PSM for Windows Installation

PSM for Windows Installation
Version: 6.05
Gaswerkstrasse 6
Tel. 044 730 23 45
CH-8952 Schlieren
Fax 044 730 18 35
History ............................................................................................................................... 4
PSM Future ........................................................................................................................ 4
Requirements for PSM on Windows ................................................................................... 4
The installation packages ................................................................................................... 4
MySQL Installation ............................................................................................................. 5
PHP Installation ................................................................................................................. 6
PSM Installation ................................................................................................................. 7
Installation check ............................................................................................................... 8
Migration........................................................................................................................... 9
Uninstall ............................................................................................................................ 9
Troubleshooting............................................................................................................... 10
Differences between Linux and Windows based PSM ........................................................ 12
Gaswerkstrasse 6
Tel. 044 730 23 45
CH-8952 Schlieren
Fax 044 730 18 35
1. History
In 2006, the first release of PSM was made available. It was a SUSE based hardware appliance, capable of
consumable ordering. Over the years, there have been many improvements, such as second toner alert,
error message capturing, counter reporting, stock administration and more. However, the basic OS used
was still Linux, whereby we changed from SUSE to UBUNTU, because UBUNTU allowed much more flexibility in terms of the hardware and VMWare images. VMWare images have been the only software possibility,
if somebody did not want to install hardware, and they have become the most used variant as of today.
So - why Windows? Because there are many companies with rules not allowing them to install anything
else than Windows on their VMWare infrastructure.
2. PSM Future
We will continue to improve PSM on both Linux and Windows. Both are using the same code. But there are
other products we've developed, used for print queue generation and selection, and they need to run on a
Windows server. It is one of the goals, to merge the code inside PSM, to have one single product to manage
both, print queues and consumables. We expect to have that ready in 2014 or earlier.
3. Requirements for PSM on Windows
To install PSM, you need to have the following:
 Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 (64 Bit) or Windows 2012 Server (64 Bit)
o 2008 R2: DotNet 3.5.1 (will automatically be installed if not already present)
 Min. 40 GB hard disk
 The 3 PSM installation packages
 Console or Remote Access (RDP) to the Server
 An Account with local administrator rights on this Server (for the installation)
 Aprox 5 Minutes Time
 If IIS is already installed, you need to know the base folder (default is C:\inetpub\ )
o (If IIS is not installed, Setup will automatically install and configure it)
4. The installation packages
The installation zip file contains 3 folders with the 3 installation packages.
Gaswerkstrasse 6
Tel. 044 730 23 45
CH-8952 Schlieren
Fax 044 730 18 35
5. MySQL Installation
Note: By installing MySQL, you agree to the GNU General Public License at
Assuming that you are logged in with full administration rights on the server, right-click the "mysql for
psm.exe" and select "Run as administrator".
Choose the Folder where IIS installed. If you did not install IIS yet, leave the default value of "C:\Inetpub\"
The MySQL programs will be installed. There will be a self-closing
popup just before setup finishes. This is, when the installer sets up the
correct values for the database, and installs the MySQL Service.
The MySQL Service will automatically be started.
Gaswerkstrasse 6
Tel. 044 730 23 45
CH-8952 Schlieren
Fax 044 730 18 35
6. PHP Installation
Note: By installing PHP, you agree to the PHP Licensing terms described at
PHP programs are written in the PHP programming language. Because of that, we need to have PHP installed as well. From the "2- PHP for PSM" folder, right-click the "php for psm.exe" and choose "Run as administrator".
The PHP installation starts. The folder will be chosen automatically, based on the IIS folder you selected
during the MySQL installation.
NOTE: If the IIS Roles and Features were not installed before, the installer will set it up for you. If IIS was already installed, it will customize
the installation and add CGI support to it (needed for php).
Before the installation finishes, you will see a second window for a second or two. This is when the installer customizes your IIS installation,
by adding required parameters (such as the location where iis is installed, timeouts, the fast-cgi handler and more).
This ends the PHP installation.
Gaswerkstrasse 6
Tel. 044 730 23 45
CH-8952 Schlieren
Fax 044 730 18 35
7. PSM Installation
From the "3 - PSM Setup" folder, right-click the "psm.exe" and choose "Run as Administrator".
The PSM installer will install PSM in the wwwroot folder in a subfolder called "psm". If there is no significant reason, you should not change the installation folder.
Once the installer finishes, it will start the Internet Explorer on the
server, and directly opens http://localhost/psm .
Note: If the PSM login GUI does not appear, or takes very long to appear it might be because of the internet
explorer settings. Disable the proxy and automatic search for proxy settings in the internet explorer configuration options.
This ends the PSM installation. You should be able to login from any pc by entering the url
Gaswerkstrasse 6
Tel. 044 730 23 45
CH-8952 Schlieren
Fax 044 730 18 35
8. Installation check
In order to make sure, that PSM is working correctly, you should first verify, if you can login to psm (Default
userid: admin - default password: psm ).
Then you should check if both required services are running. Open Services.msc on the server and check
the following 2 services:
MySQL Database Service:
PSM Scheduler Service:
If all of the above is correct, this ends the installation. You can continue setting up PSM, using the PSM
Quick Guide or PSM Advanced knowledge Guide.
