Guide for Transferring to North Central College J ol i e t J u n ior C ol l e ge Guide for transferring from Joliet Junior College to North Central College Based on the 2016-2017 Joliet Junior College catalog and the 2016-2017 North Central College catalog. This agreement is in effect from 6/13/16 through 9/10/17. North Central College reserves the right to alter any informa on listed in this guide, including the transferability of courses, without no ce or obliga on. For assistance with this guide, please call North Central College at (630) 637-5800. How to use this guide: This course subs tu on guide was designed to help you select courses at Joliet Junior College if you are planning to transfer to North Central College. Working with your JJC advisor, refer to this guide to determine courses that meet North Central College requirements in our Core Curriculum, academic major and minor requirements, and elec ves. Listed below is a sample from this guide: JJC COURSE NUMBERS, TITLES, CREDIT NCC EQUIVALENT COURSE NUMBER AND CREDIT IAI NCC CORE AREAS MET (SEE BELOW) DEPT NUM TITLE CREDIT IAI EQUIV DEPT NUMBER CREDIT GEN ED GEN ED ANTH 101 Introduc on to Anthropology 3 S1 900N SOA Elec ve 3 SOC 0 ANTH 275 Cultural Anthropology 3 S1 901D SOA 105 3 SOC 0 IMPORTANT INFO ABOUT THIS COURSE COMMENTS The CORE (general studies) curriculum at North Central College is as follows, along with the general educa on codes you will find in this guide: SEMESTER HOURS GENERAL EDUCATION CODE English Composi on 6 COM English Speech Communica on 3 SPE Communica on, Journalism, Theater Mathema cs 3 MAT Mathema cs, Business Sta s cs, Sta s cs 6.5 LSL or PSL (lab course) LS or PS (non-lab course) Humani es 9 HUM History, Literature, Philosophy, Religious Studies, Performing or Visual Arts Social Sciences 9 SOC Anthropology, History, Economics, Human Geography, Poli cal Science, Psychology, Sociology All-College Requirement: Religion and Ethics 3* REL A course which studies both religious and ethical values may also be counted as a humani es requirement. ACR CORE AREA Life and Physical Sciences RELATED DEPARTMENTS Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Earth Science, Geology, Astronomy *Specific Religion and Philosophy courses will fulfill both the Religion and Ethics requirement and one Humani es requirement. Notes: •Only 60 semester hours (90 quarter hours) may be transferred from a two-year college. • A student who completes the IAI General Educa on Core Curriculum at Joliet Junior College will have automa cally completed the core por on of North Central’s general educa on curriculum. Addi onal requirements of the core curriculum include two All-College seminars and a Religion and Ethics requirement. •The back of this page has a planning guide for you to use as you map out your schedule. Course Planning Guide Designed for Joliet Junior College students intending to transfer to North Central College. This planning guide will help assure that you are mee ng North Central College general core curriculum requirements. Remember to u lize your JJC advisor and your North Central College transfer counselor when selec ng courses. North Central College is on a credit-hour system. Three semester hours are equivalent to three credit hours. English Composi on has been done for you as an example. Requirement CORE Composi on Code Course Number/Title COM ENG 102 Rhetoric II Term Hours Grade ENG 101 Rhetoric I Interdisciplinary Completed at North Central College only (waived for transfer students entering with 18 hours or more) Speech Communica on SPE Mathema cs MAT Life or Physical Science (with a lab ) LSL or PSL Life or Physical Science (without a lab) LS or PS HUM Humani es/Fine Arts SOC ACR Social Sciences Religion and Ethics REL Intercultural Seminar Completed at North Central College only (waived for F1 students) Leadership, Ethics and Values Seminar Completed at North Central College only DEGREE-SPECIFIC REQUIREMENTS 3 years of high school foreign language with a “B” average or be er Bachelor of Arts: Students pursuing a B.A. degree must fulfill the foreign language requirement in one of the following ways: OR 6 credit hours of college-level foreign language (FRCH or SPAN) OR If transferring with 48 hours or more, you may qualify for our Designated Intercultural ACR. MATH 171 Calculus with Analy c Geometry II MATH Bachelor of Science: Students pusuing a B.S. degree must fulfill the following course. AND Nine credit hours (varies by major) from Computer Science, Sta s cs, addi onal Math, or addi onal Life or Physical Science courses. Some majors may have addi onal requirements. These courses are typically completed at North Central College. Contact Informa on North Central College • Office of Admission • 30 N. Brainard St. • Naperville, Illinois 60540 630-637-5800 • COURSE SUBSTITUTIONS FOR STUDENTS TRANSFERRING FROM JOLIET JUNIOR COLLEGE TO NORTH CENTRAL COLLEGE Based on the 2016‐2017 Joliet Junior College Catalog and the 2016‐2017 North Central College Catalog This Agreement is in Effect from 6/13/16 through 9/10/17 Joliet Junior College Courses DEPT NUM AB COURSE TITLE NCC Courses SEM IAI Dept Number CRED EQUIV Auto Body Repair NCC General Education and Comments Credit GEN ED GEN ED COMMENT No Credit 0 No credit transfers from this department ACCY 100 Introduction to Accounting 3 No Credit 0 ACCY 101 Accounting I 4 ACC 201 4 ACCY 102 Accounting II 4 ACC 202 ACCY 103 Intermediate Accounting I 3 ACC ACCY 104 Cost Accounting 3 ACC ACCY 105 Intermediate Accounting II 