Body resistance on and under the water surface J. Jiskoot and J. P. Clarys Many reports of studies dealing with the water resistance of the human body can be found in the literature. The results of these studies, however, have been obtained by utilizing a towing device with a dynamometer attached (Alley, 1952; Counsilman, 1955, 1968; Karpovich, 1933; Schramm, 19581959), or a tethered swimming device with force transducers. Most of the results in the existing literature were obtained with a small number of subjects. Experiments with a larger number of subjects, therefore, appeared to be justified. It seemed even more essential to use a number of different tests with the same group to provide for a more complete analysis. PURPOSE The purpose of this study was to determine ihe body resistance on the water surface and 60 cm under the water surface for a group of male subjects. It was assumed that under the water there is less resistance than on the surface (Schramm, 1958-1959) because the resistance of the waves is eliminated. The total resistance is the sum of the wave resistance, frictional resistance, and eddy resistance (Karpovich, 1933). The results of this study, therefore, might make it possible to distinguish the different resistance components (Clarys et al., 1973). One must realize that resistance data obtained by towing bodies through the water are not the same as results from measurements of swi..mming as Alley (1952) found and as we have found in previous studies. But the results from towed bodies were required in order to-provide complete data and to make comparisons with actual swimming. Comparisons were also made with the earlier data reported by Schramm (1958-1959). 105 106 Jiskoot and Oarys METHODS Male physical education students (N=43) were selected for this investigation. They were average to good swimmers. Their individual freestyle swimming velocity ranged from 1.2 to 1.85 m per sec. The tests were carried out in the 200-m high speed towing tank of the Netherlands Ship Model Basin in Wageningen. The tank was filled with fresh water for this study. The apparatus consisted of an electrically driven towing carriage, a photoelectric cell system for velocity control, a telescopic towing device, force transducers, and an ultraviolet strip chart recording unit. A detailed description of this apparatus can be found in previously published studies (De Goede et al., 1971; Clarys et al., 1973). The apparatus is shown in Figure I. The pretest procedure was carried out with extreme body types in order to validate the procedures for the main investigation. The results of the pretest were presented by Clarys et al. (197 4 ). The test conditions consisted of: a) measurements of the body resistance on the water surface at speeds ranging from 0.7 to 2.0 m·sec- 1 , at increments of 0.1 m·sec- 1 ; b) measurements of the body resistance 60 cm under the surface of the water at speeds Figure 1. Test apparatus at the Netherlands Ship Model Basin, Wageningen. Body resistance on and under water surface 107 ranging from 1.5 to 1.9 m ·sec- 1 , in increments of 0.1 m ·sec- 1 • Both test conditions were repeated after some months. The water temperature during the first test series was l8°C, and at the time of the second test series it was 24°C. Comparisons between both types of tests were made at speeds of 1.5, 1.6, 1.7, 1.8, and 1.9 m ·sec- 1 • The body positions in the tests were similar. The subjects were taught to maintain a prone position, head between the arms (arms against the ears), legs extended and together, and feet in plantar flexion. They were instructed to hold their breath after a normal inhalation. The body position of all subjects was controlled by one of the examiners during the tests. Photographs were taken of all the subjects d'uring the test to study the flow pattern of the water. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The results of the tests and retests and the statistical treatment are shown in Table 1. The mean resistance of the tests and retests at specific speed ranges are presented in Figure 2. There was a relationship between the resistance curves on the surface and under the surface of the water as well as between the test and retests. There was a significant difference between the means of Table f. Mean, standard deviation, correlation coefficient of the total water resistance on and under the water surface (test and retest) (N=43) Velocity (m/sec) Mean resistance test on water surface (kg) (l) SD Mean resistance retest on water surface (kg) (2) SD Mean resistance test under water surface (kg) (3) SD Mean resistance retest under water surface (kg) ( 4) SD r1,2 r3,4 rl,3 rz.4 1.9 1.7 1.8 7.958 8.835 9.886 11.005 0.7673 6.581 0.9001 7.391 0.8931 8.361 0.9190 9.253 1.1265 10.616 0.9103 8.749 0.9242 9.693 10431 10.719 1.1851 11.819 1.3146 13.142 1.1027 8.047 1.0754 8.916 1.0955 9.884 1.2561 11.070 1.3870 !2.479 1.0536 0.63 0.55 0.39 0.49 0.8893 0.67 0.57 0.37 0.48 0.9911 0.70 0.65 0.47 0.53 l.l277 0.72 0.73 0.56 0.57 1.4120 0.77 0.73 0.47 0.55 1.5 1.6 7.019 108 Jiskoot and Clarys <N=43l R (kg) " - - test 0"1 the surface - - - retest on the surface - - - test under the surface - --·- retest under the surface 10 '·' ,_. 1.8 1.9 V(m...C') Figure 2. Mean total water resistance on tests and retests. the data on the test and re test. This might have been the consequence of the different water temperatures. It is recommended that in the future the influence of the water temperature on body resistance be investigated as an experimental variable. The results indicated that the resistance under the water surface increased on the average about 21 percent in the test and 20 percent in the retest when the towing velocity was increased from 1.5 to 1.9 m·sec- 1 (mean of increased resistance at the tested speeds, N=43). This result was in contradiction to the findings of Schramm (1958-1959), who concluded that the resistance under the water surface decreased about 11.5 percent (N=2) as speed increased. The body positions were similar in the two studies. CONCLUSION A-l'IJD REMARKS Based on the hypothesis that in towing under the surface of the water, the resistance of the waves is for the most part eliminated, it might be possible to determine the frictional resistance plus the eddy resistance of the water. It appears that the total resistance while being towed under the surface of the water, consisting of the total frictional resistance plus the total eddy resistance, is higher than the total water resistance on the surface. The resistance on the surface consists of the sum of wave resistance, partial frictional resistance, and partial eddy resistance. This means that the additional corn- Body resistance on and under water surface 109 bined frictional resistance and eddy resistance as a result of immersing the total body in the water are greater than the resistance afforded by the waves to a partially submerged body. Using the anthropometric data of all subjects, we intend to calculate the results in standard body dimensions, so that we might be able to derive a relationship between body form and water resistance. When applied to the practice of swimming, this means, as far as water resistance is concerned, it is preferable to swim on the surface instead of under the surface of the water. REFERENCES Alley, L. E. 1952. An analysis of water resistance and propulsion in swimming and crawl stroke. Res. Quart. 23: 253-270. Clarys, J.P., J. Jiskoot, and L. Lewillie. 1973. A kinematographic, electromyographic and resistance study of waterpolo and competition front crawl. In: S. Cerquiglini, A. Venerando, and J. Wartenweiler (eds.), Biomechanics Ill: Medicine and Sport, Vol. 8, pp. 446-452. Karger, Basel. Clarys, J. P., J. Jiskoot, H. Rijken, and P. J. Brouwer. 1974. Total resistance in water and its relation to body form. In: R. C. Nelson and C. A. 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