and fun way of supporting your church and getting to know other members better. So, if you are reasonably fit and able to walk a few miles, how about doing so? Sponsored Walk - Saturday 18 June Report by Ian Dickson This year, we are returning to an old favourite; the figure-ofeight route from Peebles, via Manor Sware, across Kirkton Manor Road Tweed Bridge and along Tweed Walk (North Side) to Lyne Station, returning along Tweed Walk (South Side), re-crossing Tweed Bridge and back, past Neidpath Castle, along Tweed Walk (North Side). The total distance is approximately 7½ miles. The route does not have any daunting upwards gradients and, in the main, follows well-defined tracks and paths with relatively good walking surfaces; and it is intended that, on the day, the pace be made by the ‘stiffies’ (in the majority!) not any would-be ‘greyhounds’ (few and selfdeluded!). Moreover, taking part in the walk is a healthy, invigorating If you would like to participate but fear you would not be able to manage the full distance, it would be possible to join and leave the route at the Kirkton Manor Road Tweed Bridge, reducing the distance to be coverd to only a little over 3½ miles. However, if you really are unable to participate, please remember that you can still give your support by sponsoring someone who can! More detailed information and sponsorship forms are available in the Church and Church Hall vestibules or from Ian or Moira Dickson (Tel 0131 440 2019). Turning Aside - Sunday Service 12 June As we progress in our search for a new minister, now is a good time to review how we view our church, our part in it, and how we move it forward into the future . The lead story this month provides a view of what styles of outreach your church is developing in Café Church, which was brought to the wider congregation on 8 May. A clear vision of the future we want to develop in St. Mungo’s will provide a powerful message to prospective ministers looking for a congregation who know where they are going. Please come along and join this opportunity to help identify what Christ would want us to do. Sunday 12 June at 11.00am in the church hall. This style of church will be used again in June, this time to explore what excites us about church and how to channel that excitement, see article on back page. Messy Church - 29 May Gift Days are a substantial and indispensable element in funding the maintenance, repair and renovation of St Mungo’s properties. The church will be open from 10am to 12 noon on Saturday 4 June, to receive your Gift Day envelope. Alternatively you may place it in the Collection Plate at Sunday Service. Come along to this years Summer Fayre and see the wide range of items on display, including greeting cards, books. bricabrac, home baking. bottle stall and tombola. The raffle with some great prizes will also featutre and of course our wonderful strawberry tea!!!! Holiday Club - Volunteers needed Holy Communion - 5 June Mungo’s Diary 5 June, 11.00am 7 June, 7.00pm 12 June, 11.00am 12 June, 4.00pm 15 June, 7.30pm 18 Jun, 9.50am 20 Jun, 7.30pm 25 June, 10.00am 26 June, 4.00pm 29 June, 7.30pm Friendship Circle. - 74 Eskvale Drive. For transport Margaret 672347. Holy Communion service - Sacrament of the Last Supper Congregational Board and Kirk Session meeting - church hall. Sunday morning Service in church hall - Turning Aside Café Connect at Jean Place - to 5.00pm. Housegroup. 21 Mauricewood Bank Sponsored Walk - Meet in front of the Church Bible Study. New series - Frontline Discipleship. Church Hall. Summer Fayre - in the Church Hall. To 12 noon. All Welcome Messy Church - in the Church Hall. To 6.00pm Housegroup. 21 Mauricewood Bank Pastoral Care The Quiz Night and Messy Church stories show that Bible stories can be fun, with laughter a great way to help learning. The Food Facts and Friends have their official opening in style during June, and we should be proud of this form of outreach into our community, helping the poor and those falling on hard times. A little later this year, our Sacrament of the Last Supper takes place on Sunday 5th June at 11.00am to which you and your family are are warmly invited. 1 June 10.45am Sunday Service Café Style - 8 May From the mouse of Editor’s PC As we move towards summer, you know it can’t be too far away when the sun shines, it is easier to reflect on where we are and where we want to go. Holding the service in the church hall will allow us as groups to address these questions with the help of supporting video clips. The technique will be familiar to those who attended the Café Church service on 8 May, where we discussed points raised during Neil Cape’s presentation. Gift Day - 4 June You can sign up to an extended “e” version of this newssheet, with full length features, and colour photos which will be delivered to your email each month, saving paper and other resources. Use “eSignup” on St. Mungo's website Church mouse The Sunday morning service on 12 June will be held in the church hall and include the Church of Scotland’s video ‘Turning Aside’ created by Lothian Presbytery Forward Planning Coordinating Group, to explore four questions:‘What do you like about being part of church? How do you see the churches place in society? Where are the signs of hope that excite you? How can we share the love of Christ with those around us ?’ Messy Church will be on Sunday May 29th, in St. Mungo's Church Hall starting at 4.00pm. We will be looking at Ezekiel's prophesy about the dry bones in the Valley of Dry Bones. He predicted that some day the bones will reassemble and walk around at the command of God. Very appropriate in this Pentecost season. June 2016 I mentioned fun earlier and this month will see the Sponsored Walk, and the Summer Fayre, both a great way to have fun with friends, and our church family, while raising funds for the work of your church. The Penicuik Churches Working Together are looking for volunteers to help run the Holiday Club from 1 to 5 August. If you would be able to help on all, or any of these dates then please contact Sandy Robertson on 01968 672863 for more details, more information on the website The Pastoral visiting team can be called on at any time (Margaret 672347) For another full month of activities in your church, see Mungo’s diary. Enjoy this issue. Jim Paterson Newsletter Editor Our service on Sunday 8 May followed a different format to our usual style of worship. For a start we held the service in the church hall, but not because the heating in the church had failed, as in a previous Sunday. We moved to the hall as we were presenting part of the service in Café Connect style, to show members of the congregation how this monthly alternative to traditional church works. We started in the Café Connect style with hot drinks and cake before gathering round the tables to hear Neil Cape talk about an example of how Café Connect works, by describing points from his own life as a professional scientist and how that relates to his faith. After talking about a 7-year-old's approach to God, Sunday School etc, he went on to his time as a student. Here he had been challenged by a lady who used to stand outside the university chapel every Sunday morning, asking those queuing to get in 'Are you saved?' This had caused some confusion and embarrassment. Neil then asked the congregation to discuss round their tables: 'How would you feel if someone stood outside St Mungo's on a Sunday and asked you that question? Would you know what they meant? What would your answer be?' After 5 minutes of animated discussion, Neil went on to talk about working in a research institute, and the barriers to talking about one's faith imposed by being the 'boss'. The congregation were then asked to discuss: 'What are the barriers that stop you talking about your faith to friends, neighbours, colleagues? How can you get round them?' Again, it was hard to get people to stop talking and move on to the end of this part of the service, when Neil explained that science answers the question 'How does the world work?' while faith answers questions like 'Why is the world the way it is, and why are we here?' Following the Café Connect style we moved back to the more traditional format as Hugh took over the lead, drawing on what we had learned from Neil's presentation. The informal discussion after the service, over, you guessed it, another coffee, showed that many members were delighted with what their church is doing to bring the word of God to those that find traditional church difficult to join. A number of new faces were also present and they too found the event fulfilling. Is it the style of the Café Connect format, or the surroundings, i.e. not inside a traditional church building with rows and rows of pews and a pulpit? Perhaps a bit of both. What do you think? Please let us know. Café Connect returns to Jeans Place in the Precinct on Sunday 12 June at 4.00pm, when Jackie Ringan will talk about how God has helped in her as a teacher and working with Scripture Union, Come along with a friend and enjoy a hot drink and cake while listening to Jackie. Christian Aid Lunch - 15 May Quiz Night - 16 May Story - Agnes Ovenstone, pictures - Jim Paterson Report - Janis Hogg Messy Ascension had the children imagine how the disciples felt when Jesus was taken up into Heaven, and what the disciples understood of what Jesus had said to them. To kick start Christian Aid Week 15 to 21 May St. Mungo’s hosted a lunch after the service on Sunday 15th May. Ascension Day used to be better known as a day of celebration than it is today, even within church circles. It marks the moment when Jesus finally leaves his disciples 40 days after his resurrection.; He gave his followers both a command and a promise, which are still valid for us today. This was a wonderful event! Before the service lots of people arrived with donations of all sorts of food and before long we had 8 huge pots of soup , bread, butter,crackers, cheese , baking of all sorts and biscuits. We looked around and thought..... we're never going to use all this - some will end up being given back ! The social committee, Agnes Ovenstone, Margaret Black,. Christine Jackson , Linn Kinloch, Norah Cox, Joyce Hunter, and Helen Sutherland, swung into well experienced action, setting tables and laying out food. However! After church a good number of our own congregation came for lunch , then people from other churches arrived after their services and soon all the tables were filled. We reckon around 70 people ate together, and ate well! Comments were made about the generous spread provided. Agnes and Margaret slaved over the hot stove serving soup and the rest of the ladies took orders ( two lentil, one broth, chef ! ) , served the soup , then the teas and coffees. The crafts provided some fun for the children, including Fruity folk: making some people from fruit – and thinking about all the countries where there are people in God’s family. Heads down and start thinking There was a lovely atmosphere in the hall as people greeted friends from other churches and had a good chat. A great success and very enjoyable. The amount donated was £364.20 , with roughly £60 of gift aid to come back too. Our annual quiz was held on Monday 16 May when we were joined by members from St James the Less and the South Churches. Gordon MacDonald and Agnes Ovenstone asked the questions and kept the score. There were six categories of questions - Film & TV, Food, History, Art & Literature, the Bible, and General Knowledge. Many thanks to everyone who contributed in any way to this wonderful occasion! There were six teams taking part with the novel titles, the Bright Sparks, the B Jays, Fiona's Flyers, Chinid, the Three Graces plus one, and the Winalot Woof woofs. Food Facts and Friends (FFF) Official opening - 7 June Last month we featured the setting up of Food Fact and Friends drop in centre and foodbank, which operates from St. Mungo's church hall. The centre, while complementing the food store which operates from the North