Information Hiding in Image and Audio Files 2007-2010 CHAPTER 3 INFORMATION HIDING USING LEAST SIGNIFICANT BIT METHOD The Least Significant Bit (LSB) insertion method is a common, simple approach to embedding information in a graphical image file. In LSB insertion method the LSB of every pixel is replaced by every message bit. There is 50 % chance that the message may match with the LSB‟s of the Cover image. Thus only 50 % LSB‟s are likely to change. Also, the change occurs only in the bit which is least significant, thus keeping the other more significant bits unaltered. Therefore, this does not affect the original image perceptibility. Hence it is a very popular technique. However, it is extremely vulnerable to attacks. Any image manipulations such as cropping, intensity changes for any enhancements such as contrast stretching, histogram equalization, addition of noise etc will destroy the embedded message. The techniques other than LSB technique are complicated, although they are robust to most attacks. LSB technique can therefore be used wherever we want to store confidential information on a standalone PC or one which is shared among several users. LSB technique can be used to store personal data such as ATM PIN, Credit card details, salary statement, income tax data, passport information etc in an imperceptible way. So, wherever this kind of information is to be preserved in a manner that only legitimate user should be able to retrieve it whenever needed, by simple ways, LSB is a better solution. Least Significant Bit (LSB) encoding is the easiest of the techniques used for embedding secret or confidential information in digital 41 Information Hiding in Image and Audio Files 2007-2010 images. For a gray scale bitmap (BMP), using the LSB of each byte (8 bits) in an image, a secret message of size 1/8 th of the Cover image can be stored. This can be easily done by directly substituting every bit of the secret message into every LSB. For a 24 bit color image as the cover image, since there are 3 bytes for every pixel, 3 bits of data can be stored in each pixel, so the capacity to store increases by 3 times thus making it 3/8 of the cover image size. If the message to be embedded is a text message a secret message of size 1/7th of the grayscale cover image can be stored and in a 24 bit color image as cover a text message of size 3/7 can be embedded. The confidential information which is embedded in the Cover image can be an image (grayscale, binary or color image), text or even audio. As the type and size of confidential information varies, the embedding capacity varies for a particular type of Cover used. LSB technique can be used either by directly replacing the Cover LSB‟s by the Secret information bits, or to add one more level of security, it can be encrypted and then inserted into the LSB‟s of the Cover. 3.1 Using 2 / 3 / n LSB’s Technique The technique [79] implemented in this section not only replaces the LSB, but the LSB is modified by taking into consideration the other bits of the Cover and the message bit as well. Advantage of this method is it adds one more level of security, by encrypting the message bits before embedding with just a slight increase in the encoding / decoding complexity and Cover capacity remains the same as LSB substitution, accuracy of retrieval is 100%, and good perceptual transparency of cover image is achieved. 42 Information Hiding in Image and Audio Files 2007-2010 3.1.1 Embedding Algorithm Extract RGB components of pixel intensity values of message and the cover image if 24 bit color images are to be used else for a grayscale image every byte is the intensity of every pixel. In case text message is to be embedded, then their ASCII codes have to be considered. The procedure given below is by considering 24 bit color images. Take the successive R, G, and B component values of pixels and convert them into array of values for messages and the cover image. Convert every decimal value into 8 bit binary equivalent for cover and message images. Every message bit is embedded into LSB‟s of the cover image after processing. Processing is done as follows: a) LSB 2 Method: If the message bit to be embedded is 0, then adjust the LSB such that the XOR operation on LSB and next to LSB is 0 and if the message bit to be embedded is 1, then adjust the LSB such that the XOR operation on LSB and next to LSB is 1 as shown in the Table 3.1 below. Table 3.1 Truth Table for LSB 2 Bit Method Next to LSB LSB Message Bit LSB Adjusted 0 0 0 No Change 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 No change 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 No change 1 0 1 No change 1 1 1 0 Remark: There are 50 % chances that there will not be any change in the Stego. b) LSB 3 Method: If the message bit to be embedded is 1, then the LSB is adjusted such that the XOR operation on LSB, next 43 Information Hiding in Image and Audio Files 2007-2010 to LSB and next to next to LSB is 0. And if the message bit to be embedded is 1, then adjust the LSB such that the XOR operation on LSB next to LSB and next to next to LSB is 1 as shown in the Table 3.2 below. Table 3.2 Truth Table for LSB 3 Bit Method Next to Next LSB 0 Next to LSB 0 0 Message Bit 0 LSB Adjusted No change 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 No change 1 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 No change 1 1 0 0 No change 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 No change 0 1 0 1 No change 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 No change 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 No change LSB The message embedding in the cover image is over. 3.1.2 Retrieving Algorithm The message retrieving is done as per the algorithm given below a) Extract Red, Green and Blue Components of pixel intensity values of Stego image. b) Take successive Red, Green and Blue component values of pixels and convert them into array of values for message and Stego image. c) Convert every decimal value into 8 bit binary equivalent for Stego image. d) Retrieval of the message bit is done by using the XOR operation on the LSB and Next to LSB. i. If it is 1 then message bit is 1. ii. If it is 0 then message bit is 0. 