Referred Publications: 1. Aller, L.H., R.S. Polidan, E.J.

Referred Publications:
1. Aller, L.H., R.S. Polidan, E.J. Rhodes, Jr., and Gordon W. Wares, “The Spectrum of RR Telescopii in 1968,” Astrophys. and Space Sci., 20, 93-110, 1973. Refereed Publications
2. Aller, L.H., R.S. Polidan, E.J. Rhodes, Jr., and Gordon W. Wares, “The Spectrum of RR Telescopii in 1968,” Astrophys. and Space Sci., 20, 93-110, 1973.
3. Rhodes, Edward J., Jr., and Edward J. Smith, “Multispacecraft Study
4. Rhodes, Edward J., Jr., and Edward J. Smith, “Multispacecraft Study of the Solar Wind Velocities at Interplanetary Sector Boundaries,” J. Geophys. Res., 80, 917-928, 1975
5. Rhodes, Edward J., Jr., and Edward J. Smith, “Evidence for a Large-Scale Gradient in the
Solar Wind Velocity,” J. Geophys. Res., 81, 2123-2134, 1976.
6. Rhodes, Edward J., Jr., and Edward J. Smith, “Further Evidence of a Heliographic LatitudeGradient in the Solar Wind Velocity,” J. Geophys. Res., 81, 5833-5840, 1976.
7. Ulrich, Roger K., and Edward J. Rhodes, Jr., “The Sensitivity of Non-radial p-Mode Eigenfrequencies to Solar Envelope Structure,” Ap.J., 218, 521-529, 1977.
8. Rhodes, Edward J., Jr., Roger K. Ulrich and George W. Simon, “Observations of Non-radial
p-mode Oscillations on the Sun,” Ap.J., 218, 901-919, 1977.
9. Rhodes, Edward J., Jr., Franz-Ludwig Deubner, and Roger K. Ulrich, “A New Technique for
Measuring Solar Rotation,” Ap.J., 227, 629-637, 1979.
10. Ulrich, Roger K., Edward J. Rhodes, Jr., and Franz-Ludwig Deubner, “The Effect of a RadialRotation of Velocity Gradient on p-Mode Eigenfrequencies,” ApJ., 227, 638-644, 1979.
11. Deubner, Franz-Ludwig, Roger K. Ulrich, and E.J. Rhodes, Jr., “Solar p-Mode Oscillations as
a Tracer of Radial Differential Rotation,” Astronomy and Astrophysics, 72, 177-185, 1979.
12. Rhodes, Edward J., Jr., and Edward J. Smith, “Multi-Spacecraft Observations of Heliographic
Latitude-Longitude Structure in the Solar Wind,” J. Geophys. Res., 86,8877-8892, 1981.
13. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., Robert F Howard, Roger K. Ulrich, and Edward J. Smith, “A New System
for Observing Solar Oscillations at the Mount Wilson Observatory, I. System Design and
Installation,” Solar Physics, 82, 245-258, 1983.
14. Ulrich, R.K., and E.J. Rhodes, Jr., “Testing Solar Models with Global Oscillations in the 5
Band” Ap.J., 265, 551-563, 1983.
15. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., R.K. Ulrich, and W.M. Brunish, “Comparisons of Theoretical and Observational Eigenfrequencies for Low, Intermediate, and High Degree Solar Oscillations,” in Oscillations as a Probe of the Solar Interior, Memorie della Societa Astronomical, Italiana, 55, 3744, 1984.
16. Ulrich, Roger K., and Edward J. Rhodes, Jr., “The Influence of Convection Theory on the Frequencies of Solar Oscillations,” in Theoretical Problems in Stellar Stability and Oscillation.
Proceedings of the 25th Liege International Astrophysical Colloquium July 10-13, 1984, Universite de Liege, Belgique, 250-257, 1984.
17. Noyes, Robert W., and Edward J. Rhodes, Jr., ed. Probing the Depths of a Star: The Study of
Solar Oscillations from Space, JPL 400-237, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 73 pages, 1984
18. Cacciani, A. and E. J. Rhodes, Jr., “The Magneto-Optical Filter, Working Principles and
Recent Progress,” in Solar Seismology from Space, R. K. Ulrich, J. Harvey, E. J. Rhodes, Jr.,J.
Toomre, eds., J.P.L.Publication 84-84, pp. 115-124, 1984.
19. Rhodes, Edward J., Jr., Alessandro Cacciani, Jacques Blamont, Steven Tomczyk, Roge K.
Ulrich, and Robert F. Howard, “Evaluation of a Magneto-Optical Filter and Fabry-Perot Interferometer for the Measurement of Solar Velocity Fields From Space,” ibid., pp. 125-156,
20. Ulrich, Roger K., and Edward J. Rhodes, Jr., Alessandro Cacciani, and Steven Tomczyk,
“The Effects of Seeing on Noise,” ibid., pp. 263-270, 1984.
21. Ulrich, R.K., and Edward J. Rhodes, Jr., “The Sensitivity of Solar Eigenfrequencies to the
Treatment of the Equation of State,” ibid., pp. 371-377, 1984.
22. Rhodes, Edward J., Jr., Alessandro Cacciani, Steven Tomczyk, Roger K. Ulrich, Jacques Blamont, Robert F. Howard, Philip Dumont, and Edward J. Smith, “A Compact Dopplergraph/
Magnetograph Suitable for Space-Based Measurements of Solar Oscillations and Magnetic
Fields,” in Advances in Space Research, Vol. 4, No. 8, H. S. Hudson, ed., Pergamon, pp. 103112, 1984.
23. Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., T.L. Duvall, Jr., D.O. Gough, J.W. Harvey, and E.J. Rhodes, Jr.,
“Speed of Sound in the Solar Interior,” Nature, 315, pp. 378-382, 1985.
24. Brown, T.M., B.W. Mihalas, and E.J. Rhodes, Jr., “Solar Waves and Oscillations,” in Physics
of the Sun (eds. P.A. Sturrock, T.E. Holzer, D. Milhalas, and R.K. Ulrich; Reidel), Vol I, pp.
177-247, 1986.
25. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., M.F. Woodard, A. Cacciani, S. Tomczyk, S.G. Korzennik, and R.K. Ulrich,
“On the Constancy of Intermediate-Degree p-Mode Frequencies During the Declining Phase
of Solar Cycle 21, Ap.J., 326, 479-485, 1988.
26. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., A. Cacciani, S.G. Korzennik, S. Tomczyk, R.K. Ulrich, and M.F. Woodard,
“Depth and Latitude Dependence of the Solar Internal Angular Velocity,” Ap.J., 351, 687-700,
27. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., A. Cacciani, and S.G. Korzennik. “Evidence for Radial Variations in the
Equatorial Profile of the Solar Internal Angular Velocity,” In Progress of Seismology of the
Sun and Stars, Lecture Notes in Physics, 367, Y. Osaki and H. Shibahashi, eds., (Springer-Verlag: Berlin), 163-172, 1990.
28. Korzennik, Sylvian, G., Alessandro Cacciani, Edward J. Rhodes, Jr., and Roger K. Ulrich,
“Contribution of High Degree Frequency Splittings to the Inversion of the Solar Rotation
Rate,” in Progress of Seismology of the Sun and Stars, Lecture Notes in Physics, 367, Y. Osaki
and H. Shibahashi, eds., (Springer-Verlag: Berlin), 341-347, 1990.
29. Goode, P.R., W.A. Dziembowski, E.J. Rhodes, Jr., and S.G. Korzennik, “Has the Sun’s Internal Rotation Changed Through this Activity Cycle?” in Progress of Seismology of the Sun and
Stars, Lecture Notes in Physics, 367, Y. Osaki and H. Shibahashi, eds., Springer-Verlag: Ber-
lin), 349-352, 1990.
30. Goode, Philip R., W.A. Dziembowski, S.G. Korzennik, and E.J. Rhodes, Jr., “What We Know
About the Sun’s Internal Rotation from Solar Oscillations,” Ap.J., 367, 649-657, 1991.
31. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., Alessandro Cacciani, and Sylvain G. Korzennik, “Observations of Intermediate- and High-Degree p-Mode Oscillations During the Rising Phase of Sunspot Cycle 22,”
Adv. Space Res., 11, (4)17-(4)28, 1991.
32. Rhodes, Edward J., Jr., “Sun, Oscillations,” in The Astronomy and Astrophysics Encyclopedia,
Stephen P. Maran, Editor, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 869-872, 1992.
33. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., S.G. Korzennik, A. Cacciani, and R. K. Ulrich, “Confirmation of Solar
Cycle-Dependent Intermediate-Degree p-Mode Frequency Shifts,” Ap.J., 406, 714-722, 1993.
34. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., “Helioseismology on the Moon,” Adv. Space Res., 14, Number 6, (6)21(6)31, 1994.
35. Patron, J., Hill, F., Rhodes, E.J., Jr., “Velocity Fields Within the Solar Convection Zone: Evidence from Oscillation Ring Diagram Analysis of Mt. Wilson Dopplergrams,” Astrophysical
Journal, 455, (December 20 issue), 746-757, 1995.
36. Christensen-Dalsgaard, J., W. Däppen, S.V. Ajukov, E.R. Anderson, H.M. Antia, S. Basu,
V.A. Baturin, G. Berthomieu, B. Chaboyer, S.M. Chitre, A.N. Cox, P. Demarque, J. Donatowicz, W.A. Dziembowski, M. Gabriel, D.O. Gough, D.B. Guenther, J.A. Guzik, J.W. Harvey, F.
Hill, G. Houdek, C.A. Iglesias, A.G. Kosovichev, J.W. Leibacher, P. Morel, C.R. Proffitt, J.
Provost, J. Reiter, E.J. Rhodes, Jr., F. J. Rogers, I.W. Roxburgh, M.J. Thompson, and R.K.
Ulrich, “The Current State of Solar Modeling,” Science, 272, 1286-1292, 1996.
37. Hill, F., P.B. Stark, R.T. Stebbins, E.R. Anderson, H.M. Antia, T.M. Brown, T.L. Duvall, Jr.,
D.A. Haber, J. W. Harvey, D. M. Hathaway, R. Howe, R.P. Hubbard, H.P. Jones, J.R. Kennedy,
S.G. Korzennik, A.G. Kosovichev, J.W. Leibacher, K.G. Libbrecht, J.A. Pintar, E. J. Rhodes,
Jr., J. Schou, M.J. Thompson, S. Tomczyk, C.G. Toner, R. Toussaint, and W.E. Williams, “The
Solar Acoustic Spectrum and Eigenmode Parameters,” Science, 272, 1292-1295, 1996.
38. Thompson, M.J., J. Toomre, E.R. Anderson, H.M. Antia, G. Berthomieu, D. Burtonclay, S.M.
Chitre, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard, T. Corbard, M. DeRosa, C.R. Genovese, D.O. Gough, D.A.
Haber, J.W. Harvey, F. Hill, R. Howe, S.G. Korzennik, A.G. Kosovichev, J.W. Leibacher, F.P.
Pijpers, J. Provost, E.J. Rhodes, Jr., J. Schou, T. Sekii, P.B. Stark, and P.R. Wilson, “Differential Rotation and Dynamics of the Solar Interior,” Science, 272, 1300-1305, 1996.
39. Rhodes, Edward J., Jr., “Helioseismology: A Probe of the Solar Interior, Atmosphere, and
Activity Cycle,” in Solar Wind Eight, Proceedings of the Eighth International Solar Wind
Conference, AIP Conference Proceedings, vol. 382, (AIP Press, Woodbury, New York), pp.38, 1996.
40. Didkovsky, L.V., E.J. Rhodes, Jr., A.I. Dolgushin, V.I. Haneychuk, N.M. Johnson, S.G.
Korzennik, V.A. Kotov, P.J. Rose, and T.T. Tasp: “First Results of Solar Oscillations Made in
Crimean Astrophysical Observatory Using Magneto-Optical Filter,” Izv VuZov Radiofizika,
39, No. 11-12, 1374-1380, 1996.
41. Kosovichev, A.G., J. Schou, P.H. Scherrer, R.S. Bogart, R.I. Bush, J.T. Hoksema, J. Aloise, L.
Bacon, A. Burnette, C. DeForest, P.M. Giles, R. Nigram, M. Rubin, S. Basu, J. ChristensenDalsgaard, W. Däppen, E.J. Rhodes, Jr., T.L. Duvall, Jr., R. Howe, M.J. Thompson, D.O.
gough, T. Sekii, J. Toomre, T.D. Tarbell, A.M. Title, D. Mather, M. Morrison, C.J. Wolfson,
and I. Zayer, “Structure and Rotation of Solar Interior: Initial Results from the MDI MediumL Program,” Solar Physics, 107, 43-61, 1997.
42. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., A.G. Kosovichev, J. Schou, P.H. Scherrer and J. Reiter, “Measurements of
Frequencies of Solar Oscillations from the MDI Medium-l Program,” Solar Physics, 175, 207230, 1997.
43. Rhodes, E.J., Jr. A.G. Kosovichev, J. Schou, P.H. Scherrer, and J. Reiter: 1997, "Measurements of Frequencies of Solar Oscillations from the MDI Medium-l Program," in The First
Results from SOHO, B. Fleck and Z. Svestka, eds., (Kluwer Academic Pub.: Amsterdam),
287-310, 1997.
44. Kosovichev, A.G., R. Nigam, P.H. Scherrer, J. Schou, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard, W.A. Dziembowsik, P.H. Goode, D.O. Gough, J. Reiter, and E.J. Rhodes, Jr.: 1998, "Spherical and
Aspherical Structure of the Sun: first Year of SOHO/MDI Observations," in New Eyes See
Inside the Sun and Stars, IAU Symposium 185, F.-L. Deubner, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard, and
D. Kurtz, eds., (Kluwer Academic Pub.: Amsterdam), 157-164, 1998.
45. Didkovsky, L.V., E.J. Rhodes, Jr., P.J. Rose: 1997, “A Comparison of Helioseismic Data from
Mount Wilson and the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory,” Izv. Krymskoy Astrofiz. Obs.,
46. Gonzalez Hernandez, I., J. Patron, T. Roca Cortes, R. S. Bogart, F. Hill, and E. J. Rhodes, Jr.:
“A Synoptic View of the Subphotospheric Horizontal Velocity Flows in the Sun,” Astrophys.
J., 535, 454-463, 2000.
47. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., Reiter, J., Schou, J., Kosovichev, A.G., and Scherrer, P.H., "Observed and
Predicted Ratios of the Horizontal and Vertical Components of the Solar p-Mode Velocity
Eigenfunctions," Ap. J. 561 pp. 1127-1143, 2001.
Books Edited
1. Ulrich, R. K., Rhodes, E.J., Jr., and Däppen, W, co-editors, GONG ‘94: Helio- and Asteroseismology from the Earth and Space,” Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series,
Volume 76, 656 pages, 1995.
Unrefereed Publications
1. Smith, Edward J., and Edward J. Rhodes, Jr., “Evidence for a Heliographic Latitude Gradient
in the Solar Wind Velocity,” in Solar Wind Three, proceedings of Third Asilomar Solar Wind
Conference, ed. C.T. Russell, p. 329, 1974
2. Rhodes, Edward J., Jr., “Non-Radial p-Mode Oscillations as a Seismic Probe of Solar Structure,” Ph.D. dissertation, University Micro-films, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 1977.
3. Rhodes, Edward J., Jr., Roger K. Ulrich, and George W. Simon, “Observations in the Chromosphere,” in Proceedings of OSO-8 Workshop, University of Colorado, Boulder, pp. 365-384,
4. Lubow, Stephen H., E.J. Rhodes, Jr., and R.K. Ulrich, “Five Minute Oscillations as a Probe of
the Solar Interior,” in Nonradial and Nonlinear Stellar Pulsations, Lecture Notes in Physics,
Vol. 125, (eds. H.A. Hill and W.A. Dziembowski), Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp. 300-306, 1980.
5. Rhodes, Edward J., Jr., “Observational Requirements for Measurements of Solar Rotation
Inward to the Base of the Convection Zone,” published in Proceedings of the Symposium on
the Study of the Solar Cycle From Space, NASA CP-2098, pp. 159-173, 1980.
6. Rhodes, Edward J., Jr., Roger K. Ulrich, John W. Harvey, Thomas L. Duvall, Jr., “The Five
Minute Oscillations, - What’s Left to be Done,” in Solar Instrumentation: What’s Next?, Proceedings of Sacramento Peak National Observatory Conference, (ed. Richard B. Dunn), pp.
37-81, 1981.
7. Rhodes, Edward, J., Jr., Robert F. Howard, Roger K. Ulrich, and Edward J. Smith, “New
Instrumentation for Solar Oscillation Measurements at Mt. Wilson Observatory,” ibid, pp.
