Transitional arrangements WORK HEALTH AND SAFETY (MINES) ACT 2013; WORK HEALTH AND SAFETY (MINES) REGULATION 2014 Summary of transitional arrangements DECEMBER 2014 Key WHSMA Work Health and Safety (Mines) Act 2013 WHSMR Work Health and Safety (Mines) Regulation 2014 CMHS Act Coal Mine Health and Safety Act 2002 CMHSR Coal Mine Health and Safety Regulation 2006 MHS Act Mine Health and Safety Act 2004 MHSR Mine Health and Safety Regulation 2007 Commencement Refers to the commencement of the WHSMR Source Unless otherwise stated the source is a reference to the clause number in schedule 12 of the Work Health and Safety (Mines) Regulation 2014 that creates the transitional or savings arrangement. Provision number Refers to a clause of the Work Health and Safety (Mines) Regulation 2014 unless otherwise shown. 1 NSW Mine Safety, December 2014 Transitional arrangements Table 1 – Transitional and savings arrangements Provision number Subject Type of mine Transitional or savings arrangement Conditions Source section 45 Safety and health representatives at coal mines – training and appointment Coal mines An industry safety and health representative (ISHR), a site safety and health representative (SSHR) or an electrical safety and health representative (ESHR) is taken to have completed the training accredited by the regulator for the purposes of section 45 of the WHSM Act if they have undertaken: Note: An ISHR, SSHR or ESHR cannot issue a provisional improvement notice or direction to cease work unless they have completed the required training. cl 36 WHSM Act part 3 WHSMA cl 6 WHSMR Notifiable incidents Mine operator All All cl 5 WHSMA • the course of training required by section 165 of the CMHS Act, and • a course of training approved, by the regulator or the regulator under the WHS Act, in respect of the giving of directions to cease work under section 85 of the WHS Act and the issuing of provisional improvement notices under section 90 of that Act. Incidents occurring prior to commencement must be notified to the regulator in accordance with the new Act unless notice has already been given in accordance with previous laws. schedule1 cl 4 The operator of a coal operation validly appointed under the CMHS Act or the operator of a mine validly appointed under the MHS Act is taken to be the mine operator of the relevant mine. cl 25 WHSMA A person who is taken to be a mine operator can be removed from that position in the same way as a person who is appointed as a mine operator by the mine holder under cl 6 of the WHSMR. cl 7 WHSMR Notification of mine operator All 2 NSW Mine Safety, December 2014 The nomination of a person as the operator of a coal operation or a mine under section 17 of the CMHS Act or section 22 of the MHS Act is taken to be a notification to the regulator of that person as mine operator of the relevant mine in accordance with clause 7 of this Regulation. The person is eligible to be appointed as the mine operator - for example a person conducting a business or undertaking. (continued over page) (continued over page) The nomination was duly made and not been rejected by the chief inspector before the commencement day. cl 25 Transitional arrangements Provision number clauses 13 -17, 23-26 62, 88-95 Subject Safety management system Type of mine All Principal mining hazard management plans Transitional or savings arrangement Conditions The person nominated is taken to be the mine operator of the relevant mine from commencement. A person who is taken to be a mine operator can be removed from that position in the same way as a person who is appointed as a mine operator by the mine holder under cl 6. A mine operator is not required to comply with provisions for establishing, implementing and reviewing a safety management system (SMS), including principal hazard management plans and principal control plans, for two years from commencement. If the mine operator instead complies with: During the two-year period a reference to the following can be taken to be a reference to the SMS for the mine: Principal control plans (including ventilation and emergency plans) • Coal Mines - health and safety management system • Coal exploration sites existing before commencement - a notice of drilling operations • Coal exploration sites commencing after commencement - a notice under cl 129 of the WHSMR • • Coal Mines (other than coal exploration site) Subdivisions 1 (Health and safety management systems), 2 (Major hazard management plans); 4 (Duties regarding contractors) and 5 (Emergency management systems) of Division 2 of Part 5 CMHS Act; • Coal exploration site existing before commencement - Section 78 of the CHMS Act; and cl 63 of the CMHSR • Coal exploration site