ACT & SAT for an additional charge. 6 Step#6 RequestingaTranscript! * BLUE Forms are due at least TEN WORKING DAYS prior to when you want your counselor to send materials! * Fill out an Application Tracking Form (BLUE Form) for every school to which 1. you plan to apply. o One form per school. o Additional BLUE Forms are available in the Counseling Office, online, and on Naviance. o Be sure to answer EVERY question on the BLUE Form. o You MUST sign the bottom of the form as consent for your counselor to send your transcript to each college. 2. Submit each BLUE Form to your School Counselor at least TEN WORKING DAYS prior to when you want your materials sent. o See your "Counseling Office Deadlines for BLUE Forms" handout (the pink sheet). o If your school shows a (postage stamp icon) under "Submissions" than the school does NOT accept online submission of transcripts. Your transcript and other supporting documents will be mailed by the Counseling Office. 7 Step#7 1. 2. Follow‐Up! Let your School Counselor know the outcome of your admission! o If you find out that you are waitlisted or have been deferred, please see your School Counselor to determine the best course of action! Q: How do I know if my transcript and other materials were sent out? o Allow TWO WEEKS (or 10 working days) after your BLUE Form is turned in to the Counseling Office, then go to the 'Colleges' tab in your Naviance account. o Click on the 'Colleges I'm applying to' link. o Locate the column titled, “Office Status” to determine if your materials are still “Pending” or if the “Initial Materials Submitted”. If you see anything that doesn't look correct, or your materials are not "sent" please contact your school counselor. 3. Q: How do I confirm that my materials were received by my colleges? o Once you confirm that your transcript and school forms have left our office, please check with the college itself to make sure that they have indicated receipt of your information. o You can do this by logging into your online application and check status. o You can contact the individual college/university’s admissions office. 4. Q: How does the school I choose to attend receive transcripts from OSU-N, COTC, Denison or any other college (if applicable)? o Contact the registrar’s office at OSU-N, COTC, Denison or other college/university to request that your official transcript be mailed to the school you plan to attend. You may be able to request your transcript online as well. o There is usually paperwork and a fee for transcripts to be sent. 8 High School Information: Entry Date: 08/2013 (if you came in as a freshman. If you moved into the district later – enter the month and year of your move in). Graduation Date: 05/28/2017 School Type: Public School Address: 248 New Burg St. Granville, Ohio 43023 CEEB/ACT Code: 362385 Counselor’s Name, Job Title, Email, Telephone, & Fax: Mr. Cody Masters School Counselor p: (740) 587-8160 f: (740) 587-8195 Mrs. Amber Gilsdorf School Counselor p: (740) 587-8160 f: (740) 587-8195 Ms. Brandi Cooper School Counselor p: (740) 587-8160 f: (740) 587-8195 Academics: Class Rank Reporting: Decile Your Decile Rank: If you are asked to submit this information, check the Decile chart on your table. Rank Weighting: Weighted Class Size: 209 Cumulative GPA: In your Naviance Family Connection account, click on the “About Me” tab, scroll down, and click on “Profile.” - Signal your counselor if you have questions about your GPA or it does not look right. GPA Scale: 4.00 GPA Weighting: Weighted Other Info: - You will be applying as an Undergraduate. - Unless otherwise discussed with your counselor, you are applying for the Fall 2017 term. Education Section: - For this question: “Indicate the number of community programs or organizations that have provided you with free assistance in your application process.” o The answer is 0 - If you have taken a college/university course beginning with 9th grade (this excludes AP courses)… o Be sure to answer all questions about the class. o DO NOT mark “transcript available.” You will send college transcripts to the college which you ultimately decide to attend. If you did not earn a degree, the field is not required so you can leave it blank. - Honors:, o What Honors should be included? Some honors and awards to identify are: √ National Merit Commended or Semifinalist √ AP Scholar √ Selected participant, talent search such as John's Hopkins CTY, Stanford's EPGY, Boys State, or Girls State √ Selected Member of an honor society (Sociedad Honoraria Hispanica, French or Latin Honors Society) √ Cum Laude √ National Honor Society √ MVP or awardee, Mock Trial, debate or speech competition √ Selected participant in a special summer academic program √ Award winner in a local, state, regional, or national arts or music competition or fair √ Award winner, school departmental academic award (if several departments or years, identify as one honor but list all departments and years) √ Award winner in a local, state, regional, or national science or math or other academic competition, fair, Olympiad √ Academic Honor Roll Testing Section: - For this question: “In addition to sending official score reports as required by colleges, do you wish to self-report scores or future test dates for any of the following standardized tests: ACT, SAT/SAT Subject, AP, IB, TOEFL, PTE Academic, and IELTS?.” o It never hurts to self-report the scores in which you feel confident. - - o If you are unhappy with your current scores and plan to test again this fall for ACT, SAT/SAT Subject Tests, you do not need to self-report. o If you scored below a 3 on an AP exam, we encourage you not to report. To see which schools require tests and what kinds of tests they require, you can use the Requirements Grid, found here: o Click on Requirements Grid and search for your college/university You can also find this information on the My Colleges page. Click on the name of a school and scroll down until you see "Test Policy." Click the link to be taken to the school's testing policy page. Activities Section: - List your activities from the MOST important/defining of you to the least. - There are 36 weeks in the school year and 52 weeks in a full calendar year. Writing Section: - Type your essay into a Word or Pages document first to check for spelling, etc. - For the discipline section: If any of this applies to you, please work with your counselor to answer these sections! - For this question: “Please provide an answer below if you wish to provide details of circumstances or qualifications not reflected in the application.” (ex: explain low grades for math and how you overcame it, parent lost a job and family income has changed, grades dropped sophomore year because you had an extended illness, studied abroad one school year and the impact that had on you, etc.) o Seek support from your counselor if you feel this section applies to you. Do not forget about the “My Colleges” page where you may encounter supplemental questions! 11 Roles&Responsibilities Inotherwords,whodoeswhat? ‐ Ensure that all appropriate accounts are set up ‐ Submit the the online application & any fees ‐ Keep Naviance updated ‐ Request letters of recommendation (if applicable) ‐ Send official ACT/SAT scores to each college ‐ Submit BLUE Forms to your counselor ‐ Keep your counselor updated! ‐ Request official transcript from Kenyon, OSU‐N, COTC, or Denison (if applicable) to be sent to attending college. ‐ Send Official Transcript either by mail or online ‐ (if applicable) Upload letter of recommendation in Naviance or mail letter ‐ (if applicable) Send Secondary School report by mail or online ‐ (if applicable) Submit letter of recommendation either by mail or online ‐ Answer your questions!!! ‐ (if applicable) Upload teacher evaluation forms in Naviance or mail them 12