102-127, 1981.
8. Rhodes, Edward J., Jr., and Roger K. Ulrich, “Testing Solar Models with low-Degree p-Mode
Oscillations,” in Proceedings of Conference on Pulsations in Classical and Cataclysmic Variable Stars, (eds. J.P. Cox and C.J. Hansen, JILA), Boulder, CO., pp. 147-151, 1982.
9. Ulrich, Roger K., and Edward J. Rhodes, Jr., Steven Tomczyk, Philip J. Dumont and Wendee
M. Brunish, “The Analysis of Solar Models-Neutrinos and Oscillations,” in Science Underground (Los Alamos, 1982), (eds. M.N. Nieto, W.C. Haxton, C.M. Hoffman, E.W. Kolb, V.D.
Sandberg, and J.W. Toevs), Am. Inst. Physics, New York, New York, pp. 66-79, 1983.
10. Marquedant, R.J., M.M. Litvak, T.E. Thorpe, E.J. Rhodes, Jr., C. Sepulveda, E.J. Smith, M.
Chrisp, Selection of a Wavelength Analyzer for a Solar Oscillations Imaging Experiment, JPL
Pub. D-2018, (219 pages) January 1985.
11. Rhodes, Edward J. Jr., Alessandro Cacciani, Steven Tomczyk, and Roger K. Ulrich, “The
1984 Solar Oscillation Program of the Mt. Wilson 60-Foot Tower,” in Seismology of the Sun
and Distant Stars, D.O. Gough, ed., D. Reidel, pp. 309-332, 1986.
12. Rhodes, Edward J., Jr., Allessandro Cacciani, and Steven Tomczyk, “Applications of the Magneto-Optical Filter to Stellar Pulsation Measurements,” ibid, pp. 359-375, 1986.
13. Rhodes, Edward J., Jr., Thomas K. Bursch, Roger K. Ulrich, and Steven Tomczyk, “A Onemegapixel Image Acquisition and Processing System for Solar Oscillation Studies,” in Proceedings of S.P.I.E. Vol. 627 Instrumentation in Astronomy VI, pp. 256-267, 1986.
14. Rhodes, E.J. Jr., A. Cacciani, and S. Tomczyk, “Full-Disk Solar Dopplergrams Observed with
a One-Megapixel CCD Camera and a Sodium Magneto-Optical Filter,” in The Internal Solar
Angular Velocity: Theory, Observations, and Relation to Magnetic Fields, B. Durney and S.
Sofia, eds., D. Reidel, 69-74, 1987.
15. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., A. Cacciani, M. Woodward, S. Tomczyk, S. Korzennik, and R.K. Ulrich,
“Estimates of the Solar Internal Angular Velocity Obtained with the Mt. Wilson 60-Foot Solar
Tower,” ibid, 75-82, 1987.
16. Rhodes, Edward J., Jr., Alessandro Cacciani, Steven Tomczyk, Martin Woodward, Sylvian
Korzennik, and Roger K. Ulrich, “Measurements of Solar Interior Rotation Obtained with the
Mt. Wilson 60 Foot Solar Tower,” in Advances in Helio- and Asteroseismology, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard and S. Frandsen, eds., D. Reidel, 41-44, 1988.
17. Rhodes, Edward J., Jr., Alessandro Cacciani, and Steven Tomczyk, “Full-Disk Solar Dopplergrams Observed with a 1024x1024 Pixel CCD Camera,” ibid, 471-474, 1988.
18. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., A. Cacciani, and S. Korzennik, S. Tomczyk, R.K. Ulrich, and M.F. Woodward, “Radial and Latitudinal Gradients in the Solar Internal Angular Velocity,” in Proceedings ofthe Symposium on the Seismology of the Sun and Sun-Like Stars, Tenerife, 73-80,
Sept. 1988.
19. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., A. Cacciani, and S. Korzennik, “Initial High Degree p-Mode Frequency
Splittings from the 1988 Mt. Wilson 60-Foot Tower Solar Oscillation Program,” ibid, 81-86,
20. Korzennik, S.G., A. Cacciani, E.J. Rhodes, Jr., S. Tomczyk, and R. K. Ulrich, “Inversion of
the Solar Rotation Rate Versus Depth and Latitude,” ibid, 117-124, 1988.
21. Tomczyk, S., A. Cacciani, S. Korzennik, E.J. Rhodes, Jr., R.K. Ulrich, and M.W. Woodard,
“Measurement of the Rotational Frequency Splitting of the Solar Five-Minute Oscillations
from Magneto-Optical Filter Observations,” ibid, 141-148, 1988.
22. Cacciani, A., D. Ricci, P. Rosati, E.J. Rhodes, Jr., E. Smith, S. Tomczyk, and R.K. Ulrich,
“Acquisition and Reduction Procedures for MOF Doppler-Magnetograms,” ibid, 185-188,
23. Rhodes, E.J., A. Cacciani, G. Garneau, T. Misch, D. Progovac, T. Schieber, S. Tomczyk, and
R.K. Ulrich, “Full-Disk Magnetograms Obtained with a Na Magneto-Optical Filter at the
Mount Wilson Observatory,” in Max’91: Flare Research at the Next Solar Maximum, ed. R.C.
Canfield and B.R. Dennis, 33-49, 1988.
24. Scherrer, P.H., J.T. Hoeksema, R.S. Bogart, A.B.C. Walker, A.M. Title, T.D. Tarbell, C.J.
Wolfson, T.M. Brown, J. Christensen-Dalsgaard, D.O. Gough, J.R. Kuhn, J.W. Leibacher, K.J.
Libbrecht, R.Y. Noyes, E.J. Rhodes, Jr., J. Toomre, E.G. Zeibel, and R.K. Ulrich, “SOI-The
Solar Oscillations Imager for SOHO,” in The SOHO Mission, Scientific and Technical
Aspects of the Instruments, V. Domingo ed. European Space Agency (ESA SP-1104), Paris,
France, 25-30, 1989.
25. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., “JPL CRAY X-MP/18 Used for Helioseismological Studies of Solar Structure and Dynamics,” JPL Computing and Information Services News, 8, No. 10, 14-15, October 1990.
26. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., T. Brown, A. Cacciani, S. Korzennik, and R.K. Ulrich, “Further Evidence for
Radial Variations in the Solar Equatorial Angular Velocity Profile,” in Challenges to Theories
of the Structure of Moderate Mass Stars, Lecture Notes In Physics, 388, (eds. D. Gough and J.
Toomre; Springer Verlag-Berlin), 285-292, 1991.
27. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., T. Brown, A. Cacciani, S.G. Korzennik, and R.K. Ulrich, “Measurements of
Intermediate- and High-degree (20< l < 600) p-Mode Solar Oscillation Power and Energy,” in
Challenges to Theories of the Structure of Moderate Mass Stars, Lecture Notes in Physics,
388, (eds. D. Gough and J. Toomre; Springer Verlag-Berlin), 277-284, 1991
28. Hill, F., E.J. Rhodes, Jr., S. Korzennik, and A. Cacciani, “Solar Oscillation Ring Diagrams
from Mt. Wilson Full-Disk Magneto-Optical Dopplergrams” in Challenges to Theories of the
Structure of Moderate Mass Stars, Lecture Notes in Physics, 388, (eds. D. Gough and J.
Toomre; Springer Verlag-Berlin), 271-275, 1991
29. Hathaway, D.J., E.J. Rhodes, Jr., A. Cacciani, and S.G. Korzennik, “The Supergranulation
Spectrum,” in Challenges to Theories of the Structure of Moderate Mass Stars, Lecture Notes
in Physics, 388, (eds. D. Gough and J. Toomre; Springer Verlag-Berlin), 163-169, 1991.
30. Däppen, W., Gough, D.O., Kosovichev, A.G, and Rhodes, E.J., Jr., “On the Influence of the
treatment of Heavy Elements in the Equation of State on the Resulting Values of the Adiabatic
Exponent Γ ,” in The Proceedings of the IAU Symposium “Inside the Stars”, Vienna, Austria,
April 1992, eds. W. Weiss and M. Breger, 304-306, 1993.
31. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., Korzennik, S.G., Johnson, N.M., and Cacciani, A., “Helioseismology Studies of Solar Internal Structure and Dynamics Using the Intel Touchstone Delta,” Proceedings
of the Grand Challenge Computing Science Fair, CCSF-23-92, June, 1992, eds. T. Mihaly and
P. Messina, Concurrent Supercomputing Consortium, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA., pp. 79-95, 1992.
32. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., Johnson, N.M., Korzennik, S.G. and Smith, D.R., “Helioseismology Studies
of Solar Structure and Dynamics,” in Annual Report of the Consortium for Concurrent Supercomputing, California Institute of Technology, pp. 31-33, 1992.
33. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., Cacciani, A., and Korzennik, S.G., “Preliminary p-Mode Frequencies from a
93-Day Mt. Wilson 60-Foot Tower Observing Run,” in GONG 1992: Seismic Investigation of
the Sun and Stars, A.S.P. Conf. Series, Vol. 42, ed. T.M. Brown, (A.S.P., San Francisco), pp.
193-196, 1993.
34. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., Cacciani, A., Däppen, W., Didkovsky, L.V., Hill, F., Korzennik, S.G., Kosovichev, A.A., Kotov, V.A., and Scherrer, P.H., “Plans for Mt. Wilson-Crimean Astrophysical
Observatory High-Degree Helioseismology Network,” ibid., pp 477-480, 1993.
35. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., Rhodes, E.J., III, and Caccaini, A., “Observations of the Thermal Response
of the Terrestrial Atmosphere to the Solar Eclipse of July 11, 1991,” ibid., pp. 297-300, 1993.
36. Korzennik, S.G., Cacciani, A., and Rhodes, E.J., Jr., “Towards a Better Determination of Frequency Splitting at Intermediate and High Degree Modes: Preliminary Results of Sectoral
Frequency Splittings from a 90-Day Observing Run,” ibid., pp. 201-204, 1993.
37. Korzennik, S.G., Rhodes, E.J., Jr., and Johnson, N.M., “Helioseismology on a Massively Parallel Architecture: Reduction of 1024 by 1024 Full-Disk Dopplergrams on Intel’s Touchstone
Delta Supercomputer,” ibid., pp 461-464, 1993.
38. Patron, J., Hill, F., Rhodes, E.J., Jr., Korzennik, S.G., Cacciani, A., and Brown, T.M., “Ring
Diagram Analysis of Mt. Wilson Data,” ibid., pp. 437-440, 1993.
39. Korzennik, S.G., Rhodes, E.J., Jr., Johnson, N.M., and Rose, P., “On the Determination of the
Solar Internal Rotation,” in GONG 1994: Helio- and Asteroseismology from the Earth and
Space, R.K. Ulrich, E.J. Rhodes, Jr., and W. Däppen eds., ASP Conf. ser., Vol.76, 12-23,
40. Patron, J., Hill, F., Rhodes, E.J., Jr., Korzennik, S.G., and Cacciani, A., “Ring Diagram Analysis of Mt. Wilson Data: Velocity Fields Within the Solar Convection Zone,” in GONG 1994:
Helio- and Asteroseismology from the Earth and Space, R.K. Ulrich, E. J. Rhodes, Jr., and W.
Däppen eds. ASP Conf. ser.,Vol. 76, 208-211, 1995.
41. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., Didkovsky, L.V., Chumak, O.V., Korzennik, S.G., and Scherrer, P.H., “Status
of Mt. Wilson-Crimean-Kazakhstan High-Degree Helioseismology Network,” in GONG
1994: Helio- and Asteroseismology from the Earth and Space, R.K. Ulrich, E.J. Rhodes, Jr.,
and W. Däppen eds., ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 76, 398-401, 1995.
42. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., Johnson, N., Rose, P., Korzennik, S.G., and Cacciani, A., “Solar Cycle
Dependence of p-Mode Frequencies at Intermediate and High Degrees,” in GONG 1994:
Helio- and Asteroseismology from the Earth and Space, R.K. Ulrich, E.J. Rhodes, Jr., and W.
Däppen eds., ASP Conf. ser., Vol 76, 227-238, 1995.
43. Reiter, J., Rhodes, E.J., Jr., Däppen, W., and Korzennik, S.G., “Applications of Massively-Parallel Computing in Solar Modeling,” in GONG 1994: Helio- and Asteroseismology from the
Earth and Space, ASP Conf. Ser., Vol. 76, 140-143, 1995.
44. Patron, J., Rhodes, E.J., Jr., and Korzennik, S.G., “Looking for Non Local Features in Horizontal Velocity Flows,” in Proceedings of Fourth SOHO Workshop: Helioseismology, J.T.
Hocksema, editor, V. Domingo, B. Fleck, and B. Battrick, editors, ESA Publication, SP-376,
vol2 pp. 133-136, 1995.
45. Didkovsky, L.V., Andreeva, O.A., Borzyak, P.I., Dolgushin, A.I., Rhodes, E.J., Jr., Johnson,
N.M., Rose, P.J., and Korzennik, S.G., “Restoration of Full-Disk Velocity Maps Obtained
With Magneto-Optical Filter,” in Proceedings of Fourth SOHO Workshop: Helioseismology,
J.T. Hoeksema, V. Domingo, B. Fleck, and B. Battvick, editors, ESA SP-376, Vol. 2, pp. 191195, 1995.
46. Didkovsky, L.V., Andreeva, O.A., Borzyak, P.I., Dolgushin, A.I., Rhodes, E.J., Jr., Johnson,
N.M., Rose, P.J., and Korzennik, S.G., “Method Optimization for Calculating the Solar Limb
Position,” in Proceedings of Fourth SOHO Workshop: Helioseismology, J.T. Hoeksema, V.
Domingo, B. Fleck, and B. Battrick, editors, ESA SP-376, Vol. 12, pp. 197-200, 1995.
47. Didkovsky, L.V., Andreeva, O.A., Borzyak, P.I., Dolgushin, A.I., Rhodes, E.J., Jr., Johnson,
N.M., Rose, P.J., and Korzennik, “On Adjustment and Focus of Solar Images for MagnetoOptical Filter Observations,” in Proceedings of Fourth SOHO Workshop: Helioseismology,
J.T., Hocksema, V. Domingo, B. Fleck, and B. Battrick, editors, ESA SP-376, Vol.2, 201-203,
48. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., J. Reiter, A.G. Kosovichev, J. Schou, and P.H. Scherrer: 1998, "Initial SOI/
MDI High-Degree Frequencies and Frequency Splittings," in Proceedings of SOHO 6/GONG
98 Workshop, A.Wilson, ed., (ESA Publications: Noordwijk, The Netherlands), 73-82.
49. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., J. Reiter, A.G. Kosovichev, J. Schou, and P.H. Scherrer, P.J. Rose, S. Irish,
and A.R. Jones: 1998 "The Comparison of Simultaneous SOI/MDI and Mt. Wilson 60-foot
Tower Power Spectra and P-Mode Parameters," in Proceedings of SOHO 6/GONG 98 Workshop, A.Wilson, ed., (ESA Publications: Noordwijk, The Netherlands), 311-316.
50. Rosenthal, C.S., J. Christensen-Dalsgaard, A.G. Kosovichev, A. Nordlund, J. Reiter, E.J.
Rhodes, Jr., J. Schou, R.F. Stein, and R. Trampedach: 1998, "Tests of Convective Frequency
Effects with SOI/MDI High-Degree Data," in Proceedings of SOHO 6/GONG 98 Workshop,
A.Wilson, ed., (ESA Publications: Noordwijk, The Netherlands), 521-525.
51. Roca Cortes, T. and E.J. Rhodes, Jr.: 1998, "Report from Working Group Session 1: Resonant
Mode characterization," in Proceedings of SOHO 6/GONG 98 Workshop, A.Wilson, ed.,
(ESA Publications: Noordwijk, The Netherlands), 365-371.
52. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., J. Reiter, and J. Schou: 2002, “Solar Cycle Variability of High-Frequency
and High-Degree p-Mode Oscillation Frequencies,” in From Solar Min to Max: Half a Solar
Cycle with SOHO, Proceedings of the SOHO 11 Symposium, A. Wilson, ed., ESA SP-508,
(ESA Publications: Noordwijk, The Netherlands), 37-40.
53. Reiter, J., E.J. Rhodes, Jr., A.G. Kosovichev, J. Schou, and P.H. Scherrer, 2002, “Effect of
Line Asymmetry on Determination of High-Degree Mode Frequencies,” in From Solar Min to
Max: Half a Solar Cycle with SOHO, Proceedings of the SOHO 11 Symposium, A. Wilson,
Ed., ESA SP-508, (ESA Publications: Noordwijk, The Netherlands), 87-90.