where mining operations commence after commencement - clause 129 of this Regulation as if clause 129 (4) included a requirement to notify the regulator about any precautions to be put in place in relation to the mining operations that are to commence • Mines other than coal: Subdivisions 2 (Mine safety management plans), 4 (Duties regarding contractors) and 5 (Emergency management) of Division 2 of Part 5 MHS Act and Part 4 (OH&S risk assessments relating to prescribed hazards) and cl 48 MHSR. Mines other than coal - mine safety management plan A mine operator is not required to review the SMS within 12 months of commencement of mining operations at the mine but is instead to review the SMS of the mine within five years of commencement of WHSMR Source cl 3 In addition, if a new control measure is considered in relation to a principal mining hazard, the mine operator must keep as part of the mine record the reasons for adopting or rejecting the control measure. Note: Lease conditions under the Mining Act 1992, in relation to a subsidence management plan, continue to apply. clauses 13 -22 Tourist mines and Managing risks Tourist mines 3 NSW Mine Safety, December 2014 The holder of a permit issued under s 85 MHS Act or s 107 CMHS Act is taken to be the mine operator of a tourist mine and is not required to comply with these provisions until two years after the commencement of Division 1 of Part 2. Provided the mine operator: • only carries out activities specified in the application for the permit • complies with the conditions of the permit. cl 38 Transitional arrangements Provision number Subject Type of mine Transitional or savings arrangement Conditions Source cl 22 Contractor to prepare health and safety management plan or use SMS All A contractor is not required to prepare a health and safety management plan or use the mine operator’s safety management system for nine months from commencement. If the contractor instead complies with: cl 4 cl 27 Communication between outgoing and incoming shifts Mines other than coal mines A mine operator of a mine other than a coal mine is not required to comply with the provision for nine months from commencement. If the mine operator instead complies with cl 14(f)(i) MHSR. cl 10 cl 28 Movement of mobile plant Mines other than coal mines A mine operator of a mine other than a coal mine is not required to comply with the provision for nine months from commencement. If the mine operator instead complies with clauses 14(b) and 43 MHSR. cl 10 cl 29 Operation of conveyor belts Mines other than coal mines A mine operator of a mine other than a coal mine is not required to comply with the provision for nine months from commencement. If the mine operator instead complies with cl 39 MHSR. cl 10 cl 30 Mining-induced seismic activity All This clause does not have effect for nine months after commencement. Nil cl 26 cl 31 Explosives and explosive precursors Mines other than coal mines A mine operator of a mine other than a coal mine is not required to comply with the provision for nine months from commencement. If the mine operator instead complies with clauses 41 and 54-57 MHSR cl 10 cl 32 Electrical safety Mines other than coal mines A mine operator of a mine other than a coal mine is not required to comply with the provision for nine months from commencement. If the mine operator instead complies with clauses 42 and 58-68 MHSR cl 10 cl 33 and cl 2 of schedule 3 Notification of high risk activities Electrical work on energised electrical equipment All Where notice has been given under cl 54 of Schedule 18B to the WHSR, cl 33 of the WHSMR will apply and cl 2 of Schedule 3 of the WHSMR will apply but the notice already given is taken to satisfy requirement to give notice to the regulator and, in the case of a coal mine, an The waiting period for the activity is taken to have commenced on the day the notice was given. cl 12 4 NSW Mine Safety, December 2014 • Division 6 (Duties of contractors) Part 5 CMHS Act • Division 6 (Duties of and in relation to contractors) Part 5 MHS Act. The activity must be carried out in the manner specified in the notice. Transitional arrangements Provision number Subject Type of mine Transitional or savings arrangement Conditions Source Nil cl 11 industry safety and health representative. cl 33 Notification of high risk activitiesdevelopment of new mine entry Mines other than coal mines Clause 4 of Schedule 3 of the WHSMR does not apply to a mine other than a coal mine until nine months after commencement. cl 33 High risk activity notification Coal mines See table 2 - transitional arrangements for high risk activity notification below cl 34 Prohibited uses Mines other than coal mines A mine