Craig Bialick`s Twournal

Craig Bialick's Twournal
Oct 2034 - Jan 2012
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vajrayana buddhist hippie recluse
Copyright © Craig Bialick 2012
those interested
Ogmin's Twournal
Tue Oct 31
11:21pm twitter thinks i should follow the likes of @iboganaut and
Craig Bialick
Wed May 14
06:43am @vajrarock Demuéstreme!
Ogmin's Twournal
Wed Apr 27
08:53pm @vajramrita an inability to translate the nuances in the
teacher's oral instruction & arrogance in resisting correction
Craig Bialick
Tue Apr 12
10:51am i have a friend w a victim complex; tweeting this fact plays right
into it.
12:12pm swimming in the open ocean blue whales do not feel big
02:45pm unlike the sky dragon our relative indifference to space
10:14pm non-arising from empty ground in the garden of souls
Wed Apr 13
06:46am @pawelekg definitely; details fade. memories are
reconstructed, modified upon every recall
07:03am blue steel azadon cuts down thru the soil, liberating a toad
07:15am "But he knew not at all how to perceive the meaning of the
inferior mind." ~ Padma bKa'i thang
Ogmin's Twournal
07:39am 1861: Sumter falls after 8+hr bombardment. mishap during
100-gun salute to US flag kills two of the gun crew; first fatalities of the
07:44am lunar tenth. white day. Guru Loden Chokse http://
10:44am @mattwilliamson first tattoo it into yr brain with millions of
11:49am danaparamita, generosity; a donation not an investment
12:46pm launched kite w lots of xtra string north shore of cape cod went
way up there looked so tiny high over the bay finally broke free. awe.
01:33pm @00Pelican00 @MariahWestwind reason is useful up to a
point; reality transcends our logic
Thu Apr 14
07:52am @Shunyata_Kharg @ReformedBuddha the crap they have
you drink to flush yr system the night before is the worst part of the
10:40am silaparamita, morality; freely mounted on the axis of mindful
conscience, needle magnetized by a natural respect for your efforts
11:52am until there is mega-funding for infrastructure improvements &
alternate energy, there will be no significant drop in unemployment
11:53am @Type_One_ its all about garnering enuf attention to get his
stupid show renewed, nothing more
01:33pm so many good people on this street corner; its a privilege to be
here - thanks
Craig Bialick
01:37pm got to get back to the garden has a different ring to it this time
of year; exhausted, need about three tulpas
06:55pm looking through broken windows into the pure land
07:39pm millions of tibetan nomads have no choice but to sell their
herds & resettle in brick hells w/ no means of sustenance or govt support
08:06pm until we honestly address curiousity & preoccupation with sex,
we hardly have the continuity of attention necessary for spiritual practice
Fri Apr 15
11:25am ksantiparamita, patience; hiked cooked & slept in winter's
worst weather for weeks, sharing hardship testing attitudes for the hell of
12:16pm 4 obscurations; no realization of bodhi, seeing things as
inherently existent, subject/object dualism, action based on these
12:18pm @soundhunter @Kalieezchild @DiamondSutraZen only on a
good dose
12:31pm ngondro is only complete when bodhicitta attitude is natural
stable effortless spontaneously present
04:25pm @Jrobertmorrison its all based on guru-yoga, so whatever yr
qualified teacher thinks appropriate; accumulations are the heart of it
04:40pm @Jrobertmorrison only a fool would dare
08:15pm the first 100,000 repetitions are just to get a feel for it
Sat Apr 16
10:03am khen gave us the ngondro early on but most attending never
suspected we were all expected to follow through & complete it
Ogmin's Twournal
05:24pm Greenville to Baton Rouge ~ @Drivebytruckers
05:31pm @pawelekg Wola istnienia
06:03pm @Takuin unrecognized
07:44pm once i truly grasped the depth and extent of the problem, i
realized i had no choice but to join the guitar army...
07:50pm try it yrself Mr CEO see how far 5.15 an hr'll go take a part
time job at one of yr stores bet you can't make it here anymore ~ J
07:58pm KPSR, Bihar '06
Mon Apr 18
06:05am naturally pure essence expands as compassion thousand-armed
blessing siddhi: Radiance
06:40am ordinary consciousness as spectrum of bliss, spontaneously
responsive conductivity outshines the mind: Brilliance
06:56am the ever-fresh clarity freedom humor & energy native to this
view: Hard to Conquer
07:12am sky-like capacity, relaxed ease in all quarters of the mandala:
07:35am burning with the dharmapalas, consorting with dakinis,
penetrating the mysteries of interdependence: Reaching Far
07:59am the inevitable yabyum bindu at the heart of singularity.
effortless refuge unborn simplicity: Unshakable
11:04am awareness untethered always home open eyes heart deep in the
lake of transcendent qualities: Good Intelligence
Craig Bialick
06:11pm got kidney beans in the pressurecook & all dishes done;
copying media from one external drive to another waiting on the ladies
to get home.
06:40pm the big world appears, is destroyed & re-manifests in a
totally unique configuration, ksana to ksana; that's what's happening
10:45pm moebius dick
10:52pm what @ryderjaphy said
Tue Apr 19
11:55am RT @Jinzang The young Kalu Rinpoche starts a fight for
control of Kagyu Ling, France
02:25pm strangers on this road we are on; we are not two we are one ~
los kinks
02:58pm sun shines wind blows sitting circle three dakinis talk one fire.
07:39pm seeds in the earth, drala in the trees, nagas in the skies as night
falls; let the music begin
07:44pm folks around here don't read much; they aren't students of
anything. this makes for mundane converse.
07:47pm if you aren't turned on at heart & don't make a practice of
turning the mind to the dharma, idle talk is at a premium & sounds
Wed Apr 20
08:15am of course no rebirth means no trans-life karma
Ogmin's Twournal
08:18am mediitate often in short sessions & don't plant more than you
can care for
08:22am front passed thru overnight, tornado warnings til 5am. lightning
exploding above nearby peaks like sleeping in a war zone
08:30am @jankoch @mason_mem do not forget the young wish i was
anywhere but here rural
08:33am for the next month you can plant almost anything around here
& w minimal attention, you will get something; this is the window
02:00pm om hung tram hri ah the offering of fragrant herbs
accompanied by divine contemplations is in essence primordial wisdom
02:11pm @pawelekg a few yrs ago i remember looking up at a twisted
sheet of tin from a barn roof floating in the sky hundreds of feet above us
02:16pm @BuddhaCEO at least on the inner level; externally, all hell
may break loose challenging & testing such sublime equanimity
07:07pm 1861 – Robert E. Lee, a noble man possessed by Lucifer,
resigns from US Army in order to command the forces of the state of
07:11pm @Kalieezchild @Wenderwoman only mental phenomena
08:46pm i rain, it breathes; dark we are
Thu Apr 21
11:27am barred owl on turtle hill
12:41pm @helloinhere forget the alamo
01:00pm @lux1008 womban
02:08pm 1961 - H.I.M. Haile Selassie of Ethiopia visits Jamaica, an
event now celebrated by Rastas as Grounation Day
02:35pm @about_life good one; thank you Jack
Craig Bialick
03:06pm @BeGodNow underscoring its importance khenchen
emphasized again & again 'bodhicitta is the union of love, compassion &
03:08pm if to say, 'were you looking for something else?'
03:27pm @duffmcduffee when we mistake mere insight for
03:29pm @BeGodNow how goes it with beautiful son and the new
03:43pm @peaceparadox bishop had a tin ear to victim's complaints
until instructed by higher-ups to acknowledge the problem & work
toward healing it
03:45pm @peaceparadox these guys are spozed to be contemplatives sensitive w insight into human heart, compassionate - not PR men for
their firm
03:47pm tell me padma, was indigenous bon any more or less susceptible
to intelligent hijacking than pop christianity?
03:49pm @BeGodNow leafing up green everywhere, white dogwoods,
wild azaelas, abundant spring rains; big go on the garden
04:18pm got a minute? look around. appreciative awareness is grounded
in keen knowledge of impermanence.
04:27pm as we learn to let go & die well moment to moment our
regenerative potential becomes infinite. no one will have to leave.
04:30pm what the regenerative pause of death does for the being can
ultimately be integrated into breath and consciousness making the drama
04:59pm the sky is in the heart. now what?
Ogmin's Twournal
05:19pm beings' attachments & delusions are multiple barriers they follow the demons in their ways, always involved in routines ~
05:28pm @ryderjaphy i can never get the urls to load
05:35pm the deluding effect of habitual karmas & mechanical rebirth
help explain how society remains so massively ignorant, impotent, slow to
05:39pm does a cow have the buddha nature? moo
06:04pm i feel well-loved so i can take all kinds of criticism but that don't
mean i have to put up w you being nasty while telling me. right?
06:11pm @mattwilliamson good man; we don't need no stinkin' badges...
07:45pm this life is like one of those 3-day cruises hosted by high
pressure salesmen; most of us are headed back to the lower realms - ask
any lama
07:55pm Wadada
Fri Apr 22
12:41pm i will be planting grain amaranth, tiny white-seed; this was the
kind favored by Aztecs, demanded as tribute in quantities equal to maize
12:47pm @crazywizdom @IBOGANAUT @cole_tucker we all hooked
up long ago, its like suggesting i might like King Crimson or Kubrick's
01:02pm aztec religious statues carried in procession were composed
of grain amaranth - broken up at day's end distributed devoured as
Craig Bialick
01:03pm this practice didn't go over well with the catholic
conquistadores so the cultivation of grain amaranth was prohibited, &
nearly wiped out
01:23pm grain amaranth: 12 - 17% protein, high in lysine & fiber, low in
saturated fats, drought-tolerant, grows 5-8 ft tall, 1500-3000 lbs/ac
01:39pm amaranth grain prepared in combination w wheat, corn or
brown rice results in a complete protein as good as fish, red meat or
03:30pm Do Khyentse Yeshe Dorje (1800-1866)
03:41pm the voice of these teachings comes from the trees ~
04:01pm @themarkist large white egrets riding cows picking insects off
their backs is a common sight in fields on the coast of Jamaica
04:34pm Passion ~ Peter Gabriel
05:35pm The Kills play music city tonight. maybe see you there
05:59pm Q: why do You say that modern people can't comprehend
Dzogchen? KPSR: They are too busy. Even when they sit & try to
meditate, too busy.
Sat Apr 23
11:17am buzzards in the treetops. a black horse by a fence. cowboy
boots. the bar. tattoos. breasts. hair. guitars. nashville.
11:20am rockers are milked for their magnetism & forced to play in
stuffy venues with crappy acoustics. where is the next bill graham?
01:14pm jesus in hell
01:58pm Mosshart
Ogmin's Twournal
01:59pm Alison
04:36pm @_isolar_ wonderful feeling that
05:48pm riwo sang cho
06:02pm she brings water
Tue Apr 26
10:32am @ZenDirtZenDust Jack of Shadows - Zelazny
11:33am @helloinhere until bodhicitta becomes spontaneous, lists like
the paramitas and the ten virtues are excellent training wheels
11:46am @helloinhere please say more
12:02pm @lux1008 deep peace in the dark hemisphere
12:09pm @lux1008 the half furthest from the sun
12:12pm Longchen Nying-thig, a Dzogchen text, acknowledges that most
beings need to develop through gradual stages of training.
01:53pm different yanas are taught for the benefit of beings of different
intellectual capacities, to suit their abilities ~ immaculate rays
02:52pm two-headed dog
05:36pm completion stage practice is indistinguishable in form from
developing stage practice. the difference is in one's uinderstanding
07:40pm EJ likened spiritual transmission to a staircase where if you
inspired at least one other person to yr level of realization you move up
Wed Apr 27
01:00am @lux1008 EJ Gold
01:32am a huge herd of angry nagas roils skies to the west, thunder
rumbles, dark waves of delicious wind wash over hills, rush thru the
Craig Bialick
01:02pm By making moderate oaths one does not acquire boon
companions. ~ Padma bKa'i thang c. 37
07:05pm @Miko57 soaked but all trees standing
10:02pm That which is called "great bliss" is singularity, manifesting
dances of plurality w/in the experience of singularity. ~ Mipham
Thu Apr 28
01:20pm sharing eckhart w mom this a.m about the ground beyond all
naming & why buddhists call it emptiness
01:55pm @Chonnymo
02:14pm way back when we'd be sure to pilgrimage in & around the
Diné mandala twice a yr. time &$$ not as easy to come by for sangheros
these days
02:25pm to interact beyond the cushion for extended periods w minimal
props, braving relative extremes, pacifying demons, walking in beauty
02:34pm @flylikeacrow so true. streamline desire.
02:37pm @Shunyata_Kharg @rgyatso & of course, turned on listeners
who delight in dharma well-delivered
02:47pm Yah'eh-teh' - Diné for hello, good[ness]
02:55pm @rgyatso @Shunyata_Kharg greater poetic demand in the
praises of Buddha Naturalists as Rantongpas sublimate via logical
paradox & silence
02:56pm Chokma @helloinhere
03:07pm nagas are subtle lords guardians of organic wealth; powerful,
moody, easily annoyed & offended. of course we exist but who believes in
Ogmin's Twournal
04:39pm @Shunyata_Kharg @ryderjaphy Dolpopa exclaims
"Horseshit!.." following with " and of course i say that with the utmost
04:50pm @Chereliz thanks Cheryl; incredibly powerful killer storms.
08:22pm w/in the boundless, the experience of boundaries. bondagerelease. the color & gravity of the spiritual landscape
08:47pm everything happens in the sky; the son of man may rest his head
09:11pm T. ngo-drub, S. siddhi, is a contraction of two Tibetan words.
ngo-wo: essence / drub-pa: accomplishment
09:41pm don't expect caitta to introduce themselves by their real names
Fri Apr 29
09:03am @Shunyata_Kharg @ryderjaphy no doubt they deny it but
Dolpopa would not agree with their statement that there is no 'empty of
other' view
09:11am The ultimate Mahayana is the vehicle of the Buddha-nature,
and the ultimate Buddha-nature is great bliss. ~ Dolpopa
09:20am the relative is empty of self-nature; what is absolute is taught to
be precisely empty of other ~ Dolpopa @Shunyata_Kharg @ryderjaphy
09:36am For Dolpopa, both truths are empty in this way; the relative is
empty of itself while the absolute is empty of any relative phenomena.
09:59am @impermanen_ @Shunyata_Kharg possibly, in the
interpretation of blissful experiences
10:33am Pristine cognition is permanent and consciousness is
impermanent. ~ Aksayamatrinirdesasutra
Craig Bialick
10:45am direct exp of pristine cognition is of the nature of acausal bliss
& not to be rejected. prajna must distinguish btwn this & 'moods'
02:29pm @Shunyata_Kharg neither necessarily precludes the other as no concept expresses the ultimate, both are valid approaches to the
Middle Way
02:58pm realization of acausal bliss is what allows great beings to pass
inummerable aeons working in the hells
03:11pm @Shunyata_Kharg always good talking w you Chris. rare to
find anyone exploring such wonderfully expansive mindscape. many
empty valleys!
07:05pm @impermanen_ the area circumscribed by these 4: Mt Blanca
CO east, Mt Taylor NM south, Mt Humphries AZ, West, Mt Hesperus
CO north
07:25pm @impermanen_ Huerfano Butte NM was the first earthly
home of Changing Woman / place of human emergence is a lake near
Silverton CO
07:40pm Who knows what She truly is? Ramprasad says: If She decides
to be kind, this misery will pass.
08:29pm @impermanen_ thru the mysteries of interdependence we once
befriended some nice folks who were outlaw smugglers living in the mts
of NM
08:38pm @impermanen_ we'd babysit for them & began checking out
local trails - Sandias, Santa Fe NF, got mindblown at ruins like Chaco &
08:55pm @impermanen_ after Canyon de Chelly read/learn of
Dinémandala - having meditated Varjamandala since 17 saw this as pure
native application
Ogmin's Twournal
09:31pm the holy truth of the extinction of suffering may be called
noncontention or freedom from defilement or tranquillity and
09:32pm ...or signlessness or deathlessness or absence of inherent nature
or absence of hindrance or extinction or essential reality...
09:33pm ... or abiding in one's own essence ~ Avatamsakastura
09:35pm @firepixie324 @pemagonpo good evening people
09:49pm @oceanshaman @impermanen_ amazing that more folks have
not tripped thru these places
10:34pm ascend sun altars, fix pahos on peaks high places. descend into
terra shrines deep canyons lava tubes caves gorges. remember the old
Sat Apr 30
12:33am nice having tea with you. time to turn off machine & lights lay
down close eyes let go in the dark / good morning friends on the farside
10:30am Chokma sangheros
02:02pm @brite2briter got a source on that quote?
04:12pm as a young man growing up in queens, my ambition was to
become a peasant
04:32pm in need of fresh mint, walk to neighbors' garden & pick it
04:36pm @Chereliz fersure - may everyone have such good-hearted
folks nearby
04:44pm say something heavy would ya?
04:53pm not knowing is dramatic
07:35pm @jinkhet Queens village, near Creedmoor Hospital , Alley
Pond Park, city line
Craig Bialick
08:19pm @jinkhet fall of '70 a caravan of 50 old schoolbuses w 250
hippies left SF, settling in mid-TN spring '71. the farm. i came in '74 at 18
09:12pm i never even heard of okra until i moved south
09:26pm listening to Babbacombe Lee (1971) by Fairport Convention,
the first folk rock opera
Sun May 01
02:44am health, leisure, good company; appreciate their transient
11:48am @impermanen_ the one who practices is the commitment
being (samayasattva); the wisdom deity to be merged with is jnanasattva
11:52am @impermanen_ like peacock, mongoose consumes snakes,
symbolic of poisons and having transformed their toxins, vomits precious
gems 11:54am Alley Pond Park NYC in 1937; this was my charnel ground
04:16pm were you there with Mahalia wailing at the funeral? ~ old crow
medicine show, motel in memphis
04:41pm @brite2briter!/brite2briter/
09:23pm empowered mantra. resonant vajra thunder, true names. sharp
hoe to weeds of deluded fixation, cutting habitual clinging to mental
09:36pm @jinkhet you are very kind brother
09:40pm linking osama to 9/11 is intellectually irresponsible - conflation
Ogmin's Twournal
Tue May 03
11:45am "much communication in a motion" @Chonnymo @helloinhere
yes, very impressive catch
11:58am according to NYT, US troops in Afghanistan can trade one
porno magazine for an ounce of hash
12:23pm unarmed man shot to death in his bedroom. don't compromise
the narrative.
12:44pm Osama wasn't exactly shy or evasive about his bloody
accomplishments; why would he say he had nothing to do with 9/11?
01:39pm With the confidence of the deity, meditate charged with power
~ Yeshe Tsogyal
03:18pm @ryderjaphy merit as the ability to access & make use of
conceptual wisdom is hard to dismiss. is Marvin a lama?
03:26pm @ryderjaphy acc of merit via paramitas leads to realization of
emptiness of phenomena, distinguishing bodhisattvas from arhats
04:07pm @ryderjaphy ... not if he knew there was a better way to serve
beings by passing into new forms
04:18pm @ryderjaphy odd insofar as i never considered basics like the
value of accumulations or karmic rebirth as optional apps
04:28pm withdrawals on one's accumulation of merit come in the form
of moments of appreciative awareness
04:31pm if lama teaches importance of accumulations & reality of
rebirth & you don't believe believe in these things, they are not your
05:46pm @Jrobertmorrison is there any tibetan lama who does not
believe in merit or rebirth? if you are second guessing his wisdom, is he
yr lama?
Craig Bialick
05:51pm @impermanen_ @ryderjaphy yah; to counter what you have
already piled up
06:03pm @impermanen_ if you practice anything regularly & you
improve; good karma optimized via paramitas/acc of merit. how not?
06:06pm @Jrobertmorrison water levels are way up, forested islands
btwn channels flooded, barely draining. branches but no trees down
07:04pm rebirth is similar to what happens every morning (/moment)
minus the habitual identification with the body and its memories
07:21pm if birth was not impelled by the inertia of mechanical karmas,
realized beings would be the norm
07:33pm @carolann3888 it would 'happen' easier for the born
precluding the issue of return - [this being an argument for the reality of
07:47pm so where's henry? mao to nixon in hell
07:54pm @DiamondSutraZen game on
08:25pm @Chonnymo the Monkey King is a real Mahadharmapala and
not to be taken lightly. he kicked my ass in 1970.
08:42pm @Chonnymo cosmic powerful & amused mocking any notion
of subjective privacy, corrupting any sense of familiar security
08:57pm @mason_mem long time. first cultivated in Egypt around 2000
bce along with leeks and garlic
10:14pm NPS has closed access to the lava tubes of El Malpais in
attempts to control the spread a bat-killing fungus
11:03pm for deeper insight into what is happening in today's world, i
follow @dogsdoingthings
Ogmin's Twournal
Wed May 04
12:02am @Chonnymo this emanation was wrathful in a taunting,
egoically discomfiting rather than violent manner; he too great me too
small for that
10:29am @lux1008 Chokma Clara-ma
10:37am all vajra practices end w 'dedication of merit' to all beings so
that 'accumulation of merit' does not enhance a sense of a separate self
03:51pm all vajrayana practices begin with the generation of bodhicitta,
the uncommon aspiration to awaken for the sake of all beings
03:53pm with a good understanding of the teachings on our true nature,
this aspiration should be accompanied by a sense of joyous confidence
04:08pm all vajra practices are frames or skins for emptiness meditation
04:11pm @Rmurray1985!/vajraland/
05:09pm meditate on food in a noshram
05:52pm the accumulation of merit is also understood as the process of
acquiring conceptual or provisional wisdom
06:23pm beyond the 5 senses & their objects the Vaibashikas posited an
11th or invisible form, a sort of karmic aura, disciplined & purified by
06:35pm the 11th form, an early version of what would late be called
alaya or 8th consciousness, bank of karmic accumulations & ripening
06:40pm @vajraland yah mon. no form of its own but hosting causes for
continuity of aspiration, observing buddhist vows, spring of merit
06:46pm @vajraland get out there early. its a pleasure as long as you're
on top of it; if it gets away from you it can be hell trying to get it back
Craig Bialick
07:49pm like two sticks rubbed together, the dualism implied in a
gradual accumulation of merit yields to the blaze of nondual wisdom fire
07:54pm @helloinhere point! he's a monk. community sharia to be
interpreted by your local imam.
08:07pm @DiamondSutraZen those nonordained students who conform
to HHDL's conservo views on sex were very likely already of that
08:11pm the porch abandoned, moving back in the doghouse. blackberry
08:43pm 5 basic lay vows [pratimoksa] are to refrain from killing,
stealing, lying, non-consensual sex, intoxicants; many subtle
considerations here
08:48pm Zigi
09:16pm @Betsydraperfl @DZA13 in relation to intoxicants, the issue
is to preserve the clarity & requisite mindfulness to maintain the other
09:39pm the fossilized world thought memory shadow echo refraction
fabricating a self-reference from 340 million year old sediments
10:48pm @DZA13 @Betsydraperfl all buddhist means toward that end.
call what to embrace & avoid by any names you want, the outline remains
the same
Ogmin's Twournal
Thu May 05
10:55am Acc to the Tibetan Govt in Exile "His Holiness said…the
counter measure, no matter what form it takes, has to be compassionate
11:12am @ryderjaphy @impermanen_ you believe that HHDL was
giving pointing out instructions while commenting on OBL's death in a
public dharma talk?
11:18am ganja is a common weed all over the subcontinent
@Irondogallen @binladen
11:21am never take pointing out instructions thru a third party
12:16pm attend to yr own karma yes tho the truth of interdependence
has it so that there are no definitive boundaries of where that begins &
03:07pm a million lions
03:16pm oh there was plenty @moosebegab @helloinhere
03:55pm watching the river of temporal sequence & dimensionality flow
by, at ease on the bank
04:05pm from outside conscious rebirth might look like great faith in
karmic process, maybe even not giving too much of a shit about where
you land
04:33pm imagine intelligence agencies discovering demonic plots &
opting to facilitate & piggyback along, shaping events for their own ends.
04:54pm we lived for yrs near PAVE PAWS, MA. met pilots who
regularly flew along the 200 mi limit often parallelled by a MIG. nobody
called them.
Craig Bialick
05:16pm @morrisresearch no fixed theory. just not satisfied with the
official narrative. lots of questions.
05:38pm @DiamondSutraZen some of that silence is to avoid
involvement w name & fame; nyingma, for the most part, are a tradition
of hidden yogis
08:05pm @DiamondSutraZen what the rsi taught was long unknown in
the west, not due to 'dhism but buried under layers of caste & colonialism
08:55pm @DiamondSutraZen Dakshineswar yes Arunachala : Hindifoil kept it on the south slopes; yielding buddhism to go international
09:43pm @DiamondSutraZen actually, very few westerners ever met
Ramakrishna; he left it to Vivekananda to carry it beyond India
10:09pm @DiamondSutraZen first turned on to Sri Ramakrishna by
'Holy Mother' a book on his wife while hunting for books on women
realizers in NYC
10:25pm The historical debate is over. The answer is flea-market
capitalism ~ Thomas Friedman
10:28pm we are present in a big circle. i'm listening @AMYCHAMP
Sun May 08
11:00am @morrisresearch any idea why 8 scientists have found nanothermite in WTC dust?
12:37pm @morrisresearch not referring to hypotheses about cuts in
photos but to actual thermite residue, puddle of molten metal at bottom
of heap...
12:56pm @morrisresearch took me 7 yrs & insistence of 2 disparate
friends w bkgrounds in architecture before i would even consider the
Ogmin's Twournal
01:59pm @morrisresearch theory posits it was employed as a cutting
agent on the steel columns to prepare for collapse
02:27pm @morrisresearch i have found some of that as well
04:07pm Sept 1604 Champlain meets Almoichiquois Indians on Maine
coast. Named by neighbors to the north, it means 'dogs who raise corn'
04:44pm Oct 1606 Champlain & crew build an oven in Chatham on
south shore of Cape Cod & consider a colony here but piss off locals &
are attacked
04:50pm both mom & me almost died when i was born. Rh effects. she
told me she gave me up to the Lord at that point & hasn't worried about
me since
07:17pm @IBOGANAUT hang in there Charlie
Mon May 09
09:58am there is no beginning to suffering but there is an end
10:36am trying to explain to the people in yr dream that this is only a
dream is an example of a conceptual understanding
10:57am @tallisgrayson @mindheart act of clinging has an object
which could be exchanged for alt objects or simply released to new
11:08am @helloinhere in the misplaced 'am'
01:11pm trsna
06:27pm @t3dy @DiamondSutraZen whatever Hitchens opinion of
9/11 & Chomsky, it must be remembered his conclusions supported the
invasion of Iraq
Craig Bialick
08:34pm @Chonnymo there, atop her main mast, the colors of the
vagabond pantheon, a branch of mahayana buddhism
Tue May 10
09:41am @mindonly @BayouCityBuddha beyond its infamy for causing
munchies, used mindfully, ganja may also work as a temporary substitute
for food
11:28am @Jason_PDK you're kidding, yes? any citations for that one?
Wed May 11
09:38am @mattwilliamson about 25% of the time
09:44am @mattwilliamson yah me too; between the heat and a day's
work, i only recall dreams about once a week
09:53am at the moment, almost every window & door in the house is
shut to keep in last night's cool air
10:25am the host of negative emotions form a phalanx with their chief,
Pignorance holding it all together in the center
10:49am observing some local gentlemen, methinx lack of compassion
evident in carnivore habit may lend support to racist mentality
10:52am @theredpillpusha she's been out on the golf course twice in
recent days; shot nine holes first time, six the second. thanks for asking
11:24am @mattwilliamson wife#2 is a heavy dreamer; last night she had
me boldly driving bkwards on interstate, passing cops w a trunk full of
11:26am @mattwilliamson 'cept we used to drive forward as i recall, at
least on the interstate
Ogmin's Twournal
12:01pm Some people of sharp faculties are introduced by means of
symbols; others, the supreme ones, are liberated merely by samadhi ~
12:08pm the basic difference between samsara & nirvana is that one has
12:09pm nobody in their right mind is working the garden at this time of
12:15pm revive intrinsic wakefulness
01:19pm @theredpillpusha nazis said lots of other shite too; you find
this credible?
01:29pm @theredpillpusha various degrees of self-promoting
Babylonian horseshit; including all claims of knowledge via ET or divine
01:39pm after working the tiller in some tough ground, came inside &
had to use both hands to lift a drink to my mouth
01:40pm crow struts across the lawn like he owns the place
01:42pm @mindheart as long as the dogs are on siesta
01:45pm bring the couchie come ~ reggae crusaders
02:40pm re: rdzogchen instruction - nobody can do these things.
understanding this is meditation
02:45pm @DZA13 well said & disturbingly true
03:54pm as past lives are revealed in detail, buddha discovers that since
long ago the stream flowed directly thru the heart of ancient realizers
04:04pm las tres yanas ~ evolve: awaken to yr buddha nature involve:
bring this awareness to life in relationship revolve: keep it up
04:11pm @DiamondSutraZen no-appearance
Craig Bialick
04:39pm preliminaries - the four endeavors: purify non-virtuous habit,
undermine conditions for new ones to arise, generate & maintain good
04:43pm S. samyak-prahana
06:10pm om dorje-kila, ascending descending skyward earthing hung
06:14pm @DiamondSutraZen yes it was & worthy of far more attention.
why should you, inspired by first-hand experience, be muzzled at any
06:18pm one with all buddhas, yet affinities remain
07:05pm @DiamondSutraZen Good, good! It is as you say.
07:25pm vajra - presencing of primordial awareness/ jnana /deity * kila re-cognition of apparent obstacles / prajna-karuna / dharmapala
07:30pm "...and i'll care for you for a day or two, strangers meeting in the
darkness" ~ Richard Thompson, Burning Man
Sun May 15
12:37am in the yoga of enchanting illusion, the play of rigpa, empty
experience arises as evanescent uncrystallizing display ~ Longchenpa
12:42am i long to hear the old stories, the ones everybody has forgotten
12:55am Sipapu
01:09am @CrypticFragment mandala cosmology
01:21am passing into the bardo of sleep and dreams
11:36am @morrisresearch they can get up to eight feet long
12:00pm Guru Padmasambhava's retinue certainly included some dakas,
but many more were dakinis. ~ KPSR
12:03pm Realization doesn't grow within a timid or weak state of mind it blossoms in the mind free of doubt and hesitation. ~ KPSR
Ogmin's Twournal
03:13pm @firepixie324 so we were told; we said goodbye on tue &
headed back to TN; he passed on sat
04:26pm Any specific insight into rigpa is always deluded, so that any
spiritual identity, always delusive, is abandoned. ~ Longchenpa
Mon May 16
08:16am @IBOGANAUT tracers intensify as acid comes on; making
visual inquiry into the points composing them revealed whole slices of
frozen time
08:48am @IBOGANAUT like wing feathers, the images modified
slightly across the spectrum, each ksana holding a world as perceived
from here at n time
08:49am @mason_mem @peterbebergal @moondogscorner we used to
trip up to the NBC building in NYC just to see him standing there with
his staff
08:32pm all continuity whether measured in moments or lives employs
the principle of rebirth, the immediate precedent being cause for the
08:44pm there is no separate self but to account for relative
appearances, 'rebirth' is the mechanism of karmic continuity linking
myriad phenomena
09:19pm whether samadhi leads to fixation in higher dimensions or
liberating insight into the ground depends on aspirational vector &
10:37pm psychic habits & attitudes precipitate into form or the relative
stability of sentient being in one of six realms; link 10 bhava, becoming
Craig Bialick
11:31pm w/in emptiness relative rebirth transient karmic life dependent
mind a kaleidescope of qualities taking great form for yr holy recognition
11:40pm as in wholeness, the view or understanding of apparent self
& all attendant phenomena as transient conceptual patterns empty of
11:58pm we are continually giving birth to a world of unintended effects
which do not stop w death but have amazing consequences. literally. link
Tue May 17
09:12am Buddha requested the wheel of life be painted on outer wall
of temples so illiterate folk could contemplate the teachings via these
09:56am w no experience of emptiness, the state of non-realization
(ignorance) ~ is itself the primary obstacle yielding three
complications /1
09:56am apprehending appearances as inherently existent, dividing them
via subject/object dualism, taking action based on the preceding /2,3,4
10:16am @Kalieezchild those who make it insignificant fare no better.
must be a middle way in here somewhere
10:48am @DiamondSutraZen inseparable - raising ki (windhorse) in all
forms is the causal activity resulting in accumulations of merit
10:52am virya, joyful effort
01:52pm consciousness S. vijnana T - monkey grasping
fruit. platform for continuum of conditional awareness, link 3.
Ogmin's Twournal
01:54pm @Jrobertmorrison @Shunyata_Kharg yes, this is correct. the
following nine bhumis take place on path four, meditation
01:57pm @Jrobertmorrison @Shunyata_Kharg appendix (vol2) for
Dudjom's Nyingma School of Tibetan Buddhism has a great section on
numbered lists
02:22pm the first three groups listed here
index.php/37_factors_of_enlightenment outline the path of accumulation
02:53pm when hopping into moving boxcars, one must invest the body
in the game of matching speeds w the open door before the lunge & leap
02:56pm @ZenDirtZenDust @helloinhere dualism was invented?
03:03pm @ZenDirtZenDust methinx default. it seems quite natural to
nonverbally separate subject & object. cognition organizes the world like
03:12pm @DiamondSutraZen a real guru would never ask this. and no
one can do karmic time for another. unqualified to teach.
03:23pm @DiamondSutraZen interdependence there be - interacting w
high & low beings has resonances & effects. Angu still had lots of work to
03:30pm @DiamondSutraZen actually, he attained arhathood the
previous day, then got the shit beat outta him next morning on alms
03:37pm @DiamondSutraZen so ass-kicking purifies his karma that'd
otherwise lead to rebirths in hell & yet arhats are spozed to be nonreturners
03:50pm a trifling evil by one takes him to hell; the very same done by
another is experienced in the here&now, barely appears for a moment.
Craig Bialick
06:58pm Salt Crystal Sutra
07:18pm may the innocent be protected from the copper rooster of
consumerism, the yellow snake of militarism, the dark grey sow of
07:25pm @DiamondSutraZen Anguli embodies the extremes - to have
an ass-kicking be so valuable requires high level realization
Wed May 18
09:04am Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal Rinpoche will be in Tennessee to
teach on the Heart Sutra & give a White Tara empowerment June 8-12
09:22am Although it is without any subject-object grasping, there is
naturally occurring wisdom that illuminates itself ~ Mipham
09:26am Initiatory experience is present in this very moment and
nothing can be done to facilitate its event. ~ Keith Dowman
09:47am @oceanshaman Buddha said that teachings on emptiness are
much easier to understand than the subtleties of karma
11:42am @KathyVonPetty @oceanshaman the ancient law of karma
operates regardless of one's view of morality or level on Maslow's
12:02pm if you think karma is an outdated theory but swear by
numerology, you might be a nudnik
01:11pm it would seem there is never enough dope - overheard at a
hungry ghost convention in baltimore (via @vajraland)
Ogmin's Twournal
02:10pm @lux1008 hey Clara. been thinking of you. hope you feel good
05:26pm Absence is the heart of the matter ~ Longchenpa
08:37pm act w good heart but unattached to the fruits of labor. offer it
as sacrifice dedicated to Krsna. this is repeated again & again in the Gita
08:40pm what is called karma yoga in hinduism becomes the
accumulation of merit in buddhism
08:51pm @Kalieezchild some early schools call it the 11th or invisible
form. 10 being senses & their objects. later it became alaya, 8th mind
08:55pm whatever happened to my rock and roll? ~ black rebel
motorcycle club
09:02pm @helloinhere its that time of evening; they sound alot like the
dandy warhols - nice groove
09:04pm in the division nama-rupa, mind is distinguished from form.
the 11th form is akin to an aura. the two examples given are a monk & a
Thu May 19
08:55am the Gita's arguments on karmayoga present it as one's spiritual
duty, as a human obligation insuring the blessings of a good life
09:19am Just as a crow is not concerned with the rising of the moon,
similarly, a fool dos not value discrimination. ~ Jnaneshwar
09:22am @ZenDirtZenDust at the frontier of ritual
09:30am Sacrifice takes the form of yr own proper duty. He who is full of
conceit never performs it in this world. ~ Jnaneshwar
11:00am the Ha-aggadha instructs -> see self & world as if the scales of
good & evil are in perfect balance & yr own action tiits the whole system.