3 ACC ACCY 107 Income Tax Accounting 3 ACC ACCY 108 Computerized Accounting 2 ADV 101 Principles of Advertising 3 No Credit 0 3 ECN Elective 3 No Credit 0 AEC AGRI AGRI Architecture Engineering & Cons Tech 103 Agriculture Economics All Other Agriculture Courses 4 0 Consult ACC department 307 3 May not use to fulfill 300‐level req in major/minor 0 Consult ACC department Elective 3 No Credit 0 BUS Elective 3 No credit transfers from this department SOC ANTH 101 Introduction to Anthropology 3 S1 900N SOA Elective 3 SOC ANTH 275 Cultural Anthropology 3 S1 901N SOA 105 3 SOC ARAB 110 Conversational Arabic I 3 MCL Elective 3 ARAB 111 Conversational Arabic II 3 MCL Elective 3 ARCH No Credit 0 ART 101 Drawing I Architectural Technology 3 ART 120 3 ART 102 Drawing II 3 ART 220 3 No credit transfers from this department HUM ART 103 2D Design 3 ART 107 3 ART 104 3D Design 3 ART 110 3 ART 105 Painting I 3 ART 130 3 ART 106 Painting II 3 ART 230 3 ART 107 Graphic Design I 3 ART 210 3 ART 108 Introduction to Computer Graphics 3 ART 109 Introduction to the Visual Arts 3 ART 111 Ceramics I ART 112 Ceramics II ART 113 International Ceramics 3 ART 115 Introduction to Ancient and Medieval Art 3 F2 901 ART 116 Introduction to Renaissance & Baroque Art 3 ART 117 Introduction to Modern Art 3 ART 118 History of Chicago Architecture 19‐20th c 3 ART 125 Photography I 3 ART 117 3 ART 126 Digital Photography 3 ART 205 3 HUM ART 142 3 ART Elective 3 HUM 3 ART 150 3 HUM 3 ART 250 3 ART Elective 3 ART 272 3 HUM F2 902 ART 274 3 HUM F2 902 ART 276 3 HUM ART Elective 3 HUM F2 900 Only one of ART 108 or ART 211 transfers ART 151 Computer Art I 3 ART Elective 3 ART 152 Typography 3 ART 212 3 ART 207 Graphic Design II 3 ART Elective 3 ART 211 Digital Imaging I (Photoshop) 3 IFS 109 3 Only one of ART 108 or ART 211 transfers ART 213 Figure Drawing I 3 ART 225 3 ART 214 Figure Drawing II 3 ART 325 3 ART 223 History of Art in Architecture 3 ART Elective 3 ART 225 Photography II 3 ART Elective 3 JJC: Page 1 of 14 May not use to fulfill 300‐level req in major/minor HUM COURSE SUBSTITUTIONS FOR STUDENTS TRANSFERRING FROM JOLIET JUNIOR COLLEGE TO NORTH CENTRAL COLLEGE Based on the 2016‐2017 Joliet Junior College Catalog and the 2016‐2017 North Central College Catalog This Agreement is in Effect from 6/13/16 through 9/10/17 Joliet Junior College Courses DEPT NUM COURSE TITLE NCC Courses SEM IAI Dept Number CRED EQUIV ART 230 History of Graphic Design 3 ART 233 Portfolio Development for Graphic Design 3 ART 237 Graphic Design III 3 ART 240 Jewelry and Metalsmithing I 3 ART 241 Jewelry and Metalsmithing II 3 ART 251 Computer Art II 3 ART 299 Special Topics in Studio Art 3 AS ART 101 Descriptive Astronomy 3 100 Medical Terminology 3 GEN ED P1 906 GEN ED COMMENT 368 3 No Credit 0 ART Elective 3 ART Elective 3 ART Elective 3 ART Elective 3 No BIO Credit May not use to fulfill 300‐level req in major/minor Elective Automotive Service Technology ASTR NCC General Education and Comments Credit Evaluated individually 0 PHY 121 3 No Credit 0 No credit transfers from this department PS BIO 103 Health 3 KIN Elective 3 BIO 104 Biological Diversity 5 L1 900L BIO 100 5 LSL BIO 105 Microbes and You 4 L1 903L BIO Elective 4 LSL BIO 106 Animals and Society 4 L1 902L BIO Elective 4 LSL BIO 107 Plants and Society 4 L1 901L BIO Elective 4 LSL BIO 125 Human Biology 4 L1 904L BIO 104 4 LSL BIO 131 Human Structure and Function 3 BIO Elective 3 LS BIO 144 Introduction To Human Heredity 3 L1 906 BIO Elective 3 LS BIO 146 Environmental Biology 3 L1 905 BIO 106 3 LS BIO 149 Principles of Biology 4 L1 900L BIO Elective 4 LSL BIO 151 General Biology I 5 L1 900L BIO 151 5 LSL BIO 151 + BIO 152 = BIO 151 and BIO 152 BIO 152 General Biology II 5 BIO 151 5 LSL BIO 151 + BIO 152 = BIO 151 and BIO 152 BIO 160 Anatomy and Physiology (Vet Tech) 4 No Credit 0 BIO 220 General Zoology 5 BIO Elective 5 LSL BIO 240 Microbiology 4 BIO Elective 4 BIO 250 Human Anatomy & Physiology I 4 BIO Elective 4 LSL BIO 250 + BIO 251 = BIO 147 BIO 251 Human Anatomy & Physiology II 4 BIO Elective 4 LSL BIO 250 + BIO 251 = BIO 147 BIO 252 Human Anatomy Cadaver Dissection 4 BIO Elective 4 LSL BLAW 101 Business Law I 3 BUS 205 3 BLAW 102 Business Law II 3 BUS Elective 3 BLAW 120 Legal Aspects of Health Info Mgmt 3 No Credit 3 BLAW 240 Introduction to Cyber Law 3 BUS Elective 3 BMAT 101 Business Mathematics 3 No Credit 0 BUS 101 Introduction to Business 3 BEN 110 3 BUS 111 Principles Business Communications 3 No Credit 0 BUS 114 International Business 3 BUS 135 3 BUS 120 Legal Aspects Health Info Mgmt 3 No Credit 0 BUS 205 Business Statistics 4 ECN 241 4 BUS 210 Business Internship Preparation 1 Elective Evaluated individually BUS 211 Business Internship 1‐4 Elective Evaluated individually BUS 299 Special Topics in Business 1‐4 Elective Evaluated individually MATH Only oneMC of BUS 205 or MATH 128 transfers CA Culinary Arts No Credit 0 No credit transfers from this department CADD Computer Aided Design & Drafting No Credit 0 No credit transfers from this department CDEV 101 Introduction Early Childhood Education NCC Elective 3 3 JJC: Page 2 of 14 COURSE SUBSTITUTIONS FOR STUDENTS TRANSFERRING FROM JOLIET JUNIOR COLLEGE TO NORTH CENTRAL COLLEGE Based on the 2016‐2017 Joliet Junior College Catalog and the 2016‐2017 North Central College Catalog This Agreement is in Effect from 6/13/16 through 9/10/17 Joliet Junior College Courses DEPT NUM COURSE TITLE CDEV 201 Health, Safety, Nutrition Young Child CDEV CDEV NCC Courses SEM IAI Dept Number CRED EQUIV NCC