Design Requirements for Technologies that Encourage Physical

CHI 2006 Proceedings • Designing for Tangible Interactions
April 22-27, 2006 • Montréal, Québec, Canada
Design Requirements for Technologies that
Encourage Physical Activity
Sunny Consolvo1, 2, Katherine Everitt3, Ian Smith1, & James A. Landay1, 3
Intel Research Seattle
University of Washington
University of Washington
1100 NE 45th Street, 6th Floor
The Information School
Computer Science & Engineering
Seattle, WA 98105 USA
Box 352840
Box 352350
Seattle, WA 98195-2840 USA
Seattle, WA 98195-2350 USA
We are specifically interested in encouraging opportunistic
physical activities. These are where a person incorporates
activities into her normal, everyday life to increase her
overall level of physical activity (e.g., walking instead of
driving to work, taking the stairs, or parking further away
from her destination). We are also interested in encouraging
structured exercise, where a person elevates her heart rate
for an extended period (e.g., going for a run or swim).
Overweight and obesity are a global epidemic, with over
one billion overweight adults worldwide (300+ million of
whom are obese). Obesity is linked to several serious health
problems and medical conditions. Medical experts agree
that physical activity is critical to maintaining fitness,
reducing weight, and improving health, yet many people
have difficulty increasing and maintaining physical activity
in everyday life. Clinical studies have shown that health
benefits can occur from simply increasing the number of
steps one takes each day and that social support can
motivate people to stay active. In this paper, we describe
Houston, a prototype mobile phone application for
encouraging activity by sharing step count with friends. We
also present four design requirements for technologies that
encourage physical activity that we derived from a threeweek long in situ pilot study that was conducted with
women who wanted to increase their physical activity.
In our first investigation, we focus on encouraging people
to add opportunistic physical activities to their lives,
without discouraging structured exercise. Studies have
shown that people can achieve health benefits by merely
increasing the number of steps they take each day and that
support from friends and family has consistently been
related to an increase in physical activity [3, 4, 17, 19].
However, with today’s hectic lifestyles, many people have
difficulty fitting exercise into their lives and spending
quality time with their friends. A mobile device such as a
mobile phone can provide relevant information at the right
time and place, and may help encourage opportunistic
activities [6]. Based on these findings, we investigate if
technology could encourage physical activity by providing
personal awareness of activity level and mediating physical
activity-related social interaction among friends.
Author Keywords
design requirements, fitness, physical activity, pedometer,
mobile phone, obesity, overweight, social support.
ACM Classification Keywords
H.5.2 [User Interfaces]: User-centered design; H.5.3 [Group
and Organization Interfaces]: Evaluation/methodology,
Asynchronous interaction.
We use daily step count as a measure of physical activity
and a mobile phone-based fitness journal we developed to
track and share progress toward a daily step count goal
within a small group of friends. We realize that
investigating the effect of the technology on sustained
behavior change will require a longitudinal study and thus
have taken a user-centered design approach starting with a
three-week long in situ pilot study. We evaluated an earlystage prototype of the mobile phone application with three
groups of women who wanted to increase their levels of
physical activity, were interested in preventing weight gain,
and in many cases, had a goal of losing some weight. The
results of the pilot study are being used to inform the design
of a new application we are building to enable a
longitudinal study to examine effects on behavior.
To help address the global epidemic of overweight and
obesity, we are investigating how technology could help
encourage people to sustain an increased level of physical
activity, which medical experts agree is critical to
maintaining fitness, reducing weight, and improving health.
Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for
personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are
not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies
bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. To copy otherwise,
or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior
specific permission and/or a fee.
CHI 2006, April 22–27, 2006, Montréal, Québec, Canada.
Copyright 2006 ACM 1-59593-178-3/06/0004...$5.00.
In this paper, we focus our discussion on the four key
design requirements for technologies that encourage
physical activity that we derived from our analysis of the
CHI 2006 Proceedings • Designing for Tangible Interactions
qualitative data collected from the pilot study: 1) Give users
proper credit for activities, 2) Provide personal awareness
of activity level, 3) Support social influence, and 4)
Consider the practical constraints of users’ lifestyles.
April 22-27, 2006 • Montréal, Québec, Canada
1b) that uses an accelerometer(s) or spring-set horizontal
arm to count the number of steps the wearer takes. It is a
commonly used instrument to approximate a person’s level
of physical activity. Many fitness programs (e.g., 10k
steps/day programs) encourage users to wear the pedometer
during all waking hours to monitor total daily step count
and not just steps taken during structured exercise, as would
be captured if worn only during a run or fitness walk.
Tudor-Locke offers a nice discussion of pedometry,
including a history and use in fitness programs in [18].
This paper is structured as follows: first, we show the
importance of this research by offering a background on the
current global overweight and obesity epidemic. Next, we
describe Houston, our prototype mobile phone-based fitness
journal. We follow with the pilot study methodology and
discuss the results with respect to the four key design
requirements we discovered. We then discuss related work
in the area of technologies that encourage physical activity,
and conclude with our plans for future work.