Craig Bialick
11:05am @helloinhere 'the zeal of the Lord of hosts shall bring this to
pass' ~ Isaiah 9:6
01:43pm tantra a treasure of compassionate means to transform mind &
habit energy in responsive alignment w highest psychedelic insight
01:47pm i will stand upon my watch and station me within a circle ~
habakuk 2:1
03:02pm piles of stones in the garden. the deluding passions are infinite
03:32pm after leaving the palace Siddhartha didnt just sit there but
studied under a number of gurus & refused the teaching mantle more
than once
03:41pm will my phrasing give away something about my past? am i
wanted for things i never did? ~ from training manual for Aral Sea
05:02pm cultivating okra. thin shards of fine gray flint. hunters work
06:05pm tasting even the smallest portion you will eventually be turned
inside out effecting the shift of center which makes practice spontaneous
06:22pm samskaras: psychic predispositions, karmic formations, habit
energy, the kinetic association of factors born in ignorance, seeds, link 2
06:42pm to counter ignorance, wisdom. to enlighten feeling, compassion.
to purify samskaras, accumulation of merit S. punysambhãra T.sonam kyi
07:18pm nirmama ~ nothing is mine. all vajra activities end w
dedication of merit to all beings. sealing action w mahayana intent to
liberate all.
07:20pm not knowing That, this appears
07:22pm @jinkhet we love it breaded & fried or pickled. mom is
canadian and like many a yankee, finds it too slimey
Ogmin's Twournal
07:26pm blessed be the one who knows when to just shut up.
07:39pm the key to making vajra music- combining non-conceptual
vibration of highest meditative intention w whatever technical skill you
may have
07:41pm off to try & make some
Sat May 21
09:49am Buddha foretold that the Surangama will be the first sutra to
disappear in the Dharma ending age.
10:12am As the Surangama begins, the all-seeing Buddha puts out a
telepathic call to cousin Ananda who is about to break his vows in a
10:23am the world is so not happening
10:36am If this is not my mind, what is it? * Ananda, this is yr false
thinking which arises from contact with external objects
10:46am "Ignoring this basic brightness, they transmigrate thru illusory
realms w/o realizing the futility of their wrong practice."
11:05am The free intermingling of the worldly & the (absolute state of
the) Tathàgata is called dedication to the inexhaustible store of merits
11:26am @helloinhere the arhat's flatline cool
11:29am @helloinhere an example of a relatively less joyful wisdom on
the arhat-bodhisattva continuum
11:39am if you never study or meditate, maybe its best if you don't talk
so much either. really. it wasn't the first time i had that thought.
12:01pm @helloinhere arhats got the serene down but may be criticized
for an attachment to peace & limitations interacting w sentient beings
Craig Bialick
12:09pm @helloinhere there was one old yogi who used to cry all the
time & was considered highly realized but this was extremely uncommon
12:42pm scenarios like the rapture & 2012 are rooted in subconscious
terror of suburban fates which end in retirement communities
12:53pm @mason_mem for better or worse, it is all visionary. suburbia a
trite symbol of common bondage. oh love
01:20pm @mason_mem read aloud in the presence of two dakini. thank
you Mason
01:32pm @morrisresearch hardly but yeah, in these parts
02:36pm his last words were beware of she who channels the flatulence
squeezed out of the demon crushed under the left foot of Indestructible
02:38pm in the field of merit that is sentient being, bodhisattvas make
use of great illusion
02:39pm it is so good when everyone is here & we can be together for a
moment in this most ephemeral of venues. feeling it
03:12pm @Shunyata_Kharg a sea of causal action structures currents
downstream - the geography of the canalized present.
04:29pm even in moonless daylight the lane is redolent with the
fragrance of honeysuckle
04:48pm the notion that one is actually in anything is of the family of
beliefs to be transcended
04:53pm maybe we should be together. these screens seem like prison
05:04pm once upon a time the great one said until a man has fucked his
brains out, he has no appetite for the path
06:01pm @impermanen_ bde bzhin gshegs pa literally, the one who
possesses bliss, thus gone
Ogmin's Twournal
06:04pm RT @garuda_cm I am unreal and 'Absence' is my name. ~
06:22pm a friend here on twitter was targeted by quasi-buddhist
charlatan & her minions to the point where the FBI kicked in his door.
no shit.
06:28pm she mistook him for someone else who i was also friends w/.
that she couldn't tell the diff btwn them spoke volumes to me about her
06:34pm one is younger than me, a zen iconoclast; the other guy is older
& way into vajrayana. as easy to differentiate as beatles from stones
06:43pm they left me all alone here so its vanilla soyshake & peanut
butter on toast for dinner to the sounds of black rebel motorcycle club
06:49pm @rgyatso @hellofromhere @impermanen_ bde bzhin gshegs
pa lit. 'bliss holds, thus gone'
07:00pm @mason_mem is it okay to have favorite jew?
07:01pm i need contact
07:25pm @rgyatso @impermanen_ ghegs pa in vernacular 'who rolls
that way'
07:41pm @morrisresearch sure do - these hills are full of weird hippie
redneck hybrids
07:43pm @impermanen_ akin to dakini script; unpacking a few syllables
might require volumes of text
08:19pm @csbodine not in the same state, not w/in hundreds of miles of
each other, weren't even tweet-buddies.
Craig Bialick
Sun May 22
09:59am @helloinhere in that case, the so-called is just an offbeat other
who loosely identifies w a deceased person they never met
10:03am when the going gets rough, call in the dharmapalas, not the
10:53am @W911 unusual levels of silicon and tin in
anthrax powder
11:19am @Lesism great point
11:29am ordained buddhists profiting from the sale of animal flesh
11:39am always blows my mind how dingbat americans will prance
around in robes flaunting shit that real Tibetan monks & nuns would
never touch
11:47am @themarkist red thread-necks (silky cords commonly given out
at empowerments, sported by initiates)
11:57am monastic robes spozed to help maintain awareness of vows,
not be a costume to help you feel pious while dealing in slaughter
12:03pm @_isolar_ rebirth is a hell of a lot easier to let go of than death
12:08pm @ZenDirtZenDust as the age settles in we should see buddhist
brothels, buddhist weapons manufacture & privatized mercenary armies
12:15pm @ookiee if i was wealthier, i'd send you $108 just to reinforce
your insight
12:28pm @ookiee some are moved by contemplating the process of
killing & dissection, others don't bat an eye at all of that. mind. many
12:39pm @mattwilliamson @ookiee for you maybe!
Ogmin's Twournal
12:40pm @_isolar_ i can easily relate. i think most of us are like this
12:52pm @ookiee tofu crumbled oiled salted turmericized pan fried w
scallions shrooms & salsa is common mornings around here
12:56pm @helloinhere make that two would ya?
01:02pm @bentrem @ZenDirtZenDust none of that floats. but of
course in the wild west we make up words like exceptionalism
01:23pm under colorful outer wrap pkg of Indian khus incense (nice)
reveals old pg from med-supply catalog advertizing syringes, rolled into a
01:51pm @Kalieezchild that certainly describes the general effect reminds of the translation of sila as 'cooling'
03:17pm @Kalieezchild depending on the mind, it could be seen as
a loosening up, the process of getting hipper, purification, wising-up,
03:23pm @helloinhere its a good approximation of T. rigpa
03:31pm @helloinhere yes yes. T. yeshe
03:39pm to experience the immediacy of death & rebirth w/in this life,
temporarily increase the cognitive frame rate till the peacock opens its
04:01pm six bardos: 3 in life: dreams, meditation, ordinary waking state /
3 translife: moment of death, karmic-visions, rebirth
04:05pm magnetize our inherent brilliance. do nothing
04:33pm vajra sacraments access and re-mix thematic data from all six
bardos for revelatory display on the vajra mirror
08:09pm four dakini gatekeepers surround You
08:28pm each of us is relatively unique but we have so much in common.
we share a wealth of patterns & principles. languages & paths develop
Craig Bialick
09:37pm in darkness owl hoots southern breeze poplar leaves rustle
crickets drone no moon
10:09pm looking up at stars methinx no doubt globalization of corporate
state is busy destroying native cultures & biodiversity on countless worlds
10:23pm @estoni i have never read Jampolsky but long ago i had a
dream he was in and i could feel he was a good man
10:28pm @estoni whoops. it was actually his dad gerald
10:31pm @estoni for awhile. had a few books out. was doing the circuit.
Tue May 24
09:48am Khenchen would point to his gray hair & say, looky here; see?
i've been up on the glacier of old age & death...
10:24am original sedimentary layers evident in this iron-rich red stone
like striations commonly seen in the petrified dunes of southern utah
10:39am this area was once a shallow sea basin filling w sediments
eroding off 16,000 ft peaks in both the Ozarks to the west & Smokies to
the east
11:13am coal seams in the hills of PA OH WV KY TN AL once tropical
forests on lowland coasts at the foot of the ancient Appalachians
11:28am Appalachians, first range on the planet, arising in central
Pangea, once formed part of the same mtn chain as the Little Atlas in
11:51am due to huge time scales involved, structural dynamic &
impermanent nature of astronomical & geological phenomena is
deduced by inference
Ogmin's Twournal
12:17pm @mason_mem underscoring the punchline. even one's own
aggregates ain't known 'directly' but require an elaborate conceptual
12:27pm @abisail @oceanshaman some of the big snappers around here
are nasty old cusses but apparently it helps keep them alive
12:30pm @helloinhere blow me
12:38pm @helloinhere we laughing here too. love you
12:49pm @Shunyata_Kharg indica thrives in those dry hills. the smokies
are blue hazed with humidity.
01:06pm @Shunyata_Kharg South Africa's Barberton Greenstone Belt. thanks!
01:18pm @oceanshaman 1st encounter stop to move him off hiway
almost lost a finger. i get it. use a stick. turns, snaps at it, heads for my
01:52pm drive to nashvegas pass thru huge groves of cicadas heard not
seen howling electric waves in broad daylight. they aren't in the hollow
02:38pm mythical big bang a mere white hole in hyperspace
03:33pm @mattwilliamson om vajrapani hung. you be okay
03:48pm @IBOGANAUT peacock folds tail turtle pulls into shell.
unstructured quality of experience a brilliant white axis vajra of clear
06:59pm "You're trained to be obedient; you don't have an interesting
job; there's no work around for you that's creative...
10:27pm the ultimate whatever it is altogether here appearing as us.
there's a refuge in there somewhere, but it requires a shift in perspective
Craig Bialick
Wed May 25
08:46am @Ogmin such as distinguishing rigpa from sems? (via
08:54am @DianaJohn7730 no doubt she loves you and cares - doesn't
want you attracting the wrong folks
09:17am @DiamondSutraZen @necroichthususually means living
like a young monk in the household of a teacher & doing the lineage
09:19am @nzieboga @Vajrarock yah, he folded on twitter, still reads the
stream - emails me w comments
09:25am @DiamondSutraZen a formerly great meditator would most
likely continue to be one. the notion of an excuse would not come up.
09:30am @DiamondSutraZen principle of continuity of practice &
realization implied in the tulku phenomena would make this unlikely in a
real tulku
09:45am don't expect a tulku to rebel or renounce the traditional war
horses of solid practice. tulkus are lineage agency & do not flaunt
10:05am @DiamondSutraZen Kusum Lingpa was part of the C4 that
blew up Gyatrul's sangha, in part by revealing the 'unnamed tulkus' in the
10:07am @Jenmalen feel the energy projection of my cells, wishes you
10:23am as if you were one, the guru another, and What s/he points to
were three different things...
10:30am @Jenmalen @_isolar_ i believe its a traditional irish blessing
Ogmin's Twournal
10:42am @_isolar_ @Jenmalen very. before i knew much about
buddhistm i used to listen to their stuff like it was sutra
10:44am if maya is a veil, guru is a hole in it
10:51am i take my tea in a double-walled stainless steel mug. that's how
you know i'm not Ramakrishna.
11:49am westerners dubbed tulku as adults w no cultural bkground
retreat exp or extraordinary insight are unqualified. the title is merely
11:57am got weird when i RT'd one about 'real teachers want colleagues
not followers'. fake tulku took umbrage at that, cursed me out &
12:05pm @helloinhere not aimed at all, those words just expressed my
own heart but she took it hard, offended. i thought wow, teacher? emo /
01:00pm as a son of nyingma lineage which hatched the first batch of
tulkus, i feel it is important to clarify that there exist serious deviations
03:24pm minutes ago i found a small piece of white flint in the garden,
shank of a broken arrowhead. first people
03:35pm @Shunyata_Kharg along w a few others like sgom, bsam gtan semngo also 'essence of mind'
03:50pm saundering down road crow studies gravel casually nailing a six
inch serpent & walking on, dangling as he nibbles
03:50pm does the mirror crave images? chill
03:52pm @Type_One_ yah. mind reels upon recognition. the world
04:56pm even distant forest ridges rustling soughing restless beauty
hangover swells of a killer wind
Craig Bialick
06:04pm @ 16 i began to practice yamas/niyamas. slept on floor, gave up
meat, avoided mirrors, made friends sit zazen for 15 mins before toking...
06:17pm @DiamondSutraZen i was ready for some discipline but
wouldn't meet lama for another 18 yrs
06:22pm @soundhunter at the time it seemed like a way to avoid a
common teenage obsessions with one's looks
06:45pm @DiamondSutraZen combination of paranoia & deep
ignorance exacerbated by cultic posturing; they were certain you was
06:51pm @soundhunter
06:57pm @ryderjaphy @DiamondSutraZen ow. talk about the dropping
the ball. conflict w the business model? mealy-mouth journalism?.
07:30pm listening to the wind in the trees. eno does not arrive to explain.
07:36pm trees catching the wind like sails on a massive clipper ship,
driving the planet forward into the night; storm cell U5 bearing down on
08:47pm @DiamondSutraZen @mason_mem bullied i'd say. a seeming
inability to consider people & ideas outside a frame of naive insecure
09:38pm @ryderjaphy @DiamondSutraZen neo-buddhistic legalism.
consult the sanhedrin.
Thu May 26
03:32pm the biological machine, the emotions, death & optimism
combine to effectively obscure the true nature of awareness, 'the four
Ogmin's Twournal
03:37pm To hold a galaxy on one's head w/o moving for an aeon is
not to be considered difficult compared to believing this teaching. ~
03:44pm A gem in the dark can't be seen w/o a lamp; w no one to
explain Buddha's teaching even the intelligent cannot comprehend it. ~
03:50pm no view is called seeing, the birthless is called beings ~
05:15pm @ryderjaphy the Sarah Palin of tulk-ooze
05:42pm Frank Herbert's DUNG #lessinterestingbooks
06:35pm Faith is the basis of the Path, the mother of virtues, nourishing
& growing all good ways, cutting away the net of doubt ~ Avatamsaka
07:10pm some folk think faith is irrelevant in buddhism. they're wrong.
even to begin the path requires faith in the reality of your buddha nature.
07:25pm @trempy insofar as 'Faith can turn one wholly to the virtues
of buddhahood' ~Avatamsaka / it might well be considered a seed of
09:37pm @IanGraham @sprestonduncan howso?
11:11pm @quantumrider53 hearing about buddhahood is different than
seeing or realizing it directly.
Sat May 28
08:33am @YesheDawa so true. good morning Holly
12:13pm bla-ma: one who is heavy, weighty with good qualities (fem)
Tibetan rendering of the Sanskrit word guru
12:32pm @sonrivers Rna organisms
Craig Bialick
01:35pm @ZenDirtZenDust similar mindset as anti-abortion folk who
feel its a moral thing to give others a hard time about it
Sun May 29
06:42am @ZenDirtZenDust the way many approach marriage often
does lead to feelings of bondage & confinement. folks will put up w a lot
of shit.
07:24am @ZenDirtZenDust Buddha addresses those bound in this
common form of suffering, neither dogging nor championing the
07:27am @ZenDirtZenDust the quote you put up earlier. using
marriage on the path is the province of tantra. Buddha emphasized dropout monkhood.
07:32am @mattwilliamson @ZenDirtZenDust lmao. you're a riot
02:32pm I didn't want to kill any more'n I had to. ~ Sgt. Alvin York
05:31pm @hellofromhere @helloinhere when Reagan got in it felt like
cultural 'payback time' for even flirting w peace & visions of a kinder
06:04pm @helloinhere @hellofromhere he was vanquished. according
to me and tim leary, the 60's ended w the presidency of jimmy carter
07:54pm @buddhagroove got a citation from scripture on this one? i
have my doubts. Doesn't sound like the old man.
Mon May 30
09:39am you can make quantum leaps in yr practice and get all kinds of
insight from loving, intelligent people. you are not alone.
Ogmin's Twournal
01:34pm sleep gives rise to dreams. split mind conjures samsara &
01:42pm the dynamic super-matrix of the clear light of rigpa, though
innate, is difficult to keep in mind ~ Longchenpa
01:50pm @Shunyata_Kharg we who have fallen into the madness of
believing in our own inherent existence. it takes a thorn to remove a
02:03pm the crucial nonaction that supersedes all intention & ideation...
with the vital zero-attachment to whatever appears ~ Longchenpa
02:21pm @Shunyata_Kharg that is how the bodhisattva vows are stated to awaken (1) for the welfare of all beings (2)
02:46pm @Shunyata_Kharg being interdependent, awaking to no-self a
pre-req to realization of emptiness of phen & ability to offer meaningful
02:54pm two silk scarves ornament the khatvanga; emptiness of self and
emptiness of the elements which give rise to the appearance of self
04:34pm once there was zen. now its all cowboys.
04:49pm @_isolar_ @helloinhere in my time, my intentions, aspirations,
my thoughts & feelings, were birds in sky of mind
04:55pm @Shunyata_Kharg one moment of direct apperception of
emptiness is liberation. path of no-more learning still nine bhumis away
05:08pm Resolution in natural spaciousness occurs in the moment
- there can be no subsequent liberation into the present ground. ~
05:22pm RT @pawelekg wisdom & unawareness
05:35pm Gnadenhutten 1781: 96 Delaware Indian women men kids
knelt singing psalms & praying as American frontiersmen clubbed them
to death.
Craig Bialick
08:11pm Temple Grandin. a beautiful mind
Tue May 31
06:40am @Shunyata_Kharg this is the very reason for Mahayana
designation of the original turning as the 'lesser vehicle'.
06:45am @lux1008 Bhekhandzay Bhekhandzay * Big Medicine. may
soothing blue light course thru your nadis
06:53am @Shunyata_Kharg beyond basic liberation, levels of
awakening. bodhisattva intent goes deeper into sunya - realizing
emptiness of phenomena
06:56am @ZenDirtZenDust @Shunyata_Kharg definitely. bodhisattvas
acc of merit realizes sunya of phenomena allowing them a deeper
engagement w beings
07:00am arhats know self as composite illusion w/o penetrating that
the nucleated elements which support its appearance are equally nonexistent
07:03am @ZenDirtZenDust @Shunyata_Kharg not askew, just limited
in (upaya) dealing with the 'impure' psycho-emotional states of others
07:05am @Shunyata_Kharg @ZenDirtZenDust no, of course not. the
bodhisattva ideal is one of the primary differences in these vehicles.
07:07am @ZenDirtZenDust @Shunyata_Kharg yes, that too but more
like anonymous bodhisattva activity. socially-engaged compassion. skilful
07:10am Nyingma differentiate 9 yanas or vehicles. #1 is original
vehicle, hinayana. #3 is the bodhisattvayana. there are many clear
Ogmin's Twournal
07:16am among the 7 Tenets of Hinayana: "There is an ultimate cause of
phenomena that really exists." This refers to the idea of 'partless atoms'
07:18am @ZenDirtZenDust @Shunyata_Kharg that diff. is w/in
Mahayana. in Tibet it has been a big deal known as the rang-tong v shentong debates
07:22am another Hinayana tenet is that the Buddha was an ordinary
man who suffered, practiced, and attained enlightenment
07:27am @Shunyata_Kharg partless atoms are summarily rejected as an
early substantialist conceptual scaffolding by mahayanists
07:28am @Shunyata_Kharg one who rolls thus ;-)
07:36am @JacobNordby it helps us rationalize why we're so lame
07:37am @oceanshaman thanks. just learned of Temple last night via the
movie. delightful
07:40am @helloinhere @naturalmind this logic is the basis for the
bodhisattva path
08:43am @NeighbourBoy yes, but only from the perspective of the
Mahayana schools
08:51am Practitioners who hold lower vehicle tenets do not acknowledge
the existence of the bhumis, the kayas or pure lands.
09:16am @Shunyata_Kharg Great Activity, one of 7 points qualifying
Mahayana praxis includes kayas & emanations. Mahamudra independent
of Mahayana?
09:20am All that appears and exists is Mahamudra, the great allencompassing Dharmakaya. ~ Marpa (via @mikesdharma)
09:42am Ngondro is the preliminary practice common to both
Mahamudra and Dzogchen traditions. ~ wiki
09:57am @ryderjaphy is Mahamudra practice viable independent of
guru yoga?
Craig Bialick
10:09am @ryderjaphy how would one obtain these teachings otherwise?
10:18am @ZenDirtZenDust @ryderjaphy not at all; it is a specific
practice in vajrayana
10:27am @fadeout32 see Kongtrul's Treasury of Knowledge, vol 6 part 3
pg 123 + >
10:43am @ZenDirtZenDust yah; devotion is crucial. in guru yoga one
views one's teacher as a perfect buddha, a primary source of blessings.
11:24am @ZenDirtZenDust @Jrobertmorrison @ryderjaphy much like
an auspicious marriage. if it is to happen, somehow you meet & fall in
11:26am @ZenDirtZenDust @Jrobertmorrison definitely! sense of
humor is integral to the paramitas, esp patience /ksanti & joyful effort /
11:31am @ZenDirtZenDust @ryderjaphy i've seen self-formed bands
'shop around' for lamas & upon finding the real thing, the majority lose
11:35am @ZenDirtZenDust understood
11:48am Sravaka schools dont discuss the 2 types of sunya or the division
of obscurations into cognitive & emotional, recognizing only the latter
12:50pm @Shunyata_Kharg JS implies that previous to that moment,
there was* such need. post-realization devotion is genuine spontaneous
01:00pm @Jrobertmorrison @Shunyata_Kharg in Nyingma guru yoga
is presented as the centralized highway into the mountains of rDzogchen
01:13pm notions of real guru being somehow more w/in (w/in what? noself?) rather than without are dissolved in the accomplishment of guru
Ogmin's Twournal
01:15pm @Shunyata_Kharg @Jrobertmorrison Jigme Lingpa's root
guru was Longchenpa who lived four centuries before him.
01:29pm @Jrobertmorrison @shunyata_kharg sure, as a reflexive form
of Kuntuzangpo of course... %^~
01:29pm guru yoga is the high techne of acceptance
01:36pm @Shunyata_Kharg @Jrobertmorrison good good Shunyata!
The Dark Blue One w Ornaments!
01:50pm @Jrobertmorrison @shunyata_kharg they'd have to be
exceptional but it happens. methinx many are open but never meet mr
right, so PADMA works
03:17pm Black Hat Dancers, Bhutan
03:23pm @Spring118
03:30pm @Spring118 * these are good days Sheila Nice to meet you
03:35pm RT @ZenDirtZenDust You think you escaped the 6 Realms. I
think you are in Hell but the demons all wear human masks and animals
walk upright.
03:43pm tripping thru the Ohio Valley late 18th c. w/ Simon Kenton via
A Eckert's Frontiersman. excellent narrative in the grain of Shelby Foote
03:44pm @quantumrider53 then odds are that you are not into Tibetan
04:08pm peak exp of sacred performance was @ Mescalero Apache
initiation ceremony for young women. after dark, big fire & the Ga'an
dancers came out
04:11pm @quantumrider53 my interest is in the teachings which
happened to originate there. i make no case for the exclusive holiness of
any place
Craig Bialick
04:16pm @NeighbourBoy yes & that they have no sides no up or down.
imagine. phase 1 in dissembling self accepts substance to account for
04:38pm @NeighbourBoy emptiness of phenomena 'atoms' as well as
freedom from all cognitive obscurations to omniscience are mahayana
04:42pm @mikesdharma no in '74, 3 yrs after they settled, youngest
couple in the community at the time. most of the 500 there had about 5
yrs on us
04:57pm @NeighbourBoy believing in a non-composite particle of sorts
at the base of phenomena supports a substantialist view of self
05:11pm @mikesdharma extraordinary energy & good will gradually
eroded thru the lack of emphasis on meditation & bodhicitta teachings.
ego politics
05:27pm @Jenmalen sleep easy & deep Jen-Ma
05:32pm @mattwilliamson in the degenerate era, the truth is quality
stand-up material.
05:52pm @mattwilliamson E ma ho
07:24pm There cannot be separate parts of that which is a true
singularity unless both parts & singularity are merely imputed
08:09pm dharmapala evening sangheros wrathful compassion surges in
the aethers, off to harness some of these winds with the six-stringed vajra
Thu Jun 02
08:43am @Irreverent_B some aspects of the Dharma are not easily
verifiable. nobody i know has knowledge of past lives or what happens
after death
Ogmin's Twournal
08:53am @Shunyata_Kharg lack of mahayana spirit devolves into the
politics behind all forms of fundamentalism
12:09pm if you call a dog a lion, does it make him a lion? ~ KPSR
commenting on the tulku tradition
12:33pm a rang tong ring tone would be silent. you'd never pick up
01:01pm In these evil times, even those with fortunate karma will find it
difficult to encounter these teachings. /1
01:02pm It will be difficult to bring together the necessary circumstances
for these teachings to be revealed. ~ Padmasambhava /2
01:12pm as the bird calls out of silence and dissolves back into it, may
this body of habits be released into the state of no-clinging
Fri Jun 03
08:48am for the last 24 hrs, i have been on a bacterial tour of the hells
10:12am Thanks so much @mattwilliamson @helloinhere
@mason_mem @lux1008 @_isolar_
10:16am @pawelekg exactly.
11:29am In paradise man is born dead ~ Werner Herzog
11:36am @Chereliz @hellofromhere thanks for the good vibe
11:47am @ZenDirtZenDust @ryderjaphy weed
11:49am the rangtong singalong has been cancelled (via @Vajrarock)
11:52am @ZenDirtZenDust @ryderjaphy in support of Ryder's
point, there are some things that i personally find helpful that are not
'buddhism' per se
12:17pm @Shunyata_Kharg Gracias Chris. varies btwn almost nothing
& oh no not this shit again
12:18pm @MrsCapra the happiness of those i love
Craig Bialick
12:19pm @ryderjaphy cool. it won't happen again mr. japhy
12:39pm @ZenDirtZenDust my point > there are accessories outside of
buddhism i find helpful that are not 'buddhism' per se
12:43pm @helloinhere @Shunyata_Kharg @Mujushin yah me too.
Khenpos encouraged us sing them to our own tunes. i won't let Xtians
own Jesus either.
12:59pm Of all the spiritual practices, taking the name of God is the
easiest. ~ Sri Ramakrishna
01:42pm @quantumrider53 no creator god but there be many gods, one
of the six realms. it was Lord Brahma who convinced Buddha to speak &
01:48pm @Mujushin @Shunyata_Kharg @helloinhere i don't mind 'em
as background ambiente but they do tend to obssess about food and sex
02:13pm om ah hung. consider the value of most thought and
conversation. om ah hung hri
02:18pm all that brocade & incense was just to get my attention. lo, a gift
from the ancestors.
02:18pm like finding a cache of perfect arrowheads buried for us in case
we forgot
02:36pm the fact that there are so many counterfeiters would suggest
there is such a thing as real gold ~ Dharmalore
Sat Jun 04
09:34am @helloinhere @PredictionMag 'none but ourselves can free
our minds'
Ogmin's Twournal
08:11pm The friendship btwn Piomingo & James Robertson, 'father' of
Tennessee, remains virtually unknown, uncelebrated because it was an
Sun Jun 05
08:38am The utmost good faith shall always be observed towards the
Indians; /1
08:39am their lands & property shall never be taken from them without
their consent /2
08:40am and in their property, rights, & liberty they never shall be
invaded or disturbed unless in just and lawful wars authorized by
Congress /3
08:42am but laws founded in justice and humanity shall, from time to
time, be made /4
08:43am for preventing wrongs being done to them, and for preserving
peace and friendship with them. /5 ~ NW Ordinance 1787 Article 3
section 14
09:00am @ruralhybrid @DavidMAshton Buddhists should abide by the
precepts. Whether or not they are involved politically is optional.
09:17am @ruralhybrid @DavidMAshton it is a bit like asking if
Buddhists shld be vegetarian... a big first step toward responsible social
10:37am 'This is a free land for free men. Make that clear to them; it's
important. Don't mention Indians!' ~ Eckert, The Frontiersmen
11:29pm @johnpavelkehlen children damned to hustle in the rubble
Craig Bialick
Mon Jun 06
09:22am @Chonnymo we all fall short. whether by tradition or
personal choice, lines are drawn crossed redrawn recrossed for heuristic
01:22pm simply put, the biggest obstacle to practice realization is you
01:37pm Not being enlightened, Apprehending existence Divided into
subject-object & Acting on this basis
01:41pm nobody is omniscient. omniscience is. clarity is always a
06:03pm graphic images of a tearful weiner
07:47pm Nobody thinks himself a fool when divisions arise in Sangha,
nor do they ever value another person higher than themselves. – The
08:18pm @quantumrider53 in the ultimate sense, yes, all beings have
buddha nature. in the relative world, still lots of ignorance & suffering
08:24pm we all have a lot in common. that is a great foundation for
exploring our differences
08:43pm yidam contraction of yid: mind, intellect & dam-tsig: sacred
bond, solemn vow trust
08:50pm tea: its fuckin' friendly maybe we should do a TCRU; so, like,
we're having a cup in about five minutes. anyone want to join us?
09:17pm even tho a great lama assured his liberation by saying only one
mani mantra, the horse remained silent
09:24pm @tse108 tea-crew. got chamomile
09:30pm Mipham's White Lotus commentary on the Seven Line
Prayer to Guru Padmasambhava
Ogmin's Twournal
Tue Jun 07
08:28am @quantumrider53 come hell or highwater, the practice of
bodhicitta is the activity of bodhisattvas and enlightened beings
Thu Jun 09
12:52am stars on one side of Andromeda's spiral are 100K LY from
those on the other. a mental composition of past images compressed into
one thing
Sat Jun 11
11:39am @Jrobertmorrison rather than favor one over the other,
Nyingma accept both 2nd & 3rd turnings as definitive of abs&rel truths
02:06pm @Shunyata_Kharg gratzi bro. got my ass kicked & lived to
tweet about it. E ma ho
08:48pm @firepixie324 thanks Jen. taking it easy. glad to be home.
Sun Jun 12
08:58am @helloinhere avoiding thoughts, rational converse or thinking
things thru to maintain one's 'faith' is another form of this vice
09:04am @oceanshaman thanks for all the good energy sis. just realized
yr tweet handle is a loose translation of 'dalai lama'
09:24am @oceanshaman we adopt the names of great beings in high
09:55am @helloinhere howdy. beautiful out there. lost 10 lbs in 8 days.
got appetite. i'm back.
Craig Bialick
01:19pm @sameetkumar the five tones make the ear deaf - lao tzu
01:27pm attention, self & its objects a contraction of source awareness
02:18pm Silas Soule unsung hero
02:49pm @mason_mem & points south. see nashville's william walker
grey-eyed man of destiny, president of nicaragua 1856-7. aggressivo
03:16pm @ZenDirtZenDust maybe how you understand the term but
from here, grain has to head up or 'go to seed' before it is edible
03:54pm Beyond legends, historical Padmasambhava was likely a
refugee from Islamic expansion which swept thru central Asia in the
7th-8th centuries
05:23pm Your own deeds will bring you near, your own deeds will
remove you far ~ Sephir Ha-Aggadah 642:16
05:26pm Either companionship or death. ~ Book of Legends, 647:67
05:35pm in buddhism, faith is based in inference acquired by thoro
analysis of phenomena in question. following every lead to the edge of
the cliff
06:24pm what are you clinging to now, genius? ~ proto-mantra
07:35pm we were getting along like dolphins until he asked for my
07:46pm @ZenDirtZenDust @rogermugs why would you think this
dude knows what is effective after death?
08:11pm if i didn't observe such deluded thinking & unskilful actions, i
wouldn't be as motivated to contemplate the teachings
08:20pm from deep w/in midnight blue kuntuchang's space of naked
zero the white dawn of vajrsattva aglow on the eastern horizon
08:34pm McKee, a Brit living w Shawnees who thought him magically
protected in battle, was killed when his pet deer butted him & severed an
Ogmin's Twournal
08:39pm @Chereliz good even Cheryl. big cosmic metaphors to help
open out and expand tendency to dualistic contraction
08:46pm the dream died with Tecumseh
08:55pm @Chereliz are you familiar w the mandala of the dhyani
buddhas? aboriginal roots & depth psychology woven into a net of
organic associations
09:43pm the lowest hell is reserved for those who exercise their need for
distinction in the theater of group chanting
09:50pm @mason_mem @impermanen_ CO Springs at the foot of Pikes
11:08pm @mikesdharma crown throat heart navel (&below) om ah
hung hri
11:10pm @pemagonpo lol. a pet peeve! muchas gracias for the incense
11:11pm @quantumrider53 no big deal bro. go easy on yrself
Mon Jun 13
09:27am @Chereliz best description i've found is in Foundations of
Tibetan Mysticism by Lama Govinda, an invaluable treasure.
10:47am When the iron bird flies and horses roll on wheels, beware the
red-headed tulku ~ dharmalore
10:51am @ryderjaphy she preys on the uninformed. she's big.
somewhere. not here.
08:24pm war party returns victorious. cruz yelps jumps off his pony runs
up to me smiling throws his head back "we destroyed them!"
09:01pm @Chonnymo excellent
09:15pm you, me
Craig Bialick
10:04pm serpent continuity linking momentary elements of one life into
a singular stream doesn't cease or disperse at death nor begin at birth
Tue Jun 14
07:06am @cole_tucker that kind of karma i can live with
07:25am @Chonnymo good morning * Soul Desert ~ Julian Cope
09:37am @Mujushin a similar comment made by my genius neighbor
got him dismissed for jury duty
09:55am @Chereliz @drivebytruckers June 2011 Canadian tour kicks
off today
02:09pm @RumiQuotes perhaps because the other end is at your feet
05:32pm buddhahood: no axe to grind
05:47pm seeing the potential benefit to residents of his half-cocked
world, Brahma, Lord of Creation, urged the Silent One of the Shakyas to
06:55pm Brahma first to arise alone at the dawn of a new world system
assumes the cosmos is his idea & all those who arise after, his handiwork.
07:00pm @joepdx those who arise afterwards all agree; "yah, that one
has always been here... he must have made us." this is all in the sutras
07:10pm oh to see the world from atop the pole w the red prayer flag:
barred owl
07:26pm @00Pelican00 you invested & lost. i never had much beyond
the land we occupy, so no, not from here
07:53pm @helloinhere @DZA13 darling boy child of a friend i used to
farm with now works for DA in middle TN, prosecutes herb users like his
Ogmin's Twournal
Wed Jun 15
07:53am 'KPC has no comment on these matters' Hatred blinds her to
the obvious differences btwn Cassidy & Wilson. So she sicks the FBI on
08:18am white elephant descends goes nova at the foot of a large tree
before wandering to Kushinagar where he lay down on his right side
08:20am @Shunyata_Kharg this is the surname of our esteemed DSZ
09:14am Amitabha's heart emanates a red HRI which dissolves into
light. An 8 yr old boy appears on the pollen bed of a lotus afloat in the
Aral Sea
10:42am Three Natures acc. to Vasubhandu: imaginary (parikalpita),
absolute (parinispanna) & interdependent (paratantra)
02:23pm emerging below Plaksa limbs in Lumbini, awakening in Pipal
shade at Bodhgaya, at last, the suchness of the Sala trees of Kushinagar
08:44pm three meals of significance: Queen Mayadevi's breast milk,
cowgirl Sujata's rice milk curds, Cunda the metal worker's truffle curry
09:05pm om ah hung. the tathagata comes, accomplishes, goes. thus
gone. om ye dharma
11:50pm PADMA: tantra, graduated organic unfolding, transformation,
purification / VAJRA: dzogchen, spontaneous presence, primordial
11:55pm in Dzogchen lineage, we praise Dharmakaya Kuntuzangpo as
source, Vajrasattva as kachina messenger & Garab Dorje as first human
Craig Bialick
Fri Jun 17
10:22am @ZenDirtZenDust actually, the bellies of pretas are HUGE &
distended. Their necks are narrow. good nourishment hard to come by
10:50am @helloinhere at times, they coincide but to an initiate, the
formal context may well seem incidental, fortuitous
10:58am @ZenDirtZenDust 10-4. i am easily bewildered by metaphors
made in relation to cartoon metaphors
12:01pm @ZenDirtZenDust vajrayana is the way of sacred cartoons
04:36pm Just a few miles away, 73 yr old truck driver killed when he lost
it on a turn. Hazardous Ops team cleaning up asphalt oil he was carrying
05:11pm Amitabha has no back or 'other' side.