Church, and the foodbank at Sacred Heart, differs significantly, in that those in need can visit St. Mungo's, to meet and talk to helping people over coffee and often breakfast, as well as receive food parcels. During May a lot has been happening. Mark and Grace Wells, Jill Kane and David have started the foodbank operation handing out tinned foods, pasta with sauces, fresh fruit, vegetables, and bakery items to needy individuals and families every Monday and Friday 10.30am to 1.30pm. Some 20 families each day, from Penicuik and surrounding area, have visited the centre. They have also been called upon by Midlothian Social Work team to provide emergency food parcels at all times of day or night, now that the Citizen Advice Bureau are no longer providing such a service. What form of outreach can be more rewarding than to support the poor and troubled in our society, following Christ's word 'For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me. (Matthew 25) The open door to not only food, but also welcome friendship and help to make for a better life is what we all should be striving to do for those falling on hard times in our community. Mark and Grace are strong Christians and can often be seen in our congregation. Any donations of produce or cash to purchase food is always welcome. You can see them not only at Sunday service but every Monday and Friday in the hall. International nails: getting thumbnail decorated with a flag, and remembering that Jesus has given us all this special job of spreading His message …. How can we do that? One of the questions in the History section caused a bit of a puzzle - The Kingdom of Cusco is associated with which civilization? The choices were Greek, Inca, Roman, Egyptian. Much head scratching. See end of story for the right answer. However when it came to the Bible questions (which were not multiple choice) all that changed and a winner appeared. The questions for this section were set by Hugh Davidson, our minister, who was banned from his team for this round. However, for one of the questions he did add an extra 'throw away' option. The question was 'Who had three friends called Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Na'amathite? From the back of the hall Hugh added 'and Taffy the Anthracite'. Mmmm not sure if a 'Taffy' is mentioned in the Bible. The correct answer is Job. The centre will have its official opening on Tuesday 7 June at 1.00pm when Sister Rita Lee, nicknamed ‘Attila the Nun’, who runs a similar centre at the Lalley Centre in Manchester, offering support for people with all manner of needs, including debt, welfare advice, food poverty, job applications and CV writing, will cut the ribbon. Sister Rita will be accompanied by a BBC film crew covering the event, which will be broadcast as a documentary in November. You are welcome to join this celebration which starts at 12 noon in the church hall, and is open to all members of St. Mungo's. Hands around the world ….. helping to surround the world with a chain of hands, and remember that we’re not just part of God’s world wide family, but that in Him we are all joined together.. Spreading the good news: doing some messy painting (using a drinking straw!) How did the Jesus message spread so far across the world? There was so much laughter that some of the questions had to be repeated more than once. From the scores it appeared that most of the questions were relatively easy although they were all multiple choice so there was a one in four chance of getting the right. However the golden rule of 'if in doubt vote for C' did not always work! The FFF team are looking to add fresh meat and poultry products once they are in full operation, through links with Tesco, Sainsbury, Morrison and Greggs, who donate produce to a number of Foodbanks in Midlothian. Before cutting the ribbon Sister Rita will visit our church and St. Kentigern ruin in the churchyard. The Rev Hugh Davidson will be at the ceremony as will a number of the elders, when we will provide a short history of St. Mungo's in Penicuik. Midlothian provost Jim Wallace our will be there, along with our MP Owen Thompson, border councillor Michelle Ballantyne, and Kris Chapman, who all have a close interest in services that support the needy in our society, and have visited the centre and are very supportive of the FFF venture and the link to our church. Messy Ascension - 24 April Story and pictures - Jim Paterson Tea/Coffee and Home Baking was served at the interval and biscuits and cheese were available for nibbling during the quiz. The result was very close but the winners, by one point, were The Three Graces plus one which comprised of Marion Mather,Gillian Little, Margaret Coull from St James and Margaret Black from St Mungo's. What was the question? Build a church: build a big junk church – what did it need to have, and what doesn’t it need? Did we think our church here at St Mungo’s looks like churches in other countries? What about our junk church? Flags of the world on our arms, part of our global family. Toilet roll challenge: make a person from another country using toilet roll tubes and whatever materials are available, and find out about our toilet twinning challenge (see leaflet). Margaret Coull accepted the 'Smart Alec' trophy for her team, from Agnes Ovenstone. The time in church included a video depiction of the Ascension and how those discovering the tomb empty reacted. You can see the clip There was a great atmosphere in the hall and everyone agreed it had been a happy fun night. The answer to the above question about Cusco is Inca. Our Global family Our Global family was to paint a global family, and think what it means to be part of one!. Margaret Coull receives Smrt Alec teddy from Agnes Ovenstone Interim Moderator - Rev Yvonne Atkins email A meal was served to finish the day, providing time to talk about what we had done together. Dates for your diary. The next Messy Church will be on. Sunday May 29. The final Messy Church of the season will be June 26.