44 Information Hiding in Image and Audio Files 2007-2010 e) If during embedding the LSB 3 method is used then retrieval is done by performing XOR operation on LSB, next to LSB and Next to Next to LSB‟s. i. If the result of XOR operation is 0, it means the decoded message bit value is 0 and ii. If the result is 1, it means that the decoded message bit value is 1. f) Convert every 8 bits to form a byte whose decimal value is the pixel intensity if the message embedded is a grayscale image otherwise this decimal value forms the intensity of Red component of the first pixel of the Secret image, if the message embedded is a 24 bit color image. If the message that is embedded is a text message then after every 7 bits are retrieved convert them into decimal which forms the ASCII code of the 1st character. In this manner these steps are continued till the full message is retrieved. g) In case of 24 bit, every byte forms either the Red, Green or Blue component of the message pixels in sequence. Take 3 bytes and group them as 3 RGB components of a 1 pixel. Perform this step for the full message. The message retrieval is over. Instead of only 2 or 3 LSB‟s this method can be extended till all the 8 bits of the cover image are considered to encrypt the message bit, and then in that case the decryption will be done considering 2, 3 till 8 bits of the Cover image respectively. 3.2 Considering Parity In addition to the above encryption method, one more simple method for encryption is suggested, which uses parity as a key for 45 Information Hiding in Image and Audio Files 2007-2010 embedding. The embedding and retrieval is to be done as given below. 3.2.1 Embedding Algorithm [80]: Adjust the LSB of the byte of the Cover so that it is even parity after embedding if the message bit to be embedded is 0 and adjust the LSB of the byte of the Cover so that it becomes odd parity after embedding of if the message bit to be embedded is 1. This is done till the embedding of all message bits is over. 3.2.2 Retrieval Algorithm: For retrieving the message the Stego image is taken. The parity of every byte is checked. If the parity is even that means the message bit is 0 and if the parity is odd it means the message bit is 1. The role of odd and even parity is interchangeable. In this way after 8 such message bits are retrieved they are converted to decimal and this decimal number becomes the intensity value of the first message pixel for grayscale image or Red component of the first pixel if the message is 24 bit color image. If the message embedded was a text message, then after every 7 bits of message are retrieved they are converted to decimal and this decimal value is the ASCII code of the 1st character in the message. This procedure is repeated until the full message is retrieved, and the message image is formed or the full text message is retrieved. 3.3 Experimental Results For Experimental purpose, 2 sets (24 bit colour) of fifteen cover images each, one set of size 512 X 512 and the other of size 1024 X 1024 for all the three methods (LSB 2, LSB 3 and Parity) are used. 46 Information Hiding in Image and Audio Files 2007-2010 Ten secret message images and 4 Microsoft word documents are used for embedding. The 10 message images are 128X128, 24-bit color images and out of the four Microsoft word documents 1 st is the speech delivered by Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam in Hyderabad which is 3 pages Microsoft Word document of 1262 words (6764 characters), 2nd message is the famous Abraham Lincoln‟s letter to his son‟s teacher which is 1 page letter of 396 words (1988 characters), the 3rd is a 7 page Microsoft word document which is the 5 th chapter from „The Tale of two cities‟ with 4171 words, and 23496 characters, and the 4th message is the front page of my Synopsis Report with NMIMS logo which is a 1 page Microsoft Word document with 78 words and 486 characters. All cover images, message images and text messages are given in appendix. The Experimental results obtained for some of the Cover images, Stego Images are shown in Figure 3.1 (a-d) to 3.8 (a-d). Figure 3.1(a) - Figure 3.4(a) represent 24 bit cover images of size 512 X 512. Figure 3.1(b) - Figure 3.4(b) represent their stego images using LSB 2 XOR method, Figure 3.1(c) - Figure 3.4(c) represent their stego images using LSB 3 XOR method, Figure 3.1(d) to Figure 3.4(d) represent their stego images using LSB parity method respectively with message image 1 embedded in it. Figure 3.5(a)-3.8(a) are Cover images of size 1024 X 1024. Figure 3.5(b) - 3.8(b) are Stego images using LSB 2 bit XOR algorithm Figure 3.5(b)- 3.8(b) are Stego images using LSB 3 bit XOR algorithm and Figure 3.5(d)-3.8(d) are Stego images using LSB parity method with message 1 embedded in it. Figure 3.9 (a) shows the message image 1 which is used as input message. Figure 3.9(b) - Figure 3.9(d) shows the retrieved message from Stego image which are shown in Figure 3.1(b)-Figure 47 Information Hiding in Image and Audio Files 2007-2010 3.1(d). The message retrieval is 100% for all three methods and so message retrieved from only 1 Stego image for all three methods is shown over here Figure 3.1(a) Figure 3.1(b) MSE = 0.252 Figure 3.1(c) MSE = 0.251 Figure 3.1(d) MSE = 0.250 Figure 3.2(a) Figure 3.2(b) MSE = 0.251 Figure 3.2(c) MSE = 0.251 Figure 3.2(d) MSE = 0.250 Figure 3.3(a) Figure 3.3(b) MSE=0.243 Figure 3.3(c) MSE = 0.256 Figure 3.3(d) MSE = 0.248 Figure 3.4(a) Figure 3.4(b) Figure 3.4(c) Figure 3.4(d) MSE=0.252 MSE = 0.250 MSE = 0.238 Stego images for LSB2 with message1 Stego images for LSB3 with message1 Stego images for LSB Parity with message1 Cover images of size 512 X 512 48 Information Hiding in Image and Audio Files 2007-2010 Figure 3.5(a) Figure 3.5(b) MSE = 0.063 Figure 3.5(c) MSE = 0.063 Figure 3.5(d) MSE = 0.060 Figure 3.6(a) Figure 3.6(b) MSE=0.063 Figure 3.6(c) MSE = 0.062 Figure 3.6(d) MSE = 0.062 Figure 3.7(a) Figure 3.7(b) MSE=0.060 Figure 3.7(c) MSE=0.065 Figure 3.7(d) MSE=0.065 Figure 3.8(a) Figure 3.8(b) MSE=0.062 Stego images for LSB2 with message1 Figure 3.8(c) MSE=0.061 Stego images for LSB3 with message1 Figure 3.8(d) MSE=0.062 Stego images for LSB Parity with message1 Figure 3.9(b) Message retrieved from Stego 3.1(b) Figure 3.9(c) Message retrieved from Stego 3.1(c) Figure 3.9(d) Message retrieved from stego 3.1(d) Cover images of size 1024 X 1024 Figure 3.9(a) Original Message 49 Information Hiding in Image and Audio Files 2007-2010 A new parameter AFCPV is introduced which gives a better feel of perceptibility as compared to MSE. Since Perceptibility is one of the major aspects of steganography, the parameter introduced gives a measure to this aspect. Smaller the value of AFCPV, better is the imperceptibility AFCVP where (| f - fx, y | / fx,y ) x,y Mx N fx,y :original image, f‟x,y : stego image. M: number of rows N : number of columns in the input images For performance evaluation of different methods the parameters used are Mean Squared Error (MSE), Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR), Average Fractional Change in Pixel Value (AFCPV), Percentage of Bytes Changed, Percentage change in LSB‟s (from Zero to One and One to Zero. Mean Square Error (MSE) The MSE represents the cumulative squared error between the decompressed/reconstructed and the original image. MSE between two images can be computed as, I 1 MSE (m, n) I2(m, n) M,N MN where 50 2 Information Hiding in Image and Audio Files 2007-2010 M and N : number of rows and columns in the input images, respectively. I1 (m,n) :image pixel value at position (m,n) in the original image I2(m,n) is the image pixel value at position (m,n) in the stego image. Lesser the MSE, better the quality of reconstructed image. Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR) PSNR represents a measure of the peak error. The higher the PSNR, the better the quality of the decompressed or reconstructed image. PSNR is computed as, R2 PSNR 10 log 10 MSE R is the maximum fluctuation in the input image data type. For example, if the input image has a double-precision floating-point data type, then R is 1. If it has an 8-bit unsigned integer data type, R is 255. Percentage of Bytes Changed (PBC) Another useful parameter which is used to measure the quality of the reconstructed image is Percent of Bytes changed [35]. Lesser the value, better the reconstructed image. 51 Information Hiding in Image and Audio Files 2007-2010 Percentage of Bytes changes is computed as No. of Bytes changed * 100 P Total No. of Bytes Retrieval Accuracy (RA) This parameter is used to measure the retrieval accuracy of the secret message from stego image. No. of correct Bytes re cov ered * 100 A Total No. of Bytes (3.13) The Tables and Charts for the all the algorithms are shown below. Table 3.3 shows the values of MSE, PSNR, AFCPV, Percentage of bytes changed, Changes (0 to 1) in percent and Changes (1 to 0) in percent for embedding a message image of an ATM Card (Message1) in Cover images 1 -15 of size 512 X 512 using LSB 2-bit Method. The last row shows their average values for Cover images 1- 15. Table 3.4 shows the average values of MSE, PSNR, AFCPV, Percentage of bytes changed, Changes (0 to 1) in percent and Changes (1 to 0) in percent for Cover images 1 - 15 of size 512 X 512 using LSB 2-bit Method with 10 different message images embedded in them. 52 Information Hiding in Image and Audio Files 2007-2010 Table No 3.3 Values of MSE, PSNR, AFCPV, bytes changed , Changes (0 to 1) in percent and Changes (1 to 0) in percent for embedding a message image of an ATM Card (Message1) in Cover images 1 -15 of size 512 X 512 using LSB 2-bit Method Cover Image Message MSE PSNR (db) AFCPV Percent Change Change (0 to 1) in % Change (1To 0) in % CV1 1 0.252 54.114 0.651 25.214 12.760 12.454 CV2 1 0.252 54.122 0.267 25.170 12.458 12.712 CV3 1 0.251 54.137 0.341 25.085 12.558 12.527 CV4 1 0.242 54.294 0.287 24.191 11.367 12.823 CV5 1 0.256 54.056 0.168 25.555 12.206 13.349 CV6 1 0.257 54.033 1.478 25.691 13.905 11.786 CV7 1 0.249 54.161 1.093 24.944 12.505 12.439 CV8 1 0.321 53.067 0.417 32.090 25.726 6.364 CV9 1 0.252 54.108 0.308 25.249 12.797 12.452 CV10 1 0.229 54.535 0.420 22.885 6.679 16.206 CV11 1 0.252 54.110 0.197 25.237 12.226 13.012 CV12 1 0.372 52.431 0.144 37.151 0.422 36.729 CV13 1 0.257 54.030 0.228 25.707 12.855 12.851 CV14 1 0.233 54.463 0.413 23.266 9.418 13.849 CV15 1 0.269 53.839 0.564 26.867 11.429 15.438 0.263 53.967 0.465 26.287 11.954 14.333 Average Table No 3.4 Average values of MSE, PSNR, AFCPV, Total bytes changed , Changes (0 to 1) and Changes (1 to 0) in percent for embedding 10 message images 1-10 in Cover images cvimg1 - cvimg15( 512 X 512) using LSB 2-bit Method Message MSE PSNR (db) AFCPV Percent Change % change ( 0 To 1) % change (1To 0) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 0.263 0.260 0.254 0.242 0.258 0.266 0.260 0.258 0.261 0.248 53.967 53.996 54.086 54.314 54.031 53.927 54.004 54.018 53.994 54.196 0.465 0.475 0.493 0.512 0.473 0.452 0.467 0.488 0.472 0.512 26.287 26.033 25.401 24.160 25.791 26.624 25.996 25.850 26.051 24.756 11.954 12.026 11.842 11.864 11.972 11.954 12.052 11.987 12.010 11.833 14.333 14.007 13.559 12.296 13.819 14.671 13.944 13.863 14.041 12.923 Remark: It is observed that the maximum AFCPV is 0.512 and maximum Average Percentage change is 26.624 with LSB2 method for Cover of size 512X512 Similarly Table 3.5 shows the values of MSE, PSNR, AFCPV, Percentage of bytes changed, Changes (Zero to One) in percent and Changes (One to Zero) in percent for embedding a message image of an ATM Card (Message1) in Cover images 16 -30 of size 1024 X 1024 using LSB 2-bit Method. The last row shows their average values for Cover images 16 – 30 53 Information Hiding in Image