05:19pm @joepdx for purposes of visualization & psychedelic ontology,
all of the dhyani buddhas are described in this way.
05:43pm Mahabodhisattva Avalokitesvara reflex of Infinite Light
Amitabha compassion manifest as enjoyment body. 11 heads 1000 arms.
wisdom & means
05:53pm @gwaneum pre-mind blow, exhaustive efforts, collapse, the
ego-smashing heartache initiation of many an aspiring bodhisattva
10:50pm unbounded endlessness of Infinite Light quantized in
emanation bodies. Mahaguru Padmasambhava ultimate reality of
enlightened awareness
11:15pm @spicenyc metabolism, while it lasts
Sat Jun 18
09:23am @ryderjaphy i have a pile of DMs urging me to change topic so
i do not risk an FBI raid on my home; Dragon Lady's modus operandi
Ogmin's Twournal
09:40am @ryderjaphy w any sense of integrity, s/he must feel like a real
putz having to to monitor the musings of a bunch of hippies & yogis.
09:59am @seamusallen0905 @oceanshaman the red spot is a visual
target for the babies so they know where the food will be
10:17am @oceanshaman @seamusallen0905 slow connection out here
in the boonies so we don't do video. will save bkmrk to watch in town.
10:40am Today is the anniversary of Dza Patrul Rinpoche
10:46am @oceanshaman we lived on Cape Cod for a few years spent
many hours on the north shore; whales, harbor seals all kinds of water
11:20am @HailAmidaButsu the folks who opt for that one ain't here.
the rest of us are junkies
11:30am @anisonams thanx for the Dudjom quotes mam. Please ask yr
teacher to drop charges on Andrew Wilson & apologize for sicking the
FBI on him
11:52am the age reads 'search warrants were executed upon the
residences of both William Cassidy and an individual named Andrew
Wilson' @anisonams
11:54am Andrew Wilson has nothing to do with this case but was subject
to an FBI raid on the basis of KPC ignorance & paranoia @anisonams
06:01pm @Fortheirsake i don't hate anyone sis
06:04pm @HailAmidaButsu @ryderjaphy thanks for clarifying
06:08pm @Fortheirsake May all beings refrain from sicking the FBI on
innocent people. Are you aware of this? I'm not talking about Cassidy
06:43pm @Fortheirsake her ignorance & paranoia led to the FBI
kicking in my friend's door. he was innocent. she has not apologized. how
pure is that
Craig Bialick
06:59pm Hospital wrote off 90% of the bill. grateful. thanks Larry http://
07:25pm looking thru doorway sky descends on hill. drifting in the empty
between, mist of rain
07:30pm @ogamu beautiful
07:52pm @anisonams who sicked the dogs on this innocent man? use
your head ani. the FBI did not act on their own.
08:01pm @anisonams in pursuit of Cassidy, there was collateral damage.
JAL pointed the FBI to Andrew, an innocent man, thinking him Cassidy.
Sun Jun 19
08:32am breeze rustles green leaf, soughs & pauses. birdsong dominates
the hollow. a cock crows. sky darkens. thunder rumbles in the west.
08:41am Pop was raised by folks w heavy Ukrainian accents. He
suspected they were his grandparents cause all his siblings were 20+
years older.
08:54am still, every few weeks i will see something and think, 'oh yah,
this is something i should ask Pop about...' he died 16 yrs ago.
09:06am Last time i saw Dad was in a dream had while camped at Black
Canyon of the Gunnison. He seemed to understand me like he didn't
when alive.
10:52am good memories of pre-teen saturdays w Pop perusing the
bookstores of NY's west village for SF novels or in the box seats of
Yankee Stadium
11:14am @ZenDirtZenDust beginners who often compose the bulk of a
practice sangha often require the luxury of formal silence to meditate
Ogmin's Twournal
11:30am wearing pinstripe Yankee jersey #55 (my birth year) gifted me
by #4 son Ksana home for a week before deploying to Kuwait
11:57am as early as 1810 residents of Cincinatti complain that the Ohio
River is full of human excrement, the refuse of tanneries & slaughter
12:01pm @helloinhere like he said
12:07pm if you find value in perpetuating a hierarchy, the least you can
do is have the decency & integrity to police yourselves
04:44pm Buddha was nobody's tulku
05:30pm Japanese Wineberry, a species of raspberry. many thousands of
'em ripe now. containers being filled
08:13pm burning some dank killer tulku w my dakini posse
08:51pm @qu1j0t3 @DZA13 fair enough. in any case, we should
resurrect the Peace Corps
Mon Jun 20
02:16pm Om Ami Dewa Hri
02:25pm @mattwilliamson oddly enough, nope
02:29pm @mattwilliamson thanks bro. grateful for the return of strength
& good health. priceless.
02:46pm @morrisresearch jap honeysuckle dominates has nearly wiped
out native var. & south of here, kudzu claims vast stretches of field &
02:52pm liberated upon arising, released as it stands
03:04pm Tulku Organum
Craig Bialick
04:02pm Eventually our once upon a hero was blackmailed by his
cronies & sold us out attempting to protect his image. The Farm in a
04:04pm The Farm 1971-1983 "Attention is Energy" #tombstone
04:12pm @Shunyata_Kharg if you live in the US, it is only common
sense to think that all yr electronic communication is being monitored
04:27pm @mikesdharma exactly. karma in this case particularly tragic as
there is always a need for such places; half-way houses to sanity
04:30pm and you believe in that shite? let me rephrase that...
05:14pm @Shunyata_Kharg "the user-id posts ... while dwelling w/in an
illusion that no one is present" - does not ring at all true for Twitter
06:20pm nun in shades preaches by praying aloud about the aspiration
to see no fault in others, cc to one or two obviously to blame for
06:35pm @crankfetter quite useful when you've had enuf but even
better when accepted before beginning so there are no gaining ideas
08:20pm @crankfetter deep heart mind commons. you are kind to say so
08:31pm ** @Arahants this quote originated in the writings of Wei-wu
Wei, Terence James Stannus Gray
08:36pm @Kalieezchild farout. I knew Gary. the last time I saw him we
were visiting Bob Marley's grave together
Tue Jun 21
07:21am Summer Solstice at 12:16 pm Central Time
07:22am @mason_mem @HailAmidaButsu from forgetting
Ogmin's Twournal
07:32am to enjoy pleasure & avoid pain is natural enough. they only
become worldly dharmas when you are strung out by ego-clinging to
07:38am Do not separate yourself from the community. ~ Hillel
09:07am @helloinhere one old Cha'an master talked about not being
turned by words but knowing how to 'turn words'
10:24am always wanted to live in a big landed community of great
people. we tried once & failed. twitter is no substitute for that but i do
love you
10:33am RT @vajraland Lam Rim the breakfast of those thus gone
11:59am @alterrain once was part of a group that i saw grow from
500-1500 over the seven yrs i spent there. that's gone. now we are three
01:56pm there is no thing that is not made of other things
05:36pm @pawelekg she inserted herself in my followers list a few wks
ago & i never got an email notice. first time that's happened. she hacked
05:44pm @NeighbourBoy no. & beyond that, no indivisible 'moments' of
11:09pm @LeighCR got a citation for this quote? sure don't sound like
something Buddha would say
Fri Jun 24
07:11am CHOKMA Sangheros
07:14am Mohawk, a rather difficult language to learn. for ex. - the word
for wine - oneharadesehoengtseragherie - 'a liquor made from grape
Craig Bialick
09:31am best to ignore some of the shit that gets said here
10:03am Saka Dawa Festivities Prohibited in Tibet
10:10am * @ZenDirtZenDust unable to speak for themselves animals
need a well-funded champion to keep dogging you omnivores
10:16am @ZenDirtZenDust very dangerous offensive emotional
territory to try to get folks to change cherished habits
10:18am @ZenDirtZenDust especially if you ain't gonna change anyway.
most of their message is lost on folks who have already made up their
10:29am @ZenDirtZenDust w/o condoning/condemning alt.approaches,
reason has not made much progress in this area. Attachments are not
11:04am prepare the offerings for the noon burn
11:23am neither doormat nor steam-roller be @Mael_1
02:32pm most of you probably do not need to hear this but please do not
even consider putting yr child on anti-psychotic meds.
03:28pm @ZenDirtZenDust in other models, the divine or buddha
nature is senior, beyond change while karma is dependent &about
03:35pm @ZenDirtZenDust but then how do you see the unconditioned
growing out of the conditioned? koan logic no doubt
04:12pm @johnpavelkehlen tulkucumbers
04:31pm @ryderjaphy i remember feeling lucky to score a copy of
Dwight Goodard's Buddhist Bible (pre-1923)
04:37pm Love, compassion, and pure perception arise in momentary
flashes, like bright sparks w/in a state of heavy darkness. ~ KPSR
Ogmin's Twournal
04:42pm Love, compassion, & wisdom constitute the essential
experience of the buddha nature as well as the very means of realizing it.
06:01pm all arising w/in the absolute condition of primordial freedom,
all beneficial activities spontaneously performed ~ KPSR
06:08pm @ryderjaphy the works of Charles Luk, Evans-Wentz, Blofeld,
RH Blyth, HV Guenther were some of the few translations available in
Sat Jun 25
07:14am @ZenDirtZenDust death is unheard of in Native American
sweats. they have no macho rule about having to stay in beyond yr
07:23am @ZenDirtZenDust yah, have been in a few times w native
americans leading the rites
07:35am @ZenDirtZenDust they were adamant about not using any
plastic tarps as they do not breathe. this is old info.
10:19am @oceanshaman @ZenDirtZenDust also, no one ever pays a
cent. you bring blankets, firewood or herbs or water or some fruit for
10:27am thunder. birdsong. black tea. cole's bullet. jay's delerium. bill's
late night vision. emaho
10:32am the sound of the first raindrops hitting ten thousand leaves
12:56pm @alterrain so true! may the H20 flow from lower to higher
altitudes, aggregating & falling back down where & when we need it
Craig Bialick
03:37pm Tyler used to drive up from AL but stopped coming cause
he said our conversations echoed in his head & made him feel like a
05:22pm The Tathāgata’s samādhi is without degeneration ~ Khenpo
06:15pm Poverty means you have a place for retreat, clothes to wear and
enough to eat and drink; no more, no less. ~ Khenpo Choga
06:26pm W/o any master above me, any servants below me, w/o friends
or enemies, may I die in a remote hermitage ~ Jamyang Khyentse
Sun Jun 26
12:27am The new practitioner does not put his trust in gold. The old
practitioner picks up scraps from the road ~ dharmalore
10:13am Start w the vajra of no discouragement. End w the vajra of no
need to be ashamed (of faults). Live w the vajra of pure wisdom. ~ 3
11:24am dreaming of treasure buried under his hearth, the peasant rises
& starts removing stones
12:24pm Gimme Shelter ~ Stone's most buddhist song
07:49pm Narcissus gazes into the digital pond.
11:56pm same mantra plays in hearts of all beings of six realms infinitely
modified by karmic distortion phase shift sustain & delay. rock & roll
Mon Jun 27
10:08am @bellemusic i have to find something of interest on the pages
of folks who follow me or i have no desire to add them to my stream
Ogmin's Twournal
12:19pm If all the merit of bodhicitta were to take physical form, it'd fill
the entire realm of space & be greater even than that ~ VG Sūtra
04:57pm HHDL advises that if you are going to lie for a good reason,
such as to protect life, it is important to come up w a consistent story.
09:11pm in the geography of views, bodhicitta the highest, bodhicita the
11:49pm in the anatomy of thought and action, bodhicitta the mind,
bodhicitta the heart
Tue Jun 28
09:39am in the cosmology of relations, bodhicitta the graviton
10:43am in the meteorology of mind, bodhicitta the sun
06:52pm all mahayana script comment instruction tributaries feed into
one great current of clarity & ego-transcending compassion: Bodhicitta
08:48pm from seeds of interdependence sprouts of no-self leaves of
great emptiness flowering as the thousand-petaled display of bodhicitta
09:24pm big thunder heavy rain from pre-dawn thru greener darkness at
midday safe w/in the luxury of a house as the power blinks twice & dies
Wed Jun 29
08:38am 'Pay homage to the buddha of whichever direction you travel.'
oh to be driving into the far west, deep into the heart of Amitabha
10:48am @impermanen_ if i'm ever w/in 100 miles, i'll be calling
11:41am to get the Buddha's blessing, simply give him yr attention. Lama
Craig Bialick
12:35pm @oceanshaman emaho! empires may fall, but these eggs will be
06:58pm ocean plays at being a wave
07:15pm @ZenDirtZenDust the Mahayana is based on this distinction
07:21pm @ZenDirtZenDust the Madhyamakas do not cop to Buddha
Nature; a doctrine favored by Cittamatra Yogacara
07:27pm @ZenDirtZenDust arhats overcome emo defilements but still
have cognitive obscurations. bodhisattvas purify these by developing
07:29pm @NeighbourBoy @ZenDirtZenDust most vajrayana shedras
make a study of the differences btwn schools. helps you appreciate them
all better
07:35pm @ZenDirtZenDust the distinction describes a deeper
realization which includes the aspiration to work for the liberation of all
07:41pm HHDL teaches that one's tenet system (yana) may well be
different than the level of one's actual practice
08:10pm @ZenDirtZenDust studying real differences in doctrine not to
champion ones own school but to learn how the original seed unfolded
08:15pm @NeighbourBoy @ZenDirtZenDust tantra can be practiced w/
o a studied survey of other schools but it provides good perspective
08:18pm @sameetkumar nice metaphor; there's room for all kind life to
thrive and grow
08:22pm why must we die ~ the mcgarrigle sisters
08:33pm bhava ~ becoming
08:41pm @KGrey_Com @ZenDirtZenDust Nyingma classification into
9 yanas reflects historical development of Dharma over a millenium, no
Ogmin's Twournal
Thu Jun 30
10:10am at 'this corn any good?' he says nothing but takes one from the
sack pulls back the leaves revealing a perfect row of golden kernels
10:24am These things never happened, but are always. ~ Sallust (86 – 35
10:39am @I_Monastery @helloinhere you, in the deepest sense
10:42am poor boy was just too quick to dismiss the efforts of great
bodhisattvas. we had no future together ...
11:16am young king invites great teacher from Zahor to Tibet but
soon after arrival he advises the king to invite his brother-in-law,
11:18am @jadkr howdy bro. blessings upon yr funky old neighborhood
11:38am @impermanen_ this is why the khenpo bros would refer to the
Seven Line Prayer as 'Dharma Hotline'
11:58am the laws must change ~ john mayall
12:29pm orphaned giraffe imprints on a jeep as mommy. some never
meet their real teacher but in seeking suffer psychodramas w one who is
01:18pm mistaken for ordinary sounds heard upon waking this band of
dakis & gandharavas praising the lotus born on an invisible cloud above
yr head
04:40pm Today is the anniversary of Jamgon Mipham (1846-1912) an
incredible Nyingma scholar
04:51pm mtn of burnt offerings on turtle hill 5 white substances
evergreen redcedar rinsed in pure water clouds of blue smoke stream
thru the oaks
Craig Bialick
07:46pm As Atisha travelled in Tibet and was introduced to a new
person he would often ask, 'Do you have a good heart?'
07:49pm @mattwilliamson those follicles support telepath antennae
08:02pm body flashing in&out of existence as time now free of
mechanical insistence indeed it seemed the world presented not reality
but an option
Fri Jul 01
09:14am @Chonnymo i will be again
09:21am @helloinhere dukkha, dug-ngal. the first noble truth
11:05am opening kilos, packing agarbatties into bags for a fair. the
treasures of Kashmir, Rajasthan Srinagar the Sundarbans, right here in
04:29pm Great Splendor: bowing in ten directions
05:45pm being 4 & standing in sun middle of st. left clothes on the
painted square that was 2nd base. it felt so good. here come an adult.
now run!
06:55pm i promise not to tweet about my vegie diet if you'll refrain from
tell me bout yr meat habit. deal?
06:58pm i know that won't fly. just a feeling.
07:14pm 'May the supreme bodhicitta arise in those in whom it has not
yet arisen & where it has, may it not decrease but ever increase more &
07:22pm they all fly in from CA this wkend, gathering once again to
get stoned & nostalgic on the land we once lived on, farmed & held in
Ogmin's Twournal
07:29pm @oceanshaman are you familiar with Allen Eckert's series on
early America? Excellent narrative, well-researched, good flow
Sun Jul 03
08:22am Offering medicinal plants to the Buddha generates great merit.
~ Khenpo Choga
09:33am Crow insisting everyone wake up.
09:39am old monks & nuns who have broken their vows do not organize
annual gatherings
09:43am young folks drinking wine while tripping on psilocybin evince
lack of initiation
10:14am mindfulness requires sustained effort. some effects arise
Mon Jul 04
08:16am Happy Interdependence Day
12:27pm You take us for fools who will settle for a leaf when the entire
tree is ours ~ Tiyanoga, Mohawk
12:33pm The executioner, Self-existent originary awareness, tears out
the real demon (in a person—his) ego or self ~ Padmasambhava
01:19pm @jadkr wow. beautiful. pranam
04:33pm Fools do not follow me and I do not follow fools. That is the
foremost vow of the wise. ~ Gedün Chöphel
04:47pm @ZenDirtZenDust there has to be some spark that
magnetizes. i have not felt that w this lama & consequently have not read
his books
05:44pm marriage is a perfect cave ~ adi da
Craig Bialick
05:53pm @ZenDirtZenDust Dzongsar Khyentse, Thinley Norbu,
Tsoknyi Rinpoche, Tulku Urgyen, Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso, Gyatrul
05:56pm @Irondogallen one would hope but in vain
06:04pm @ZenDirtZenDust why is due to their ability to clearly address
the living heart of their topic w/o boring me
06:22pm @sameetkumar no way. even if the UK detached, there were
millions of native americans not about to roll over
06:54pm @ZenDirtZenDust @sameetkumar as to poet-saints, check
Shabkar. His bio is not as dramatic as Mila's but his verse rocks http://
07:15pm @mason_mem @sameetkumar truth. if one were to conjure
an emanation characterizing our relations w redmen it would look like
andrew jackson
07:41pm @sameetkumar @mason_mem nobody dared - there was
widespread support by everyone west & most east of the Alleghenies &
that's the crux of it
07:57pm Eyes completely open, encompassing a hundred horizons,
utterly at ease, the garuda of mind wings its way - What delight! ~
Tue Jul 05
07:06am Whatever you do, have little craving, know how to be content
with what you have, & always keep a humble position, Amdo folk! ~
07:57am in the dream the clouds cleared & i saw through the dreamer
Ogmin's Twournal
08:51am Jigme Lingpa used the weather to remind him of
08:19pm Just as a blind man might find a jewel amongst heaps of
rubbish, so this spirit of Awakening has somehow arisen in me. ~
09:23pm Praise the nice old ladies who always have a smile for everyone.
~ Shabkar
Wed Jul 06
11:22am An open, easy mind meets no arguments or quarrels; don't be
easily depressed or elated, Shakya son. ~ Shabkar (1781 -1851)
12:44pm Keep to the company of dogs & w no effort you will win the
company of celestial beings. ~ Shabkar
03:51pm bodhicitta, an autopoietic meme, dissipating dualistic ignorance
cognitive distortions & resonant affective processes
04:04pm creation-stage (kye-rim) level of practice unable to digest
completion stage (dzog-rim) instruction. not harmful, just inappropriate
04:11pm the essential quality & singular taste of 'qualityless' dharmakaya
is bodhicitta. absolute bodhicitta is no other than dharmakaya.
05:03pm @necroichthus o yah - all those flowing syllables and absolutely
nothing to do
05:07pm @jadkr @ryderjaphy beyond personal example, oral
05:40pm scorched grasslands of samsara, cool shadow under the massive
branches a live oak. most excellent tree. bodhicitta
09:27pm frogs crickets & yes cicadas. loud out there. a dark world of big
Craig Bialick
10:25pm 'dude, we hardly know one another. we're way out in the woods
here. edgy obscurity work well in the city?'
11:56pm Today is the anniversary of Jamyang Khyentse Chokyi Lodro
(1893 -1959)
11:56pm three owls going at it in the dark
Thu Jul 07
12:14pm Dharma friends - The root of Mahayana is generating
Bodhicitta: Cultivate supreme Bodhicitta, the mind of enlightenment. ~
12:33pm objectless consciousness the very last shred of dualism to get
sucked into the singularity @MuJuShinKyo
03:01pm @jadkr @ryderjaphy mature practitioners sharing teachings
they have received w sincere aspirants. not everything is pointing-out
03:10pm up higher on the ridge west of here old fire tower rises above
clump of pines amidst huge fields where we once grew tons of sweet
03:25pm crisscross county line taking mom to doc today. down on swan
creek bottom on much better land we once planted hundreds of acres in
03:34pm Dr Kamal saw me a few wks ago when i was in rough shape.
today i extend my hand as he enters instead he bear-hugs me. 'You look
03:47pm @ryderjaphy khenpos entrusted i w sharing / studying anything
they had taught that might be relevant w/ my vajra siblings. no throne
Ogmin's Twournal
04:01pm under the makeup what i see is the stress of living under the
burden of having been 'chosen' when she should have been left alone
11:17pm Today is the anniversary of Khenchen Palden Sherab Rinpoche
(1938 -2010) my vajra master & friend
Fri Jul 08
07:50am Profound, peaceful, free from complexity, uncompouned clear
light is the nature of the nectar-like teachings I realized ~ Sakyamuni
07:52am @SwanSangha no coincidence. good book.
07:57am @mattwilliamson the trident - katvangha? a better question is
the relation between Shiva and Padmasambhava
08:00am Namo ~ The Khenpo Brothers
Khenchen Palden Sherab Rinpoche, Khenpo Tsewang Dongyal
08:07am Genuine teachers will never withhold the teachings from
impoverished students whose sincerity they recognized. ~ Khenpo
08:11am The commotion of worldly places distracts you from striving,
from doing what is right: Spend your time alone in isolated places. ~
08:32am @Jrobertmorrison @mattwilliamson not that i know of. Virupa
'the wicked' attended Somapura in north Bengal as a youth
08:42am “He is not enlightened,” Virupa explained. “You people are
worshipping a powerless stone image.”
09:00am a version of the Rudra myth; in later versions, Hayagriva &
Vajra-Varahi are replaced by Heruka Vajrakilaya & sons
Craig Bialick
09:10am @Jrobertmorrison @mattwilliamson the khatvanga originated
w Shaivites but was adopted by Padmasambhava & other buddhist
10:09am @helloinhere @KrisLindbeck running back into the house to
look for the glasses on my head
12:51pm 2 women relatives. different towns. drugs. seedy friends. phone
calls. cops. court. ugh. unfortunate not to know how to sit down & stfu
02:01pm @jadkr kindness. thanks
02:10pm one was just sent to hospital for mental evaluation. now riding
out into storm to see what the other sister has got herself into this time
03:05pm @Zen_Moments that is bound to get the rangers after you
03:14pm Cicadas riffing in the trees even at midday
Sun Jul 10
08:59am Today is the anniversary of the Padmasambhava, Guru
Rinpoche, who brought Buddhism to Tibet in 8th c. (& to Tennessee in
the late 20th)
09:13am Today also celebrates a wrathful emanation of Padmasambhava
known as Guru Senge Dradok, in part associated w the activities of
09:26am @impermanen_ part of it will be spent taking mom to clinic as
she's developed a rash from antibiotics; tonight, ts'ok, live rock & roll
10:19am a few dozen inferior ignots sunk the Titanic; may we be such
01:47pm after the king agreed to stop animal sacrifice, Virupa restored
the shattered lingam & placed a small rupa of Avalokitesvara on its
Ogmin's Twournal
02:03pm interrupt the pranas, the life-force of dualistic thinking by
means of the pot-shaped, by means of self-knowing wakefulness... ~
02:12pm Do not crave for the throne of a master ~ Padmasambhava,
Lamrim Yeshe Nyingpo (Light of Wisdom Volume 2, Rangjung Yeshe,
'98 p 50)
03:48pm just observing two beautiful black young nieces i have never
met before. they still do not know i am their uncle
04:17pm “The true purpose of all the teachings is to cut through
fixations” [chos thams cad ’dzin pa gcad pa’i phyir du yin].
05:46pm Q: what if we become attached to the paramitas? KPSR: until
you are a great bodhisattva, this is an attachment you can afford
06:49pm may the buddhas be pleased with this momentary conjunction
of cool breeze and full belly on a midsummer's eve
06:52pm doors remain open
11:26pm @BuddhaBrian got a citation on that quote? sounds more like
Herman Hesse's Siddhartha to me
Mon Jul 11
07:00am @jadkr this was asked in a general assembly by a relatively new
07:38am a wellspring of basic goodness
07:49am Train in being able to instantly transform ordinary perception
thru sincere & uncontrived devotion ~ Jamgon Kongtrul
08:23am @espritrelax an example of completion stage instruction as
received by developing stage mindset. useless, misleading.
08:43am ksana, mind moments, are infinitely divisible, by what means?
Craig Bialick
09:20am @mattwilliamson if you got the bread, i'd recommend a
Champion Juicer. 3x the $ but it will last forever
10:06am @mason_mem 'by what blade?'
10:14am two truths: one to account for relative qualities & activities, the
other indicating the unchanging nature of the formless absolute
10:32am scriptural references to 'vast and deep' indicate the two truths
in the guise of compassion and wisdom
Tue Jul 12
08:49am Increase the outer, inner & secret offerings into enjoyments
of great bliss with samadhi, music, mantras, and mudras. ~
09:14am 60 miles to closest Starbuck's
10:30am a dream compared to what
11:41am @Murrayingram how was District 9 received by local
12:30pm @Murrayingram here as well. post-genocidal amnesia
01:25pm dawn of great compassion, wisdom body by twilight
02:00pm @morrisresearch i rarely touch the stuff these days. just
indicating there ain't no extra pesos floating around this neighborhood
02:29pm there is no lack of qualified teachers but a dearth of serious
03:47pm @adrianbuergler was a comment on the growth of buddhism in
the west. lack of teachers is not a primary limitation
04:03pm @Irreverent_B you know people who are ready that are not
able to connect?
Ogmin's Twournal
04:24pm whatever you think, its more than that, more than that, o happy
man ~ robin williamson
05:03pm @Chonnymo am i? heat index 103
05:09pm @Chonnymo
07:41pm buffalo nickel moon hangs in a pink haze above the black ridge
07:53pm a bat flies out of the moon but he has no taste for this dragon
10:25pm living in manhattan you can hear sirens any time of day. here,
maybe once or twice a year. when the wind is right, you can hear the train
10:28pm we lived miles away but late night you could hear the sound of
tug engines towing big ships through the cape cod canal
10:37pm in Guatemala, one evangelico w a PA system can take over
an otherwise tranquil valley. We had amplifiers too. "Yo soy El Senor.
Wed Jul 13
07:40am Chokma. good morning dear people
09:41am navigating by stars that continue to shine yet no longer exist
03:04pm @adrianbuergler the limitations are a lack of devoted students
who value these teachings
03:08pm howdy bro @helloinhere just back from town
03:46pm @adrianbuergler sufficient interest makes good understanding
possible. commitment & perseverance is key
04:59pm count tulkultur
07:18pm @mattwilliamson Khen teaching temple packed but no walls
yet. Big winds take down plastic, hard rain blows sideways soaks everyone
Craig Bialick
08:17pm @oceanshaman i love this man. we've known each other for 22
Thu Jul 14
08:06am Captain Anti-America
08:39am sitting three feet from a hummingbird working pink gladioulus
08:46am cicada choruses rise& fall from various groves in the hollow like
the respiration of some great entity. rhythm of the heat
08:59am a second hummer, with red-throate sparkle this time, comes &
hits on the very same flowers; must be her husband.
09:32am a silent visit from speyeria diana
01:26pm sky darkens. silence. bumblebee in the gladiolus
08:05pm objects are skilled in deception
Fri Jul 15
06:52am aye, no tweetstream compares to the whirr of ms
hummingbird's wings as one by one she dips her needle into morning's
07:30am taking mom to the library. then to Amish produce auction for
sweet corn.
07:52am Natura Imaginalis click to enlarge [via
11:22am Amish built a nice market central to their farms on the plains of
Lawrenceburg where they all bring their produce to sell in bulk
11:46am in prepping for sacrament, briefly recapitulating how we came
to appear here in five seed syllables. om hung tram hri ah
Ogmin's Twournal
12:03pm @adrianbuergler without a good number of serious
practitioner students in the current mix, where will future teachers come
12:16pm @adrianbuergler it may not be objectively true; the point is
directed toward becoming a better student myself
04:11pm The Kadampas of old did not build monasteries or stūpas
believing that these create obstacles for the practice of dharma.
05:20pm @pawelekg too many with more money than heart in sangha
we see the re-emergence of worldly dharmas polluting originally pure
05:30pm one of the bodhisattva vows concerns not discouraging aspiring
05:56pm garuda's dream
07:45pm reason for not discussing emptiness casually is unintentionally
scaring the timid, compounding wrong views & disinterest in mahayana
08:00pm we have a place in the sky tonight . readying the last details.
aim high people. launch is a rush. rock & roll.
Sun Jul 17
07:53am @tmcleish @oceanshaman one of the best
08:27am Attaining the first bodhisattva level known as the Joyous is
08:31am @jadkr yr concern over how i talk about crows got me
wondering if you eat animals
08:40am @jadkr do you eat animals?
09:07am may you enjoy many more orbits in good health ferryman
Craig Bialick
09:36am Nyag pointed the phurba at one particular bird, rotated it and
said, "This is for the Crow of Chim!"
10:08am ego-clinging, a verb, an activity @helloinhere
10:28am @helloinhere when ego-clinging is understood to have no
ground there is no 'force' which keeps the 'me' illusion in place
11:37am truth is unborn, the rest is politics
11:57am If you connect learning with bodhicitta, it becomes a great
practice ~ KPSR
12:15pm *ci tsam zhig rang rang gi rgyud na med* we do not know how
much (negative karma still) remains in our minds
12:27pm dancing in a mass of flames
12:32pm it is true that there definitely exist tulkus who have been
recognized for merely political reasons. real tulkus freely admit this.
12:58pm If water is not turbid, it is settled, if mind is not modified, bliss,
rest without modification ~ Garab Dorje
01:32pm Treasury of Ati: Nirmanakāyas and Dzogchen
03:21pm @jadkr do you eat crow?
03:50pm In the ripening of tadpole bodhisattvas into fully realized frogs
may all relevant forms of support continue to arise.
03:59pm Our ability to meet with realizers & the depth/quality of that
connection is mediated by karma; as Mick said, you get what you need
04:48pm below the silence, high-frequency hum of central nervous
system builds to pitch axis & decays roaring invisible fire om ami dewa
04:50pm @pawelekg you mean like don't shit yrself trying to make a
virtuous thing out of a non-virtuous practice?
Ogmin's Twournal
05:07pm for empathy & insight into the interplay of the basic elements
characterizing life in this degenerate era i follow @robertpearre
05:08pm @MuJuShinKyo sure as hell is
05:19pm in the dream a preacher said don't cuss that noisy bird. kill &
eat it.
05:23pm @impermanen_ bells, gandharva music, heat, a shower of
blissful distractions easily dissolved in the central current... on a good
05:34pm Dzogchen lineage descends from all good buddha kuntuzangpo
thru indestructible hero vajrasattva to rigdzin garab dorje in oddiyana
05:40pm @morrisresearch !! you are too much. did you like mr. wilson
in that dennis the menace show? blanks would probably be just as
05:42pm friend, that is very wise. hear that everyone? this is a vital point
08:24pm @jadkr buen provecho
08:27pm @morrisresearch my two dogs are useless. they look at deer in
the garden, deer see them. but too hot too far to run, lazy, useless dogs
Mon Jul 18
07:03am would Buddha want his monks tweeting? are these people
07:04am oh yeah, good morning!
07:05am @pawelekg killed animals get no benefit whether anyone eats
them or not.
07:08am i met a westerner who thinks he is a real tulku. he also believes
that the animals he eats are thereby liberated. i think he's ridiculous.
Craig Bialick
07:11am @alterrain these two are very nice guys but pathetic when it
comes to keeping deer out of the garden, still we feed & care for them
07:18am @ruralhybrid hope you had a good weekend. you go see dad
today? we be taking mom out to the Amish auction, pick up more corn to
07:19am @impermanen_ no comment!
07:27am @garuda_cm is this about monks tweeting?
07:32am @ZenDirtZenDust oh yah. he also believes he can help
roadkill attain better rebirth if he stops & has some physical contact w it
07:51am @IssaMas very common down this way. how would you prefer
to be addressed?
07:55am some of his students knew Trungpa. he asks them, so how
does yr time w him compare to hanging out w me? oh it feels just like it
07:57am @IssaMas my 4th son, born in Jamaica, is named Isa, after the
08:15am crow caws. cicadas rattle. a half dozen birds sing their songs.
hummingbird whirrs in space by the wilting gladioulus
08:21am @cloudwaterzen can you provide any citations for this quote?
interested in source
09:10am @cloudwaterzen what turned my ear is Buddha saying that
anyone suffers too little. a novel idea.
09:47am Making but a little sound will I go amidst the houses. Making
but a little sound will I take my seat amidst the houses ~ Sekhiya, 13/14
09:57am With downcast eye will I go amidst the houses. With downcast
eye will I take my seat amidst the houses ~ Sekhiya, 7/8
10:57am powerful black yang-phur, like a great mountain
Ogmin's Twournal
11:02am Amish dad & son wheatstrawhats bibtops w cart on roadside. 3
doz ears for $6.50. he says coyotes have been getting into the corn
11:36am @soundhunter use it to announce events but i'm haunted by
some notion of the ordained being less socially involved for the sake of
11:49am 'just a few more offerings like that & i should be able to liberate
the soul of yr dead relative' ~ old shamanic con
12:46pm @MuJuShinKyo excellent
12:57pm one two tulku my shoe
01:17pm in contemplating the unborn, imagination sleeps like a dog on a
hot afternoon here in the great beyond conception
05:13pm @sameetkumar follow-thru, commitment & perseverance
mean everything here. empowerment is not magic but an intro to great
05:18pm @jadkr making a gift of what has been stolen. any citation on
that? they had no zea maiz but varieties of wheat & barley, yes
05:33pm @treygoff @garuda_cm
06:42pm the elder spoke: listen my people! once we were a great nation,
now we have been reduced to accepting roles in shitty vampire movies
07:13pm Brothers, whatever happens, you must not be shaken out of
yr shoes ~ last words of Sir William Johnson, Warraghiyagey, to the
07:23pm Something that is truly independent, like a lotus in the sky, will
not appear ~ Mipham
07:28pm a single thing has countless properties & can be classified in
infinite ways ~ Mipham
Craig Bialick
07:31pm when investigated authentically, that which brings about arising
cannot be observed nor is there anything that arises in dependence ~
07:37pm The Sword of Wisdom for Thoroughly Ascertaining Reality ~
Mipham Rinpoche new to me. crystalline.
08:27pm @Chereliz subtle point in this text, Mipham posits the
existence of relative self-awareness (v.25) others argue against any such
10:10pm @duffmcduffee Chod be elaborate & provides catharsis for
those who benefit via dramatic build-up. Dzogchen, tho simpler, escapes
10:32pm @gNotapipe cuidado hombre
10:44pm Rudra Mahadeva @mattwilliamson @aprildinger @Billy
11:12pm distant dogs, frogs closer in. wall of sound raised by ten
thousand crickets
11:15pm @Betsydraperfl we've had guests from urban area who have
trouble sleeping. not used to the noise level!
11:21pm @Chonnymo cicadas rule the day, quiet cept on the hottest
nights. they do a rise&fall thing. crickets just say chiz-zit, chiz-zit w no
11:42pm @jadkr @_karmadorje MIla points not to appearance but to
ultimate ground of mind (sems-nyid) which is no other than shunya
Wed Jul 20
07:06am @won_haeng this is the difference btwn hunter, game, and the
shot that connects them
07:20am one man, one karma
Ogmin's Twournal
07:35am Why fear those who can only hurt the body while coddling
mental afflictions which have already led to repeated rebirths in hell?
07:41am @impermanen_ collective is a summary of individual acts. each
gets only what is coming to him/her on the basis of past actions
07:59am Who will be the catcher in the rye for all the old folk who
wander too close to the edge of the cliff while chasing butterflies?