Though Houston could be used with any pedometer, we
needed to provide one for use in our pilot study. After
informal testing with our colleagues who used several
different models for many weeks, we chose the Omron HJ112 Digital Premium Pedometer (Figure 1a & 1b), as it was
found to be far more accurate in everyday life than others
and was ranked the #1 pedometer by Consumer Reports [5].
The overweight and obesity epidemic
According to the U.S. Surgeon General and the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) [3, 19], overweight
and obesity in the U.S. are an epidemic, affecting over 60%
of adults—and the problem is not unique to the U.S. The
World Health Organization [23] reports that overweight and
obesity have become a global epidemic, with over one
billion overweight adults worldwide. In many industrialized
societies including the U.K., Eastern Europe, and China,
obesity rates have more than tripled since 1980, and rates
are increasing even faster in some developing countries.
Overweight and obesity are risk factors for many diseases
and conditions including diabetes, heart disease, stroke,
hypertension, osteoarthritis, sleep apnea, and some cancers
[22]. In 2000, over $100 billion USD in direct and indirect
costs were attributable to obesity. As a result of this
epidemic, the U.S. Surgeon General issued a call to action
in 2001 to prevent and decrease overweight and obesity.
Among the main principles addressed in the call is to help
people balance “healthful eating with regular physical
activity to achieve and maintain a healthy or healthier body
weight” [20]. The CDC also emphasizes the value of
physical activity, calling it “a key part of any weight loss
effort” [3]. Yet despite the benefits of physical activity, our
society is becoming increasingly sedentary, and technology
may be in part to blame [19, p.6]. We believe that research
in using technology to encourage physical activity is timely
and can make a significant positive impact on the world.
Figure 1. a) The Omron HJ-112 pedometer, b) the pedometer in
use, and c) the Nokia 6600 mobile phone running Houston.
Mobile Phone: Nokia 6600
Our vision is that Houston will run on the user’s personal
mobile phone, enabling her to journal, receive feedback,
and communicate with others whenever and wherever she is
with a device she already carries. However, for the
purposes of our pilot study, we needed to use a mobile
phone on which we could develop software. We chose the
Nokia 6600 mobile phone (Figure 1c). While its large size
(108.6mm x 58.2mm x 23.7mm) is unfortunate, this class of
phone (Nokia Series 60) is often chosen for application
prototyping as it offers a significantly richer development
environment than most alternatives and the ability to use
most of the phone’s features programmatically.
Next, we describe the mobile phone-based fitness journal
prototype we developed to track and share progress toward
a daily step count goal within a small group of friends.
Our prototype is composed of two pieces of commodity
hardware—a pedometer and mobile phone—and our
custom software, Houston, that runs on the phone. In this
section, we describe the pedometer, mobile phone, and
software that were used in the in situ pilot study.
Software: Houston
We developed a mobile phone-based fitness journal,
Houston, to track and share progress toward a daily step
count goal within a small group of friends. The software is
written in Python using the Nokia Series 60 platform.
Pedometer: Omron HJ-112 Digital Premium Pedometer
A pedometer is a wearable measurement device (usually
clipped to the waistband above the thigh’s midline—Figure
CHI 2006 Proceedings • Designing for Tangible Interactions
April 22-27, 2006 • Montréal, Québec, Canada
We built three versions of Houston for the pilot study:
baseline, personal, and sharing. During the first week, all
three groups used the baseline version, which familiarized
participants with Houston’s interaction model, while we
gathered the data we needed to establish their individual
daily step count goals. For the remaining two weeks of the
study, we were interested in getting feedback on which
features of Houston were important, which were not, and
what was missing to help inform future design. To see if
traditional means of communication were sufficient or if
technology-mediated physical activity-related social
interaction was of strong value, we provided two groups
with the sharing version of Houston, and one group with
the personal version. Next, we describe each version.
Sharing version
Baseline version
This version was an enhanced, mobile fitness journal with
recognition for meeting the goal that also mediated physical
activity-related social interaction among friends.
The sharing software had all of the features of the personal
version (and thus the baseline version) as well as additional
features to support sharing of physical activity-related
information with members of their group (i.e., “fitness
buddies”). It enabled participants to:
The baseline software was used to establish individual daily
step count goals and familiarize participants with Houston’s
interaction model. With this version, participants could:
User interaction
enter/edit a step count for today at any time during
the day, as often as they wanted,
enter/edit a final count for yesterday (e.g., if they
did not enter a final count the previous day), and
view final daily step counts for the last 7 days.
Figure 2 shows several of the sharing version’s screens. The
Main screen (Figure 2a) displays the latest step count
updates for all group members; ‘*’ following a count
indicates that the user met her goal; a time stamp indicates
when the count was updated or shows an ‘(f)’ if the user
specified that it is the day’s final count; and ‘(com)’
indicates that the last update included a comment.