and Audio Files 2007-2010 Table No 3.5 Values of MSE, PSNR, AFCPV, bytes changed , Changes (0 to 1) and Changes (1 to 0) in percent for embedding a message image of an ATM Card (Message1) in Cover images 16 -30 of size 1024 X 1024 using LSB 2-bit Method Cover Image Message MSE PSNR (db) AFCPV Percent Change Change (0 to 1) in % Change (1To 0) in % CV16 1 0.065 60.026 0.066 6.464 3.218 3.246 CV17 1 0.064 60.038 0.043 6.446 2.467 3.979 CV18 1 0.062 60.182 0.097 6.236 3.190 3.046 CV19 1 0.064 60.101 0.036 6.353 3.198 3.155 CV20 1 0.062 60.192 0.066 6.221 3.031 3.190 CV21 1 0.065 59.998 0.276 6.505 3.496 3.009 CV22 1 0.093 58.452 0.036 9.288 0.000 9.288 CV23 1 0.064 60.069 0.070 6.400 2.684 3.716 CV24 1 0.088 58.710 0.046 8.751 8.189 0.562 CV25 1 0.063 60.162 0.076 6.264 3.089 3.175 CV26 1 0.062 60.190 0.036 6.224 3.145 3.080 CV27 1 0.068 59.832 0.055 6.759 3.540 3.220 CV28 1 0.060 60.351 0.044 5.998 2.571 3.428 CV29 1 0.090 58.584 0.035 9.010 0.000 9.010 CV30 1 0.063 60.124 0.035 6.320 2.827 3.493 Average 1 0.069 59.801 0.068 6.883 2.976 3.906 Table 3.6 shows the average values of MSE, PSNR, AFCPV, Percentage of bytes changed, Changes (0 to 1) and (1 to 0) in percent for Cover images 16 - 30 of size 1024 X 1024 using LSB 2bit Method with 10 different message images embedded in them. Table No 3.6 Average values of MSE, PSNR, AFCPV, Total bytes changed , Changes (0 to 1) and (1 to 0) in percent for 10 message images in Cover images 16 - 30 of size 1024 X 1024 using LSB 2-bit Method Message MSE PSNR (db) AFCPV % change % change (0- 1) % change (1- 0) 1 0.069 59.801 0.068 6.883 2.976 3.906 2 0.067 59.891 0.068 6.714 2.939 3.775 3 0.066 59.976 0.071 6.555 2.896 3.658 4 0.060 60.387 0.072 5.984 2.775 3.208 5 0.067 59.889 0.068 6.706 2.968 3.738 6 0.071 59.693 0.067 7.092 3.053 4.039 7 0.068 59.867 0.068 6.750 2.963 3.787 8 0.066 59.985 0.069 6.556 2.886 3.670 9 0.068 59.858 0.068 6.770 2.973 3.797 10 0.062 60.183 0.072 6.238 2.837 3.401 Remark: It is observed that the maximum AFCPV is 0.072 and maximum Average Percentage change is 7.092 with LSB2 method for Cover of size 1024 X 1024 54 Information Hiding in Image and Audio Files 2007-2010 Figure 3.10 and Figure 3.11 show the average MSE values, Figure 3.12 and Figure 3.13 show the average PSNR values, Figure 3.14 and Figure 3.15 show the average AFCPV values and Figure 3.16 and Figure 3.17 show the average changes Total bytes changed, changes (0-1) and changes (1-0) in percent using LSB-2 algorithm for Cover size 512 X 512 and 1024 X 1024 respectively. MSE : LSB 2 Algorithm Cover 512 X 512 MSE : LSB 2 Algorithm Cover 1024X 1024 0.0709 0.0720 0.0688 0.0700 0.0671 0.0671 0.0675 0.0677 0.0680 0.0656 0.0655 0.0660 0.0624 0.0640 0.0620 0.0598 0.0600 0.0580 0.0560 0.0540 0.266 0.261 0.258 0.2600.258 0.270 0.263 0.260 0.265 0.260 0.254 0.255 0.250 0.242 0.245 0.240 0.235 0.230 0.225 0.248 MSEC MSEC Figure 3.10 Average MSE value for 15 Cover images of (512X512) using LSB-2 algorithm for embedding 10 different images of size 128X128 Figure 3.11 Average MSE for 15 Cover images 3.12 Average for using embedding 10 LSB-2 different PSNRC : LSB 2 Algorithm Cover 1024X1024 60.60 60.39 60.40 60.18 60.20 59.98 59.98 59.89 59.87 59.86 60.00 59.8059.89 59.69 59.80 59.60 59.40 59.20 AVG PSNR =54.05 PSNR for message images of size 128 X 128 54.40 54.31 54.30 54.20 54.20 54.09 54.03 54.0054.0253.99 54.10 53.9754.00 53.93 54.00 53.90 53.80 53.70 Figure (1024X1024) algorithm PSNRC : LSB 2 Algorithm Cover 512 X 512 PSNRC AVG MSE = 0.066 Cover PSNRC Figure 3.13 AVG PSNR =59.95 Average PSNR for Cover images 1-15 of size 512 X 512 using LSB- images 16-30 of size 1024 X 1024 using 2 algorithm for embedding 10 different LSB-2 message images (128 X 128) different message images (128 X 128) 55 algorithm for embedding 10 Information Hiding in Image and Audio Files AFCPV : LSB 2 Algorithm Cover 512 X 512 0.520 0.510 0.493 0.500 0.490 0.475 0.480 0.465 0.470 0.460 0.450 0.440 0.430 0.420 AFCPV : LSB 2 Algorithm Cover 1024X 1024 0.072 0.073 0.072 0.072 0.071 0.071 0.070 0.069 0.068 0.068 0.068 0.068 0.069 0.068 0.067 0.068 0.067 0.066 0.065 0.064 0.512 0.512 0.488 0.472 0.467 0.452 0.473 AFCPV 2007-2010 AVG AFCPV=0.481 AFCPV AVG AFCPV=0.069 Figure 3.14 Average AFCPV for Cover Figure 3.15 Average AFCPV for Cover images 1-15 of size 512 X 512 using LSB- images of size 1024X1024 using LSB-2 2 algorithm for 10 messages (128 X 128) algorithm for 10 messages (128 X 128) % CHANGE : LSB 2 Algorithm Cover 512 X 512 26.62 27.00 26.29 26.05 26.03 26.50 25.79 26.0025.85 26.00 25.40 25.50 24.76 25.00 24.16 24.50 24.00 23.50 23.00 22.50 Total % Change Figure 3.16 Average % CHANGE : LSB 2 Algorithm Cover 1024X 1024 7.09 7.20 6.88 7.00 6.77 6.75 6.71 6.71 6.80 6.56 6.55 6.60 6.24 6.40 6.20 5.98 6.00 5.80 5.60 5.40 Total % Change AVG % CHANGE=25.69 values for total Figure 3.17 Average values for total change in percent. for Cover images 1-15 change in percent. for Cover images 16- of size 512 X 512 using LSB-2 algorithm 30 for 10 message images (128 X 128) algorithm for 10 messages (128 X 128) of size 1024X1024 using LSB-2 Table 3.7 shows the average values of MSE, PSNR, AFCPV, Percentage of bytes changed, Changes (0 to 1) in percent and Changes (1 to 0) in percent for Cover images 1 - 15 of size 512 X 512 using LSB 3-bit Method with 10 different message images embedded in them. 56 Information Hiding in Image and Audio Files 2007-2010 Table No 3.7 Average values of MSE, PSNR, AFCPV, Percentage of bytes changed and AFCPV for 10 message images in Cover images 1 -15 of size 512 X 512 using LSB 3-bit Method Message Average MSE Average PSNR (db) Average AFCPV Average% Change Average % change (0 - 1) Average% change (1- 0) 1 0.2512 54.191 0.489 25.12 13.02 12.10 2 0.2513 54.161 0.491 25.13 12.73 12.40 3 0.2485 54.183 0.502 24.85 12.20 12.65 4 0.2496 54.171 0.505 24.96 11.36 13.60 5 0.2513 54.151 0.492 25.13 12.57 12.56 6 0.2513 54.239 0.484 25.13 13.19 11.94 7 0.2520 54.151 0.486 25.20 12.77 12.43 8 0.2500 54.168 0.498 25.00 