“The right location the right quality” ABOUT NEWLAND Newland Homes prides itself on being a local company that truly cares. We strive to meet the aspirations of our customers but importantly we are considerate to the communities and the environment in which we build ensuring that our reputation for honesty is upheld at all times. We believe that our approach to thoroughness, quality and detail make us different from other residential developers. Our sensitivity to the environment and local communities helps us to create the quality homes that are needed whilst protecting the places we all value. “We want to design a layout sensitive to the landscape and houses that are unique; capturing the spirit of Willersey. We are in the process of understanding the individual architecture of Willersey and we need your feedback to influence the design.” ABOUT the site Former nursery site, land north of Collin Lane, Willersey Our sensitive approach to providing new homes in rural communities is well acknowledged. A Newland Homes development comprising 39 new houses at Station Road, Andoversford won the Best Large Housing Development category at the West of England Local Authority Building Control awards last year. Our commitment to quality was also acknowledged by the Trowbridge Town Enhancement Award for redevelopment of the vacant former Ushers Brewery. AERIAL IMAGE OCTOBER 1983 “The right location the right quality” Willersey has been identified as being able to provide up to 50 dwellings in the emerging local plan preferred development strategy 5IFWJMMBHFSBOLTBIJHIUIJOUIF%JTUSJDUJOUFSNTPGJUT TPDJBMBOEFDPOPNJDTVTUBJOBCJMJUZ *O$PUTXPME%JTUSJDU$PVODJMDPNNJTTJPOFEUIF 8IJUF3FQPSUBTBOJOEFQFOEFOUTUVEZUPJOGPSNUIFJS FWJEFODFCBTF$PUTXPME%JTUSJDU$PVODJM4USBUFHJD )PVTJOH-BOE"WBJMBCJMJUZ"TTFTTNFOU0DUPCFS *EFOUJöFTQPUFOUJBMTJUFTGPSEFWFMPQNFOU Cotswold district council WILLERSEY Housing SITES COMPARISON Willersey Industrial Estate The findings from these reports are summarised on this plan CONSTRAINTS TO DEVELOPMENT t $PUTXPMET"0/# t $POTFSWBUJPO"SFB Study of land surrounding key settlements in Cotswold District June 2000 White Consultants t 7JTVBMMZEJTDSFFUBOEJTVOMJLFMZ UPCFTFFOBTBTJHOJöDBOU JODSFBTFJOTDBMFUPUIFWJMMBHF %FWFMPQNFOUJTBQQSPQSJBUFJO UIFTIPSUUFSN t WHY IS THIS SITE SUITABLE FOR DEVELOPMENT ? PLAYING FIELD Bus Stop NEWLAND HOMES SITE Primary School SHLAA R_371 COTSWOLDS AONB Cotswold District Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Review - October 2012 t t t UIFBEKBDFOUSPBE$PMMJOMBOF QSPWJEFTHPPEPQQPSUVOJUZGPS BOFXBDDFTTXJUIJOUIFFYJTUJOH NQITQFFEMJNJU WILLERSEY CONSERVATION AREA /PUXJUIJO"0/# %PFTOPUDPOUSJCVUFUPUIF DSFBUJPOPGTVTUBJOBCMFNJYFE DPNNVOJUJFT Shop t GPPUQBUIMJOLTXJUIUIF TVSSPVOEJOHDPVOUSZTJEFGSPN UIFWJMMBHFDBOCFSFUBJOFEBOE JNQSPWFE SHLAA R_372 Study of land surrounding key settlements in Cotswold District June 2000 White Consultants SHLAA R_388 t t COTSWOLDS AONB Cotswold District Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Review - October 2012 Study of land surrounding key settlements in Cotswold District June 2000 White Consultants t t t 4JUFJTXJUIJO"0/# %PFTOPUDPOUSJCVUFUPUIF DSFBUJPOPGTVTUBJOBCMFNJYFE DPNNVOJUJFT t 3FQPSUJEFOUJöFTUIBU"0/#JTB DPOTUSBJOUUPEFWFMPQNFOU /PUJEFOUJöFECZSFQPSUBTBO BSFBTVJUBCMFGPSEFWFMPQNFOU Cotswold District Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment Review - October 2012 t t 3FQPSUJEFOUJöFTUIBU"0/#JTB DPOTUSBJOUUPEFWFMPQNFOU /PUJEFOUJöFECZSFQPSUBTBO BSFBTVJUBCMFGPSEFWFMPQNFOU 4JUFJTXJUIJO"0/# %PFTOPUDPOUSJCVUFUPUIF DSFBUJPOPGTVTUBJOBCMFNJYFE DPNNVOJUJFT OPPORTUNITIES AND CONSTRAINTS SKETCH KEY &YJTUJOH1VCMJD3JHIUPG8BZ $PUTXPMET"SFBPG 0VUTUBOEJOH/BUVSBM#FBVUZ "SFBWJTVBMMZDPOUBJOFECZCVJMU GPSNXJUIPQQPSUVOJUJFTGPS EFWFMPQNFOU Opportunity to create green open space Existing Residential Development 0QQPSUVOJUZUPQSPWJEF BEEJUJPOBMGPPUQBUIMJOLT &YJTUJOH4USFBNEJUDI &YJTUJOHSFTJEFOUJBM EFWFMPQNFOU Existing