Yesterday’s final count is also shown (below today’s
count). The user’s detail screen (Figure 2b) displays her last
updated step count for today, how many steps to/over her
goal, and any comment from her last update. Additionally,
she can see recent comments that she or any buddy entered
(Figure 2c), and up to the last 7 days of step counts for
herself and her fitness buddies (Figure 2d).
When a participant entered/edited her step count, a message
was sent to our server with the update, and the phone was
updated with the new information1. After 9pm, Houston
prompted participants to enter their final daily count. If they
did not enter a final count, they were prompted again the
next day. Participants were only able to enter a final daily
count for today and yesterday (e.g., on Wednesday, they
could no longer enter a final count for Monday—we did
this to encourage active participation in the pilot study).
This work was not trying to evaluate the usability of the
application per se, but to explore the concept as a precursor
to future work. We chose the Python prototyping platform
because it provided a rapid-development environment that
insulated the programmer from many of the phone’s
peculiarities. This allows for quick development of stable
applications so the core ideas on which they are based can
be evaluated in situ. Due to the nature of Python and the
limitations of the Nokia 60s series platform, the interface is
admittedly not elegant, e.g., no icons or graphs, however it
was sufficient for the early stage of the work.
Personal version
The personal software had all the features of the baseline,
and also provided a daily goal, progress toward and
recognition for meeting the goal, a daily step count average,
and support for adding comments. Participants could:
send their step count and an optional comment to
any/all of their fitness buddies,
see buddies’ progress with respect to goals,
see trending information: the last 7 days, recent
comments, goals, and averages for all buddies,
send a message3 to any/all buddies, and
request a step count from any/all buddies.
view the daily goal and progress toward that goal,
receive recognition for meeting the goal,
view their average daily step count based on their
counts from the last 7 days,
add an optional comment2 to a step count, and
view a list of recent comments.
For the pilot study, Houston ran on (but did not require) a
dedicated phone (i.e., based on previous experiences [7,
15], participants’ personal SIM cards were not used in the
study phones). However, with product-quality software, we
envision such software being used on users’ personal
phones outside of the study environment.
In short, this version was an enhanced, mobile fitness
journal with recognition for meeting the goal.
If the participant was out of range, her phone was updated but
the information was not sent to our server. We were able to
retrieve any untransmitted data from the phones after the study.
Unlike comments, messages were independent of step count
updates. Participants could chose from Good job!, Wow!, Get
moving :), Wanna walk?, and Up for lunch? or type their own.
Participants could use a default comment (went for a walk, went
for a run, a good day, :), a bad day) or type their own.
CHI 2006 Proceedings • Designing for Tangible Interactions
April 22-27, 2006 • Montréal, Québec, Canada
We used a homogeneous sampling strategy where
participants were three groups of female friends (N=13)
aged 28-42. The study ran for about three weeks, most of
which took place in situ during the participants’ normal
lives. Each group consisted of four to five friends who
knew each other (in two groups, one member knew only
one or two others in the group) and were not planning to be
out of town for more than three days during the study.
All participants wanted to increase their levels of physical
activity, prevent weight gain, and in many cases, lose some
weight. All used mobile phones and were married or had a
significant other; five had children. Most were employed
for wages, one was a full-time graduate student, one a
homemaker, and two self-employed. Occupations included
dental hygienist, sales, fashion designer, interior designer,
and teacher. Two groups were recruited by a market
research agency, and we recruited the third group ourselves.
During recruiting, participants were screened for their
current and near-future commitment to moderate physical
activity using the Sample Physical Activity Questionnaire to
Determine Stage of Change [21], which classifies people
into precontemplation, contemplation, preparation, action,
and maintenance stages based on the stages through which
people progress when modifying an addictive behavior
[14]. People who had no intention of introducing physical
activity into their lives in the next six months
(precontemplation) were not invited to participate; people
who were maintaining moderate physical activity regularly
(maintenance) were only invited if they wanted to increase
their level in the next six months. One participant was
classified in the contemplation stage, one in action, two in
preparation, and nine in maintenance.
Figure 2: Houston screen shots. (a) Main screen, (b) detail
screen, (c) recent comments, and (d) trending information.
Control of data
Whenever people share information about themselves,
issues of privacy are raised. The two main sharing issues in
our pilot study were with the participants’ fitness buddies
(for those with the sharing version) and the researchers (for
all groups). Regarding fitness buddies, the choice of
whether or not to share was completely in the participant’s
control. Each time she entered or edited her step count, she
chose whether to share with all buddies, a specific buddy,
or none of her buddies. Her buddies did not receive
notification that she updated without sharing with them.
Participation included a phone interview where a subset of
the Behavior Risk Factor Surveillance System Survey
Questionnaire was administered [2]; several paper-andpencil questionnaires including the Barriers to Being Active
Quiz [21], the International Physical Activity Questionnaire
[8], and questionnaires of our own design to learn about
participants’ use of technologies, relation to the women in
their group, etc; use of Houston—one week with the
baseline version to determine a daily goal and two weeks
with the goal (Groups 1 & 2 used the sharing version and
Group 3 used the personal version); and three in-person
interviews—prior to using Houston, after the first week
(conducted as a group when possible), and at the end.
