Pointer and Alias Analysis Kinds of alias info An intraprocedural

Pointer and Alias Analysis
Kinds of alias info
two expressions that denote same mutable memory location
Points-to analysis
• at each program point, calculate set of p→x bindings,
if p points to x
• two related problems:
Introduced through
• pointers
• may points-to: p may point to x
• call-by-reference
• must points-to: p must point to x
• array indexing
Storage shape analysis
• C unions, Fortran common, equivalence
• at each program point, calculate an abstract description of
the structure of pointers etc.
Applications of alias analysis:
• improved side-effect analysis:
if assign to one expression,
what other expressions are modified?
Alias-pair analysis
• if certain modified or not modified, not a problem
• at each program point, calculate set of (expr1,expr2)
pairs, if expr1 and expr2 reference the same memory
• if uncertain, things can get ugly
• may and must alias-pair versions
• eliminate redundant loads/stores & dead stores
(CSE & dead assign elim, for pointer ops)
• automatic parallelization of code
manipulating data structures
Points-to analysis is simple
Storage shape analysis more abstract
• ...
Craig Chambers
Alias-pairs analysis more general than points-to analysis,
but more complicated
CSE 501
Craig Chambers
An intraprocedural points-to analysis
May-point-to scalars
At each program point, calculate set of p→x bindings,
if p points to x
Domain: Pow(Var × Var)
CSE 501
Flow functions:
p := &x
• define may version first, then consider must version
= MAY-PTpred
- {p→*} ∪ {p→x}
• develop algorithm in increasing stages of complexity
• pointers only to scalars
p := q
• add pointers to pointers
• add pointers to dynamically-allocated storage
• add pointers to array elements
= MAY-PTpred - {p→*} ∪
{p→t | q→t ∈ MAY-PTpred}
Meet function: union
Craig Chambers
CSE 501
Craig Chambers
CSE 501
Using alias info
How to define must-point-to analysis?
E.g. reaching definitions
Option 1: analogous to may-point-to, but as must problem
At each program point, calculate set of s:x bindings,
if x might get its definition from stmt s
• e.g. intersection is meet operation
Simple flow functions:
Option 2: interpretation of may-point-to results
s: *p := x
• if p may point to only x, then p must point to x:
MUST-PT = { p→x | p→x ∈ MAY-PT and
p→y ∈ MAY-PT ⇒ y=x}
RDsucc = RDpred ∪
{*:z | p→z ∈ MUST-PTpred}
{s:z | p→z ∈ MAY-PTpred}
• what if p points to nil? p assigned an integer?
s: x := *p
RDsucc = RDpred ∪
Craig Chambers
CSE 501
Reaching “right hand sides”
Craig Chambers
CSE 501
A variation on reaching definitions
that passes definitions through copies
➀ x := 3
s:x in set if x might get its definition from rhs of stmt s,
skipping through uninteresting copies and pointer loads
where possible
Can use reaching right-hand sides to construct def/use chains
that skip through copies, e.g. for better constant propagation
➁ p := &x
➂ y := 5
➃ q := &y
➄ q := &x
Flow functions:
s: x := y
RDsucc = RDpred ∪
➅ *p := 7
{s’:x | s’:y ∈ RDpred}
➆ z := *q
➇ *q := 4
➈ w := *p
s: x := *p
RDsucc = RDpred ∪
Craig Chambers
{s’:x | p→z ∈ MAY-PTpred ∧
s’:z ∈ RDpred}
CSE 501
Craig Chambers
CSE 501
Adding pointers to pointers
Flow functions:
int x, y, z;
p := *q
x := 5
int *p, *q;
= MAY-PTpred - {p→*} ∪
{p→t | q→r ∈ MAY-PTpred ∧
r→t ∈ MAY-PTpred}
y := 6
int **R;
p := &x
q := &y
R := &p
*p := q
= MAY-PTpred
- {r→* | p→r ∈ MUST-PTpred}
∪ {r→t | p→r ∈ MAY-PTpred ∧
q→t ∈ MAY-PTpred }
*R := q
*q := 7
:= p
:= 8
:= *R
*q := 9
Craig Chambers
CSE 501
Adding pointers to dynamically-allocated memory
:= *p
Craig Chambers
CSE 501
p := new T
➀ lst := new Cons
Issue: each execution creates a new location
➁ p := lst
Idea: generate new var to stand for new location
• make Var domain unbounded
• newvar: return next unused element of Var
➂ t := new Cons
Flow function:
➃ *p := t
s: p := new T
Craig Chambers
= MAY-PTpred
➄ p := t
- {p→*} ∪ {p→newvar}
CSE 501
Craig Chambers
CSE 501
A monotonic, finite approximation
Adding pointers to array elements
Can’t create a new variable each time analyze statement
Array index expressions can generate aliases
• lattice is infinitely tall if Var domain is infinite!
• not a monotonic flow function!
a[i] aliases b[j] if:
• a aliases b and i equals j
One solution:
create a special summary node for each new stmt
• a and b overlap, and ...
Domain = Pow((Var+Stmt) × (Var+Stmt))
Can have pointers to array elements:
p := &a[i]
s: p := new T
= MAY-PTpred
- {p→*} ∪ {p→locs}
Can have pointer arithmetic, for array addressing:
p := &a[0]; ...; p++
• summary node for each type T
How to model arrays?
• k-limited summary
• maintain distinct nodes up to k links removed from root vars,
then merge together
• ...
Craig Chambers
CSE 501
• could treat whole array as big monolithic location
• could try to reason about array index expressions
⇒ array dependence analysis (later)
Craig Chambers
CSE 501