The Mag A letter to The Queen Spring Competition 2 Recipes Artwork Mary’s Dancing Spring 2016 A magazine for and by people who use MacIntyre’s services Who is who on The Mag Group Mary Hughes Anthony Tull Vicky Rogers Sharron Pratt Donald Delmohamed Sui-Ling Tang Emma Killick Welcome to The Spring issue of The Mag We hope you love reading The Mag. In this issue we have got a new ‘Spring Competition’ for you to enter on page 35. Details of our new Facebook page is on page 20 Our new cover is by Paula Blake who won our Winter Competition Happy Reading The Editor: Vicky 2 Contents Pages 4 - 5 Celebrations Pages 6 – 9 Holidays and Day Trips Pages 10 - 14 Hobbies and Interests Pages 15 -23 What’s Happening Around MacIntyre Pages 24 Sport and Leisure Pages 25 - 26 Entertainment Page 27 - 32 Food and Drink Pages 33 Art and Craft Pages 34 Winter Competition Winners Pages 35 Spring Competition 3 Celebrations A letter to HRH The Queen by Lesley Wareing in Warrington I recently wrote a letter to The Queen to celebrate her 90th birthday. I also sent her a tapestry that I embroidered specially for her. Here is the letter below I wrote along with my tapestry I made for The Queen. A note from The Editor see Lesley’s tapestry go to our art section on page 33 4 Celebrations My 70th Birthday Party At The Barbourne Ex-Serviceman’s Club by Pat Burke in Worcester As it was my 70th birthday this year, and it’s a bit of a milestone birthday I decided to have a birthday party at my local ExServiceman’s club in Worcester. With the help of my Keyworker and the other staff at Whiteladies, I put together a list of friends and family members that I wanted to invite, and then posted off the invitations to everyone. It was great to see my family on the night, as some of them live far away, and I don’t get to see them very often. I sat with my family, with my friends dotted on other tables around the room. A disc jockey that my Keyworker Liz had sorted played some of my favourite music during the evening, and I really had a good time dancing to it. A friend of one of my staff at Whiteladies had put together a special 70th birthday cake for me, and this was given to me during the evening. I very much enjoyed both cutting into it, and eating it. I gave a small speech during the evening thanking everyone for coming and bring such lovely presents. I really enjoyed my 70th birthday, and I’m already looking forward to turning 71. My Cake Me and My Family 5 Dancing Holidays and Day Trips My Monthly Visit to see my sister by Keith Lomax in Warrington My sister Marj lives in Leasowe on The Wirral . Every month I visit her on the train. This is me waiting at Warrington Central for the train. Me arriving at Lime Street Station, Liverpool From Lime Street I need to catch the underground train to Leasowe. 6 Holidays and Day Trips My Monthly Visit to see my sister (Continued) On this trip we met up with Marj and my nephew, John at Birkenhead to go round the shops and I brought a CD. While we where there we had a nice cup of tea at the cafe before catching the bus to Leasowe. Normally Marj cooks us all a roast dinner, but as it was nearly Easter our friend Trevor treated us to a pub meal. After that we went back to my sisters house to relax and chat. Marj waiting at the bus stop with me to say ‘Good bye’ and see you again soon’. 7 Holidays and Day Trips My Holiday to Southport by Paula Blake in Chester I went on holiday and I stayed in a hotel for one night. I went to the beauty salon for my nails to be painted. They looked nice and red. I went shopping and brought a new dress and I like going to the pub my favourite drink is a Pepsi. I liked going out for something to eat. I liked pasta the best. I went bowling and to the cinema. I was tired after all that. So I had a lovely massage which was nice and relaxing. ‘I want to go on holiday again soon.’ I My holiday Me at the pub Me having pasta Me bowling 8 Holidays and Day Trips My Holiday Wish by Dominic Findlay in Bromsgrove My Mum and MacIntyre supports me and I have an electric wheelchair. I asked my mum about going on holiday as it’s my 30th soon. So after much researching mum found a holiday in Alcaucin in Spain which is an accessible holiday. They cater for all with accessible pool, bus, bedrooms and building. That you stay in. Their prices are very reasonable. I am travelling by Monarch Airways and they will use a raised platform to get me into my seat. My wheelchair is very important to my independence and I am very excited that I have front row seat with mummy and lots of leg room. A Picture of the plane I’ll be flying on A note from The Editor to Dominic The Mag would like to read all about your holiday when you return from it. 9 Hobbies and Interests Collecting Dates by Alan Phillips in Redditch My hobby is collecting dates and I love to collect dates like birthdays and anniversaries