Regarding sharing with the researchers, this was merely a
condition of the study. However, participants controlled
when and what they updated; in fact, we cannot guarantee
that the counts they uploaded were their actual daily counts.
We also made efforts to protect their identities;
communications did not include personally identifying
information unless the participant explicitly included such
information in a custom comment or message. Though all
system communications were centralized through our
server, this could easily be modified to a peer-to-peer
architecture and encrypted for use outside of the study
In-person interviews were audio recorded and transcribed.
Participants received up to $260 USD in American Express
Gift Cheques for participating; the amount was based on
participating in the interviews and entering the final daily
step count into the phone (all participants received $260).
Incentive was not based on sharing with buddies or using
features other than entering final daily count.
In this section, we describe the details of the in situ pilot
study where three groups of women from the Seattle area
used Houston for a few weeks during their everyday lives.
CHI 2006 Proceedings • Designing for Tangible Interactions
Individual goals were established using a modification of
the guidelines set by the President’s Council on Physical
Fitness and Sports’ Walking Works program [13] where
participants record their final step count every day for one
week, take the highest count (rounded to the next
thousand), and use that as a daily goal for the next two
weeks. However, based on data from week one that showed
one unrepresentatively high step count for several
participants, we modified the calculation by rounding up
from the second highest count. Participants’ goals ranged
from 9k to 19k steps/day (mean: 10,923; median: 10k).
April 22-27, 2006 • Montréal, Québec, Canada
happened during the final two weeks of the study that led to
a drastic reduction in their step counts (one went from an
average of 11,706 to 6,350 when school started and another
became ill, dropping her average from 10,664 to 3,501).
However, we compared the percentage of days that goals
were met between the sharing (Groups 1 & 2) and personal
(Group 3) groups (Figure 3). After removing data from
those two events, we found that the sharing groups were
significantly more likely to meet their goal (t=2.60, p<0.05).
We caution that data was not collected over a long period,
therefore we cannot confidently state that this was due to
Houston. However, our use of a baseline period and the
statistically significant data regarding performance suggests
that something other than novelty affected behavior.
We also calculated participants’ Body Mass Index (BMI).
BMI [12] is a formula that uses weight and height to
determine if a person is underweight, normal, overweight,
or obese. BMI is significantly correlated to body fatness,
and while it is not a perfect measure, it is commonly used to
determine overweight and obesity and also to describe
study populations when reporting the results of fitness and
diet interventions. Participants’ BMIs ranged from 18.4 –
27.2kg/m2 (mean: 22.2, median: 21.4). One participant was
classified as underweight, two overweight, and 10 normal4.
Overall, the feedback about Houston was very positive, and
their experiences inspired several participants to plan for
increased physical activity moving forward. For example,
two participants expect to go for fitness walks with friends
instead of previous get-togethers where they would “just sit
around and chat.” Another participant mapped out various
neighborhood walks that she plans to continue. Others were
pleased by the support from their spouses and children;
walking often became a regular family activity.
Personal group
Sharing groups
Figure 3. Percentage of days participants met their goals.
Further analysis (with the same data removed as above)
revealed that average daily step counts increased for seven
participants from the baseline week to the two weeks with
the goal. Daily averages increased from 5% to 61%
(median: 30%; the increase to average daily step count was
from 180 to 4,587 steps/day, median: 2,234), though there
was no statistical significance based on which group the
participants were in. It was rare for participants to miss
their goal by 1,000 or fewer steps; instead, on days when
they missed their goals, they missed by an average of 4,319
steps. Additionally, there was high variance within step
counts; highest counts were from 11,517 to 22,173 (median:
15,649) and lowest from 1,098 to 5,802 (median: 2,767).
Yet, factors such as the study’s “short” duration, unforeseen
events, the limitation of Houston not being on the
participants’ personal mobile phones, and the fact that
introducing a monitoring device inherently affects behavior
[18] prevented us from finding truly convincing
quantitative effects on activity level. However, while our
main contribution in this work is the design requirements,
we also present a brief quantitative analysis.
We turn now to the focus of our discussion and present the
design requirements for technologies that encourage
physical activity that we derived from the qualitative data.
Next, we discuss quantitative data from the pilot study and
follow with four key design requirements for technologies
that encourage physical activity. We also offer an additional
challenge for future designs that emerged from our analysis.
Key Design Requirements
Encourage Physical Activity
Quantitative Analysis
Several themes emerged from our analysis of the qualitative
data, which we present as four key design requirements of
technologies that encourage physical activity:
Examples of unforeseen events involved two participants
who were on track to meet their goals when something
Despite the seemingly high number of participants classified as
“normal,” we note that: (1) all were interested in preventing
weight gain and wanted to increase physical activity, (2) many had
a goal of losing weight, and (3) the BMI classifications are
somewhat broad, e.g., an adult who is 5’-5” tall has a “normal”
BMI if s/he weighs between 111 – 149.5 lbs.
