28-29 oktober: Text, Transmission, Reception

28-29 oktober: Text, Transmission, Reception
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
28-29 oktober 2010
In dit tweedaagse congres wordt multidisciplinair geesteswetenschappelijk onderzoek over
onder meer receptie en Nieuwe Filologie gepresenteerd. Een aantal lezingen concentreren
zich op de oudheid.
Registratie: Jacqueline Berns (j.berns@fb.ru.nl).
Informatie: André Lardinois (a.lardinois@let.ru.nl)
Thursday Oct. 28
08:30-09:00 Coffee and welcome in the Foyer of the Gymnasion building
Session 1: Reception and Literary Infrastructure I: Middle Ages – Nineteenth Century
Gymnasion 3, 09:00-12:30. Chair: Maarten Steenmeijer (RU).
09:00-09:35 Sabrina Corbellini en Margriet Hoogvliet (RUG): “Translation, transmission and
reception of vernacular Bibles in the Late Middle Ages: a European Perspective.”
09:35-10:10 Guy Claessens (KUL): “Reception and the textuality of history: Kepler and
Ramus on Proclus' history of geometry.”
10:10-10:45 Els Stronks (UU): “The Diffusion of Religious Texts and Ideological Restraints.”
10:45-11:05 Coffee Break in the Foyer of the Gymnasion building
11:05-11:40 Laurens Ham (UU): “Multatuli: occasional writer?”
11:40-12:00 Response by Isabelle Kalinowski (École Normale Supérieure, Paris).
12:00-12:30 General Discussion
12:30-13:30 Lunch in the Foyer of the Gymnasion building
On Thursday afternoon two sessions will run concurrently: Reception and Literary
Infrastructure 2 (session 2) and New Philology (session 3).
Session 2: Reception and Literary Infrastructure II: Nineteenth and Twentieth Century
Gymnasion 3, 13:30-17:00. Chair: Jos Joosten (RU).
13:30-14:05 Maaike Koffeman (RU): “Madame Bovary in Holland: The reception of French
realism in the nineteenth century.”
14:05-14:40 Petra Broomans (RUG): “Vulgar or dangerous?: ‘The Hangman’ of Pär
Lagerkvist: Deconstructing a myth in reception history.”
14:40-15: 15Elke Brems (CERES - HU Brussel): “The soldier Johan.”
15:15-15:35 Coffee Break in the Foyer of the Gymnasion building
15:35-16:10 Gaston Franssen (UvA): “The reception of literary Celebrity: Star Texts and the
Construction of Literary Authorship”
16:10-16:30 Response by Isabelle Kalinowski (École Normale Supérieure, Paris)
16:30-17:00 General Discussion
17:00-18:00 Drinks in the Foyer of the Gymnasion Building
Session 3: New Philology
Erasmusgebouw 2.53, 13:30-17:00. Chair: Johan Oosterman (RU)
13:30-14:05 Mark de Kreij (University of Heidelberg), “Retracing our Steps: Divergent
Forms of Sappho's Songs (Re)considered.”
14:05-14:40 Karina van Dalen (Huygens Instituut), “In praise of the variant analysis tool: A
computational approach of medieval literature.”
14:40-15: 15Rob van de Schoor (RU), “Editions of Georgius Cassander’s De officio pii viri:
Printing and editing in Early Modern Europe.”
15:15-15:35 Coffee Break in the Foyer of the Gymnasion building
15:35-16:10 Nenjamin Alexander (City University New York), “Salman Rushdie, The
Archive, and the Capture of a Textual Revolution.”
16:10-16:30 Response by Glenn Most (Scuola Normale di Pisa / University of Chicago)
16:30-17:00 General Discussion
17:00-18:00 Drinks in the Foyer of the Gymnasion Building
Friday, October 29
08:30-09:00 Coffee and welcome in the Foyer of the Gymnasion building
Session 4: Image & Text
Gymnasion 3, 09:00-12:30. Chair: Christoph Lüthy (RU).
09:00-09:35 Bram de Klerck (RU), “Penitent Mary Magdalene in Medieval and Renaissance
Paintings and Theatre.”
09:35-10:10 Camille Joseph (École des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris),
“Illustrations in Ethnographic Publishing: The Drawings of Franz Boas.”
10:10-10:45 Nathalie Roelens (RU), “Written Words in Paintings, Photography and Film.”
10:45-11:05 Coffee Break in the Foyer of the Gymnasion building
11:05-11:40 Tom Lambeens & Kris Pint (Provinciale Hogeschool Limburg, Belgium), “The
Interaction of Image and Text in Contemporary Avant-garde Comics.”
11:40-12:00 Response by Steffen Siegel (Friedrich Schiller University of Jena).
12:00-12:30 General Discussion
12:30-13:30 Lunch in the Foyer of the Gymnasion building
Session 5: Narrativity
Gymnasion 3, 13:30-17:00. Chair: André Lardinois (RU).
13:30-14:05 Emar Maier (RU) “Reported speech in the transition from orality to literacy: The
case of Ancient Greek.”
14:05-14:40 Anneke de Graaf
(UvA), “Persuasive effects of narratives: The role of
14:40-15: 15Olaf Hoenselaar, Helen de Hoop en Sander Lestrade (RU), “On the interaction
between narrative point of view and modality in Nabokov’s Lolita.”
15:15-15:35 Coffee Break in the Foyer of the Gymnasion building
15:35-16:10 Hans Hoeken en José Sanders (RU), “Persuasive narratives in functional
16:10-16:30 Response by Dolf Zillmann (University of Alabama).
16:30-17:00 General Discussion
17:00-18:00 Drinks in the Foyer of the Gymnasion Building