Playing Fields 4JUF#PVOEBSZ z z 3 7JTVBM%FUSBDUPST z Existing access to agricultural field retained 8JMMFSTFZ$POTFSWBUJPO"SFB 4QFFE-JNJU$IBOHF Opportunity to create landscape buffer and edge to village C Collin Lane NORTH Existing Agricultural Farm Buildings/Depot La ne Bus Stop 3 Opportunity to create new footpath Link z ilwa y Ra ant led sm Di Existing Electrical Substation ol in Church Allotments 4 Land retained as paddock associated with Harvest Piece Harvest Piece Opportunity to create entrance to proposed development Tall hedges/ vegetation containing Hopefield House 4 t UIFTJUFJTTVTUBJOBCMZMPDBUFE XJUIJOXBMLJOHEJTUBODFPGUIF QSJNBSZTDIPPMTIPQCVTTUPQ BOEUIF*OEVTUSJBMFTUBUF 4$"-&.&53&4 View from AONB t UIFTJUFBEKPJOTUIFFYJTUJOH FEHFPG8JMMFSTFZBOEJOUFHSBUFT XFMMXJUIUIFFYJTUJOHQBUUFSOPG TFUUMFNFOU t VOMJLFUIFBMUFSOBUJWF4)-"" TJUFTUIJTTJUFJTOPUJOUIF "0/#JUJTXFMMTDSFFOFEGSPN WJFXTXJUIJOUIFWJMMBHFBOE "0/# “The right location the right quality” Our Vision for WILLERSEY: “A landscape-led design approach for the new generation of Willersey residents”. “The vision is for a village scale development that interacts with, and relates sensitively to the character of Willersey. The design will take its inspiration from houses within the Conservation Area, providing high quality architecture enhancing the village.” These are some local examples we are taking inspiration from… “The right location the right quality” CONCEPT DESIGN FOOTPATH CONNECTION EXISTING HEDGEROWS KEY VISUAL AND PEDESTRIAN LINK INTEGRATING NEW HOUSE WITH VILLAGE P PROPOSED HEDGEROWS OPPORTUNITY FOR PEDESTRIAN CROSSING OVER BROOK P PROPOSED GREEN SPACE AND L LANDSCAPE CORRIDOR EXISTING 30MPH SPEED LIMIT ‘GATEWAY TO VILLAGE’ ACTIVE FRONTAGES/VIEWS OVER RECREATION FIELD KEY VILLAGE NODAL POINT E EXISTING RECREATION ‘HUB’ TO V VILLAGE EXISTING PROW P PROPOSED VEHICULAR A ACCESS DESIGN CONCEPT We pride ourselves on creating schemes which are designed specifically for each new location. This way we can create homes that fully reflect the local character and contribute a strong sense of place. The use of local building materials and architectural detailing in carefully considered designs create desirable homes for the new generation of Willersey which fit into the local community. The following design principles are considered important to our proposal for Willersey: t A landscape-led design that is informed by the relationship between the village and its surrounding countryside t A scheme that integrates with and relates to the existing village t A scheme that reflects the settlement pattern of the historic village t Architecture that reflects the historic village t Meaningfully located open space that relates to important landscape features and views t Affordable homes (to encourage families to stay in the village) “The right location the right quality” HOUSE TYPES INSPIRED BY THE VILLAGE OF WILLERSEY PROPOSED LANDSCAPE CORRIDOR AND NEW FOOTPATH LINK TO HOUSES AND PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY EXISTING FOOTPATH LINK IN NARROW CORRIDOR REPOSITIONED WITHIN PROPOSED GREEN CORRIDOR CREATING NEW LINK TO PLAYING FIELDS HIGH QUALITY CHARACTERISTIC COTTAGE FRONTAGES OVERLOOKING LANDSCAPE CORRIDOR AND PLAYING FIELD CREATION OF ‘GREEN’ AND WIDE GRASS VERGES, ECHOING WILLERSEY HIGH STREET. HIGH QUALITY CHARACTERISTIC HOUSE FRONTAGES TO OVERLOOK AND INTERACT WITH THE GREEN AND NEW STREET SCENE PLAYING FIELDS OPPORTUNITY FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO RECREATION AREA FACILITIES TO BE DISCUSSED WITH PARISH COUNCIL AND VILLAGERS EXISTING HEDGEROW TO BE RETAINED AND MANAGED NEW FOOTPATH LINK TO JOIN WITH EXISTING FOOTPATH ON OPPOSITE SIDE OF COLLIN LANE HOPEFIELD NEW NATIVE HEDGEROW TO BE ESTABLISHED NORTH ANE IN L L COL HARVEST PIECE STRONG VISUAL INTERACTION BETWEEN NEW STREET SCENE AND PLAYING FIELD INITIAL SKETCH LAYOUT VILLAGE GREEN SETTING INSPIRED BY WILLERSEY HIGH STREET