08:28am @mattwilliamson too much of a conceptual component and it
becomes an affirmation or such
08:32am No man loves a rival in his craft, but a sage loves a rival. ~
Book of Legends 8:41
08:40am @Abundancetrek Thanks. good one. dark times
09:09am not everything is karmic
09:54am lunch room talk used to be about bands, poets & drugs. now, a
half-century later, we're all rishis
10:03am @jadkr @AumDada tastes like spam
10:15am @jadkr there are also the causal systems represented by
physics, biology & psychology
10:21am @jadkr i'm not positing an ideal - just stating the law & how it
02:00pm @jadkr that there is no need to re-invent the wheel. my own
experience is best translated in the light of Padmasambhava
02:05pm @jadkr if you mean self-righteous hypocrites, no, i don't have
any friends like that & feel no obligation to accomodate
02:20pm @jadkr as we do * w/in 140 bitsname of Padma is mantric
density, informative at many levels. i derive no superior 'law' from
02:22pm @jadkr what then do you mean by the term pharisee
Craig Bialick
02:25pm @jadkr don't bait and preach or i'll piss in your ear. look up the
word pharisee you clown
03:26pm @jadkr there is no harm in admitting that i personally consider
buddhism superior means in defining my own paradigm of experience
03:37pm @DZA13 courageous imagination. can't help but dig it
03:46pm @jadkr all sentient beings are worthy of love, respect &
compassion. 'means' are tools, memes. practice some, condemn none
03:54pm @cloudwaterzen yes, i find myself inquiring about buddha
tweets every few weeks, usually with no resolution. thanks for trying
04:02pm bigfoot on probation
04:05pm @NeighbourBoy huge egological footprint
04:13pm @DZA13 hilarious. great agency! add water gruel & some
shade for perfect retreat. peace corps? husbandry?
04:48pm @DZA13 easily returned to mayan highlands pines hillside
cornfields high above blue Atitlan on caldera rim across from a trio of
05:39pm is it pharisee habit to preach that pious egos & hypocritical
boors must be included, respected, embraced? sounds like a republican
05:41pm @AumDada don't let him do that on yr leg
06:23pm @jadkr there is no good reason to befriend hypocrites, liars or
insincere fools; a suspicious line to push as the precepts warn against it
07:08pm @jadkr #10 keeping bad company
10:57pm @jadkr the 14 root downfalls are for vajrayana level
11:00pm @jadkr innocent of what? when vows are broken, there are
means of purification and restoring.
Ogmin's Twournal
Sun Apr 17
07:20am @ReformedBuddha & the woman that connects them is an old
girlfriend of Timothy Leary
08:04am entering Jerusalem on a donkey
08:15am the cultivation of transcendent knowledge is to cultivate no
concept whatsoever ~ 8000 verses
08:20am i've no such pretense as settling in equanimity or emerging
from it. & why, because of fully realizing the nature of phenomena. ~
08:27am indestructible vajra chain. spontaneous continuity of awareness
10:02am @cbs108uk bekhandzay bekhandzay
06:38pm the ten bhumis/grounds of awakening unfold w no hard & fast
lines between them. overlap & oscillation. the forensics of dying suns
07:03pm when for the first time, an unmediated direct hit. naked
immanent primordial emptiness: the Joyous
07:47pm ongoing current of indestructible happiness effectively
neutralizing karmas: the Stainless
07:20am @ReformedBuddha & the woman that connects them is an old
girlfriend of Timothy Leary
08:04am entering Jerusalem on a donkey
08:15am the cultivation of transcendent knowledge is to cultivate no
concept whatsoever ~ 8000 verses
08:20am i've no such pretense as settling in equanimity or emerging
from it. & why, because of fully realizing the nature of phenomena. ~
08:27am indestructible vajra chain. spontaneous continuity of awareness
Craig Bialick
10:02am @cbs108uk bekhandzay bekhandzay
06:38pm the ten bhumis/grounds of awakening unfold w no hard & fast
lines between them. overlap & oscillation. the forensics of dying suns
Sun Apr 24
10:26am lha gyal lo
10:50am @helloinhere what you said about meher baba & byron katie add welshman ngak'chang rinpoche to that list
12:29pm be quiet for awhile
01:24pm returning after midnight, a solid dark chocolate bunny by the
dragon seat
02:27pm know that the oceans of worlds have various substances ...
some are made of an instant of mind manifesting the whole cosmos ~
04:26pm All oceans of lands, their eons boundless, are purified by one
technique. ~ Avatamsakasutra
04:31pm @Midnightambler meet @IBOGANAUT
04:41pm "Girish is a devotee of heroic type."
04:46pm @helloinhere also 'son of a barren mother'
05:03pm Jesus said, can't stay long but i came back cause i wanted to be
sure you understood; the church is bound to fail - be good bodhisattvas.
05:49pm avocados were first discovered in 1974 on 83rd st nyc
06:15pm gemstone trees w sandalwood scented jewels of blazing
radiance emitting the sounds of Buddhas' speech, things like that
06:15pm gemstone trees w sandalwood scented jewels of blazing
radiance emitting the sounds of Buddhas' speech, things like that
Ogmin's Twournal
Mon Apr 25
12:57pm I was deceived by the stars. There was a dream; it passed. ~
C.N. Bialik
09:27pm the five senses are limited to the experience of the present
moment while mind wanders across the three times
09:40pm they always ride together. you never see one alone. 'the
aggregates' in bone letters on the backs of their jackets
09:51pm may all beings have it this good
10:25pm night wind. she sighs. the body a window into deep space
12:57pm I was deceived by the stars. There was a dream; it passed. ~
C.N. Bialik
09:27pm the five senses are limited to the experience of the present
moment while mind wanders across the three times
Sat Jul 23
12:09am Ultimate realization, ... is achieved through repeating the short
moment of recognition many times. ~ Tulku Urgyen
07:29am @WillBlackWriter most i know already need work & have no
interest in 2012 but there are a slew of bloggers & authors who'll need
new topics
07:43am @jadkr "which is the third point" ~ Rainbow Painting, 1996
07:54am \Within complexity I discovered dharmakaya; within thought I
discovered nonthought ~ Jamgon Kongtrul
08:13am His Eminence Drubwang Konchok Norbu Rinpoche
08:19am chaining the crazed elephant of mind to the stout tree of virtue
Craig Bialick
08:43am @Spring118 metaphor runs that mind is a drunk elephant
employed as a military weapon in ancient India, released into towns &
must be subdued
09:31am millions homeless abandoned protectorless sick hungry afraid
unemployed in jail institutions hospitals old folks homes living & dying
09:34am @LauraIsaacArt imagine paying communion in church. some
green poles, a few blankets, a pile of rocks and some water; big money.
10:28am @Silvercrone we're taught to prostrate visualizing all beings
doing it w you. parents &siblings to yr L&R, friends behind, enemies in
10:55am rocking praise to both Guru Rinpoche & Ganesha, check the
track OM (5.1 mb)
11:48am @helloinhere 1460 followers and you're the only one who
thinks its cool
11:55am @cole_tucker
02:19pm upstream of diffusion into objects & perceptual artifacts, the
immediacy of the central nervous system. fierce lady
Sun Jul 24
08:21am the secret of mind is its unchanging empty essence of luminous
wakefulness free from arising, ceasing & abiding. this is absolute
08:28am this primordial wakefulness lacks any foundation & is free from
any fixation on an identity
Ogmin's Twournal
08:46am there is more merit in avoiding sexual misconduct w one you
are attracted to than there is in relation to someone you have no interest
09:09am there is incredible merit in practicing patience toward those
who tend to be annoying. otherwise, not so much.
09:11am @jadkr it is only in relation to the arising of desire that there is
any virtue in restraint. no need for discipline otherwise.
09:16am there is no sin in desire
09:54am OM zero emerges as one. AH ceaseless expansion of light.
HUNG the fullness of the heart
09:54am @jadkr sin is missing the point
09:56am @jadkr in any system which posits 'merit' there will always be
the possibility of 'sin' or not getting it
10:15am @jadkr when the enactment of a virtue is challenged by
circumstance, it builds more spiritual muscle than the ease of nochallenge
10:21am @jadkr the point is not to get rid of desire
10:51am Wipe the butter lamp clean while it is still hot is an instruction
to identify mental events for what they are as they arise.
10:53am @pixelsrzen not until they cut off the supply of psychopharmaceuticals
11:09am @jadkr mahayana uproots the weed. vajrayana learns to
recognize the medicinal properties of the plant & harvests the fruit as an
01:23pm 'let me abuse you, so you can practice patience' nobody is
obligated to tolerate that. get away from such a person.
Craig Bialick
02:04pm in a dream bigfoot circles the camp then morphs into an
old guy who made like he wanted to sit with us. why the hell not! we
02:54pm Dudjom Rinpoche added a 'transference of consciousness'
practice to the ngondro so as to help make best use of bardo clarity
03:06pm knowing how stuck we are, explore value in teachings on bardo,
jhana & other non-ordinary states which provide alternative perspective
03:39pm @00Pelican00 no, this is info i learned from my teachers when
they introduced us to Dudjom's condensed ngondro treasure
04:38pm at the end of romper room, she'd look thru her magical mirror
& say she saw all these kids by name but she never saw me
05:30pm @morrisresearch
Mon Jul 25
08:19am For genuine bodhicitta to be born [skye] it must first be
intentionally created [bskyed] again and again. ~ Khenpo Choga
09:52am the revolution has been medicated
02:06pm bulldozers orange barrels dust clouds ripping up forest to
widen highway connecting a little town w no money to a bigger town w no
Mon May 02
09:16am @PinarAkal1 do you have a citation for this quote, cause i have
my doubts
09:30am @PinarAkal1 not the one by Jimi, i see that one every day, but
the one where Buddha is saying "There has to be evil..."
Ogmin's Twournal
09:43am heart goes out to all those who lost loved ones in any of these
pointless wars
09:48am @vajraland 'nor are they otherwise'
09:56am @Jason_PDK intersting; do have a source on that quote?
10:32am @Shunyata_Kharg the name Padma Shugchang was given to
me on autumn equinox 1989 by Khenchen Palden Sherab Rinpoche
10:55am @vajraland nothing but
11:17am @Shunyata_Kharg shug - energy, chang - holds: it was on a
dakini day, a red feast
01:10pm not being how it seems nor otherwise, creative imagination,
attitude, disposition is axial
01:22pm all forms of khumbak are situational tools, not a full time thing
01:29pm in the course of instruction, when Mipham Rinpoche says
"Tighten up like a turtle" he does not expect us to remain in that state
01:32pm future starts slow ~ the kills
01:37pm @Shunyata_Kharg @DiamondSutraZen mere translation of
the three terms in a current rendering of DSZ. good day gentlemen
01:41pm @IBOGANAUT big kids raising little kids
01:43pm Nagarijuana
01:45pm @W911 pakistani security is for sale to the highest bidder
01:51pm the mood of the deity
03:58pm in 1952, for the first time in 71 years - there were no reports of
04:04pm war machine ~ black rebel motorcycle club
04:55pm moments ago tornado heading right for us, funnel sightings;
one kila mantra weakened & dispersed it. skies calm but more coming.
Craig Bialick
05:13pm KPSR would say that the best thing about defilements is that
they can be purified @DiamondSutraZen
07:55pm the thing about locked accounts is you have to ask to even see
what they're about - all ya got to go on is a thumbnail & a throwaway bio
08:04pm and enough already of the fake buddha quotes - last one i read
had him praising family life
08:10pm @IBOGANAUT understood; a one-way window to the
karmically irrelevant
08:18pm bodhicitta, the only enlightened human thing to do @Old454
01:37pm @Shunyata_Kharg @DiamondSutraZen mere translation of
the three terms in a current rendering of DSZ. good day gentlemen
01:41pm @IBOGANAUT big kids raising little kids
01:43pm Nagarijuana
Tue Jul 26
08:39am @mutalabala @DZA13 any citation on that one?
01:10pm @mutalabala @DZA13 footprints, tree, stupa were early
symbols as well
01:32pm @mutalabala @DZA13 central to my inquiry here is, if so, why
or when was the 'command' modified or ignored in contrast to the rest of
05:37pm “May the eighty thousand types of bacteria in my body become
satisfied through this food.”
05:52pm tulku blues, tulku blues, i seem to wear a permanent screw
08:06pm Non-thought & bodhicitta are the only two states in which you
should place yr mind in order to overcome afflictions ~ Khenpo Choga
Ogmin's Twournal
10:36pm @Tortured_Verse Choga's non-thought > abiding in emptiness
thru dropping all activities of body speech mind rather than meditating
on it
11:04pm @Tortured_Verse yah, got that. this is coming from a lama
so thoro analysis contemplation familiarity w emptiness precede such
Wed Jul 27
12:25am the generate form of deity awakens into emptiness; the natural
sign of emptiness arises as the deity
07:34am Cicadas rattling the drought anthem
09:09am over coffee she tells me that, as a kid, Melanie Hamilton was
one of her bodhisattva role models
10:02am the sharp intelligence, good humor and open heart that you
display here is the hope of the world. no shit
10:09am @pawelekg this particular cup shared w wife #2, @Akanishta
10:29am @helloinhere i must oblige to you for making it clear that i'm
not here
10:51am Sri Syd
11:36am Chandrakirti was a great Madhyamaka practitioner. Once,
when there was no food for the monks he was able to milk the painting of
a cow.
11:39am @the_eco_thought the whole of tantra is based on this axial
11:40am RT @joepdx Chandrakirti for Secretary of Agriculture!
11:42am @MuJuShinKyo wonderful. even hearing of these feats brings
on great smiles
Craig Bialick
12:07pm i rarely leave our TN hollow but will be heading to Florence
AL on Saturday to see @Drivebytruckers
03:36pm playing Marpa to my Mila, Khenchen suggested I carry the
lumber round the other side of the building so as to cut it in the sun
05:23pm @joepdx no. crytpic & symbolic. ie, see ref. to magical herbs
above first 'samaya' section
06:26pm Black Diamond Naga's Devil, one of five types of supreme
magical herbs found in the Beyul Pema-ko region
Thu Jul 28
08:49am @Rmurray1985 surely you jest. if you really are a republican,
i seriously hope you are a buddhist anomaly. why bother with that
08:52am When thoughts of attachment to my own group arise, at such
times I will remain (still), like a tree. ~ Shantideva
08:54am @Rmurray1985 pshew.
08:56am @zendustzendirt @Rmurray1985 some identities help sustain
08:58am @zendustzendirt @Rmurray1985 i wasn't talking political
identities. more like those who wear robes and malas
09:56am @zendustzendirt sure things can go wrong. but as to 'why
bother with any identity' vows, observances, robes have a very specific
10:26am Forget the job & forget the pizza. If you want to reach your
potential as a musician, none of that means anything ~ Fripp
10:30am @helloinhere tee-hee. i love you man
Ogmin's Twournal
10:35am 20 yrs later, Rinpoche begins asking folks to wear shawls to
practice, take ngakpa vows & finish their ngnondro. Why? ... they need a
10:51am The forest of razor leaves & the birds of hell are brought
into existence by my own actions. With whom should I be angry? ~
10:53am @zendustzendirt to take vows is to identify w the vow holder in
subsequent moments so as to recall prohibitions & obligations
01:34pm A friendly disposition, which is honorable, is the very greatness
of sentient beings. ~ Shantideva
03:02pm @morrisresearch @colorofchange hell, bring on the mess. we
need to talk
08:52pm sems nyid
Fri May 06
02:13pm suffering is the origin of consciousness ~ Dostoevsky
02:54pm @Chereliz this refers to individual self-awareness, consci with a
lower case c which reflects the contraction of body/mind from infinity
04:40pm i am nothing at all! ~ Kuntuzangpo
04:45pm whatever occurs, whatever it may be, that itself is the key ~
06:04pm 'a magical psychotropic poem' ~ Keith Dowman commenting
on Longchenpa's Treasury of Natural Perfection
06:31pm wisdom aspect, rigpa, black hole at the heart of sentience; x-ray
emissions beyond the ergosphere, bodhicitta luminosity
09:40pm Memphis in flood
09:49pm @Jrobertmorrison thanks for the encouragement
Craig Bialick
06:31pm wisdom aspect, rigpa, black hole at the heart of sentience; x-ray
emissions beyond the ergosphere, bodhicitta luminosity
09:40pm Memphis in flood
09:49pm @Jrobertmorrison thanks for the encouragement
Sat May 07
10:40am Obama was lying when he said that “we quickly learned that
the 9/11 attacks were carried out by al Qaeda.” via
11:42am @jimsciuttoABC those who still doubt OBL's death must
believe al-qaeda and the US govt are conspiring to deceive
12:01pm atmos ominous with roiling nagas, drala, hydra, rakshasa...
another front moving in
12:56pm persons of interest; dangerous minds @Shunyata_Kharg
@DiamondSutraZen @helloinhere
01:31pm E ma ho @Shunyata_Kharg
01:52pm @vajraland @IBOGANAUT no doubt we were all arrested &
did time together in a past life
02:05pm real life dakinis @lux1008 @Jenmalen
03:27pm everyone in my cell was navajo. older ones played cards
youngers on their beds reading. i too sat & read, a kid book about the
navajo people
04:30pm hi baby @M0th3r5h1p
05:23pm contemplating the fact that your cells contain organelles that
have their own DNA should put individuality into a better perspective
05:37pm real tulkus never stop appearing; they just get misidentified &
escape the lineage
Ogmin's Twournal
05:48pm @morrisresearch long ago, bacterial endosymbionts
05:51pm one must always strive to distinguish bullshit from authenticity
~ lynn margulis
05:55pm @mattwilliamson in business, its the price of empathy
06:08pm Margulis on 9/11 @sagwitter
06:30pm kindergarten teacher was mean to me but near Easter she let us
look into this magic egg. there was a whole world in there. i wanted in.
06:40pm @mattwilliamson does dharma make it more difficult?
06:52pm No Subhuti, i never said that...
10:40am Obama was lying when he said that “we quickly learned that
the 9/11 attacks were carried out by al Qaeda.” via
11:42am @jimsciuttoABC those who still doubt OBL's death must
believe al-qaeda and the US govt are conspiring to deceive
12:01pm atmos ominous with roiling nagas, drala, hydra, rakshasa...
another front moving in
Sat Jul 30
10:54am old friend closes door on attempts at reconciliation. sad that it
ends here
12:49pm anatma, clothed by maya
Sun Jul 31
12:00am best rock band in America @drivebytruckers kicked ass in
Florence AL tonight
12:19pm Southern Rock Opera (2001)
Craig Bialick
01:00pm mind & world system in hallucinogenic flux, original face
01:05pm a rose is good
05:59pm seeing is imagining
07:52pm what is good has no exclusive identity. in deification of the
good, the myth of lack & futility of acquisition
08:20pm anger is a power trip. truth has no need of
Mon Aug 01
12:55pm @_shrine_ criticizing any form that is not consciously
generated & subsequently dissolved; best employed as skilful device i.e.
deity yoga
01:42pm empress dowager alleges tweets (she could have blocked)
caused substantial emotional distress
04:36pm @mattwilliamson this be one of my favorite vehicles to stave
hunger, give thanks.
09:27pm bodhicitta garuda sky-pilot employs gravity assist off whirlpools
of evil dispositions as she glides thru the straits of birth & death
Wed Aug 03
08:07am my rig is down. riding this old apple laptop, 'Little Sorrel'
06:16pm lack of self our common ground, Buddhas beyond defilement
Ogmin's Twournal
Thu Aug 04
08:20am when teachings such as those on karma or sunya range beyond
yr current level of realization, belief opens the door to understanding
Fri Aug 05
07:33pm trying to justify negative emotion is a trap. own it or never let
Sat Aug 06
08:26am Please be a constant rain of loving compassion oh Yeshe
11:52am The powers of aspiration steadfastness delight & letting go are
for the sake of accomplishing the benefit of sentient beings ~ Shantideva
11:58am @lux1008 i sincerely hope you feel way better soon Ma.
Bhekandzay Bhekandzay Maha Bhekandzay Bhekandzay
01:40pm @cole_tucker @Psychonaut101 and inconceivably enlightened
buddhas performing miraculous activities at other times
05:19pm @pawelekg effective confession requires sincerity. maybe they
need more Ramakrishna!
06:11pm good action leads to higher rebirth, not an end in itself, but
platform providing conditions for continuity of practice enlightenment
06:28pm unskilful action furthers suffering, compromising and
destroying conditions supportive of practice & liberation
06:35pm sentient rockers put out a much better sound when the six
paramita strings of their karmic guitars are well-tuned
Craig Bialick
07:48pm once separated from his weapon in heat of battle, an acute
awarness of its value in preserving his life led to a quick recovery
07:54pm Shantideva's soldier bodhisattva's weapon is unflagging
10:07pm in one dream, dark-haired Tibetans are beaten arrested
oppressed in their homeland. in another, blue Na'vi roam free on
10:33pm all of the world, even you, should learn to love the way i do ~
11:20pm as most folks are not qualified for the simpler, shorter or direct
path, compassion developed an elaborated or gradual path (lam-rim)
11:26pm @il_vagabondo sweet. knowing that you do makes it worth the
Sun Aug 07
12:05am @MuJuShinKyo @joepdx just two good arguments. antichinese faction won the popular vote. nyingma dzogchenpas are still
06:54am the Truth will be revealed to you like smoke in the wind Walela via @carolann3888
07:05am @lux1008 no doubt there exist charlatans but the lam-rim
teachers i have met exhibit the spirit of great bodhisattva shepherds
07:15am @helloinhere no self in the aggregates, no self apart from the
aggregates. you won't hear that from @Mujaku
07:23am @impermanen_ - Wonderful. I'm
glad you could attend. This is a wonderful text. Did he use Mipham's
Ogmin's Twournal
07:37am @helloinhere methinx some early voiddhists thought self much
too local & folksy a notion to be applied to what transcends it
11:16am @impermanen_ Shantarakshita's Madhyamika dominated
Tibet for 400+ yrs prior to Tsongkhapa's 'rangtong' dismissal. Mipham
finally responded!
01:39pm RT @Bhaishajya8 Dharma practice has little to do w/ sitting
& chanting; it is more a matter of confronting yr ego & pride, and
07:17pm hic et nunc
Thu May 12
09:18am spontaneous presence, primordial purity ~ the superiority of
secret mantra in contrast to the jungle of philosophical elaborations
09:38am the endless spectacle of samsara where nothing ever really
09:42am interesting as hell
09:50am mantra is compassionately designed to be taken up by folk who
regularly run meaningless riffs from pop songs thru their heads
10:02am sometimes methinx celibates teaching householders about
managing anger is like learning how to field dress a deer from a
01:59pm viewing all letters/syllables as sacred, he suggested trying to
avoid ever stepping on or over any, even when they are painted on the
02:12pm optimizing good & minimizing ill leads to rebirth in higher
realms not nirvana but provides leisure needed to apply oneself to true
Craig Bialick
02:20pm the south has long observed a natural contemplative interval
widely acknowledged by ancient mexican sages
02:31pm old man sits alone in a lawn chair at the foot of a grassy field
covering a broad slope. he faces the empty field empty blue sky above it
02:46pm 'next time i'll do better' ~ common bardo prayer
02:53pm @Shunyata_Kharg acausal, beyond the domain of the
samskaras & karmic potential; si pues hombre
02:56pm i listen for your thunder in the hills
03:04pm @helloinhere reflecting on a brief moment in Austin, amazed
to have met you face to face in this life. so good to know you brother.
03:16pm birds singing up a storm; bring it on
04:10pm @mattwilliamson pushing the big aerocean waves now
breaking on these jambu hills
04:19pm H\V/M
06:26pm primordial awakening as enacted at Bodhgaya, the vajra.
miraculous activity, siddhi as displayed at Sravasti, the kila
06:42pm barred owl pauses on low oak branch before wheeling to snatch
a lizard off nearby trunk & flying higher into the canopy to eat it
07:30pm an invisible vajra extends far into the earth & high into the sky
@ the seat of enlightement in Bodhgaya it is not destroyed @ kalpa's end
07:31pm when the new world cycle begins, this indestructible vajra again
associates w the place of awakening for future buddhas
07:42pm Sravasti was where Buddha blew minds in response to a
challenge by amateur magicians. He never performed feats like this again
in his life.
07:46pm Sravasti, where Buddha confronted & converted the ritual
murderer Angulimala who wore a rosary of fingers cut from his 999
Ogmin's Twournal
07:59pm @DiamondSutraZen i cut my vajra milk teeth at 17 on Charles
Luk's Diamond Cutter of Doubts w Han Shan's commentary
08:19pm Jetavana Grove, Sravasti where the Buddha spent 24 rainy
08:40pm @sameetkumar agreed, reflections of inner dimensions - in '96
Sravasti was the most tranquil & meditative site on the buddhist circuit
11:44pm good bad or mixed actions each bring their own results, plant
peas you get peas. plant lots of peas and you'll have an accumulation
07:31pm when the new world cycle begins, this indestructible vajra again
associates w the place of awakening for future buddhas
07:42pm Sravasti was where Buddha blew minds in response to a
challenge by amateur magicians. He never performed feats like this again
in his life.
07:46pm Sravasti, where Buddha confronted & converted the ritual
murderer Angulimala who wore a rosary of fingers cut from his 999
07:59pm @DiamondSutraZen i cut my vajra milk teeth at 17 on Charles
Luk's Diamond Cutter of Doubts w Han Shan's commentary
08:19pm Jetavana Grove, Sravasti where the Buddha spent 24 rainy
08:40pm @sameetkumar agreed, reflections of inner dimensions - in '96
Sravasti was the most tranquil & meditative site on the buddhist circuit
11:44pm good bad or mixed actions each bring their own results, plant
peas you get peas. plant lots of peas and you'll have an accumulation
Craig Bialick
Fri May 13
09:04am garuda owl swoops down out of dark wood nabs big rat crossing
lit porch en route to garbage bag. whoosh! rat squeals & disappears
09:04am garuda owl swoops down out of dark wood nabs big rat crossing
lit porch en route to garbage bag. whoosh! rat squeals & disappears
Sat May 14
09:56am @mattwilliamson some primitives see the birth of twins as
demonic; deja voodoo
09:57am @helloinhere T. yeshe
09:58am ye - originary, primordial shes - cognition, knowing
01:09pm Champlain's disinterest in sleeping with native women was
interpreted by the tribe as evidence of his orenda or spiritual power.
01:45pm @Kalieezchild that wasn't his attitude toward indians in
general. i think he was simply sexually conservative & wanted to avoid vd.
03:19pm babies flying off to Alaska
07:49pm coiled on bamboo post below bird feeder hidden by
honeysuckle big black snake
08:00pm @morrisresearch that's huge; this one is 4ft& has lived nearby
for yrs. spent a winter in attic, dropped from balcony, chased from
09:56am @mattwilliamson some primitives see the birth of twins as
demonic; deja voodoo
09:57am @helloinhere T. yeshe
Ogmin's Twournal
Mon Aug 08
12:16am once off the main drag, endless two-lane black top winding thru
green valleys
12:19am Today, the tenth day after the new moon, is a white day,
celebrating Padmasambhava in the form of Guru Tsokyi Dorje, the lakeborn vajra
12:36am off to dwell in isolation for a few hours
07:36am "The greatest actors of the land put on masks and began their
acts." ~
07:46am the night before their meeting, he dreamt that the sun was
rising in his heart
09:03am In the Kingdom of Samantabhadra happiness & suffering are
of one taste; without grasping, they liberate of themselves. ~ Dudjom
09:25am @helloinhere wash the car, hang laundry, plan a picnic
09:28am my vajrayana partner is a lot of fun. now she's being a
mahayana nun ~ vajrarock
09:34am @ratna_rajaiah depending on approach, this could very well be
how one actually meditates
10:41am whirr turns head eye fixing on metallic green sparkle, hummer
afloat in thick air
10:55am son Ksana & friend
11:15am @morrisresearch the whole family pleaded & argued with him
but he was determined to join. i asked him to wait until W was out of
12:52pm it ain't the system but the (lack of) consciousness @Old454
01:20pm Leere am Herzen des Seins
Craig Bialick
01:35pm @helloinhere for some reason, in digital exile from that scene
so far, so yeah, feels like the wild west out here, open country
01:49pm @LhamoRinpoche thanx sis. we still got pony express out this
way, so i will just be patient
04:07pm @helloinhere in abhidharma category of non-compounded
things, only two items; space and nirvana
07:46pm Namo Guru Padma ~ heading out to ganachakra musical
Tue Aug 09
07:39am like asking if matches are of any relevance for those in need of
fire @Type_One_
08:31am @Type_One_ i don't see them as a vehicle in themselves - best
employed as initiatory sacrament within an authentic path
09:21am @The_LoveGoddess i agree with the truth of it but it just
doesn't sound like the old man. got any citation on that one?
09:28am @morrisresearch @Type_One_ certain auspicious conditions
provide a glimpse of the ground beyond dualism. integration is a
graduated path
09:49am @helloinhere word. golden rule updated for kali-yuga
10:13am the central bindu is actually a hummingbird. she merely flexes
her tail and the entire cosmos reforms around her
11:39am most days nobody comes by; burning alone together, the noon
break #haikuchallenge {break}
03:11pm sometimes it gets so quiet and still out here i tweet just to see if
causality is still in effect
Ogmin's Twournal
Fri May 20
08:13am the 'four samadhis' stabilize on the path of accumulation:
willingness, directionality of mind, joyful effort, discriminating analysis,
09:37am @Shunyata_Kharg until such time, karma remains a subtle
10:10am the nature of the mind is clear light. the defilements are
adventitious. ~ Dharmakirti
10:26am the presence of psychic heat is a natural effect of mature
10:31am listening becomes hearing leads to seeing deepens into
12:05pm @helloinhere very sexy music
04:57pm the entire range of mystical & visionary epiphanies &
associated deviations are catalogued in the Surangama Sutra
05:29pm Because of his misinterpretation of vijnana as permanent, he
will understand neither the Unborn nor birth & death. ~ Surangama
06:57pm steamed wild lambs quarters
12:05pm @helloinhere very sexy music
04:57pm the entire range of mystical & visionary epiphanies &
associated deviations are catalogued in the Surangama Sutra
05:29pm Because of his misinterpretation of vijnana as permanent, he
will understand neither the Unborn nor birth & death. ~ Surangama
Thu Aug 11
07:07am @joepdx hope - unrealistic notions and projections about the
nature of samsara
Craig Bialick
07:10am Yesterday, for the first time on twitter, instead of the normal
email alert, a guy asked me, 'Would you like us to follow each other?'
08:14am @carolann3888 @manyko2
10:15am some forms of happiness are conditional, that is, they depend
on conditions
07:20pm @impermanen_ excellent. as you already know, you live in a
magical place
10:16pm dont thing me bro
Fri Aug 12
06:58am @Benjamin_Riggs did your teacher turn you on to ngondro?
07:07am i find it ethically nauseating for a buddhist to charge money for
meditation instruction.
07:08am imagine some doper asking for $25 if you wanted to learn how
to roll a blunt
07:12am @ogamu learn to roll and burn w/ an authentic dread: $108
08:36am Shantideva asks, when unsatisfied by the presence of Buddhas,
why should an ignoramus like myself even get involved with them?
09:31am you might think all these budget cuts would mean no more
dope helicopters. you'd be wrong. he's up there right now burning yr tax
10:10am one good hoot & he flies off. crows complaining. owl doesn't
want to argue with them
10:51am With even a billionth part of that diligence (exhibited by
worldly folk pursuing their desires) there can be Buddhahood. ~
Ogmin's Twournal
11:16am @MuJuShinKyo as they passed thru manicured suburbs,
Dudjom said 'What a well-kept charnel ground!"
11:36am oh my people, any community where there is a fee for
meditation instruction is a long, long way from home ~ Moses
11:53am @morrisresearch principle of the thing. like charging folks to
learn how to pray. puts an unreal toll booth btwn newbies & the real
12:28pm @MuJuShinKyo i spoke directly to these people about the
hypocrisy of dressing in robes & selling meat. they dodged, lied, got mad.
12:47pm at a level, meditation is for ddhists what prayer is for xtians.
fundie & square as it gets, ive yet to hear of prayer coaches who charge$
12:52pm logically, animal rescuers should be protecting the
living animals that have instead been butchered for their profit
12:58pm so yes, why are they biased against cows & chickens? what dark
god decides polly & pooch may live but bessie must die? @MuJuShinKyo
01:10pm @pawelekg the carnival
01:16pm @cole_tucker from a ddhist perspective, to avoid contributing
to a causal chain which involves systematic killing of higher life forms
01:17pm @cole_tucker beyond that, the environmental cost of the
factory farm system is heavy and globally unsustainable
02:30pm @cole_tucker pratimoksa vows include one to avoid killing or
having animals killed for one's consumption
02:57pm Spontaneously present awareness is Padmasambhava ~
Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo
03:02pm @cole_tucker pact btwn man & plants helps both attain a
subtler form of consciousness than they would enjoy apart
Craig Bialick
03:04pm @cole_tucker like any animal, i would not willingly give up
my body for food or profit if there were any good options. golden rule
03:29pm OMHC have since removed any hint of meat from their site but
they still sell it as this pic reveals @MuJuShinKyo
04:03pm @pawelekg no, but there is a form of it in live carnivores
04:14pm @impermanen_ @MuJuShinKyo it don't. that is why in
buddhism it is called re-birth instead of reincarnation.
04:26pm There is no motion because of annihillation ~ Vasubandhu
@MuJuShinKyo @impermanen_
04:38pm The continuum of consciousness, like a series, & the
aggregation of constituents, like an army & such, are unreal. ~
04:51pm @impermanen_ Basho's frog suspended in mid-air above the
04:57pm @pawelekg oh. ok. in this scenario, the life force energy of the
plants is absorbed by the animals which consume their remains
05:17pm @impermanen_ more than interesting. we laughed too. then
Plop! earlier schools accepted ksana or mind-moments & atoms as
ultimate truth
05:22pm @pawelekg not so much. responding to Cole's introduction of
the notion of a pact between species
06:07pm @KGrey_Com read Loy? dug his Buddhist History of the
West. met & talked w him at Vanderbilt a few yrs ago
Mon May 23
08:14am Happy World Turtle Day from the Turtle Hill Sangha
Ogmin's Twournal
08:39am "cruel, harsh, bitter obstacles to the attainment of the
unexcelled rest from bondage" *
11:44am @_isolar_ now if it said 'rebirth' who'd give a shit?
12:05pm big old box turtle munching on a fat centipede for breakfast
12:12pm owls conversing from groves on opposite sides of the hollow.
'sleep well? how's the hunting over there? feeling horny?'
12:43pm @Chereliz oh yes. the world feels soft, colors more vivid.
01:14pm @Chereliz enjoyed this since i was little. electric charged atmos
pregnant w a joyous psychedelic anticipation like anything could happen
01:27pm the societal background of my 8th to 12th years included the
assassinations of JFK Malcolm-X MLK RFK
01:48pm you are all invited to do fire puja (riwo sang cho) on turtle hill
with us this friday, a dakini day
02:12pm @Jrobertmorrison 90 min * you are welcome anytime
02:43pm @Jrobertmorrison a gang of nagas approaches from your west.
03:11pm @Chereliz @HanumanDass memories of a telescoping roach
clip made from an old antenna handy for long passes
05:03pm KPSR
06:41pm you are so beautiful you should be guarded by monkeys ~
06:50pm @NeighbourBoy for you maybe
07:05pm drawing attention to what he considered fraudulent finances,
he publicized that it was indeed her car impounded in that ganja
smuggling bust
07:07pm @NeighbourBoy the guy who blew out his liver at 47 said
Craig Bialick
07:15pm @NeighbourBoy may be useful now and then but nothing
wrong with putting it aside
07:49pm @NeighbourBoy there exist manufactured substances,
synthetic derivatives equally 'special' in this same sense but yes, alcohol
ain't one
07:59pm @Type_One_ spacing out
07:05pm drawing attention to what he considered fraudulent finances,
he publicized that it was indeed her car impounded in that ganja
smuggling bust
07:07pm @NeighbourBoy the guy who blew out his liver at 47 said
07:15pm @NeighbourBoy may be useful now and then but nothing
wrong with putting it aside
07:49pm @NeighbourBoy there exist manufactured substances,
synthetic derivatives equally 'special' in this same sense but yes, alcohol
ain't one
Sat Aug 13
07:43am @woolvertonifto8 it would not load for me
08:07am If all the harm, fear, & suffering in the world occur due to
grasping onto the self, what use is that great demon to me? ~ Shantideva
08:15am @KGrey_Com how so?