General Education and Comments Credit GEN ED 3 GEN ED COMMENT 3 KIN Elective 208 Child Growth and Development 3 NCC Elective 3 210 Child, Family & Community 3 No Credit 0 CDEV 215 Child Study & Observation 3 No Credit 0 CDEV 216 Early Literacy 3 NCC Elective 3 CDEV 220 Instruct Methods Early Childhood Settings 3 NCC Elective 3 CDEV 230 Discipline/Classroom Management 3 NCC Elective 3 CDEV 250 Development Appropriate Inf/Tod Care 3 No Credit 0 CDEV 251 Infant/Toddler Methods and Seminar 3 No Credit 0 CDEV 255 Child Devel Internship & Seminar 3 No Credit 0 CDEV 260 School‐Age Programming 3 No Credit 0 CDEV 270 Admin Early Childhood Settings 3 No Credit 0 CHEM 100 Fundamentals of Chemistry 5 P1 903L CHM Elective 5 SOC PSL CHEM 101 General Chemistry I 5 P1 902L CHM 141 5 PSL CHEM 102 General Chemistry II 5 CHM 142 5 PSL CHEM 104 Chemistry and Society 3 P1 903 CHM 100 3 PS CHEM 105 Quantitative Analysis 5 CHM 210 5 CHEM 108 Elementary Organic Chemistry 4 CHM Elective 4 CHEM 209 Organic Chemistry I 5 CHM 215 5 CHEM 210 Organic Chemistry II 5 CHM 216 5 CHIN 110 Conversational Mandarin Chinese I 3 MCL Elective 3 CHIN 111 Conversational Mandarin II 3 MCL Elective 3 CHIN 112 Conversational Chinese for Business I 3 No Credit 0 CHIN 113 Conversational Chinese for Business II 3 No Credit 0 CIS 101 Computer Basics 1 No Credit 0 CIS 105 Introduction to Windows 1 No Credit 0 CIS 107 Fundamentals Digital Technology 2 No Credit 0 CIS 110 Overview of Microsoft Office 1 No Credit 0 CIS 111 Introduction to Microsoft Access 1 No Credit 0 CIS 113 Introduction to Microsoft Excel 1 No Credit 0 CIS 116 Introduction to Internet 1 No Credit 0 CIS 117 Introduction to Multimedia 1 No Credit 0 CIS 121 Intro to Microsoft PowerPoint 1 No Credit 0 CIS 122 Computer Info Systems Fundamentals 4 No Credit 0 CIS 124 Beginning Microcomputer Applications 3 No Credit 0 CIS 126 Microsoft Office 3 No Credit 0 CIS 128 Computers for Educators 3 No Credit 0 CIS 130 Basic Programming 4 SCI Elective 4 CIS 136 PASCAL Programming 4 SCI Elective 4 CIS 137 Technical Excel 1 No Credit 0 CIS 143 Internet Technologies 3 No Credit 0 CIS 145 Fundamentals of Networking 3 No Credit 0 CIS 154 Data Communications & Networks 3 No Credit 0 CIS 158 DOS Plus UNIX‐Operation Systems 3 No Credit 0 JJC: Page 3 of 14 PSL COURSE SUBSTITUTIONS FOR STUDENTS TRANSFERRING FROM JOLIET JUNIOR COLLEGE TO NORTH CENTRAL COLLEGE Based on the 2016‐2017 Joliet Junior College Catalog and the 2016‐2017 North Central College Catalog This Agreement is in Effect from 6/13/16 through 9/10/17 Joliet Junior College Courses DEPT NUM COURSE TITLE NCC Courses SEM IAI Dept Number CRED EQUIV NCC General Education and Comments Credit GEN ED GEN ED COMMENT CIS 159 Introduct to Operating Systems & Scripts 4 No Credit 0 CIS 162 Introduction Wireless Communication 3 No Credit 0 CIS 180 IPhone Programming 3 No Credit 0 CIS 200 Social Media Technologies 3 No Credit 0 CIS 210 Social Web Site Development 3 No Credit 0 CIS 211 Database Mgt System 3 IFS 106 3 CIS 213 Electronic Spreadsheet Software 3 No Credit 0 CIS 216 Worldwide Web Homepage Authoring 1 IFS 115 1 CIS 217 Multimedia Concepts 4 IFS Elective 4 CIS 218 Introduction to E‐Commerce 3 No Credit 0 CIS 220 Fundamentals of Web Design 1 IFS 115 1 Only one of CIS 216, 220 or 221 transfers CIS 221 Concepts of Web Design 3 MED 105 3 Only one of CIS 216, 220 or 221 transfers CIS 222 Advanced Web Design 3 MED 205 3 CIS 223 Java Script 3 IFS 116 2 CIS 224 Web Animation 3 ART 207 3 CIS 226 Advanced Microsoft Office 4 No Credit 0 CIS 228 Advanced Computers for Educators 3 IFS Elective 3 CIS 230 Visual BASIC 4 CSC Elective 4 CIS 231 Humanizing Technology 3 No Credit 0 CIS 234 Programming Server Pages 3 CSC Elective 3 CIS 235 Microsoft Office Certification Prep 3 No Credit 0 CIS 236 Programming In C 4 CSC Elective 4 CIS 238 Advanced IPhone Programming 3 No Credit 0 CIS 240 Management Information Systems 3 BUS Elective 3 CIS 242 Adv Database Management System 4 IFS Elective 4 CIS 244 Web Servers and Platforms 3 No Credit 0 CIS 246 Advanced C Using C++ 4 CSC 161 4 CIS 250 Systems Analysis and Design 3 BUS Elective 3 CIS 259 Adv Operating System Concepts 4 No Credit 0 CIS 261 Java Programming 4 CSC 160 4 CIS 263 Networking Essentials 3 No Credit 0 CIS 269 Data Structures 4 CSC 161 4 CIS 271 Windows Client OS 4 No Credit 0 CIS 272 Windows Server I 4 No Credit 0 CIS 273 Windows Server II 4 No Credit 0 CIS 275 PC Troubleshooting and Toolbox 4 No Credit 0 CIS 276 Adv PC Troubleshooting and Assembly 4 No Credit 0 CIS 277 Computer Security and Home Small Busine 2 No Credit 0 CIS 278 Ethical Hacking 4 No Credit 0 CIS 280 Advanced Visual BASIC 4 CSC Elective 4 CIS 290 CIS Internship CIS 292 Computer and Network Security 4 No Credit CIS 293 Vmware vSphere 4 No Credit 0 CIS 295 Computer Organization 3 CSC 220 3 1‐4 Elective JJC: Page 4 of 14 Only one of CIS 216, 220 or 221 transfers Consult CSC department, possible CSC 160 Only one of CSC 246 or 269 transfers Only one of CSC 246 or 269 transfers Evaluated individually 0 COURSE SUBSTITUTIONS FOR STUDENTS TRANSFERRING FROM JOLIET JUNIOR COLLEGE TO NORTH CENTRAL COLLEGE Based on the 2016‐2017 Joliet Junior College Catalog and the 2016‐2017 North Central College Catalog This Agreement is in Effect from 6/13/16 through 9/10/17 Joliet Junior College Courses DEPT NUM COURSE TITLE CIS 296 Computer Forensics CIS 298 Tech Analysis in the Workplace CIS 299 Special Topics in CIS NCC Courses SEM IAI Dept Number CRED EQUIV 4 No 4 No 1‐5 NCC General Education and Comments Credit