operator of a mine other than a coal mine is not required to comply with the provision for nine months after commencement. Nil cl 27 cl 35 Closure, suspension or abandonment of mine Mines other than coal mines A mine operator of a mine other than a coal mine is not required to comply with the provision for nine months after commencement. If the mine operator instead complies with cl 79 MHSR. cl 10 cl 36 Minimum age to work in mine Mines other than coal mines A mine operator of a mine other than a coal mine is not required to comply with the provision for nine months after commencement. If the mine operator instead complies with clauses 84 and 85 MHSR. cl 10 cl 37 Inspections Mines other than coal mines A mine operator of a mine other than a coal mine is not required to comply with the provision for nine months after commencement. If the mine operator instead complies with cl 14(c) MHSR. cl 10 cl 38 Temperature and moisture content of air All Does not take effect for nine months after commencement. Nil cl 28 clauses 38 - 42 Air quality and monitoring Mines other than coal mines A mine operator of a mine other than a coal mine is not required to comply with the provision for nine months after commencement. If the mine operator instead complies with cl 48 MHSR. cl 10 clauses 45 - 46 Inrush hazards and connecting workings Mines other than coal mines Does not apply to a mine other than coal mine for nine months after commencement. If the mine operator instead complies with clauses 37 and 47 MHSR. cl 10 5 NSW Mine Safety, December 2014 Transitional arrangements Provision number Subject Type of mine Transitional or savings arrangement Conditions Source clauses 47 - 49 Winding systems, ropes and operation of mine shaft conveyances Mines other than coal mines Does not apply to a mine other than coal mine for nine months after commencement. If the mine operator instead complies with clauses 38 and 50-52 MHSR. cl 10 cl 50 Dust explosion Mines other than coal mines Does not apply to a mine other than coal mine for nine months after commencement. If the mine operator instead complies with clauses 40(a) and 42(c) MHSR. cl 10 cl 51 Communication systems Mines other than coal mines Does not apply to a mine other than coal mine for nine months from commencement. If the mine operator instead complies with cl 14(f) (iv) MHSR. cl 10 cl 52 Ground and strata support Mines other than coal mines Does not apply to amine other than coal mine for nine months from commencement. If the mine operator instead complies with clauses 36 and 46 MHSR. cl 10 cl 54 - 58 Air quality and ventilation Mines other than coal mines Does not apply to a mine other than coal mine for nine months from commencement. If the mine operator instead complies with clauses 48 and 49 MHSR. cl 10 cl 59(3) Ventilation systems - further requirements Mines other than coal mines A mine operator of a mine other than coal mine need not comply with cl 59(3) until two years from commencement. If the mine operator instead complies with cl 48 MHSR. cl 8 cl 65(1)(c) Coal dust explosion - limit or removal of coal dust concentration levels Underground coal mines Does not apply to an underground coal mine for nine months from commencement. If the mine operator instead complies with cl 91 CMHSR. cl 6 cl 77 Post incident monitoring Underground coal mines Does not have effect until two years after commencement Nil cl 29 59 (1)-(2) 60 - 64 6 NSW Mine Safety, December 2014 Transitional arrangements Provision number Subject Type of mine Transitional or savings arrangement Conditions Source cl 87 Ventilation and belt conveyor components to be FRAS Underground coal mines From commencement, Guideline MDG 3608 Non-metallic materials for use in underground coal mines issued by Department Trade and Investment, Regional Infrastructure and Services in August 2012, is taken to be a notice of the regulator published in the Gazette under clause 87 of the WHSMR. Nil cl 30 clauses 96 -102 Emergency management undergrround mines Mines other than coal mines Does not apply to an underground mine other than coal mine for nine months from commencement. If the mine operator instead complies with clauses 14(f)(iv) and 32-34 MHSR. Cl 10 clauses 103 - 108 Information, training and instruction Mines other than coal mines The mine operator is not required to comply with these provisions for nine months from commencement. If the mine operator instead complies with s. 26, 32 and 40(1)(e) of MHS Act . cl 9 clauses 109 -119 Health monitoring All Does not apply for two years from commencement. For mines other than coal mines Division 4 of Part 6 MHSR is taken to continue in force as if it had not been repealed until 2 years after commencement . cl 31 Note: Relevant provisions of the WHS Regulation and Coal Industry Act in relation to health monitoring continue to apply. clauses 122 -127 Mine survey plans and mine plans All 7 NSW Mine Safety, December 2014 Mine operator is not required to comply with these provisions for nine months from commencement. If the mine operator instead complies with: • coal mines: Division 6 (Surveys and certified plans) Part 4 CMHSR • mine other than a coal mine with no less than 20 workers: Divisions 1 (Obligation to prepare and retain mine plans) and 2 (Additional arrangements in relation to mines plans for certain mines) of Part 7 MHSR • mine other than a coal mine with less than 20 workers: - Division 1 (obligation to prepare and retain mine plan) of Part 7 MHSR. cl 5 Transitional arrangements Provision number Subject Type of mine Transitional or savings arrangement Conditions Source cl 130 Quarterly reporting All Mine operator is not required to provide a report under this clause for nine months from commencement. If the mine operator has instead submitted a report under: cl 33 clauses 135 - 151 Statutory functions All The regulator may declare certain former certificates, licences, permits and qualifications (‘former certificates’) to be equivalent to any one or more of the following: • a practising certificate • a certificate of competency • a licence. A person holding a former certificate that has been declared to be equivalent to one of the above is taken as having been granted that licence, certificate of competency or practising certificate under the WHSMR • coal mines - cl 206 CMHSR • for mines other than coal mines - cl 155 MHSR. A practising certificate, certificate of competence or licence taken to be granted under cl 20 or 21 can be subjected to conditions, cancelled or suspended per Part 8 of the WHSMR and can be added to the relevant register per Part 8 of the WHSMR. clauses 19 21 The declaration of equivalence can be limited or conditional. Any corporation that holds a former qualification that is declared to be equivalent to a practising certificates or certificate of competency may hold the practising certificate or certificate of competency for up to two years from the commencement of the clause. Note: See Statutory functions: guide for a table of eligibility requirements including equivalent qualifications and certificates of competency Part 8 clauses 135 – 151 Production manager permits Mines other than coal mines For two years after commencement, subdivision 3 of Division 2 of Part 3 of the MHSR is taken to continue in force as if that Subdivision had not been repealed and any reference in that Subdivision to the Chief Inspector is taken to be a reference to the regulator. A production manager permit cannot be granted under this clause in respect of a coal mine. cl 23 Part 8 and schedule 10 Part 3 Mine supervisor not required to be appointed immediately Underground mines other than coal mines A mine operator need not appoint a person to exercise the statutory functions of an underground mine supervisor at the mine until three years after commencement. Nil cl 22 8 NSW Mine Safety, December 2014 Transitional arrangements Provision number Subject Type of mine Transitional or savings arrangement Conditions Source Part 9 Continued grant of certain licences under CMHSR Coal mines For two years after commencement, the regulator may declare that Part 5 of the CMHSR continues in force to ensure that the licencing scheme in relation to certain licences will also continue in force. The order can be for a limited period of time. cl 24 Part 12 WHSMR Safety and health representatives Coal mines A person is taken to be an industry safety and health representative, a site safety and health representative or an electrical safety and health representative if they were respectively the industry check inspector, a site check inspector or electrical check inspector immediately before commencement. Nil clauses 8, 9 or 10 of Schedule 1 to the WHSMA Safety and health representatives at coal mines – training and appointment Coal mines An industry safety and health representative (ISHR), a site safety and health representative (SSHR) or an electrical safety and health representative (ESHR) is taken to have completed the training accredited by the regulator for the purposes of section 45 of the WHSM Act if they have undertaken: Note: An ISHR, SSHR or ESHR cannot issue a provisional improvement notice or direction to cease work unless they have completed the required training. cl 36 An ISHR cannot issue provisional improvement notice if the person has not completed the required training. cl 36 Part 5 WHSM Act section 45 WHSM Act cl 168(1)(b) Industry safety and health representative