A World Leading eHealth Nation Denmark is one of the world’s leading countries in the use of ehealth and welfare technology Denmark has a strong international position in health research and development supported by national and regional strategies. The Danish strength within health and welfare technology is the result of two very strong competence clusters in ICT and life sciences, leading to excellent innovations to the benefit of patients and healthcare efficiency. Methods like user-driven innovation, participatory design, patient co-creation and human computer interaction have enabled Denmark to provide superior products and solutions. Therefore, Denmark has become an excellent laboratory for testing, research and development, and innovation in health and welfare technology solutions. Finally, Denmark has a tradition for close collaboration between research groups, public and private companies, healthcare institutions, and regional as well as national government authorities. www.investindk.com A WORLD LEADING EHEALTH NATION What’s Up in Danish eHealth? Denmark is home to world-class software development talent - especially within the fields of security and encryption, development of business solutions, eGovernment and health IT solutions, and acoustics software. 2 out of 5 of the world’s most popular programming languages were developed in Denmark. Building on this tradition for software architecture and design, Microsoft chose Denmark as location for their largest development center in Europe. Also, a number of companies within health software have developed their solutions in Denmark in collaboration with the Danish health authorities. Cetrea Cetrea, recently praised as one of Europe’s 100 most innovative companies, has helped the hospital in Horsens with a solution that increases the usage of surgical facilities from 82% to 88% and reduces the likelihood for cancellation by 33 % Validated at one regional hospital, Cetrea is now selling to 4 out of 5 Danish Regions, which are administrating for the Danish Hospitals. Internationally, Cetrea has taken its first steps in Germany and Scandinavia. IBM Healthcare Denmark IBM bought the Danish company Acure in 2004 to get a stronger presence in the Danish market for Health IT services. Denmark is a leading country within eHealth. The infrastructure for IT within this industry is well-established and the clients are ambitious. The local access to innovation and talent is a great advantage for IBM. Denmark is, in many ways, at the forefront of new developments. So, supplying IT to the Danish healthcare sector ensures us a leading position in the global marketplace. The vibrant and innovative business environment is attractive for us due to the highly dedicated and flexible workforce. This creates and attracts talent, also from abroad, and provides the basis for real innovation – also for IBM. Henrik Wieland, IBM Healthcare Industry Leader 2 A WORLD LEADING EHEALTH NATION Welfare Technology In Denmark, technological solutions for the care of the disabled, the elderly and other citizens needing assistance in their everyday life are implemented in order to optimize the use of resources in the public service sector as well as to give citizens a better quality of life. A number of organizations have been established to support the development of these technological solutions. For instance, Welfare Tech Region and the Robocluster Telemedicine are examples of the Danish stronghold within welfare technology. Several telemedicine solutions, such as the patient briefcase for various chronic diseases and the ECGLink for remote monitoring of cardiac patients, have been developed in Denmark. The experience gained from the development of these products and the knowledge from the Danish Society for Clinical Telemedicine and the Danish Center for Health Telemedicine secure that the testing and development of your telemedicine solutions will be in the hands of professionals. Reasons to choose Denmark for eHealth business: • • • • End-user centered design Advanced electronic infrastructure Quick user adaptability Tradition for test and development Several international companies have already engaged in working with Danish public and private partners to develop and test their new eHealth products, for instance Philips. “Philips is delighted to be partnering with Danish Regions to help realize their aim of developing innovative solutions, including eHealth, for the Danish healthcare system. Collaboration is an important step for Philips and we see Denmark as a key partnership country in relation to developing leading-edge innovative solutions for future healthcare systems”. Karen Lykke Sørensen, Nordic CEO of Philips Healthcare 3 A WORLD LEADING EHEALTH NATION We Speak Business Invest in Denmark provides your company with a tailor-made solution for locating your business in Denmark. We measure our success by how well we contribute to yours. So, if you are considering setting up business or expanding your activities in Denmark, make us your first stop. Our specialized staff across the globe has the corporate background, industry insight and well-connected networks to advise you on every aspect of locating in Denmark. Not just when you set up, but also as your business grows. Our tailor-made solutions include connecting companies with key local contacts, arranging fact-finding tours and providing comprehensive benchmark analyses. We make sense of local legislation and advantages of locating in Denmark - all free of charge and in guaranteed full confidentiality. We look forward to hearing from you Headquarters Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Invest in Denmark, Copenhagen, + 45 33 92 11 16, indk@um.dk Asia-Pacific Shanghai +86 21 6085 2000 +86 10 8532 9900 Beijing +81 3 3496 3001 Tokyo Bangalore +91 80 4248 9500 +82 0 2 795 4187 Seoul +886 2 2718 2101 Taipei Europe Paris Munich London Istanbul +33 1 4431 2193 +49 89 5458 54 0 +44 207 333 0200 +90 212 359 19 00 North America New York +1 212 223 4545 Silicon Valley +1 650 543 3180 Toronto +1 416 962 5661 The information stated here may contain errors or omissions. Invest in Denmark and our partners disclaim any and all liability for any loss or damage caused by such errors or emissions. indk@um.dk www.investindk.com