08:45am @KGrey_Com not all belief is seeking. belief in karma
supports functional clarity with no end game in sight
09:45am @akeller9 too bulky
Ogmin's Twournal
09:49am I love the 54th. Ain't much a matter what happens tomorrow,
'cause we men, ain't we? @estoni
10:37am @estoni Davy was one of the few brave enough to speak out
against Andrew Jackson but gravalicious enough to play the fool at the
10:39am @akeller9 blow-gun with curare darts much easier to conceal.
save the bow for long-shots
10:54am three ways of valid cognition; direct perception, inference, the
words of realized beings. views on karma based on the latter two
10:54am belief as working acknowledgement, acceptance of
comprehensible outlines regarding principles & dynamics too big to be
perceived directly
10:55am @KGrey_Com yes. due to ingrained notions of innate being,
i think karma is one of the most easily misunderstood aspects of the
11:58am @morrisresearch lordy. my totem has no scruples. thanks for
the kindness Mr. McGregor
12:03pm @pawelekg an old Dharma bum who got caught in a Venus-fly
12:27pm an established con eventually encounters clever competitors.
sometimes this changes the game
01:42pm cardinal nest in the bamboo grove, four bats in the sky, a family
of deer, one very small, walk from one side of the hollow to the other
04:06pm @MuJuShinKyo good one. thanks
04:30pm By the complete awakening of the true principle there is
neither wisdom nor means. ~ Hevajra Tantra
Craig Bialick
Sun Aug 14
09:00am @oceanshaman yah. had a seminal encounter in the woods on
cape cod in the summer of '87
01:27pm What is the base? It is the revolution of the base. ~ Asanga
04:14pm May all obstacles to the awakened life force and bodily wellbeing of Vajra-sister Clara Llum be removed and never again arise
07:51pm i met a man who claimed to have great realization but gave
himself away when he likened awakening to a predator nailing its prey
09:29pm @Chonnymo it is much more like the experience of the prey
Fri May 27
08:14am @Irreverent_B sentient beings usually do not have conviction
regarding buddhahood when they begin to practice.
08:16am there seems to be as much general discomfort w the concept of
faith as there is with 'morality'. this is a result of post-xtian ptsd.
08:18am @_isolar_ E ma ho!
08:57am @mthing i have faith in our ability to understand and
communicate with each other even tho this is the first time we've talked
11:20am @DeepakChopra it takes God 6 days to create a world w/
living beings. modern cosmology needs another 9 billion years to realize
11:41am in solidarity with @DiamondSutraZen, if you retweet anything
from members of that buddhist kult in Poolesville (KPC) i will unfollow
11:51am @helloinhere tradition advises one to not even take water from
the same creek as samaya corrupters
Ogmin's Twournal
12:30pm @helloinhere there are sincere folks out there who deserve to
be warned & educated for their own well-being
12:44pm relative truth is comprised of distinctions. some useful
01:00pm @_shrine_ long list - recently they ganged up on a tweet buddy
insisting he was a dangerous felon in drag > sicked the FBI on him
01:03pm @helloinhere surely you jest
01:44pm @helloinhere after seeing an rt this a.m i responded - was not
asking anyone else to do the same, just expressing my views
01:55pm @helloinhere relative truth is not a problem. lack of prajna is
02:18pm @mattwilliamson you sure it isn't a spontaneous form of
pranayama initiating a change in yr breathing pattern?
03:04pm nonduality of seer/seen ornamented by prajna, means freedom
to relate to phenomena in any way you may find appropriate
03:18pm to clarify, sub/obj are only one insofar as both are
interdpendent & empty. yr mind is not the tree.
08:08pm disrobing the ordinary with astounding eloquence @Chonnymo
09:53pm dharmakaya kingdom nirmanakaya power sambhogakaya glory
forever & ever
10:48pm mahayana is rubbing sticks together. vajrayana a lens but
requires good sun. more than one way to make fire. can always use the
11:11pm they told her she is the rebirth of an obscure woman who lived
in a cave 300 yrs ago. such is Tibetan humor.
11:24pm self & world evanesce; the perfect refuge does not change
11:40pm yesterday the celebration of the Dzogchen-loving Great 5th
Dalai Lama (1617-1682) both teacher & student of Terton Terdak Lingpa
Craig Bialick
11:43pm The Tibetan King Trisong Deutsen was heavily into the
Prajnaparamita Sutra & made sure it disseminated widely throughout his
11:57pm tulku tradition is notoriously corrupt, historically manipulated.
from the perspective of realization the tertons are of greater interest.
11:58pm this is the end. beau-ti-ful friend
11:57pm tulku tradition is notoriously corrupt, historically manipulated.
from the perspective of realization the tertons are of greater interest.
11:58pm this is the end. beau-ti-ful friend
Tue Aug 16
09:07am Can I explain the Friend to one for whom He is no Friend? ~
Jalal-uddin Rumi
09:22am Tara in Lleida
09:34am Revolted by the sight of a few corpses in a charnel ground, yet
you delight in a city crowded with moving corpses ~ Shantideva
10:29am @KGrey_Com because there are far more interesting aspects
of non-existence to explore, like non-existent parks & mountains
10:46am If all the harm, fear, & suffering in the world occur due to
grasping onto the self, what use is that great demon to me? ~ Shantideva
11:43am @morrisresearch Burning Spear chants about love and history
as the Kenyan arrives
11:57am August 16, 1960: Kittinger jumps from the Excelsior III at
102,800 ft (my sky-diving son informs me)
Ogmin's Twournal
12:15pm Eight Verses to be read aloud now & then
02:19pm Vimalamitra, Tashi Choling, OR
08:34pm Mantras act as causes & conditions emanating the ma��ala of
deities. They are the principle of essential wisdom & the dharma seal ~
Wed Aug 17
08:00am sangha the south
11:51am i pity those poor fools who display minimal interest in dharma
because they think it pleases someone
01:11pm once above tree line keep an eye out for storms
01:52pm @CathyGinter oh my, yes!
04:19pm rainbow body means no death. blurs the line between myth &
physics. thus Padmasambhava, Yeshe Tsogyal, Mandarava, still very alive
04:31pm The cave where Khandro Yeshe Tsogyal attained rainbow body
Thu Aug 18
07:14am Vajrapani Day. Lord of Secrets
07:16am Chokma and how do i love thee
07:20am May the blessings of strength, ease, renewed vitality & long life
descend on and well up within Vajra sister Clara
07:23am Surrender ~ Duke Spirit
07:43am rasayana alchemy
08:18am the minds of yogis used to emptiness are turned w ease & joy
toward the benefit of others ~ Bodhicittavivarana
Craig Bialick
09:25pm c'mon now & shit something we can sell ~ overheard from a
dog-owner in my delerium
09:27pm i was not feeling well today. terrible actually. a relapse of the
same bug which hospitalized me two months ago.
09:41pm @mindonly thanks Kris. i would not do too well in Gitmo or
Torquemada's chambers
Fri Aug 19
01:19pm @Jrobertmorrison thanks. yesterdays tour of the lower realms
lasted about 12 hrs. today, it seems to have tapered after about 4.
01:22pm health is a tightrope walk
02:12pm Buddhism is hand rolled, passed down from teacher to student.
It always has been and it always will be. ~ Bill Schwartz (@ryderjaphy)
02:29pm @MuJuShinKyo dhists and jras
02:54pm @Jrobertmorrison @mujushinkyo trying to preserve all
reference to bhaga or yoni as powerful metaphors in light of the 14th
root downfall
03:03pm Tibetan tradition holds that when it comes to a yidam, better to
leave it to chance than to choose one yourself.
03:25pm @Jrobertmorrison leave it up to whatever lama you find yrself
drawn to
03:29pm three long low pure tones. sound of blown conch resounding
throughout the hollow
05:11pm thunderstanding
05:12pm @mattwilliamson oy ve. ma rig pa
05:30pm @IssaMas very good idea. my pop died after a number of heart
surgeries. rest of family learned nothing from it, as if it was a coincidence
Ogmin's Twournal
06:29pm people take pictures of each other just to prove that they really
existed ~ ray davies
Sat Aug 20
01:22pm the wind rains yellow poplar leaves
01:48pm @helloinhere howdy Philo. rough night. no sleep blues. now on
reprieve. fevering...
Wed Jun 01
06:31am @RootSpring a Gibson SG
07:33am Shantarakshita describes ultimate truth in Madhyamaka terms,
while the conventional is understood in terms of Cittamatra or Mind
07:40am This view dominated Tibet for four centuries after its
introduction, eventually marginalized by what Mipham felt was a flawed
07:44am The 19th c. Rime movement revitalized Sakya, Nyingma &
Kagyu sects which had been overwhelmed by the hegemony of the
08:15am For the sake of communicating w those who do not hold
Madhyamika views, Shantarakshita introduces the notion of a 'qualified
09:45am Whenever one of the great Indian masters, Atisha, met a new
person he would immediately ask them, "Do you have a good heart?" ~
Craig Bialick
10:44am @_isolar_ if you are at home and can smell it you may have
legal recourse
10:50am when i used to sweep chimneys i always enjoyed getting an idea
of who we were working for by looking at the titles on their bookshelves
10:56am @mattwilliamson that i must figure out how to return as a
friend & get high w this dude
12:41pm @Mujushin many lose it in promoting organizational growth
attracting excess of yuppie consumer mind competitive values now in
'holy' drag
01:00pm @Chereliz 'senior' practitioners who've been around more than
a decade running centers who have never completed the preliminaries.
01:11pm @Jrobertmorrison @mujushin where was the lama?
01:16pm @B9Joker108 True! tweeted in light of Mipham's view of
Shantarakshita as Buddha's Third Chariot merging the streams of
Nagarjuna & Asanga
01:18pm smiley virus
01:45pm Lama's blessing energy has become even more powerful and
accessible since his death last summer. peace. clarity. vast openness.
01:57pm empty unborn unceasing vibration the Conqueror's teaching ~
based on a line from Padmasambhava's response to Namkhai Nyingpo's
03:37pm @Irreverent_B yes some are fairly ripe long 'fore they take
vows. they too were once 'beginners', working w aspirations images &
04:53pm the conceptual ultimate is the one that is named in contrast to
05:00pm @Irreverent_B for most buddhists, the reality of rebirth, karma
& primordial emptiness are accepted on faith in the words of the Buddha
Ogmin's Twournal
05:11pm @ZenDirtZenDust it is taught that it is cool to rejoice at such a
choice. we ain't all cut out for the expansive horizons of household life
05:48pm @Betsydraperfl @zendirtzendust wondrous that Dharma
continues to be taught & for those who need cloister & focus, the
monastic option
05:53pm another moment is blown away: in the same way, may all beings
minds be blown away discovering primordial purity
05:57pm @Betsydraperfl original, what was always already whole and
present, uncreated, uncompounded, natural essence, yes
05:59pm @Betsydraperfl as mahayana intent is the liberation of all we
got a considerable row to hoe
06:04pm as the fan moves the air, may all beings be moved by great
06:10pm as i now hunger for food, may all beings hunger for Dharma
06:57pm @majidrazvi professionally, it has acquired a popular image as
a guild of cynical pill-pushers
07:01pm as evening cools the day, may sentient beings know liberation
from deluding passions
07:13pm making her way thru the throng she provides a generous
offering of honeyed fry-bread & grape juice to honor one of the more
talented dancers
07:21pm as she offers me coffee, may all beings awaken to the option of
leaving samsara.
07:29pm @boringfileclerk understanding one's own mind to the point of
liberation from pointless suffering
07:42pm wives express concern over fate of my crazy sister who needs
to move (again). the nicest landlord invariably becomes her imagined
Craig Bialick
07:52pm @quantumrider53 the purple level of self-actualization
represents the foundation of more advanced Dharma practice.
07:55pm @quantumrider53 i'll try to do that. Not okay to wish that it
would also develop in others? it would seem compassionate to wish for
07:59pm as we head out into the night, may all beings move freely in the
great mandala
10:53pm @quantumrider53 that is one theory. Buddha claimed
knowledge of his own past lives implying a mind continuum beyond the
physical brain
11:18pm friends dog got into the shrooms shaking w rushes struggling
rub his head told him the mindblow aint the drug but the truth of who we
08:15am For the sake of communicating w those who do not hold
Madhyamika views, Shantarakshita introduces the notion of a 'qualified
09:45am Whenever one of the great Indian masters, Atisha, met a new
person he would immediately ask them, "Do you have a good heart?" ~
Mon Aug 22
11:38am @morrisresearch 2 other strains dominate here in TN but they
checked for all that last hospital visit. its all upper GI tract, chills fever
11:39am @Chereliz thankee Ma. havent barfed in 48 hrs still queasy but
eating a bit now, spending most of day horizontal
Ogmin's Twournal
11:47am @helloinhere thanx bro. just got a basket of well-wishing from
the twiteratti. appettite returning. showered! i am good. bod a bit slow
07:15pm @garuda_cm revealing the mandala of the 100 peaceful &
wrathful deities in her heart, Laygi Wangmo gives birth to one syllable
07:16pm 'Behold,' said the dakini, 'the deities. Now take initiation.'
08:08pm many nations, under pressure, with liberty and justice for some
11:03pm dra bcom pa : foe destroyer (arhat)
11:05pm @XineAnn howdy sis
11:10pm Franklin invented bifocals based on his need to be able to read
facial expressions at the French court
11:16pm @helloinhere @oceanshaman @morrisresearch @Chereliz
@_isolar_ @Jenmalen @SwanSangha @vajramrita thank you all. feeling
much better
11:28pm Antler is one of the most underrated poets of our time ~ http://
11:33pm @Stormysu share the most harmless in moderation with
friends. if even that is too much, make a yoga of avoiding them
11:34pm @Stormysu restrict use to herb & psychedelics
11:55pm lingam, Carlsbad NM
Tue Aug 23
12:01am g'nite
07:42am @helloinhere soy yogurt, coconut water, Sons of Anarchy and
08:14am @helloinhere SOA is a telly show about bikers & what not to
get into as a sangha
Craig Bialick
09:05am @helloinhere free of dream artifacts like name & object
09:38am @_isolar_ i was born Rh negative & had all my blood
transfused at birth. I tell them that if my parents were JW, I wouldn't be
09:49am @helloinhere when you get a chance, give a good listen to
Southern Rock Opera
10:06am @KGrey_Com this desire for "freedom" - aims at something
beside the cessastion of suffering? Considers freedom as some other
Wed Aug 24
05:52am Dependence on conditions is the same as emptiness ~
Kunzang Pelden
08:14am @pawelekg still crawling out from under but feeling about 80%
better. thanks Pawel.
08:18am @lux1008 so Good to see you again vajra sister Clara. you
mean so much to all of us darling. strength, big hugs, one heart
08:27am @Chonnymo g'morning Jay
Fri Aug 26
08:39am @morrisresearch @impermanen_ i'm gettting stronger. been
busy with domestic static. thanks for yr concern. one heart.
08:41am Crow
10:25am gyal po attack
02:09pm there is no substance or entity that takes on a variety of forms
02:26pm ask and you will be forgiven ~ Clara
02:27pm to heal is the essence of holiness ~ Clara
Ogmin's Twournal
02:32pm How much do I get for exploring the undiscovered oceans and
continents and claiming them in Mescaline's name? ~ Antler
05:14pm @the_eco_thought that IS odd. have always loved Lievano.
amazing control and flow
05:25pm @sameetkumar easily moved to weep these past few days as
strength returns
Sat Aug 27
07:27am @cole_tucker sad, pathetic indices of our inability to love and
07:50am the destruction of depravities has been shown to all
the intelligent to be like a head cleft in a dream ~ Shantideva,
08:40am Please donate one tweet a day to help children recover from
trauma. #opsafe #DT @operationSAFE
11:57am one who sees is not the one who hears is not the one who
heard, saw or will feel. these are all associated with a sole person by
03:32pm days ago crazy sister disappears from bros' house in TN calls
early this a.m from NYC. wallet stolen. its always something. this is
03:38pm @oceanshaman w help of @vajrarock honed diagnosis to gall
bladder attack & am making appropriate dietary changes. appreciate yr
concern sis
08:05pm All existence is the mandala of the dakinis, a celestial temple
beyond causes and conditions ~ Jigme Lingpa
Craig Bialick
Mon Aug 29
07:03am i been falling so long it seems like gravity's gone and i'm just
floating ~ Cooley
07:14am The observer is an imputation.
10:32am @cole_tucker i'm still working out from under. no word from
sis. she needs to deal w her own shit w/o family covering for her.
02:16pm @firepixie324 i don't speak it but am familar with many words
thru understanding the terms used in the cycle of sadhanas and prayers
Tue Aug 30
10:24am Secrecy is the original sin ~ Tim Leary
10:57am @helloinhere understood. the complications of state secrecy
require exceptional responsiveness
11:11am @helloinhere de acuerdo.i will not tell the hunter which way
the deer ran.
01:50pm rose water soy lassi. late august sunshine thru the front door
spills onto the dragon rug.
04:08pm @lux1008 outshines all conditions
Wed Jun 08
01:54pm i am in love with dead people
02:04pm thinking there is only one correct approach to absolute truth is
a problem in itself. but you already knew that
02:20pm Shentongpas understand the emptiness of all conventional
things as posited by rangtongs but do not apply it in the same way to the
Ogmin's Twournal
02:26pm gZhan relies on what Bhavya calls the qualified or countable
ultimate which compassionately allows for further dialogue for us dense
02:27pm @Shunyata_Kharg say more!
02:30pm to differentiate tween say, delusion & awakening, you employ
the qualified or countable ultimate
02:30pm @Shunyata_Kharg ultimately one, practically two
02:35pm KPSR say no contest -rangtong is the best description of
absolute truth, shentong the supreme description of the relative truth
04:32pm @ryderjaphy many times Bill. in a personal exchange, they
expressed common Nyingma view that Tsong-khapa was a bit of an
05:48pm @pawelekg nice. feels like post-xtian U2
05:56pm there is no rational bridge between the two truths
07:39pm @quantumrider53 the distinction is btwn 1. things that can be
named/relative truth & 2. that which is beyond naming/absolute truth
07:49pm box turtle crawls onto porch to lick a wet spot, accepts offering
of water & worms before crawling back into shade behind house to lay
08:35pm sickness allows for insight into one's power to control events
10:20pm to have everything i have ever wanted as i do now, is too rare,
invariably transitory, brilliant against death's shadow
02:26pm gZhan relies on what Bhavya calls the qualified or countable
ultimate which compassionately allows for further dialogue for us dense
02:27pm @Shunyata_Kharg say more!
Craig Bialick
Fri Sep 02
09:17am it has been way too long since i have been in the mountains
10:37am @pawelekg @W911 check free fall speeds
12:21pm mala & kila - never leave home w/o 'em
12:32pm Remember when we thought it was possible to make a
difference in the world?
12:36pm @helloinhere once upon a time, it seemed like a popular meme
12:40pm @capturedcastle prayer beads & ritual dagger
01:08pm @pawelekg explain the presence of nano-thermite chips and
microspheres of melted / precipitated steel in the dust
01:09pm @Buddhism_Now oh yah. just testing the waters
01:13pm @pawelekg explain that heap of molten slag that was still
glowing hot, incandescent at the bottom of pile many weeks after
01:22pm @pawelekg explain the complete failure of our multi-billion
dollar NORAD scramble to intercept ANY of the four flights. please.
01:43pm @KeinyoWhite Good, good. more clarity, free attention to
empower the erg of difference our presence makes in the mandala
06:39pm Sickness is a broom clearing away negativity & obstructions,
The sufferings are ornamentation of ultimate reality's expanse. ~
06:51pm @morrisresearch yah they are. we did the AT thru the park in
95. snowed pretty hard. upgraded gear after that one
07:01pm Jesus I dare you to come back ~ BRMC
08:41pm @sameetkumar @firepixie324 have had giardia numerous
times. this is all upper GI. doc wants to drop a camera down, take a look
Ogmin's Twournal
08:54pm mystic reveries golden summer as a kid at godmother's on
Flanders Bay. mom in hospital. me walking all alone to the end of
Simmons Point
Sat Sep 03
09:01am May wealth come to those in need! May fools become
intelligent! ~ Shabkar
09:16am There is no place that we haven't gone, there is no body in
which we haven't been born ~ Shabkar
10:15am fragmented relativity of political terminology aborts meaningful
dialogue. don't it?
10:23am They say you should not even take water from the same stream
as a samaya corruptor. I don't know many, but take this adage seriously.
11:19am @morrisresearch oh yah. i wanted a good taste of that. less
bugs, less people! we did the Sheltowee Trace in the winter as well
12:13pm gTummo. fierce mother blazing she is me
12:45pm @vajramrita politics & religion causing more division, you have
to find time to check out yr mind ~ Mutabaruka
03:54pm 3rd day no solid food. juice fast. i'm floating.
Sun Sep 04
05:44am @morrisresearch closer to 269. we did it in two parts. about 3
weeks total
06:05am darkness gives way to cool grey skies. water gathers in the air.
good morning
08:22am unless social reconstruction is accompanied by personal
transformation, democracy merely liberates the ego-self ~ D. Loy
Craig Bialick
01:50pm @lux1008 vajra wholeness moves in waves - om jnana dakini
02:55pm gentlest female rain falling for the first time in weeks
04:50pm @morrisresearch we varied between 5 & 8 as some came &
went at different points. i was on for the whole, dos viajes, '95 & '99
04:58pm In the Wake of Sheltowee
Mon Sep 05
12:03am no birds, no crickets tonight. cool rain coming down steady for
eight hours now
04:49pm rain steady now for 24 hrs. wishing the beets would plant
07:00pm deluge follows drought. the old patterns do not return
Tue Sep 06
07:06am @morrisresearch thanks Bob. i miss trekking. need to get out
there again.
07:59am enjoying ~ 1491 New Revelations of the Americas Before
Columbus by C.C. Mann, 2006
08:57am @_isolar_ Southeastern Indians by Charles M. Hudson for one
09:00am @_isolar_ if you enjoy good historical narrative, Eckert's
Winning of America series (6 vols) is excellent, heavily based on old
09:09am @_isolar_ cool. Hudson is yr man. Eckert covers frontier
history 1757-1835 & deserves translation into an epic series of movies.
09:18am blood test results suggest hyperthyroidism
09:25am @akeller9 nope, rule that one out
Ogmin's Twournal
09:45am @impermanen_ the latter.currently trying to correlate
09:52am @akeller9 not yet. will see endorcrinologist next
Thu Jun 16
12:15am @ryderjaphy her qualities are represented by the female senmo
demon lying prone under Vajrakilaya's left feet
07:54am @ryderjaphy no, she is not recognized or competent at this
level. she has been strategically positioned to supply American visas for
09:39am the seeds which blossomed as fire buddha Amitabha came thru
the Khyber Pass originating with the haoma ritual of the Zoroastrians
12:18pm authenticity does not derive from another. resonance is
12:39pm the question was about Dzogchen transmission. i really don't
care who punched her ticket, i myself don't see her as trustworthy or
01:30pm @Shunyata_Kharg dude, feel free to go gzhan-tong here. me
raised Lutheran. love Merton and Meister Eckhart
01:49pm @Shunyata_Kharg seen Tarthang Tulku's Time Space and
02:16pm @helloinhere that's the problem of prematurely taking up
practices to optimize awareness while you are still neurotically obsessed
w self
03:02pm Akshobhya, unshakeable. cosmic form of Sakyamuni touching
earth in affirmation of awakening
Craig Bialick
03:05pm @ryderjaphy the vajra guru has to be understood beyond the
subject/object presentation of the mind. there must be deep karmic
03:18pm @ryderjaphy the qualifications of an authentic vajra master are
taught so we can can evaluate our connections
03:25pm @ZenDirtZenDust one might well ask, isn't this the asceticism
rejected by the Buddha as an extreme?
03:53pm a teacher who is so paranoid that she sicks the FBI on innocent
friends is nobody i want to learn manners from much less Dzogchen
04:55pm if you see a teacher, even one of yr own school, act in
reprehensible ways, you are free to warn others. this ain't catholicism.
05:09pm @Jrobertmorrison @ryderjaphy Considering Twitter allows
for blocking unwanted followers, how is cyberstalking even possible?
05:27pm only a fool would think the world has any obligation to accept
your teacher for anything but what they might appear to be when
05:34pm since you can't really tell who is a bodhisattva and who ain't,
feel free to proceed with good heart. shit needs to get said. fear not
05:47pm kombucha. tony levin. baby black holes.
05:56pm making false accususations which lead to doors being kicked in
is equivalent to lying & requires confession & apology to make right
06:13pm we all know folks who make poor decisions under the influence
of fear & emotions but this ain't what i expect from a vajrayana teacher.
06:30pm once a famous white lama spoke out about his dead guru
casting doubt on master's integrity & giving credence to rumors he could
not verify
Ogmin's Twournal
06:34pm saw him at a lake in the Rockies watching from woods as he
was making a teaching video contemplating a stroll over & talking w him
about it
06:38pm but dude already talks down a great master & big on videos so
like what is he going hear from this hippy. we walked away
06:52pm @ookiee there are many admonitions to just steer clear of folks
who are so careless
08:14pm Enjoying the book Flowering of the Cumberland by Harriette
Simpson Arnow
08:15pm off to rock. have a good one
05:56pm making false accususations which lead to doors being kicked in
is equivalent to lying & requires confession & apology to make right
06:13pm we all know folks who make poor decisions under the influence
of fear & emotions but this ain't what i expect from a vajrayana teacher.
06:30pm once a famous white lama spoke out about his dead guru
casting doubt on master's integrity & giving credence to rumors he could
not verify
06:34pm saw him at a lake in the Rockies watching from woods as he
was making a teaching video contemplating a stroll over & talking w him
about it
06:38pm but dude already talks down a great master & big on videos so
like what is he going hear from this hippy. we walked away
06:52pm @ookiee there are many admonitions to just steer clear of folks
who are so careless
Craig Bialick
Wed Sep 07
07:26am quiet cool and wet in the hollow. everyone still in bed. one bird
07:49am @vajramrita Chokma, good day Christopher
07:55am @helloinhere @Jenmalen waves
08:22am Gaskin was a slave to his passions. sold out his community to
maintain a worthless reputation
08:46am hundreds of us invested our energy to create that community.
afraid we would learn the truth of his actions, he succumbed to extortion
08:51am so i think about that once in awhile. we don't talk to each other
anymore even when we meet on the street. i feel sorry for the old man
08:58am @vajramrita hadn't. the 'changeover' was our 9/11. Pure piracy,
blackmail & extortion. Wiki's version is revisionist history.
09:00am @vajramrita "inequitable distribution of wealth, favoritism and
a lack of plumbing" - these factors were toxic long before the 'changeover'
09:02am @vajramrita some musing from 20 yrs ago
i've got a book in mothballs
09:04am @vajramrita i've had all sorts of parasites while living there as
well as in Guatemala
12:16pm oh how many shining hearts w love have guided me & many i
have met before in lands across the sea ~ robin
01:37pm @Rmurray1985 dress nice, bring an offering
02:01pm Wolfstone sings, "When the sea king dies..." this old man hears
"when the seeking dies...."
03:51pm @vajramrita ms. w those experiences is a thing apart, does
exist. HAW was for the sake of early sangha to help differentiate farma /
Ogmin's Twournal
Thu Sep 08
09:15am @craighartonline i would ask Padmasambhava if he wanted to
burn one with me
10:34am @lux1008 good, good!
11:08am @lux1008 thanks Clara. been resting, reading about native
americans, thinking of you ~
11:09am @pawelekg @craighartonline more like it
01:43pm Black Bear, Exit Glacier, Alaska. shot a few days ago by #4 son
06:08pm In honor of mother, sister, wives and daughters of Confederate
soldiers - Mississippi State Capitol - Jackson MS
Sat Sep 10
09:06am @morrisresearch ginger tea
Sun Sep 11
08:16am a rainy morning. subduing demons who waste life, time, energy.
10:52am @impermanen_ er, um... the teachings of Padmasambhava
11:01am beyond honoring the innocent Americans killed on 9/11, mourn
the illegal wars & hundreds of thousands of pointless deaths which
01:29pm @vajramrita KPSR was like that only asking us to take it to
heart and practice
01:39pm @impermanen_ one point about degenerate era - the more
volatile the emotions, the more effective & powerful the tantric teachings
01:39pm @impermanen_
Craig Bialick
02:13pm @impermanen_ beyond scripture, the fact that 30K die
everyday from preventable diseases speaks volumes about our era
04:31pm @impermanen_ true dat. i suspect the golden age never
04:41pm The Bhagavân, smiling, asked, "Is the glass well washed?"
Nandalâl replied "Yes." The Bhagavân drank the water ~ Gospel of Sri
04:43pm It was about half-past ten & He wished to leave for the garden.
The streets were flooded with moonlight. The cab was at the door ~
06:44pm @_isolar_ very cool
Mon Sep 12
07:02am enjoying Civilizations * Culture, Ambition and The
Transformation of Nature by Felipe Fernando-Armesto, 2001
07:48am In 1626 the Lenape Indians accepted $26 worth of goods from
the Dutch in exchange for their lease of lower Manhattan
08:40am Since writing is the fish-trap that contains the Way, can one be
careless about how it is constructed? ~ Ou-yang Hsiu
04:31pm late afternoon sun in the trees. carrot juice in a ball mason jar
Wed Sep 14
07:42am @_karmadorje if the temperature is similar, he should do fine
08:18am inability to purify and release sexual subconscious is common
11:21am @helloinhere while sucking tides of water from the far to the
near hemisphere, she magnetizes thousands of fingers
Ogmin's Twournal
11:35am navigating upstream of the HPA circuit considering the effects
of liminal stress
11:40am @helloinhere i was working out of doors on a roof and
accidentally slit my wrist on the day Ronald Reagan was elected
12:22pm limited edition, that one
08:08pm alone again. owl calls from the woods along the creek. distant
08:15pm @_karmadorje right on. had tropical fish as a kid. more
recently have been digging on the dozen+ koi in our little pond
Wed Jun 22
07:18am @ZenDirtZenDust @Tao23 yes of course, Taoism as the fourth
monotheistic faith
07:46am mind yr imputations
09:32am @Rmurray1985 wonderful. recently read Union of Dzogchen
& Bodhicitta. Anyen is a descendant of Patrul Rinpoche's lineage.
10:22am * @impermanen_ @ryderjaphy i think many lamas have
assumed westerners were a lot more familiar w mahayana dharma than
they actually were
10:27am The Prayer of Kuntuzangpo (pdf) ~ we
recited this last night for solstice
12:16pm As Kadampa masters used to say we must resist our
defilements no matter how small the effort. ~ HHDL XIV
03:27pm No brakes meant felling a tree & tying the trunk to rear of
the wagon when descending a steep hill, to keep it from rolling into the
Craig Bialick
06:16pm Kanyaka thought, “May all the suffering of those who
experience the fruition of having kicked their mothers in the head ripen
on me.”
07:12pm a group of us are doing an informal online study of
Shantideva's Bodhicaryavatara over the summer. dm if you are interested
07:41pm @JeffryGonzalez @sameetkumar Dm me yr email addy
07:51pm @mattwilliamson
08:31pm Relate every experience to the blessings of your root guru. ~
Tsoknyi Rinpoche
08:53pm of course you know wrathful deities are not to intimidate yr
enemies. they are graphically dramatic valentines sent to you from the
09:46pm heart of art i fact the form body all craft tech armature for the
mind; drawing on inventory w everything from arrowheads to yidams
11:06pm Just remain with the essence, without either affirming good
moods or rejecting bad moods. ~ Tsoknyi Rinpoche
11:06pm Just remain with the essence, without either affirming good
moods or rejecting bad moods. ~ Tsoknyi Rinpoche
Thu Jun 23
03:44pm NIrmanakayas appear as humans, animals, artwork, bridges,
medicinal herbs, rain, wind, in any form providing temporary or ultimate
05:35pm Babylon: ego-clinging writ large
06:14pm Mahasiddha Virupa (837-909) the emanation of
Padmasambhava known as Nyima Odzer who kept the sun from setting
as he drunk the tavern dry
Ogmin's Twournal
03:44pm NIrmanakayas appear as humans, animals, artwork, bridges,
medicinal herbs, rain, wind, in any form providing temporary or ultimate
05:35pm Babylon: ego-clinging writ large
Fri Sep 16
02:01am @_isolar_ good morning Steven. going horizontal for a few...
09:21am @_isolar_ oh i did. seven hours, uninterrupted. haven' t slept
like that in weeks
05:35pm golden ginger-curry-squash soup, quinoa pesto, organic beets
06:01pm @Silvercrone yes, just like that.
09:46pm Please join me in donating a daily tweet to OperationSAFE,
helping children recover from trauma. #DT
Sat Sep 17
12:08pm No matter where we go we are the lions in this kingdom ~
Burning Spear
09:28pm NGC 2997
Sun Sep 18
06:24am heartbeat & breath. fridge hums. chair creaks. down the road, a
cock crows. good morning
07:08am my beloved community has been struggling with
communication. efforts only go so far before crapping out, settling for
Craig Bialick
07:25am The world is framed by habitual stories & fixed beliefs; inquiry
is a crowbar
09:40am Please join me in donating a daily tweet to OperationSAFE,
helping children recover from trauma. #DT
09:55am the ancient tradition of treating all comers as sacred guests is
observed here
10:25am ordinariness is a virtual skin projected onto the world
enhancing a false sense of security & predictability, lulling us to sleep
11:24am @ookiee this obsession with naming & comparing ... most
ordinary and too often of questionable value eh ook
12:06pm Perfecte conscious illius perfectae generationis
02:09pm oh good. friends at work on the garden fence. we're training
deer to jump for snacks
Mon Sep 19
07:57am waking to dark skies, coming rain, refuge in a warm bed, quiet
08:05am waking to dark skies, coming rain. quiet house, refuge in a
warm bed
08:06am Please join me in donating a daily tweet to @OperationSAFE,
helping children recover from trauma. #DT
08:11am @vajramrita g'morning. got a script for dilaudid. very helpful
for settling cramps & getting good sleep. used it last night; well-rested.
08:22am @vajramrita oh ya, long ago. not as radical an advocacy as i
would have liked but a nice contribution in a positive direction
Ogmin's Twournal
Tue Sep 20
03:28pm pre-dawn no houselights firetruck broken pole roadblock. turn
round take backway. yards ahead big deer leaps into road. ok. now i'm
03:46pm i'm radioactive
03:59pm @akeller9 yah. took me to a basement room. put his aids
gloves on & removed the bottle from a metal canister. one red/blu gel
05:32pm @cole_tucker oh lord. there may be only one thing worse than
a preachy vegetarian - carnivorous braggadaccio!
05:44pm Procession ~ Vangelis
Wed Sep 21
06:53am Please join me in donating a daily tweet to @OperationSAFE,
helping children recover from trauma. #DT
07:06am pre-dawn fog. crows vultures hawks diligently working the
night's roadkill
Thu Sep 22
06:44am we may reason, petition, educate, scream in protest but who
listens... another seven steps in the direction of the retreat cabin
06:45am Please join me in donating a daily tweet to @OperationSAFE,
helping children recover from trauma. #DT
06:47am guten morgen. i hope you slept better than i did
Craig Bialick
06:58am @Chonnymo thanks Jay. no pain. just too busy, like a
nightwatchman in an abandoned depot, the lack of action puts me back
to sleep quickly
07:46am woman said she wanted to be my student. asked for instruction.
i told her to get off twitter. she didn't. end of story.
08:19am All our dreaming seems directionless, and we have no
standard by which to judge the plans. ~ Felipe Fernandez-Armesto,
01:14pm Fog On The Hudson (425 W 57th Street) ~ Moondog (1953)
05:10pm halfway thru a twilit walk, talk and sweet tea at my neighbor's
07:28pm a tree full of rusty pears just down the road. many on the
ground, organic by default. nobody wants them. let's move on it
Sat Jul 02
12:59am looking for a black kitten on night of new moon, he comes to
borrow a flashlight 1:34 am
07:58am @morrisresearch i lay low, maintain my recluse status. we send
a single foxy ambassador to deal incense, stained glass & jewelry
11:19am today is the anniversary of Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa
(1829-1870) last of the 100 major tertons, revealer of the Lamrim Yeshe
03:10pm Chokgyur Lingpa’s first terma consisted of twenty teachings
meant to be practiced by him alone & not to be passed on to others
03:11pm "Being a tertön is nothing special, but being a servant of Guru
Rinpoche is." ~ Palpung Situ Rinpoche to Chokling (Chokgyur Lingpa)
Ogmin's Twournal
03:12pm Jamyang Khyentse Wangpo who was already famous,
welcomed him immediately saying Chokling was no different from Guru
03:13pm At 27 Chokling had a vision of Jamyang Khyentse as
Yangdag Heruka. From then on he could sing songs spontaneously w/o
03:14pm Chokling & Khyentse independently discovered termas
identical in both word & meaning. They merged these & had no doubt
about one another
03:27pm “If the three of us work together, we can really do something.”
Chokling to Jamyang Khyentse & Jamgon Kongtrul, best of friends.
03:29pm At Dzogchen Monastery, Chokgyur Lingpa received an
oral commentary on Shantideva's Way of the Bodhisattva from Patrul
03:39pm Chokling died on way to Bhutan body placed in a stupa
ornamented w gter gems he himself had discovered. In 1969 the Chinese
destroyed it.