Coal mines 9 NSW Mine Safety, December 2014 • the course of training required by section 165 of the CMHS Act, and • a course of training approved, by the regulator or the regulator under the WHS Act, in respect of the giving of directions to cease work under section 85 of the WHS Act and the issuing of provisional improvement notices under section 90 of that Act. For 12 months from commencement, a person can be appointed an industry safety and health representative (ISHR) even if they have not completed the required training. Such a person ceases to be an ISHR if they have not completed the required training within 12 months of commencement. Transitional arrangements Provision number Subject Type of mine Transitional or savings arrangement Conditions Source cl 177 Registration of plant designs and items of plant All mines Plant items or designs that are registered under the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation 2001 immediately before the transfer day, because of clause 53 of Schedule 18B to the WHSR is taken to be: On and from transfer day notices under clauses 107(2) (a)(ii) or 112A Occupational Health and Safety Regulation 2001 (that have not been revoked or varied) are taken to be orders of the regulator under cl 177 of WHSMR. cl 34 Such exemptions cease to have effect when the first of the following occurs: cl 39 Continuation of exemption under CMHSR or MHSR All mines • for items of plant: to be registered under clause 177 if required to be registered under that clause • for designs of plant: registered under clause 177 if the design is required to be registered under that clause. An exemption under clauses 200 or 201 of the CMHSR, or clauses 165 or 166 of the MHSR is taken to continue in force and to be an exemption on the same terms from the equivalent provision WHSMR. A provision is an equivalent provision if it: s195 WHS Act Prohibition notices All mines • is declared by the regulator and gazetted as an equivalent provision • regulates similar activity in broadly the same manner as the provisions of the WHSMR. A prohibition or restriction imposed by the Chief Inspector under clause 158 of the MHSR continues in force in respect of the mine operator of the relevant mine and is taken to be both a direction given, and a prohibition notice issued, by an inspector under section 195 of the WHS Act. A prohibition or restriction imposed by the Chief Inspector on the operator of a coal operation under clause 51 of the CMHSR continues in force in respect of the mine operator of the relevant coal mine and is taken to be both a direction given, and a prohibition notice issued, by an inspector under section 195 of the WHS Act. 10 NSW Mine Safety, December 2014 • the regulator revokes by giving notice in writing to the exempt person or notice in the gazette • the date it would have expired under the former legislation • five years from day granted • nine months after commencement. Note: Exemptions issued under the WHS Regulation continue to apply. The provisions of Part 10 and 12 WHS Act apply to the notice. cl 35 Transitional arrangements Provision number Subject Type of mine Transitional or savings arrangement Conditions Source Prohibition, restriction, requirement or direction Coal mines A prohibition, restriction, requirement or direction in force or effect under sections 63 or 63A CMHSR continues to have effect under cl 9 schedule 3 of CMHS Act despite the Acts repeal and can be enforced until, such time as revoked by the regulator. Nil cl 32 Direction to make emplacement area safe Coal mines A direction given under s 99 CMHS Act to a person continues to have effect despite repeal of the section and is taken to be an improvement notices. Section 192(1) WHS Act does not apply to any such notice. cl 37 11 NSW Mine Safety, December 2014 Transitional arrangements High risk activity notification This table details savings and transitional arrangements in relation to the following matters: • electrical work on energised electrical equipment • first use of a vehicle with a fire-protected diesel engine in underground coal mine • notices given under section 54 of the CMHS Act • approvals under clause 88 of the CMHSR • approvals under section 100 of the CMHS Act • approvals under section 101 of the CMHS Act • high risk activities that have commenced and are continuing. Table 2 - High risk activity notification transitional and savings arrangements WHSM Act (section) or Regulation (clause) Subject Type of mine Transitional or savings matter Conditions Source cl 2 of Schedule 3 Electrical work on energised electrical equipment All Where notice has been duly served under clause 54 of Schedule 18B to the WHSR. Giving of notice is taken to