and I like to write the dates down either on my laptop or in my notebook. Whenever I meet someone new I like to ask them to tell me all the dates of birth of their family members! I also like to visit local graveyards to collect dates from the headstones. My hobby is really important to me and this year I was very keen to celebrate my ‘Hobby Day’ by throwing a party for all my friends. My Hobby Day is 21st March the day I first began collecting dates, which was in 1979. This year I will have been collecting dates for 37 years. Me playing bingo with my friends at the party Me with my notebook 10 Me with all the party food Hobbies and Interests My Dancing By Mary Hughes in Milton Keynes Me, Mark Ahrens and Rachel Sliver whet dancing every Monday night at Milton Keynes Dance Centre. I got a certificate and a trophy for completing my one star Freestyle Award. I was so happy I did it. I enjoyed it because I like to dance and I had to do a solo dance all by myself. It was so much fun and one day I would love to do some more dancing. This is me with my award and certificate A note from The Editor : Well done Mary for getting your One 11 Hobbies and Interests My Audi Adventure By Andrew Smith in Milton Keynes I have collected models since I was four years old and my favourite car is the Audi. So my staff Alison Venus thought it would be great if she could arrange a trip to a local garage and maybe let me have a drive in my favourite model, the A7. So Alison supported me to write a letter to the local Audi garage in Northfield in Milton Keynes. A few days after sending the letter I received a reply with a brochure and inviting me in for a visit and a test drive. So we arranged a date of the 11th November 2015. I had a fabulous time looking round the showroom, sitting in cars, talking to the staff who worked for Audi. The Audi staff were so lovely and we had a coffee and then I had a drive in an Audi A7. I was unable to drive the car on the road so one of the drivers at the showroom took me. When we pulled back up to work in this very posh car everyone came out to see us which made my day even more special. Chatting to Alison later I told her ‘I felt like Alan Sugar’. To top it off a lady from the showroom sent me a model of my favourite car just in time for my birthday. Thank you Alison for organising this day for me! Below are some photos from the day I had with my Favourite car. 12 Hobbies and Interests My look around at St John’s Church By Oliver Meacham in Redditch One of my favourite hobbies is visiting Churches. I like to walk around the grounds and look inside the Churches. Last week I went on the bus with my support worker Loraine to a small town called Bromsgrove which is only a few miles from Redditch. We went to have a look at St John’s Church which is near to Bromsgrove town centre. Inside there were some tombs which I really enjoyed having a close look at. Whilst we were in the Church the vicar came and had a chat with us: I told him I like Churches. Loraine made a note of the names on the tombs and we went home to look them up on my i-pad. I had a great day out right in the next town to where I live. Below are a few photos of my visit 13 Hobbies and Interests My Dog Volunteering Job by Jonny English Williams in Flitwick Hi it’s Jonathan, I live in Flitwick and here is a little about me. I am a volunteer and I do lots of different charity work, Such as Family United, Chums and Aras. There are too many to name. I have done volunteering for a long time. You could say I love it. As well as the outdoors and nature I love animals. I love my family; they are a big part of my life. I also absolutely love drama and performing. I am currently volunteering for Aras dog rescue in Kempston. As you go in there’s a sign for about 28 dogs with one side showing different breeds of dogs that are looking for a new home. I feel sorry for the dogs as they’re in small cages. When I go there I am happy to help but I also feel sad for them. I have to put on a brave face. I really like all of the dogs and I find myself getting attached to them really quickly. I get to choose when I go in so the hours are quite flexible, which I find helps so I don’t do too much and make myself poorly. I get the choice to clean out the cages and change their bedding, give them their food or take them for a walk. As I love walking outdoors and getting fresh air I choose to walk the dogs. It can get very muddy so I make sure I am prepared and take some wiellies as it can get really messy. 