Give users proper credit for activities,
Provide personal awareness of activity level,
Support social influence, and
Consider the practical constraints of users’
CHI 2006 Proceedings • Designing for Tangible Interactions
In this section, we describe what it means to support each
requirement, offering several examples from the data.
April 22-27, 2006 • Montréal, Québec, Canada
would properly detect all (or even most) types of the
participants’ physical activities, particularly when the other
three requirements are considered. To address the issue of
proper credit for activities, it is important for designers to
understand the common physical activities of their target
population, the limitations of the measurement device, and
provide users with the ability to supplement/edit
measurements with additional information.
1. Give users proper credit for their activities
Commercially available devices for monitoring physical
activity do not truly represent the overall activity levels of
many people, so technologies that aim to encourage
physical activity must account for the inadequacies. In
particular, our results show that the pedometer often
provided deceptive measurements of physical activity, and
that even when representative of actual activity, the
measurement alone did not provide sufficient information.
2. Provide personal awareness of activity level
Overall, participants were intrigued to know their real step
counts; e.g., “I thought it was interesting to see how many
steps you really took in a day. And a lot of times you think
you’re busy. You think you’re moving around, but you’re
really not getting that many steps. And so you really have to
do something extra like go for the walk or go for the run to
really get up to that goal.” She further offered, “you know,
maybe you’re busy…doing things around the house or
shopping or doing errands, but you’re in the car a lot and
so you’re really not getting as many steps [as you think].”
Deceptive measurements. Several participants found that
the measurement provided by the pedometer over-, or more
often under-represented their overall level of physical
activity. Activities that were under-represented (or
completely ignored) included cycling (outdoor and on a
stationary bike), swimming, climbing, strength training, and
vigorous gardening. As one participant explained, “It [the
pedometer] was good at step count. But like, for example,
one day I went bike riding for 10 miles. And I don’t think it
registered anything for that entire time. So you’ll look on
my step count and say, ‘Oh, you only did 3,000. That’s not
an active day.’ And for one time that’s accurate and then
for the next day, it’s inaccurate ‘cause I also biked 10 miles
that it doesn’t show.” Another participant expressed her
frustration, “So it’s like my main source of exercise
[climbing] doesn’t register.”
We found three important types of personal awareness to
provide: a history of past behavior, current status, and
activity level performance.
History of past behavior. Most participants found value in
Houston’s trending information. One participant explained
how she appreciated having one less thing to think about: “I
like knowing what days I was getting what amount of
activity, rather than just thinking, ‘hmm. You know, I really
haven’t done much in the last few days.’ This time I could
look back and know exactly which days I’d done
what…There’s a certain amount of mental demand on my
time that I don’t want to spend energy thinking, did I work
out that much yesterday? Did I not?’” Another participant
explained how the last 7 days feature impacted her, “I’d go,
oh gosh, I had a really good day on Monday because I went
out and walked and it’s now Thursday and I haven’t done
any exercise. And you know, you better get your – your
behind out to the park tomorrow.”
Conversely, participants noticed that all steps are counted
equally, yet they do not necessarily require equal effort. In
one participant’s words, “You can take a lot of little steps to
get somewhere. And wow, your step count sounds great,
you know? Or you can take two normal steps, you know?
And so – and it didn’t factor that out.” At times, this
actually discouraged vigorous physical activity, e.g., one
participant saw a fitness buddy walking up a steep hill,
looking rather tired. The participant suggested that her
buddy walk in a flat area, as “it [the pedometer] didn’t seem
to care whether you went up and down hills or whether you
walk on flats, so why kill yourself?” The fact that the
pedometer discouraged a more vigorous (and healthy) type
of walking was unfortunate.
In fact, several participants wanted more than seven days
worth of information. Suggestions were from three weeks
to one year. When participants were suggesting the longer
time frames (e.g., months to a year), they were hoping to
find patterns of success and failure that could help them
figure out when they were particularly active or inactive to
plan for a more successful future.
Sufficient information. Participants often wanted to
supplement their measurement with information to describe
why it may or may not be representative of their day (e.g.,
3,000 steps + 10 mile bike ride). Yet, even when the
measurement accurately represented the day, it did not
convey why. For example, is the step count low because of
illness? Injury? Perhaps just a lazy day? Deadline at work?
Or how did she get that high count? Go for a hike? Start
walking to work? Through comments, Houston offered
some support for this need, though it could be improved, as
inputting text on mobile phones is difficult.
Current status. Many participants checked their pedometer
frequently throughout the day. Because they knew their
current step count and how many steps they still needed to
meet their goal, they often found time for unplanned
physical activity in an effort to meet their goal. As one
participant explained, “…I’d look down [at the pedometer]
and go, ‘oh man, you’re not anywhere near [your goal].