12.59 12.42 9 0.2514 54.162 0.491 25.14 12.79 12.36 10 0.2478 54.192 0.509 24.78 11.72 13.06 Remark: It is observed that the maximum AFCPV is 0.509 and maximum Average Percentage change is 25.20 with LSB2 method for Cover of size 512 X 512 Table 3.8 shows the average values of MSE, PSNR, AFCPV, Percentage of bytes changed, Changes (0 to 1) in percent and Changes (1 to 0) in percent for Cover images 16 - 30 of size 1024 X 1024 using LSB 3-bit Method with 10 different message images embedded in them. Table No 3.8 Average values of MSE, PSNR, AFCPV, Percentage of bytes changed and AFCPV for 10 message images in Cover images 16 - 30 of size 1024 X 1024 using LSB 3-bit Method Message Average MSE Average PSNR(db) Average AFCPV Average % change Average % change (0- 1) Average % change (1- 0) 1 0.0604 60.43 0.0646 6.04 3.06 2.98 2 0.0607 60.36 0.0659 6.07 2.99 3.08 3 0.0618 60.23 0.0691 6.18 2.91 3.27 4 0.0636 60.12 0.0730 6.36 2.70 3.66 5 0.0611 60.31 0.0661 6.11 2.96 3.16 6 0.0597 60.57 0.0631 5.97 3.10 2.87 7 0.0608 60.35 0.0655 6.08 2.98 3.10 8 0.0614 60.28 0.0676 6.14 2.97 3.17 9 0.0607 60.36 0.0655 6.07 3.02 3.05 10 0.0629 60.15 0.0716 6.29 2.82 3.47 Remark: It is observed that the maximum AFCPV is 0.073 and maximum Average Percentage change is 6.36 with LSB3 method for Cover of size 1024 X 1024 Figure 3.18 and Figure 3.19 show the average MSE values for Cover size 512 X 512 and 1024 X 1024 respectively. Figure 3.20 and 57 Information Hiding in Image and Audio Files 2007-2010 Figure 3.21 show the average PSNR values, Figure 3.22 and Figure 3.23 show the average AFCPV values and Figure 3.24 and Figure 3.25 show the average changes i.e. Total bytes changed, in percent using changes in percent using LSB-3 algorithm for Cover size 512 X 512 and 1024 X 1024 respectively. MSE : LSB 3 Algorithm Cover 512 X 512 MSE : LSB 3 Algorithm Cover 1024X 1024 0.071 0.072 0.069 0.070 0.067 0.067 0.068 0.068 0.068 0.066 0.066 0.066 0.062 0.064 0.062 0.060 0.060 0.058 0.056 0.054 0.266 0.261 0.258 0.2600.258 0.270 0.263 0.260 0.265 0.260 0.254 0.255 0.250 0.242 0.245 0.240 0.235 0.230 0.225 MSEC 0.248 AVG MSE = 0.257 MSEC AVG MSE = 0.066 Figure 3.18 Average MSE value for 15 Figure 3.19 Average MSE for 15 Cover Cover images of (512X512) using images algorithm for embedding 10 LSB-3 different images of size 128X128 for using embedding 10 LSB-3 different message images of size 128 X 128 PSNRC : LSB 3 Algorithm Cover 512 X 512 PSNRC : LSB 3 Algorithm Cover 1024X1024 54.40 54.31 54.30 54.20 54.20 54.09 54.03 54.0054.0253.99 54.10 53.9754.00 53.93 54.00 53.90 53.80 53.70 PSNRC (1024X1024) algorithm 60.60 60.39 60.40 60.18 60.20 59.98 59.98 59.89 59.87 59.86 60.00 59.8059.89 59.69 59.80 59.60 59.40 59.20 AVG PSNR =54.05 PSNRC Figure 3.20 Average PSNR(db) for Cover Figure images 1-15 of size 512 X 512 using LSB- images 16-30 of size 1024 X 1024 using 3 algorithm for embedding 10 different LSB-3 message images (128 X 128) different message images (128 X 128) 58 3.21 AVG PSNRC =59.95 Average algorithm for PSNR for Cover embedding 10 Information Hiding in Image and Audio Files AFCPV : LSB 3 Algorithm Cover 512 X 512 AFCPV : LSB 3 Algorithm Cover 1024 X1024 0.072 0.073 0.072 0.072 0.071 0.071 0.070 0.069 0.068 0.068 0.068 0.068 0.069 0.068 0.067 0.068 0.067 0.066 0.065 0.064 0.512 0.512 0.520 0.510 0.493 0.488 0.500 0.490 0.475 0.473 0.472 0.480 0.465 0.467 0.470 0.452 0.460 0.450 0.440 0.430 0.420 AFCPV 2007-2010 AVG AFCPV=0.481 AFCPV AVG AFCPV=0.069 Figure 3.22 Average AFCPV for Cover Figure 3.23 Average AFCPV for Cover images 1-15 of size 512 X 512 using LSB- images 16-30 of size 1024X1024 using 3 algorithm for embedding 10 different LSB-3 algorithm for embedding 10 message images (128 X 128) different message images (128 X 128) % CHANGE : LSB 3 Algorithm Cover 512 X 512 26.62 27.00 26.29 26.05 26.03 26.50 25.79 26.0025.85 26.00 25.40 25.50 24.76 25.00 24.16 24.50 24.00 23.50 23.00 22.50 Total % Change % CHANGE : LSB 3 Algorithm Cover 1024X 1024 7.09 7.20 6.88 7.00 6.77 6.75 6.71 6.71 6.80 6.56 6.55 6.60 6.24 6.40 6.20 5.98 6.00 5.80 5.60 5.40 AVG % CHANGE=25.69 Figure 3.24 Average values for total change, in percent. for 15 Cover images (512 X 512) using LSB-3 algorithm for embedding 10 images (128 X 128) Total % Change AVG % CHANGE=6.62 Figure 3.25 Average values for total change, in percent. for 15 Cover images (1024X1024) using LSB-3 algorithm for embedding 10 images (128 X 128) Table 3.9 shows the average values of MSE, PSNR, AFCPV, and Percentage of bytes changed, for Cover images 1 - 15 of size 512 X 512 using LSB Parity Method with 10 different message images embedded in them. 59 Information Hiding in Image and Audio Files 2007-2010 Table No 3.9 Average values of MSE, PSNR, AFCPV, Percentage of bytes changed and AFCPV for 10 message images in Cover images 1 -15 of size 512 X 512 using LSB Parity Method Message 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Average MSE Average PSNR (db) Average AFCPV Average % change Average % change (0- 1) Average % change (1- 0) 0.263 53.97 0.464 26.29 12.42 13.87 0.260 54.00 0.472 26.00 12.33 13.66 0.254 54.09 0.495 25.41 11.96 13.45 0.242 54.30 0.514 24.22 11.61 12.61 0.259 54.02 0.470 25.85 12.22 13.63 0.266 53.92 0.452 26.64 12.47 14.17 0.260 54.00 0.465 26.01 12.29 13.71 0.258 54.02 0.487 25.83 12.29 13.54 0.260 54.00 0.469 26.03 12.32 13.71 0.248 54.19 0.515 24.82 11.81 13.00 Remark: It is observed that the maximum AFCPV is 0.514 and maximum Average Percentage change is 26.64 with LSB Parity method for Cover of size 512 X 512 Table 3.10 shows the average values of MSE, PSNR, AFCPV, Percentage of bytes changed, Changes (0 to 1) in percent and Changes (1 to 0) in percent for Cover images 16 - 30 of size 1024 X 1024 using LSB Parity Method with 10 different message images embedded in them. Table No 3.10 Average values of MSE, PSNR, AFCPV, Percentage of bytes changed and AFCPV for 10 messages image in Cover images 16 - 30 of size 1024 X 1024 using LSB Parity Method Message Average MSE Average PSNR (db) Average AFCPV Average % change Average % change (0- 1) Average % change (1- 0) 1 0.069 59.81 0.0679 6.86 3.01 3.86 2 0.067 59.92 0.0681 6.68 2.95 3.73 3 0.065 60.03 0.0700 6.48 2.85 3.62 4 0.060 60.40 0.0716 5.96 2.74 3.22 5 0.066 59.96 0.0679 6.60 2.91 3.69 6 0.070 59.78 0.0666 6.97 3.03 3.94 7 0.067 59.91 0.0679 6.69 2.97 3.73 8 0.066 59.96 0.0692 6.59 2.93 3.66 9 0.067 59.89 0.0680 6.72 2.96 3.76 10 0.062 60.21 0.0712 6.19 2.78 3.42 Remark: It is observed that the maximum AFCPV is 0.0716 and maximum Average % change is 6.97 with LSB Parity method for Cover of size 1024 X 1024 Figure 3.26 and Figure 3.27 show the average MSE values for Cover size 512 X 512 and 1024 X 1024 respectively. 