The Laws of Electrical Networks Aims: • Introduce Kirchhoff’s laws. • How to use them / tricks of the trade. • Series and parallel circuits. • Voltage and current division Lecture 4 1 Networks Problem: Determine the currents and voltages at all parts of a complex network of resistors and batteries This problem became important with the growth of electric telegraph and power networks in the 19th C. Now central to computer based circuit simulators, SPICE etc. Mesh + – Node Loop + A mesh is a loop with no internal branches Mesh – Branch Lecture 4 2 1 Kirchhoff’s Laws (or rules) Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL) “The algebraic sum of all currents entering a node, or closed surface, at any instant of time is zero.” Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL) “The algebraic sum of the voltages around a closed loop at any instant of time is zero.” [Hint: The problem is to keep track of the signs!] Lecture 4 Gustav Kirchhoff (1824 – 1887). Also worked in Prussia. As well as developing a treatment of electrical networks he made fundamental discoveries in optical radiation. 3 KCL (Current Law) • Charge is a fundamental quantity and is conserved • Charge cannot be created or destroyed • Charge cannot accumulate at a node • Strong electrostatic forces would stop current flowing So in any time dt, I= dq dt I1 dt ( I1 + I 2 + I 3 + K + I n ) = 0 I2 In or ∑I n =0 Remember the SIGN! e.g. Currents entering are POSITIVE Currents leaving are NEGATIVE Lecture 4 I3 I4 I5 4 2 KVL (Voltage Law) Total energy gained by a charge going round a loop is Sum of energy gain due to batteries – energy loss in resistors This must be ZERO or electrons would continue to accelerate (or stop)!! ∑V = 0 R1 I x +V2 R2 +V1 Mesh current Rn R3 You must take great care with SIGNS! Lecture 4 6 Lecture 4 7 Gravity again… “KVL” for big dippers says that however much you go up and down in a complete loop you always get off with the same gravitational potential energy (height) as you had at the start. 3 KVL (Voltage Law) R1 I Steps for doing a KVL calculation 1. Draw the loop. Mark the + and – terminals of all batteries. Choose a current direction (clockwise or ACW) and a starting point (X) 2. Starting from X in the direction of the current: • If you meet the a battery from the + side ADD the voltage to the sum • If you meet the a battery from the - side SUBTRACT the voltage from the sum • If you meet a resistor ADD IR to the sum • When you get back to X, stop and set the sum to ZERO x +V2 R2 +V1 Mesh current Rn R3 −V1 + IR1 − V2 + IR2 + IR3 K + IRn = 0 If I comes out –ve, this simply means that you guessed the current direction wrong Lecture 4 8 Resistors in Series R1 I V R2 Rn R3 ⇓ I V V = IREQ REQ Lecture 4 9 4 Resistors in Series R1 I V R2 Rn R3 V = I ∑ Rn So ⇓ I V (KVL) V = IREQ REQ REQ = ∑ Rn Resistors in series are can be replaced by a single resistor with a value equal to their sum REQ = R1+R2+R3+ ...+Rn Lecture 4 10 Voltage Divider I Used to reduce a voltage: VB R1 V R2 In general for n resistors in series the voltage across the nth resistor is : Vn = VB × Rn ∑ Rn Voltage divider rule Lecture 4 11 5 Voltage divider I Used to reduce a voltage: V = IR2 I= VB VB R1 + R2 V = VB × R1 V R2 R1 + R2 R2 In general for N resistors in series the voltage across the nth resistor is : Vn = VB × Rn ∑ Rn Voltage divider rule Lecture 4 12 Voltage dividers in practice: VIN “POTENTIOMETER” VOUT Volume controls, Brightness controls, joystick sensors etc. etc. • Volume controls use a “LOGARITHMIC TRACK” because of the response of the ear Resistance R EA LIN LOG Rotation Lecture 4 13 6 Resistors in Parallel I V I I1 I2 I3 In R1 R2 R3 Rn ⇒ V REQ Resistors in parallel can be replaced by a singe resistor with a value equal to the reciprocal of the sum of the reciprocals of individual resistors. For two resistors in parallel: Lecture 4 14 Resistors in parallel I I V I1 I2 I3 In R1 R2 R3 Rn I = I1 + I 2 + I 3 + K + I n I= ⇒ V REQ (KCL) V V V V V + + +K + = (Ohm's Law) R1 R2 R3 Rn REQ REQ = 1 1 1 1 1 + + +K + R1 R2 R3 Rn Resistors connected in parallel can be replaced by a singe resistor with a value equal to the reciprocal of the sum of the reciprocals of individual resistors Lecture 4 15 7 Conductance The quantity 1/R is called CONDUCTANCE [Symbol in equations G or g, units Ω-1 or Siemens (S)] Thus for resistors in parallel, GEQ = G1 + G2 + G3 + K + GN You can calculate the CONDUCTANCE of a resistor by inverting the formula for resistance: R= ρl A ∴ G= Here σ is the conductivity of the material, the reciprocal of resistivity. σ = 1/ρ Units are S m-1. 1 σA = R l Lecture 4 16 Current Divider I V I I1 I2 I3 In R1 R2 R3 Rn ⇒ V REQ Resistors in parallel can be replaced by a singe resistor with a value equal to the reciprocal of the sum of the reciprocals of individual resistors. Lecture 4 17 8 Current Divider I V I= I I1 I2 I3 In R1 R2 R3 Rn V REQ In = V Rn So that ⇒ V REQ I n REQ G = = n I Rn GEQ Resistors in parallel can be replaced by a singe resistor with a value equal to the reciprocal of the sum of the reciprocals of individual resistors. For two resistors in parallel: Lecture 4 18 Complex resistor networks Networks of resistors can be simplified by repeated application of the series and parallel rules. • • • Use the series rule for two resistors with no other components joining at their common node Use the parallel rule for resistors with both terminals connected Repeat until no further simplification is possible Some networks cannot be simplified and require more powerful tools Lecture 4 19 9