You better go take a walk.’ And so I would.” This suggests
that technologies need to provide feedback throughout the
day, wherever the user is.
While it may seem that these limitations are unique to
pedometers, we could not find a commodity device that
CHI 2006 Proceedings • Designing for Tangible Interactions
April 22-27, 2006 • Montréal, Québec, Canada
Activity level performance. Most participants were
motivated by knowing their performance with respect to
their goal. Specifically, they wanted to know how many
steps they needed to meet their goal, and they enjoyed
receiving recognition for meeting it. One participant
recounted, “I’d be constantly checking it [the pedometer] to
see where I was as far as meeting the goal for the day. And
I – and it made me, I guess, motivated to make the goal
quicker ‘cause I wanted to – to get it over with.”
Additionally, participants were motivated by the
recognition Houston provided when they met their goal
(specifically, the congratulations pop-up screen and the ‘*’
following step counts, e.g., in Figure 2a & 2d). One
participant was surprised by how much the ‘*’ did for her,
“It was kind of cool to have that [the ‘*’]. It was like, oh, a
star…Gosh how the little things, you know. The little things
that count, the star.” And of course, the more stars, the
better, “It was like, yes, I rock!...and it was fun to go back
[in last 7 days] and go, yes, there’s my star for that day…”
high steps that day and I’m like, I’m gonna get high steps
tomorrow” (and she did).
3. Support social influence
4. Consider the practical constraints of users’ lifestyles
Communication. Some of the problems in giving users
proper credit for activities became more important when
step counts were shared with buddies. As one participant
summarized, “…the numbers don’t communicate
everything. And so if you’re sharing information with
somebody, you kind of want to share a little bit more about
what you did.” One participant mentioned how important it
was to be able to add comments to her step count on some
low count days, “I felt it was like a little deceptive. I felt
like it was gonna be broadcast to my friends and they’d say,
oh, she didn’t do anything. When in reality I had.” When
thinking about what it would be like to have Houston’s
sharing features, one of the participants who used the
personal version reflected on the importance of comments,
“Cause then I’d be like explaining, yeah, I sat on my butt
today. You know? Or was climbing or whatever.”
When designing activity-enabling technologies for
everyday life, several practical constraints must be
considered. Two areas where Houston did well were that
communication with buddies was integrated with the
application itself—e.g., participants did not have to
mentally switch tasks to share with their buddies, and it
provided easy access to current and past activity
information for the participant and her buddies (though the
usability of the actual interface could be improved).
While different classes of influence affected participants, all
but one were motivated by social influence (or could
imagine being motivated if they participated with different
buddies). The three classes of influence that had impact
were social pressure, social support, and communication.
Social pressure. Because participants were sharing activity
level and progress toward their goal with buddies, they felt
pressure to make their goal, beat a buddy, or not have the
lowest step count. One participant explained how she was
motivated to meet her goal because her buddies would
know if she did not, “I wasn’t gonna let them see that I
wasn’t gonna meet my goal.” Yet others were inspired to
beat a buddy’s count, “[a buddy] just started contacting me
like ‘how many steps do you have?’ And then I would tell
her. She’s like, ‘well, I have this many.’ And so we were
sort of competing with each other.” Another participant
mentioned how she did not want to have the lowest step
count of the group, “I didn’t want to be the one with the
least amount of step count. And I found there was somebody
who had less than me, so I felt okay about mine.”
The most common complaint, aside from improper credit
for activity level, was that the pedometer and phone were
large and unattractive (Figure 4). Simply put, the devices
were out of place with many outfits; there was not always a
reasonable place to clip the pedometer; and the devices
drew unwanted attention from others. This suggests that
technologies that encourage physical activity should either
not require the user to wear any new devices or if devices
must be carried or worn, form factor is critical.
Social support. Similar to the recognition provided by
Houston, participants enjoyed receiving recognition and
encouragement from their buddies. One participant
described what it felt like when she received Wow! and
Good job! messages from her buddies, “I thought it was
great. It made me feel good.” Another explained, “I got a
couple of ‘wows’ and couple of ‘good jobs’ and several
custom messages. It’s fun. It’s a – it’s a fun form of
communication.” Others enjoyed seeing messages like
‘Let’s go girls’ from their buddies.
Often, social support came from just knowing how buddies
were doing. For example, one participant described how she
was motivated by a buddy’s good day, “We were all at a
party and we were sharing our goals…Somebody had really
Figure 4. Casual business attire with a) the Omron HJ-112
pedometer, and b) the pedometer & Nokia 6600. c) A dress often
has no practical or aesthetic place to put the pedometer.
CHI 2006 Proceedings • Designing for Tangible Interactions
April 22-27, 2006 • Montréal, Québec, Canada
An additional challenge for future designs
Another important challenge that emerged from our results
that needs to be addressed in future systems regards how
the system should determine reasonable goals that
encourage a sustainable increase in step count.