satisfy requirement to give notice to the regulator and, in the case of a coal mine, an industry safety and health representative. The waiting period for the activity is taken to have commenced on the day the notice was given cl 12 Development of new mine entry Mines other than coal mines Does not apply to a mine other than a coal mine until nine months after commencement. Nil cl 11 cl 4 of Schedule 3 The activity must be carried out in the manner specified in the notice. Note: That the requirement does not apply to opal mines. clauses 17 and 18 Schedule 3 Shallow depth cover mining and mining in outburst control zones Underground coal mine Does not apply to an underground coal mine until nine months after commencement. All cl 11(2) cl 28(3)(c) Schedule 3 High wall mining All mines The requirement to provide information on how the risks to the health and safety of workers and other persons from subsidence caused by the activity will be managed does not have effect until nine months after commencement. Note: Lease conditions under the Mining Act 1992, in relation to a subsidence management plan continue to apply. cl 11(3) 12 NSW Mine Safety, December 2014 Transitional arrangements WHSM Act (section) or Regulation (clause) Subject Type of mine Transitional or savings matter Conditions Source cl 22 Schedule 3 First use of a vehicle with a fireprotected diesel engine Underground coal mines Does not apply to vehicles with a diesel internal combustion engine that is fireprotected but not explosion-protected. If notice was duly given to Chief inspector and an industry check inspector under s 54 CMHS Act before the repeal of that section in relation to the introduction for the first time of the vehicle into the mine, and cl 18 If notice was given at least three months before the use of the engine in the mine. cl 33 High risk activity and previous notice given under s54 of the CHMS Act Coal mines Where cl 33 applies in respect of a high risk activity and notice has been given to the chief inspector and an industry check inspector under s 54 CMHS Act, that notice satisfies the requirements to give notice to the regulator and an industry safety and health representative. The waiting period for activity taken to have commenced when notice duly given to chief inspector and industry check inspector. cl 13 The waiting period is the period specified in cl 49 CMHSR for that activity immediately before the repeal of that clause (subject to any waiver or reduction of that period under clause 33 (6) of WHSMR or extension under 33 (7). The manner of carrying out activity is the manner specified in the notice. If an exemption was granted under cl 201 of the CMHSR permitting activity, it must be carried out so that it complies with any conditions of the exemption. cl 33 Cl 33 Notification of high risk activities prior approval under cl 88 of CMHSR Coal mines Notification of high risk activities – where approval has been sought but not yet given under cl 88 of CMHSR Coal mines 13 NSW Mine Safety, December 2014 Where approval has been sought under cl 88 CMHSR before repeal of that clause, that application is taken to satisfy requirements to give notice to the regulator and an industry safety and health representative. Where approval has been sought under cl 88 CMHSR before repeal of that clause, that application is taken to satisfy requirements to give notice to the regulator and an industry safety and health representative. The waiting period is taken to have elapsed if approved before repeal or is taken to have commenced on commencement of cl 33 of WHSMR. The manner of carrying out the activity is the manner specified in the application for the approval, subject to any conditions to which the approval may be subject. The waiting period is taken to have commenced on commencement of cl 33 of WHSMR. The manner of carrying out the activity is the manner specified in the application for the approval, subject to any conditions to which the approval may be subject. cl 14 Transitional arrangements WHSM Act (section) or Regulation (clause) Subject Type of mine Transitional or savings matter Conditions Source cl 33 Prior approvals under s 100 CMHS Act emplacement area Coal mines Where approval has been sought under s 100 CMHS Act the making of application satisfies requirements to give notice to regulator and an industry safety and health representative. The waiting period for the activity is taken to have elapsed if approval granted before the repeal of s 100 CMHS or is taken to have commenced on commencement. cl 15 Prior approvals under s 101 CMHS Act - Coal mines Where approval of the Minister has been sought in respect of activity under s 101 CMHS Act before repeal making of