The parallel‐conductance model for cell membranes Example for squid axon Let’s consider now the effect of variation of K ions outside the cell membrane A. Increasing the external K+ concentration makes the resting membrane potential more positive. B. Relationship between resting membrane potential and external K+ concentration. This experiments show that the inside‐negative resting potential arises because (1) the membrane of the resting neuron is more permeable to K+ than to other ions, and (2) there is more K+ inside the neuron than outside . The selective permeability to K+ is caused by K+‐permeable membrane channel that are open in resting neurons; and the large K+ concentration gradient is produced by membrane transporters that selectively accumulate K+ within neurons. Biosensors and Bioelectronics II (SS 2011) 31 Jose A. Garrido | The ionic basis of action potentials What causes the membrane potential of a neuron to depolarize during an action potential? Hodgkin and Katz examined the role of Na+ in generating the action potential by changing the Na+ concentration in the external medium Lowering the external Na+ concentration reduces both the rate of rise of the action potential and its peak amplitude. While the resting membrane potential is almost independent of the Na+ concentration, the membrane becomes extraordinarily permeable to Na+ during the rising phase . The temporary increase in Na+ permeability results from the opening of Na+‐selective channels that are closed in the resting state. Biosensors and Bioelectronics II (SS 2011) 32 Jose A. Garrido | Voltage‐dependent membrane permeability I m I j I C I Na I K I Cl The total membrane current depends on the membrane voltage j I C Cm dV dt eq I Na GNa V VNa I K GK V VKeq I Cl GCl V VCleq Neuroscience, 4th Edition, Figure 3.1 Current flow across a squid axon membrane during a voltage clamp experiment Hiperpolarization of the membrane (from the resting at ‐65 mV to ‐135 mV) capacitive currents Depolarization of the membrane (from the resting at ‐65 mV to 0 mV) results in (1) fast capacitive current transient followed by a (2) rapid rising inward current (positive charge entering the cell), which gives rise to a slowly rising, delayed outward current. voltage‐sensitive permeability Biosensors and Bioelectronics II (SS 2011) 33 Jose A. Garrido | Voltage‐dependent membrane permeability Neuroscience, 4th Edition, Figure 3.2 Two types of voltage‐dependent ionic current Current produced by membrane depolarizations to several different potentials The early current first increases with potential and then decreases; at potentials more positive than about +55 mV, this current changes polarity. The late current increases monotonically with increasingly positive membrane potentials. Biosensors and Bioelectronics II (SS 2011) 34 Jose A. Garrido | Voltage‐dependent membrane permeability The early inward current is carried by the entry of Na+ into the cell. At +52 mV, no Na+ flux occurs, as this is approximately the equilibrium potential for Na+ ions (in squid neurons). Pharmacological separation of Na+ and K+ currents Neuroscience, 4th Edition, Figure 3.5 Changing the membrane potential to a value more positive than the resting potential produces an early influx of Na+ (inward current) into the neuron, followed by a delayed efflux of K+ (outward current) Current amplitude versus voltage membrane. The early current curve represents the amplitude of the peak; the late current curve corresponds to the saturation value of the current. Biosensors and Bioelectronics II (SS 2011) 35 Jose A. Garrido | Voltage‐dependent membrane permeability Voltage‐dependent membrane conductances Gj Ij V V eq j Both conductances require some time to activate, or turn on. The K+ conductance has a pronounced delay, while the Na+ conductance reaches its maximum more rapidly. Depolarization causes both the activation and deactivation of the Na+ conductance. Both peak Na+ and steady‐state K+ conductances increase as the Vm becomes more positive The activation of both conductances, and the rate of deactivation of the Na+ conductance occur more rapidly with larger depolarization potentials Biosensors and Bioelectronics II (SS 2011) 36 Jose A. Garrido | Voltage‐dependent membrane permeability Neuroscience, 4th Edition, Figure 3.7 Voltage‐dependent membrane conductances Both peak Na+ and steady‐state K+ conductances increase as the Vm becomes more positive Biosensors and Bioelectronics II (SS 2011) 37 Jose A. Garrido | Single‐channel (Na+) conductance Using the patch‐clamp technique in the inside‐out configuration, it is possible to measure single‐channel currents. Successive recordings in the same channel reveal minuscule microscopic (inwards) currents (1‐2 pA), in which the channel randomly switches to and from an open or closed state. The sum of many recordings shows that most channels open in the initial 1‐2 ms following depolarization, after which the probability of channel openings diminishes (channel inactivation). single‐channel recordings in a Na+ channel The probability of