60 Information Hiding in Image and Audio Files 2007-2010 Figure 3.28 and Figure 3.29 show the average PSNR values, Figure 3.30 and Figure 3.31 show the average AFCPV values and Figure 3.32 and Figure 3.33 show the average changes i.e. Total bytes changed, in percent using changes in percent using LSB-3 algorithm for Cover size 512 X 512 and 1024 X 1024 respectively. 0.270 0.265 0.260 0.255 0.250 0.245 0.240 0.235 0.230 0.225 MSE : LSB Parity Algorithm Cover 1024X 1024 0.071 0.072 0.069 0.070 0.067 0.067 0.068 0.068 0.068 0.066 0.066 0.066 0.062 0.064 0.062 0.060 0.060 0.058 0.056 0.054 MSE : LSB Parity Algorithm Cover 512 X 512 0.266 0.263 0.261 0.260 0.258 0.2600.258 0.254 0.248 0.242 MSEC MSEC AVG MSE = 0.066 Figure 3.26 Average MSE value for 15 Figure 3.27 Average MSE for 15 Cover Cover images of (512X512) using images Parity algorithm for LSB- embedding 10 different images of size 128X128 algorithm 3.28 PSNR for 10 different 60.600 60.387 60.400 60.183 60.200 59.985 59.976 59.891 59.889 59.867 59.858 60.000 59.801 59.693 59.800 59.600 59.400 59.200 AVG PSNRC =54.05 Average embedding LSB-Parity PSNRC : LSB Parity Algorithm Cover 1024X1024 54.400 54.300 54.196 54.200 54.086 54.031 54.004 54.018 54.100 53.996 53.994 53.967 53.927 54.000 53.900 53.800 53.700 Figure for using message images of size 128 X 128 PSNRC : LSB Parity Algorithm Cover 512 X 512 54.314 PSNRC (1024X1024) PSNRC Cover Figure 3.29 Average AVG PSNRC =59.953 PSNR for Cover images 1-15 of size 512 X 512 using LSB- images 16-30 of size 1024 X 1024 using Parity LSB-Parity algorithm for embedding 10 algorithm for embedding different message images (128 X 128) 10 different message images (128 X 128) 61 Information Hiding in Image and Audio Files AFCPV : LSB Parity Algorithm Cover 512 X 512 0.512 0.520 0.510 0.493 0.500 0.490 0.475 0.480 0.465 0.470 0.460 0.450 0.440 0.430 0.420 AFCPV : LSB Parity Algorithm Cover 1024 X 1024 0.072 0.071 0.512 0.073 0.072 0.071 0.070 0.068 0.069 0.068 0.068 0.067 0.066 0.065 0.064 0.488 0.472 0.467 0.452 0.473 AFCPV 2007-2010 AVG AFCPV=0.481 0.072 0.069 0.068 0.068 0.067 0.068 AFCPV AVG AFCPV=0.069 Figure 3.30 Average AFCPV for Cover Figure 3.31 Average AFCPV for Cover images 1-15 of size 512 X 512 using LSB- images 16-30 of size 1024X1024 using Parity LSB-Parity algorithm for embedding 10 algorithm for embedding 10 different message images (128 X 128) 27.000 26.500 26.000 25.500 25.000 24.500 24.000 23.500 23.000 22.500 % CHANGE : LSB Parity Algorithm Cover 1024X 1024 7.092 7.200 6.883 7.000 6.714 6.706 6.750 6.770 6.800 6.556 6.555 6.600 6.238 6.400 6.200 5.984 6.000 5.800 5.600 5.400 % CHANGE : LSB Parity Algorithm Cover 512 X 26.624 512 26.287 26.051 26.033 25.850 25.791 25.996 25.401 24.756 24.160 Total % Change Figure different message images (128 X 128) 3.32 Average AVG % CHANGE=25.695 values for total Total % Change Figure 3.33 Average AVG % CHANGE=6.625 values for total change in percent. for 15 Cover images change in percent. for 15 Cover images (512 X 512) using LSB-Parity algorithm (1024X1024) using LSB-Parity algorithm for embedding 10 images (128 X 128) for embedding 10 images (128 X 128) Table 3.11, Table 3.13 and Table 3.15 shows the average values of MSE, PSNR, AFCPV, Percentage of bytes changed, Changes (0 to 1) and Changes (1 to 0) in percent for Cover images 1 - 15 of size 512 X 512 using LSB-2, LSB-3, LSB Parity Method respectively with 4 different Microsoft Word documents embedded in them.Table 3.12, Table 3.14 and Table 3.16 shows the average values of MSE, PSNR, AFCPV, Percentage of bytes changed, Changes (0 to 1) and Changes (1 to 0) in percent for Cover images 16 - 30 of size 1024 X 62 Information Hiding in Image and Audio Files 2007-2010 1024 using LSB-2, LSB-3, LSB Parity Method respectively with 4 different Microsoft Word documents embedded in them. Table No 3.11 Average values of MSE, PSNR, AFCPV, Percentage of bytes changed and AFCPV for 4 Microsoft Word messages in Cover images 1 -15 of size 512 X 512 using LSB-2 Method Message MSE AFCPV 0.07 0.06 0.12 PSNR (db) 59.64 60.56 57.44 1 2 3 4 0.15 0.12 0.26 % change 7.07 5.73 11.74 % change (0- 1) 3.49 2.86 5.70 % change (1- 0) 3.58 2.88 6.05 0.10 58.32 0.21 9.58 4.70 4.88 Remark: It is observed that the maximum AFCPV is 0.26 and maximum Average % change is 11.74 with LSB2 method for Cover size 512X512 with Text message Table No 3.12 Average values of MSE, PSNR, AFCPV, Percentage of bytes changed and AFCPV for 4 Microsoft Word messages in Cover images 1 -15 of size 1024 X 1024 using LSB-2 Method Message MSE PSNR (db) AFCPV % change % change (0- 1) % change (1- 0) 1 2 3 4 0.017 0.014 0.029 0.024 65.73 66.62 63.50 64.39 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.03 1.74 1.42 2.91 2.37 0.80 0.65 1.34 1.09 0.95 0.77 1.57 1.28 Remark: It is observed that the maximum value of AFCPV is 0.03 and Average % change is 2.91 with LSB2 method for Cover size 1024X1024 with Text message Table No 3.13 Average values of MSE, PSNR, AFCPV, Percentage of bytes changed and AFCPV for 4 Microsoft Word messages in Cover images 1 -15 of size 512 X 512 using LSB-3 Method Message MSE PSNR (db) AFCPV % change % change (0- 1) % change (1- 0) 1 0.07 59.56 0.150 7.21 3.40 3.81 2 0.06 60.45 0.117 5.88 2.76 3.11 3 0.12 57.37 0.256 11.92 5.59 6.33 4 0.10 58.24 0.211 