application to the Minister satisfies requirements to give notice to regulator and an industry safety and health representative. The waiting period for the activity is taken to have elapsed if approval granted before the repeal of s 101 CMHS or is taken to have commenced on the commencement of cl 33 WHSMR. cl 33 high risk activity of decommissioning an emplacement area The manner of carrying out the activity is the manner specified in the application for the approval subject to any conditions to which the approval may be subject. cl 16 The manner of carrying out the activity is the manner specified in the application for the approval subject to any conditions to which the approval may be subject. cl 33 Continuing high risk activities that have commenced – pre 1984 emplacement area Coal mines Clause 33 does not apply to the establishment or operation of emplacement area that was established before 21 March 1984. If the mine operator complies with s 102 CMHS Act. cl 17 cl 33 Continuing high risk activities that have commenced – emplacement area approved by Minister Coal mines Clause 33 does not apply to the decommissioning of an emplacement area that was approved by Minister under s 101 CMHS Act. If carried out within any specified time limit and in compliance with any specified conditions. cl 17 cl 33 Continuing high risk activities that have commenced - hot work in a hazardous zone Coal mines Clause 33 does not apply to hot work (other than cutting or welding) in a hazardous zone. If the plant used to carry out the hot work is of a type specified in the notice under clause 19 (1) (c) of the CMHSR and published in Government Gazette No 10 of 25 January 2008 at page 181. cl 17 If the hot work is carried out in compliance with any requirements in relation to the use of the plant set out in that notice. (continued over page) 14 NSW Mine Safety, December 2014 Transitional arrangements WHSM Act (section) or Regulation (clause) Subject Type of mine Transitional or savings matter Conditions Source If an exemption was granted under clause 201 of the CMHSR in order to permit the activity the hot work is carried out in compliance with any conditions of the exemption. cl 33 Continuing high risk activities that have commenced – equipment with high voltage in hazardous zone Coal mines Clause 33 does not apply to the use, in a hazardous zone, of electrical plant and cables having a voltage greater than 1200 volts or (if associated with longwall mining) having a voltage greater than 4000 volts. If the plant or cable is of a type specified in the notice under clause 19 (1) (c) of the CMHSR published in Government Gazette No 10 of 25 January 2008 at page 181. cl 17 If any requirements in relation to the use of the plant or cable set out in that notice have been complied with. If the activity is carried out in the manner set out in the information given to the Chief Inspector under that notice. cl 33 Continuing high risk activities that have commenced – use of explosives Coal mines Clause 33 does not apply to the use of an explosive that is manufactured and supplied for use in an underground coal mine. If the explosive is a permitted explosive 37(a)(ii) CMHSR published in Government Gazette No 10 25 January 2008 page 182 only until nine months after commencement. cl 17 cl 33 Continuing high risk activities that have commenced – barrier mining Coal mines Clause 33 does not apply to the barrier mining (as defined in cl 29 of schedule 3 WHSMR). If carried out in accordance with Division 1 Part 6 CMHS Act cl 17 © State of New South Wales through the Department of Trade and Investment, Regional Infrastructure and Services (NSW Trade & Investment) 2014. This publication is copyright. You may download, display, print and reproduce this material provided that the wording is reproduced exactly, the source is acknowledged, and the copyright, update address and disclaimer notice are retained. Disclaimer This publication provides a general summary of some of the savings and transitional provisions under the Work Health and Safety (Mines) Regulation 2014 as interpreted by the Department of Trade and Investment, Regional Infrastructure and Services at the time of writing (December 2014). Compliance with Work Health Safety (Mines) Act 2013 and the Work Health Safety (Mines) Regulation 2014 is a as a legal requirement. This publication does not provide or purport to provide legal advice. Users are reminded of the need to ensure that the information upon which they rely is up to date by checking the currency of the information at the Department of Trade and Investment, Regional Infrastructure and Services website or with the user’s independent legal adviser. 15 NSW Mine Safety, December 2014