channel opening increases with the applied membrane potential, in a similar way than the membrane conductance. The macroscopic current measurement (whole‐cell config.) shows the close correlation between the time courses of microscopic and macroscopic Na+ currents. Biosensors and Bioelectronics II (SS 2011) 38 Jose A. Garrido | Single‐channel (K+) conductance Single‐channel recordings in a K+ channel Neuroscience, 4th Edition, Figure 4.2 During the depolarization stimulation, the probability of channel opening does not decrease with time, i.e., there is not inactivation of the K+ channels (in contrast to the Na+ channels) Biosensors and Bioelectronics II (SS 2011) 39 Jose A. Garrido | Functional states of Na+ and K+ channels Biosensors and Bioelectronics II (SS 2011) 40 Jose A. Garrido | The Hodgkin‐Huxley membrane model Hodgkin and Huxley proposed a mathematical model to fit the measurements of the channel conductance of squid giant axons. For the potassium channel, it was assumed that it would open only if four independent subunits of the channel (see slide 10, K+ ion‐channel structure ) had moved from a closed to an open position. probability of 4 p n + K the K channel to be open with n the probability of each subunit to be open n ≡ f(t,Vm) The movement of each subunit from close to open, or open to close is assumed to be described by first order kinetics, with rate constants n and n, respectively. dn n (1 n) n n dt n → open close ← with the rate constants depending only on Vm, which is constant for voltage‐clamp experiments n(t ) n (n n0 )e t / n n Biosensors and Bioelectronics II (SS 2011) n ( n n ) 1 n n ( n n ) 1 41 Jose A. Garrido | The Hodgkin‐Huxley membrane model Then, the total K+ conductance can be calculated from the fraction of open channels (n4) and the conductance when all channels are open: GK (t , Vm ) GK n 4 (t , Vm ) GK total conductance when all channels are open The dependence of the rate constants on the transmembrane potential was derived from the fitting to the experimental data. 1 1.5 -1 10 Vm V rest exp 10 n, n (msec ) n 0.01(10 Vm V rest ) n → open close ← n Vm V rest n 0.125 exp 80 n 1.0 0.5 n 0.0 ‐20 0 20 40 Vm-V Biosensors and Bioelectronics II (SS 2011) 42 60 rest 80 100 120 140 (mV) Jose A. Garrido | The Hodgkin‐Huxley membrane model GK (t , Vm ) GK n 4 (t , Vm ) Vm-V rest= 100mV 0 2 4 6 n(t ) n (n n0 )e t / n 8 n ( n n ) 1 n n ( n n ) 1 Vm-V rest= 60mV 0 2 4 6 8 Vm-V rest= 26mV 0 2 4 time (msec) Biosensors and Bioelectronics II (SS 2011) 43 6 8 n 0.01(10 Vm V rest ) 10 Vm V rest exp 10 1 Vm V rest n 0.125 exp 80 Jose A. Garrido | The Hodgkin‐Huxley membrane model p K (Vm ) n4 (Vm ) 1.0 probability of K+ channel opening Neuroscience, 4th Edition, Figure 4.2 0.5 0.0 0 20 40 Vm-V Biosensors and Bioelectronics II (SS 2011) 44 60 80 100 120 rest (mV) Jose A. Garrido | The Hodgkin‐Huxley membrane model For sodium channels, which show both activation and inactivation processes, the probability of channel opening was assumed to be controlled by two different types of subunits. probability of 3 the Na+ channel p Na m h to be open with m, and h the so‐called activation and inactivation parameters, respectively. As with K+ channels, m and h correspond to the probability of certain subunits to be open. There are three subunits with open probability m and one with open probability h. Both parameters satisfy first‐order differential equations: dh h (1 h) h h dt for m‐type subunits for h‐type subunits m h → open close ← → open close ← m Biosensors and Bioelectronics II (SS 2011) dm m (1 m) m m dt h 45 Jose A. Garrido | The Hodgkin‐Huxley membrane model dh h (1 h) h h dt dm m (1 m) m m dt As before, the solution of this equations leads to m(t ) m (m m0 )e t / m h(t ) h (h h0 )e t / h m ( m m ) 1 h ( h h ) 1 m m ( m m ) 1 h h ( h h ) 1 Then, the total Na+ conductance can be calculated from the fraction of open channels (m3h) and the conductance when all channels are open: GNa (t , Vm ) GNa m 3 (t , Vm )h(t , Vm ) GNa total conductance when all channels are open The dependence of the rate constants on the transmembrane potential was derived from the fitting to the experimental data. m 0.1(25 Vm ) exp0.1(25 Vm ) 1 Vm 18 m 4 exp Biosensors and Bioelectronics II (SS 2011) Vm 20 h 0.07 exp h 1 exp0.1(30 Vm ) 1 46 Jose A. Garrido | The Hodgkin‐Huxley membrane model 10 m‐type subunits → open close ← -1 m, m (msec ) m m 8 m 6 4 m m 0.1(25 Vm ) exp0.1(25 Vm ) 1 Vm 18 m 4 exp 2 0 ‐20 0 20 40 60 Vm-V 80 100 120 140 rest (mV) h‐type subunits 1.0 h h → open close ← -1 h, h (msec ) 0.8 h 0.6 Vm 20 h 0.07 exp 0.4 0.2 0.0 ‐20 h h 0 20 40 60 Vm-V 80 100 120 140 1 exp0.1(30 Vm ) 1 rest (mV) Biosensors and Bioelectronics II (SS 2011) 47 Jose A. Garrido | The Hodgkin‐Huxley membrane model GNa GNa m 3 h Vm-V rest= 100mV 0 1 2 3 m(t ) m (m m0 )e t / m m ( m m ) 1 4 m m ( m m ) 1 h(t ) h (h h0 )e t / h Vm-V rest= 60mV 0 2 h ( h h ) 1 4 h h ( h h ) 1 time (msec) m 0.1(25 Vm ) exp0.1(25 Vm ) 1 Vm m 4 exp 18 Biosensors and Bioelectronics II (SS 2011) 48 Vm 20 h 0.07 exp h 1 exp0.1(30 Vm ) 1 Jose A. Garrido |