54. Reiter, J., E.J. Rhodes, Jr., A.G. Kosovichev, J. Schou, and P.H. Scherrer: 2002, “A New
Method for Measuring Frequencies and Splittings of High-Degree Modes,” in From Solar Min
to Max: Half a Solar Cycle with SOHO, Proceedings of the SOHO 11 Symposium, A. Wilson,
ed., ESA SP-508, (ESA Publications: Noordwijk, the Netherlands), 91-94.
55. Rhodes, E. J., Jr., J. Reiter, and J. Schou: 2003, “High-Degree p-Modes and the Sun’s Evolving Surface,” to appear in Local and Global Helioseismology: The Present and the Future,
Proceedings of SOHO 12/GONG+ 2002 Workshop, A. Wilson, ed., ESA SP-517, (ESA Publications: Noordwijk, the Netherlands), 173-182.
56. Reiter, J., A. G. Kosovichev, E. J. Rhodes, Jr., and J. Schou: 2003, “Accurate Measurements of
SOI/MDI High-Degree Frequencies and Frequency Splittings,” to appear in Local and Global
Helioseismology: The Present and the Future, Proceedings of SOHO 12/GONG+ 2002 Workshop, A. Wilson, ed., ESA SP-517, (ESA Publications: Noordwijk, the Netherlands), 369372.
57. Rose, P., E. J. Rhodes, Jr., J. Reiter, D. C. Hojatkashani, and W. Rudnisky: 2003, "Studies of
the Sensitivity of p-Mode Oscillations to Changing Levels of solar Activity," to appear in
Local and Global Helioseismology: The Present and the Future, Proceedings of SOHO 12/
GONG+ 2002 Workshop, A. Wilson, ed., ESA SP-517, (ESA Publications: Noordwijk, the
Netherlands), 373-376.
Published Abstracts of Scientific Presentations
1. White, K.P., III, E.J. Rhodes, Jr., P.M. Woicshyn, and E.B. Mayfield, “Radio Emission Related
to the Kinematics of the Tau-Shaped Flare of 21 November 1969,” Bull. A.A.S., 2, 4, 1970,
2. Smith, E.J., E.J. Rhodes, Jr., and J.W. Belcher, “A Study of Interplanetary Sector Boundaries,”
in Trans. A.G.U., 51, 11 (November 1970), 816.
3. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., E.J. Smith, and J.W. Belcher, “Interplanetary Sector Boundaries,” in Trans.
A.G.U., 52, 4 (April 1971), 337.
4. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., and E.J. Smith, “Solar Source Location and Propagation of Sector Boundaries,” in Trans. A.G.U., 53, 11 (November 1972), 1106.
5. Rhodes, E.J., Jr. and E.J. Smith, “Dependence of the Solar Wind Velocity on Heliographic
Latitude,” in Trans. A.G.U., 54, 4 (April 1973), 448.
6. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., and E.J. Smith, “Evidence of a Large Scale Gradient in Solar Wind Velocity,” in Trans, A.G.U., 55, 4 (April 1974), 409.
7. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., and E.J. Smith, “Evidence for a Correlation Scale Length for Heliographic
Latitude Variations in Solar Wind Stream Structure,” in Trans, A.G.U., 55, 12 (December
1974), 1184.
8. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., and E.J. Smith, “Further Evidence for Heliographic Latitude Gradients in the
Solar Wind,” Trans, A.G.U., 56, 5, (May 1975), 438.
9. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., and E.J. Smith, “A Possible Relationship Between Solar Wind Density and
Coronal EUV Emission,” in Bull. A.A.S., 7, 3, 1975, 458
10. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., and E.J. Smith, “Heliographic Latitude Gradients in the Solar Wind and
Coronal Fe XV EUV Emission,” in Trans, A.G.U., 56, 12 (December 1975), 1056.
11. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., and E.J. Smith, and J.H. Wolfe, “Large-Scale Correlation Structure of Coronal Fe XV EUV Emission and Solar Wind Velocity,” in Trans, A.G.U., 57, 4, (April 1976),
12. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., R.K. Ulrich, and G.W. Simon, “Observations of the Solar Oscillatory Velocity Field for (X,Y,T) = ( 256″̂, 256″̂, 5hours ) ,” Bull. A.A.S., 8, 1976, 310.
13. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., R.K. Ulrich, and G.W. Simon, “Acoustic Spectroscopy of the Solar Envelope,” Bull. A.A.S., 8, 4, 1976, 533
14. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., and E.J. Smith, “Further Evidence for Large Latitude Differences in Solar
Wind Structure,” in Trans. A.G.U., 57, 12 (December 1976), 997.
15. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., R.K. Ulrich, and G.W. Simon, “Observations of Non-radial p-Mode Oscillations on the Sun,” presented at Joint A.A.S.-A.G.U. Symposium on Solar and Interplanetary
Physics, Tucson, Arizona, Jan. 1977.
16. Ulrich, R.K., and E.J. Rhodes, Jr., “The Chromospheric Structure of Solar p-Mode Oscillations,” Bull. A.A.S., 9, 2, 1977, 324.
17. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., “The Use of p-Mode Oscillations to Measure the Solar Rotation Rate,” Bull.
A.A.S., 9, 2, 1977, 336.
18. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., and E.J. Smith, “Simultaneous Observations of Latitude-Longitude Structure
in the Solar Wind and on the Sun,” in Trans. A.G.U., 58, 8 (August 1977), 772.
19. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., and R.K. Ulrich, “Non-radial p-Mode Oscillations as a possible Source of
Non-thermal Solar Wind Heating,” in Trans. A.G.U., 59, (April 1978), 367.
20. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., and R.K. Ulrich, “Long-wavelength p-Mode Oscillations as an Energy
Source for Solar Wind,” Bull. A.A.S., 10, No.2, 1978, 416.
21. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., R.K. Ulrich, and S.H. Lubow, “Recent Improvements in Solar p-Mode Theoretical Calculations,” Bull. A.A.S., 10, No.4, 1978, 671.
22. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., R.F. Howard, R.K. Ulrich, and E.J. Smith, “Ground- and Space-Based Monitoring of Solar Interior Structure and Rotation in the 1980’s,” Trans. A.G.U., 60, (May 1979),
23. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., and R.K. Ulrich, “Radial and Low-order Non-radial p-Mode Oscillations of
the Sun,” Bull. A.A.S., 12, 1980, 475.
24. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., and R.K. Ulrich, “The Sensitivity of Low-Degree p-Mode Eigenfrequencies
to Solar Structure Below the Convection Zone,” Bull. A.A.S., 12, 1980, 893.
25. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., and R.K. Ulrich, “Further Comparisons Between Observed and Theoretical
Eigenfrequencies for Low-Degree Solar p-Mode Oscillations,” Bull. A.A.S., 13, 1981, 859.
26. Ulrich, R.K., S. Tomczyk, and E.J. Rhodes, Jr., “Probing Solar Structure with Oscillations of
Intermediate Degree,” in Proceedings of Conference of Pulsations in Classical and Cataclysmic Variable Stars, (eds. J.P. Cox and C.J. Hansen, JILA), Boulder, CO, 138, 1982.
27. Rhodes, Edward J., Jr., John W. Harvey, and Thomas L. Duvall, Jr., “Recent Observations of
High-Degree Solar p-Mode Oscillations at the Kitt Peak National Observatory,” Solar Physics, 82, 111, 1983.
28. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., W. Brunish, and R.K. Ulrich, “Theoretical Eigenfrequencies for Low-Degree
(0 < l < 3) Solar Oscillations Having Periods Longer Than Nine Minutes,” Bull. A.A.S., 15,
705, 1983
29. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., “Solar Seismology: The High-Degree “Five-Minute” Oscillations,” Trans.
A.G.U., 64, 303, 1983.
30. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., A. Cacciani, S. Tomczyk, R.K. Ulrich, P. Dumont, and R.F. Howard, “Magneto-Optical Filter Observations of Solar Oscillations at the Mt. Wilson Observatory,” Bull.
A.A.S., 16, 451, 1984.
31. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., “A Compact Dopplergraph/Magnetograph Suitable for Space Based Measurements of Solar Oscillation and Magnetic Fields,” paper E.2.4., Twenty-Fifth Plenary
Meeting of the Committee on Space Research, Graz, Austria, p. 275, 1984.