9.77 4.58 5.19 Remark: It is observed that the maximum AFCPV is 0.256 and maximum Average % change is 11.92 with LSB3 method for Cover size 512X512 with Text message 63 Information Hiding in Image and Audio Files 2007-2010 Table No 3.14 Average values of MSE, PSNR, AFCPV, Percentage of bytes changed and AFCPV for 4 Microsoft Word messages in Cover images 16 -30 of size 1024 X 1024 using LSB-3 Method Message MSE PSNR (db) AFCPV % change % change (0- 1) % change (1- 0) 1 0.0184 65.50 0.020 1.84 0.79 1.05 2 0.0151 66.37 0.016 1.51 0.64 0.87 3 0.0301 63.35 0.033 3.01 1.33 1.68 4 0.0248 64.19 0.027 2.48 1.08 1.40 Remark: It is observed that the maximum value of AFCPV is 0.033 and Average % change is 3.01 with LSB2 method for Cover size 1024X1024 with Text message Table No 3.15 Average values of MSE, PSNR, AFCPV, Percentage of bytes changed and AFCPV for 4 Microsoft Word messages in Cover images 1 -15 of size 512 X 512 using LSB-Parity Method Message MSE PSNR (db) AFCPV % change % change (0- 1) % change (1- 0) 1 0.07 59.63 0.15 7.09 3.46 3.63 2 0.06 60.53 0.12 5.77 2.82 2.95 3 0.12 57.43 0.26 11.75 5.65 6.10 4 0.10 58.31 0.21 9.61 4.65 4.96 Remark: It is observed that the maximum AFCPV is 0.26 and Average % change is 11.75 with LSB Parity method for Cover size 512X512 with Text message Table No 3.16 Average values of MSE, PSNR, AFCPV, Percentage of bytes changed and AFCPV for 4 Microsoft Word messages in Cover images 16 -30 of size 1024 X 1024 using LSB-Parity Method Message MSE PSNR (db) AFCPV % change % change (0- 1) % change (1- 0) 1 0.0176 65.68 0.020 1.76 0.81 0.96 2 0.0143 66.58 0.016 1.43 0.65 0.78 3 0.0293 63.47 0.032 2.93 1.35 1.58 4 0.0239 64.36 0.027 2.39 1.10 1.29 Remark: It is observed that the maximum value of AFCPV is 0.032 and Average % change is 2.93 with LSB2 method for Cover size 1024X1024 with Text message Figure 3.34 and Figure 3.35 show the average MSE values. Figure 3.36 and Figure 3.37 show the average PSNR values, Figure 3.38 and Figure 3.39 show the average AFCPV values and Figure 3.40 and Figure 3.41 show the average changes i.e. Total bytes changed, in percent for 4 Microsoft Word messages in Cover size 512 X 512 and 1024 X 1024 respectively using LSB-2 algorithm. 64 Information Hiding in Image and Audio Files MSE : LSB 2 Algorithm Cover 512 X 512 0.140 0.120 0.100 0.080 0.060 0.040 0.020 0.000 MSE : LSB 2 Algorithm Cover 1024x1024 0.035 0.030 0.025 0.020 0.015 0.010 0.005 0.000 0.117 0.071 0.057 0.024 MSG1 MSG2 MSEC MSG3 2007-2010 MSG4 0.029 0.024 0.017 MSG1 AVG MSE=0.067 0.014 MSG2 MSEC MSG3 MSG4 AVG MSE=0.021 Figure 3.34 Average MSE value for 15 Cover images of (512X512) using LSB-2 algorithm for embedding 4 different Microsoft Word documents Figure 3.35 Average MSE value for 15 Cover images of (1024X1024) using LSB-2 algorithm for embedding 4 different Microsoft Word documents PSNR : LSB 2 Algorithm Cover 512 X 512 PSNR : LSB 2 Algorithm Cover 1024x1024 66.000 64.000 62.000 60.000 58.000 56.000 54.000 52.000 64.330 59.644 67.000 66.500 66.000 65.500 65.000 64.500 64.000 63.500 63.000 62.500 62.000 61.500 60.558 57.435 MSG1 MSG2 PSNRC MSG3 MSG4 66.624 65.726 64.394 63.503 MSG1 AVG PSNR=60.492 MSG2 PSNRC MSG3 MSG4 AVG PSNR=65.062 Figure 3.36 Average PSNR value for 15 Cover images of (512X512) using LSB-2 algorithm for embedding 4 different Microsoft Word documents Figure 3.37 Average PSNR value for 15 Cover images of (1024X1024) using LSB-2 algorithm for embedding 4 different Microsoft Word documents AFCPV : LSB 2 Algorithm Cover 512 X 512 AFCPV : LSB 2 Algorithm Cover 1024x1024 0.300 0.035 0.030 0.025 0.020 0.015 0.010 0.005 0.000 0.257 0.250 0.200 0.150 0.118 0.150 0.100 0.020 0.050 0.000 MSG1 AFCPV MSG2 MSG3 MSG4 0.027 0.020 0.016 MSG1 AVG AFCPV=0.136 Figure 3.38 Average AFCPV value for 15 Cover images of (512X512) using LSB-2 algorithm for embedding 4 different Microsoft Word documents 0.032 AFCPV MSG2 MSG3 MSG4 AVG AFCPV=0.024 Figure 3.39 Average AFCPV value for 15 Cover images of (1024X1024) using LSB-2 algorithm for embedding 4 different Microsoft Word documents 65 Information Hiding in Image and Audio Files % CHANGE : LSB 2 Algorithm Cover 512 X 512 14.00 11.74 12.00 10.00 7.07 8.00 5.73 6.00 2.40 4.00 2.00 0.00 MSG1 MSG2 Total % Change MSG3 2007-2010 % CHANGE : LSB 2 Algorithm Cover 1024x1024 3.500 2.906 3.000 2.369 2.500 1.744 2.000 1.421 1.500 1.000 0.500 0.000 MSG4 MSG1 AVG % CHANGE=6.74 MSG2 Total % Change Figure 3.40 Average values for total change in percent. for 15 Cover images (512X512) using LSB-2 algorithm for4 different Microsoft Word documents MSG3 MSG4 AVG % CHANGE=2.110 Figure 3.41 Average values for total change in percent. for 15 Cover images (1024X1024) using LSB-2 algorithm for 4 different Microsoft Word documents Figure 3.42 and Figure 3.43 show the average MSE values. Figure 3.44 and Figure 3.35 show the average PSNR values, Figure 3.46 and Figure 3.47 show the average AFCPV values and Figure 3.48 and Figure 3.49 show the average changes i.e. Total bytes changed, in percent for 4 Microsoft Word messages in Cover size 512 X 512 and 1024 X 1024 respectively using LSB-3 algorithm. MSE : LSB 3 Algorithm Cover 512 X 512 0.140 0.120 0.100 0.080 0.060 0.040 0.020 0.000 MSE : LSB 3 Algorithm Cover 1024x1024 0.035 0.030 0.025 0.020 0.015 0.010 0.005 0.000 0.119 0.098 0.072 MSG1 MSEC 0.059 MSG2 MSG3 MSG4 0.030 0.025 0.018 MSG1 AVG MSE=0.087 MSEC Figure 3.42 Average MSE value for 15 Cover images of (512X512) using LSB-3 algorithm for embedding 4 different Microsoft Word documents 0.015 MSG2 MSG3 MSG4 AVG MSE0.022 Figure 3.43 Average MSE value for 15 Cover images of (1024X1024) using LSB3 algorithm for embedding 4 different Microsoft Word documents 66 Information Hiding in Image and Audio Files PSNR : LSB 3 Algorithm Cover 512 X 512 61.000 60.500 60.000 59.500 59.000 58.500 58.000 57.500 57.000 56.500 56.000 55.500 PSNR : LSB 3 Algorithm Cover 1024x1024 60.451 67.000 66.500 66.000 65.500 65.000 64.500 64.000 63.500 63.000 62.500 62.000 61.500 59.557 58.238 57.371 MSG1 