14 What’s Happening Around MacIntyre Learning Disability England Vision and Mission Conference by Sui-Ling Tang in Milton Keynes On 13th October 2015 I went to a Conference called Learning Disability England Vision and Mission with Sarah Burslem. There was lady called Anne Tidbury who spoke about the Housing Support Alliance. The Conference was about people with a learning disability, their families and staff getting involved with a new organisation called ‘Learning Disability England’. Learning Disability England is going to get people to speak up. We went into groups to talk about what people were concerned about for example, transport which we don’t have enough support for. We put all those things on paper in order of priority. Each group had to read it in front of everybody in the conference room. From what you can read below this is what the vision and mission going to be. Their vision is to see a world where people with a learning disability and their families are respected with a valued life full with equal lives.. Their mission is to bring together the power of people with learning disabilities, their families and organisations to campaign on the things that matter to us to create change. They wanted to make sure that people with learning disabilities and their families are heard; in the media, in politics and in our communities. 15 What’s Happening Around MacIntyre Learning Disability England Vision and Mission Conference (continued) To be led by people with learning disabilities in partnership with their families, supporters and allies then to provide advice and support to members who are other people with learning disabilities and their families and supporters. Then on the 25th February Annie Tidbury from (H and SA) Housing and Support and Gary from ‘People First England’ came to meet people from MacIntyre to tell us all about it. I introduced Annie Tidbury and Gary from People First England to the group. We all went round the circle to introduce ourselves to them. Lots of people asked lots of questions. Annie and Gary wrote them down on pink paper then we all had three votes to vote for what is most important to us. Then we talked about what worries us and what could work better. We found this a hard question. We all had a big discussion together about what we thought. It was a good session meeting new people and hearing what they had to say. In the afternoon we split up into three groups to talk about how MacIntyre supports us. Then each group presented what we talk about in our groups to the other groups. We were then given the chance to sign up to join a group which would be making a new MacIntyre policy about relationships and how we can make sure that people are supported by MacIntyre have their views heard both within and outside of MacIntyre. 16 What’s Happening Around MacIntyre Learning Disability England Vision and Mission Conference (continued) It was a lovely day. These are a few photos of us together and a few other photos during our sessions. 17 What’s Happening Around MacIntyre Holidaying in Star Majorca Joanne and Katherine Performance (continued) Here a few photos of my holiday Joanne Bowering andare Katherine Marfleet from Milton Keynes took part at The London Gala Ball in March which was in aid of MacIntyre. Joanne and Katherine were both dancing together with Andrew Cuerden who has been in programs like Strictly Come Dancing. Katherine and Joanne had to train hard with their dance partners for a number of weeks in order to get their routines right on the night. This is what Katherine said about taking part. ‘The dancing was in aid of MacIntyre and it took part at The Porchester Hall in London. Jenny Edwards and Claire Kennedy who work at our office in Milton Keynes asked me if we would like to take part in the gala and we both said yes.’ Katherine went on to tell me about her dress she wore for the dancing. ‘It was lovely and colourful, it was purple and sparkly.’ She also said ‘I had to practice for a lot of weeks.’ I finally asked her how much she enjoyed taking part and she said ‘liked it this much’. This is what Jo had to say about taking part in the gala. ‘Jenny also asked me if I would like to take part in the gala which was nice’. Jo went on to say ‘I liked it loads and had a nice purple ball gown to wear for the gala and I had four different practice days before it took place on 12th March. I was happy as my family came to watch me dance’. 18 What’s Happening Around MacIntyre Joanne and Katherine Star Performance Holidaying in Majorca (continued) (continued) Here are a of few photosand of Katherine my holidayat The Gala Here are a few photos Joanne Practicing The Gala A note from The Editor: To see more about Joanne and Katherine’s performance please Log onto 19 What’s Happening Around MacIntyre The Mag on Facebook The Mag now has it’s own Facebook page where you can log on to find lots of groovy updates and get to find out what exciting things The Mag does at our meetings. We also put our competition on our page along with the winners and you’ll be excited to know we also post links to each issue of The Mag. So now there’s no reason to miss an issue. You can message us on Facebook if you have any ideas for an article for The Mag or if you have any art or recipes and we’ll answer your messages. So please drop us a line as The Mag is always wanting to hear from staff and the people we support around MacIntyre. A note from The Editor: This is how you can find us on Facebook. magpage/ 20 What’s Happening Around MacIntyre Protection Eggsercise By Fletchers Mews in Milton Keynes We held a competition to design a container, made only out of drinking straws and masking tape, to protect an egg from a drop of at least 2.5 metres (8 feet) onto a hard surface. The completed designs were very different. 