32. Tomczyk, S., E.J. Rhodes, Jr., A. Cacciani, R.K. Ulrich, and R.F. Howard, “The Summer 1984
Solar Oscillation Program of the Mount Wilson 60-Foot Solar Telescope,” Bull. A.A.S., 16,
978, 1984.
33. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., A. Cacciani, S. Tomczyk, R.K. Ulrich, P. Dumont, and R.J. Howard, “Observations of Solar Velocity Fields with Large-Format CCD Camera at the Mount Wilson Observatory,” Bull. A.A.S., 16, 979, 1984.
34. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., S. Tomczyk, M.F. Woodard, A. Cacciani, S. Korzennik, and R.K. Ulrich,
“Evidence for Radial Gradients in the Solar Internal Rotational Velocity,” Bull. A.A.S., 18,
1010, 1986.
35. Tomczyk, S., A. Cacciani, and E.J. Rhodes, Jr., “A Magneto-Optical Filter for Solar Oscillation Measurements,” Bull. A.A.S., 19, 701, 1987.
36. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., M.F. Woodard, A. Cacciani, S. Tomczyk, S. Korzennik, and R.K. Ulrich,
“Constancy of Intermediate-Degree p-Mode Frequencies During the Declining Phase of Solar
Cycle 21,” Bull. A.A.S., 19, 933, 1987.
37. Woodard, M.F., E.J., Rhodes, Jr., S. Tomczyk, S. Korzennik, A. Cacciani, and R.K. Ulrich,
“Angular Velocity of the Solar Interior Obtained by an Asymptotix Inversion of p-Mode Frequency Shifts,” Bull. A.A.S., 19, 934, 1987.
38. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., A. Cacciani, G. Garneau, T. Misch, D. Progovac, R. Shieber, S. Tomczyk,
and R.K. Ulrich, “Full-Disk Magnetograms Obtained with a Na Magneto-Optical Filter at the
Mount Wilson Observatory,” Bull. A.A.S., 20, 744, 1988.
39. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., A. Cacciani, G. Garneau, S. Korzennik, and D. Smith, “Video Movies of
1987 Magneto-Optical Filter Observations Recorded with the JPL 1024x1024 CCD Camera,”
Bull. A.A.S., 20, 678, 1988.
40. Hathaway, D.H., E.J. Rhodes, Jr., A. Cacciani, and S. Korzennik, “Spectrum, Lifetime, and
Rotation Rate of Supergranules,” Bull. A.A.S., 21, 829, 1989.
41. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., A. Cacciani, and S. Korzennik, “Evidence for Degree-Dependent Variations
in the Frequency Splittings of Solar Sectoral p-Modes,” Bull. A.A.S., 21, 831, 1989.
42. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., A. Cacciani, S. Korzennik, and Roger K. Ulrich, “Further Evidence for
Radial Variations in the Solar Equatorial Angular Velocity Profile,” Bull. A.A.S., 22, 896,
43. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., S.G. Korzennik, D.H. Hathaway, and A. Cacciani, “How Deeply Might Sunspots and Supergranules Be Anchored Within the Sun?” Bull. A.A.S., 23, 1033, 1991.
44. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., S,G, Korzennik, D.H. Hathaway, and A. Cacciani, “How Deeply Might Sunspots and Supergranules Be Anchored Within the Sun?” in 1991 Annual GONG Meeting
Abstracts, GONG Report Number 9, National Solar Observatory, Tucson, AZ, 1991.
45. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., Korzennik, S.G., Johnson, N., Rose, P., and Caciani, A.: 1993, “Recent
Progress at the Mt. Wilson 60-Foot Tower,” in Abstract Booklet for GONG 93 meeting, Tucson, AZ.
46. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., Korzennik, S.G., and Cacciani, A., 1993, “Comparisons of Helioseismic
Parameters of High-Degree Solar p-Modes for Different Epochs During Solar Cycle 22,” in
Program and Abstracts booklet, I.A.U. Colloquium No. 143, “The Sun as a Variable Star,”
Boulder, Colorado, p. 161.
47. Hill, F., Patron, J., Rhodes, E.J., Jr., Korzennik, S.G., and Cacciani, A.: 1993, “Ring Diagram
Analysis of Mt. Wilson Data: Current Status” in Bull. A.A.S.
48. Kasher, J.C., Wilkins, D., Hathaway, D.H., Korzennik, S., and Rhodes, E.J., Jr.: 1994, “Measurements of Solar Differential Rotation from Cross-Correlation Tracking of Supergranulation,” E.O.S. Transactions of the American Geophysical Union, 1994, 75.
49. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., Johnson, N.M., Rose, P.J., Korennik, S.G., and Cacciani, “Initial Observa-
tions of Activity-Related Frequency Shifts of Solar High-Degree p-Mode Oscillations,” in
Program and Abstract Book, 4th SOHO Workshop, Asilomar, CA, p.61, 1995.
50. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., Xue, Y., Hill, F., Patron, J., Bogart, R.S., Korzennik, S.G., and Cacciani, A.,
“Plans for Ring Diagram Analysis of Additional Mt. Wilson Dopplergrams,” in Program and
Abstracts Book, 4th SOHO Workshop, Asilomar, CA, P. 69, 1995.
51. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., Didkovsky, L., Chumak, O., Scherrer, P.H., “Current Status of Mt. WIlsonCrimeon- Kazakhstan High Degree Helioseismology Network,” in Program and Abstracts
Book, 4th SOHO workshop, Asilomar, CA, p. 84, 1995.
52. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., S.G. Korzennik, A.G. Kosovichev, J. Reiter, and L.V. Didkovsky, “Systematic Errors in Inversions for Solar Internal Structure,” in EOS, Trans. A.G.U., 77, No. 46,
(Nov. 12), p. F573, 1996.
53. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., T. Appourchaux, K. Bachmann, A.G. Kosovichev, P.H. Scherrer, J. Schou,
and J. Reiter, “The Effects of Systematic Errors in the Estimation of p-mode Frequencies on
the Inversion of Solar Internal Structure,” in Bull. Am. Astron. Soc., 29, No. 2, 913, 1997.
54. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., J. Reiter, A.G. Kosovichev, J. Schou, and P.H. Scherrer, “Initial High-Degree
Frequencies and Frequency Splitting from the SOHO SOI/MDI Experiment,” in Bull. Am.
Astron. Soc., 30, No. 2, 845, 1998.
55. Rhodes, E. J., Jr., J. Reiter, A. G. Kosovichev, J. Schou, and P. H. Scherrer: 1999, “Solar Internal rotation as Measured by the SOHO SOI/MDI Full-Disk Program,” Bull. Am. Astron. Soc.,
32, No. 2, 911-912.
56. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., Reiter, J., Schou, J., Kosovichev, A.G., and Scherrer, P.H.: 2001, "Challenges in High-Degree Helioseismology," EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union,
82, No. 20, p. S384.
57. Rhodes, E.J., Jr., J. Reiter, and J. Schou: 2003, “Solar Cycle Variability of High Frequency
and High-Degree p-Mode Oscillation Frequencies,” Bulletin of the American Astronomical
Society, 34, Number 3.
58. Rhodes, E.J., Jr.:2003, “Helioseismic Probing of the Dynamic Solar Interior, IUGG 2003
Book of Abstracts, A325.
Invited Articles and Presentations
1. “New Techniques for Measuring Solar Rotation,” presented to Workshop on Solar and Stellar
Variability, Tucson, Arizona, March 1979.
2. “Observational Requirements for Measurements of Solar Rotation Inward to the Base of the
Convection Zone,” presented at Symposium on the Study of the Solar Cycle from Space,
Wellesley, Massachusetts, June, 1979.
3. “Non-Radial Oscillations of the Sun,” U.C.L.A. Dept. of Astronomy Colloquium, Feb. 25,
4. “New Instrumentation for Solar Oscillation Measurements at Mt. Wilson Observatory,” presented at Workshop of Solar Instrumentation: What’s Next?, Sacramento Peak Observatory,
October, 1980.
5. “The Five-Minute Oscillations: What’s Left,” presented at Workshop on Solar Instrumentation: What’s Next?, Sacramento Peak Observatory, October 1980.
6. “Solar Oscillation-Current Comparisons of Theory and Observation,” to Third Workshop on
Variations in the Solar Constant, NASA GSFC, Greenbelt, Maryland, November 7, 1980.
7. “Recent Observations of High-Degree Solar p-Mode Oscillations at the Kitt Peak National
Observatory,” presented at I.A.U. Colloquium No. 66, Crimean Astrophysical Observatory,
U.S.S.R., September, 1981.