Credit 0 Credit 0 GEN ED Elective GEN ED COMMENT Evaluated individually CM Construction Management No Credit 0 No credit transfers from this department CNT Computer Networking Technology No Credit 0 No credit transfers from this department COUN Counseling No Credit 0 No credit transfers from this department CRJ 100 Intro to Criminal Justice System 3 SOA 225 3 CRJ 105 Introduction to Corrections 3 No Credit 0 CRJ 110 Introduction to Law Enforcement 3 No Credit 0 CRJ 115 White Collar Crime 3 No Credit 0 CRJ 120 Juvenile Delinquency 3 SOA 350 3 CRJ 125 Drugs and Addiction in Criminal Justice 3 SOA Elective 3 CRJ 130 Criminal Law 3 SOA Elective 3 CRJ 150 Internship in Criminal Justice 3 No Credit 0 CRJ 155 Internship in Law Enforcement 3 No Credit 0 CRJ 200 Criminology 3 SOA 250 3 CRJ 205 Evidence and Criminal Procedure 3 No Credit 0 CRJ 210 Intro to Criminal Justice Research 3 SOA Elective 3 CRJ 215 Probation and Parole 3 No Credit 0 CRJ 220 Constitutional Law and Due Process 3 PSC Elective 3 CRJ 225 Criminal Investigation 3 No Credit 0 CRJ 230 Introduction to Criminalistics 3 No Credit 0 CRJ 235 Prison and Jail Management 3 No Credit 0 CRJ 240 Traffic Administration and Control 3 No Credit 0 CRJ 250 Law Enforcement Organization and Admin 3 No Credit 0 CRJ 260 Technology in Law Enforcement 2 No Credit 0 CRJ 270 Contemporary Topics in Criminal Justice DGTL 100 Concepts of Digital Media 4 MED Elective 4 DGTL 101 Digital Media Capture Managmnt & Tools 4 No Credit 0 DGTL 102 Motion Graphics 4 MED Elective 4 DGTL 103 Digital Audio Production 4 MED 232 4 DGTL 104 Digital Video Production 4 MED 222 4 DGTL 204 Advanced Digital Video Production 4 MED Elective 4 DGTL 295 Digital Media Project Production 4 Elective DGTL 290 Digital Media Production Internship 3 Elective DGTL 299 Special Topics in Digital Media Production 1‐4 Elective DMS 1‐6 May not use to fulfill 300‐level req in major/minor Elective Diagonostic Medical Sonography Evaluated Individually Evaluated Individually 3 Evaluated Individually Evaluated Individually No Credit 0 ECON 103 Principles of Economics I (Macro) 3 S3 901 ECN 252 3 SOC ECON 104 Principles of Economics II (Micro) 3 S3 902 ECN 250 3 SOC ECON 107 Consumer Economics 3 BEN Elective 3 ECON 111 Introduction to International Economics 3 ECN Elective 3 ECON 210 Modern Money and Banking 3 ECN 360 3 SOC ECON 230 Public Finance 3 ECN Elective 3 SOC EDU 999 Preparing for the IBST/TAP 3 No Credit 0 JJC: Page 5 of 14 No credit transfers from this department Only one of ECON 107 or FIN 100 transfers SOC May not use to fulfill 300‐level req. in major/minor COURSE SUBSTITUTIONS FOR STUDENTS TRANSFERRING FROM JOLIET JUNIOR COLLEGE TO NORTH CENTRAL COLLEGE Based on the 2016‐2017 Joliet Junior College Catalog and the 2016‐2017 North Central College Catalog This Agreement is in Effect from 6/13/16 through 9/10/17 Joliet Junior College Courses DEPT NUM COURSE TITLE NCC Courses SEM IAI Dept Number CRED EQUIV NCC General Education and Comments Credit GEN ED GEN ED COMMENT EDUC 101 Introduction to Education 3 EDN 101 3 EDUC 106 Intro to Classroom Management 3 EDN Elective 3 EDUC 108 Teaching The Language Arts 3 EDN Elective 3 EDUC 115 Introduction to Technology in Education 3 IFS Elective 3 EDUC 120 Diversity of Schools and Society 3 EDN Elective 3 EDUC 240 Students with Disabilities in Schools 3 EDN 330 3 May not use to fulfill 300‐level req in major/minor EDUC 251 Clinical Experience & Seminar 3 EDN Elective 3 Maximum of 30 clinical hours transfer No Credit 0 No credit transfers from this department No Credit 0 No credit transfers from this department No Credit 0 EEAS EET EGR Electrical/Electronic Auto Systems Electronics Engineering Technology 100 Introduction to Engineering Graphics 1 EGR 101 Engineering Graphical Communication 4 No Credit 0 EGR 102 Engineering Graphics 4 SCI Elective 4 EGR 160 Applied Thermodynamics 3 No Credit 0 EGR 201 Analytical Mechanics‐ Statics 3 PHY 315 3 EGR 202 Analytical Mechanics‐ Dynamics 3 PHY Elective 3 May not use to fulfill 300‐level req in major/minor EMD Emergency Medical Dispatch No Credit 0 No credit transfers from this department EMS Emergency Medical Services No Credit 0 No credit transfers from this department 0 ENG 020 College Reading I 3 No Credit ENG 021 College Reading II 3 No Credit 0 ENG 022 Developmental Reading SI 2 No Credit 0 ENG 057 EAP Language Learning Lab 3 No Credit 0 ENG 058 American Culture I 3 No Credit 0 ENG 3 No Credit 0 ENG 66‐69 ESL Listening and Speaking I‐IV 059 American Culture II 4 ea No Credit 0 ENG 76‐79 ESL Reading I‐IV 4 ea No Credit 0 ENG 86‐89 ESL Writing I‐IV 4 ea No Credit 0 4 No Credit 0 ENG 092 Advanced Modern English Grammar I ENG 093 Advanced Modern English Grammar II 4 No Credit 0 ENG 096 Integrated College Reading & Writing 6 No Credit 0 ENG 098 Fundamentals of English 3 No Credit 0 ENG 099 Fundamentals of Writing 3 No Credit 0 ENG 101 Rhetoric I 3 C1 900 ENG 115 3 ENG 102 Rhetoric II 3 C1 901 ENG COMP 3 COM ENG 103 American Literature I 3 H3 914 ENG Elective 3 HUM ENG 104 American Literature II 3 H3 915 ENG 207 3 HUM ENG 105 Survey of English Literature I 3 H3 912 ENG 203 3 HUM ENG 106 Survey of English Literature II 3 H3 913 ENG 209 3 HUM ENG 107 Contemporary Literature 3 ENG Elective 3 HUM ENG 108 Contemporary Literature 3 ENG Elective 3 HUM ENG 109 Children's Literature 3 ENG 214 3 ENG 120 Introduction to Creative Writing 3 ENG 275 3 ENG 130 Technical Writing and Communication 3 ENG 190 Introduction to Film Study 3 ENG 201 Introduction to Poetry 3 F2 908 COM No Credit 