'The Cube' based on a centre cradle arrangement, 'Sputnik' owing something to space vehicle technology. The containers both survived the 2.5 metre drop and were then subjected to flights of increasing height and distance. The egg in Team B's 'The Cube' finally cracked, but Team A's 'Sputnik' remained intact! David Hunt said "It was a good exercise in teamwork and easy to do because of the materials. It prompted a lot of discussion about different methods of construction. Everyone helped in some way. The destruction testing was a lot of fun and gave a lot of pleasure and kudos to the winners" These are a few photos of us together and a few other photos during our sessions 21 What’s Happening Around MacIntyre Holidaying Majorca Arnie andinFriends (continued) Here are fewExpressive photos of Arts my holiday "Arnie and Friends" by aThe Group formally known as The Panto Group who are based at MacIntyre Lifelong Learning in Milton Keynes. This group includes staff and people we support within MacIntyre. The group had a grant from The MK Community Foundation for the group to put on the pantomime which was performed at The Woughton Leisure Centre Theatre here in Milton Keynes. Here is a list of things the cast said about taking part. Zoe: ‘I loved going into the washing machine’. Sarah Moore: ‘I liked my evil laugh’. Steve: ‘I like wearing my dress and flashing my bloomers’. Julia: ‘I really liked my costumes’. Sarah Morish: ‘I liked everything, the costumes and the facepaints’. Simon: ‘It was a long day and I was really tired at the end’. Ben: ‘I liked saying my catchphrase Hello, Hello, Hello’. Katherine: ‘I enjoyed following the script’. Tanya: ‘I like dancing’. Andrew: ‘I got to tell my joke and made everyone laugh’. Michelle ‘I got to wear a beautiful dress’. 22 What’s Happening Around MacIntyre Holidaying Majorca Arnie andinFriends (continued) (continued) Here are a few photos of my holiday Below are a few reviews about the panto from our MacIntyre Charity Facebook page. Anita: ‘It was fantastic. Loved every minute of it. Well done to all the stars. You were all brilliant’. Sandra: ‘Well done guys looks like so much fun’. Wendy: ‘The actors were brilliant and I know they created the whole show from scratch and came up with the characters and the script. Here are a few photos of the panto The Performance The Cast 23 Sport and Leisure Kung Fu By Sam Pinnock in Worcester I am a member of the Lau Gar Kung Fu club in Redditch (a mainstream Marshall Arts club). My instructors name is Alan Neeld. I go every week and over time I have become an important member of the club. The training can be tiring. We start the class with press-ups and sit-ups followed by stretching exercises. My instructor says he can see a marked improvement in my strength over the months. Each week we break into groups and practice the technical elements of Kung Fu. At first I did struggle with this but with patience and perseverance on both my part and the other students I have progressed and recently reached the standard required to take my first grade, white sash. My instructor says “The training I will do moving forward will get harder and harder and I will have to apply myself to succeed. He has no doubt that I will do my best and my staff assured him they will do their best for me also. The improvement in my strength, coordination and hopefully my confidence will continue to grow as long as I continue to train: My instructor looks forward to teaching me and for me being part of the club for many years to come”. A few photos of me practicing 24 Entertainment Shrek the Musical by Natalie Williams in Warrington I went to see Shrek the Musical at The Lowry in Manchester. I went with my Personal Assistant called Debbie. When we arrived in Manchester we went to a restaurant and I had a lovely Chinese meal. When we got to the show we got a drink and a programme and then went to find our seats which were right at the front and they were fabulous. The show was amazing, it was so funny especially The Donkey. My favourite part was when Shrek and Fiona sang a song together. The music was fantastic that I had to get up and dance. After I had seen Shrek Debbie and I went shopping and I bought a new bag. Then we went to a coffee shop and I had a diet cola and slice