Erasmus+: KA2
Capacity building projects in Higher
Nakon izrade budžeta
To ensure that the targeted Partner Country university is in a posi=on to offer educa=on that meets the changing needs of the economic environment
• Improvement of regional quality in order to increase compe==veness of the regional economy and improve quality of life
An exam : ple of a W
O that is n ot clear a nd good e nough!
An example of a WO that is not clear and good enough!
• …crea=on of favorable condi=ons for sustainable development of partner countries through the collabora=on of EU & PC
Universi=es for joint training of a new genera=on of engineers, who will be able to combine the social, environmental and economic-‐technological aspects of sustainable manufacturing, and use the system approach for decision making.
An example of a WO that is not clear and good enough!
• Create BeOer connec=vity of Universi=es with a stakeholders
• BeOer employability fo graduates
• BeOer connec=on with a ALUMNI
• Strengthening the links and partnership between partner Ins=tu=ons
• Strengthening the partnership between the
Stakeholders forums in Region and Partner
• To increase aOrac=veness of engineering educa=on through innova=ve teaching methods as well as through the strengthening of university-‐ secondary voca=onal schools collabora=on
To bring undergraduate curricula, teaching methods and library facili=es at the Faculty of Economics of the University of xxx into line with the Bologna requirement by December xxx .
An example of SOs that are not clear and good enough!
• To develop training programs and consul=ng services for quality improvement of WBC enterprises
• Improvement of compe==veness of WBC enterprises through increased quality
• Improvement of regional coopera=on and coopera=on with enterprises
• Providing the feed back for improvement of
University courses in the field of quality
An example of SOs that are not clear and good enough!
• Basing on the EU experience, to develop a Methodology for introduc@on of basic provisions and requirements of Sustainable Manufacturing into exis@ng engineering curricula with the focus on 3-‐cycle ECTS educa@onal structure, degree and diploma recogni@on, qualifica@on frameworks during the 1st project year.
• To develop a course 'Basics of Sustainable Manufacturing' for engineering special@es of at least 2 credits ECTS (72 hours of study).
• According to developed Methodology, to modernize Master Program in
Mechanical Engineering in terms of inclusion the Course “Basics of
Sustainable Manufacturing” into Curricula and moderniza@on of at least 2 exis@ng courses in each PC. To introduce modernized Master Program from September 2015.
• To disseminate widely project results and knowledge about Sustainable
Manufacturing among professionals, students and popula@on on the whole aiming to form the culture of sustainable manufacturing during the project and beyond.
An example of SOs that are not clear and good enough!
• Study program analysis
• Crea=on of Stakeholders Forum on each Partner
• Crea=on and beOer organisa=on of ALUMNI
• Founding and crea=on of network of Stakeholders and
Universi=es in SEE region
• Improvement of students and teachers prac=cal work
• Improvement and beOer University/Faculty connec=on with a industrial and business environment
• Crea=on of plan for new students grants based on business and industry needs
• To build cross-‐universi=es network of remote engineering laboratories in order to enhance engineering educa=on at Serbian HE ins=tu=ons
• To strengthen university-‐secondary voca=onal schools collabora=on through secondary voca=onal schools teacher training in using resources of The Library of Remote Experiments
• To bring remote engineering experiments into secondary voca=onal school classrooms in order to promote engineering educa=on aOrac=veness to prospec=ve engineering students
• Prepara%on WP
• Management WP
• Implementa%on WP
• QA and Monitoring WP
• Dissemina%on and Exploita%on WP
At least one work package must be elaborated for
each of the 5 work package types listed above!
• Consor=um mee=ng !
consolidated work plan/ financial plan
• Prepara=on of teaching material !
teaching material
• Organisa=on of a training course !
training material + staff trained
• Prepara=on of event for students and analysed
students ques=onnaires filled
• Wri=ng of a final report !
• Training of student services students
counseling service introduced for
• …….
• Staff: xxx days partner 1, xxx days partner 2, xxx days partner 3, xxx days of ext. experts
• • Mobility: xxx flows (average xxx days each)
• • Equipment zzzz
• … good number of students interested to enroll the study programme developed through the project ≠ … lack of interest from students
• Timely finalisa=on of the accredita=on procedures ≠ …that accredita=on of the new curriculum might not be granted by the na=onal authori=es
• D 1.2 … role of your organisa=on in the project
• D 2.1 and D2.2 ….project management and communica=on arrangements
• E1 …mo=va=on behind the project
• E3 … European added value
• E4 … innova=ve elements
• F1 ....aims and objec=ves
• F2 … ac=vi=es and methodology
• F3 … budget and cost effec=veness
• F4 … quality control and monitoring
• G1… expected impact and impact indicators
• G2… dissemina=on and exploita=on strategy
• G3… sustainability
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