0 FLM 140 3 HUM ENG Elective 3 HUM JJC: Page 6 of 14 COURSE SUBSTITUTIONS FOR STUDENTS TRANSFERRING FROM JOLIET JUNIOR COLLEGE TO NORTH CENTRAL COLLEGE Based on the 2016‐2017 Joliet Junior College Catalog and the 2016‐2017 North Central College Catalog This Agreement is in Effect from 6/13/16 through 9/10/17 Joliet Junior College Courses DEPT NUM COURSE TITLE NCC Courses SEM IAI Dept Number CRED EQUIV ENG 202 Introduction to Fiction 3 ENG 203 Introduction to Drama ENG 204 Introduction to Literature NCC General Education and Comments Credit GEN ED ENG Elective 3 HUM 3 ENG Elective 3 HUM 3 H3 900 ENG 196 3 HUM GEN ED COMMENT ENG 208 Masterpieces of Western Civilization 3 H3 906 ENG Elective 3 HUM ENG 209 Masterpieces of Western Civilization 3 H3 907 ENG Elective 3 HUM ENG 220 Non‐Western Literature in Translation 3 H3 908N ENG Elective 3 HUM ENG 221 Literature Asia 3 H3 908N ENG Elective 3 HUM ENG 230 Adv Tech Writing & Communication 3 ENG Elective 3 ENG 231 Fiction Writing 3 ENG Elective 3 ENG 232 Poetry Writing 3 ENG Elective 3 ENG 250 Introduction to Shakespeare 3 H3 905 ENG Elective 3 HUM ENG 260 Minority American Literature 3 H3 910D ENG Elective 3 HUM ENG 270 Introduction to Women Writers 3 H3 911D ENG 280 3 HUM ENG 299 Special Topics in Literature and Film 3 FIN 100 Personal Finance 3 BEN Elective FIN 201 Principles of Corporation Finance 3 FIN 210 Securities and Investments 3 Evaluated individually Elective 3 Only one of ECON 107 or FIN 100 transfers FIN 350 3 May not use to fulfill 300‐level req in major/minor FIN Elective 3 FIN 211 Financial Institutions & Markets 3 FIN Elective 3 FRCH 101 Elementary French I 4 FRN 101 4 FRCH 102 Elementary French II 4 FRN 102+103 4 FRCH 103 Intermediate French I 4 FRN Elective 4 FRCH 104 Intermediate French II 4 H1 900 FRN Elective 4 Consult MCL Department HUM Consult MCL Department FRCH 105 Advanced French I 3 FRN Elective 3 HUM Consult MCL Department FRCH 106 Advanced French II 3 FRN Elective 3 HUM Consult MCL Department No Credit 0 No credit transfers from this department No credit transfers from this department FS FSCI Food Service No Credit 0 GAME 200 Game Design Fire Science 4 IFS Elective 4 GAME 202 3D Modeling 3 IFS Elective 3 GAME 203 Game Production 3 No Credit 0 GAME 204 Basic Animation 4 IFS Elective 4 GAME 207 Digital Sound for Computer Games 4 IFS Elective 4 GAME 208 Educational and Children's Games 4 No Credit 0 GAME 211 Game Development I 4 IFS Elective 4 GAME 212 Game Development II 4 IFS Elective 4 GAME 213 Role Playing Game Programming 4 No Credit 0 GAME 214 Cross Platform Graphic Design Environ 4 No Credit 0 GAME 232 Advanced 3D Modeling 4 IFS Elective 4 GAME 250 IPhone Programming for Games 4 No Credit 0 GAME 299 Special Topics in GAME GEOG 102 World Regional Geography 3 S4 900N SOA 170 3 SOC GEOG 104 Introductory Economic Geography 3 S4 903N ECN Elective 3 SOC GEOG 106 Cultural Geography 3 S4 900N SOA Elective 3 SOC Or HST elective GEOG 111 Physical Geography (Weather & Climate) 4 P1 909L ENV 105 4 PSL GEOG 112 Physical Geography (Landforms) 4 P1 909L Elective 4 PSL 1‐4 Elective SCI JJC: Page 7 of 14 Evaluated individually HUM Or HST 170 COURSE SUBSTITUTIONS FOR STUDENTS TRANSFERRING FROM JOLIET JUNIOR COLLEGE TO NORTH CENTRAL COLLEGE Based on the 2016‐2017 Joliet Junior College Catalog and the 2016‐2017 North Central College Catalog This Agreement is in Effect from 6/13/16 through 9/10/17 Joliet Junior College Courses DEPT NUM COURSE TITLE NCC Courses SEM IAI Dept Number CRED EQUIV GEOL 101 Principles of Physical Geology 4 GEOL 102 Historical Geology GER 110 Conversational German I GER 111 Conversational German II GSD HEAL HIM P1 907L 103 History of United States to 1865 HIST 104 History of United States, 1865 to Present HIST 105 History of Civilization I GEN ED GEN ED COMMENT 141 4 PSL 4 SCI Elective 4 PSL 3 MCL Elective 3 3 MCL Elective 3 No Credit 0 KIN Elective 2 2 Health Information Management HIST Credit SCI General Student Development 109 Principles of Normal Nutrition NCC General Education and Comments No credit transfers from this department No Credit 0 S2 900 HST 221 3 3 S2 901 HST 223+225 3 HUM SOC 3 H2 901 HST 101 3 HUM SOC 3 No credit transfers from this department HUM SOC HIST 106 History of Civilization II 3 H2 902 HST 104+108 3 HUM SOC HIST 107 World History to 1500 3 S2 912N HST 154 3 HUM SOC HIST 108 World History Since 1500 3 S2 913N HST 155 3 HUM SOC HIST 109 North American Indian History 3 HST Elective 3 HUM SOC HIST 111 History of Horticulture 3 NCC Elective 3 SOC HIST 200 History of Great Britain Since 1688 3 HST Elective 3 HUM SOC HIST 201 Modern Europe Since 1815 3 HST 259 3 HUM SOC HIST 205 French Revolution 3 HST Elective 3 HUM SOC HIST 220 History of Soviet Russia 3 HST Elective 3 HUM SOC HIST 240 History of Latin America 3 HST 175 3 HUM SOC HIST 250 Civil War and Reconstruction 3 HST Elective 3 HUM SOC HIST 260 History of Middle East 3 S2 918N HST 271 3 HUM SOC HIST 270 History of World War II 3 HST Elective 3 HUM SOC HIST 290 History of Africa 3 S2 906N HST 185 3 HUM SOC HIST 293 History of Black America 3 HST 249 3 HUM SOC HORT Horticulture No Credit 0 No credit transfers from this department HOSP Hospitality Management No Credit 0 No credit transfers from this department HPR 101 Fitness Center 1 KIN Activity 1 A maximum 8 hours of KIN activity transfer HPR 107 Golf I 1 KIN 113 1 or KIN activity; A max 8 hours of KIN act transfer HPR 108 Golf II 1 KIN Activity 1 A maximum 8 hours of KIN activity transfer HPR 117 Men's Conditioning I 1 KIN Activity 