Note regarding the \install folder
During the Beta Tests, we leave the \install folder (usually C:\inetpub\wwwroot\psm\install) as it is. If you
double-click the install.cmd file, you would overwrite the existing PSM database with the installation default, so be carefull with that. The "userinst.sql" file contains the database user PSM uses.
In the final version, the installer program will remove install.cmd and userinst.cmd after the installation, for
security reasons. If this is a concern for you, you can manually delete those 2 files, or move them to another
Gaswerkstrasse 6
Tel. 044 730 23 45
CH-8952 Schlieren
Fax 044 730 18 35
9. Migration
It is possible to migrate an existing Linux based PSM Installation to PSM for Windows.
It is important to follow the steps described below, or else the migration could fail, resulting in the windows installation to become unusable.
Migration Steps:
Make sure, that the existing PSM runs on Version 5.xx (upgrade to version 6 is possible only, if you
already have version 5. If you have an earlier version, download and install the latest 5.40 version
Upgrade your Linux-based PSM to Version 6.05.
o Note: By the time when PSM for windows has been released, 6.05 was the highest version.
However, if your Linux-based PSM already has a higher version, you can use this version,
but then you should upgrade the Windows PSM to the same version first.
Make sure, that the Software Version shows "Software Version 6.05" (or higher) after you have upgraded your Linux PSM. Make sure, that the Windows PSM has the same level.
If the version still shows 5.xx just enter the upgrade section again. PSM will then do the database
upgrade and asks for a reboot
Create a backup from the updated linux based PSM.
Restore the Backup on your Windows-PSM
Reboot Windows-PSM
10. Uninstall
If you uninstall PSM, make sure you made a backup over the PSM Web-GUI before (if there is any data).
You can uninstall PSM over "add / remove programs".
Make sure, that you uninstall in the following sequence:
Gaswerkstrasse 6
Tel. 044 730 23 45
CH-8952 Schlieren
Fax 044 730 18 35
11. Troubleshooting
If any other PHP and / or MySQL packages were already installed before, you will need to remove them before installing the ones here. The PHP and MySQL packages included with PSM are customized. You will
have to use them, otherwise PSM will not work.
Setup the correct Handler Mapping settings and order
IIS sometimes behaves strange when it comes to use the correct handler mapping order. If you only see a
403 or 404 error when you connect to PSM, this might be the result or an incorrect handler mapping. To
get this correct, it is important, that you are following the steps below.
Click on the virtual site "PSMS" in the IIS Management console. , double click on the "Handler Mappings"
Icon in the middle window.
Choose "View Ordered List" on the right side window.
Use the "Move Up" / "Move Down" Icons and make sure that "PHP_via_FastCGI" is the first entry in the list,
and that "StaticFile" is the last entry in the List.
Very Important: Move at least one Entry up or down, even if the list is already correct !!
Gaswerkstrasse 6
Tel. 044 730 23 45
CH-8952 Schlieren
Fax 044 730 18 35
By moving at least one entry, we cause that the order will no
longer be inherited from the parent. This is exactly what we
want !
Folder Permissions
The 3 installers will setup directory permissions to allow write access to the local group "users" for
C:\inetpub\php\temp (session files, upload files) and to C:\inetpub\wwwroot\psm in order to allow correct
operation. You should not change those permissions unless you got a reason for it. If you change it, you will
also need to change the user used by IIS for the virtual directory PSM.
Note: The above only applies, if you change the default permissions and folder access.
Gaswerkstrasse 6
Tel. 044 730 23 45
CH-8952 Schlieren
Fax 044 730 18 35
12. Differences between Linux and Windows based PSM
DNS based Tasks
We found that DNS based Tasks (such as Host Name Resolution which PSM does when querying existing or
new printers) are slower on Windows compared to Linux. There is unfortunately nothing we can do about
this, this is the Way PHP works under Windows. This will not affect PSM's everyday operation, however it
may be noticeable when you scan for new devices.
Automatic Backup / Restore
Currently only local backups are possible. If you enable automatic backup, PSM will write the backup files to
the "downloads" subfolder (usually C:\inetpub\wwwroot\psm\downloads). PSM will keep the backup files
for the last 7 days, and delete older ones. If you need to store it somewhere else, we recommend to share
the "downloads" folder, in order to allow a backup system to retrieve the backup. Local backups can be restored directly from within the PSM Backup/Restore GUI.
File Format
On Linux, backup and update files were named .tar. On PSM for Windows, they are named .zip.
Future Updates
In the future, we will provide 2 packages, a .tar update package for the Linux versions, and a .zip update
package for the Windows version.
Migration Limitations
You can migrate a Linux based PSM to a Windows PSM. However you CANNOT migrate a Windows based
PSM back to a Linux based PSM.
PSM Scheduler
Under Windows, we install a service called "PSM Scheduler". This Service runs under the local system account. In Version 6 of PSM we have changed all background and privileged functions to run under the
scheduler, in order to avoid the need to run IIS under a privileged account. The Scheduler will check at least
every minute, if there are any new task to perform (Such as background scan for new printers, email order
sending, printer query updates, reboot). You will see the status of any system or user initiated task in the
PSM Scheduler. The same behavior is used on the Linux based PSM variants.
More information :
Gaswerkstrasse 6
Tel. 044 730 23 45
CH-8952 Schlieren
Fax 044 730 18 35