04:29pm @pixelsrzen any/all formal practice came via my lama
Khenchen Palden Sherab Rinpoche we '89. he passed away last
04:46pm Chokling authored the well-known (even by kids) Prayer to
Guru Rinpoche for Removing Obstacles & Fulfilling Wishes
10:34pm @mattwilliamson i believe you already do
12:59am looking for a black kitten on night of new moon, he comes to
borrow a flashlight 1:34 am
07:58am @morrisresearch i lay low, maintain my recluse status. we send
a single foxy ambassador to deal incense, stained glass & jewelry
Craig Bialick
11:19am today is the anniversary of Chokgyur Dechen Lingpa
(1829-1870) last of the 100 major tertons, revealer of the Lamrim Yeshe
Fri Sep 23
07:22am .Chokma. Good morning. Autumnal equinox. Fire puja if the
weather gives us a break this afternoon.
07:47am if you want more, bring what you have already been given to
07:51am @vajramrita All-accomplishing Amogha-siddhi & the
Saviouress yield to Jewel-born Ratnasambhava & She Who Makes Mine.
Green ripens into gold.
08:20am @mattwilliamson still stumbling on the ledge but healed
& sustained by their loving attention, grateful for such extraordinary
08:31am the garuda heads north. horses arrive from the south.
08:50am @il_vagabondo i wish i had more than one body. i'd help you
drive and keep you entertained
09:00am @lux1008 Shankara was the tirthika Nagarjuna, reviving
Advaita in the subcontinent as Buddhism began to flower in Tibet
09:09am the existence of large buddhist monastic establishments made
them targets of repeated raids at first by Huns and later by Muslim
09:15am the dialectic is the maturity of criticism which was born with
Buddhism. ~ TRV Murti (via @Vajramrita)
09:16am This awareness of the utter subjectivity of our conceptual
devices is the birth of the dialectic. ~ TRV Murti
Ogmin's Twournal
09:36am @helloinhere some no doubt. plus a target armory housing
'heretical' texts.
09:39am @lux1008 yes, Shankara formulated the Hindu/non-buddhist
response to the arguments of Nagarjuna
11:01am @DZA13 @KGrey_Com holy shit. talk about being
11:28am @il_vagabondo The Art of Fugue / JS BACH ~ Glenn Gould
12:32pm listening to John McLaughlin soundtrack to "Molom: A
Legend of Mongolia" (1995)
12:37pm on this first day of autumn two good women head down the
road to harvest massive amounts of orphaned organic pears
01:01pm shake yer Indrabhuti
03:05pm @lux1008 implicit in the Silence, eventually explicated into
dialectic form by Nagarjuna who has been called the second buddha
08:20pm @morrisresearch @lux1008 No. that approach using syllogism
& counter argument was left to Bhavaviveka & the Autonomous trad.
08:53pm sweet home Alabama, play that dead man's song - turn the
speakers up full blast, play it all night long ~ P. Hood
09:59pm beyond being a great guitarist & songwriter, i appreciate
Richard Thompson's vision since Fairport, of fusing old & modern styles
Sat Sep 24
08:07am @lux1008 May you enjoy a long life of good health Clara-Ma &
continue to radiate yr love & wisdom in the world. Its a blessing to know
Craig Bialick
08:08am Please join me in donating a daily tweet to @OperationSAFE,
helping children recover from trauma. #DT
03:54pm move the cars away ;cutting down the big dead poplar in the
front yard
06:54pm @morrisresearch with semi-wrathful mantras & a wellsharpened Stihl, it fell with a good thud; top half of the tree cracked into
07:05pm There was so much to grok, so little to grok from. ~ Heinlein
08:11pm : Voice In Blue ~ Kitaro
Sun Sep 25
07:12pm Jigme Lingpa never said thanx for offerings, saying to do so
would decrease the donor's merit. i carelessly say thanks & put it on their
07:55pm @Chonnymo @lulusgirl888 he was here yesterday
Mon Sep 26
06:13am bitterness and resentment come from holding others
responsible for what are best understood as your own karmic effects
08:40am @lux1008 blessings sis. may the dose be effective and side
effects be minimal. i'm off to talk w doc about results of thyroid scans
12:12pm a young deer killed in traffic attracts a large gathering of
03:56pm @cole_tucker I knew i recognized that mountain n the shot you
sent to Jen. west of I-81
Ogmin's Twournal
Tue Sep 27
08:32am kick out the jams
09:03am Cello sonata in A Opus 69. Beethoven
09:05am As I walked into the office, I was eyed by Officer Fishy O'fficial
09:26am @vajramrita Pather Panchali (Song of the Little Road) ~ film
#1 of Satyajit Ray's APU TRILOGY
09:42am @vajramrita Close-Up (Iran: 1990)
04:53pm Please join me in donating a daily tweet to @OperationSAFE,
helping children recover from trauma. #DT
Thu Sep 29
06:37pm Donate a daily tweet to @OperationSAFE & help children
recover from trauma. #DT @operationSAFE
Sat Jul 09
08:58am @jadkr 1. beyond as in plus, in addition 2. yes, full trusted w
formal cred or no 3. all forms of oral offerings amplifying the teachings
09:25am @DanielPinchbeck is there any way to catalyze a glimpse of the
mystical dimension?
10:37am @oceanshaman never been rt'd like this. blushing. you are too
kind Ma
10:48am tool coup
10:56am There are excellent masters who do not teach at all because
they have no qualified students. ~ Choga
Craig Bialick
11:35am RT @oceanshaman Endangered species trafficking: What did
Gibson Guitar know?
11:42am @emptycircus excellent discernment. good move. thank you
12:08pm @Chereliz Tibetan pronunciation of the word is more like
'trulku' (sprul-sku)
01:01pm Ati-citta
04:44pm vajra ☆ ratna ☆ padma ☆ karma ☆ buddha ☆
05:24pm old man gaskin tall caned hunched wispy ponytail dark shades
stops looks into my windshield. i wave. he don't & shuffles on into the
05:41pm Stephen's legacy unraveled via his inability to keep his own
05:58pm @jadkr no kalamas style preliminary inquiries allowed? only
takes Q's from disciples? he has none and has never appreciated dialogue
06:12pm La vista de la encima de Volcan Acatenango
06:32pm @ZenDirtZenDust @jadkr yep
06:46pm five gates feeding sensa to mind, a blind child who otherwise
lives alone in a dark room
07:23pm @jadkr @ZenDirt when push came to shove he skirted the
truth, crawled under his bed and sold out his friends for superficial
07:41pm @jadkr his promiscuity opened him to blackmail by his own
circle, fear of eroding his public image silenced old big mouth as the
coup arose
07:43pm @soundhunter yes, admirable. Ina May delivered our third
child, a footling breech premie, at home. Gratitude
06:32pm @ZenDirtZenDust @jadkr yep
Ogmin's Twournal
06:46pm five gates feeding sensa to mind, a blind child who otherwise
lives alone in a dark room
07:23pm @jadkr @ZenDirt when push came to shove he skirted the
truth, crawled under his bed and sold out his friends for superficial
Sun Oct 02
07:10am A Dzogchen Approach to Meditation ~ KPSR
07:10am @ishterma you are very kind stranger
07:13am i turn 56 today
07:27am @ruralhybrid thanx sis. so good to be feeling good again.
07:52am Tree Roots
07:57am @JonaCJ thanks Jonathan. i usually don't give a shit but after
recent illness, this one is like a second lease on life
08:12am @Jenmalen a long hug for a beautiful friend
01:12pm La Migra
04:31pm @oceanshaman thankee Ma. Groucho Marx as well.
Tue Oct 04
07:48am ginger tea, sesame naan, mango ginger chutney. another
glorious october morn. chokma sangheros.
09:01am Aya ~ BRMC
Thu Oct 06
09:05am non-dualism is only half the story
Craig Bialick
09:42am @vajramrita adventitious defilements compromise clarity
09:57am there's got to be an invisible sun @vajramrita
10:55am @mason_mem insofar as they are not innate - mere temporal
aggregations of sunlight-modifying clouds
10:56am @mattwilliamson somewhere above 9 on the scale of bodily
ease. Hope you are feeling just as fine bro.
11:08am progressively deepening compassion while still working
diligently on the art of not giving too much of a shit
11:12am Indestructible vajra love in every ray of sun. Happy Guru
Nyima Ozer Day Sangheros!!
11:13am noon burn in full sun. wish you were here. om hung tram hri ah
11:15am @oceanshaman @mattwilliamson finally got a beat on it.
duodenal ulcer & hyperthyrodism, very likely causally related. meds
doing their job.
11:17am @joepdx good man, glad to hear it. i'd surely go with you if
time and space would yield
03:24pm the first giraffes brought to China were considered of
divine origin & believed to appear when a sage attained 'the utmost
03:36pm Padmasambhava is Guru Nyima Ozer is Mahasiddha Virupa;
go figger
03:39pm Guru Nyima Ozer
04:54pm Offer a daily tweet to @OperationSAFE, help children recover
from trauma. #DT. just do it
05:08pm emerging from a dark green depth between hills, a moment of
star fire
05:16pm @JaneRobsonArt just open to sharing parts of experience that
might be of interest to y'all (if it fits) & on some days, i got nothing
Ogmin's Twournal
07:28pm surprised to find the great red oak sentinel shading the solitary
grave of the child on the hill is no more
Fri Oct 07
02:18pm @lux1008 absurd ain't it. hope you are feeling good to day. its
beautiful here. one heart.
04:27pm new paths thru the woods. shared in silence with a friend. a
thousand colors
Sat Oct 08
08:46am see the world via the skandhas, distilled & concentrated poison
10:46am I am never alone. I have my fantasies. ~ SIbelius
11:41am @helloinhere @fadesingh @dmsouthasia SVAHA is close
12:21pm Sing ~ Black Dub
Sun Oct 09
08:04am last night raising wind horse first time in sixty days, descended
into kiva to make sublime vajra rock offered in praise of Guru Rinpoche
10:28am sitting quietly, riding lightwaves
11:19am un-one
11:24am bodhisattvas are not bound by effort; compassionate response
is not always spontaeneous
12:06pm the Central Realm of the Densely-Packed
12:14pm 'occupation' crowd smaller than the 500 @ Gibson protesting
against recent FBI raids alleging importation of endangered woods.
Craig Bialick
07:30pm We are tired out in making complaints & getting no redress ~
Sat Jul 16
07:50am @pawelekg no doubt. too much of what i have seen locally over
most of last decade is dharma center as battleground for yuppie ambition
08:01am body of 15 yr old buried alone on ridge to our west. Liz. i knew
her. family moved away years ago. today, a man arrives to mow the field
08:43am If "insane" means that one's mind is unstable, what wise person
would say that those in worldly existence are not insane? ~ Aryadeva
08:58am First prevent non-virtue, Next drop the notion of self. Later do
not adopt views of any kind. Whoever knows this is wise. ~ Aryadeva
09:45am rumor has it that you are a tulku on the lam
10:13am study to replicate the insights & conduct of the teacher,
contemplate to resolve misconceptions, meditate to gain experience
03:34pm damn noisey crows getting owls all excited. they work nights &
don't appreciate the racket
04:40pm @jadkr since he is an owl trying to get some sleep
04:50pm @jadkr the gal you RT who talks about being ethical & growing
up had my friend's door kicked in by the FBI for no good reason & no
04:54pm @jadkr
05:10pm dedicating merit to animals slaughtered for yr meal or saying
prayers for their benefit is an absurd practice. start by not eating them.
05:13pm @jadkr a better question: since when do tulkus sick the FBI on
innocent zen poets?
Ogmin's Twournal
05:26pm three things, the effects of which are traditionally said to be
beyond dualistic comprehension. samadhi, mantra and good medicine.
05:41pm killing may be unavoidable but give higher life forms a break.
the fatten & slaughter biz has vast negative environmental & karmic
06:05pm @DZA13 who was your primary slave master?
06:07pm @DZA13 you poor fellow! it doesn't get much worse...
06:16pm trying to practice guru yoga can be difficult at times, but
especially so in relation to one who isn't your guru
06:24pm @morrisresearch use a wide metal trunk collar
06:30pm @JALpalyul you made a serious mistake. please apologize to
Andrew Wilson
06:59pm the way JAL tells it, the FBI developed an interest in DSZ on
their own because he was 'tearing her up'. was her ban button broken?
07:42pm As a youth, Meister Eckhart showed me the bridge that led out
of Christendom @Carlolight
07:47pm look like bindus from a distance. up close, a mandala in each
07:52pm @NeighbourBoy when the friggin' FBI gets involved in
the business of moderating internet flame wars, paranoia might be
07:58pm @Stormysu @Carlolight i could only foresee endless argument
over doctrinal interpretation obscuring the peace religion should bring
08:09pm beyond encounters in the swamp, the solace of electric guitars
& that we know how to play them. give thanks. sing the Guru's name
11:21pm @jadkr slang, fersure, as if spoken by a grouchy owl if that aint
too far a stretch. no one can damn another in any case. jeeez....
11:33pm @jadkr they are noisy however one refers to them
Craig Bialick
05:26pm three things, the effects of which are traditionally said to be
beyond dualistic comprehension. samadhi, mantra and good medicine.
05:41pm killing may be unavoidable but give higher life forms a break.
the fatten & slaughter biz has vast negative environmental & karmic
06:05pm @DZA13 who was your primary slave master?
06:07pm @DZA13 you poor fellow! it doesn't get much worse...
06:16pm trying to practice guru yoga can be difficult at times, but
especially so in relation to one who isn't your guru
Mon Oct 10
09:05am no fear of dualism, no refuge in non-dualism
09:36am @mooFilter yes, that is how it goes
10:21am got biopsy results > 2 wks of prescribed antibiotics for
heliobacter pilorus: $490 // generic & Canadian alternatives $60
10:23am @helloinhere @dalatn i like this quote; proof i have a touch of
the disease
10:29am Hard Sun ~ Vedder
10:52am @lux1008 yes, wonderful to know wtf is happening. my will/
energy merges w yr own as you move toward complete remission &
10:54am feeling tiger @cole_tucker
10:58am @helloinhere umm, i can't afford it either. ironically, if i had
any significant income or insurance, i'd be really fucked
12:05pm @helloinhere empty of comparison
Ogmin's Twournal
Tue Oct 11
11:24pm @fbihop Please get well quickly Uncle Mark. May he be at
Wed Oct 12
09:47am morning fog. wheelbarrow, stack firewood on porch, drag
branches from the woods, crack into kindling
05:29pm alone in ways, connected in ways
07:31pm just friend to friend, we've got the love to make it happen
Thu Oct 13
07:29am As settlers poured into what had once been Iroquois lands, all
kinds of offbeat spirituality & experimental communities developed.
08:05am @impermanen_ / this too - who would
have thought?
08:26am some job history - stock-boy farmer carpenter ambulance driver
development worker chimneysweep mason dealer
08:37am @vajramrita incense, books & sundry
08:47am reading to Mom from a Xtian book: "God knows what you need
before you even ask." I stop & say, "See Ma, that's why we meditate in
09:36am @shamansun see the legend of Tharpa Nagpo
06:17pm @vajramrita @morrisresearch @shamansun the subjugation of
07:40pm @cole_tucker easier to do separately. rice cooker for rice;
pressure cook beans. buen provecho
Craig Bialick
Fri Oct 14
06:50am Chokma Sangheros
10:17am October Country
08:02pm Pine Ridge on cbs
Sat Oct 15
10:51am heading up to the platform on Turtle Hill. come as you are
Sun Oct 16
06:39am CHOKMA Sangheros. Today we celebrate the anniversary
of His Holiness Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche (1910-1991) w a fire puja on
Turtle Hill
09:44am the neuro-electric interface of the ayatanas informing the now
10:33am a stone of hope ~ MLK
08:12pm Within the ground of the five vajra lights, offer the burning
substance of spontaneously self-perfected complete enlightenment.
Mon Oct 17
01:17pm seeing without naming. naming without clinging
Tue Oct 18
06:21am may all of my friends mature beyond themselves
06:26am the world arises and falls away in great waves of meditation
Ogmin's Twournal
07:22am @NottrulyHere oh yeah - recent medical problems solved; 5 of
our 6 (adult) kids are here at present; delightful scene around the table
07:53am @iEyeAyes howdy Phil. magnetizing female rain here.
08:01am enjoying Raphael's A People's History of the American
Revolution (2002)
08:22am There is no retreat but in submission & slavery! Our chains are
forged! Their clanking may be heard on the plains of Boston! ~ Patrick
09:17am Old French sumac (13th century), from Medieval Latin
sumach, from Arabic summāq (‫)قامس‬, from Syriac summāq (����) meaning "red" ~ wiki
10:31am the flavor of even the best wine pales when compared to
organic white grape juice
02:02pm @Jrobertmorrison @vajramrita cc me w that too con permisso
Tue Jul 19
12:50am eagle and shadow inseparable. soar apart. land together
01:12am relative & absolute truth, a singularity considered from the
perspectives of time & timelessness, can seem as if they were far apart
08:19am @won_haeng only seem. perception.
08:22am @impermanen_ masterful. admirable.
08:27am @garuda_cm oppression due to hope and fear. merged w
karuna & prajna to brew full-flavored bodhicitta
08:45am @garuda_cm recognize re-cognize. to know again. shes-pa
to know, shes-rab prajna, excellent cognition + love & compassion =
Craig Bialick
09:24am percentage of folks at Kalachakra who will not follow up with
the practice? Drukpa Kunley howls, "Prepare the cauldrons of hell!"
09:49am @ElSuperMusic not at all. evidence of great compassion
09:53am @ElSuperMusic Drukpa Kunley simply clarifies the effect of
certain courses of action for the benefit of those in peril
11:00am turn the mind. no, not that way
01:55pm she rose to the top got the ngakpa sash, became prez of the
sangha broke samaya left the mandala, now reduced to tweeting burger
deals. true
02:03pm we repeat 'the freedoms & favorable conditions for practicing
dharma are extremely difficult to obtain' so we do not waste this
02:33pm @ZenDirtZenDust shit &chocolate same essence too! cookie?
but if i always thought like that i would have never left Manhattan.
04:56pm we repeat, 'everything born is bound to die' to underscore that
we do not know when or how we will die, but that our time here is limited
05:31pm once the body drops off, there is a moment of clarity like
nothing experienced in this life
05:43pm the Cho-nyid bardo is the moment where habit of practice must
afford presence of mind to remember the teachings & recognize true
06:28pm crazy sister watch: neighbor phones DHS, cops show up at the
house, drug test.her to check for probation violations
06:39pm Hatred is the father of samsara & craving the mother. These
two are the major cause of Babylon
06:47pm Tension ~ Todd Snider
Ogmin's Twournal
07:08pm Shantideva suggests using the energy of aggression to quell
aggression, the energy of desire to tame desire. See them as mortal
07:56pm @duffmcduffee i think you would enjoy a recent BBC
production, All Watched Over By Machines of Loving Grace
08:06pm acting as if this were the first life
02:03pm we repeat 'the freedoms & favorable conditions for practicing
dharma are extremely difficult to obtain' so we do not waste this
Fri Oct 21
05:40am awakening to deeper peace
05:48am a lot of the static has subsided. sensing a new fluidity
07:53am time as radiance
10:32am fridays are just not the same without a job
12:03pm like captive fish, release impressions
01:51pm a cup of Pu-erh tea (via @Vajrarock) 1300+ yrs ago the
original tea farmers in Yunnan trade Camellia sinensis leaves for Tibetan
03:11pm working both ends, DEA agents exploit herb market like CIA
does black market weapons
03:13pm want less
03:49pm And he that cannot learn this art, of extracting good out of evil,
is to be accounted nothing. ~ Traherne, Meditations 4:21
07:08pm in trackless wilderness she leads me up the mountain above
Craig Bialick
Sat Oct 22
06:34am @quantumrider53 poesy reference to an elevated perspective
07:29am first week of morning fires in the woodstove. 1000 ft elevation.
35.5 N.
07:55am @quantumrider53 ex-hippie eh
08:10am @goawaycomeback do you think they will actually read this?
08:30am @iEyeAyes 5000
09:06am Please help raise awareness of trauma by donating a tweet a
day #DT @operationSAFE
09:45am sugar cane - the first agricultural product to go thru an
industrial process before being marketed.
11:18am 200 years ago today OCT 22, 1811 birth of Franz Liszt,
Hungarian pianist and composer (d. 1886)
11:20am 200 years ago today OCT 22, 1734 - birth of Daniel Boone,
American pioneer and hunter (d. 1820)
03:02pm Totentanz ~ Liszt
03:44pm Happy Dakini Day @pawelekg
04:15pm flooding thru space atmosphere woods screen glass gauzy
curtains one last moment before the shadow of the hill rises
Sun Oct 23
06:37am satellite-asssisted LOVE @Jenmalen @EyeAyes
07:04am @morrisresearch pre-OSHA. Horrific
07:15am one of the worst uses for twitter is to 'vent' here on folks who
deserve better. be fair to yr roomies
08:32am @iEyeAyes if there is no wind & you are facing north, Coriolis
force should drop it a few feet to yr NW
Ogmin's Twournal
08:38am @quantumrider53 read closer - a single sun. its about
awareness.not familiar w Longchenpa? look him up.
08:42am @quantumrider53 i hang w/ very intelligent dead people
08:51am @quantumrider53 agreeed; especially when one has no
familiarity with context or specialized terms or any interest in learning
09:01am @pawelekg i myself have done it; om vajrasattva hung
06:23pm @goawaycomeback verbal indulgence is poison
06:32pm @goawaycomeback i ain't pushing & admitted i have done it
myself. just sharing an assessment based in experience. do what you like.
Mon Oct 24
07:29am om ah hung : may the skandhas arise as the five wisdoms
08:30am @joegerstandt seminal juncture is kinda klunky
08:56am 'We cannot act with too much caution in our disputes.' ~
Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania (1768)
09:13am @lux1008 (15-18) LSD, Watts, Eckhart, Ramana, Tao Te Ching,
Luk's Ch'an, Blyth, Blofeld, Lama Govinda, Wei-wu Wei, Harding, Da,
12:14pm @lux1008 Behold the Spirit : A Study in the Necessity of
Mystical Religion > my intro to Watts in high school
12:18pm @mattwilliamson @lux1008 i have heard "sumbun'all"
01:38pm @lux1008 oh not really - i was expelled actually but my intro
to Huxley, Watts, Leary, Alexandra David-Neel was at that same time
Craig Bialick
01:46pm @lux1008 on the basis of listening to the rock bands, i read
both Steppenwolf & Doors of Perception at 13. They were both over my
Thu Jul 21
07:09am @lux1008 namo! what great fortune to meet a worthy one.
07:48am Rava said: How stupid are those people who stand up for a
Torah scroll but do not stand up for a distinguished personage ~ Book of
08:16am house quiet. cicada soundtrack. reading Shantideva on 'Vigilant
08:40am @impermanen_ we need more onions over on site two & the
new brick from the lower east side are only half-baked, unusable
08:45am space has no exclusive identity, but it really seems to want one.
08:56am Shantideva compares dualistic passion to thieves, highwaymen,
terrorists & suggests we learn to see them this way to protect ourselves
09:00am the thief is already in the house
09:05am @oceanshaman just so! just so! good morning ocean sister
09:09am earlobe creases & heart disease (via Vajrarock)
f5VJ6Z3 @jadkr
09:17am 100% natural, non-composite partless space, available
09:20am unbecoming stone
09:34am hippies buddhist dopers ferrymen lovers artists gardeners
tibetophiles yogis poets - my inner circle here on twitter. rock on
Ogmin's Twournal
10:17am saw photo of large golden chubby buddha main rupa on shrine,
wondered why anyone would choose such until i saw photos of chubby
10:46am bugs me to see my teachers works poorly edited & published by
the less than competent; may those responsible be inspired to improve
11:13am submerged in sahaj karma resurfaces as siddhi
11:23am @NellaLou this stems from a notion that zen can be divorced
from its radical root & is primarily a form of tasteful aesthetics
11:41am CENK!
12:35pm bound to be liberated
01:12pm how is we so close, yet so far. stories untold, songs unsung
01:24pm @impermanen_ can't help but hear those words as if yr dog
spoke them
01:49pm @helloinhere tripping in woods as kid came across blue plastic
handlebar grip in leaves; sharp contrast natural fact / alien artifact
01:56pm dark to the east. breeze picks up. birdsong drops off
03:14pm these dry highland ridges split storm fronts like an icebreaker
leaving us with thunder on both horizons & no rain
03:24pm stirred in the motion of a tree green basin, self dissolves. below
yr grayness tall slopes of leafy walls bend & rock in the big wind
03:26pm buddha dharma sangha dana sila yidam ****** the six
recollections of the bodhisattva
04:22pm @lux1008 beautiful contemplative spaces. thanks for sharing
05:07pm @won_haeng & its mirrored counterpart, none of them
05:09pm great opportunity limited opening inquire within
05:11pm @mattwilliamson go dere den wan com home fi' true
05:26pm Q: should i prostrate to you now or after i finish the dishes? A:
i think you should keep your mouth shut. tantric bliss takes many forms
Craig Bialick
05:28pm @morrisresearch made it strong yet still incredibly smooth.
good buzz. gracias amigo
05:58pm @impermanen_ oh yes, the longing! you have a fine avatar
06:10pm @jadkr what is yr point? avoid hypocrites whenever possible.
confront them when necessary.
06:15pm @oceanshaman a welcome cool today as the gentlest female
rain blowss off the edge of a big storm higher on the plateau to the east
07:05pm @jadkr these define root downfalls for all vajrayana
practitioners. if you are a buddhist tantric, these apply to you and not
07:36pm @jadkr
07:51pm @jadkr my vajra master
08:00pm @jadkr at all levels repeatedly. KPSR a dzogchen master was
very kind. my lama for over 20 yrs
08:07pm @mattwilliamson (don't) let me count the ways
08:09pm @soundhunter dakinis and all that
08:11pm @won_haeng @mattwilliamson two truths, ultimately one,
relatively separate
08:15pm @won_haeng @mattwilliamson like five skandhas. one dude.
good one
08:19pm @won_haeng @mattwilliamson discussed this w my dog
earlier. he didn't know either
08:44pm she hula-hoops real good in cut-offs to who do you love
wielding snakes in both hands
11:09pm for 40<yrs now, David Bowman's hotel suite floats unoccupied
in an orbit on the outer regions of the rings of Jupiter. NASA?
08:11pm @won_haeng @mattwilliamson two truths, ultimately one,
relatively separate
Ogmin's Twournal
08:15pm @won_haeng @mattwilliamson like five skandhas. one dude.
good one
08:19pm @won_haeng @mattwilliamson discussed this w my dog
earlier. he didn't know either
08:44pm she hula-hoops real good in cut-offs to who do you love
wielding snakes in both hands
11:09pm for 40<yrs now, David Bowman's hotel suite floats unoccupied
in an orbit on the outer regions of the rings of Jupiter. NASA?
Fri Jul 22
07:57am Sky Dancer The Secret Life and Songs of the Lady Yeshe
Tsogyel by Keith Dowman @soundhunter
08:56am up at 4 am mom not breathing well; off to hospital. keep it
together. you are the ha-rishonim
05:53pm @oceanshaman @lux1008 @TrishScott thank you so much fo
rthe good energy ladies. mom's doing well, getting rest, good care
08:27pm @morrisresearch LOL
08:40pm @morrisresearch stablilized, breathing easy, feeling better. a
few days in hospital. COPD. drain fluid. she' won't stay off the golf course
07:57am Sky Dancer The Secret Life and Songs of the Lady Yeshe
Tsogyel by Keith Dowman @soundhunter
08:56am up at 4 am mom not breathing well; off to hospital. keep it
together. you are the ha-rishonim
Tue Oct 25
08:26am an early crowd at the big table. coffee. maltese waffles. a copy
of Paine's Rights of Man. maps. long hugs. launching a road trip
Craig Bialick
08:29am @cole_tucker #3 son and girlfriend aiming for Grand Canyon
& Zion before settling in Steamboat Springs for the winter season
08:33am @mattwilliamson they're hoping to make it to exit 101 and
Red Rock Canyon tonight, (at least one old smuggler's favorite refuge in
08:44am In spite of all the freakout, Stumbleupon has returned the focus
to sharing links of interest instead of maudlin scrapbooking. Bueno.
08:46am @cole_tucker they were talking bout Painted Desert; I
suggested Canyon De Chelly as an alt as you get to meet more Indians
08:48am @morrisresearch @iEyeAyes @mattwilliamson @cole_tucker Come (back) to Tennessee!
08:50am @morrisresearch been immersing myself in Revolutionary War
history. Would love to tour the NY NJ PA MA area with new, informed
08:59am we woke up late last night and had an amazingly powerful
09:01am shabd like a waterfall
10:55am as a kid buying SF books, i would often judge them by their
11:09am @morrisresearch Shiloh - Franklin - Stones River - three major
CW sites w/in 2 hrs
11:13am If you do not attain the confident state of fearlessness at this
very moment, then what is the use of being alive? ~ Karma Lingpa
11:33am per-sona - theatrical mask * 'for sound'
12:01pm when a steel fork is revolutionary @Peepsqueak
Ogmin's Twournal
12:11pm Quocirca vivite fortes, fortiaque adversis opponite pectora
12:21pm I Know His Blood Can Make Me Whole ~ Blind Willie
07:53pm @morrisresearch the only major CW sites II have not visited
are Manassas, Appomattox & Atlanta
Wed Oct 26
07:23am They got the guns but we got the numbers ~ Jim Morrison
10:03am dogs yipping all night in response to local pack of coyotes
10:43am @lux1008 Bhekandzay. May it be effective.
11:05am @monakart i used to think folks were really growing food and
helping each other out. friggin' sims
11:13am @vajramrita @impermanen_ @iEyeAyes Neither. freedom/
equanimity are qualities of the ground. Thought/non are its mental
12:05pm may those who find me annoying get rich & be generous
01:42pm - i don't check out who's following me unless we interact via
reply@ or RT so if you care about that, do it & i will know you exist.
01:49pm @Karmapawo beyond basic follow, some dare interact
Thu Oct 27
06:29am @ishterma Matiosh Cha-wei! So good to see you here Padma.
Looking forward to hearing more from you here in tweetsville. LOVE
10:20am out early absorbing the color before the rain. ginger tea.
hauling, stacking wood on the porch
Craig Bialick
03:55pm all those opinions about the nature of belief are beliefs
07:42pm dissolving the world-vision based in fear and desire. om
vajrasattva hung
09:27pm the indestructible emanates as the destructible
09:39pm some color
09:42pm @Silvercrone we often have a 'brown out' as well. this year is
exceptional. compares w the best of New England. much depends on
Fri Oct 28
06:47am @vajramrita @iEyeAyes one tends to deliberate
07:07am a big brown cricket lives under my bed. stays quiet. not shy
about being seen when lights suddenly blaze in the darkened house
01:15pm Rex Noster Promptus ~ Hildegard de Bingen
01:32pm @ishterma folks on this list are good sangha to follow http://
02:09pm naming can be a way to connect as well as divide; intention
03:27pm the Vajrayana harnesses the conceptual imagination
03:43pm @KGrey_Com @vajramrita expressing demands for change
and justice is not begging, it is educating.
05:00pm @KGrey_Com @vajramrita when oppression narrows options,
protest/revolution may precede opportunity
Fri Jul 29
12:04am 29th day after the new moon. dharmapalas. riwo sang cho. a
mountain of burnt offerings. turtle hill. 4 pm
09:04am awakens to green & gray. overcast silence yields to female rain
Ogmin's Twournal
09:11am @DesJarlaisTN04 Enough with the posturing and
brinksmanship. Raise the debt ceiling
09:16am @helloinhere
09:26am reading The Nectar of Manjusri's Speech, (Shambhala 2010)
09:29am @Chonnymo yes Bentov's take on the positive/negative flashing
in & out of existence was descriptive of a series of seminal acid trips
09:49am @Chonnymo Bentov did a grape nuts ad?
10:07am @Karmapawo yes. a candidate in the cherished category of 'if
you only (re-)read one book on buddhism' in this life...'
10:32am @hjamess thanks for a sane alternative to FF madness
11:00am se llama 'ego-clinging' - como poniendo una cabeza sobre su
11:22am path along razor's edge, width: one atom
11:28am @joepdx good! now we need tiny feet
11:37am wifey slumming thru FB trying to maintain equanimity in
the face of a potpourri of ignorant, racist, lower realm mindsets of old
11:46am unfolded, expanded, each 'on' moment distinct, unmoving /
during 'off' intervals, universe collapses back into bindu indeterminancy
01:55pm @cdashiell verily, verily
03:25pm heading out to smoke some cedar w the local invisibles,
pacifying demons who no doubt have family & friends in yr
neighborhood. wish me luck
06:49pm In the ungraspable sky there is no artificial improvement ~
07:26pm The cycle of rebirths neither has nor has not an end ~
Craig Bialick
07:36pm Anutpattika-dharma-ksanti : the patient endurance of the
uncreate (Vimalakirti Nirdesa Sutra)
10:07am @Karmapawo yes. a candidate in the cherished category of 'if
you only (re-)read one book on buddhism' in this life...'
10:32am @hjamess thanks for a sane alternative to FF madness
11:00am se llama 'ego-clinging' - como poniendo una cabeza sobre su
11:22am path along razor's edge, width: one atom
11:28am @joepdx good! now we need tiny feet
11:37am wifey slumming thru FB trying to maintain equanimity in
the face of a potpourri of ignorant, racist, lower realm mindsets of old
11:46am unfolded, expanded, each 'on' moment distinct, unmoving /
during 'off' intervals, universe collapses back into bindu indeterminancy
01:55pm @cdashiell verily, verily
03:25pm heading out to smoke some cedar w the local invisibles,
pacifying demons who no doubt have family & friends in yr
neighborhood. wish me luck
Sun Oct 30
03:50pm Tarwi (Lupinus Mutabillis) 25% oil 40% protein – highest
of any bean, comparable to protein content of animal meat
03:59pm @oceanshaman twincing
04:07pm @vajramrita Tarwi has great potential. grows at high alt & oil
content allows it to be made into milk & 'cheese' like soy tofu
04:10pm @vajramrita high-quality protein
Ogmin's Twournal
09:08pm union of great bliss and true nature, heruka
09:11pm @Chereliz howdy Cheryl. Any snow yet up your way?
Mon Oct 31
07:30am @lux1008 too many teachers surrounded by yuppie
sychophants who have the bread but not the head. keeps me in the hills
09:54am asana is a spatial mudra, ksana, a temporal instant.
10:45am Join us in donating a daily tweet to help raise awareness
for @operationsafe #charity #DT
11:04am @totallyzen (written by Kris Kirstoferson)
12:36pm @lux1008 thank You for this full-bodied stream of refreshing
04:11pm foot bridge over sky blue creek pools
04:53pm Last light of October
05:00pm better display on twitpic
05:17pm ratna gems at the base of Vajrakilaya's left wing
05:28pm @quantumrider53 no. try writing something original
05:30pm Lizzie's grave
05:51pm Tsering's backyard
06:25pm had a dream last night., it was about nothing. ~ camper van
06:52pm the walk home
07:03pm Ogmin Dzong
07:07pm parasites
Craig Bialick
07:17pm @albigen what happens on twitter is anyone's business. profit
from fraud, manipulation & theft you may be compared to a parasite. So
07:18pm @zerosumr southern-middle Tennessee, 50 miles from
Alabama border
09:54pm @boonhogganbeck . thanks. yes, since 1988
Tue Nov 01
11:52am don't let your pain drive you to invoke what is not worthy of any
more attention
11:54am fake tulkus are a dime a dozen
11:59am @quantumrider53 no, that is not what i mean
Wed Aug 10
08:12am @morrisresearch @Type_One_ Carl's real gift was to turn
kids on to the mind-expanding aspects of science which Dow & Nam
08:54am even hummingbirds argue. poking each other away from
flowers until he says fuck it & flies off, leaving the mrs to draw nectar
11:00am @Type_One_ @morrisresearch i was working in Guatemala at
the time. didn't watch television until after 9/11
11:16am @morrisresearch @Type_One_ we came in after '76
earthquake. we were 'friends' w military generals for visas but rooted for
the guerrillas
12:16pm moments slip away dreaming the world into seventeen syllables
#haikuchallenge {slip}
Ogmin's Twournal
01:06pm @garuda_cm odd fellows. they are said to have a slit below
their nose, separating their lips into two flaps, like dogs & seals
01:33pm tsan play a role in the terma revelations of Tsasum Lingpa
01:42pm So why keep company with infants & go with them in ways so
far from virtue? ~ Shantideva
07:33pm void of have & is
07:41pm @MuJuShinKyo the statement is wrong. karma is only one of
FIVE 'independent' domains of causality/ physics, biology, psychology,
08:05pm natural world creating forces & their effects precede & give
context to the subtle consequences of the moral actions of human beings
08:11pm karma is a cognitive amplification of qualities & effects like
echoes emanating off past actions
08:13pm karma is not the circumstance but how it tends to be read
08:22pm @crankfetter i read 'action' as mind's interpretation of action,
not as something that is independent, separable or understandable
08:31pm @ookiee habitual tendencies tend to get reinforced when
events are understood via the lens provided by those very tendencies
08:32pm @crankfetter one heart
08:34pm @ookiee of course, that can work in either a positive or
negative way. contemplating the principle here
08:48pm Buddha's advice to the Kalamas outlined the process of
accepting a teacher. Beyond this step, in the context of guru yoga, the
game changes
Craig Bialick
08:58pm @MuJuShinKyo let's see if we can get Roseanne to play dragon
lady in the film
09:28pm @Kalieezchild we'll also need a retinue of sycophantic nuns. i
would suggest Kristen Schaal (she plays Mel, sole fan of the Conchords)
09:48pm @ookiee prajna (T. sherab, excellent cognition) wisdom
in relation to action, decision. jnana (T. yeshe, primordial cognition)
wisdom itself
09:55pm the passions, the aggregates, death, and optimism: these are
known as the four demons
10:05pm @manyko2 @carolann3888 form, feeling, perception, volition,
consciousness (the body/mind)
10:08pm @manyko2 @carolann3888 yah, also known as the skandhas
08:13pm karma is not the circumstance but how it tends to be read
08:22pm @crankfetter i read 'action' as mind's interpretation of action,
not as something that is independent, separable or understandable
08:31pm @ookiee habitual tendencies tend to get reinforced when
events are understood via the lens provided by those very tendencies
Wed Nov 02
07:18am @vajramrita Liszt tells us what it is like to love women and
yearn for a better world on a war-torn continent
07:53am @vajramrita just learned that H is B major
08:02am Good in all, in everything we see and don't see
09:17am @iEyeAyes gets lonely in these parts. so for the sake of good
company. yes, why not?