1 A maximum 8 hours of KIN activity transfer HPR 118 Men's Conditioning II 1 KIN Activity 1 A maximum 8 hours of KIN activity transfer HPR 120 Women's Conditioning I 1 KIN Activity 1 A maximum 8 hours of KIN activity transfer HPR 209 Football Coaching 3 KIN Elective 3 HPR 213 Basketball Coaching 3 KIN Elective 3 HPR 217 Baseball Coaching 3 KIN Elective 3 HPR 219 Track & Field Coaching 3 KIN Elective 3 HPR 220 Soccer Coaching 3 KIN Elective 3 HUS Human Services No Credit 0 No credit transfers from this department Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning No Credit 0 No credit transfers from this department No Credit 0 See ART 240/241 for transfer credit HVAC ICDE 910 Jewelry & Metalsmithing ICDE 920 Photography No Credit 0 See ART 125/225 for transfer credit ICDE 923 Digital Photo & Image Manipulation No Credit 0 See ART 125/225 for transfer credit ICDE 964 Community Band No Credit 0 JJC: Page 8 of 14 COURSE SUBSTITUTIONS FOR STUDENTS TRANSFERRING FROM JOLIET JUNIOR COLLEGE TO NORTH CENTRAL COLLEGE Based on the 2016‐2017 Joliet Junior College Catalog and the 2016‐2017 North Central College Catalog This Agreement is in Effect from 6/13/16 through 9/10/17 Joliet Junior College Courses DEPT NUM COURSE TITLE NCC Courses SEM IAI Dept Number CRED EQUIV Credit GEN ED COMMENT 965 JJC Chorale ICDE 966 JJC Chamber Singers No Credit 0 ICDE 974 JJC Jazz Band No Credit 0 Credit 0 No credit transfers from this department 0 No credit transfers from this department INDS INS Industrial Maintenance Technology 199 Independent Study No 1‐4 Insurance Credit GEN ED ICDE IMT No NCC General Education and Comments 0 Elective No Credit Evaluated individually INST 101 Introduction to International Studies 3 GLS Elective 3 INST 102 Global Skills Interaction 3 No Credit 0 INTD No Credit 0 ITAL 110 Conversational Italian I Interior Design 3 MCL Elective 3 ITAL 111 Conversational Italian II 3 MCL Elective 3 ITAL 112 Conversational Italian III 3 MCL Elective 3 JAPN 110 Conversational Japanese I 3 MCL Elective 3 JAPN 111 Conversational Japanese II 3 MCL Elective 3 JAPN 112 Conversational Japanese III 3 MCL Elective 3 JOUR 102 Editing and Production 3 MED 250 3 JOUR 103 Introduction to Mass Media 3 COM 185 3 JOUR 104 Introduction to Public Relations 3 COM Elective 3 JOUR 201 Basic News Writing 3 MED 225 3 JOUR 295 Journalism Internship KIN 105 Aerobics 1 KIN Activity 1 A maximum 8 hours of KIN activity transfer KIN 106 Spinning 1 KIN Activity 1 A maximum 8 hours of KIN activity transfer KIN 107 Yoga 1 KIN Activity 1 A maximum 8 hours of KIN activity transfer KIN 108 Pilates/Core and More 1 KIN Activity 1 A maximum 8 hours of KIN activity transfer KIN 110 Dance Techniques in Exercise 1 KIN Activity 1 A maximum 8 hours of KIN activity transfer KIN 111 Spinning and Core/Abs and Arms 1 KIN Activity 1 A maximum 8 hours of KIN activity transfer KIN 150 Exercise and Nutrition for Health 2 KIN Elective 2 KIN 160 Exercise Instruction 2 KIN Elective 2 KIN 170 Resistance Training/ Theory and Practice 2 KIN 103 2 KIN 200 Intro to Personal Training 3 KIN Elective 3 KIN 201 Introduction to Exercise Science 3 KIN 222 3 KIN 207 First Aid/CPR/AEC 2 KIN 147 2 1‐3 Elective KIN 208 Introduction to Athlectic Training 3 KIN Elective 3 215 Nutrition for Health and Fitness 3 KIN Elective 3 KIN 220 Fitness Assessment and Program Design 3 KIN Elective 3 KIN 221 Health and Fitness Industry Management 3 KIN Elective 3 KIN 238 Personal Trainer Internship 2 239 Seminar 0 KIN 299 Special Topics in Kinesiology LANG 107 Bilingual Program 1 LANG 299 Special Topics in Foreign Language 3 Elective No 1‐3 Credit Credit A maximum 8 hours of KIN activity transfer Evaluated individually 0 Elective No SOC Evaluated individually KIN KIN No credit transfers from this department Evaluated individually 0 Elective Evaluated individually LRES Library Resources No Credit 0 No credit transfers from this department LTA Library Technical Assistant No Credit 0 No credit transfers from this department No Credit 0 MATH 090 College Arithmetic 3 JJC: Page 9 of 14 COURSE SUBSTITUTIONS FOR STUDENTS TRANSFERRING FROM JOLIET JUNIOR COLLEGE TO NORTH CENTRAL COLLEGE Based on the 2016‐2017 Joliet Junior College Catalog and the 2016‐2017 North Central College Catalog This Agreement is in Effect from 6/13/16 through 9/10/17 Joliet Junior College Courses DEPT NUM COURSE TITLE MATH 094 Elementary Algebra MATH 095 Elementary Geometry MATH 098 Intermediate Algebra MATH 119 Math for Technical Students MATH 123 Math Struct/Concepts I for Elem Sch Teach MATH NCC Courses SEM IAI Dept Number CRED EQUIV 5 NCC General Education and Comments Credit GEN ED GEN ED COMMENT No Credit 0 5 No Credit 0 4 MTH 095 0 5 MTH Elective 5 4 MTH 107 3 124 Math Struct/Concepts II for Elem Sch Teach 3 M1 903 MTH 108 3 MATH 127 Mathematics for General Education 3 M1 904 MTH 111 3 MATH MATH 128 Elementary Statistics 4 M1 902 PSY 250 4 MATH Only one of MATH 128 or BUS 205 transfers MATH 131 College Algebra 4 MTH 121 4 MATH 137 Introduction to Discrete Mathematics 4 M1 905 MTH 230 4 MATH Same as CSC 230 MATH 138 Precalculus Math I‐ Algebra 4 MTH 121 4 Only one of MATH 131, 138 or 142 transfers MATH 139 Precalculus Math II‐ Trigonometry 4 MTH 122 4 Only one of MATH 139 or MATH 142 transfers MATH 142 Accelerated Trigonometry Pre‐Calculus 5 MTH 121+122 5 Only one of MATH 142 or 131/138+139 transfers MATH 150 Mathematical Analysis for Business 4 M1 900 MTH 130 4 MATH MATH 153 Finite Mathematics 4 M1 906 MTH 118 4 MATH 151 Credit does not transfer MATH Only one of