8. “Helioseismology: Probing the Sun’s Interior,” Invited Guest Lecture to the 1982 Annual
Meeting of the Gould Computer Systems Division Users’ Group, Denver, Colorado, September, 1982.
9. “Helioseismology,” Invited Lecture to the 1982 Meeting of the CSPI MAPUS Users’ Society,
San Diego, California, October, 1982.
10. “Solar Seismology: The High-Degree “Five-Minute” Oscillations,” presented to special session of the Spring 1983 meeting of the American Geophysical Union, Baltimore, Maryland,
May, 1983.
11. “Evaluation of a Magneto-Optical Filter and a Fabry-Perot Interferometer for the Measurement of Solar Velocity Fields from Space,” presented at a conference on Solar Seismology
from Space, Snowmass, Colorado, August, 1983.
12. “A Compact Dopplergraph/ Magnetograph Suitable for Space-Based Measurements of Solar
Oscillations and Magnetic Fields,” presented at XXVth COSPAR Meeting, Graz, Austria, July
13. Review Article “Solar Waves and Oscillations,” written with T. Brown and B. Milhalas, in The
Physics of the Sun, Vol. I, pp. 177-247, 1986. This book was the result of a study conducted
for the Committee on Solar and Space Physics of the Space Science Board of the National
Research Council.
14. “Helioseismology at the Mt. Wilson Observatory,” invited colloquium presented to the Solar
Physics Department of the Astrophysical Institute of the Canary Islands, Tenerife, Spain, January 1986.
15. “Probing the Sun’s Interior With Solar Seismology,” invited seminar presented to the Observational Systems Division of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, California, August 18,
16. “Probing the Solar Interior,” invited public lecture Astronomy Club of Laguna Hills, July 28,
17. “Helioseismology: Probing the Solar Interior,” invited lecture to the MIT Club of Southern
California, Mt. Wilson, California, March 26, 1988.
18. “Recent Progress in High-Degree Helioseismology at the Mt. Wilson Observatory,” a series of
informal seminars presented at the Institute for Theoretical Physics, U.C. Santa Barbara,
March-May, 1990.
19. Observation of Intermediate- and High-Degree p-Mode Oscillations During the Rising Phase
of Sunspot Cycle 22” presented at the XXVIII COSPAR meeting, The Hague, The Netherlands, 1990.
20. “Helioseismology: A Window Into the Sun,” presented to the Los Angeles Astronomical Society, May 13, 1991.
21. “Sun, Oscillations” in The Reference Astronomy and Astrophysical Encyclopedia, Stephen P.
Maran, editor, Van Nostrand Reinhold, 869-872, 1992.
22. “Helioseismology on the Moon,” presented to the Symposium on Astronomy and Space Physics from the Moon, World Space Congress, Washington, D.C., August 31, 1992.
23. “Helioseismology - A Unique Window into the Internal Structure and Dynamics of the Sun,”
presented to the Intel Touchstone Delta Supercomputer Users’ Group Meeting, California
Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, May 25, 1993.
24. Invited review entitled “Recent Observations in Helioseismology,” presented to the Workshop
on Solar Modeling which was held as part of the Program entitled “Solar Neutrinos and Neutrino Astrophysics,” at the Institute for Nuclear Theory, U. Washington, Seattle, WA, March
21, 1994.
25. Invited Review Entitled “Solar Cycle Dependencies of Solar p-Mode Oscillation Frequencies
and Powers,” presented at the GONG ‘94 Conference, which was held at U.S.C., May 20,
26. Invited Review entitled “Recent Observational Results in Helioseismology,” presented to
Working Discussion 3 of the 22nd General Assembly of the International Astronomical
Union, which was held in The Hague, Netherlands, August 18, 1994.
27. Invited Review entitled “Helioseismology: A Probe of the Solar Interior, Atmosphere, and
Activity Cycle,” presented to Solar Wind 8 Conference, Dana Point, CA June 26, 1995.
28. Invited Review entitled “Helioseismology,” presented to “The Dynamic Sun” Educator’s Conference, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, October 29, 1995.
29. Invited review lecture entitled, “The Effects of Systematic Errors in the Estimation of p-Mode
Frequencies on the Inversion of Solar Internal Structure,” at the 28th meeting of the Solar
Physics Division of the American Astronomical Society, which was held in Bozeman, Montana, June 28, 1997.
30. Invited oral contibution entitled, “Initial SOI/MDI High-Degree Frequencies and Frequency
Splittings,” presented at SOHOG/GONG 98 Workshop, Boston, MA., June 7, 1998.
31. Invited oral contribution entitled “Problems Related to the Determination of High-Degree pMode Frequencies and Frequency Splittings,” presented at GONG 99 Workshop, Tucson, AZ
on March 22 and 23, 1999.
32. Invited oral contribution entitled "Challenge in High-Degree Helioseismology" presented to
the joint Spring 2001 meeting of the Solar Physics Division of the American Astronomical
Society and the American Geophysical Union, Boston, MA, May 29, 2001.
33. Invited Contributed Talk entitled “Solar Cycle Variability of High-Frequency and High-
Degree p-Mode Oscillation Frequencies,’’ presented at the SOHO 11 Symposium, Davos,
Switzerland, March 11, 2002.
34. Invited Public Lecture entitled ‘‘Studies of the Changing Sun from Mount Wilson and From
Space,’’ presented to Orange County Astronomers, Chapman University, Orange, CA, October 11, 2002.
35. Invited Review Paper entitled ‘‘High-Degree p-Modes and the Sun’s Evolving Surface,’’ presented at the SOHO 12/GONG+ 2002 Workshop, Big Bear Lake, CA, October 31, 2002.
36. Invited Review Paper entitled “Helioseismic Probing of the Dynamic Solar Interior,” presented at Workshop GA IV.ol of the IAGA 2003 Meeting, held in Sapporo, Japan, June 30 July, 11, 2003.
37. Invited Public Lecture, “Studies of the Dynamic Solar Interior from Mount Wilson and from
Space,” presented to Los Angeles Astronomical Society, Griffith Observatory, Los Angeles,
CA, September 8, 2003.
38. Invited Public Lecture, “Studying the Dynamic Solar Interior from Mount Wilson and from
Space,” presented to the San Bernardino Amateur Astronomers Group, San Bernardino
Contributed Papers Presented At Scientific Meetings
1. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, December 1972, “Solar Source Location
and Propagation of Sector Boundaries.”
2. American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C., April, 1973, “Dependence of the Solar
Wind Velocity on Heliographic Latitude.”
3. American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C., April, 1974, “Evidence for a Large-Scale
Gradient in Solar Wind Velocity.”
4. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, December 1974, “Evidence for a Correlation Scale Length for Heliographic Latitude Variations in Solar Wind Stream Structure.”
5. American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C, June 1975, “Further Evidence for Heliographic Latitude Gradients in the Solar Wind.”
6. American Astronomical Society, San Diego, CA, June 1975, “A Possible Relationship
Between Solar Wind Density and Coronal EUV Emission.”
7. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, December 1975, “Heliographic Latitude
Gradients in the Solar Wind and Coronal Fe XV EUV Emission.”
8. American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C, April 1976, “Large Scale Correlation Structure of Coronal Fe XV EUV Emission and Solar Wind Velocity.”
9. American Astronomical Society, Haveford, PA., June 1976, “Observations of the Solar Oscillatory Velocity Field for (X,Y,T) = ( 256″̂, 256″̂, 5hours ) .”
10. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, December 1976, “Further Evidence for
Large Latitude Differences in Solar Wind Structure.”
11. American Astronomical Society, Honolulu, Hawaii, January 1977, “Acoustic Spectroscopy of
the Solar Envelope.”
12. A.A.S.-A.G.U. Symposium on Solar and Interplanetary Physics, Tucson, AZ, January 1977,
“Observations of Non-Radial p-Mode Oscillations on the Sun.”
13. American Astronomical Society, Atlanta, GA, June 1977, “The Use of p-Mode Oscillations to
Measure the Solar Rotation Rate.”
14. International Association of Geomagnetism and Aeronomy, Seattle, WA, August 1977,
“Simultaneous Observations of Latitude-Longitude Structure in the Solar Wind and On the
15. OSO-8 Workshop, Boulder, CO, November 1977, “Observations of p-Mode Oscillations in
the Chromosphere.”