12:46pm @pawelekg @vajramrita the pattern runs - Bm A C B
Ogmin's Twournal
12:49pm Dharmamigos
12:55pm @zerosumr
01:26pm @pawelekg B = B major..... Bm = B minor (system typically
used ni tab notations)
01:29pm Da indicated Mickey Mouse as the iconic American avatar
05:25pm @circulacion sharing some ginger spice right now
07:33pm i had a dream last night, but i forget what it was ~ camper van
Thu Nov 03
12:34pm @iEyeAyes as well as an infinitely contracted one. ego black
02:27pm squirrel burying acorns in cold rain mutters 'mere existence is
no realization'
Fri Nov 04
08:07am i never appear as what i am
12:05pm @morrisresearch try lowering the lintel (use sheet metal
temporarily). and/orraise the chimney; make sure no branches within ten
12:07pm @morrisresearch years ago, we used to heat bricks on the
stove, wrap 'em in towels and put them in between the sheets.
04:10pm in glorious transition, extraordinarily lavish display of fall color;
uncommon optic splendor, cloak of Jewel-born Ratnasambhava
04:15pm all of the minor siddhis are impermanent/reversible
@vajramrita @Jrobertmorrison
04:31pm before it was as it is now & ever after will be. subtle, in drag
Craig Bialick
04:35pm @vajramrita @Jrobertmorrison no worry - test drive yr new
skills by manifesting warehouses full of food in Ethiopia... shit like that
04:51pm .... the lapis-lazuli grounds around the central palace reflect the
play of celestial deities. blue visions in a drop of bDud-tsi
05:59pm dude standing in the mall holding his crotch; multi-culturalism
in middle Tennessee
06:13pm @garuda_cm ahorita empezamos nuestra vida segundo vajra
hermana; que bueno...
06:42pm @akeller9 symptom of neglect. daddy gone. mom too busy to
say cool it.
06:49pm aperture where sky drains into skull
11:33pm @akeller9 this was an adult; reference to kid was me musing on
how such a mudra comes about
11:47pm when we put our hearts into it and get it right in the kiva, like
tonight, the kachina play through us
Sat Nov 05
07:50am Spider Rock in Canyon de Chelly, Navajo Reservation, AZ
07:54am Morning at the Grand Canyon, last week: (Isa, #3 son) http://
09:38am @alterrain no, we live inTN. son is roving the west
10:36am WHITE TS'OK: Padmasambhava as Dorje Thod-treng Tsal
(Indestructible Skull-garland) May we fully accomplish your miraculous
Ogmin's Twournal
10:48am All thoughts grasping at reality are clouds of outer inner &
secret offerings. In her body all tantric mandalas are complete ~ Jigme
11:39am The way of utterly pure basic space is itself mastery of this and
enjoyment of that ~ Guhyagarbha Tantra
11:47am @zerosumr @garuda_cm ♥♥♥ some folks just copy/paste
12:10pm 'Do not eat food in the shape of vajra or padma' sorta kills
that idea to honor the first teacher of Dzogchen by marketing the Carob
Mon Nov 07
07:30am Congratulate yourselves for surviving another day of this crap
~ Keith
09:03am @iEyeAyes so much goodness
06:57pm howdy stranger
Mon Aug 15
08:25am speaking with a friend in Africa about doing a music project
08:30am @Jenmalen he moves around quite a bit
08:50am Don't consider yourself as anybodys equal or their better or
their inferior. No comparison at all. ~ Sutta Nipata
09:57am @vajramrita absolutely no comparison
10:04am Be wise. Devote yourself to truth. Forget about owning things.
~ Sutta Nipata
11:03am @KGrey_Com this desire naturally arises from a radical
awareness of suffering & matures into generation of bodhicitta.
Craig Bialick
11:05am @soundhunter divide and conquer. same reason we are not
encouraged to form co-operatives and buy in bulk.
11:23am reason for all formal practices & observances is cause we
already deeply involved in a rituals paying homage to our dream selves
12:51pm @MuJuShinKyo @KGrey_Com bullseye
12:56pm @Benjamin_Riggs thanks for responding. saw you refer to a
Tibetan teacher, wondered if he had introduced you to the preliminaries.
12:58pm @KGrey_Com @MuJuShinKyo nirvana remains unrealized
until desire fuels the inquiry which results in realization
01:08pm @KGrey_Com @MuJuShinKyo is, always was so & will be. but
realization does happen and there are causes for why this comes about
01:14pm two women talking on the road break the afternoon silence.
they are heading this way
02:49pm @Benjamin_Riggs yes, interested to hear what other vajrayana
students say about this, as it would not apply to everyone
02:54pm good roots pertaining to the realm of desire are useful to
cultivation ~ Asanga
02:58pm O son of good breeding, great wisdom is like the fire at the end
of the eon, which destroys the cosmos. (via @garuda_cm)
03:23pm @Benjamin_Riggs follow me back so i can DM you my email
03:48pm @NeighbourBoy @firepixie324 move on. dedicate merit.
04:31pm thank god for buddhism
06:07pm @MuJuShinKyo in my exp, displays of western? neurosis which
seem quite obvious to us may initially be obscure(d), even for great lamas
06:16pm @MuJuShinKyo in terms of judging character & deciding who
gets to carry the mail, poor choices reflect no wisdom, cause for regrets
07:25pm the pond
Ogmin's Twournal
07:31pm You don't buy or sell. You provoke no blame. You don't hang
around villages hoping for gifts for your preachings ~ Sutta Nipata
04:31pm thank god for buddhism
06:07pm @MuJuShinKyo in my exp, displays of western? neurosis which
seem quite obvious to us may initially be obscure(d), even for great lamas
06:16pm @MuJuShinKyo in terms of judging character & deciding who
gets to carry the mail, poor choices reflect no wisdom, cause for regrets
07:25pm the pond
07:31pm You don't buy or sell. You provoke no blame. You don't hang
around villages hoping for gifts for your preachings ~ Sutta Nipata
Thu Nov 10
10:59am smoking hearts
11:20am Love Lives ~ Black Dub
11:21am blow-drying to tighten plastic over the leakiest old windows
11:23am at one point last night, the demons were begging for mercy
11:30am Classical Gas ~ California Guitar Trio
02:51pm There is no theory. You have merely to listen. Pleasure is the
law. ~ Debussy
Fri Nov 11
08:12am carpe diem; then let it go
09:12am yielding face
09:27am once again, sock drawer dominated by hybrids
09:44am @vajramrita somehow, bigger marmots is listed as a positive
Craig Bialick
10:48am price tag for a year at elite Princeton University ($37,000)
is less than for a year in a New Jersey state prison ($43,000) ~ Tom
10:55am @garuda_cm lama nal jor
11:00am a conjunction of arbitrary numbers excites the herd
03:33pm translating fallen maples by the creek into ricks of high-grade
Sat Nov 12
07:15am US spending on higher education: up 21% from '87 to 2007; in
the same period spending for prisons rose 127%
Mon Nov 14
09:01am @iEyeAyes the autumn beard
11:06am Join our #opsafe twitter team, donating a tweet a day to
raise awareness for trauma children #DT
12:38pm @morrisresearch @ChanBuddhism who would say such a
09:28pm The idea of being a truly existing individual is ignorance at
its most basic level from which all the other negative emotions arise. ~
Tue Nov 15
11:03am @pawelekg @vajramrita and what is the half-life of our
dysfunctional civilization if things continue as they have been going?
Ogmin's Twournal
11:17am @pawelekg @vajramrita amazing that you find OWS
threatening and not the greedy titans of finance, industry & their
congressional shills
11:27am harumph. somedays the shite takes wing. go easy on yourselves.
11:34am astounded by the faith people have in their gods
05:50pm @pawelekg @vajramrita Lech Walesa supports the Occupy
Wall Street movement
Wed Nov 16
09:39pm @KGrey_Com mind based in the assumption of inherent
existence is already pathological. the 8-fold defines the general outline of
Thu Nov 17
08:17am @garuda_cm in his heart blazes Srimat, The Glorious
08:41am the new stallion emerges from clouds of stardust
Fri Nov 18
08:23am first sun floods thru woods tween hills illuminating spot where
black stallion stands silent waiting in blue shadows
Sat Nov 19
06:48am Do you really have time for this? ~ Yama
07:02am court grants custody; a midnight ride w the king's men on the
hunt for the child
07:04am @iEyeAyes Goodness. Big Sky
Craig Bialick
07:20am hear that? kid raised by vegan dopers is out there shooting at
07:48am this doesn't move
10:15am vajra of indestructible space
10:56am 1763 - Washington invests w speculators looking to acquire 2.5
million acres of (what was still Indian) land on the Mississippi
11:59am The pleasures of this life are like a bone being gnawed by a
toothless old dog ~ Longchenpa
01:36pm devotion is not rational
Sun Nov 20
09:14am @_isolar_ and Ohh those good time girls...
09:23am @_isolar_ and oh, it don't read bad!
09:29am All Writ Down
07:34pm Turtle Island: continuously 'occupied' since 1620
Wed Aug 31
02:48pm crazy sister back on radar in a bronx hospital. she's having her
head examined.
03:01pm @NellaLou thanx Nella. Sis has been delusional for yrs, so a
change of scene, some new experiences for a stale movie. 90 yr old ma
03:03pm light enters the room at new angles. strength returning
03:05pm Even the fullest realization of love is a wound that never heals.
~ Da
Ogmin's Twournal
05:45pm embedded in a jungle of interdependence, no singular cause
to anything, mind constructed objects rise above the green like mayan
03:05pm Even the fullest realization of love is a wound that never heals.
~ Da
05:45pm embedded in a jungle of interdependence, no singular cause
to anything, mind constructed objects rise above the green like mayan
Tue Nov 22
07:42am what's consciousness got to do with it? ~ nat turner
08:26am 48 yrs ago today Aldous Huxley died in bed in LA on 250
micrograms of LSD
08:41am THIS is so friggin' new, fresh and inconceivably original that
there is no reference for it: ka dag
09:45am @lux1008 @mujaku and the practicing community
10:11am sleazy old friend sends book from Saniel's community featuring
his own waking-down tale. talk about milk watered-down for a fair.
04:41pm the power of illusions is in not recognizing them as such
05:33pm @vajramrita unless it be recognized as such
06:25pm @ralfcis not familiar with the show
Wed Nov 23
11:37am @_isolar_ bleat!
11:52am @_isolar_ no, i like it when folks tweet from the non-human
perspective. thanks; and more power to yr aspirations.
Craig Bialick
03:42pm grateful that realization mind manifests as owls
06:54pm grateful for six grown kids who i value hanging with as adults
Thu Nov 24
12:25am Help us reach 2.5 million twitter accounts to help children
recover from trauma. Give a Tweet! #DT
08:08am i remember her saying lets take it slow. another year passes
08:20am all of that diverse phenomena must be recognized as your mind
08:55am @vajramrita Gracias Chris. All of us are sustained by
inconceivably great blessings. Emaho!
09:31am holding it just a bit too tight, distorts the meaning, too loose
and no clear image forms
09:34am lamenting the spiritually still-born, the mute w/in earshot
09:38am I knew a few Wampanoags when i lived on the Cape. They are
still the kind of folks who would not let a neighbor go hunrgy.
09:58am the scintillating, momentary presencing of crystalline dust in
the sky
10:02am even the rope is mere ideation, a seafarer's dream
10:14am @lux1008 that works!
10:37am grateful that the world is not more depraved and degenerate
than it is
10:39am the great ship, the ship of the world, long-time sailing,
mariners, mariners, gather your skills ~ robin
02:09pm any excuse for a ganachakra
07:00pm @_karmadorje maybe no more room for superficial friends.
already have too many of those
Ogmin's Twournal
07:47pm Lynn Margulis (1938 - 2011)
10:23pm years later old friend who got burned by NKT still bitching
at me that i didn't deal with her skilfully while she was becoming
10:46pm some approach yet remain out of alignment & suffer it very
directly, dramatically
10:50pm @mattwilliamson an abundance of great blessings at every
level. peace, love & happiness on your clan Mateo.
11:03pm i do nothing
11:10pm @Chonnymo love your kind heart Jay. we will sit together in
the woods someday
11:26pm the original tradition of gift-giving from colonial to indigenous
peoples was neither welfare not generosity but a form of lease-renewal
Fri Nov 25
12:26am remember a day
08:44am emerges into full sun. thanks whale for safe passage
11:37am @KGrey_Com irrelevant to what?
Thu Sep 15
07:37am @Chonnymo @mujaku it can seem so when causes lie in
past lives where intro and practice led to realization of 8th bhumi
08:54am @helloinhere @lux1008 Congratulations. The world is a better
place for it.
08:25pm early one morning owl bitch bout crow being so noisy. i tweets
it & ever since, dude insists me down on crow. upgrade reading skills!
Craig Bialick
08:39pm been here for a few years. only blocked two folks.
08:52pm @akeller9 no problem Amber
08:39pm been here for a few years. only blocked two folks.
08:52pm @akeller9 no problem Amber
Mon Nov 28
03:58am @vajramrita 4th of 1000 to renew the proclamation in the
world. Maitreya picks it up next ..... the guaranteed eternal sanctuary
04:06am @vajramrita you might say all lamas born in any era are all
emanations of one buddha. this is why Padma is referred to as guru of
04:11am @vajramrita yes, because the dharmakaya never really
incarnates but may appear to do so for the purposes of teaching
04:14am @vajramrita i need to unbecome for a few hours. catch you on
the far side
07:14am Kuntuzangpo never really incarnates; neither do the rest of us
07:19am @gwaneum there is also the difference between emanation and
07:26am @gwaneum yes kinda like that. emanations straight out of the
kayas w no series of human rebirths preceding. may not develop from
07:32am cover story is Buddha as ordinary man reborn until he got it.
secret story is that primordial wisdom displays itself in such a manner.
07:40am @gwaneum traditionally they list four ways: egg womb
moisture & miraculous
07:47am @vajramrita yes. akin to the Yogacara accomodation of Mind
Ogmin's Twournal
09:30am @iEyeAyes @pawelekg the kind of awakening that Buddha
taught does not preclude the experience of organic pain
09:50am @iEyeAyes a sub-category
01:10pm @impermanen_ if you meet him in the sky, you're probably
laying down somewhere and having a nice vision
06:03pm @impermanen_ yah. camping w inadequate gear is bad enuf folks in that condition do not survive long
09:18pm bodymind as armature of awareness
Fri Sep 30
09:12am in awe of the psychedelic state we call glibly call health
10:07am Chokma sangheros - thank you all so much. making progress
in getting a better handle on recent causality w the help of some healing
10:21am So good to connect with @Cole-tucker and Eliza yesterday
10:21am @helloinhere sure as hell is bro. big sun
10:26am @Jenmalen sleepless even on morphine after a rough night. so
good to be with such loving people
10:29am @impermanen_ progress. way better today. i've had some real
good help.
10:33am @Jenmalen no sleep wed night, but got ten hours last night,
rested in my own bed in spite of waking every 90 mins... (Graves
02:59pm Six Bardo Prayer
04:54pm no-self is Self
07:01pm so easy to offer one daily tweet to @OperationSAFE, helping
children recover from trauma. #DT
Craig Bialick
07:43pm Luther admired Florentine friar Savonarola, called him a great
man, reprinted two of his sermons, acknowledged him as a forerunner
09:12pm the news is about money and greed
09:23pm great strength in our love, power in compassion
09:42pm @themarkist on the up and up finally resolving some acute bod
issues. take good care
11:25pm Pensees de Mort ~ Franz Liszt (In Memory of the Dead, 1834)
04:54pm no-self is Self
07:01pm so easy to offer one daily tweet to @OperationSAFE, helping
children recover from trauma. #DT
07:43pm Luther admired Florentine friar Savonarola, called him a great
man, reprinted two of his sermons, acknowledged him as a forerunner
09:12pm the news is about money and greed
09:23pm great strength in our love, power in compassion
09:42pm @themarkist on the up and up finally resolving some acute bod
issues. take good care
11:25pm Pensees de Mort ~ Franz Liszt (In Memory of the Dead, 1834)
Sat Oct 01
07:08am Good morning dear companions. Today we truck the new Jøtul
stove out to the retreat cabin.
09:04am Vasubandhu denied the substantial reality of matter as well as
the efficacy or even possibility of mere sense experience. @impermanen_
11:12am @impermanen_ mind only
08:45pm Primroses and landscapes, he pointed out, have one grave
defect: they are gratuitous. A love of nature keeps no factories busy. ~
Ogmin's Twournal
07:08am Good morning dear companions. Today we truck the new Jøtul
stove out to the retreat cabin.
09:04am Vasubandhu denied the substantial reality of matter as well as
the efficacy or even possibility of mere sense experience. @impermanen_
Tue Nov 29
09:18am @mikesdharma & conclude with an act of dedication to
all so as to clarify, re-emphasize truth of anatma, the need for great
09:21am first snow
10:09am it floweth by relative to our seat on the shore. the cognizer is
primordial outside of time
10:34am Sunyata yields to capillaries ***
10:54am Mahayana is the politics of universal compassion; Vajrayana,
the politics of ecstasy.
02:37pm @Chonnymo @impermanen_ it means may an infinite amount
of finite beings be liberated together
02:38pm @vajramrita @impermanen_ we chant "May we all attain
Buddhahood together."
02:40pm i don't always get it
03:22pm @Jenmalen & peace attracts demons
03:25pm @impermanen_ images in my head relate to sifting or
winnowing... the quantum from zero to one is gynormous
03:27pm @Jenmalen so good to be here with you love
05:39pm @vajramrita @impermanen_ como un puente con uno pie en
la tierra y el otro en el cielo
Craig Bialick
Wed Nov 30
09:15am vertically, jnana's blazing spire. horizontally, mandala
expansion via karuna; vajra orientation, rupakaya vector, 45 degrees NW
09:27am this tendency to identify with an exclusive ego is the sine qua
non of the path
09:31am @DharmaAbides it works the other way round as well
11:12am Mothers in Fukushima fearful to let children drink water
or play outside - we are there to help. #DT
11:36am copy typing an appendix to the Seminal Heart of the Great
Perfection by Rigdzin Jigme Lingpa
11:58am Union is an imputation ~ Longchen Namkhai Naljor
01:10pm Longchen Namkhai Naljor (yoked to the space of great
radiance) is a pen name for Jigme Lingpa, invoking his root guru
Longchen Rabjam
01:17pm Longchenpa (14th c.) lived four centuries prior to Jigme
Lingpa (18th c.), but the connection between them was very direct
01:40pm @vajramrita @impermanen_ sine qua non was just indicating
that w/o disease, no need for meds. a path is relative to obstacles
02:02pm @vajramrita @impermanen_ de-emphasizing exclusivity,
greater awareness of tendrel, tongpa-nyid, chang-chub kyi sems ...
02:36pm @impermanen_ @vajramrita when asked about this Khenpo
laughed & said, In the beginning it is ok to have some attachment to the
02:38pm @vajramrita @impermanen_ Shantideva offers the logic of
numerical dominance. Every tribal elder knows
03:18pm grandkid asks if his dad has a pecker
Ogmin's Twournal
04:17pm @pawelekg @impermanen_ @vajramrita what lama was saying
is that w/o passion practicing the paramitas, there will be no realization
Thu Dec 01
10:37am @iEyeAyes cool. my elder bro drove cab in NYC for awhile,
picked up George Harrison, Bob Weir via random streetside hails
11:35am i love the others, my sisters & brothers. i love them all the
more. now that i've found you i love them all the more - mike heron
11:49am @iEyeAyes the triumph of the Confederacy
12:37pm @pawelekg currently listening to Ekhart (Coma). any relation
to the Meister?
01:19pm the two return to the one. to what does the one return? ~
taoist wiseguy
01:55pm enjoyed reading Iroquois Diplomacy on the Early American
Frontier (Penguin 2008)
02:17pm Hedberg's comments on the awkwardness of storming out of
a tent during an argument... can't slam the flap... maybe zip it up real
quick ?
02:30pm @iEyeAyes @aaremo ... okay, then let me put it this way...
would you say 'wadada'?
Wed Oct 19
06:20am Chokma : clear light of awareness emerges from body prism as
world color
06:35am ... in the same way that the current contents of yr clothes
hamper has no intrinsic identity
Craig Bialick
06:40am A Spacious Path to Freedom: Practical Instructions on the
Union of Mahamudra & Atiyoga : Karma Chagme @peaceandflowerz
06:46am Mamaki, She-Who-Makes-Mine, golden water-daknii of the
south, seduces us into loving circles of friends
08:59am the way of sacrifice
09:15am @mason_mem @Chonnymo @cole_tucker new outhouses for
retreat cabin will be three-sided, no door, with a view
09:42am @cole_tucker @mason_mem @Chonnymo gTum-mo ~ cold
seats insure prompt delivery
09:15am @mason_mem @Chonnymo @cole_tucker new outhouses for
retreat cabin will be three-sided, no door, with a view
09:42am @cole_tucker @mason_mem @Chonnymo gTum-mo ~ cold
seats insure prompt delivery
Thu Oct 20
07:42am hi babies
07:57am outside, dogs stretch in the sun to shake off night's cold. inside,
hot tea, a wood fire, a book & y'all...
08:07am @iEyeAyes Aaaargh
10:25am Be strong! Be Strong! ~ Cornstalk
02:12pm Fools hate samsara and seek nirvana. ~ Longchenpa
03:53pm sun of beings, endowed w a thousand immaculate rays, dispels
mind's darkness yet remains in the unobscured primordial sphere ~
04:50pm Srimat ~ autumn afternoons over in the old golden land
07:42am hi babies
Ogmin's Twournal
07:57am outside, dogs stretch in the sun to shake off night's cold. inside,
hot tea, a wood fire, a book & y'all...
08:07am @iEyeAyes Aaaargh
Sat Dec 03
12:46am AH
08:57am the spectrum is obvious enough. naming is bound to annoy
09:03am @impermanen_ our burgeoning prisons will soon give us the
edge in the body-organ market
09:23am How Volunteers are Helping Japan Recover After the Tsunami #DT @operationSAFE
11:38am @impermanen_ @mason_mem they tried to do the same here
but the once-bit populace of Buttholeville summarily rejected it.
11:54am sharp merchants trading the illusion of separative existence for
the delusory conceit of prior awakening. bull tits.
12:07pm walked into room, kid on couch wakes, smiles & says hey
grandpa! -- first time anyone legitimately addressed me that way. surreal
02:14pm When a padlocked acct follows you, there should be a peek
option so you can decide to request to follow back or not. otherwise, who
Sun Dec 04
07:11am Namo Vajra Guru Rinpoche! Happy Padmasambhava Day
Sangheros. May we all awaken together
09:52am @DhammaLinks they refuted a more substantialist view of the
elements comprising experience posited by the early schools
Craig Bialick
11:30am @DhammaLinks very. expanding on those parts of the 84,000
teachings which spoke to them. prelude to a very fertile period
11:33am @quantumrider53 @DhammaLinks and what exactly does he
represent today (to you)?
12:03pm @quantumrider53 @DhammaLinks take what you need; there
are many other valid approaches
09:07pm food made but word spacey; no gathering. a solitary recitation
Mon Dec 05
07:18am @impermanen_ "...all hands on deck at dawn..." old bunnymen
tune - odd how we are drawn to sea metaphors while living so far inland
07:41am No need to say you are interested in the Dharma if you have
not turned your mind away from samsara. ~ Zurchungpa
08:04am birdless silence bare trees grey skies on the warm edge of a
stalled front
08:22am today marks 78 years since Prohibition ended in the US
11:06am warm southern breezes from the Gulf stall the front in the
Tennessee Valley
11:34am "I am not alone." #child-trauma #DT
Tue Dec 06
03:22am AH
08:17am judge a religion of millions on the basis of a few cranky folks
you know on the internet
08:21am good morning people! ~ grace slick
Ogmin's Twournal
08:37am @Chonnymo awesome. acidic muse. big poster of her w hash
pipe at woodstock on a kid's bedroom wall.
08:54am (sighs, shows cards) .... seven deer and a blue jay. what you got?
09:06am @Chonnymo Great Spirit willing Jay, i will see you there.
Kiddies work Talkeetna all summer; might fly up for a look
09:47am @Chonnymo another abandoned missile silo i assume
01:43pm planet ride ~
03:29pm in Auerbach's cellar
03:46pm in this venue, don't expect anyone to acknowledge having been
bested; just count coup & ride on
03:51pm because politics is farce to obfuscate & mask corporate control,
the clowns in the electoral circus are especially unimportant
07:01pm If much of what has been written should disappear it wouldn't
be sad at all. ~ Mipham
Sat Oct 29
06:46am @cole_tucker first heavy frost last night. time to bring the Bo
tree inside...
06:53am Fire Puja: outside -a peace offering to local deities. inside, a
means of purifying karmas. on the secret level, the blaze of awareness
08:03am @cole_tucker one woodstove for each house. plenty of
seasoned fuel out there just waiting to be harvested
08:05am @impermanen_we try to do them once a month when everyone
can come. it was one of KPSR's favorite practices.
08:14am vajrayana symbols are not holy in themselves; non-conceptual
realization of their meaning is the empowerment linking abstraction w
Craig Bialick
08:16am @theredpillpusha oh quite well - she's up and getting ready to
go out golfing with bro this morning.
08:21am Grof had a few patients whose hallucinations related directly to
repressed memories their parents had harbored from childhood
08:22am @quantumrider53 'tis
08:47am stars are distant campfires of tribes we haven't met yet
08:48am @quantumrider53 yeah, that too
09:27am @vajramrita no just recalling
10:09am @OnlyWhatICan Arvo Pärt
02:10pm Europe, and not England, is the parent country of America. ~
Thomas Paine
03:36pm Divenire ~ Einaudi
03:40pm @benjaminaaron @OnlyWhatICan @SonNiederhumer
Listening to Divenire for the first time. Thank you all, sincerely
05:32pm June Tabor: shades of Sandy Denny
08:25pm once we grew sorghum. a thin cane. harvested w a machete,
crushed to get the juice. boil down until its you never tried
08:21am Grof had a few patients whose hallucinations related directly to
repressed memories their parents had harbored from childhood
08:22am @quantumrider53 'tis
Wed Dec 07
07:53am @oceanshaman not yet but its only a hundred miles west of us
on the backside of this front. currently 36 degrees, 90% chance of snow
08:33am Padmasambhava, buddhist Buddha
Ogmin's Twournal
08:56am Vajrayana accepts the tenets of the lower buddhist schools as
foundational rather than definitive in a limiting way
09:20am Wall St doesn't need another candidate as long as Obama is in
09:23am @oceanshaman 9:25 am - it is snowing for the second time this
09:30am in this single window five prayer flags one black horse ten
million snowflakes
11:12am Donate a tweet to raise awareness for OperationSAFE helping children recover from trauma #DT
11:44am two older monkeys left here tucking tail yrs apart subsequently
suffer mini-strokes now meet north of the river to pass pipe, trade stories
01:19pm must be the season of the witch
02:58pm @MuJuShinKyo respectful disagreements are cool. lower in a
foundational sense, as in ground floor of a building.
03:16pm @MuJuShinKyo i see organic development of skilful means
over time. Vajrayana honors the validity of the yanas which precede it
03:21pm between forested slopes and rocks above treeline there is no
06:29pm @DZA13 alright; good kid - i'm happy for you
Thu Dec 08
07:33am @mikesdharma wonderful Mike. had no idea you were there.
Om Ah Hung. safe travels
07:52am visions there be. the viewer is an absence, merely inferred
08:57am i'm at the breakfast table. kid w milk boppy on my knee.
Craig Bialick
11:12am John Lennon (1940 - 1980)
11:46am A home is a place where there is a river of attachment flowing
to one’s friends or family. ~ HHDL XIV
03:26pm tea w @vajrarock & family
04:13pm Even for a minor business deal in jewels or horses we would ask
advice from many people. ~ Sakya Pandita
08:13pm liberated from the illusion of independence, interdependence
realizes itself as non-localized anatma, unqualified awareness
Fri Dec 09
09:09am @Chonnymo mid-nineties awakened a desire to backpack
north into the fog & silence of the mountains in eastern Kentucky.
09:10am A Big Ship Helps Children in Onagawa, Japan Know they
are Not Alone (#opsafe and US Navy) #DT
09:54am Radio Free Inquiry
10:17am main theme from Satellite by The Kills lifted from The Congos'
03:24pm @vajrarock odd!
05:54pm bright kitchen. steaming pots. kid delighted to be here again.
10:20pm recalling childhood bedroom in Queens discovering Lamento
Di Tristano on an old LP, longing to escape New York & find community
Tue Nov 08
07:18am @iEyeAyes Chokma. day again.
10:13am 10:13 tea time
Ogmin's Twournal
10:25am whose blacks are we?
11:34am @vajramrita less than 3%
12:43pm @Jinzang this has been going on in middle TN for at least 15
12:50pm @vajramrita useful for those who are interested
01:56pm @vajramrita like the Vajrayana, Madhyamaka is not for
everyone. Lamas respond to the level of interest represented by the
02:18pm I will be appearing here in my living room, all afternoon, free of
02:29pm baby toehold on a sheer rock face
03:52pm Tat is not impermanent
03:52pm Tat is not impermanent
Wed Nov 09
09:46am the cocoon is not knowing any better
09:52am @Chonnymo at peace Jay. contemplating the quandary of
suffering in more static forms of existence ignorantly associated w
09:55am suffering that can be avoided or minimized is our own
10:33am have another hit of fresh air ~ QMS
12:24pm a cascade of extremely impermanent tableaus @joepdx
12:31pm dormancy dark w bored disinterest in all things samsaric
awakens the seed of spiritual vitality
09:46am the cocoon is not knowing any better
Craig Bialick
09:52am @Chonnymo at peace Jay. contemplating the quandary of
suffering in more static forms of existence ignorantly associated w
09:55am suffering that can be avoided or minimized is our own
Sun Dec 11
01:43am it has been too long since our last ts'ok. good to meet like this
08:47am "We in the West – our governments – have created our
dictators. But, unlike the Arabs, we can't touch them." - Robert Fisk
09:38am if they talk about me, may it get them high
10:59am the Buddha said he viewed Devadatta as a kind teacher who
taught him how to act as a Bodhisattva. Sri Ramakrishna had Hriday.
12:32pm @ruralhybrid great collection of teachings on that site; i
reference it all the time
02:12pm Uncle Tupelo - Effigy
Mon Dec 12
08:35am @cole_tucker in most cases, 12 is too young to begin ngondro;
kid should be mature enough that the exercise can be employed
08:39am CHOKMA, goodness. so nice to see you here again
08:55am @iEyeAyes a minor siddhi but no ism tho some folk apparently
have capacity, just as some may spontaneously combust. rare fringe
Ogmin's Twournal
09:04am @vajramrita @iEyeAyes the latter is a form of shamanic or
psycho-therapeutic exploration
10:56am @gwaneum pretas fishing
10:59am @gwaneum fb requests that disappear before you can respond
11:47am black stallion escapes confined barren pasture discovers our
lawn. old lady, owner's mom, hobbles down drive w a cane to watch...
11:56am @vajrarock que mas hay?
02:39pm a vajra coat of mail
03:48pm they were dressed in white. they'd been told to wait.
04:24pm obsidian shard, a piece of petrified whalebone. news from
Tue Dec 13
09:16am the first longhaired humans appeared about 200,000 years ago
09:35am @oceanshaman Warm greetings from the old Chickasaw
hunting grounds Lady Gray
12:17pm do good. avoid error. purify the mind. ~ old buddha
12:35pm @BeGodNow when the space between thoughts yields to the
next moment
05:01pm @vajrarock Vajrarati
09:49pm o nobly born; do not be distracted. america is strugging in the
bardo state between the death of an old vision and the birth of a new one
Wed Dec 14
12:35am Please join me in supporting a cause that helps children
recover from trauma. Donate a daily tweet #DT
Craig Bialick
01:03pm @Silvercrone heyata-ho. offering smoke to the four directions.
68 here
01:22pm if you have to stop & wonder whether passing along a good
book to a friend is a form of piracy, you have been infiltrated
04:16pm diggin ditch today found a newt cold & stiff. mantras. warmed
by my palm she comes alive & scurries off to find a new bed
05:27pm Like boats, they come & go w/o depression. Like bridges, they
stand up to adversity. ~ The Sutra of the Questions of Srisambhava
06:52pm look up boy. see that bright one? that's jupiter. see the red
streak on the western horizon? hear the geese passing overhead?
07:49pm ascending yogis crave subtle plane bliss. devotees exploit
the descending force to purify grosser life. the cycle remains whole,
Thu Dec 15
08:17am Chokma Sangheros
08:28am Bab al-Mandab, the Gate of Grief, southernmost point on the
Red Sea, was where humans likely left Africa 50,000 years ago
08:37am Please join me in supporting a cause that helps children
recover from trauma. Donate a daily tweet #DT
08:50am @iEyeAyes howdy. this may be one of those rare days when we
both get rain.
08:55am here comes the rain. depending on thickness of cloud-cover, i
may lose satellite connection for hours on days like this
08:58am @vajramrita this is a vital theme in tantra and comes to the
fore in the myth of Tharpa Nagpo
Ogmin's Twournal
09:09am @vajramrita 'the name that can be named is not the constant
name' ~ Lao Tzu
09:17am @vajramrita having realized the unreality of phenomena,
objects of desire lose their attraction
09:53am @pawelekg what city are you in?
10:02am @pawelekg How did a land-locked city get named 'boat'? did
early traders use nearby rivers to work trade btwn Baltic & Istanbul?
Sat Nov 26
08:05am 5 Lessons Children Need to Avoid PTSD
H3MtJpI6 - donate a daily tweet to help #DT
11:52am amused by the who-needs-buddhism-just-follow-me tweeters
12:10pm By OM, AH, and HUNG, one will counteract the magical
influences of both Lamas and Bönpos. ~ Karma Lingpa
12:12pm @iEyeAyes If i could only connect w a small handful from my
deep-space bunker, you friend, would be among them
12:16pm Even the eternal Dharma is lost due to transient friends. ~
12:49pm Whatever you do must be left behind. What is the value of
having done it? ~ Aryadeva
01:34pm Realizing Nirvana Thru Knowing Mind attributed to
Padmasambhava originated as gTer revealed by Sangye Lingpa
02:06pm @vajramrita discovered 18 great treasure troves btwn his 25th
& 32nd year accompanied by rains of flowers, canopies of rainbow light,
Craig Bialick
07:21pm no matter what kind of crap you may be going through, you can
always be sure of one thing; someone, somewhere, is jealous of you
11:50pm @oceanshaman thanks so much sis; feeling it...
07:21pm no matter what kind of crap you may be going through, you can
always be sure of one thing; someone, somewhere, is jealous of you
11:50pm @oceanshaman thanks so much sis; feeling it...
Sun Nov 27
08:14am @ruralhybrid @ruralhybrid thanks so much. Mom is really
digging having the new grandkid around after custody battle.