MATH 131, 138 or 142 transfers MATH 170 Calculus W/Analytic Geometry I 5 M1 900 MTH 5 MATH MATH 171 Calculus W/Analytic Geometry II 4 M1 900 MTH 152+153 4 MATH MATH 172 Calculus W/Analytic Geometry III 4 M1 900 MTH 254 4 MATH MATH 210 Linear Algebra 3 MTH 300 3 May not use to fulfill 300‐level req in major/minor MATH 220 Differen Equations/Orthogon Functions 3 MTH 315 3 May not use to fullfill 300‐level req in major/minor No Credit 0 No credit transfers from this department MGMT 101 Principles of Management 3 BUS 162 3 MGMT 102 Human Relations 3 No Credit 0 MGMT 103 Occupational Safety & Health 3 No Credit 0 MGMT 202 Human Resource Management 3 BUS 384 3 May not use to fulfill 300‐level req in major/minor 3 BUS 296 3 MFG Manufacturing MGMT 220 Entrepreneurship & Small Business Mgt MGMT 299 Special Topics in Management 1‐4 Elective Evaluated individually MKTG 101 Principles of Marketing 3 BUS 168 3 MKTG 115 International Marketing 3 BUS Elective 3 MKTG 116 Introduction to Import/Export 3 No Credit 0 MKTG 117 Intro Import/Export Documt Logist US 3 No Credit 0 MKTG 200 Social Media Marketing 3 BUS Elective 3 1‐4 MKTG 299 Special Topics in Marketing MUS 101 Exploration of Music Literature MUS 102 Exploration of American Music 3 F1 904 MUS Elective 3 HUM MUS 103 Evolution of Jazz 3 F1 904 MUS Elective 3 HUM MUS 104 Fundamentals of Music 3 MUS Elective 3 MUS 107 Music in World Cultures 3 MUS 156 3 HUM MUS 108 History of Rock & Roll: An Introduction 3 MUS Elective 3 HUM MUS 110 Class Piano 1 MUS 211 1 MUS 111 Class Voice 1 MUS 221 1 MUS 112 Class Guitar 1 MUS Elective 1 MUS 113 Class Percussion 1 MUS Elective 1 MUS 120 Applied Piano 1 MUS 211 1 3 Elective F1 900 MUS 150 JJC: Page 10 of 14 Evaluated individually 3 HUM COURSE SUBSTITUTIONS FOR STUDENTS TRANSFERRING FROM JOLIET JUNIOR COLLEGE TO NORTH CENTRAL COLLEGE Based on the 2016‐2017 Joliet Junior College Catalog and the 2016‐2017 North Central College Catalog This Agreement is in Effect from 6/13/16 through 9/10/17 Joliet Junior College Courses DEPT NUM COURSE TITLE NCC Courses SEM IAI Dept Number CRED EQUIV NCC General Education and Comments Credit GEN ED MUS 121 Applied Voice 1 MUS 221 1 MUS 122 Applied Woodwinds 1 MUS 231 1 MUS 123 Applied Brass 1 MUS 231 1 MUS 124 Applied Instrument 1 MUS 231 1 MUS 125 Applied Percussion 1 MUS 231 1 MUS 126 Applied Guitar 1 MUS 231 1 MUS 127 Applied Bass 1 MUS 231 1 MUS 131 Elements of Conducting 2 MUS 344 2 MUS 140 Theory of Music I 3 MUS 101 2 MUS 141 Aural Skills I 1 MUS 108 1 MUS 142 Theory of Music II 3 MUS 102 3 MUS 143 Aural Skills II 1 MUS 109 MUS 150 JJC Chamber Singers 1 MUS Ensemble MUS 152 JJC Chorale 1 MUS 111 1 MUS 155 JJC Community Band 1 MUS 114 1 MUS 156 JJC Jazz Band 1 MUS 115 MUS 160 Instrumental Ensemble 1 MUS Ensemble MUS 170 Intro to Music Business 3 MUS Elective 3 MUS 180 Introduction to Music Technology 3 MUS Elective 3 MUS 181 Intermediate Music Technology 3 MUS Elective 3 MUS 189 Music Technology Practicum 1 MUS Elective 1 MUS 201 Music History I 3 MUS Elective 3 HUM MUS 202 Music History II 3 MUS Elective 3 HUM MUS 220 Applied Piano 2 MUS 211 2 MUS 221 Applied Voice 2 MUS 221 2 MUS 222 Applied Woodwinds 2 MUS 231 2 MUS 223 Applied Brass 2 MUS 231 2 MUS 224 Applied Instrument 2 MUS 231 2 MUS 225 Applied Percussion 2 MUS 231 2 MUS 226 Applied Guitar 2 MUS 231 2 MUS 227 Applied Bass 2 MUS 231 2 MUS 240 Advanced Theory of Music I 3 MUS 201 3 MUS 241 Advanced Aural Skills I 1 MUS 208 1 MUS 242 Advanced Theory of Music II 3 MUS 202 3 MUS 243 Advanced Aural Skills II 1 MUS 209 1 MUS 299 Special Topics in Music 1‐3 NA Nurse Assistant Skills GEN ED COMMENT May not use to fulfill 300‐level req in major/minor 1 1 1 1 Elective Evaluated individually No Credit 0 NSCI 090 How to Study Science 1 No Credit 0 NSCI 296 Interdisciplinary Research 4 No Credit 0 No credit transfers from this department NURS Nursing No Credit 0 No credit transfers from this department OET Operations Engineering Technician No Credit 0 No credit transfers from this department OFS Office Systems Technologies No Credit 0 No credit transfers from this department OPS Occupational and Public Safety No Credit 0 No credit transfers from this department OPT Orthotics and Prosthetics No Credit 0 No credit transfers from this department JJC: Page 11 of 14 COURSE SUBSTITUTIONS FOR STUDENTS TRANSFERRING FROM JOLIET JUNIOR COLLEGE TO NORTH CENTRAL COLLEGE Based on the 2016‐2017 Joliet Junior College Catalog and the 2016‐2017 North Central College Catalog This Agreement is in Effect from 6/13/16 through 9/10/17 Joliet Junior College Courses DEPT NUM PCIT COURSE TITLE NCC Courses SEM IAI Dept Number CRED EQUIV Instrumental Technology No NCC General Education and Comments Credit Credit GEN ED GEN ED 0 COMMENT No Credit transfers from this department PHIL 101 Introduction to Philosophy 3 H4 900 PHL 100 3 HUM PHIL 102 History of Philosophy 3 H4 901 PHL Elective 3 HUM REL PHIL 103 Introduction to Ethics 3 H4 904 PHL 110 3 HUM PHIL 104 Introduction to Logic 3 H4 906 PHL 230 3 HUM PHIL 105 Contemporary Moral Issues 3 PHL Elective 3 HUM REL PHIL 106 Philosophy of Religion 3 H4 905 PHL HUM REL May not use to fulfill 300‐level req in major/minor PHIL 299 Special Topics in Philosophy 1‐3 360 Elective SCI REL Evaluated individually PHSC 125 Life in the Universe 3 P9 900 Elective 3 PS PHYS 100 Basic Physics 4 P1 900L PHY 100 4 PSL Only one of PHYS 100, 101 or 201 transfers PHYS 101 General Physics I 5 P1 900L PHY 115 5 PSL Only one of PHYS 100, 101 or 201 transfers PHYS 102 General Physics II 5 PHY 