of chocolate fudge cake. 25 Entertainment Dream a Little Christmas Dream – A book review by Victoria Rogers in Milton Keynes The book is about Sarah who has been having dreams again but what are her dreams telling her this time? Could it be there is going to be a few changes heading her way? The ending has a surprising twist. Sarah’s dreams were giving her little clues that she couldn’t understand. The author delivers a beautiful romantic story that you’ll want to read over and over again. Read to find out what the unexpected twist is at the end. It is a festive, beautiful and romantic book, which is a good read. And what is Sarah’s answer going to be, well you’ll have to read it to find out. The author delivers another sparkling, beautiful, romantic story which is festive. I would like to give the book by Giovanna Fletcher 5 out of 5 Stars. 26 Food and Drink Roasted Tomato and Sweet Pepper Soup By Sharon Pratt in Stony Strafford Soup Ingredients 12oz ripe tomatoes 1 large onion 3 Yellow Sweet Peppers A few drizzles of olive oil 27 Food and Drink Roasted Tomato and Sweet Pepper Soup (Continued) Soup Ingredients (Continued) 2 pints of boiling water to add to stock 2 tubs of vegetable stock Salt and pepper to taste A small handful of Basil 28 Food and Drink Roasted Tomato and Sweet Pepper Soup (Continued) What to do 1. With a large knife cut the tomatoes, peppers and onion into 4 quarters then sprinkle with olive oil and put in the oven on a medium heat for 10 minutes until the skin looks charred. 2. When the vegetables are done remove from the oven. Leave to cool and peel them to remove the skin. 3. Boil water in kettle and add the vegetable stock and give it a good stir. Put the vegetable and the stock into a blender and wizz until it is all mixed together. Then season to taste with salt and pepper. 4. Pour mixture from the blender into a saucepan, add some torn basil leaves and heat. 5. Pour into bowls and if you like, add a couple of drops of olive oil too. Serves 4 People A couple of photos of me making the soup 29 Food and Drink Mrs Brown’s Trifle By Arthur Brown in Warrington I wanted to make my mum’s trifle last year for tea on Christmas Day as my mum died three years ago. The trifle brought back lovely memories. I would like to share mum’s trifle recipe with all the readers of ‘The Mag’. Trifle Ingredients 1 large Swiss Roll 1 Packet of Jelly 150mls of Readymade Custard 150mls of Double Cream Some Jelly Sweets for Decoration 30 Food and Drink Mrs Brown’s Trifle (Continued) What to do 1. Cut up the Swiss roll into thin slices and place them around the bottom of a trifle bowl. 2. Make your jelly in a jug as instructed on the packet and leave it to cool until room temperature and pour over the Swiss Roll slices and then put it in the fridge until it has set. 3. Pour the custard over the set jelly and put back in the fridge. 4. Whip your double cream to make it thick then pour it over the custard and pop it back in the fridge to cool. 5. When cool sprinkle on some fruit jelly sweets. Serves 4 People A few photos of me making mum’s trifle Me putting in the Swiss Roll Me pouring the jelly Mrs Browns Trifle finished by Mrs Browns Boy 31 Food and Drink My Love of Soup Making at Work By Sharon Pratt in Stony Stratford When I am at work at MacIntyre Gift and Coffee Shop in Stony Stratford I really enjoy making homemade soup. One of my favourite types of soup is Roasted Sweet Pepper and tomato soup, which is easy to make. I use a visual recipe card to help me when I am following recipes at home, I can now make my own soup for my dinner by following the recipe card like the one below. A note from The Editor: If you would like to know how to make Sharon’s soup recipe go to pages 27 – 29 in our Food and Drink section. 32 Art and Craft Artwork Mother’s Day Artwork by The Warrington Learning Centre. The artwork was done for their mothers or their staff. By Ian Okane By David Ishaque By Warren Gaffney By Robert Ford By Martin Kelly Other Artwork Tapestry by Lesley Wareing in Warrington Mermaids by John Honour in Milton Keynes 33 Competition Winter 2016 Competition Winner and Runner-up My Garden at Woodcroft by Paula Blake in Chester Paula with her prizes With The Bishop of Ebbsfleet by James Beckwith - Smith in Milton Keynes James with his prize with Debbie (Head of Service) A note from The Editor : Well done to Paula, Her winning entry is also on our front cover. 34 Competition Spring Competition To win just put a circle around the letter you think is the right answer and send it into The Mag at our dress which is on the back cover. The first two drawn out of the hat will win a fab prize. What animal would you normally see at Springtime? A: A Giraffe B: A Hippo C: A Chick Please include your name and contact details on the back of your entry. 35 The Mag MacIntyre 602 South Seventh Street Milton Keynes MK9 2JA