There are numerous projects in research and industry that
are exploring technology to support fitness and physical
activity. We discuss a mere sample of relevant projects in
the areas of virtual exercise advisors, fitness plans /
journaling, monitoring devices, and games.
There are two main approaches to setting daily step count
goals with participants in a group: one-size-fits-all (e.g.,
10k steps/day programs) and individual (e.g., based on
current activity level). While there was consensus amongst
our colleagues that individual goals were the right
approach, we could not find a generally agreed-upon
method for how to calculate them (so we chose what
seemed to be an appropriate calculation from the literature).
However, during the exit interviews, it became clear that
there were two issues with the goals we set: what the actual
number should be, and more broadly, whether to use
individual or one-size-fits-all goals.
Virtual exercise advisor
“Laura” is an animated conversational agent – a virtual
exercise advisor designed to encourage increased daily step
count among older adults [1]. In a two-month in situ pilot
study with eight females, participants wore a pedometer and
were prompted to enter their daily step count into a
computer system in their homes when they interacted with
Laura. Laura used various mechanisms, e.g., social dialogue
and empathy exchange to provide feedback on progress and
negotiate goal setting. Similar to Houston, this project
investigated using technology to increase the step counts of
female adults. However, Laura used an animated
conversational agent as encouragement, while Houston uses
personal awareness and social influence via the members of
one’s social network.
In the case of individual goals, participants with high goals
tended to feel that the goal was usually unreachable. One
participant reflected on her goal, “I felt like my goal was
impossible a lot of the time. …I couldn’t walk everywhere
one day or if I didn’t have time to take a big long walk, then
there’s just no way and then it became sort of like, well, it’s
too frustrating.” Another explained, “I disliked the goal
that was set. I felt it was too high...well, the first time I got
it, I felt defeated. Like oh man, I’m never gonna be able to
make that. And then the days I did – I did meet it, I was like
wow, well I was super active today, that’s why.”
Participants with those high goals were often already doing
planned exercise a couple of days per week (that involved a
pedometer-recognized activity, e.g., running or fitness
walking), which is how they ended up with such high goals.
However, most participants did not intend to do that activity
on a daily basis (e.g., going for a 6-mile run every day).
Fitness Plans / Journaling
A growing number of commercially available mobile
phones help users keep track of their fitness activities and
plans while on the go. NEC’s 232E Fitness Phone
[] gives users access to a
customized fitness plan and caloric expenditure calculator.
More similar to Houston’s personal version is the Nokia
which works with the user to customize a training plan, has
a journaling feature to track progress and change the plan,
and a digital compass for way-finding. Bones in Motion
[] is a location-aware mobile
phone application that estimates activity level using timing
and distance traveled. It allows users to record workouts,
measure activity, and compare themselves to others using a
web-based journal interface.
Regarding the choice of individual or one-size-fits-all goals,
for Groups 1 & 3, individual goals seemed to work well
(assuming the actual goal was reasonable). However, the
participants in Group 2 (friends in their late 20s/early 30s
who were all classified in the maintenance stage of change)
would have preferred a one-size-fits-all approach, as they
were more motivated by competing with each other.
We see the investment these companies are putting into
fitness as a sign that mobile technologies to encourage
physical activity show real promise and hope that our
research can inform future offerings.
Our results show that more work is needed to understand
how to set reasonable goals that encourage a sustainable
increase in physical activity for women who are already
moderately active.
Monitoring devices
Many devices attempt to monitor physical activity to
provide personal awareness to users. For example,
BodyMedia’s BodyBugg [] is a device
worn on the user’s upper arm that uses physiological
sensors and data modeling to monitor health routines. It
claims to infer states such as energy expenditure, physical
activity, lying down, sleep versus awake, and driving. Data
is uploaded to a computer via a wireless interface.
BodyBugg tracks caloric expenditure and is coupled with a
web interface where users log food intake. Like the
pedometer, the BodyBugg raises user awareness of activity
level. However, while it detects a greater range of activities
In general, participants found Houston to be fun and often
motivating, but different people were motivated by different
aspects. We feel the design guidelines we developed from
our results can be of value to designers who are developing
technologies that encourage physical activity. Next, we
offer a discussion of several relevant technologies from
research and industry.
CHI 2006 Proceedings • Designing for Tangible Interactions
than the pedometer, it is a larger, more noticeable, and
arguably more uncomfortable device, and therefore may be
better suited for planned exercise rather than everyday life.
Additionally, it does not support social influence or
sufficient feedback throughout the day as suggested by our
design requirements.
April 22-27, 2006 • Montréal, Québec, Canada
community to perform a longitudinal study investigating
the technology’s effect on sustained behavior change. One
outstanding issue is whether or not the pedometer is the
correct monitoring device to use moving forward. In our
study, we showed that the pedometer does not necessarily
provide a good measurement of overall physical activity, as
common activities such as cycling, weight lifting,
swimming, walking / running up stairs or hills, vigorous
house-cleaning and gardening are not adequately detected.