MSG2 PSNRC MSG3 2007-2010 MSG4 66.370 65.495 64.192 63.351 MSG1 AVG PSNRC=58.904 MSG2 PSNRC MSG3 MSG4 AVG PSNR=65.852 Figure 3.44 Average PSNR value for 15 Cover images of (512X512) using LSB-3 algorithm for embedding 4 different Microsoft Word documents Figure 3.45 Average PSNR value for 15 Cover images of (1024X1024) using LSB3 algorithm for embedding 4 different Microsoft Word documents AFCPV : LSB 3 Algorithm Cover 512 X 512 AFCPV : LSB 3 Algorithm Cover 1024x1024 0.300 0.250 0.200 0.035 0.030 0.025 0.020 0.015 0.010 0.005 0.000 0.256 0.211 0.150 0.117 0.150 0.100 0.050 0.000 MSG1 MSG2 AFCPV MSG3 MSG4 AVG AFCPV=0.183 Total % Change MSG3 0.020 0.016 MSG2 AFCPV MSG3 MSG4 AVG AFCPV=0.024 Figure 3.47 Average AFCPV value for 15 Cover images of (1024X1024) using LSB3 algorithm for embedding 4 different Microsoft Word documents % CHANGE : LSB 3 Algorithm Cover 512 X 512 14.000 11.920 12.000 9.769 10.000 7.213 8.000 5.878 6.000 4.000 2.000 0.000 MSG2 0.027 MSG1 Figure 3.46 Average AFCPV value for 15 Cover images of (512X512) using LSB-3 algorithm for embedding 4 different Microsoft Word documents MSG1 0.033 % CHANGE : LSB 3 Algorithm Cover 1024x1024 3.500 3.010 3.000 2.482 2.500 1.839 2.000 1.506 1.500 1.000 0.500 0.000 MSG4 MSG1 AVG % CHANGE=8.695 Total % Change Figure 3.48 Average values for total change in percent. for 15 Cover images (512X512) using LSB-3 algorithm for embedding 4 different Microsoft Word documents MSG2 MSG3 MSG4 AVG % CHANGE=2.209 Figure 3.49 Average values for total change in percent. for 15 Cover images (1024X1024) using LSB-3 algorithm for 4 different Microsoft Word documents 67 Information Hiding in Image and Audio Files 2007-2010 Figure 3.50 and Figure 3.51 show the average MSE values. Figure 3.52 and Figure 3.53 show the average PSNR values, Figure 3.54 and Figure 3.55 show the average AFCPV values and Figure 3.56 and Figure 3.57 show the average changes i.e. Total bytes changed, in percent for 4 Microsoft Word messages in Cover size 512 X 512 and 1024 X 1024 respectively using LSB-Parity algorithm. MSE EvPR Algorithm Cover 512 X 512 0.140 0.120 0.100 0.080 0.060 0.040 0.020 0.000 MSE : EvPR Algorithm Cover 1024x1024 0.035 0.030 0.025 0.020 0.015 0.010 0.005 0.000 0.12 0.10 0.07 MSG1 0.06 MSG2 MSEC MSG3 MSG4 0.029 0.024 0.018 MSG1 AVG MSE=0.086 0.014 MSG2 MSEC MSG3 MSG4 AVG MSE=0.021 Figure 3.50 Average MSE value for 15 Cover images of (512X512) using LSB-Parity algorithm for embedding 4 different Microsoft Word documents Figure 3.51 Average MSE value for 15 Cover images of (1024X1024) using LSB-Parity algorithm for embedding 4 different Microsoft Word documents PSNR EvPR Algorithm Cover 512 X 512 PSNR EvPR Algorithm Cover 1024x1024 61.000 60.500 60.000 59.500 59.000 58.500 58.000 57.500 57.000 56.500 56.000 55.500 60.529 67.000 66.500 66.000 65.500 65.000 64.500 64.000 63.500 63.000 62.500 62.000 61.500 59.631 58.312 57.433 MSG1 PSNRC MSG2 MSG3 MSG4 66.585 65.685 64.364 63.475 MSG1 AVG PSNR=58.976 PSNRC Figure 3.52 Average PSNR value for 15 Cover images of (512X512) using LSBParity algorithm for embedding 4 different Microsoft Word documents MSG2 MSG3 MSG4 AVG PSNRC=65.027 Figure 3.53 Average PSNR value for 15 Cover images of (1024X1024) using LSBParity algorithm for embedding 4 different Microsoft Word documents 68 Information Hiding in Image and Audio Files AFCPV : EvPR Algorithm Cover 512 X 512 0.300 0.200 AFCPV : EvPR Algorithm Cover 1024x1024 0.035 0.030 0.025 0.020 0.015 0.010 0.005 0.000 0.258 0.250 0.213 0.152 0.119 0.150 0.100 0.050 0.000 MSG1 MSG2 AFCPV MSG3 MSG4 AVG AFCPV=0.185 Total % Change MSG3 0.027 0.020 0.016 MSG2 AFCPV 3.500 3.000 2.500 2.000 1.500 1.000 0.500 0.000 MSG4 MSG4 AVG AFCPV=0.024 % CHANGE EvPR Algorithm Cover 1024x1024 2.925 2.387 1.762 MSG1 AVG % CHANGE=8.556 1.435 MSG2 Total % Change Figure 3.56 Average values for total change, change (0-1), change (1-0) all in percent. for 15 Cover images (512X512) using LSBParity algorithm for4 different Microsoft Word documents MSG3 Figure 3.55 Average AFCPV value for 15 Cover images of (1024X1024) using LSBParity algorithm for embedding 4 different Microsoft Word documents % CHANGE: EvPR Algorithm Cover 512 X 512 14.000 11.751 12.000 9.605 10.000 7.092 8.000 5.775 6.000 4.000 2.000 0.000 MSG2 0.032 MSG1 Figure 3.54 Average AFCPV value for 15 Cover images of (512X512) using LSBParity algorithm for embedding 4 different Microsoft Word documents MSG1 2007-2010 MSG3 MSG4 AVG % CHANGE=2.127 Figure 3.57 Average values for total change, change (0-1), change (1-0) all in percent. for 15 Cover images (1024X1024) using LSB-Parity algorithm for4 different Microsoft Word documents Remark : It is observed that in case of Word documents higher MSE and theryby lower PSNR is obtained when larger size messages are embedded and viceversa. The pattern for MSE is same in case of all the three algorithms. 3.4 Discussion Least Significant bit is one of the simplest techniques. It replaces the LSB of every pixel directly with the message bit. Such a 69 Information Hiding in Image and Audio Files 2007-2010 technique can result to easy retrieval of the secret message. In this chapter, three variations of LSB technique are given. In the first variation of LSB, called as LSB 2-bit technique, the LSB of every pixel is adjusted in such a way that XOR operation of LSB and next to LSB is same as the secret message bit. Similarly the other two variations are implemented. All these three different variations of LSB technique are quite robust against easy retrieval of message as LSB is not directly replaced with the secret message bit. Experimental results show that LSB 2-bit technique, LSB 3-bit technique and LSB Parity show lesser values of MSE, RMSE, percentage of bytes changed and AFCPV for embedding text message as secret message as compared to message image as secret message as the total number of bytes for text message are lesser than the total number of bytes of message image which means that more amount of text message can be embedded. 70