116 5 Only one of PHYS 102 or 202 transfers PHYS 103 Technical Physics 4 No Credit 0 PHYS 104 Technical Physics 4 No Credit 0 PHYS 110 Physics of Sound, Music and Hearing 4 P1 901L PHY Elective 4 PSL PHYS 201 Engineering Physics I 5 P2 900L PHY 141 5 PSL PHYS 202 Engineering Physics II 5 PHYS 203 Engineering Physics III 3 PHY 245 3 POL 110 Conversational Polish I 3 MCL Elective 3 POL 111 Conversational Polish II 3 MCL Elective 3 PORT 110 Conversational Portuguese I 3 MCL Elective 3 PORT 111 Conversational Portuguese II 3 MCL Elective 3 PSCI 101 American National Government 3 S5 900 PSC 101 3 SOC PSCI 102 American State & Local Government 3 S5 902 PSC Elective 3 SOC PSCI 103 Introduction to Comparative Government 3 S5 905 PSC 221 3 SOC PSYC 101 General Psychology 3 S6 900 SOC PSYC 102 Educational Psychology 3 PHY 142+143C 5 PSY 100 3 PSY 205 3 Only one of PHYS 100, 101 or 201 transfers Only one of PHYS 102 or 202 transfers PSYC 205 Abnormal Psychology 3 PSY 324 3 May not use to fulfill 300‐level req in major/minor PSYC 206 Industrial Psychology 3 PSY 270 3 PSYC 207 Psychology of Personality 3 PSY 320 3 PSYC 208 Social Psychology 3 PSY 240 3 SOC PSYC 209 Child Psychology 3 PSY 210 3 SOC PSYC 210 Child and Adolescent Development 3 S6 904 PSY Elective 3 SOC PSYC 215 Life Span:Survey Human Development 3 S6 902 PSY Elective 3 SOC PSYC 220 Adult Developing and Aging 3 PSY 230 3 SOC PSYC 270 Health Psychology 3 PSY 385 3 PSYC 272 Stress Management 3 PSY 282 3 No Credit 0 BUS Elective 3 RADT Radiologic Technology S8 900 107 Retail Management 3 RMGT 101 Resource Management Conservation 3 SCI Elective 3 RUSS 110 Conversational Russian I 3 MCL Elective 3 RET RUSS 111 Conversational Russian II 3 MCL Elective 3 SALE 101 Sales 3 No Credit 3 SET 100 Introduction to Sustainability 2 NCC Elective 2 JJC: Page 12 of 14 May not use to fulfill 300‐level req in major/minor May not use to fulfill 300‐level req in major/minor No credit transfers from this department PS COURSE SUBSTITUTIONS FOR STUDENTS TRANSFERRING FROM JOLIET JUNIOR COLLEGE TO NORTH CENTRAL COLLEGE Based on the 2016‐2017 Joliet Junior College Catalog and the 2016‐2017 North Central College Catalog This Agreement is in Effect from 6/13/16 through 9/10/17 Joliet Junior College Courses DEPT NUM SILP COURSE TITLE NCC Courses SEM IAI Dept Number CRED EQUIV Self‐Instructional Language Program No S7 900 NCC General Education and Comments Credit Credit GEN ED GEN ED COMMENT 0 SOC 101 Introduction to Sociology 3 SOC 110 Introduction to Rural Sociology 3 SOA 100 3 SOC SOA Elective 3 SOC 3 S7 904D SOA Elective 3 SOC 3 H5 904N REL 100 3 HUM Elective 3 SOC SOC 220 Sex, Gender, And Power SOC 240 Introduction to Comparative Religions SOC 265 Sociology of War, Conflict and Peace 3 SOA SOC 270 Marriage and The Family 3 S7 902 SOA 220 3 SOC SOC 280 Sociology of Social Problems 3 S7 901 SOA Elective 3 SOC SOC 290 Cultural Diversity In America 3 S7 903D SOA Elective 3 SOC SOC 293 Human Sexualities 3 SOA Elective 3 SOC 295 Sociology of Black America 3 SOA Elective 3 SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish 4 SPN 101 4 SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish 4 SPN 102+103 4 SOC REL SPAN 103 Intermediate Spanish I 4 SPN Elective 4 SPAN 104 Intermediate Spanish II 4 H1 900 SPN Elective 4 Consult MCL Dept SPAN 105 Advanced Spanish I 3 SPN Elective 3 Consult MCL Dept SPAN 106 Advanced Spanish II 3 SPN Elective 3 Consult MCL Dept SPAN 113 Intermediate Spanish for Span Speakers I 4 SPN Elective 4 SPAN 114 Intermediate Spanish for Span Speakers II 4 SPN Elective 4 SPCH 101 Principles of Speech Communication 3 C2 900 COM 100 3 SPCH 102 Advanced Public Speaking 3 COM Elective 3 SPCH 106 Argumentation and Debate 3 COM 285 3 HUM Consult MCL Dept SPE SPE SPCH 111 Practicum in Intercollegiate Forensics 1 COM 119 1 A maximum 6 hours of COM 119 transfer SPCH 131 Introduction to Broadcasting 3 COM Elective 3 SPCH 202 Interpersonal Communication 3 COM 200 3 SPE SPE SPCH 203 Small Group Communication 3 COM 214 3 SPCH 204 Intercultural Communication 3 COM Elective 3 TAGA 110 Conversational Tagalog 3 MCL Elective 3 TAGA 111 Conversational Tagalog II 3 MCL Elective 3 THEA 101 Introduction to Theatre 3 THE 175 3 THEA 102 Oral Interpretation of Literature 3 COM 223 3 THEA 103 Acting I 3 THE 182 3 THEA 104 Technical Theatre I 3 THE 180 3 THEA 105 Technical Theatre II 3 THE 280 3 THEA 106 Theatre Practicum 1 THE 115 1 A maximum 6 hours of THE 115 transfer THEA 108 Costumes 3 THE Elective 3 THEA 110 Stage Makeup 3 THE 255 3 THEA 114 Play Analysis for Production 3 THE 100 3 THEA 201 Principles of Directing 3 THE 270 3 THEA 203 Acting II 3 THE 282 3 THEA 299 Special Topics in Theatre F1 907 1‐3 Elective HUM Evaluated Individually TMAT Technical Mathematics No Credit 0 No Credit transfers from this department TWL Transportation & Warehouse Logistics No Credit 0 No Credit transfers from this department VET Veterinary Medical Technology No Credit 0 No Credit transfers from this department JJC: Page 13 of 14 COURSE SUBSTITUTIONS FOR STUDENTS TRANSFERRING FROM JOLIET JUNIOR COLLEGE TO NORTH CENTRAL COLLEGE Based on the 2016‐2017 Joliet Junior College Catalog and the 2016‐2017 North Central College Catalog This Agreement is in Effect from 6/13/16 through 9/10/17 Joliet Junior College Courses DEPT NUM WLDG COURSE TITLE Welding and Metal Fabrication NCC Courses SEM IAI Dept Number CRED EQUIV No NCC General Education and Comments Credit Credit JJC: Page 14 of 14 0 GEN ED GEN ED COMMENT No Credit transfers from this department