To improve this, future work may involve using more
sophisticated sensors (perhaps the Intel Multi-sensor board
[9]) to provide measurements of more types of activities to
help solve the problem of proper credit.
SportBrain pedometers [] enable users
to upload their step counts to a web site where they can
view past step counts, set goals, and share information with
others, however they can only do this while at a computer.
Furthermore, they can only upload information when they
are at a computer with the proper USB cable. The web site
promotes activity journaling and offers reward programs
where users can win prizes. In our informal pedometer
testing, all testers had significant data loss problems with
SportBrain’s iStep X, which made it unusable for our work.
We would also like to explore the issue of manual versus
automatic journaling. Previous work [16] suggests that the
act of manually journaling one’s activities can positively
affect levels of physical activity, and it also gives users
control over what data is recorded and potentially shared
with others. However, automatic updating could provide a
continuous record of activity and take the burden of having
to remember to log activity away from the user (something
asked for by several pilot study participants). Yet,
automatic logging has the potential to reduce awareness and
introduce deceptive data. We are interested in exploring
how auto-logging compares to manual logging of physical
activity, or if a combination is most effective.
A challenge for monitoring devices is to provide proper
credit for physical activity with a device that people find
acceptable to wear in various circumstances and address the
other design requirements we found.
A popular area of technologies to encourage physical
activity in research and industry is games. Nintendo’s
Pocket Pikachu [6, p.90] is a pedometer with a virtual
character that responds to step count. Marketed to children,
Pikachu encourages physical activity by learning new tricks
and becoming happier as the step count increases. Get up
move [] is a program to encourage
weight loss using Dance Dance Revolution, a video game
where users physically move in a pattern on a special floor
mat. The TAXC Fortius training bike [] is a
stationary bike that uses a virtual training course on a
screen and generates electricity using heat from the bike’s
brakes. These ‘exergaming’ technologies are designed to
encourage physical activity by making exercise fun.
Other interesting areas for future research include
developing a deeper understanding of the various barriers
that prevent physical activity and the more general topic of
motivating behavior change. For example, a barrier
identified by several pilot study participants was the
negative effect of inclement weather conditions on people’s
routines. Additionally, future work could explore the more
broad space of technology to motivate physical activity
beyond technology-mediated social influence, e.g.,
reward/punishment systems and team competitions.
Research projects in physical exertion interfaces have
enabled users to play sports remotely using a synchronous
computer connection [11] and move through a virtual world
by the act of physically cycling [10].
In this paper, we presented Houston, a mobile phone-based
fitness journal that encourages physical activity by
providing personal awareness of activity level and
mediating physical activity-related social interaction among
friends. We described a three-week long in situ pilot study
of Houston that we conducted with three groups of women
from which we identified four key design requirements for
technologies that encourage physical activity:
Despite the myriad of products available today, the number
of overweight and obese people is growing. None of these
products incorporates all of the key design requirements
that we discovered from our pilot study, therefore we feel
that it is important to continue exploring the space of
technologies to encourage physical activity so that effective
tools for combating overweight and obesity may be created.
In this section, we discuss our plans for this project and
suggest directions for future work in the area of technology
to encourage physical activity.
We plan to incorporate the design guidelines presented in
this paper into the next version of our system. With the new
system, we intend to team with colleagues from the medical
Give users proper credit for activities,
Provide personal awareness of activity level,
Support social influence, and
Consider the practical constraints of users’
We were encouraged by our work with Houston and are
continuing our investigation of technology to encourage
physical activity and fitness.
CHI 2006 Proceedings • Designing for Tangible Interactions
April 22-27, 2006 • Montréal, Québec, Canada
12. National Institutes of Health, The Practical Guide:
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Thanks to David McDonald, Cherie Fenner, Ken Smith,
Huong Nguyen, Anthony LaMarca, Tanzeem Choudhury,
Gaetano Borriello, the pilot study participants, and our
friends and colleagues who provided guidance and helped
test pedometers. The pilot study was covered by University
of Washington Human Subjects Division application #057008-E/C 01.
13. President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports,
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2. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Behavior
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16. B.J. Speck, S.W. Looney, “Effects of minimal
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2001), pp.374-8.
3. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Dept
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18. C. Tudor-Locke, “Taking Steps Toward Increased
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5. Consumer Reports, “Pedometers: Walking by the
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19. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Physical
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6. B.J. Fogg, Persuasive Technology: Using Computers to
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7. G. Iachello, I. Smith, S. Consolvo, G.D. Abowd, J.
Hughes, J. Howard, F. Potter, J. Scott, T. Sohn, J.
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20. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, The
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21. U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, Public
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9. J. Lester, T. Choudhury, G. Borriello, “A Practical
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10. S. Mokka, A. Väätänen, J. Heinilä, P. Välkkynen,
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11. F. Mueller, S. Agamanolis, R. Picard, “Exertion
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23. World Health Organization, “Obesity and Overweight,”
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