08:37am Helping children after trauma through / art / story / games /
film / love / hope / people who care. #DT
08:48am once again, drug into the rubble of a love-triangle that never
happened gone bad. no shit. fat old friends still pissed. why me lord?
09:01am @akeller9 it is absurd. seems like highschool never ends.
09:10am @Jenmalen what it symbolizes is even weirder
09:11am @KGrey_Com Amen my grey friend.
09:19am @Jenmalen very much like that. over the years i see how a little
awkwardness in relations has gone on to affect people in astounding ways
09:20am @ruralhybrid you nailed it. everybody needs love love love.
sounds like someone ain't getting enough.
09:26am just another rock and roll fantasy gone south
09:32am the best refuge is no investment in samsara
10:05am @zendustzendirt @ogamu -good move. old crank is just
begging for someone to piss in his ear
11:18am @firepixie324 strong blessings in your loving regard Jenny-Ma
Ogmin's Twournal
01:00pm the less you want, the easier to obtain
01:22pm there is something so appropriate & protective about the
unintentional offenses that end up effectively distancing you from
01:26pm @pawelekg have faith in the law of karma
01:55pm @vajramrita an incomprehensible number of aeons; even after
fundamental recognition, kalpas of challenging after-effects
02:12pm @vajramrita Buddha (bodhi) meme reflects Dharmakaya
suchness, bodhisattvas are manifest Nirmanakaya activity emanations
02:21pm @mattwilliamson neighbor
02:26pm dishes diapers firewood is all bodhisattva territory. buddha sits.
02:39pm @vajramrita its not as if there are two beings; these are two
memes, mirrored in kuntuzangpo's relationship w yidams & dhyani
02:40pm When I need a hand, i make myself a man. ~ Ijahman Levi
02:47pm she pulled up so close i could feel her heat as she leaned
toward me in a whispered purr and said talk dharma to me
03:13pm @kelleil no mam. describing activities in the mandala, not
gender roles. tho in these parts dishes & firewood are mostly male chores
03:17pm that point in the distance where the tracks meet is buddha.
bodhisattvas move in that direction
03:20pm @kelleil their cooking is always excellent. doing dishes is an
easy way to say thanks
03:23pm @vajramrita yah. thus*GONE* - not presently going or just
thinking 'bout it but gate gate GONE, outta the park. great perfection.
03:35pm @vajramrita they only come to renew at the end of a previous
buddhas influence, Shakyamuni being the 4th of a thousand
Craig Bialick
04:10pm @impermanen_ @vajramrita we also chant w/o exertion
or effort may i attain the two (form + less) kayas; aspiring toward a
buddha's wisdom
04:14pm @vajramrita Shakyamuni, 4th of the 1000 buddhas of our aeon
was a supreme nirmanakaya, fully replete with all buddha marks.
04:16pm @vajramrita Mahayana view is that Shakyamuni did not attain
like monkey climbing tree but like hawk-descending > Dharmakaya
playing as a man
04:40pm @vajramrita the ascending and descending currents
04:59pm @impermanen_ in TIbetan, same word can mean taste or
corpse: ro
05:17pm @impermanen_ riding late autumn thermals. eating well
feeling good whole clan healthy
05:23pm @impermanen_ yow. aghora stuff. i was being literal. cognate
w taste in the sense of remains, like a mere echo, not the full monty
08:14am @ruralhybrid @ruralhybrid thanks so much. Mom is really
digging having the new grandkid around after custody battle.
08:37am Helping children after trauma through / art / story / games /
film / love / hope / people who care. #DT
08:48am once again, drug into the rubble of a love-triangle that never
happened gone bad. no shit. fat old friends still pissed. why me lord?
Fri Dec 16
08:51am So glad to hear Mr. Cassidy is free. Now, release the wolf-pack.
Ogmin's Twournal
08:54am @iEyeAyes @AryaNagarjuna most important, it has no middle
09:33am Zeoli "appalled and frightened by the judge’s ruling" - note the
un-tulku-like emotions
09:38am @ruralhybrid
09:47am Judge Titus, aware of Twitter's 'block' function, realized Alyce
made a choice to tune in & keep reading
09:53am @impermanen_ @ruralhybrid oh hell yes. omens.
10:07am Arthur C. Clarke, Phillip K. Dick, Bill Hicks, Jane Austen,
Ludwig van Beethoven (birthdays today)
05:17pm his yes on the Iraq war obviated the moral confusion of an
often brilliant, articulate intellect in decline
07:14pm @iEyeAyes Bill French
11:57pm screaming from beneath the waves ~ Echo
Sat Dec 17
08:58am @Jenmalen @iEyeAyes i'll raise you one
12:05pm Praise is good, but criticism is better ~ Tibetan
12:10pm Evolve (via @allisonkilkenny)
12:20pm @allisonkilkenny - osage orange
02:03pm Gentlemen, gentlemen! (not you, you animal; - them...)
02:05pm @ryderjaphy @ogamu conniving bastards
02:15pm @Kalieezchild @ryderjaphy @ogamu heya; i concord w yr take
- they were after WC when they busted into DSZ's. No arrest. Wrong
02:18pm @iEyeAyes we were all sock puppets. man, those were the
Craig Bialick
02:22pm round the horn; step it up
03:26pm @ryderjaphy @Kalieezchild FBI acted on allegations of
stalking but evidence did not support a case - what i saw was KPC
harassing DSZ
03:35pm @ryderjaphy KPC tweets reveal they were convinced DSZ was
another mask of WC. i tried to help. They could not tell Beatles from
03:40pm @TheYogaAdviser @vajramrita i agree. that would be
negation, 'is not'; the second of the four positions. ain't no it, eh
03:46pm @ryderjaphy unproven allegation. investigated. no case.
Sun Dec 18
08:57am Draw a #stickman - a message for you
from OperationSAFE #DT @operationSAFE
10:51am @vajramrita @TheYogaAdviser eight thousand dust motes in
this one shaft of light
10:59am @ruralhybrid same reason longhair & no hubcaps made me a
target on the Interstate after '93. easy money. Clinton-initiated corporate
11:03am there is no singular cause to anything
11:15am @ruralhybrid 10-4 on that. park police in e. TN are hard-ass
mothers. think Newark. so beautiful out that way but i have avoided it for
12:00pm J.S. Bach’s Christmas Oratorio
02:08pm @ryderjaphy @pawelekg you are not taking into account
Ogmin's Twournal
03:29pm @ryderjaphy w/o judging moral/karmic value of DSZ
actions, he is responsible for tripping the perimeter wire of a paranoid
04:13pm Karma is one of 5 niyamas. interdependence at the level of
citta-niyama is complex, subtle, may be wrongly attributed to karma
04:23pm don't be too quick to attribute all effects to karma. unless we
are omniscient, we only have the simplest notions as to how it operates
05:25pm @ryderjaphy tangled w yes. all & only stalking i saw was KPC
clones hounding DSZ as if he was her ex-lover & nemesis. they wouldn't
hear it
Fri Dec 02
08:30am car engine hums in the drive. light floods into the kitchen.
loading the stove.
08:45am according to the Buddha, the limitation in solitary realizers is
an inability to effectively transmit the teachings to others
09:25am as long as there is a lower class, i am in it. as long as there is a
criminal element, i am of it. ~ Trudell
10:25am the more honest you are, the less friends you may have
10:30am @MuJuShinKyo same logic says there are no valid Mahayana
10:39am @Kalieezchild @MuJuShinKyo this assessment of
pratyekabuddhas is held by Theravada schools as well
10:53am the 41 verses of the Khaggavisanasutta (3rd c. BC) are
regarded as the most ancient systematic classification of enlightened
Craig Bialick
11:18am @MuJuShinKyo @Kalieezchild the mahasiddhas of
Padmasambhava's day (8th c.), well-grounded in guru-yoga, were well
aware of this distinction
11:26am Sahajayana
11:34am distinctions btwn arhats / bodhisattvas were also extant in
Buddha's day altho the latter was widely considered an unrealistic goal
11:47am monasteries evolve based on guru-chela dynamic which
precedes the institution; mahasiddha lineages preserve the essence w/o
02:23pm organ harvest, Ngaba
11:26pm fiery expanse of burnished horizon reduced to the glow of a few
11:33pm Giorni dispari ~ Einaudi
10:25am the more honest you are, the less friends you may have
10:30am @MuJuShinKyo same logic says there are no valid Mahayana
10:39am @Kalieezchild @MuJuShinKyo this assessment of
pratyekabuddhas is held by Theravada schools as well
10:53am the 41 verses of the Khaggavisanasutta (3rd c. BC) are
regarded as the most ancient systematic classification of enlightened
11:18am @MuJuShinKyo @Kalieezchild the mahasiddhas of
Padmasambhava's day (8th c.), well-grounded in guru-yoga, were well
aware of this distinction
11:26am Sahajayana
Ogmin's Twournal
Tue Dec 20
07:56am @vajramrita a hierarchical patterning reflecting a cascade of
08:14am Today is a dakini day & anniversary of Tsonghhapa (1357-1419)
a rangtong genius who did not appreciate the Dzogchen teachings. tsk,
08:31am @vajramrita yes. he was a real wiz. too bad he never had tea w
08:53am the question assumes something is happening. see Nagarjuna
on the nature of going, goers, etc
09:00am @iEyeAyes @MuJuShinKyo Aryadeva mutters 'in my day, we'd
call this eternalism and tell the kid to put on more tea'
10:09am legalism is what pissed off JC about the Jews of his time
03:26pm this I does nothing. doing is differentiation
03:44pm Feds looking to squash 1st amendment rights in guise of
protecting the emotionally fragile will not be hearing from me. patriot act
Wed Dec 21
07:39am @iEyeAyes @vajramrita my dad was a jew. his name was
Israel. the influence was limited to cuisine and humor.
10:08am So this tulku goes to see her psychiatrist...
10:16am i saw this whole thing play out as a good example of conduct
unworthy of a buddhist, not as a new way to deal with my detractors
10:23am @SengchenDratsal Amen. psycho-preliminaries.
12:01pm @vajrarock un-phucking-believable. welcome to the sangha. yr.
barf bag is located in the netting on the back of the seat in front of you
Craig Bialick
12:52pm sister losing the house. sister on the lam & pregnant again.
sister in a psych-ward in the bronx. what you got?
01:01pm Length of Day at 35.5 N 9h 45m Tomorrow will be 0m 0s
02:40pm Myth & Ritual in Christianity by Alan Watts is a good key to
the primary symbolism at the heart of the gospel
02:57pm enjoying Before the Dawn by Nicholas Wade (Penguin 2006)
Thu Dec 22
07:46am @parkstepp nice. the front now covering us like a heavy bed
quilt should overtake you around noon. enjoy yr time together
07:56am @vajramrita @morrisresearch Wade ties the origins of
language together w religion as a prophylactic against liars
07:57am @ryderjaphy hilarious
07:59am @SengchenDratsal lucky you. have a good one. strong bodhi
radiance enjoy.
08:17am @morrisresearch @vajramrita religion, language, new levels of
reciprocity co-emerge about 50,000 yrs ago (Wade)
08:22am winter is the outbreath of a great wooly mammoth that lives in
08:22am @vajramrita not a word
08:58am @vajramrita @morrisresearch FOXP2
09:25am @vajramrita @morrisresearch vast tundra of general truth
offers no relief to the mind that craves particulars
04:44pm @morrisresearch @vajramrita
Ogmin's Twournal
Fri Dec 23
10:21am @morrisresearch @vajramrita Dawkin's 'memes'
11:58am trunk full of presents. bald tires
02:49pm the bamboo people just dropped off a big tin of homemade
08:21pm Merry Christmas! Give a tweet, give a donation, give hope
to a hurting child. OperationSAFE #FF #DT
Sat Dec 10
09:28am the Pig-headed One compassionately carries out the welfare of
beings w/o partiality, like the sow who has no concept of clean or dirty
09:31am the Lizard-headed One dwells in a state free from
conceptualizing the natural state, free of samsaric mud, sleeps a lot in dry
09:40am Tiger-headed One understands non-dual wisdom cognizing all
outer & inner phenomena w/o mixing them up, like the tiger's distinctive
09:44am Vulture-headed One aware of those to be tamed & their
desires, benefits w no attachment to itself, like the vulture which does not
take life
09:52am the Yak-headed One's non-conceptual subjugation thoroughly
destroys evildoers, just as a yak remains furious
09:53am Crow-headed One non-conceptually perceives both samsara &
nirvana, just as the crow's eye can see both up & down simultaneously
09:58am Deer-headed One identifies conceptual thought as the innate
nature & flees samsara like a deer w a keen sense of smell
Craig Bialick
10:01am the Owl-headed One knows deluded thoughts have set & the
utterly pure reality is shining like the moon on a clear night
10:08am the Leopard-headed One, unimpededly omniscient, has great
strength to liberate beings, like the pard's bright spots & skill in leaping
10:10am Raven-headed One enters into the reality of the natural
condition that others do not realize as if possessing the wand of
10:13am the Cat-headed One endeavors in the purpose of liberating
beings while remaining in a peaceful state of mind like a calm &
dexterous feline
10:16am the Wolf-headed One enjoys taking life & has no
compassionate preferences, liberating samaya-breakers & benefiting
worthy recipients
10:21am the Hawk-headed One never lets go of those to be tamed by
great compassion, like a hawk w strong talons & sharp nails
10:21am the Lion-headed One overpowers disturbing emotions w the
power of realization, like a lion of great strength overpowers other
10:23am the Bat-headed One is so called because it realizes all
phenomena in a single moment similar to a bat which remembers three
10:28am the Bear-headed One persists in liberating beings while keeping
a peaceful state of mind unmoved from the innate nature (1/2
10:30am ... just as a bear has enormous wrath & possesses a white heart
although its fur is black (2/2
10:38am the Weasel-headed One swiftly, speedily performs the benefit
of those to be tamed, as a weasel is extremely agile & runs in all
Ogmin's Twournal
10:45am the Brown Bear-headed One compassionately clings to sentient
beings, unmoved by thoughts, like a brown bear who sleeps a lot
10:45am the Rat-headed One uses only one hole tho the nest has many
entrances, condensing the 84,000 gates into the singularity of unborn
10:59am the preceding was taken from a mandala in the Treasure of the
Seven Profound Cycles revealed by Terton Chokgyur Lingpa (1829-1870)
11:49am performed properly, Vajrasattva purification practice requires
sincere commitment not to commit the same deed again
11:51am It's easy to donate a tweet. Go to & donate
your tweet to help #StopChildAbuse I did #DT @helpspreadthis
12:07pm total lunar eclipse at 4:06 am (CT) this morning
12:17pm studying a 700 yr old Tibetan text composed by an
impoverished yogi in response to a suggestion that he should charge for
12:29pm @onebrightpearl you know it; in response, Ngulchu Thogme
(1295-1369) composed the 37 Verses on the Practice of a Bodhisattva
01:40pm @Jenmalen great question
01:44pm @Jenmalen Heya Jen. big sun here. we're heading out for a
walk in it.
01:49pm @Jenmalen yah. good to move around now & then, eh! nice to
feel you there sis. grateful. peace
05:16pm tonight's full moon ts'ok will not be tweeted
12:07pm total lunar eclipse at 4:06 am (CT) this morning
12:17pm studying a 700 yr old Tibetan text composed by an
impoverished yogi in response to a suggestion that he should charge for
Craig Bialick
12:29pm @onebrightpearl you know it; in response, Ngulchu Thogme
(1295-1369) composed the 37 Verses on the Practice of a Bodhisattva
01:40pm @Jenmalen great question
01:44pm @Jenmalen Heya Jen. big sun here. we're heading out for a
walk in it.
Sat Dec 24
08:57am @TheYogaAdviser stalk me
10:56am @ryderjaphy both cases suck. in a better world, the Feds would
be applying RICO laws against KPC
11:16am @Kalieezchild @thichnhathanh 'radio' is an analogy for how
inter-being operates. no walls. talk to me...
11:32am @Kalieezchild @thichnhathanh within the sea, frequency
streams, like this one but softer
11:46am @Kalieezchild what is the medium for telepathic exchange or is
this not possible IYO?
11:59am @ryderjaphy that may be his rhetoric at times; i do not believe
he actually hates anyone w any consistency
12:32pm @quantumrider53 his words opened a door to 84,000
teachings. over time different folks identified w/ & practiced the parts
they needed
12:40pm @quantumrider53 no monolithic buddhism but numerous
coherent traditions exist. 'dogmatic' would be to have one & only one
acceptable form.
12:54pm Samsara ( lit., going round in circles) is a complex may-pole
dance w the illusion of separate self serving as the pole
Ogmin's Twournal
02:22pm the vajra mandala unfolds in circles around a blazing nondimensional indestructible point - white-hole dharmakaya
04:57pm @morrisresearch @Kalieezchild vajrayana acknowledges three
lineages of transmission; oral, symbolic & mind to mind
06:15pm @iEyeAyes @vajramrita American saint - done many a
pilgrimage to her old house as kids were growing. 1 hr south, just across
the TN River
06:17pm it is more than good to feel loved
06:17pm i want this for you too
06:28pm ram yam kham. ten folk three dog, fresh green cedar, red hot
fire, pure clear water, white offering, speech offerings. smoking...
06:32pm Oltremare ~ Einaudi
06:38pm @alterrain Thanks Simon; this is a great time of year to revel in
blessings. Goodness.
Sun Dec 25
12:20pm All internal events are like the imprint of a bird in the sky ~
12:23pm Although there are inconceivable levels of signs of
accomplishment, the best is unwavering, unshakeable realization. ~
Jigme Lingpa
12:33pm In the heart of the dakini who is oneself.... OM HUNG
12:35pm fiery serpents spitting gold & cinammon ~ robin
Craig Bialick
Mon Dec 26
11:13am @oceanshaman Thanx so much Lady G; incredibly good circle
around the table last night. No doubt, you are equally blessed. e ma ho!
09:55pm oldest wood at the bottom of the pile burns hot. karmic
Tue Dec 27
08:42am @rdashwani Therefore, there is naming and clinging and the
rest of it.
08:48am @DZA13 HO
08:54am @ryderjaphy @vajramrita I see AZ as a US hybrid of the same
pathology & of no consequence to Nyingma
08:59am @vajramrita @ryderjaphy not yet, not at all. so far, have only
tweeted my pre-read opinions. good morning from the TN watershed
11:21am @_isolar_ those last five words were among the final syllables i
heard through the sipapu before it closed forever
11:29am @_isolar_ the door between worlds
12:40pm please move to the back of the line
01:08pm to whom it properly belongs
02:39pm @adreampuppet sorry to hear of yr loss Michael. quick exit
always difficult. thanks for sharing yr heart at such a time. a reminder to
02:57pm In the heart of the dakini who is oneself.... Om Hung Traeng
Hri Ah
03:01pm @vajramrita rig stong
03:49pm @MuJuShinKyo @vajramrita nama-rupa lamas incapable of
tantric voltage. like cigar-store indians. no amrita in cracked vessels
Ogmin's Twournal
03:59pm @morrisresearch not in my experience tho. lineage lamas
arrived as welcome friends w all the right tools. very timely, useful
04:03pm @MuJuShinKyo cho becomes available to many thru these
lineages. my Lamas stress the importance of valuing how this happens. so
i do too.
04:11pm @morrisresearch it has also been the source & guardian of the
texts, commentaries & esoteric practices of the tradition for over 2000 yrs
04:37pm @vajramrita @ryderjaphy a climber in sangha who could not
manipulate lamas jumped ship to teach under a Mcleod. he can have her
04:44pm a ruse by any other name....
05:22pm 'he ain't a biker but he acts like one on the internet'
05:32pm @morrisresearch agreed. tho loss has usually been the result of
lineal breakdown & jihad on institutions of preservation
05:34pm @vajramrita the ifs are huge. we'll never know
10:51pm @morrisresearch @MuJuShinKyo @vajramrita w/o real need
& a karmic connection, it won't happen & will not be available for any
amount of $
Mon Dec 19
08:37am Being naturally pure, it is the suchness that permeates all
phenomena and is unchanging, like space. ~ Mipham
08:40am Tho pure by nature, it is also obscured by the temporary
defilements & is, therefore, inconceivable to the ordinary person. ~
08:53am @dirkjohnson howdy Padma. hope you have been feeling right
Craig Bialick
08:58am @cole_tucker @MuJuShinKyo nice. source?
09:59am non-dwelling nirvana symbolized by the horse
11:30am @ryderjaphy pre-dawn FBI raid on the home of a man
innocent of any crime. how is this justice? this is random abuse of power.
11:38am @ryderjaphy innocent until proven guilty. there is no
prosecution of DSZ. A civil case or two may be forthcoming as WC's case
was tossed
11:44am @ryderjaphy sounds like the same could be the basis for a
11:55am @cole_tucker yes, the judge clearly made a point of noting the
block option.
12:27pm @Chonnymo thus i observed: KPC insisting DSZ = WC. KPC
stalked & harassed AW as he shifted form to shake them. DSZ is no
12:36pm @mason_mem the chasm btwn lawful and just
07:06pm the name that can be named is the conducive ultimate
07:38pm @mattwilliamson as when indicated with relative terms
08:58am @cole_tucker @MuJuShinKyo nice. source?
09:59am non-dwelling nirvana symbolized by the horse
11:30am @ryderjaphy pre-dawn FBI raid on the home of a man
innocent of any crime. how is this justice? this is random abuse of power.
11:38am @ryderjaphy innocent until proven guilty. there is no
prosecution of DSZ. A civil case or two may be forthcoming as WC's case
was tossed
11:44am @ryderjaphy sounds like the same could be the basis for a
11:55am @cole_tucker yes, the judge clearly made a point of noting the
block option.
Ogmin's Twournal
12:27pm @Chonnymo thus i observed: KPC insisting DSZ = WC. KPC
stalked & harassed AW as he shifted form to shake them. DSZ is no
12:36pm @mason_mem the chasm btwn lawful and just
07:06pm the name that can be named is the conducive ultimate
07:38pm @mattwilliamson as when indicated with relative terms
Thu Dec 29
12:00am @OrbitalRings it is a continuity w a previous mind-stream
which passed from the last life reborn into a new physical form. always
12:04am @OrbitalRings in most cases, no conscious memories
12:10am @OrbitalRings they are all there but unconscious in most folks
12:11am @OrbitalRings in Buddhism, it is taught that the Buddha was
able to recall all his past lives in detail.
12:18am @OrbitalRings i cannot say with any precision how far back his
memories went but it did include rebirth in animal forms as well
12:54am @OrbitalRings i do not know this. certainly for the present life!
12:56am @OrbitalRings in Vedas, soul is unchanging atman. in
Buddhism, it has continuity but like a river always changing.
01:08am @OrbitalRings good talking with you Gioja. i am going to be
very quiet for a few hours in a dark room. hope to see you again.
09:04am @vajramrita i have Adornment of the Middle Way (PDF) so I
will be joining you
10:29am Copal derived from Nahuatl copalli "incense" - in the various
Mayan languages 'POM'
11:39am Wounded Knee at 121
Craig Bialick
12:08pm Mipham was never endorsed as an incarnate lama
02:14pm @vajramrita babylon system
04:21pm Courageous victors are dismissive of all suffering, and they
conquer such enemies as hatred. The rest just kill corpses. ~ Shantideva
07:54pm A friendly disposition, which is honorable, is the very greatness
of sentient beings. ~ Shantideva, VI:115
08:04pm @firepixie324 Khen Tsewang was recognized as a tulku. I
always think of Khenchen as Mipham because of his vast knowledge &
08:52pm @firepixie324 that would be great. yes, Love
Fri Dec 30
07:27am Anger is fear objectified.
09:36am she woke this morning with joy & confidence, having killed an
assailant in her dream
09:39am the boy still wonders "am i as smart as those guys?"
10:10am @vajramrita funny! but it is this 'chang - holds, bears, wields, comprehends
11:14am dogs run w the bone. won't be back until they want another
11:29am According to Mipham, the use of valid cognition to establish
appearances as divine is a unique feature of the Nyingma tradition.
11:34am if an apple were expanded to earth-size, an atom would be as
big as a normal apple
11:42am @ryderjaphy Mipham's assertion is a dig at Gelug proponents
who hold divine appearances to be provisional upaya & not the true
Ogmin's Twournal
12:24pm FOOD FIRST by Francis Moore Lappe (1980) was my intro to
the dark side of 'free' markets & globalized trade
02:01pm tripping thru that space btwn the nucleus & the first electron
shell but couldn't stay long. no air in there.
02:15pm @morrisresearch actually happened one day while walking in
CO National Monument under some charged clouds - we ran for better
02:31pm Blam! (just wasted a spambot 'doe' - only 23 tweets old)
02:38pm @iEyeAyes lmao
02:47pm @Jrobertmorrison @vajramrita re: Jacob's Ladder; is this real?
am i still alive? dreaming? checking the seams for waking state coherency
02:53pm @vajramrita @Jrobertmorrison to be expected. its the bardo
after all...
08:57pm women in alluring attire want to give me free gifts.oh what to
do, what to do...
Sat Dec 31
09:16am Infinity is zero. Zero is infinity. ~ Adi Da
11:45am @il_vagabondo See See Rider ~ Eric Burdon & the Animals
Wed Dec 28
10:18am @vajramrita musing that Gampopa's offerings to large crowds
were very much like HHDL's Kalachakra initiations. Sa-Pan had it right
10:46am @vajramrita if ripe twill happen regardless of odd conditions
but this is rare & not suitable for most. lam-rim. vajra ripening.
11:00am @mattwilliamson brother man
Craig Bialick
11:47am @vajramrita interest & intention fuel accumulations. these
carry over. the freedoms & favorable conditions are not available to all
11:55am @vajramrita Calvinism one-life deterministic roll of the die
by a sadistic deity; buddhism refers to translife continuity of karma &
12:18pm @vajramrita karma is a bitch; got to love her
12:20pm @vajramrita @morrisresearch @ryderjaphy See story about
Tulku Urgyen associated with note 20
12:21pm @vajramrita note that the vast majority are not suited to
tantra. it is esoteric
01:21pm Many good, healing, life-changing effects manifest in the world
only when the right causes have taken root in the heart of bodhisattvas.
01:26pm @vajramrita charge away. it ain't for everyone. this is not
designed for mass appeal. pass the skull bowl would you?
02:00pm @vajramrita so you see, it may be shouted freely from the
rooftops w good amps & yet remain unheard. like he said, 'ripeness is
02:37pm @vajramrita if you have the good fortune to meet one capable,
they will not card you
03:06pm @OrbitalRings translife perspective is the view, held even
while alive, of the reality of karmic rebirth
05:08pm @vajramrita only failed to do it alone but vital to it happening
Santaraksita's system dominated Tibet for 400yrs & re-championed by
07:26pm Some people I know who have little knowledge, act w great
pretentiousness & I find this so futile that inwardly I can't help laughing
11:51pm @OrbitalRings everything. its just life in a new body
Ogmin's Twournal
12:20pm @vajramrita @morrisresearch @ryderjaphy See story about
Tulku Urgyen associated with note 20
12:21pm @vajramrita note that the vast majority are not suited to
tantra. it is esoteric
01:21pm Many good, healing, life-changing effects manifest in the world
only when the right causes have taken root in the heart of bodhisattvas.
01:26pm @vajramrita charge away. it ain't for everyone. this is not
designed for mass appeal. pass the skull bowl would you?
02:00pm @vajramrita so you see, it may be shouted freely from the
rooftops w good amps & yet remain unheard. like he said, 'ripeness is
02:37pm @vajramrita if you have the good fortune to meet one capable,
they will not card you
03:06pm @OrbitalRings translife perspective is the view, held even
while alive, of the reality of karmic rebirth
05:08pm @vajramrita only failed to do it alone but vital to it happening
Santaraksita's system dominated Tibet for 400yrs & re-championed by
Craig Bialick
Sun Jan 01
10:11am tables full of good food. dakini circles clockwise. fireplace
glows. vajra altar, amps, colored lights. electrified steel, heart mantras
11:32am @iEyeAyes good to be sharing another revolution with you
04:39pm @Chereliz thanks Cheryl. to your good health & heart on the
coming dragon ride
04:50pm @lux1008 please do so for a long time to come. o ku tse ring!
05:53pm out in the sun on porch w family most of the sky blue
afternoon. dogs stretch out asleep in the grass. golden days.
05:56pm youngest son touches down in US today after six relatively
uneventful months in some unspecified location in the mid-east
06:18pm meltdown the junk. refill the mines. ~ los nagas
06:52pm Regarding all that truly should be kept secret, remain
completely mute, Amdo folk! ~ Shabkar
Ogmin's Twournal
06:59pm @alterrain blessings on you and Cynthia bro. good time to be
Mon Jan 02
08:55am if they had inherent nature, dependent arisings would not be
reasonable ~ Mipham
10:43am Come all ye roving minstrels and together we will try to rouse
the spirit of the earth and move the rolling sky ~ Fairport
11:00am @iEyeAyes not a possession. the mode of possession
02:00pm 'i do not have' ~ Guru Rinpoche
02:27pm after all, awake in the star. until then, feed the sacrifice
02:55pm @gwaneum working the square inch field, the square foot field
is accomplished
03:07pm May We Meet In Reality ~ Shabkar
03:11pm @il_vagabondo @koogmo definitely; first minutes of 2012
spent spellbound by the repeating riffs near the end of Cant You Hear
Me Knocking?
03:46pm stellar dust congeals. eternal afternoons. valleys of suburban
05:31pm @vajramrita Geshe Chekawa (12th c.)
06:09pm tomorrow is Dorje Drollo Day, wrathful emanation of
Padmasambhava associated w the terma tradition for the benefit of
future practitioners
06:33pm emptiness is not ultimate, but the antidote to notions of
substantial existence
Craig Bialick
Tue Jan 03
01:36pm @TianMind i called on his name in my hour of need and no
one answered. it was inexplicably glorious.
02:03pm pipes froze, thawed after early run to town for brake work.
once home in sun, removing thick bark off maul-resistant rounds to
Wed Jan 04
10:28am a cabin in the woods. seven monkeys gather after dark to praise
the mystery & sit still in silence. these things do happen
11:07am In some circles, surrender is a dirty word; in others, a virtue.
11:07am "to give (something) up" from O.Fr. surrendre "give up, deliver
over" from sur- "over" (see sur-) + rendre "give back"
11:41am @Kalieezchild without some persuasive insight into the process
it remains abhorrent
02:17pm the institutionalization of the 3 poisons - war/msm/shop! via
this farce wherein the elected carry out the will of 'the people'
02:22pm Nothing Lasts Forever ~ Kinks
02:25pm Freeman Dub ~ Burning Spear
02:35pm i know you're probably busy and this is the last thing you want
to hear; meditate.
02:36pm When a Solution Comes ~ Kinks
02:52pm lha dze dang ting nge dzin ~ divine substance + samadhi (an
Ogmin's Twournal
Thu Jan 05
08:57am @mattwilliamson se llama 'ego-centricismo'
09:09am winter solitude on the cape alternated w noisey hordes of
summer folk. one spring it dawned on me; blow up the chamber of
09:32am in last night's dream, i made no image in the mirror
09:48am @cole_tucker
02:05pm generalizations about groups of people make for boorish
conversation, boring tweets
02:06pm fool's bait
02:29pm @CaineDas good to hear from you bro. please take it easy;
new strength, renewed vitality will come on as we gradually tilt toward
03:38pm @OnceOrSooner All is the ultimate generalization, eh? no
ultimate maxim here - just my opinion re :what i was reading in my
stream today
03:57pm @ryderjaphy @pawelekg giving w impure intent - neither the
inner cause nor the subtle effects may be evident to outsiders.
04:07pm @vajramrita @ryderjaphy yes, Zopa has it right. Intention is
action. Since when do we have to get physical to set things in motion?
04:15pm @ryderjaphy it effectively shapes the mind
04:19pm @ryderjaphy not all effects manifest as careers. depends on
strength of seed, conditions, etc. - effects may only be subtle.
03:57pm @ryderjaphy @pawelekg giving w impure intent - neither the
inner cause nor the subtle effects may be evident to outsiders.
04:07pm @vajramrita @ryderjaphy yes, Zopa has it right. Intention is
action. Since when do we have to get physical to set things in motion?
Craig Bialick
04:15pm @ryderjaphy it effectively shapes the mind
04:19pm @ryderjaphy not all effects manifest as careers. depends on
strength of seed, conditions, etc. - effects may only be subtle.
04:19pm Karma is associated with the fourth skandha which is quite
basically nothing but mental events.
04:22pm @ryderjaphy @vajramrita and a direct result of previous
causes which have set such meaningless drivel in motion. this mind IS a
04:26pm @ryderjaphy i was taught differently. this is the value in
aspirational prayers. they effect the mindstream if nothing else. they are
04:29pm out hauling wood before sky goes dark
06:51pm orange darkening to black, venus high in the west, moon
ascending below jupiter in the east. we stood & talked w/in the orbital
Fri Jan 06
08:08am karmic seeds are sown by physical, verbal or mental action and
remain viable until manifest or are destroyed
08:15am mindset is an effect
08:19am @MuJuShinKyo good up to a point but this does not go beyond
the duality of form vs emptiness
10:01am Just made a pdf book out of my tweets at
10:11am @APrioriKreuz
10:16am @Silvercrone free pdf for the creator. just send out copies to
anyone interested
Ogmin's Twournal
11:25am Objects passing thru the mind of a sleeping man in a dream
are only an appearance. There are no objects, only a mental image. ~
11:53am @MuJuShinKyo between appearances and truth
12:08pm @MuJuShinKyo yes yes. good good. this is a very important
point in tantra (continuity)
03:54pm @johnpavelkehlen i have the broom
04:12pm Om indestructible being Hung
07:14pm empty of phenomena endowed w divisive characteristics.
effulgent w unsurpassed reality endowed w indivisible characteristics
Sat Jan 07
07:07am wake to raindrops. rush out to move wood. g'morning.
07:25am when the spirit of playfulness was gone i got out and walked
home alone
09:57am every and any one has my respect until they learn and unearn
me otherwise. you never know who might be a bodhisattva
10:04am @vajramrita > <
10:13am @ryderjaphy anyone who turns to the Buddha's teaching & has
taken refuge in their heart is a Buddhist. the formalities are secondary
10:16am @ryderjaphy last tweet are the words of my Khenpos, not my
10:25am @ryderjaphy i'm not defining anyone's house rules just
indicating that Buddhists are those who take the teachings to heart
10:37am @ryderjaphy i own my practice not the whole religion. as
for who might be a Buddhist, the Khenpos were not flippant in their
Craig Bialick
10:48am @quantumrider53 if one awakens w/o Buddha's teaching one
would not have any need of Buddhism. Buddha never studied Buddhism
10:50am @ryderjaphy big difference btwn interlopers and aspirants
10:53am @quantumrider53 the fact that you are simply imagining such a
scenario and that he actually did it is the first thing that comes to mind
11:48am @Jenmalen Arunachala, Bhagavan's Ground Zero
01:47pm "ownership society" - term originally used by Prez GW Bush in
2003 as a phrase to rally support for his tax-cut proposals
01:51pm Ownership Society in America? - the richest 1 percent of
America owns more than the the bottom 90 percent put together
01:56pm Bush called this the ownership society, but what he really
meant was 'you're-on-your-own' society. - Barack Obama, 2008
02:26pm @Sue_von_H howdy. Feeling good! Nice to meet you Sue.
Craig here in southeast US (TN)
02:29pm @necroichthus @ryderjaphy see Nagarjuna MMK, early
chapters on when does a go-er become a go-er
02:31pm @ryderjaphy heheh
02:38pm @necroichthus @ryderjaphy it was middle-way joke. not bad,
not so funny
04:33pm @vajramrita @ryderjaphy Hwa-Shang offered this argument at
Samye but was defeated by Kamalashila. Lam-rim teachings encourage
04:42pm @Sue_von_H peace is boring! meditate. tea. read.... sleep good
04:59pm Hwa-shang pointed out that whether the clouds were black or
white, they both obscured the sun. The king told him to go home.
Ogmin's Twournal
Sun Jan 08
09:17am Nalanda, greatest monastic university ever, hosted buddhist vs
non-buddhist debates. Name yr. trad to qualify & clarify who represents
09:23am The difference btwn outsiders & insiders lies in whether or
not the Three Jewels are accepted as being perfect objects of refuge. ~
09:41am to be honest, my experience as a buddhist here on twitter has
never been seriously obstructed by obstinate intolerance or animosity.
10:55am @mattwilliamson sometimes I think of you as Lot; the only
righteous dude in all of Sodom (OK)
11:44am @parkstepp blessings on yr new scene. what county?
01:10pm sirens ~ black dub (loud; its sunday)
03:50pm Ballad of Easy Rider ~ Byrds
Craig Bialick