16. American Geophysical Union, Miami, FL, April 1978, “Non-radial p-Mode Oscillations as a
Possible Source of Non-thermal Solar Wind Heating.”
17. American Astronomical Society, Madison, WI, June 1978, “Long-Wavelength p-Mode Oscillations as an Energy Source for the Solar Wind.”
18. American Astronomical Society, Mexico City, Mexico, January 1979, “Recent Improvements
in Solar p-Mode Theoretical Calculations.”
19. American Geophysical Union, Washington, D.C., May 1979, Ground- and Space- Based
Monitoring of Solar Interior Structure and Rotation in the 1980’s.”
20. American Astronomical Society, College Park, MD, June 1980, “Radial and Low-Order Nonradial p-Mode Oscillations of the Sun.”
21. American Astronomical Society, Taos, NM, January 1981, “The Sensitivity of Low-Degree pMode Eigenfrequencies to Solar Structure Below the Convection Zone.”
22. International Astronomical Union Colloquium No. 66, Crimean Astrophysical Observatory,
U.S.S.R., September 1981, “A New System for Observing Solar Oscillations at the Mount
Wilson Observatory, I. System Design and Installation.”
23. American Astronomical Society, Boulder, CO, January 1982, “Further Comparisons Between
Observed and Theoretical Eigenfrequencies for Low-Degree Solar p-Mode Oscillations.”
24. Conference on Pulsations in Classical and Cataclysmic Variable Stars, Boulder, Co, June
1982, “Testing Solar Models with Low-Degree p-Mode Oscillations.”
25. European Physical Society Conference on Oscillations as a Probe of the Solar Interior, Catania, Sicily, June 1983, “Comparisons of Theoretical and Observational Eigenfrequencies for
Low, Intermediate, and High Degree Solar Oscillations.”
26. American Astronomical Society, Pasadena, CA, June 1983, “Theoretical Eigenfrequencies for
Low-Degree (O < l <3) Solar Oscillations Having Periods Longer Than Nine Minutes.”
27. American Astronomical Society, Baltimore, MD June 1984, “Magneto-Optical Filter Observations of Solar Oscillations at the Mt. WIlson Observatory.”
28. 25th Liege Astrophysical Colloquium, Liege, Belgium, July, 1984, “The Influence of Convection Theory on the Frequencies of Solar Oscillations.”
29. American Astronomical Society, Tucson, Arizona, January, 1985, “Observations of Solar
Velocity Fields with Large-Format CCD Camera at the Mount WIlson Observatory.”
30. NATO Advanced Research Workshop on the Seismology of the Sun and Other Stars, Institute
for Astrophysics, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England, June 19, 1985, “The 1984
Solar Oscillation Program of the Mt. Wilson 60-Foot Tower.”
31. NATO Advanced Research Workshop, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England, June
20, 1985, “Applications of the Magneto-Optical Filter to Stellar Pulsation Measurements.”
32. Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers’ Conference on “Instrumentation in
Astronomy VI,” Tucson, Arizona, March 4-8, 1986.
33. International Astronomical Union Symposium No. 123, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark,
July 7-11, 1986, “Measurements of Solar Internal Rotation Obtained with the Mt. Wilson 60Foot Solar Tower.”
34. International Astronomical Union Symposium No. 123, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark,
July 7-11, 1986, “Full-Disk Dopplergrams Observed with a 1024x1024 Pixel CCD Camera.”
35. Conference on the Solar Internal Angular Velocity and the Solar Dynamo, National Solar
Observatory, Sacramento Peak Observatory, Sunspot, New Mexico, August 11-15, 1986,
“Full-disk Solar Dopplergrams Sodium Magneto-Optical Filter.”
36. Conference on the Solar Internal Angular Velocity and the Solar Dynamo, National Solar
Observatory, Sacramento Peak Observatory, Sunspot, New Mexico, August 11-15, 1986,
“estimates of the Solar Internal Angular Velocity Obtained with the Mt. WIlson 60-Foot Solar
37. American Astronomical Society meeting, Pasadena, California, January 1987, “Evidence for
Radial Gradients in the Solar Internal Rotational Velocity.”
38. American Astronomical Society meeting, Honolulu, Hawaii, July 12-15, 1987, “Constancy of
Intermediate-Degree p-Mode Frequencies During the Declining Phase of Solar Cycle 21.”
39. American Astronomical Society, Solar Physics Division meeting Honolulu, Hawaii, July 1215, 1987, “Angular Velocity of the Solar Interior Obtained by an Asymptotic Inversion of pMode Frequencies During the Declining Phase of Solar Cycle 21.”
40. American Astronomical Society meeting, Kansas City, Missouri, June 6, 1988, “Video Movies of 1987 Magneto-Optical Filter Observations recorded with the JPL 1024x1024 CCD
41. American Astronomical Society meeting, MAX’91 Workshop, Kansas City, Missouri, June 9
and 10, “Full-Disk Magnetograms Obtained with a Na Magneto-Optical Filter at the Mount
Wilson Observatory.”
42. Symposium on the Seismology of the Sun and Sun-like Stars, Tenerife, Spain, September 26,
1988, “Radial and Latitudinal Gradients in the Solar Internal Angular Velocity.”
43. Symposium on the Seismology of the Sun and Sun-like Stars, Tenerife, Spain, September 26,
1988, “Initial High-Degree p-Mode Frequency Splittings from the 1988 Mt. Wilson 60-Foot
Tower Solar Oscillation Program.”
44. OJI International Seminar on Progress of Seismology of the Sun and Stars, Hakone, Japan,
December 8 through December 15, 1989, “Evidence for Radial Variations in the Equatorial
Profile of the Solar Internal Angular Velocity.”
45. Symposium on Challenges to Theories of the Structure of Moderate Mass Stars, Santa Barbara, CA, June 19 through June 22, 1990, “Further Evidence for Radial Variations in the Solar
Equatorial Angular Velocity Profiles.”
46. Symposium on Challenges to Theories of the Structure of Moderate Mass Stars, Santa Barbara, CA June 19 through June 22, 1990, “Measurements of Intermediate- and High-Degree
(20 < l < 600) p-Mode Solar Oscillation Power and Energy.”
47. GONG92: Seismic Investigation of the Sun and Stars, Boulder, Colorado, Aug. 11 through
Aug. 14, 1992, “Preliminary p-Mode Frequencies from a 90-Day Mt. Wilson 60-Foot Tower
Observing Run.”
48. GONG92: Seismic Investigation of the Sun and Stars, Boulder, Colorado, Aug. 11 through
Aug. 14, 1992, “Plans for Mt. Wilson-Crimean Astrophysical Observatory High-Degree Helioseismology Network.”
49. GONG92: Seismic Investigation of the Sun and Stars, Boulder, Colorado, Aug. 11 through
Aug. 14, 1992, “Observations of the Thermal Response of the Terrestrial Atmosphere to the
Solar Eclipse of July 11, 1992.”
50. GONG93: Annual Meeting of GONG Project, Tucson, AZ, April, 1993, “Recent Progress at
the Mt. Wilson 60-Foot Tower.”
51. IAU Colloquium No. 143: The Sun as a Variable Star, Boulder, Colorado, June 20-25, 1993,
“Comparison of Helioseismic Parameters of High-Degree solar p-Modes for Different Epochs
During Solar cycle 22.”
52. Joint U.S. - U.K. - Australian GONG Workshop, University of Sydney, NSW, Australia, June
27, 1994, “Helioseismic Instrumentation Now in Use at the 60-Foot Tower of the Mt. Wilson
53. Joint U.S. - U.K. - Australian GONG Workshop, University of Sydney, NSW, Australia, June
28, 1994, “applications of Massively-Parallel Computers in Helioseismology.”
54. Joint U.S. - U.K. - Australian GONG Workshop, University of Sydney, NSW, Australia, July
1, 1994, “The First Observations of Solar Cycle Dependent Frequency Shifts of High-Degree
p-Mode Oscillations.”
55. San Diego meeting of the American Astronomical Society, June 13, 1998, “Initial HighDegree Frequencies and Frequency Splittings from the SOHO SOI/MDI Experiment.”
56. 194th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society, Chicago, Il., June 1, 1999, “Solar Internal Rotation as Measured by the SOHO SOI/MDI Full-Disk Program.”
57. 200th Meeting of the American Astronomical Society held in Albuquerque, NM, June 2,
2002, ‘‘Solar Cycle Variability of High-Frequency and High-Degree p-Mode Oscillation Frequencies.’’